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A thread dedicated to Futas showing off their insurmountable penile superiority over men.

Any content is allowed, as long as the futa is bigger than the male.

Previous thread: >>10931138
Did any of the guys making those muchin pics ever make a growth progression style art?
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When the customer at a Wendy's asked for a bit more cream on his ice...Wendy herself was all to happy to help
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And there goes another (satisfied?) customer
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Really love the muchin style work
there are some more similar pics on sad panda
exhentai org/g/2931860/ba1d458687/
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Did this thread get split? >>10994907

Shame if so because it doesn't seem like there's enough traffic to support two threads.

In any case, thanks to the anon who posted the Muchin LORA. Don't think I've a very good genner but gave it a shot. Pic related is an example with more of the same prompt on catbox:

Can't open a single one of your pics.
Both threads seem to feature about the same imagery, although I would've assume the futadom thread is about futas actively dominating others with their penile superiority, while this thread here is about those futas only just showing off their massive dicks.
Then again, silly me posted those Wendy images few days ago....so. xD
Yep, looks like the domain certificate expired a few hours ago. I suppose the site admins will look at this soon and fix it.
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One more batch of these before moving onto something new.


The links are working for me, hopefully they'll be working now too?

Those were great, and what inspired me to start posting here! You got a lot better results than me, especially with the eyes. Can I ask for the prompts you used?
>The links are working for me, hopefully they'll be working now too?
They are, thanks.
Yes, looks like the issue has been fixed
I think she may be a bit too big, for me Muchin usual proportions it's the best.
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Keep in mind that results can and likely will vary, given that I've been using RegionalPrompting, as a user heavily suggested using this in the last thread.
score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, score_4_up, restaurant, burger restaurant, wendy's restaurant, 1futa, massive futa penis, ffwendys, smirk, looking at viewer, twin braids, striped dress, striped sleeves, puffy sleeves, no panties, striped thighhighs, kneeling on the floor, score_9, score_8, highest quality, masterpiece, futa on male, futa is bigger, futadom, abs, brutal sex, forced, male penetrated, petite male, tiny penis, uncensored, veiny penis, large penis, gigantic penis, deepthroat, gluckgluck, fellatio, deepthroat facesitting, precum, cum dripping, cum on icecream, icecream cum glaze, burger cum glaze, figures sitting in background, <lora:muchinPonyXL32.0.94tx2:0.9> <lora:lora:0.9>

score_4, worst quality, ugly, bad hands, messy drawing, amateur drawing, extra limbs, extra fingers, strabismus, watermark, blurry, signature, greyscale, monochrome, depth of field, oversaturated, 3d,jpeg artifacts, convenient censoring, heart censor, english text, speech bubble, username,pants,jeans,shorts,clothes,adult,woman,male,boy,man,burger on penis, icecream on penis, floating items

Model: AutismMix PonyXL model
General settings: 768x768, CFG @ 10, Steps @ 30
Hires.fix: DenoiseStrength @ 0,5
The LORA simply called "lora" in the pos. prompt is actually to enhance Wendy's looks, which I got from civitai.
The threads have been split for a while. tl;dr Some autist kept sperging out whenever someone posted a hung futa getting fucked by a guy instead of the other way around. After a few threads of arguing and going back and forth between OPs, the threads split.

Anyway, new Muchin I guess.
Tattooed dicks is a new one.
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>Some autist kept sperging out whenever someone posted a hung futa getting fucked by a guy
Yeah, the 'spirit of the fetish' guy. What a dunce. Too bad the split resulted in two slower threads instead of just having a regular one.
the censoring looks so bad
Can someone please translate this?

you can google translate it

1st panel: teacher asks her about a rumor going around that she has a tattoo, she admits she does. teacher is surprised but given her family background it isnt that surprising.

2nd panel: pulls it out, says family tradition is to get it tattooed when she turns 15 but hers is the biggest in the family so she got it early. another tradition is that anyone she shows the tattoo to must get bred and become her bride.

3rd panel: basically just saying how she passed out after just the tip and will need further training
Can someone sanity check me? Is sad panda down?
Hey, I eaten Wendy here
Asked this in the other thread but does anyone have the image by this artist of the two big dicked loli's making fun of the viewer for having a small penis?
Its up
love it when the stomach bulge has the shape of the dick
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so lucky too have a hung gyaru wife
>me looking at all of these hoping one of them if going to be her fucking the boy
is there one with Hikari
this same artist had one with guy and a girl getting gangbanged by some like 9 feet tall college girl futas and i cannot find it anymore. kamata/kmttntn
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Does anyone know the artist for this?
I would like to know too.
That's it, just the untranslated version. Thanks anon
the artist name is minew
his twitter handle is @minew01
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based anon
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I've drawn a futa wife who loves her husband, yoga, and shifting the human genepool.
>and shifting the human genepool.
Based, Total Futa Dominance, i also find it really cute that she has made +2000 kids with her snacks but is more excited for her third baby with her husband. I really like this dynamic.
>shifting the human genepool.
beyond based, I really love the concept of a single futa being so virile she permanently alters the human genepool and future geneticists around the world have a "before (futa name) era" and a "post (futa name) era"
Also shifting futa demographics from a less than 0.1% rare cases to a third of the human population
>happily raising a family with your futa Genghis Khan wife while she knocks up more women than you've ever met in your life, probably accidentally cucking who knows how many guys/other futas in the process
Kino, absolute cinema even. We really need some writefags to expand on this.
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Started expanding the verse a bit.
>shifting the human genepool.
Yep, thats my fetish right there. Impeccably based taste. Reminds me of a more extreme version of Pal Masons stuff where a futa knocks up the whole school.
>Futa on male NTR
Patrician taste my friend
Wait for all the red eyed babies to pop up 2 generations down the line
Is that supposed to be a kid? It's comically huge.
Is the husband just blissfully unaware of the fact that he is, on all accounts, the biggest cuckold on the country (probably, the world)?
I like to think that he goes on with his life, happy, without knowing that there's 7000 of his wifes children just walking around him, but the wife knows. She just says nothing about it.
Yeah i agree with the other anon, we need writefags to join in, this premise is too good.
>Pal Masons
Wonder what happened to this guy. Just when is art was starting to get good, he just stops drawing.
Last i heard he got married or something like that? Good for him.
AI slop
I love your art
But he isn't
The way I like to see it, is it doesn't matter if he knows or not. The wife only had genuine love and passion for him, and only cares about the children she has with him. Like the other women she fucks are so irrelevant they don't even count as hiring a hooker, hence the idea of them just being a snack to her. She'd never do it with the intention of actually cheating on him and would probably stop if it did make him uncomfortable.
Besides, the way it's all worded, her husband fucks her and gets her pregnant, while she's the one getting all the women pregnant. So even that shows more attachment and special treatment towards the husband.
So i guess the question is... Does the husband know? And if he knows, is he bothered by it?
Like I said I don't think it really matters if he knows. But if he did, I figure he'd view it in a similar way to his wife. All those women are just post-workout snacks that don't really matter, essentially akin to just jerking off without any real connection.
If she was getting fucked and becoming pregnant by other men, sure it could bother him at that point, but he is the only man that she get with and becomes pregnant herself from, so their relationship is automatically given more importance than all the women that wouldn't even qualify as one-night-stands.
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Ended up doing a follow up
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I'm always amazed at how far AI has come
To be fair, 40% of this was me making continuous changes and adjustments via paint.net as well. But yes, it truly is amazing what you can do with it these days.
He's so mad.
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Good, he deserves it.
He is so lazy even his AI model is prone to make his 0 effort monochrome pics, really funny.
Funnily enough he blocked me on Twitter the day before he posted that. I'm confident I was the catalyst. But considering he's been treating his fans like shit the past 8 years, I don't feel bad.
have one without the pubic hair?
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This is AI? I genuinely couldn't tell. I'm assuming you fed the AI Muchin slop? Good job. It's already better than most of his garbage.
Honestly, the most important thing for an AI artist, or any artist in general, is compositional vision. I probably could've picked up art if I had better hands and patience. Some of the AI stuff I've seen on Muchin's is so meh though, it looks like the author just took the first result from his prompt and slapped it on board — no image cohesion whatsoever.
I honestly like this girl better
Oh shit, I just got to see his latest post and it's literally the same as an old one of his... except 10x worse!! Is he trying to poison AI trainers here or something?

Well, she's not going anyway, although I'm thinking of expanding the cast a little. Who knows, it might be a miniseries.
Can someone give me a rundown of both the situation and muchin in general?
I saw this guy first years ago and liked his art but saw he had deleted posts on whatever it was he hosted his shit on, probably fanbox? And barely posted despite wanting money
Heard hes a cock from the /d/ threads over the years but never caught what specifically he does
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Can we stop the drama? Song like AI don't want to talk about AI when I'm trying to jerk it.

Chiku appreciation post
Been a long time but to make a list.
>He has randomly sperged out and deleted his work from Fantia over the years from paying customers because those 'evil Westerners' were leaking his work
>He began slapping a shit-ton of censor bars over the years as 'punishment' for all the leaks, again affecting his paying customers
>He upcharges 50% for his shitty English translation because, again, those 'evil gaijin' need to pay for their piracy
>His general attitude overall is very anti-Western, and can be seen in the posts he posts on Twitter and his pay sites. Not mention he's lazy in general and charges an arm and a leg for essentially 1 drawing despite other artists releasing multiple for cheaper
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No clue honestly what happened to him. Its a shame that he stopped making art but honestly if what you say is true then all the better for a man that introduced me to the hyper virile futa fetish.
I like futa is bigger material, but prefer futa on female. So essentially futa "cucking" men, by impressing girls with their massive dongs.
That material is probably fairly niche. But if anyone has stuff like that, then I'd appreciate if you posted it.
Didn't he say he would only post once a year? His art quality's horse shit but the plots are good imo

Also, what the hell happened to Gomu?
Gimme the specs for that one, the Lora's/model of it
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>That material is probably fairly niche.
Futanari in and of itself is niche. It's actually kinda small compared to a lot of different categories. But as far as "Futa is Always Bigger" goes - Futa on Female/Futa NTR is fairly common. You can literally just scroll up. I'd wager half the thread minimum fits the bill. There's also a "Futadom is Always Bigger" thread if you wanna go there.

As far as material goes:
>Artists: Muchin, Eigetu, Pal Maison, and Nia
>Writers: MisterretsiM, uspmn, Dongstar, ThreeLeggedGals and Thalaxian
You may or may not like their stuff, depending on your tastes and kinks. Do be aware that some if not all the people mentioned do draw/write Futa on Male as well.

Story Recommendations:
>In The Shadow of A Giant (ITSOAG)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/31114019/chapters/76877000 (the author also draws some stuff and posts it here and on his Twitter)
>A Beast of Fate (It's like knock off ITSOAG)
>Honour Thy Mother:
>The Future is Futa
You just gotta look around a little bit and you'll find this stuff easy.
>A Beast of Fate (It's like knock off ITSOAG)
More like ITSOAG that actually goes somewhere
File deleted.
How important would you say the distinction between Netorare and Netorase is?
>You can literally just scroll up. I'd wager half the thread minimum fits the bill.
Actually, I did scroll the whole thread. This one, and the futadom bigger thread. The vast majority of it is futa on male or femboy.
This thread actually only has 2 depictions of futa on female.
Not a fan. But also, searching their latest futa on female material pulls up an iamge from 6 months ago. https://rule34.xxx/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=9134380

Artist with potential. But still very sketchy, and again low output. Last update 4 months ago
Too rapey for my taste too.

>Pal Maison
A mine field. The majority of their work is futa on male. Sifting through to find the futa on female material takes and effort, and it's sparse.
This is a collection of their works. https://e-hentai.org/g/2732626/c4972b0a8a/
It's 18 pages long. Somewhere burried in there is a futa on female chapter. But I can't find it after scrolling through 8 pages. I give up.

New to me. I'll have to check it out. At a cursory glance, I'm seeing a mix of futa on male, and futa on female.

If you really compile all of this material, men are getting fucked more than woman by far. I don't know why you're trying to frame it as super prevalent material. Can I find a lot of futa on female? Yes. Can I find a lot of futa on female NTR? No. the vast majority of dick measuring contests, ends with a man getting his bussy blown out.

>In The Shadow of A Giant (ITSOAG)
>A Beast of Fate (It's like knock off ITSOAG)
Younger/smaller futas = Instant turn off. I just can't imagine a little girl being powerful. It's too silly. It breaks the power dynamic.

>Honour Thy Mother:
The futa on male tag is right there. Along with feminization and femboy. I don't want to read about femboys getting dicked.

>The Future is Futa
Rape. No thanks. I want girls to want the dick.
Idk, consensual cucking is fun whereas straight up ntr is just gross. My favorite scenario is where a small dicked dude invites his futa best friend to fuck his wife/gf, the gf is reluctant but gives in, the futa absolutly blows the girls mind from behind while the bf/husband is laying underneath her, but the gf/wife is moaning her husbands/bfs name while telling him how good it feels and kissing him. Its still humiliating but all parties enjoy it and theres no person left crying in the corner wanting to kill themselves
>guy's pupils and nose
>skull on the shirt's nose and teeth
>details on both shirts include fucked-up non-kanji
>writing/symbols on guy's pant leg
>there are some weirdnesses to the hands that don't seem like an actual artist doing hands.

look for details where they don't flow into each other as hand-drawn stuff would. Things that have been trained more closely on specific styles tend to get the bits of those specific styles better, but still lack in things that are less broad. Hands are a meme, because artists stylise or get hands "wrong" all the time, but there are still tells you can look for in many hands if they're not the focus.
That is extremely specific, and theres not a lot of it.
You could try this one: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56207341/chapters/142787173
It's similar, the only difference is that it's futa on female, but the cuckold is another futa with a smaller dick.
It has sequels too and is still ongoing:
Thanks, and yeah i know
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Fact (preferred Rosalina size)
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It's true. Then again, I could've also cleaned up those artifacts. I was just lazy as my GPU isn't powerful and I already spent a good amount of time on it.
at this point, I sorta treat "spot the AI" and "spot where people are wrong about what's AI or not" as a hentai minigame.
As much as I normally despise NTR and everything associated with it a scenario of a yandere futa hatefucking your partner/crush to ruin them for you kind of appeals to me. Or if it is the man that is being stolen.
There was a neat short comic where a girl wanted to cheat on her boyfriend with a bunch of futas but they rejected her and and then decided to go for the boyfriend.
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I like a futa breaks a willing man, also excessive fluids everywhere
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Ah that's the stuff, god bless the future
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Muchin made all(?) his private commissions available to buy. Anyone willing to commit the sin of giving him money?
>Muchin makes his private stuff available for purchase
>Someone buys it, then leaks everything
>Muchin gets mad (again) and deletes all his stuff (again)
You just know it's gonna happen.
I've been trying, but pixiv wont charge my card even though I bought stuff in the past. People told me to try paying through Rakuten Pay, but I can't even make an account since it won't let me write a +sign to register my phone's area code
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Seems like a lot of it is stuff that he already posted but I'll send you the new shit
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Am I crazy or has has he not used that gf design for a futa before?
This is it for the 2021-2023 comms, theres are 2 more variations for tanaki and 1 more variation for the NTR which is an xray cumshot that I cant be bothered to post. Like I said his other two comms to buy on Pixiv are things you've probably seen

It looks like he also has some new post on his fanbox if anyone else is able to get it
I'd love to see the events preceding this
Christmas came early this year DAYUMN
my nigga i would be most grateful if you posted those variations, this is fkn hot
>your shy awkward virgin futa classmate ends up falling for the futa equivalent of those "alpha" male influencers/PUA/redpill whatever
>now she is convinced that the only way to get you to become her boyfriend is to aggressively flaunt and assert her futahood and sexually ruin any competitor (and men totes love that, especially if you make them watch, the Internet told her so)
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Sounds like a psyop by someone in this thread. Great job.
How did you get all of this good stuff off muchin
that's so freaking hot. all these commissions are way better than the usual stuff he draws.
if he sticks to doing comms and allow people to share their art WHICH THEY BOUGHT he would make a lot more money
You can buy it at
He finally opened a FANBOX so now foreigners can also support him with VISA
Anyone got the two other collections? Apparently one of them has more of Momoko (the summer vacation younger cousin)
there were a couple pics I was unable to find anywhere
it was about a futa adventurer who only knew how to fight and couldn't do anything else, so she fucked girls to get a place to sleep and laze around
it was in the style of a character sheet
Is there a source for this?

I'd like to read more.
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What is this, an image for ants?
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Anyone got the new nia stuff?
God I fucking love the way streachybear draws dicks when he isn't making it intentionally nasty.

chatbots so you'd have to hope whoever's chat this is is willing to post the log
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Kek, I actually like this a lot more than most of muchin's works, but that is just because of my own personal preferences:
>futa's body is feminine and not overly muscular
>futa's genitals are large but not ginormous and grotesque looking
>futa is mean and bratty but not downright malicious
>no horrible body deformities caused by ginormous dicks and excessive cum
>plot is very lighthearted; no "I'm going to fucking kill you with my ginormous cock because you're a subhuman"
Pic related, for example, is one of muchin's works that I actually liked.

>Started expanding the verse a bit.
Do you have a twitter or something where you post your other pictures?

Yeah, I post it on Twitter under Babski326. I am taking a short break as I'm playing Elden Ring heavily right now though.
>guy harassed by futa
>he gives her a blowjob
>it actually completely overwhelms her, begging for him to slow down, while he just takes it all pretty casually
>so casually that he has time to think about how this is good practice for the futa he actually cares about
Now that's good stuff. Confident powerbottom boys are underrated in futa on male.
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Today I shall return to the classics and draw an extre-big Nagatoro.
This looks great but we hunger for Emma
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Very nice
Just judging from the ui, I'd guess chub ai
Very nut-slappable

Won't let me pay for whatever reason, anyone mind sacrificing a couple yen?
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Brought this saga to its conclusion.
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And done.
very nice as always
Fun image, I'm averse to genital ugliness, but it's otherwise great.
Where is the whole female cast that Nagatoro impregnated?
>implying she isn't a virgin trying to sound like hot shit
Can anyone post the link to the lora? Is it the one on civitai?
Nice, i like her awkwardness.
Pretty good, now go back to the Emma mines.
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Decided to do a cute OC after my previous two. Hopefully people enjoy her as much as I have creating her.
Awwww i love her and gosh i gladly be Mia's boyfriend she would fit perfectly
Super hot
Please draw her impregnating the friends
Is that this artists name? Seems too generic. I can barely find anything this guy drew. I keep coming across random OCs.
>The ending
Meh, would've been more interesting if was like a lesser futa or something.
Great stuff.
And just because others are asking for the female cast, I'll go ahead as ask for her impregnating Senpai.
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I've sketched a happy sleeping retard muscle futa instead. It reflects my inner desires, please understand.
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She looks so cute and happy! :D
Id rather he just stay a guy. I don't get what the need for height gain genderbend is there if she already claims to be attracted to his small male traits.
I guess drawing and staying consistent with the worldbuilding/setting in Nia's works.
Last time I checked men were the smallest and women were the middleground in body size.
>Last time I checked men were the smallest and women were the middleground in body size.
I know that but i don't see the need in turning guys into women.
I agree, was just pointing that out.
But imo, there's really not enough male-to-futa content out there.
Nice, like this baka already and n ice touch with the impregnated ovum counter.
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Finally I can live out my fantasy of taunting futas until they blow my ass out.
That's fucking hilarious. Very creative way to dunk on a futa
Amazing how far AI has come
Himbo hung futas are top tier.
This is so fucking bad lmao
How can people enjoy this shit, did they train the AI with nothing but Joss Whedon works and Borderlands games?
lucia on pephop
mia, excuse me, just taunt her/piss her off/challenger her/make a bet or something
Anyone have the new muchin's animation ?
Muchin made a new animation where?
95% of western written smut is really bad.
>95% of western written smut is really bad.
How do you know most of the japanese stuff isn't bad? Do you read novels on pixiv?
yes, i practically checked everything that has the futa tag.
How hard was it to learn runes?
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Pixiv has some real literary masterpieces.

Any recommendations?
You can just learn Hiragana and Katakana in like 1 or 2 weeks and then get by just using google translate and DeepL. The most important part is learning grammar, learning kanji comes with time.
I even checked the Chinese and Korean version of the futa tag, there are some good stories but most of the authors all go into great length about how rich, successful, of high political status and how much governamental power the family of the girl in question or the girl wields.
Some go extra autistic with the sounds.
>Any recommendations?
yeah but can't post em right now as i don't remember names or authors.

Some stuff is wildly different and more hit and miss depending of what you like or you can stomach but, I recommend:
Have you read 003Jhonny stuff?
とりかご if you are ok with stuff on the smaller scale of hyper dicks or sperm.


Basically all the futa stuff of this guy:
Thanks, I have read a couple of stories from ジョニー003 before. My Japanese isn't all that strong, so I haven't read a ton yet.
Just use google translate.
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Working on the variant miniset and slowly losing my mind

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