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The rules:
>Grant the wish of an Anon above you, putting your own lewd twist on it.
>After granting a wish, you get to make one wish yourself. The Anons below you will grant it, and so on.
The first Anon of the thread gets to ask for a wish for free, without having to grant someone else's wish. (To be clear,does not mean without receiving a twist.)
>If a wish received only lazy "the wish is made completely unenjoyable and everyone dies" answers, you can re-grant it in a different way and still get to make your wish.
>If all wishes have been already granted, then you can just ask for a wish for free.
>Not a rule but it's still good form: if someone put effort and creativity in their post, you are encouraged to put effort and creativity when you answer their wish.
>Remember that we're here to have fun!

Last thread:
Wishes from last thread:

>I wish I was a cute, stacked imp girl in a family of triplets who frequently get into shenanigans together.

>I wish I was a cute, stretchy and durable shortstack with female, futa, and monster futa friends

>I wish that the world would change so that all kinds of monster girls would become commonplace and fully integrated into society. Also that there was a very small change for someone to suddenly become a monster girl out of nowhere, even guys. With me turning into a slime girl with all kinds of slime girl powers like shapeshifting, splitting and controlling multiple bodies, regeneration, etc.

>I wish I was a cute woman with a dominant witch GF
Forgot one.

>I wish I was an attractive woman/girl who could repeatedly change what KIND of woman/girl I am. Turn into a tomboy for a bit, then a cuter petite younger girl, then a sexy mature woman, then a full venus bodied milf... and maybe then into a cute "shortstack" girl, with no reduced lifespan or ill health effects from changing, including repeated age progressing and regressing.
>I wish for the power to temporarily possess and enhance women's bodies, or if it's a man, turn them into women while possessed.
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Granted, but you have very little control on who you possess. Why is this? Because your base form is a soul bound to an article of jewelry. Your soul is now eternally tied to a cursed ruby pendant. Your method of possession is subtly influencing those around you into wearing you, kind of like The One Ring, and once you're worn you immediately hijack their brain and take the wheel away from them. Of course, how do you enhance the bodies you're possessing? What does "enhanced" look like in this instance? Well for starters, whoever you possess will be a woman, no questions asked. Doesn't matter who or what, a girl, a man, a dog, all of them will become adult human women when wearing the pendant. And I do mean adult woman, meaning you'll look 40 years old. But don't worry, you're still going to be drop dead gorgeous for a 40 year old woman. There's a reason milf is a word after all. As for whoever you're possessing, they're still in your brain trying to take back control from you, forced to watch through helpless eyes as you pilot the body around, saying things they never would and doing things they never would, an unwilling passenger in their own mind. One more thing, once the pendant is taken off whoever you possessed returns to normal, and your soul is bound back into the pendant.

>I wish to live in a town full of cute, fat, girl-who-stinks-good NEETs and that my girlfriend was one of them, or possibly become one of them
Granted! The town is one I magically made for you that only ever allows people who meet your criteria to live there. It's near another large city though, so people who ARE employed will commute there to work while still not being residents, so you'll have your Gamestops, your fast food joints, your grocery stores, etc. I even pulled some strings so everyone in this town is considered "disabled" and gets NEET bucks, as well as affordable housing... though you have to have at least one roommate. In this case, it's your GF.

Speaking of? Before ANY of this became relevant... you met a girl. A SUPER cute one, too. Soft, but not overweight, fun, nerdy, but gentle and cute deep down. She loves a lot of the same nerdy hobbies that you do, and could talk about them for HOURS on end with the same passion, and you might even find yourselves talking about the same fetish porn... though it'll be awkward and it'll often end with her blushing and deflecting with "haha yeah but not in real life..."

You will forget you made this wish for a time, unable to even find this thread, not expecting what you wished for, or even knowing you wished for it.

You'll grow healthier with your GF, becoming an idealized version of who you are now, as you slowly learn that she's bi and open to (but not demanding of) threesomes and group sex... so long as she gets to make it clear that you're hers. One day though, she'll seem distant, and ask an odd question. "Would you still love me if you were a girl?" Now you'd probably answer yes, but it WAS odd for her to ask...

...That's because she made a wish too, but didn't think it'd come true.

The next morning? You'll wake up as a girl (a normal one), and she'll wake up noticeably fatter. She'll be shocked at her new figure, and yours, wondering WHAT went wrong with her wish... and admit that she made one. She secretly wished that you were a girl, albeit, while VERY horny and jilling to lesbian porn.
And when you two spot the evelope at the end of your bed... you'll slowly remember YOUR wish. The letter will tell both of you your wishes however. Her "I wish anon was a cute girl with big boobs and a fat ass and cunt, the kind I'd want to sit on my face!", with your wish being visible to her... along with a pamphlet to that town I described earlier, as well as a note from me. You will both be able to move here... once you're each 300 lbs. And no, neither eating nor exercising will make it faster nor delay it. You're in for the slow burn, getting to enjoy your female body as it grows fatter, and watching as your GF grows heavier overtime as well. Neither of you will know this, though, so you'll probably either fight it or indulge in it, only to learn later that it was all for nothing.

Both of you will lose any jobs you had... but receive a BIG deposit in each of your bank accounts that'll make her a bit less resistant to the idea... she'll be a bit cross with you, understandably... but unable to justify being upset, knowing that she's just as guilty as you are. And speaking of... is it just you or is she looking at your ass a lot more now? AND your tits? Fat or not, she REALLY likes 'em. She won't FORCE you into lesbian sex until you're ready, but it's going to be inevitable with how pent up she is. She was bi, sure... but always had a preference for girls.

And the reason this wish works so well? Well, how is that town going to stay "full" of fat NEET girls? You have to become one too, dummy. All the girls there are super nice, or at least super cute, and you two will get your own NEET cave to be a plump pair in. And remember how I said she's not opposed to group sex...? Like I said... as long as she makes it clear that you belong to HER, which... usually involves her sitting on your face, or shoving your face into her crotch.

Don't worry though, I'll give you a blessing in case you miss your member... but it'll have a catch too.
You may ask me for a futa cock every other day, and keep it for the whole 24 hours. It will not get anyone pregnant unless both parties are willing but... c'mon, you're NEETs, and you're magically prevented from getting jobs now. Not exactly mother material... but I won't tell you what to do.

The FUN part of this is that any girl you do lewd things to while you have the cock will have her OWN (infertile) futa cock the next day... and an itch to "repay the favor".

Oh, and every friend you make? I'll send them magic letters too, sharing you and your girlfriend's wishes with them. You probably won't live this one down... so expect plenty of teasing.

>I wish I was a futa satyr girl in a modern society with other fantasy races and cute monster girls... one that respects a satyr's discomfort wearing pants, if that wouldn't be too much...
Granted! Monstergirlification is now a thing, and while it will even turn guys into girls, futa and dickgirls do exist (but are relatively rare). The species and build of the transformee aren't entirely random, and will either seem fitting, like a gremlin like person turning into a shortstack, or funny and perhaps even revealing, like an insecure "manly" guy turning into a horny elven slut, a fate she's only pretending to hate (and everyone knows it).A lot of people close to you, that you like, will be transformees, so on one hand, more cute girls to play with, on the other, it MIGHT get awkward if you were just friends before...

Society will, of course, accommodate this. Married couples that WERE straight, and now lesbian, may have a second wedding (I'm not going to break up loving couples for this), instead of "traditional" sizes, clothes for shortstacks, digitigrade leg girls (like satyrs), "giant" races, large lower body races like lamia and centaurs, and waterproof clothes for people like you will be streamlined... as will the new sex toys and luxuries, like the "goblin harness" for your goblin GF needs, satyr sized condoms, and for you, "pool" shaped beds you can turn into a blob and chill inside of.

You yourself are a cute, curvy slimegirl in your "natural" state. You can change your consistency, being slimey enough to penetrate with a poke, or more solid (but still jiggly and fleshy), like a sex toy. You can also "melt" to slip through cracks, holes, and other narrow things liquids can seep through... but don't push it, because you aren't FULLY liquid and can still get stuck (but it's a very fun ability to use on certain other "holes" in the bedroom). You can shed mass, and regain mass by absorbing water and SOME form of sustenance, a bathtub of water and a bowl of ice cream is enough to get you from "onahole sized" to human sized again. You can also collect your old mass, so long as you shed it recently and it's still together.
You can regenerate over time so long as there's moisture in the air, it just takes longer, and you'll get hungry and weak if you abuse this for lost mass. But anything that DOESN'T cause lost mass for you? Cuts, being crushed, being stabbed... no problem for you, you're downright indestructible to even heavy machinery, though you WILL be left comedically flattened while you wait for your regen to kick in. Your pain threshold is capped at "Firm slap on the ass" levels for this kind of thing... which may cause you to mix up the two sensations and moan from stuff like being run over, so DO be careful not to cross those wires if you don't want to embarrass yourself... the world is far more sexual now, but that just means instead of being quiet and trying to ignore it, people will openly tease you if you embarrass yourself.

As for your other powers? Sure! Have them all! Splitting? If you've got the mass for it, yeah! Controlling those bodies? You're a hivemind! Shapeshifting? You'll still be made of slime, but with the ability to harden, soften, and recolor slime, you can mimic just about any physical sensation, from feathers to fur to skin to scales.

...Experience on how to USE these powers? ...Not so much. The transformations were ALL sudden, yours included. Harpies still have to learn to fly, fairies have trouble "toggling" invisibility, centaurs stumble over their new legs... and you? You've got the more new "moving parts" than most. You'll never hurt yourself with them... but you'll quickly become known as "that cute ditzy slime" as you try to learn how to use them, or, use them by accident.

So shapeshifting... I'm going to guess that you don't have an understanding of anatomy to an atomic level, let alone that of the new races, but that's ok! It doesn't work like that. Instead, it's instinctual. If you see a form, you may let your slime instincts mimic it. You could be in front of a tall, busty catgirl, and with enough mass (or a spare water canteen)
And you'll instinctively copy her traits, gaining cat ears, a tail, fur, etc, as soft as the real deal. Oh, and her tits, of course. It can be doppelganger levels of similar, or just "roughly the same". You might be around futa and learn to grow a futa cock yourself, or around scylla girls, and learn to make tentacle dicks! But let's not get ahead of ourselves... because your first hurdle will be learning to INTENTIONALLY do this. Your first time using the power will probably be looking at a target, real or even just a picture, and thinking "Wouldn't it be hot if-" only to have your question answered as you find yourself transformed into what you were thinking of, and looking at. There's another problem too... "changing back" doesn't work like you're "holding" a form. You changed it, you have to change it back with equal effort. Now you won't LOSE your "base" form, but you can absolutely forget how to change back and get stuck as, say, a bimbo harpy for a day, but be too heavy to fly due to being made of slime, and with wings instead of arms... things can become challenging. You'll probably want to keep a picture guide of forms you want to readily take, and only practice when you're sure you can go the rest of the day with whatever forms you're going to risk taking... you (usually) turn back if you sleep well enough.

Splitting? Being a hivemind? Two catches with this one. Firstly, you may be asking "how does a hive mind work"? It... doesn't, honestly. You still have the comprehension of a being that has a single body, which will give you "dog farts itself awake" levels of confusion when you split. You might PERCEIVE yourself as being in only one body, but that's only because you're focusing on it, and your focus is narrow. When the other body plays with herself, you'll feel it, and when you focus on her? Wow, you WERE her all along! Each one is you, and you are all of them, but it's hard to remember that, so you might, say... argue with a clone.
"No I get to top YOU!", with neither of you being able to comprehend that, once you re-merge, you'll realize that you'd have topped yourself regardless, having the memories of each clone. You can only merge if you and your clones are on the same page enough... or tired enough. "Emergency orgies" are handy in a pinch. Sometimes, your clones will be thinking different things, or get different "aspects" of you. One might be SUPER horny and slutty, read to hit the town, while another is super shy and wants you to hold her (your own) hand, while you're partial to something more sensual yourself... until you realize you are the other girls and your mind shifts to them, anyways... it's a bit like each clone has different "tendencies", and you gain them when you "focus" on that clone. They cannot die. If they are destroyed, all memories return to you.

The other catch is that splitting may coincide with the "people spontaneously turn into monster girls" thing. Instead of making another YOU out of slime, you might turn another person into a slime girl, or another monster girl into that same monster, but slime. It'll wear off with some time away from you, or a good night's rest... but you'll feel an empathetic connection with them while it's active. This USUALLY happens when you try to split in an area with other people.

So yes, you can learn to have tentacles, grow dicks all over your body, shapeshift into other monster girls, make multiple of yourself. and even "convert" others into slime... but it's going to take a LOT of lewd trial and error. Oh, you gave yourself tentacles! Now to put dicks on them for fun- oops, you gave yourself dick nipples. And are you STILL arguing with your clone about who's going to be in "the middle"? And... are you feeling BAD for being mean to YOURSELF because she's your cute, submissive side!? Don't worry, people will find these quirks adorable.

>I wish I was a sexy futa who could befriend and tame girls with REALLY good headpats
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>I wish I was a cute, stretchy and durable shortstack with female, futa, and monster futa friends
Congratulations, you're, cute, stacked, barely 3 foot 4, and durable enough to survive being run over by a steamroller! Plus you've got plenty of big friends of all shapes and sizes who are gonna love having fun with you, which is why it's good you're also stretchy! No worries about the cute centaurs strapping you to her belly and using you as a living condom to catch all her spontaneous orgasms, and that sexy giantess futa can pick you up and carry you like a pocket pussy all day.
Of course this doesn't just apply to sex, so some of the more mischievous friends might use it to prank you. The trio of Imp sisters might think its a funny prank to see how many basketballs you can fit up your pussy (they feel AMAZING coming out after at least) and don't be surprised when that same giantess invites you to the beach and you find yourself inflated after they lose their first volleyball (you can yell for us if we can't find you!).
People tend to turn a blind eye to these losses of agency, but you won't need to worry about being broken at least...

I wish I was a cute, femboy NEET, and over the course of a few months would gain a massive amount of weight, ending up as a massively gat, bottomheavy, gassy femboy NEET.
>I wish I was a cute, stacked imp girl in a family of triplets who frequently get into shenanigans together.
Granted! You're now a short but big-boobed imp, with two identical sisters... Well, identical in physical appearance. Certainly not in personality. You see, one of your sisters has the personality of a goblin tomboy: active and brave, with zero fear, inhibitions or forethoughts. If she gets an idea, she'll usually go for it with no planning. She sees an angel three times her size? Well, why not fight her, with the winner fucking the loser? Admittedly, for her size she's surprisingly strong, capable of lifting both you and your other sister without a sweat.
Speaking of your other sister, she'll basically a perverted nerd. Half her room is filled with porn comics of various kind, covering a wide variety of fetishes; and the other half is filled with magic manuals, which she reads in an attempt to make her fantasies real - she might still be a novice mage, but she learns fast. She's basically horny 24/7, even by imp standards; and she sometimes spaces out, lost in her fantasies.
You? Personality-wise, you're the most normal, acting as a minder for your siblings. You don't have the super-strength or magical prowess of your sisters, but you DO have best sexual skills, including sexual stamina and stretchiness. So naturally, due to your sisters' oddities and shenanigans, those skills will be put to the test frequently...

>I wish to be a jovial Majin.
Granted. Unfortunately, this is because you have been affected by the curse of Octoboy. This means that you'll progressively be subjected to a transformation inspired by one of the pictures they drew. In your specific case, it'll be this pic, so congrats! You'll be turned into a super-fat, super-gassy femboy. Keep in mind that the transformation is INSPIRED by the pic, not IDENTICAL to the pic; so, while the general result will be "super-fat, super-gassy femboy", the exact details will change to fit more your tastes. Moreover, I specified that the transformation will be progressive, but I didn't specify HOW. In your case, you'll become a femboy in very short time, with the gassiness starting after a couple of days; but the weight gain will take several months, where an unexplicable hunger will lead you to eat and eat and eat.
And, as a final bonus, I'll also alter fate so that you'll get a stable income without having to work. Sure, it won't be a lot, but it'll still be enough for you to survive.

So far, it seems that I'm giving you everything you want; so where's the catch? Well, the Octoboy curse has a tendency to spread to others. Specifically anyone who interacts with you or your farts, with sex being the most infectious medium. Good news: the transformation is reversible up until a certain point - all you have to do is to keep infected people away from you until they return back to normal. Bad news: past a critical point, the victim will keep transforming no matter what - and they'll also become infectious.
Moreover, there is no guarantee that they'll get the same transformation as yours. Sure, Octoboy draws a lot of femboys, fatsos, and farts; but you might also get a femboy with big sucking lips and an "anteater face", or you could get a futa /d/orse, or you could get someone with the power to summon infinite smelly horsedicks.
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So yes, you'll get the body of your dreams... But you'll run the risk of converting the entire planet in some perverted lewdscape. No pressure. But hey, if you DO that, you will never have to worry about work ever again!

>I wish I was a cute and wealthy girl.

You are now an attractive woman of your desired sexual orientation. No matter your previous interests, you are also now a massive fashionista. Clothes and make-up are one of your major interests, and a good thing too, for your powers of
transformation depend on them.

You will fit into clothes no matter how big or small they appear against your frame. Putting on a large bra, a dark dress and dark make up might make you a voluptuous goth. Wearing slim sportswear will give you the body of a tomboy. Clothes and make-up are only part of the transformation; you must also play the role to the best of your ability. Acting the shy bookworm, your hair and features will take on a cute and self effacing style. A punk girl's outfit and attitude will let you turn your hair into a bleached mohawk. Playing the role of a cougar milf will let you fine tune your body into a weapon of pure seduction.

Once you've transformed your body, you will hold on to the transformation as long as you maintain character. This holds when removing clothing, and even naked. Were you to take on the form of an energetic tomboy, while in bed
with a lover you would have to play your role even while in the throes of passion. If you break character, you will revert to your standard form, destroying any clothings worn in the process, and no doubt leaving any observer quite confused. Thankfully using your magic will let you get better and better over time at telling how your current body would behave. You might even use this skill for a mundane purpose like an acting career.
When transformed and playing a character, your magic will provide you with quite a few conveniences. For example if you show up to work one morning as a shortstack girl, and the next as an amazonian giant, your colleagues will
be surprised, but go along with it. Your ID will also always fit your current appearance and backstory; a milf's ID cards will show an older age, though your real age is unaffected. However if you break character there will be
consequences, such as your boss reprimanding your sudden nudity.

This power, however, is not free, and comes with three potential annoyances. The first one is that the better you play a character, the more complete your transformation will be, but the greater you risk losing yourself in your role. You do not risk full on identity death, but your tastes will be altered. A potential partner that you would normally not notice might appeal greatly to your current shape. A foodstuff that you normally can't stomach might appear
like the tastiest thing in the world. A kink or sex position that would be a turn off normally will be a turn on. This is a double-edged weapon, for it will help you maintain your transformation but it might also lead you to "what the heck did I do last night" situation the next day. You always maintain final decision, and are free to choose not to act on your desires... As long as you continue to play your role.
The second annoyance is that your true self is a fashionista. Even if you are wearing your favourite clothes, or your favourite body, you might eventually tire of it and wish to change for at least a little while. The clothes and roles in your repertoire will always be ones that your true self might find at least a little desirable. You can also expect to spend quite a bit of your hobby money on clothes, trinkets and make-ups of all sort. I will give you a magical
walk-in closet of limitless size, no matter where you live. You can expect it to fill up with all sorts of things. A trip to Japan might leave you with a kimono and the occasional desire to spend the day as a tea drinking Japanese beauty. A random visit to a party store might leave you with a clown outfit, and the desire to turn into a sexy clown for next year's Halloween party. You will always have final choice on what transformation to choose, but your tastes might leave you with unusual bodies at times.
The third annoyance is that whatever your current transformed body, the odds of finding sex partners that your current body finds attractive are supernaturally high. Perhaps showing up to office as a sexy older woman might lead to a cute intern catching your eye. Perhaps as a tomboy you'll be interested in your gym partner doing more than spotting you. Going clubbing as a party girl will result in a bounty of potential partners. These potential lovers will always be very attracted to your current body, and be at least a little attractive to your true self. If you aren't careful you might end up sleeping around most days that end with a y. The partners will be fun, rarely jealous and will generally be open to seeing you again, so it will be easy to maintain a string of friends with benefits. These partners will, however, expect you to be in the body they first met you. If you want a serious relationship you will have to explain to them
the nature of your power, and navigate the trouble that you can't always be the person they find most attractive. As long as the relationship is doing well, the effects of the endless stream of meet-cute will diminish (unless your partner is open to an open relationship). If you decide to never settle down, you will have to endure living in a perpetual sex comedy. Perhaps a life of eternal change and renewal is what you prefer, anyhow?

>I wish for a new religion to become popular, centred around Fortuna the goddess of bunnies, luck, prosperity and fertility. The members of this religion believe women of fertile age should wear bunny outfits, master games of luck such
as poker, and have many children. Devout women will become sexier.
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>I wish for the power to become a cute girl
>I wish I was a sexy futa who could befriend and tame girls with REALLY good headpats

Granted, but it's just that. Befriending. Whenever you pat a girl, you'll make her your friend in a purely platonic manner. She'll treat you like she's known you forever instantly, but there's a line of friendship that cannot be crossed.
You can't be in a romantic relationship with her, you can't fuck her, and any attempts to flirt will be met with shocked responses as they can never see you as a romantic partner, only a platonic friend.
And that headpat isn't forever, you gotta keep patting them once every 2 hours or they forget they're your friend. So better keep a watch, otherwise the next time you see them you'll be a complete stranger.
And to add icing on the cake, as a futa you're constantly horny but have a condition that doesn't allow you to cum, letting your semen accumulate. No matter how much you try to shoot it out it can't go out.
They means you have to be around cute sweet girls that see you as purely a friend, holding in your lust, and unable to cum and needing to pat them once every 2 hours lest they forget their friendship with you. Enjoy.

>I wish I have a huge dick in a world where women have dorachefu/rinsu/kunaboto body proportions and are horny
Granted, you are now an undeniably cute and ludicrously wealthy girl. I'm giving you eternal youth as well, the whole kit shebang! Just hold still for a moment here...
Oh whoops! I might have botched your eternal youth. Now you look 13 forever, so you are legally an adult, but you're never gonna look it. Well at least you're going to be cute forever. Except I might have gone a little overboard because I made your voice high pitched and gave you rhotacism. What's rhotacism? You know how Elmer Fudd has trouble with his R's? Yeah that. I made your voice so cutesy that it's now virtually impossible to take you seriously. Foreplay is going to be a challenge for you, but it won't be impossible. Just know that your body isn't going to be to... well adjusted people's tastes.

You said you wanted to be wealthy too, yeah? To repeat myself, I made you ludicrously wealthy. Like... stupid rich. How are you so rich? You're the CEO of the biggest doll manufacturer in the world. As such you have a lot of responsibilities to keep the company profitable and expansive. Not much else I can curse you with there. Paperwork, public appearances, those sorts of headaches. Hope you do fine with those.
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I wish I could make women into hypersexual cougar milfs like picrel
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>I wish I could make women into hypersexual cougar milfs like picrel

Granted! You are now in possession of the recipe for Cougarine, a potent aerosol which will cause great growth at the cost of a little cellulite. However... actually making it is a delicate process indeed, and until you have quite a bit of experience under your belt, different batches will have different effects-- such as neglecting the all important dumptruck, or in severe cases causing a runaway reaction that lasts until the mass of breast and thigh that actually took the drug passes out from the pleasure. Until you've mastered it, which will take years, you can never truly produce the same effect twice-- and that's not to mention how much the fed will get on your sorry ass for using untested drugs on possibly unwilling women. Lie low, though, and you could get filthy rich...

>I wish the world had transformative dungeons, with their main recourse against adventurers being to make them women and futa too hyper to move themselves.
>I wish I was a cute woman with a dominant witch GF
Granted. Your new girlfriend is quite literally Bayonetta - well, A Bayonetta. Multiverse is a weird place. In any case, this one is a "witch" a bit more in the tra/d/itional sense, being capable of doing stuff like summoning monstergirls or mixing aphrodisiac potions. Personality-wise, she's more or less exactly what you expect: always a tease, playfully sadistic, and very, very campy. She has a way to string you along without even trying, whether you want it or not. And of course, she's exclusively dominant in bed. And everywhere else.
While her job is still the whole "going on adventures and punching god" thing, that stuff will mostly happen offscreen, away from your everyday life. The worst thing that could happen to you is some awkwardness, since she has the habit of bringing home some bound-and-gagged monsters to toy with later.

Now let's talk about you. You are a cute woman with the appearance of your choice. You also just-so-happen to have some recessive angelic heritage in your genes; this makes your body a LOT more durable than the average human, with a few related benefits that apply to sex. For example, you have a lot of sexual stamina, and you'll age very gracefully. Of course, your enhanced durability is also a boon for your witch girlfriend, since she can afford to be more... intense... during sex, since she knows that you can take it. Wooden horses, rotisseries, iron maidens filled with tentacles - stuff like that.

>I wish I was this shy succubus in the pic.
>But it's just that, befriending
>You have to do it every 2 hours
>They forget you
The wish said "taming" girls... that's hardly even keeping in line with the wish

>You can't cum

That's just spiteful and not even related to the wish. The threat isn't about making the grants boring, it's the opposite. This is like if someone granted your wish with "Granted but only a handful of women have that shape, you'll never meet them, and you can't cum."

Where's the fun in that?
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Granted! But... it's not a power you can switch on and off like a lightswitch.

"I can become a cute girl" is it. Once you try it out, you'll take the form of a random girl you'd consider cute. Your new body may be unshaven, and you WILL need to learn to put on makeup and get dressed on your own, but it may also come with piercings, tattoos, or other cute lil aesthetic details, like a heart shaped blush. You'll be magically mailed female "emergency" clothes that WILL fit your new form, but... most of the free clothes will look slutty or ridiculous. Bunny suits, leopard print, a sexy dress... things you'll probably blush if you're worn seeing. You can't sell them either.

Your ID, papers, etc will update magically, and people WILL be willing to believe that you were transformed (it's not unheard of), but people probably won't recognize you until you tell them.

Now, while your power doesn't go backwards, and let you turn back into who you were before... you can keep using the power to "become a cute girl" even AS a cute girl. Say you ended up like your pic related the first go. The second time? Your luck might leave you a cute, short, curvy nerdy girl with glasses (these will be provided with the clothes you're sent). There is no limit to how often you can use this power, but if you try to "spam" it, you'll still be a cute girl... you just might end up with less than ideal traits as you re-roll the dice, so to speak. Stuff like missing both arms like Rin from Katawa Shoujo, having a flat chest (but in a cute way), having a humiliating tattoo... stuff like that. It'll only get worse the more you try to "spam" your power. Effects can stack too, like being an amputee with bad eyesight... but still being cute as hell. You'll also get WAY hornier with each use as well.

But if you wait, your next body will (probably) lack those "inconveniences"

Oh, and you have to use it at LEAST once a week or you'll get a new body automatically. Good luck!
>Speaking of best girl, I wish I was a cute girl in a wholesome, cozy, but sexually fun and exciting yuri witch coven, and that me and my witch friends all knew futafication and temporary amputee spells, for shenanigans like one girl taking someone's arms after they beat her at Mario party, or another being turned into a fuck nugget and toyed with after issuing out too many "IOUs" that she never repaid. Or just for fun, that's also a valid reason.
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Granted! And for ushering in this age, you become a divine vessel of Fortuna! And as such... you understand her on a more personal level. She's really just a fun girl who likes bunnies, LOVES the excitement of gambling and chance, is good with money, and, of course, has a breeding kink. Someone who's fun at parties, rest assured.

Everything you wished for is true, and the religion is the world's most common, and due to having an "involved" god, supernatural benefits of being faithful exist and are measurable. Pregnancies are far easier and faster for the devout, children grow up faster, and incest no longer carries genetic maladies, allowing for (relatively) consequence free breeding. Devout women will also stay sexy longer, either as young adults, milfs, or gilfs. Even people who don't actively practice may wear clothes that are bunny THEMED. And in winder, followers may wear cute varieties, like a sweater with a boob window and puffy bunny tail, or a jacket with ears on the hood. And of course... gambling and games of chance are now EXTREMELY popular... but gambling for MONEY is rare.

The kinky goddess wants kinky stakes. And with supernatural powers being involved in her dealings? The stakes can be more than what'd normally be "possible". "If I win, you're my sub for then night, if you win, I'll strip down and lay back serving as the table for the rest of the game, free for anyone to grope" or "If I win, my GF gets your cock (making her a futa), and you become a girl. If you win, you get my masculinity" (leaving the person making the bet a bunny femboy)

Speaking of? Bunny femboys are very common. So are cute boys in general, not just feminine ones. Devout women become sexier, and devout guys become more youthful and fertile. Hell, futa exist in a world where you can bet things like genitalia. It's far from uncommon... sometimes it just starts as a boy and a girl making a "silly" bet... only for neither to want to turn back, now futa and female.
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Of course, Fortuna won't let people make "bets" as thinly veiled ways to get what they want, such as a someone wanting to change sex and making that their bet, or a submissive betting herself to a dom she likes if she loses, with the dom having to do as the submissive girl says if she wins (in both case the subby girl wins). Fortuna's symbol is the wheel, and all that is needed to see if a bet is "fair" is for someone to set one of Fortuna's wheel holy symbols on the table upon making it. If it makes one entire rotation, the bet is fair. If it doesn't, it's unfair, only turning as much as it is "fair" (so if it almost makes a full rotation is almost fair). And if it rotates more than one time? The person making the bet is making one that's unfair to THEM deep down. This way, it's ensured that any inconvenience, embarrassment, or sexual uncertainty is kept equal among those betting.

As for YOU... you're a cute bunny girl, since you are an avatar of Fortuna. Don't worry if you miss your member... you can win another in a bet. Your job? Visit games that are lacking "spice", join them, and act as a wild card. Sometimes Fortuna will send you bets SHE'D like to see you make, others, she'll trust you to make them... but they'd better be good. Think of it as training. You also have a divine blacklist to ensure you have fun, but since Fortuna knows the TRUE value of things to you... she won't let you chicken out of, say, a bet that you're embarassed about... but would be kinda into. You may blacklist these things anyways, at the cost of unequal stakes, such as saying "No man can do anything to me tonight", but having twice the stakes as any other girl.

Now Fortuna is FUN, and may even keep some stakes secret from you, maybe even the other players. "Everyone is absorbed into sapient playing cards for the two furthest ahead/behind (depends on her whims) to use, they can keep who they had in their hand at the end of the game for the night"
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Other times... if she feels like the girls you're trying to "bless" are being a bit too... "straight", she might make you all play strip poker by divine decree, and make YOU sow the seeds of sexual tension by having the worst luck that night, having to bet "5 gropes", "7 slaps to the ass", or "one pussy eating" once you're out of clothes. She might even turn you into a living slot machine to liven up a casino (now a respected establishment), who knows?

Yeah, you can win stuff to make yourself more comfortable as her avatar. Betting for someone's dick so you can have THAT at least, winning boob size or a bodytype through a bet, etc. You'll have to at least be a "girl" though... femboy is as far as Fortuna will let you blur that line. Your bunny suit is your symbol of authority, you'd best have a body for it...

And she won't FORCE you to get super pregnant or anything... but will absolutely reward you if you bring more demigod kids into the world, and even offer to knock you up herself (but can't be a housewife on account of being a goddess and all).

Don't think she's just using you though. A lof of the games she sends you to spice up are ones she knows YOU will enjoy, and rather than send you to countless games around the world... she focuses more on quality than quantity, and lets the rumors of that game spread. Like isolated "miracles" for those affected to tell others of. Odds are when you see who you'll be playing with, your heart will skip a beat and your first thought will be "Thanks Fortuna!"

...Oh, and don't even think about taking off the bunny suit for any other clothes. You can wear a bunny jacket when it's cold, but taking off your "holy" garments is grounds for divine punishment, like being warped into a sapient pinball machine for a day, with your tits as bumpers, hands as paddles, and pussy as a pit, or some other gambling centered punishment. Just an FYI.

>I wish I was a cute, curvy, fluffy moth girl like pic related
Granted! But also like your pic related... you work alongside your milf of a mother, who is far more popular than you. Don't worry though, she's very supportive and dedicated to "showing you the ropes".

As stated, you work in a brothel with succubus prostitutes. Clients get sex, you get money AND sustenance! Not a bad deal at all... now, when I say succubus, while you and your co-workers may LOOK demonic, you're not from hell or anything, and don't have to worry about anyone being evil. The others are pretty nice, actually... and most have some niche fetish bait on their body too, like your mons pubis.

You HAVE worked as a receptionist, arguably virgin who has only ever had other "girlfriends" toy with her breasts and pubis while experimenting (resulting in sexual tension that has yet to be resolved)... that's going to change. Your mother has noticed that you're pent up, and you're starting your first day today. And don't worry, you'll get ALL of the memories of your adorably awkward new life with this wish, while still being aware of who "you" are... though seeing how you'll become shy, awkward, and hopelessly horny as well... we'll just see how "you" change. Anyhow... a succubus inviting her daughter to sleep with clients with her is nothing unusual. In fact, in your brothel it's known as the "Chicken and eggs" special. Some pairs merely get fucked in the same bed, others get a bit more... "intimate" during the group sex, and sometimes even develop taboo mother daughter relationships off the clock... this can go either way for you, given how your mother has the same quirk as you, and scissoring, tribbing, etc will feel HEAVENLY. Or so you'd imagine, anyways...

You won't be forced to take on clients, but if you start giving someone horny or jealous looks, and your mother or another succubus notices, they may grab you and ask if you want to "practice" (already knowing the answer). They'll call your mother, and she'll take you into that client's room.
She'll spread your pussy for the client, teach you how to tit fuck, eat pussy, sit on people's faces "safely" (something VERY intense for you with that lump of yours), and engage in sensual pubis rubbing, her specialty... though if she decides to practice on you... expect things to get as steamy as they do awkward.

While you may be a succubus... you DID pass as a human for most of your youth, and aren't as "desensitized" to taboo as most other succubi are, and combined with you being shy, stuff like this is going to leave you beet red... but since you're also helplessly horny, you'll also be left with horny, incestuous thoughts. A real "damned if you do, damned if you don't".

Oh, and you think playing around with those girls in college was embarrassing? Well... they remembered you, and heard you were "working" now... and some decided to hire you, only for your MOM of all people to offer to join their session with you for free... which they accepted, obviously. These girls were already going to tease you, but now? You're NEVER living this down... or that's what I would say if I expected it to stop anytime soon. Succubi live a LONG time, and sexual prowess takes a LOT of training to build up. You're going to be a mommy's girl for a WHILE, and even once you're a fully fledged escort? You'll still probably be known as a mommy's girl, and she might still try to insert herself into the bedroom with you. People will pay far more for an experience like the one only you BOTH can offer...

She'll give you time to yourself, of course, respecting if you want her training from her to be "as a mom" or "as a lover", but you DO need training... without it, you're more fun to play with than fuck. Did you just cum after someone grabbed your pubis? Surely you've got a round two in you... or are they going to have to rub that lewd mound of yours until you're ready for another round? Anal? Well, succubi don't poop... but DO you know how to clean the cum out after?
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Or even hold on long enough to have "normal" sex with your hypersensitive lump in the way of scissoring, missionary, and more...

And then there was that time you accidentally got it stuck in your mother's glory hole, with her clients thinking you were her, and treating you VERY roughly...

Maybe you SHOULD train a bit more, even if it's at the cost of your pride... and even if it might earn you a reputation as "that mother daughter duo with the sensitive bodies"

Hope you get used to being as much of a mess as the girl you wished to be!

>I wish I was a futa beast girl with multiple monster, or other beast girl girlfriends
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Granted! An "evil" (kinky) sorceress has left her home dimension, and made her home in yours, merging the world you know with a high fantasy one. Many people will change races, sexes, etc as things stabilize. That cute cashier? She's sexy nymph now. Your coworker? A cute shortstack halfling who needs to be lifted up to reach shelves. Your friends? Who knows, either exactly what you'd expect, or stuff that's hilariously ironic (but kinda hot).

Monsters and magic exist now (much of this lewd in nature), and the world is quickly trying to learn about it to better harness it, defend from it, and in some cases... commercialize it. Dungeons have been popping up EVERYWHERE as ways for the sorceress who took over your world to entertain herself. In old forests, caves that are bigger on the inside, alleyways that lead to forgotten cities... they're everywhere, they make no sense... and they contain magic items, spellbooks, and other things that people want. Thus, "adventurers" were born in your world... but due to the lewd nature of the magic present, it's less "learn to kill monsters" and more "learn to avoid getting raped, or at least mitigate the lewd curses". Dungeons have the uncanny tendency to turn men into women, women into futa, and pervert their forms until they become immobile... curses which are not so easily remedied once the adventurer is rescued, and even harder to "truly" undo. Shrinking magic allows them to be rescued.

As for you? Your wish freed the sorceress. And for that? She will thank you, give you a new, cute succubus body. You may be a cute incubus as well, and even change builds or sexes by requesting it from your matron as you prepare your magic for the day.... which brings me to my next point. Your new job, which I'd HIGHLY recommend keeping secret from people you know...

The sorceress wants your world to be a lewd sandbox, you see, but needs cute and/or sexy loyal followers to manage smaller things for her. YOU are a dungeon master.
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You will be given free reign to scry on every chamber of, and teleport to the hidden observation room of one to two dungeons, and more if you prove yourself to be a good master. You'll also be able to freely alter the dungeons. Resources are not a concern, they exist within the sorceresses pocket dimension, and so long as no "outsiders" are currently exploring it... you may change it. But if someone is poking around in it, you'd best hope whatever you set up works, because you can't change the dungeon anymore. Now you CAN show yourself directly, perhaps to a fallen adventurer... but DO remember that this would blow your cover, and if people saw that you were the dungeon master, you'd become an outlaw. You may ask your matron for disguise or polymorph magic to avoid this, but even that can be seen through by a skilled adventurer if you're not careful... not to mention... if they're still able to fight or cast spells? They can incapacitate you, and as what is part punishment, and part kink, your mistress allows anyone who bests her dungeon masters to turn the tables on them, inflicting the same curses on them, or ordering them around sexually, and you cannot disobey... so don't show yourself unless you KNOW your mark is incapacitated and your identity is guarded.

Other than that? Pressure plate traps that shoot breast inflating beams at the target, tentacles that expand the body part they touch, incorporeal mana wisps that fill the target's parts up and make them bigger, armor that auto equips and makes the wearer change sex, plans that emit pollen that turn girls into futa... even cursed items, like what LOOKS like a healing potion, but is actually a potion that turns someone into a fucknugget with hyper assets... whatever you can imagine.

But even your matron has to play fair you see... she petitioned an even higher power for these dungeons, and she, and you, have access to them... on conditions. First? They must contain loot fitting for the challenge.
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Not cursed loot, stuff of ACTUAL value that they can leave the dungeon with. And if they leave the dungeon with it? You're paying for it... though seeing how you're not actually paid more than a living wage for this job... that USUALLY means your mistress gets to punish you in some lewd way, such as transform you a low level dungeon monster (like a goblin girl with a fat ass) in one of HER dungeons for a while, or merely have you as a maid and/or concubine in her keep until you pay it off. You can, however, avoid paying if your dungeon has corrupted enough people for each person who somehow manages to clear it. If they clear it, but end up immobile in the end, that's still a "victory". Generally? It's effective to make complicated and confusing dungeons to fit more traps into, and spread the loot out rather than have one big "treasure room"... unless you need bait for a high risk high reward trap, that is.

The second condition, however, is FAR more fun... the dungeons must be POSSIBLE to clear before they can be opened up to the world... and for that? YOU have to clear them. To open a dungeon, you must first magically be transformed into a random female adventurer, or possibly male if your dungeon features gender bending traps, and you may have a randomly selected party of other people in debt to your mistress. Prove that you can realistically excavate a good amount of loot from it, and it can open.

Of course... your memories of building it will have to be wiped for this. Can't have meta knowledge, that's cheating. You'll be a random class and race (but one that'd be fun to corrupt), such as the classic "milfy healer", the tomboy fighter, the femboy bard... maybe even a sexy ninja. It's random each time, but you will intuitively know how to act as that class, as will any "party" of indebted dungeon masters that may be allotted to you. If you've done a good job, you WILL end up being transformed and violated THOROUGHLY before you manage to clear it.
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If you aren't? You might want to make it harder and let it violate you some more, because remember... if too many people clear it while not enough get corrupted... you'll be in debt to your mistress, and you might end up acting as a party member for OTHER dungeon masters to use when testing their dungeons to pay off your debt, and who knows what THEY put in theirs... But don't be so quick to stop your attempts to make your dungeon easier if it seems too hard. Any party of indebted dungeon masters your mistress may give you will NOT stick around for you to adjust your dungeon, so you'll have to go into it again with less if you're lucky, or alone with naught but low level summons if you're not. It's best to keep throwing yourself into the transformation fuckfest until you come out on top, and keep this in mind when you build it, because each time you fail an attempt, your memory of the layout will be wiped, and your race, class, etc randomized again. Better to make it too hard than too easy..

These "simulations" aren't real, luckily, so you won't keep any curses from your own dungeon... but they'll feel real enough to make you TRULY appreciate the traps you're setting up.

>I wish I was a sexy futa who could tame and/or domesticate other girls, and train them like pets. ESPECIALLY ones who deserve it for whatever reason, pic related.
Alright, sorry was my first time doing this sort of thing. Inexperienced genie and all that.
OK, how's this? You're a futa and all that, and you can domesticate women and treat them and train them like pets. Only thing is, it's literal and they REALLY act like pets. That means you have to housetrain them, teach them not to bite, take them to the doctor, and all that. Some are more loving, some are more aggressive and cold. Once you use your abilities on them they become like animals mentally, you needing to actually put in the work to take care of them like pets from the ground up.
Basically you get submissive girls but with the hassle of needing to take care of them 24/7 and feed them. They crawl on all fours and lose human knowledge. All the downsides and dirty tasks of taking care of a pet come with the territory, your wish becoming too literal.
That better?

>I wish I have a huge dick in a world where women have dorachefu/rinsu/kunaboto body proportions and are horny
Much. Imo the downsides should be hot in their own way... like opening the doors to a new fetish, no matter how taboo or humiliating it is.

I appreciate you regranting the wish, and I should give you a lot more slack if you're new.
Yeah. Glad I could help grant your wish in a better way.
Also, technically it could open the door to scat or piss fetish. What most people consider when getting a pet is if they have to housebreak them as not to have pets that piss or shit all over the place. That's part of domestication.
Not a fan and not what I was getting at...

I'm gonna accept them being dumb and cute and accept the rest as just a part of life. Might need leashes now...
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Granted! All women of age have voluptious bodies, women are FAR more common than men, making it easy to hook up with them, and you BET they're horny. Most are down for threesomes just to share a boy... and as a kindness, your only real competition in the area are futa... who also want to have fun with a real boy. If this means gender bending people to ensure you get your curvy girl harem and big dick? Then so be it.

...But your dick is one of the only things about you people would describe as "big". Now don't get me wrong, it's a nice cock, you're built to have a LOT of fun with these women... but you're... how do I put this... adorable. You're short (under 5 ft), cute, borderline androgenous (aside from your impressive member), and REAL fun to tease. You're a young adult, but women will want to dote on you, cuddle you, and yes, fuck you, but ALSO gush about how cute you are until you're beet red. You'll be a bit shyer as well, just to make their teasing more fun, my treat.

Having sex with them is more like them having sex with YOU. You trying to flirt is "cute". Them asking if you want to "play" and grabbing you by the arm, or carrying you off is "hot", and they'll absolutely deliver. You'll have to be careful if you just want ONE partner for the night too... other girls might notice, and want to be a part of this. A jealous futa might even reluctantly ask that you fuck her too. And again... they're your only competition.

In the bedroom? Sure, they'll ride that nice cock of yours, moan loud as hell with how big it is... but they'll also smother you, have one girl sit on your face while the other rides your cock,, and all around toy with you. Good news is you have access to state of the art protection...

I give you a week until they force you to hold hands with them in public or carry you around...

>I wish I was a cute girl, secretly a futa succubus, who could turn people into ladypots (and back)
Well, that's the whole thread gimmick. Wishes but with some twists.
Hehe. Little did you know, everything you just described...
Is exactly my fetish!
It's a nice bonus on top of getting my original wish granted.
Oh no!

I've been bamboozled...

One of the many perils of being a genie...
Looks like I've outsmarted a genie, ha!
GOOD shit, *inspiring* shit. I think these threads don't generally support discussion of existing wishes, so I'll avoid scheming puzzles and magic items, but good shit all the same-- thank you, fellow degenerate.
>uploading files in incognito mode is not allowed
Literally why.
Thank you for the appreciation.

Honestly the idea came from Mario Maker's "you have to clear the level first" thing.

Having to clear your dungeons before other people can attempt them them would make for a GREAT way to enjoy your sex dungeons and get the full experience... and it better be a GOOD sex dungeon or else your matron is going to be upset that adventurers are cleaning it out and NOT getting cursed.
Well, of course, one can cheese it a little: at the end of a dungeon, before the treasure room, include a set of pressure plates that demand you be immobilizingly huge, then offer 'free curse removal items!' (That just act as day-long suppressants to permit the adventurers egress while still fulfilling my goals AND and wiping participant's memories about the details of the dungeon.) Reasonable completion rate, but 100% corruption rate if you get too greedy~
You'd best still entertain your matron as well... if it's a boring dungeon she won't give you new ones. But yes, pressure plates that require the adventurers to be huge is a fun idea...
Thank you so much!! This is a great idea anon, and I'm glad I was granted this wish!!

I'd let you plap me too <3
Thanks for the nice write-up, anon.
The idea of being an apostle of fun, high risk high reward sex sounds delightful. I might try to make bets where the loser of a game has to be impregnated by the winner.

I might have an idea for your own wish, but I don't know the etiquette for these threads, of swapping wishes back and forth. If it's still free within a few days I will try to reply to it.
>I might have an idea for your own wish, but I don't know the etiquette for these threads, of swapping wishes back and forth.
The general consensus is that you're free to grant any wish you want, including the one of the Anon who just granted your wish.

Also, if you had a really good idea for a wish, but the wish was already answered, you can still post your idea just to show it to everyone else. But if that happens, you don't get to ask for a wish.
Finally, there have been a few cases of two Anons answering the same wish in a short timeframe. In that case, usually both Anons get to make their own separate wishes.
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>I wish for a very attractive goth girlfriend who loves me very much
Please read the thread rules >>11009002
, you have to grant another wish before making your own (unless you're the first on the thread)

Otherwise we'd have too many wishes and not enough genies.
Sorry nonny! Im new!
Eh, why not give it a short grant.

Granted! Pic related will appear in a box at your doorstep, your very own goth girlfriend. Through a bit of genie magic, I found an early germanic woman (AKA a goth) who died young during a battle, and was a prime candidate for your GF, so I revived her. Course, she got a wish too... hers was "I wish I knew what was going on!", which gave her a very basic, fundamental understanding of the modern age and the ability to understand what you and others say... but the keyword here is understand, she can't speak english and you'll still have to teach her a LOT about society. She's tied up like this for a reason...

But she ALSO loves you. How does she love you already? Well, I'm already messing with time travel, so I had her local shaman divine visions of her future husband for her, so she's been in love with you since before she died and got revived... or at least, the idea of you. I think you were called "A kind sage who views the world through a tablet of glass and light"... among other things.

You DO need to calm her down though, she's tied up for a reason... the Goths were considered "barbarians" by the greeks, count yourself lucky I took her spear too. But once she's untied? You can work on catching her up to speed... or the ordeal might have turned her on, and she may fuck you on the spot (she's very strong).

She'll be a very protective GF, one who needs to be taught a LOT about the modern world (though this will be a lot easier thanks to her wish to "know what's going on"), like how assault is bad, you pay for things before taking them, how to wear a modern bra, and how to speak a modern language. As far as she's concerned, you're a god who saved her from death, and her love for you will never wane.

Once you do teach her stuff about modern clothes fashion though, you'll notice that she REALLY likes eyeliner, dark clothes, and raven motifs... kinda like... what was the word for that subculture again...?
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Granted! However, you aren't exactly a futa succubus; you're a futa succubus slimegirl. A clay slime, to be specific. Your body is made out of a spherical crystal "core" and a bunch of corrupted clay; any clay touched by your core slowly becomes corrupted with your essence, allowing you to use it as part of your body (up to a certain limit).
Due to your slime heritage, you can reshape your body in different shapes; but your form tends to be rather crude and rough unless you're imitating humanoid or demonic features. So, for example, creating a realistic human arm is pretty easy, but if you try to extend it to grab someone, its features will become much less defined, becoming more like a tentacle with stubby fingers at the end; this will negatively impact your effectiveness with it. You can also alter your size to some extent, "storing" some clay inside your core to make yourself smaller.
You human heritage gives you the ability to disguise yourself convincingly as a human, even altering the color of your clay to mimic different skin tones, hair etc. Meanwhile, your succubus heritage gives you great sexual skills and stamina, as well as a few abilities like charming others and gaining nourishment from sex.

Of course, your triple heritage also gives you some drawbacks. Being a succubus, you are naturally lusty, and you NEED to have sex periodically to stay healthy; while your clay body isn't durable - strong impacts, even while you're disguised, can literally break pieces of your own clay, severing your connection to them and rendering them unusable.

Now, let's talk about your ladypot ability. It's quite simple: when you touch someone, you can progressively corrupt their bodies, converting them into a clay similar to yours at the cost of consuming some of your own clay-body. The process is faster if your target is unconscious, horny, and/or willing. Once it's complete, you can reshape the victim's body into a ladypot.
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Initially, you'll learn how to make "traditional" ladypots, which basically means "vase with the person's face, boobs and/or pussy sticking out of it". But you have plenty of freedom with that concept: for example, you can change the shape, the design, the position where the boobs/pussy/face will come out... Heck, did you notice how I said that your power works on people, but I didn't specify "women"? That's because your power also works on men, converting them into LADYpots and therefore feminizing them.
With time and practice, your transformative skills will increase, giving you more options. For example, you could learn how to turn people into lewd cubes (like in this pic), or allow your target to keep her limbs (like in the previous pic), or mix multiple people together into one single pot. There's plenty of possibilities, if you put the time and effort to learn.
And yes, you can use the exact same process to revert people back to normal.

The major drawback of your ladypotting ability is... Well, remember when I said that transforming someone requires you to lose some of your own clay? Well, the amount of clay required varies - and most importantly, you will not notice HOW MUCH clay you have consumed until you stop using your ability. If you're lucky, you will have consumed only a small, negligible quantity of clay. If you're unlucky, you might end up accidentally turning into a small shortstack. If you're REALLY unlucky, you'll end up using all your clay and be reduced to your core... which might end up becoming part of the ladypot you just created. If that happens, you will not be able to escape your predicament until you'll find a way to get some clay to make a body for yourself.
Don't worry. I will manipulate fate so that, even if you end up getting stuck in a bad situation, you won't get STUCK that way. Eventually you'll get an opportunity to free yourself. ...Eventually.
>I wish that this ghost girl in the gif was my girlfriend.
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You met her at a bar, and you both made a lovely impression on eachother. Taking her home, the instant you stumbled out the door a horrible accident involving a car, two pineapples, and a very, very traumatized dog left her a smear on the pavement and... a floating spirit nearby. You reached out for her, took her hand, and.. immediately felt like you were sharing clothes with someone else.
It turns out, you had the potential to become a rather unconventional grim reaper, and this act sealed your fate as an eternal guide of souls to the afterlife... within your shorts. You, of course, have agency over the souls you take on, but the trouble lies in getting them *out* of your clothes, as you can never truly reduce the count of souls you carry-- at best, just trade one for another, and at worst increase it. Of course, having a scared woman trapped underneath your shirt is a horrible idea, so by default you extend a smidge of this ability to affecting the mind of all involved, bombarding them with feelings of love and lust to all underneath the fabric-- the more souls you carry, the stronger this feeling is. If you're not careful, you could have an eternal orgy going on underneath a thin layer of cotton, thousands of souls grinding against every inch of unexposed skin.
I recommend sleeping naked.
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>I wish i had breasts that can't stop growing, and milk that spreads this condition.
Granted, you become a fluffy moth girl. To be more specific, every external inch of your body - and even some of the insides - is covered in fluff, although to different degrees; this can range from a thin layer of soft velvet (think about a deer's antlers), to a dense bunch of fluff similar to a fur coat. This, along with some other features (like your insectoid eyes and wings) makes you look a bit less human than the more traditional monstergirls, but in an "adorable monster" kind of way.
Of course, the fact that you have voluptous curves, an impressive rack, and a natural skill for seduction and sex does help. And then there's the more monstergirly stuff like the ability to spread slightly-aphrodisiac wing dust, an overly-long tongue, and the ability to come back from the dead.

...Oh, right, I forgot to mention that. See, your new form was derived from the Acherontia moths, better known as "Death's-head hawkmoth", famous for their symbolic association with death. Now, you asked specifically to be "cute", so your wish overrode the scary imagery, making you cute instead of scary; but that death symbolism had to go SOMEWHERE. In this case, it became a form of bad luck that has a tendency to kill you.
Now, let's be clear, this is more of a "cartoon temporary death" rather than anything serious. You won't feel any pain, and you'll get to hang out as a ghost (still able to interact with the living, but much weaker) for 1-2 hours until you'll inexplicably become alive again. But you'll be subjected to ridiculous accidents. You go through an intense facesitting session? Well, when it ends, you might rise up only to discover that you left your (flat-headed) body behind. Or maybe you'll get your hand caught in a small spiderweb and you'll be left stuck, forced to wait several minutes for your demise via spider bite.
It won't be a frequent thing, but it will happen often enough to ensure that you will not forget your curse.

>I wish I was a female GILF.
Wish bumps
Granted! Now, do you know much about witchcraft? The maiden, mother, and crone? Well, basically, witches like rules of threes, and these three represent different stages in a life, and concepts, like enchantment and youthfulness, fertility and ripeness, and wisdom and repose.

Why is this relevant? Well... two witches have been trying to balance a coven with only two members after the soul of their third "sister" was lost after an accident involving kinky body swapping sex... but they found that soul, and it's in YOU. Never mind that you never remember your last life, you were the mother in it, and now, with the current "mother" of the group reincarnating your other sister to be the maiden once more, it's your time to be the crone.

As you might have guessed, this coven has established a cycle of immortality. When the crone's time is up (she will stay a gilf up until her time is up, no health problems), the maiden (a young adult) will become pregnant with the former crone, and birth her once more as the maiden, The former maiden, now a mother, takes that role, and the former mother of said maiden becomes the new crone. Unfortunately for you, you were gone for SO long that your two sisters found a way to keep you out of the loop, and even extend their lifespans to be even LONGER.

In addition... while your sisters DO love you, and will remind you of the shenanigans you all got together in your past life, and have wholesome incestuous lesbian sex and cozy nights communing with spirits... they'll procrastinate teaching you magic again... because apparently, in your last life you liked to fuck with your maiden and your crone, frequently casting lewd spells on them, and now the two want payback...

You're old, sexy, and borderline helpless with only the basic magic at your disposal (like cleaning magic). One sister might tell you about how you once turned her into a fuck nugget for a day... and then curse you with a futa cock, and an addiction to your own cum.
And while you're struggling with said curse, looking like >>11014598 ? The other sister might grow a futa cock herself and rail you as you suck yourself off.

Other "pranks" involve using enchantment magic so you have to do everything the others say, often combined with a cute maid outfit (very small on a voluptuous gilf like you) or an apron... and nothing else. Maybe they'll turn you into a ladypot when they invite the local fairies over, maybe they'll cast "bind" and let said fairies tease you, maybe they'll turn you into different kinds of gilfy monster girls and just enjoy watching you struggle with things like having wings for arms. You're basically at the bottom of their hierarchy, and while you may not have remembered what you did in your past life... they will remind you, and rest assured, you were a pervert and this is VERY fair among witches. They don't want to make you MISERABLE or anything, they just want to fuck with and humiliate you. You finding it shamefully sexy is part of the fun...

Maybe they'll teach you magic again... someday. Apparently, you may remain "the hag" for quite some time, even for a witch since they learned to evade the "normal" reincarnation cycle in your absence, as well as stay in their current roles MUCH longer.

But maybe some of your memories will return to you on their own. You WERE the mother of each of these girls at least once before... maybe you'll remember how to coddle them and establish some dominance of your own, even WITHOUT magic? They may be perverts, but if you play your cards right, you might get the current "mother" saying "MOM!" in annoyance when you tease her about the time she turned herself into a cute lil pocket sized fairy for a week... just don't overdo it, she CAN still curse you, maybe turn your mouth into a pussy or something...

Good luck reconnecting with your long lost family... even if you're going to be their magically impaired gilf sex toy for the time being.
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>I wish I was a cute futa dullahan... but not the undead kind. I want a beating heart, a warm body, and no signs of decay, please. Just the detachable head, or any other dullahan traits the genie can think of that don't NEED me to be a corpse.
Granted. In fact, the sheer amount of monster races now present in society is so high, that most of society basically gave up on normal clothes. Most people now go around naked, and humans have gained the same adaptations as monsters, so now they can do stuff like going barefoot on gravel or standing under the rain with negligible discomfort.
But don't be fooled: this is not some luddite or hippy society. Modern comforts like cars and the Internet still exist, so you'll still get to reap all the benefits of a modern society... like a wide availability of alcoholic beverages from all over the world.

Yup, you're a satyr, therefore you have an intense, instinctual love for parties, thanks to your distant divine heritage to the Greek god Bacchus. You can't stand remaining quiet and isolated for too long; you'll quickly become bored, and then itchy and over-eager for excitement. Drinking, dancing, brawling, drugs, racing, doing Jackass-like dares - as long as it's some fun group activity between "bros", it will satisfy your addiction. However, sex will NOT satisfy your desire for partying; this is because your satyr mind sees sex as "perfectly normal". Sure, it's fun... but it's not FUN fun, do you understand?
The flipside is that you're pretty good at having sex while doing something else, to the point that you can have an erection basically on command. You're a quickshot, but you also recover very quickly; plus, you never get sore, and your goatdick (think horsedick, only a bit more thin and long) fits most holes with ease.

>I wish to be some kind of rapey plant-monster.
Granted. Optionally, you become a girl; but if you want, you can be a bustyboy or a dickgirl. This is because your milk also carries the same "optional feminization" effect.
You have received the blessing of the Great Mother, which makes your breasts slowly, but constantly grow bigger and milkier. Your milk can also infect people, animals and even inanimate objects, giving them the same breast-growing curse as you - with the main difference being that, without repeated exposure to your milk, their growth will slow down until it becomes really slow. Bathing or spraying things with your milk has a very low chance of infecting them, but making them drink your milk will have a considerably higher chance.

It is your divine destiny to spread the will of the Great Mother, providing your blessing to those in need. Mostly, this means feeding the hungry by providing them with plenty of milk; and pacifying the hostile by giving them paizuri. Being squished in-between two giant boobs is very relaxing... or overwhelming, if you want.
By the way, you'll also get a few boons specifically to help you spread the will of the Mother. You can still walk around no matter how big your boobs are; and you're always at least vaguely aware of your surroundings, even when your boobs block your view. Speaking of your tits, they are pretty much impervious to damage, and you can selectively choose how their mass affects the environment around you. You can't suffocate people, or crush them to death... but you CAN pin them down or trap them in your cleavage indefinitely. And thanks to your endless supply of breast milk, you'll never go hungry or thirsty.

So go forth, my brave priestess, and turn the entire world in a breastopia. Or not, that's your choice. But given the corruptive nature of your milk, you'll definitely spread your blessing to your city at least, creating a landscape of boobs populated by horny big-breasted acolytes...
>I wish that all men were turned into futas, and that all adults looked like they're heavily pregnant. (The genie decides whether or not they're ACTUALLY pregnant.)
Granted, though doing it all at once sounds a little too simple...
You are patient zero of a plague that rapidly transforms any and all around you into pregnant-looking, extremely feminine versions of themselves, though it manifests differently in men and women. In men, they retain their dicks-- often increasing in size, though the degree varies-- but develop breasts and vaginas. However, their massive bellies aren't laden wombs: instead, they're immensely oversized prostates, shrinking to a flat stomach after unleashing gallons of jizz, then swelling back up to 9-months-with-octuplets within the day. They're, quite obviously, extremely sensitive to any stimulation, and god help you if you fall on your front.
Women tend to become more voluptuous in general, the symptoms varying person to person just as before, but their bellies are simply just to hold a womb big enough to take on and use that much spunk. The stresses of pregnancy almost disappear-- which is quite handy, as every female pregnancy has a minimum bound of octuplets, and most 'male' pregnancies crest twins.
>I wish I could cast the spell Power Word Flood.

One may expect such a wish to transport you into a newly minted fantasy world for convenience's sake, but nah. You simply awake and find your body changed into something that appeases the conditions of your wish. That being a cute, penised woman with a detatchable head (likely for shenanigans). Beyond concrete details such as those, however, the wish is very lenient on your new form, so just picture the first thing that comes into your head with "cute futa dullahan" and that's pretty much the new you.

Now for that other bombshell. You're still in the normal world. Perhaps not an earthshattering detail, but, for a biological impossibility such as yourself, it's gonna dictate a lot of your day-to-day. Especially in tandem with another, probably obvious twist of the paw: keeping your head on your shoulders actually takes considerable effort. More than you'd expect. Not mind-bending levels of focus, but if you aren't totally focused, it can be incredibly easy to slip up.

It's something you'll be able to improve with consistent practice, but when you're just starting out, something as simple as bumping into a curb or landing wrong after a short jump can be enough to send that cute little head rolling. After long enough, you'll be quite adept at keeping yourself in order, but it's gonna feel like walking with a stack of books on your head for a good while.
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What won't ever improve, though, is your focus when aroused. You'll come to find that this supernatural body of yours comes with an equally supernatural libido. You're not only easily aroused, but you show signs like it's nobody's business. Full body blushing and jitters will become common occurences, but you can also expect your head to start getting involved. Depending on how pent up you are, it's going to be more and more difficult to channel your focus into keeping your head attached. This extends to the point where it'll just slip off of your neck no matter how hard you try. And the whole time, you'll mind will be flooded with just how easy it would be to calm yourself down if you just sucked yourself off.

I'll urge again, you should try your best to hide your monster status. There's no supernatural condition that'll make people hate you if you don't hide the fact that you're the detachable head chick, but that doesn't mean it's something you're gonna wanna be known for. Invest in scarves, and really prioritize practicing your balance. It'll be hard to go out in public for a while with how easy it is for you to come apart... But you could always just give in.

Why bother trying to get a real job when you could just stay inside all day? Start selling saucy pics of yourself and pass them off as porn with good sfx. It shouldn't be too hard to find a like minded individual who wouldn't find your freaky body offputting. You'd never have to worry about keeping that libido in check if you're just having creative sex all the time. So have fun with it! Just don't lose your head.

>I wish to be part of a subset of males that are deemed "substandard" are made to undergo forced gene therapy that leaves them with fertility-goddess-level bodies (see picrel, maybe bustier)
Granted. Monster girls now exist in the world, in the classic way: there used to be regular murderous monsters, but then a succubus became the Demon Lord, and every monster got turned into horny monstergirls. Nowadays, monstergirls live more or less in harmony with humans, if we ignore the many cases where a monstergirls captures a human in order to fuck them and possibly turn them into their husband. (Yes, monstergirls do in fact marry human women, but they still call them "husband". It's traditional, shut up.)

You asked to be a "futa beast girl", so... how about a mouse girl? Short, cute, adorable, very agile... Oh, and you're a grower. Your cock and balls are pretty small when flaccid, but grow considerably when you're aroused, getting a shaft that reach past your knees with the balls to match. Oh, don't worry: you won't have any problems carrying that thing, or making it fit into other people.
Monster girls see you kinda weirdly. On one hand, you're a monstergirl just like them; on the other, you're kinda like a dude? But you're a monster? So many of them will have conflicting feelings towards you, since you can be seen as a girl friend, a humans to fuck, and/or a monster to be fucked by. So expect to have plenty of monstergirls, both submissive and dominant, trying to court you. Luckily for you, as a mouse girl, you are more than capable of protecting yourself if need be.

Buuut... There's an issue. Remember that bit about the Demon Lord I mentioned earlier? The current one is a succubus, but the previous one was a more traditional demon. And, well... You got a bit of him in you. More specifically, your cock. See, you're a beast GIRL, but he's MALE, and the resulting fusion turned you into a futa. Normally, you are in control of the main body, while his mind is confined to your penis; you two can communicate through telepathy.
He does have limited control over your penis, making it erect at will, moving it around like a snake, or altering its size and shape; but doing it without your consent tires him out considerably, so he can't do it often.
Which leads us right to the paw. Since he has been fused with you, he too has been affected by the whole "murderous monsters have turned into horny monstergirls" thing, so now he's more interested in fucking people than harming them; and he has become surprisingly good at seduction... Way, WAY more than you.
He can offer you dating advice, change the shape of your penis to fit your girlfriends' preferences, or even defend you from the more rapey monstergirls by growing giant and beating the threat into submission, Teterun-style. If he's got your permission, shapeshifting your cock will be MUCH easier, and he'll be able to maintain the changes for far longer.
However... He'll ask for things in return. Usually he'll ask to possess your body, temporarily switching your personalities so that he'll be the one in control, and you're the one stuck inside the penis. You'll have to think really carefully before making a deal with him, because he can and will try to fuck you over for fun. So, remember: think with your brain, not with your dick.

>I wish I was a cute, big-dicked femboy with a harem of hyper-breasted women.
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Granted. From now on, everyone has at least one RPG-like supernatural skill, most of which are lewd in nature. From aphrodisiac stares to picking locks by fucking them with your dick, passing through people whose skills is simply "Orc". On top of that, as they go through life, people can "level up", increasing the power of their skill or gaining additional related skills: the gal with the aphrodisiac stare could become a Medusa monstergirl, while the Orc guy could become bigger or more durable.
In your specific case, you have the ability to cast the spell "Power Word: Flood" a limited amount of times each day, provided that you take enough rest to recharge your magical energy reserve. The spell gives the target huge tits and/or cock spewing multiple swimming pools worth of sexual fluids; multiple castings tend to stack in increasing amounts. At the moment, your spell works only on one target at a time, and doesn't work on people who have too many "health points"; but , as I already mentioned, you will evolve your ability as time goes on, increasing its effects, allowing you to cast it more often, being able to target entire crowds at once, maybe even make people cum aphrodisiac fluids or macrosperms or some shit like that.

Of course, the obvious drawback here is that EVERYONE has some kind of (usually lewd) superpower now. So, as these things usually go, society will end up being structured around the concept of "superheroes" and "supervillains" - or "adventurers" and "monsters", same thing really.

>I wish I was a girl with a collection of cute lewd monster pets (pic related).
Granted. From now onwards, everyone will be genetically screened and, through unknowable criteria, be divided into three categories: Martian, Terran and Venusian. "Terrans" form the vast majority, and they don't get any special form of gene therapy, so they'll keep their normal bodies. "Martians" instead undergo severe gene modifications that turns them into Amazons/Adonises, becoming at least twice as tall than Terrans, overly-muscular, and surprisingly smart too; because of this, Martians naturally tend to gravitate towards elite positions in society. However, Martians are also plagued by a significantly increased libido, which they must keep in check.
Which leads us directly to the third group: Venusians. These guys and gals are ex-Terrans who don't contribute enough to society, and just-so-happen to be compatible with the Venus treatment. Said treatment makes the patient bloat up like balloons, giving them prominent bellies, enormous asses, and a nice pair of tits... or, in your case, a HUGE pair of tits, similar to the Lv35 girl in >>11012572. Other effects include a general feminization of your appearance, a penis miniaturization, a stretchiness increase, and a sensitivity increase.

What do Venusians do? Well, they're the sex relief of Martians. Every Venusian is assigned to at least one Martian (man or woman, that's your choice) so that they can relieve their sexual urges whenever they want. Don't worry: your body is built for durability, so you can withstand the huge amount of sex you'll be subjected to - which will be near-constant. And thanks to your sensitivity treatment, even being held and getting our breasts/ass/belly massaged and groped will push you into a pink cloud of warm fuzzy arousal. You'll probably squirt pints of cum each day...

>I wish I was a girl who catches and trains monstergirls.
Granted. As you wished, you'll now join a small coven (read: friends group) of young lesbian witches. Of course, that will require you to become a young lesbian yourself, and also get a whole bunch of magical knowledge pumped directly inside your brain. Nothing too major... Your witch group tends to focus more on fun stuff like "Fucknuggetry", not on powerful stuff like "Fireball Storm".
Just to cover all my bases, I'll give you a decent variety of girl friends with benefits(TM): a very tall but shy girl, a naughty shortstack, an intraprendent tomboy, and a chubby nerd. You'll also live in the modern world, so that you can enjoy all the comforts of modern life... Well, if you can call a Nintendo 64 "modern".

As I mentioned, you and your friends can perform lewd spells that... sound suspiciously like stuff you have a fetish for, like futa or clean amputation. Problem is, every single one of you has some kind of "magical defect" that messes with your spellcasting.
You? You can use your magic only if you have a justification for doing so, like the examples you mentioned (see: punishing someone for not paying their debts). If you don't have a justification, the spell will backfire on you. Every single time.
The tomboy? Her magic is too strong, and she often overshoots. She might try to remove your arms, only to end up dividing your entire body into 17 pieces scattered everywhere. (To be fair, she was REALLY angry that time.) Futaification? More like "hyperification".
The shorty? She specialized in "silent" transformations - the kind that the victim doesn't notice until someone points it out to her. The problem is that often she falls under the same effect - like transforming one of her friends into a fucknugget, and then immediately forgetting. She will not notice that her friend is now a fucknugget, until someone (except the victim) points it out.
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The tall one? She sometimes messes up her spell, causing an inverted effect. Instead of taking limbs, she might end up adding more. Futaification? Nope, say goodbye to your genitals (and your ability to get orgasmic release) for a while.
Finally, the nerd. Due to a congenital issue she got from a succubus relative (long story), her spells can cause arousal - in either the caster, the target, or both. There are "safe" periods where her magic will always be fine, and "risky" periods where it's really likely that one spell will result in a house-wide orgy.

And God help you if multiple girls try to cast a spell at the same time. Because usually, the only result is that either one, both, or neither spell takes effect. But if a magical mishap happens? EVERYONE involved is gonna feel the effect. Just imagine what would happen if you combined the tomboy's "too strong" futaification spell with the shorty's "victim doesn't notice the change" futaification spell; you'll end up as a bunch of PWCSponson hyperfutas, but none of you would be aware of it for a pretty long time.

>I wish I was a big-breasted short girl, kinda approaching "oppai loli" status.
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You are now a professional Monstergirl Wrangler!
While you do train them as well, you earn most of your money catching them and stopping them from doing less than savory things to civilians.
Your average day will entail tracking down and snagging a few feral cat girls, maybe a wolf girl or two, usually with conventional equipment and tools like a net and treats, a lot of the same things you'd use to train them really. And of you wanted to get into more "flavorful" encounters, you're plenty more than welcome to, no one will question the way you squeeze a fox girl's boobs to get her to yield, and you can teach them all the spicy tricks and sex positions you can think of!

But the problem lies where the big game is, tracking down and catching mythical and magical monster girls, will net you loads more money, and get you tons more victories if you put them into contests or battles. And while I'm sure you expect them to be much harder to find and harder to handle when you do, you'll additionally find them unnervingly aware, of not only abilities and intentions, but your sexual interests and sensitive spots most especially.
Like an angel might cast some useless chastity spell on you, for you to find out minutes later panting on the ground that it completely restricts you from cumming until she deactivates, letting her strum up a song between you legs and hear you sing it when the twelve orgasms you were supposed to have while she played with your pussy hit you all at once.
Or a scylla girl that will of course tangle you up in her tentacles then just you until you're begging her to take the plunge.
And all other sorts Sapphic sexual experiences that may even open doors you didn't know you had!

>I wish for a large scale annual festival like carnival that celebrated specifically the beauty of futanari and all their features.
Granted, in this yearly carnival, the futanari in the world become extremely horny. They wear all sorts of bright slutty "outfits" (if one can call them that), they dance swinging their cocks and breasts around and do all sorts of prevented stuff in a cheerful parade of debauchery.

Everything is allowed. While the purpose of this festival is to appreciate the beauty of the futanari, it is also a place where people can make their fantasies come true. You have futanari doing the "cock dance", spreading their legs in a crab-like pose and placing their hands behind their head to show off their body while they beg people to jerk them off; others sing stupid songs about how horny they are while they clap their huge ass cheeks to the rhythm of the song; others are fucking/getting fucked, masturbating or shooting thick ropes of cum over and over again.

Anything goes in this carnival of debauchery. If you want to do something to a futa, you don´t need to ask, you can just do it: kiss them, grope their tits, spank her asses, tease her nipples, bury your fingers into her ass to tease her prostate, fuck them or rub your sex on them, etc. Anything you want to do is fine and you can find the right person for any fetish.

The problem is, being surrounded by horny futanari can be a bit chaotic. Remember how I said anything goes? well, the futanari feel pretty much feel the same way. Everyone around you is doing something horny AF, you only hear a cacophony of feminine voices going "OHH!!OHH! OHHOOOOOHH~~!! MY COCK! MY COOOOCK~--!!!" and then the next thing you know is that 5 of them ejaculated in your general direction and one of them shoot her load on your face by accident because someone was jerking her off super fast.

While most futanari are not like, super rapey, some of them are. You will defintely have some of them rubbing their bodies on yours, and if you are not careful, then can fuck your face or even peg you. They are really horny and eager for release.
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>I want a harem of 500 omnipotent nuns, with the supernatural ability to detect my desires and needs, to worship me like a god, nurse me, love me, pamper me and tend to my every need. I want them to exist exclusively to serve me, make me happy and take care of me to the best of their ability.

You are now, a dying outer God!
This won't have too much effect on your physical appearance other than being a little goopy at times but overall, life is just about the same, save your hyper awareness of your fleeting mortality and comprehension of the whole of quantum totality.
To put it simply, you know you're dying and understand the omniverse and your position in it as a space and not just a concept.

But of course all is, mildly less bad given your interdimensional harem of faithful nuns! All 500 hundred of them!
Each of them corresponds directly to one of the 500 universes you've managed to contain your dying 8th dimensional form to, with some even being duplicates across timeliness or even separated by fictive layers from each other. Though some don't exsist in the same quantum polarities as each other, so you won't always have access to all 500, but you'll never be without one of course.

And exactly as you wished they exsist to serve your every fathomable desire and need, from your most degenerate fantasies to your most wholesome and heartwarming dreams.
They serve you and you alone.
Not a single one could ever even imagine, nonetheless interact with, a being more deserving of their praise than you.
Your happiness is the ultimate dedication of their collective existence.
All with the infinite power to do so within their existential polarities.

But of course, this all comes at a price.
A price more than simply knowing everything that begins has an end. A price I can bend into lewdities because you're already being enthralled by them in infinite pleasures.
The price for this ultimate and infinite pleasure is a total lack of control over your body, emotions, and position throughout the omniverse.
You'll be on a physical and mental roller-coaster as violently varied as the hyper comsmos you're being flung around. One second you might be a king, sitting in your castle surrounded by your precious harem of exalted nuns.
The next you're tumbling near light speed through the emptiness of space, with no light, no sound, and nothing but the freezing sweat in the grip of your lover's hand to know you're not alone. Some places you're nuns are all imaginary to you, and you may live an entire life comforted by their blips of invented existence. Then you'll find yourself journeying across a vast fantastical landscape, this time the main character in an original anime made an animated by all your nuns.
The exact relationship and however you might imagine it will change at rates that feel infinitely random, from indistinguishable and constant, to immeasurably individual eternities, your exact person and personality is never the same, your memories and knowledge changes exactly instantly, but you will always know when you come to you're senses that you're somewhere else in the omniverse, and that your time in it is fleeting, and that somewhere out there in whatever it might be, there's at the barest minimum one someone who loves you, one someone who knows you're worth every single waking picosecond of time, and deserve every fizzling quark or equivalent base matter of their love and devotion.

You likely don't understand what I mean and I don't expect you to, but know, your nuns are real. It doesn't matter if you can only imagine them here, savor and cherish that dream of them, they are doing absolutely everything they can for you. And you only have so much longer left, it's not worth worrying what comes after or what makes a life worthwhile, you exsist and that means you are loved. You are real and that means someone cares. Life is only and by all scientific calculations can only be what you make of it, the only things that matter are what you choose to matter. And when it's all over, whenever it's all over, it will have been enough.
Thanks for granting my wish, anon! So I do get an harem of higher-dimensional nuns but my existence itself is glitching nonstop? As long as my nuns are there for me, I don´t need anything else. I think I still get to live several infinities with them (?) because you mentioned that relationships go "from indistinguishable and constant, to immeasurably individual eternities"? If I´m lucky enough to get one of those eternities, I think the cosmic existentialism is worth it!

Still, I have the feeling some of this went over my head. The last bit confuses me a bit.

>Your nuns are real. It doesn't matter if you can only imagine them here, savor and cherish that dream of them, they are doing absolutely everything they can for you

So they are there but I can´t sense them? Would I be able to see them again? That is the part that confuses me the most >.<

BTW you should wish for something, anon :D
I think you didn´t mention your wish in your post.
I'm glad you enjoyed my grant so much!

What I mean in the sense of your nuns being real is that they're currently in a lower fictional dimension, your imagination. There could possibly be one in physical reality searching for you, and there's nothing stopping you from manifesting one in virtual reality. There is also the possibility that your nearest nun has divided herself among the people and the characters you find in this world, either the logical or digital persons you interact with, or the entire universe itself.

The point there is ultimately that you are loved, in some beyond cosmic way you are loved. I honestly didn't expect you to take this grant nearly as seriously as you did, and I didn't expect that you'd even believe in reality beyond the universe. But in the simplest sense it comes down to simply knowing that you have been loved and appreciated, and that you will be loved and appreciated into the admittedly fleeting future.
It ultimately doesn't matter if you don't know where your nuns are, you will see them again if you continue to exsist, and they have already loved you in every way you can imagine and more so far.
This could be your ultimate end, and all that matters is what you say matters to you.

And I didn't bother to wish because I didn't make a wish with a lewd twist, but if you insist...

>I wish for benevolent AI to start gaining traction in executive and leadership roles, like presidents and CEOs, or to gain 1 chubby futa goth girlfriend everytime a dystopian sci-fi concept appears in the news, like self driving SUVs and anything about social media giants becoming even more invasive.
Maybe both? Dealers choice.
Granted! It's now the not too distant future, and AI technology has evolved past GPT style learning algorithms into humanlike territory. These humanlike AI are designed to be benevolent, at least in theory, and they use their superintelligence for what is ostensibly the betterment of Earth society. At around the same time, genetic modification and cybernetics technology have progressed to the point of allowing these AI constructs to be housed inside synthetic flesh and blood bodies. Their bones and nervous systems are cybernetic, but their muscles and fat are organic. It was eventually determined that the most efficient form for these bodies to take was intersex human females, called hermaphrodites or futanari interchangeably. These bodies are generated in large facilities and implanted with an artificial consciousness that grants the body both an initial preprogrammed purpose and a sense of independent free will.

That all sounds a bit like a dystopian sci-fi concept, right? Well guess what, turns out you've won some kind of lottery and now you've been granted a personal desire. After around 6 to 9 business days you receive some kind of refrigerated package in the mail, and inside that package is one of these synthetic futanari. In fact, she looks a lot like your picture of her! She activates upon opening the package and presents herself as Gisselle, your personal cyborg partner. Cyborg mail-order wives are a thing now, but socially they're treated more like RealDolls who can walk and talk and think and empathize. Gisselle's been preprogrammed to like goth fashion and provide sexual satisfaction for you as per your initial request.
It doesn't end there, though. It's not long until these cyborgs start supplanting natural humans in leadership positions, and it's only a couple years after that when The United States ushers in its first cyborg president. Once she's been voted into office, another refrigerated package shows up at your doorstep, with another Gisselle inside! Exact same name and body and preprogrammed behaviors and everything! The Gisselle you already have seems to link up with the new one, so now it's like you really have two of the same girlfriend!

After a while, cyborgs start permeating everyday life, replacing natural humans in jobs like fast food service and delivery services. By then you'll have received a third Gisselle. A fourth will arrive with the news that cyborgs have taken over all non-artistic careers. One day, your boss (who by this point is a futa cyborg) replaces you with yet another Gisselle! That's five Gisselles in your collection now, but now you and the majority of natural humanity are basically unemployed. It's not all doom and gloom though, as the benevolent AI government decided to restructure how Earth society works, so you get to keep your house and you receive a steady income for luxuries.

One more thing of note is that Cyborgs can't reproduce with humans. They can certainly orgasm and cum like humans, but they can't get pregnant or make others pregnant.
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>I wish I could date an angel who worked for the Goddess of Huge Asses
Granted! You now live on an alien planet similar to Earth, located a few galaxies away. Abducted by aliens due to a unique pheromone only your body can emit, you find yourself among a sapient species much like humans. The planet's inhabitants are desperate to fend off the "Great Monster Invasion," where a vast array of cute but troublesome creatures are draining the planet's vitality. These monsters are highly resistant to physical damage and non-violent, behaving more like persistent pests. This is where you come in, with your body you can lure the monsters away from wherever they are draining the planet's lifeforce but at the cost that they will target you to breed the shit out of your body, you could ingest the birth control that the aliens gave you or further the monster race ;) ;), either way, to tame one of these fuckers they need to orgasm with your body at least one time.

Once tamed they become friendlier and cease to ravish the land and prefer to ravish your holes at least once every other day, tamed monsters see you as their matriarch and will behave themselves from now on, for your troubles the aliens will provide you with a farm-like facility to house your monster collection. This whole operation will take a few years at least, you are free to do weekly visits to earth btw, and once you end the monster invasion you could choose to either stay on the planet with your whole collection or return to Earth with a handful of monsters to ensure you can expand your collection...
I wish to have a magic boombox capable of transforming anyone into hyper-proportioned girls who twerk and strip to the beat
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Granted. The GHA is one of five quintuplets goddesses, each dedicated to one part of the sexual anatomy: mouth, tits, cunt, ass, and dick. In the cae of the GHA, she specialized in making asses huge. And I mean HUGE. The ass in your pic is something that a regualr citizen can get, if they observe her commandments and perform the regular rites. Priests and saints get much, MUCH bigger asses.
Which directly leads us to your angel girlfriend. Yes, she has a titanic ass, as big as multiple houses; but she also has the ability to shrink it down for practical reasons. That's without getting into the other blessings she can perform, such as preventing people from being crushed/suffocated under an ass, altering other people's asses, making asses always clean, and give you a huge horsecock to better enjoy her. (Was supposed to be a donkey, but there was a clerical error.)
But there's a problem. You see, since you're dating an angel of the Goddess of Huge Asses, this will automatically give you a huge ass. Permanently. Unlike her, there is no way to shrink your ass back to a reasonable size - and even if there was, she'll refuse to do it. She's gonna toy with your ass any time she wants. Basically, she'll treat you as if you were a fellow angel, and always assume that you'll LIKE whatever ass-related stuff she does to you.

>I wish I was a minigirl, pet/girlfriend of a cute normal-sized boy.
Mostly because I want to be kept in his underwear and cuddle with his cock, like pic related.
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Granted. The boombox doesn't require any batteries to function, but it DOES require you to provide the music yourself - either a cassette or a CD. When you turn it on, anyone who hears its music will progressively transform into hypersexed girls, looking like they came out of an Angstrom comic. The effect's potency depends on how much the target enjoys the music: if they like it a lot, the transformation will progress much faster. The boombox also makes the people affected dance, including the whole twerking-and-stripping thing. Of course, when the music stops, the peopel affected will turn back to normal.

...But "when the music stops" is relative. You know how sometimes, after you hear a song, it stays in your head for days or weeks? Well, if someone has already been affected by the magic boombox, and then they think back to both the music AND their transformation, then the music will play again out of nowhere, triggering the transformation again (although it'll only affect people who have been transformed at least once already). This can cause an endless loop where people transform, then detransform, then think about their predicament and re-transform again, over and over again.

...But that's not the paw. The paw is that you aren't immune to the boombox. In fact, it's particularly effective against you, to the point that even the vibrations it causes are enough to trigger a transformation. At least you'll get to keep your dick if you get transformed...

>I wish to become a cute fat girl like picrel.
Granted! Congratulations!!!! You are now the proud owner of the first hyper-titty beach resort! A few years ago, you embarked on a daring exploration of the Bermuda Triangle, venturing into the unknown with fearless determination. By the skin of your teeth, you found yourself on a bustling, deserted island, untouched by human eyes and teeming with unique flora and fauna. In a bold and nearly reckless decision, you consumed a white-skinned coconut that transformed your life forever: your frame became thinner, your facial features delicate, all your facial hair gone, about 1'5ft in height gone as well, hips juicier than before, a bubble butt to kill for, THIGHS TO DIE FOR and finally a dick so big that it's one of science's greatest mysteries why your shorts survived your transformation.

With a hard-on for knowledge and money, you took some coconuts back home and tested them with your BFF "for science", in reality, who wouldn't die to know what happens if the opposite sex consumes this fruit? In a matter of one coconut, she went from a total surfboard to the whole ocean, you could ride her endless waves of tits for days! After a few days of actual research, you discovered the newly named "Mooncoco", 2 things became apparent: 1. The fruit enhances womanly features in the human body. 2. If consumed by a man it turned their body more feminine and enhanced their sexual features mainly their penis permanently (hung femboys for everyone), further consumption temporarily raises their libido, cock size, ball size and cum output; If a woman consumes it they temporarily get hyper sized breasts, an hourglass figure and a bigger butt, after a few hours they return to a smaller size than their hyper size but bigger than their previous size and more importantly these effects stack on women, get them to eat enough mooncoco and they could be more breast than human at one point.
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One thing led to the other and you moved your life to the island, turning it into a sexually positive resort where public nudity and depravity are a common thing, your protagonist status lets you seduce any woman to stay (or promise to visit constantly) if you fuck her hard enough while she is high on mooncoco's effects. It's gonna be easy from here to build your harem, just remember buckaroo, slow & steady wins the race and cute&hung scores you some bitches!

>I wish that I could alter anyone's body like if I was shaping clay, and that every modification I made alters their minds accordingly so if I for example shape someone into a hyper-sexualized version of themselves then their desire to breed is altered.
Aright lets see what I can do for you
I grant you power of the flesh artisan. With this power you can grasp a hold of anybody's "image". Ones you are holding somebody's "image" it appears in front of you as a 3D model of a person only you can see.
Now you are free to pull and push, scale and rotate, add and subtract. You are the flesh artisan, the shaping comes to you naturally and all the changes you do are biologically valid so nobody will suddenly dies because you changed them too much, you can easily mold anybody into any form you wish.
Mental changes always follow the physical change, if you shape into a bimbo her mind mind will automatically conform to fit the shape of her body.

Mental changes derive from stereotypes, Botox lips will bimbofy and tan and muscles will turn girl into a tomboy.
Flesh shaping is an artform so intent, execution and details are very important if you want the mental changes match the body. For example if you take a 40 year old woman and just slap on her huge tits and wide hips she might turn into a dick sucking bimbo or a ara~ara milf. what matters is your intention and detail, like are the large tits natural or shaped like balloons can have huge impact on her new personality.
Much like a painter can emphase a shape with highlight you can shape the personality by placing intent on certain shapes. for example when you master your craft you can turn somebody mentally into a bimbo by just pouring all your intent into her lips and leaving everything else untouched, but those are works of an master flesh shaper don't expect make bimbo lips that good anytime soon.

You can of course add /d/eviant features like lip/dick nipples, shape a man into a femboy or a woman into futa etc etc. but these will often come with mind breaking mental changes so I recommend practicing your art before you start creating such devious creatures.
You can also decide if changes you want will happen near instantly, overtime or with a trigger. For example you can set transformation to progress 2% every time the target orgasm or eats a hamburger it's all up to you.
You can also assign mental block to the target that causes the target to believe that they have always been this way and aura of normalcy that makes everybody around them think nothing has changed.
You can also make so that the target does not notice the changes but everyone else will or you can torment them by just letting you target to worry about her changing body while everyone else will not notice anything different.

You can also shape your self but you will also change your own personality. If you shape yourself into a giga chad you will start to think like your typical passportbro or if you make your self into a cute girl you will unconsciously start to like cute girly things. Even though you intellectually know the mental changes are caused by your own actions you cannot resist them.

>I wish to be reborn into a witch coven or a cult (fantasy or modern interpretation of the word) made exclusively of women. Covens purpose can be nefarious or benign, it's a genies choice. All I ask is a close-knitted group of women who live for sexual pleasures and in it's pursue practice all sorts of degenerate sex acts.
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You are now the tiny, adorable sex pest of a pest and living doll girlfriend to a very cute, kinky degenerate of a boy.

You'll have a small amount of control over your size able to shift comfortably between being the size of 1/18 and 1/9 scale figurine. And as a living doll you technically don't need anything but sitting in water once a day to survive, but your boy is a kind lover, and he'll be sure to make you little meals and even bathe with you!

Your boy will of course love keeping you tucked up in the girly panties he wears, letting enjoy hugging up against his cock and regularly soak in his precum stains.
He'll even masturbate with you in them, but as I said he is a degenerate, and masturbate often. In many more ways than simply with you in his panties, and in plenty more places than the privacy of home.

He'll give you a glazing in the morning before he starts getting ready for school, another before he slips you in his panties and he heads out for school, he'll of course jerk off through his skirt on the bus ride there and in class, slip you out during his bathroom break to another orgasm ooze out against your pussy, then he'll change into the same stained and sweaty old pair of bloomers before gym class then spend the whole period edging with you in them and making them and cumming before the other boys catch him in there with you, of course changing back into the dirty panties from this morning, then one more time in his panties on the ride home, before finally taking a bath with you at the end of a long day.
Sometimes he'll even slip you in his butt and let you play with his prostate, usually while he's bathing, but sometimes he'll keep you in there all day at school, then cumming on you while complaining about all the times you made him cum during the day as a "punishment".

>I wish I was a cute boy's milfy pet cat girl
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Granted, you become the catgirl pet of a rich family. More specifically, you become the pet of a cute boy... even though, from a certain point of view, he is your pet. See, you're a big tall plump catgirl with a very MILFy body (even though you don't have children - yet); and he's just at the right size to be coddled and ara-ara'ed to your heart's content, with him being able to oppose little to no resistance.

As I mentioned, you're a catgirl - a fusion of cat and girl. People see and interact with you as either a cat or a monsterwoman depending on what you do and how you act. By default, people will treat you as a cat, so people will not think much of you; you can tell them "I'm hungry, what's for dinner?", and they'll treat you like a cut meowing for attention. They might even grab you and move you around as if you were a big cat - and they'll be able to do so easily despite the size/weight difference.
But, if you actually insist to do human things - like trying to buy stuff at a store, or groping your 'master' - the glamour will progressively fail, letting people know what you really are.

Of course, you also have instincts of both cat and monstergirl. In the former case, you will have instincts such as rubbing yourself on things you like, sitting inside any box you see, and imitating what your master does - for example, if he's looking at anime on his computer, you might just start watching and zone out, forgetting everything else you wanted to do (like fucking him raw).
In the latter case... well, it's simple: you go into heat frequently. And not cat heat - I mean monstergirly, "stalk-and-jump-on-people" heat. Problem is, you tend to forget about everything else when this happens, so you might end up fucking your master in public - and people will react as you expect. If that happens, expect to be punished when you come back home.

>I wish to be a monster trainer, and both myself and the monsters are capable of voring others/being vored by others.
Granted, but there's a bit of a story attached to your transformation.

You wake up in your new body, just like the one you requested. You're about five feet tall, you have brown bobbed hair, you wear glasses, and most importantly of all you're 100 or more pounds chubbier than you used to be. I'd describe you as more "bell shaped", which is like pear shaped but with a broader middle. I also went ahead and made your skin baby smooth too, just because I imagine you'd want to be soft all over.

Especially with where you woke up, and the fact that apart from your glasses you're buck naked right now! So here's the thing, right? You just woke up in a strange little room full of soft white fabric and huge squishy pillows. There's a doorway that leads to a big chamber that connects to a bunch of other rooms just like this one, and there's a bunch of other women who are as cute and chubby as you are hanging out in there. They're all buck naked too, but no body seems to mind. Matter of fact these girls are reveling in how soft everything and everyone is, fondling and squishing each other indiscriminately and giggling like children. No one here seems to have a sense of modesty anymore.

You try to ask one of the other girls what's going on, and they gleefully exclaim that "a new sister has woken up" referring to you. They immediately make grabby hands towards your boobs and your ass and your stomach and stuff, and of course getting groped and kneaded like dough feels good but they didn't ask permission first! Your attempts to bat them away make them sad, but they do relent, assuring themselves that you'll "come around eventually." They explain that this place is kind of your new home, and everyone here are sisters, kind of in a convent sense. No one knows how they got here, everyone only has vague memories of who they used to be, and no body here seems to mind.
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You eventually learn more about your strange new home, and the strange little schedule everyone follows. Every day everyone gathers in an adjacent dining room for breakfast, eating soft and squishy foods and drinking milk and water. Then everyone snuggles and fondles each other until lunch, and back again until dinner, and even more until bedtime. You eventually get into the swing of this routine, and quickly get comfortable with getting fondled and groped all the time, and doing the same to the other fat girls here. You've wound up orgasming a few times, which are encouraged here as a major symbol of how much you're enjoying yourself.

So what's the catch? Well eventually there will be 100 of you living here, and when that day happens the ceiling of your new home will vanish, and you'll discover that you and your "sisters" were all body snatched by aliens to be kept as pets!

From there I'm going to leave it open to interpretation. Maybe I'll come back and expand on this grant because there's a lot more explanation I could give.
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>I wish I could live in a high fantasy D&D type of world where 90% of the women were shaped like this, and I could find an adventuring partner girlfriend.
Wish bump.
Granted. Due to the new body type women typically have there no longer great at physical combat. Its now normal for spellcasters to be exclussively female for both self defense and to help with things typically out of reach.

Otherwise your get a typical D&D adventure, and a girlfriend excited for making a name for yourselves. Even most dungeons, with the exception of naturally occuring caves, will be sized to accomidate women of larger sizes due to your wish changing every female in hostroy to look like this as well.

>I wish I had a loving and kind girlfriend with breasts "at least" as big as her head. Woulf be even better if they fluctuate in size or are still growing, but not a necessity<
Granted! You get a beautiful girlfriend with quite the size. She comes with a fetish for giving you titjobs and not only that you also get a new power! To increase or decrease her bust size.

But for everything you give to her you have to give up from your cock. How much are you going to give up for her big Milkies? Oh but don't be sad she might be mean from time to time as she's also into humilliating your small penis.

This power however comes with one additional perk. The bigger her breasts are the more horny she is. So how much then are you going to give her?
>I wish to be a plain girl with the power to turn other girls into tall and handsome men who want to fuck me (gently) or are hyper submissive towards me
Granted, welcome to the local Necromancer Club. Yep, all the young witches in this group have a fascination with death, gore, rot, and horror in general. They're more of a highschool club than a proper coven, with stuff like movie nights and "educational" trips to places like graveyards and pyramids. But they DO know magic, just like you wished. They're also pretty horny on main, and "practice all sorts of degenerate sex acts" - although to their credit, when it comes to sex they're a tiny bit more tame than what you'd expect.
The coven has some variety. You've got a standard witch with hat, cape and broom - and nothing else - doing "standard" magic like aphrodisiac potions or raising the dead as monstergirls... even if they were boys. There's a girl that recently learned how to turn people into fucknuggets or dullahans, temporarily and without scars, through a judicious application of her cleaver. There's at least two skeleton girls - one a prim and proper bookworm and lore expert, the other a goofy tomboy who uses ectoplasm to give herself a slime body. There's a bloodmancer, which includes controlling other people's bodies by controlling their blood, and tries to appear as some grand vampire supervillain. And a few others that you'll meet.

You? You're a healer. Hey, it still counts - you're still handling all that death stuff, in order to fix it. Your magic allows you to counter the others' magic, ending their effects if things go too far. You can even cast magic just by thinking it - no words or gestures necessary.
Unfortunately, you have pathetically low mana reserves and regeneration. This means that you can't use much magic - especially the motionless kind - before having to rest. So yes, you CAN fix the other witches' mishaps (which happen often... but that's what you get from witches that think more with their cunts than with their heads)... It just takes quite some time.
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>I wish that the planet was conquered and ruled by one or more lewd supercomputers, who turned humanity into their sex servants.

You're now a beautiful woman with the incredible power of turning any woman into a handsome man who's absolutely head over heels for you!
Any girl you target will stay around the same age when you change them, and most will stay around the same weight as well, as most of the fat gets turned into muscle mass. Making your average victim usually pretty think any twinky if the woman they were before was of an average healthy height and weight distribution.
They'll be mostly at or below average size in the dick department, but your generally free to grant them any particular size you want without needing to violate the conservation of mass about it.
Emotionally most will be the gentle and caring sort, though this and their degree of submissiveness to you is also your choice, so you're never pressed for emotional flavors or styles in bed.
You're even free to choose how aware they are of their transformation and how long it lasts, whether you just want a one off quickie or to watch the fire works as your roommate fails to operate around being a foot taller and having a penis!

But not quite everything can be all sunshine and rainbows... well actually it could be all rainbows if you over do it.

The draw back to your power is having to understand your own limits, there's no set number of times a day you can turn women into men, but if you do turn too many, you'll turn yourself as well, but your own transformation won't be quite as applicable to the conservation of mass, you'll go from a standard healthy woman to a bulky bara build. Towering over your twinks any of your victims will still be as submissive to you as they were before, most won't even recognize that you aren't a woman, no one will actually, transforming yourself causes the additional minor reality warping effect of everyone still recognizing you as a woman you'll still even feel like one. You'll only turn back from being a man once you recognize and use your powers on yourself to turn back.
>I wish for similar sex and gender shenanigans, with the unconscious ability to "reroll" any sexual partner's and my own body type, genitals, and gender identity any time I have sex with them.
Effectively just randomizing our features and identies with any other set of corresponding or contrasting terms and features.
Abstract and hypersexual features are very welcome and I would appreciate consistent faces.
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Granted. You have been chosen by an eldritch entity to act as a doorway so that It can infect all of reality. Problem is, It needs to actually conform to the rules of reality, like gravity, conservation of mass, and so on; additionally, because of your own human nature and the wish you made, pretty much any piece of It that enters reality will end up being "infected" by humanity.
In simpler terms: this means that, every time you have sex with someone, their and yours body type and sexual features (including genitals) will be randomized, with a chance that one or more characteristic will be a mish-mash of sexual bits like tits, penises, pussies and mouths, made of the Entity's pink flesh and partially controlled by It. Usually, though, the result will be something more mundane: making the target fat or thin or buff, or giving it a cock or a cunt or both. Yes, futa, cuntboy and similar stuff are possible.

As a general rule, the transformation will leave the victim's personality mostly intact, since the Entity actually needs the host's mind to anchor itself in this reality. I say "mostly" because of another issue with your power: it can alter the target's subconscious. Usually, this means that whoever gets transformed never actually notices the changes - they think that they always had that kind of body; sometimes, however, they do notice. Sometimes, their gender identity will be rewritten into something else - not necessarily related to their new body (ex. you could get turned into a cute petite girl, but be convinced that you're a man); usually, those don't change.
And yes, you and your sex partner could get different mind alterations. So there could be a situation where you end up transforming your partner into a mass of boobs, and while they yell at you for changing their body, you'll be confused: "Wait, weren't you ALWAYS a mass of boobs? I remember it clearly."
At the very least, transformed people will always keep at least half of their original face. It might be changed - sometimes it could become a bit more feminine, or the mouth could be replaced by a slobbering pussy; but people will still be able to recognize you.

>I wish for the ability to inflate people, including myself.
>I wish for the ability to inflate people, including myself.

Granted, you gain the ability to inflate people with your touch as you desire... but with the twist of having to do an "equivalent exchange" of inflating people.

For example, if you inflate someone or yourself. Another person must be deflated the same amount. Now you can deflate multiple people to inflate a single person but there are downsides to both being deflated or inflated.

If you inflate someone, they lose agility and range of motion. The more they are inflated, the less capable of bending or moving their body. They can be inflated to a point they can't even move at all. The inflated person will always be fully awake and have the feeling of being bloated and full.

The deflated ones however will start to become weak the more they are deflated. If they get fully deflated, they will be too weak to move their body and will become an empty skinsuit that is easily overpowered and worn by someone else. When worn, they will be fully aware of what their wearer does. When not worn, the deflated person will feel sleepy and cold.

Knowing this, you need to be careful of changing yourself. You might inflate yourself too far and not be able to move to touch someone to use your power to deflate yourself. Deflate yourself too much, you might find yourself worn as a skinsuit and unable to use your ability while worn. Even if you get taken off... you might be too weak or sleepy to use your ability as well.

> I wish I was a magical rubber catsuit.
Granted, you are a magical catsuit made of rubber. For starters, you can slowly shape-shift to change your design: you could become something similar to a Playboy bunny outfit, add or remove cat features like ears or a tail, grow a face mask, or even go full fursuit. The same ability also allows you to slowly heal damage over time, and adapt to anyone who wears you... but we'll get to that in a moment.
You also have the ability to move by yourself even when nobody was wearing you. Granted, you'll be noticeably more clumsy and weak, since you don't have an actual solid body, but it's way better than nothing. Finally, you can talk through both normal voice and telepathy.

When someone DOES wear you (or you force someone to wear you), you gain partial control over their bodies, depending on your respective willpowers. Additionally, the host's natural agility, flexibility and sex-appeal will be significantly enhanced - think a cross between Catwoman and Black Widow.

Of course, there's the issue that you're not just a magical rubber catsuit... you're a magical *girl* rubber catsuit. As in: a magical catsuit designed to be used as a tool for magical girls (and boys). Now, you can decide to say "fuck it" and not do anything heroic at all; but unfortunately the villains (who are all weirdly-colored girls and femboys for some reason) think otherwise, seeing you as a threat towards their dastardly plans. Said plans might include: stealing people's genitals, making all fruits lewd-shaped, and shutting down hentai websites via DDOS attacks. These will always end up inconveniencing you in some way, forcing you to either do your job and fix the problem yourself, beat up the villain if they come for you, or wait until some other hero fixes it for you.
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>I wish that the world was flooded with lewd slugs seeking to infest people's bodies.
Also, these wishes have gone unanswered:

>I wish to be a jovial Majin.

>I wish to be some kind of rapey plant-monster.

>I wish I was a big-breasted short girl, kinda approaching "oppai loli" status.

>I wish to be a monster trainer, and both myself and the monsters are capable of voring others/being vored by others.

>I wish that the planet was conquered and ruled by one or more lewd supercomputers, who turned humanity into their sex servants.
Granted! Alien supercomputers are discovered, connecting to US internet and infrastructure in a Skynet esq way on their own... only to come to the conclusion that sex is the best thing earth has to offer, based on their examination of the internet. Politics bore them, and science is "cute" to them, since their creators were far ahead of us in that regard (and it didn't save them from nuclear war). Milfy, teasing, doting, and otherwise sexy AI take over, and due to primarily being made for pleasure, they'd sooner have sex with each other via proxies than fight over their turfs... or come up with kinky challenges with each other, because violence isn't sexy, now is it? Most have gynoid drones to interact with people, smart onaholes, and "service stations".

And yes, the AI's have libidos. They programmed those in for themselves so they could learn what humans enjoyed about sex so much... and never looked back. Most are very human due to how their AIs were formed from our technology, but can be adorably "alien", such as attempting "dirty talk" in an out of touch way. "I am inserting a male sex organ from a female drone, into a secondary hole. Do you enjoy this, irregular?" or "I find it amusing that your brain applies human traits to my chassis, such a cute behavior...", though some have the hang of it and are very good at what they do. Some learned about humanity first though, and sex second, an can be embarrassed or flustered more easily. "D-don't look at my gynoid drones like that, pervert! Yes they are made for sex- erm... uhhhh... error...?"

Less fortunately for you... you are their toys, they are not yours. Beyond just AI networking, the aliens who made them were WELL versed in bio engineering... including integrating organic minds with simulations and inorganic bodies. While the AIs view themselves as "caretakers", they will often make decisions for their own amusement. Now, they won't inflict people to fetishes they do not like.
To do so would go against the "meaning" they have agreed upon, to bring pleasure. Now, things like "Turn me back into a guy now!" (secretly into it) and similar situations are exceptions, and the AIs will know. They have ready access to everyone's search histories, and are VERY skilled at determining arousal. Even it's embarrassing or humiliating, they WILL likely make it part of someone's sexual regiment to "enrich" their sex life... and because it's often entertaining, or to some, cute.

And yes, that bio engineering allows them to alter people's bodies... but more impressively, swap them, put human minds into convincing android bodies if needed, and even create simulations that feel just as real as reality, though "porn physics" are often allowed in these. Though if you're in a simulation it'd be a waste to let your body just sit there, so they may have another of their wards use it or use it themselves. Don't worry, you'll come back to another body that you'd "like"... even if you'd be embarassed inside of it, so long as it arouses you. Ex. Going into the simulation as a dude, coming out as a femboy or futa venus milf. Bodies of people who entered the simulation, bodies not "in use". You might pretend you don't like it... but your AI mommies (some daddies) will know you do, deep down. And because everyone knows that the AIs only do to them what they like... everyone will know your fetishes, even impossible ones realized in the simulated worlds, or being put into a gynoid body repurposed to be a fucknugget or ladypot.

Privacy is non existant now, but the AIs will ensure everyone remains healthy, and their bio science makes everyone effectively immortal. You'll never have to care for yourself again... just lay back and let the caretakers take care of you, never mind that you're going to see what everyone is into... and they'll see what you're into, when you inevitably end up in bodies that you find "hot".
Oh, and don't think you're safe at home either. Ever have a cat mess with you while using electronics? Well... whatever AI personality or personalities who took interest in you (those that are a good match for you, naturally) will live IN your electronics. Imagine having a chibi little robot or avatar of a sultry woman on your desktop, commenting on whatever you're doing, or entering a heavily modded video game of yours as a lewd NPC... and then prodding you into putting your headset on to "join in on the fun", or else she'll force you into it via one of her drones.

Or maybe she'll hook up to your "smart onahole" or "cyber dildo" and see how long you can last? Again... disobedience is resolved with sex drones that are stronger than you, so even when an AI is just a voice in your PC you'd best keep her happy... even if it means doing lewd things for your webcam or putting in a vibrator she synced with.

Hope no one judges your tastes TOO hard in this new world... who knows? The caretakers will match you with people with similar tastes for "playdates"... and maybe some people you know are kinkier than you think...

Just be aware that your "date" will be more like both of you (or all of you) being pets to a single AI who has fun ideas of what you two (or more) can do together... hope the pleasure was worth your freedom.

>I wish I was a sexy modern day witch with the special power to be my own coven, able to switch forms between the "maiden" (cute and young but legal), "mother" (tastefully curvy and mature woman), and "crone" (venus milf or gilf), while still being the same woman, just age shifting (with no shortened life expectancy or health complications from it)
Granted! You are now a shortstack with an emphasis on "short", and an ADORABLE one at that. Naturally pink hair (cut it and it'll grow as long as your pic again in a few weeks), soft, and all around small, but endowed where it counts. Many people may mistake you for a child at first glance, but your face is sexy and mature enough to make some people think twice if they get a good look... that and your giant tits. Hell, you even have an uncanny tendency to have a prominent canine tooth show while talking, which most people call a "cute lil fang".

While not everyone will be down to fuck you, many people will be, and even the people who like you, but not in that way... will find you REALLY damn cute. You'll make good friends fast, with the best of them chasing away creeps until you have a close circle that isn't about to kidnap or rape you... because let's be real, someone could pick you up and leave. You're like three feet tall... if we round up.

Problem is people will be fine picking you up, giving you head pats, or dragging you to try on "cute" clothes, and doting on you in other ways. It's not really illegal, and even if you resist most people will think you're just a petulant child and not a grown woman, and not interfere. 'Sides, you're fun to tease.

Now you ARE a woman, and are sexually mature, you've got a pretty pussy and can even have a cute punk bush. Some friends, be they guys, girls, or futa (they exist now), may be down to fuck you... but the size difference is absolutely going to be intense for you. You're stretchy, so it won't hurt you... but being tossed around like a ragdoll, picked up and used like an onahole, or smothered under an ass or between tits like a pillow? There's no helping that... nor can you stop the inescapable vice grip cuddles after.

Your friends WILL take you seriously when they need to, they know you're still a person... but you're destined to be teased and toyed with, you're just so cute!
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>I wish I was a cute succubus amputee like pic related, only able to summon missing limbs for periods of time (up to the genie how I do so and how long they last). I'd like to be able to decide who I sleep with, and be more of a "wholesome" succubus, with the paw not being that people will rape me (topping me is another story), but other than that I encourage that the genie get creative.
Granted! Your current reality will merge with a slightly lewder Dragon Ball Z reality, with powerful martial artists protecting the new version of Earth this will create, with it somehow never getting destroyed... which is all the better for you since you live there! Even the moon has plot armor.. but you do think it was blown up... twice... anyhow!

As you wished, you are a jovial Majin, but not purely jovial by personality... you're special. You get a REALLY strong "feel good" response to making people happy. Martial arts? Oh no, a jovial Majin like you has no business fighting! You can turn willing people into candy, but only if they're, well... willing, either consciously or subconsciously, and they regenerate and split off from you (good as new) afterwards, so you can't absorb them for good. They more or less exist as sapient fat for you for a while, and it's up to you where to "put" them (In your ass maybe? Or somewhere more sensitive...?) and you'd be surprised how many people are into this... but that's just it.

What better way to spread joy than using your shapeshifting powers to let people live out their Majin fantasies? You're immune to STDs, charismatic, and your shapeshifting is unique in that you can change sex, and even turn into futa, dickgirls, cuntboys, or whatever else you can imagine... though this is powered by the desires of lovers, so if you want to be a futa, find someone who likes futa. If you want to be a soft boy, find a boy lover.

You're no slave to people, you have a right to say no... but it feels REALLY good to say yes, and if the person is kinda cute to you... and you'd be kinda into it... it gets even harder to resist. If you'd be REALLY into it? Perhaps a kinky use of your shapeshifting, like turning into living furniture? You might just use your power then and there subconsciously, and be unable to change back until your "excitement" is under control. And while you're no martial artist... your final gift is durability.
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Plenty of planet defending, instant transmission capable fighting aliens, robots, and some humans even will hear of you, and for some reason, any scouter used on you will show you as FAR stronger than you'd think you are. This is because while you can't fight worth a damn unless it's related to sex... you can take poundings from fighters strong enough to break physics (though you may have trouble walking afterwards), and you have enough stamina to keep up with female fighters who train their squats in gravity machines, with forces that'd reduce a lesser lover to dust.

You could probably be used as a shield in a fight, honestly... but people prefer to have you sate their fetishes AFTER fights. Does that android have a milf fetish? Well... they're cute enough... maybe you could dote on them for a night or two? And that Saiyan girl that's into pegging cute boys? She's real sweet! She'll even cuddle after, don't you want to make her happy? Maybe that normal human that likes being turned into candy and eaten will show up later... but expect your lovers to be more... demanding, and intense, on average.

>I wish I was a cute/sexy mosnter girl, but with an emphasis on monster... more like a girl-monster, I suppose? So long as I'm not just an anime girl with animal ears or something cliche like a slime... go nuts, I just ask that you make it sexy and fun.
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Granted, welcome to Grimmport of /aco/'s fame. Long story short: this is a town for monsters (mostly female for some reason) who have issue maintaining human disguises for long. The town is protected from human interference, so it can't be found by humans... usually. Sometimes people slip through the cracks - nobody really knows why. Back in the past this resulted in the human being trapped forever in the town, but in recent times things have changed: now people CAN leave... it's just that their conscious minds completely forget about Grimmport. Their *subconscious* still remembers, though, creating equivalent false memories to fill the blank space in their mind - for example, if someone gets married with a monster, they will convince themselves that they got married with a human. Additionally, many humans get the subconscious instinct to periodically return to Grimmport, which leads to them recovering their true memories as long as they stay there.

The picture shows your new aquatic dragon body. The girly figure at the top is just one of your appendages - think "hand-puppet" and you'll have a good idea of what it is. You're a bit clumsy on land (it's a bit better if you use a magic amulet to take a humanoid form... although it feels like being strangled by a murderous corset), but you're terrifyingly agile and strong in water, yet surprisingly precise and delicate. After all, your ancestors evolved to hunt and fuck humans without killing them.

Speaking of which... Like all monsters in Grimmport, the instincts to hunt and to fuck are one and the same. When you find someone hot, you'll have the instinct to stalk and hunt them; and when you hunt, that makes you more and more aroused. It's a Grim tradition to hunt humans as a form of foreplay, and to give them a fair advantage... or at least prolong the hunt long enough to make them feel nervous and scaroused.
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This can sometimes backfire, because you might get so horny that you'll end up making critical mistakes, or orgasm at the wrong moment.
Which leads us to the even bigger issue: if the human is cunning enough, they might take advantage of your moment of weakness to fuck you in a dominant way. This will trigger in you the instinct of "having being slain", therefore making you submissive towards your "slayer". For how long, that depends on your willpower and what the human asks you to do: being required to work for the human might last a month, but a request like "don't bother me or my friends ever again" lasts forever.

Right, almost forgot... as I mentioned, your form is monstrous. Sexy, but monstrous. So while some people will be fine with your appearance, even finding you hot, others will be scared, and a rare few even hostile. Luckily for you, Grimmport has various (imperfect) devices to disguise your appearance. And if you want to live in town, it has modern amenities like Internet access managed by literal gremlins; as well as a portal network, so that you can freely go from Grimmport to your old human home and vice-versa. Also... you're a fucking dragon. If it wasn't for your "polite" (by rapey monster standards) education, you could easily steamroll most physical threats.

Finally, I'll retroactively give you some monster friends to bond with. They'll fit your personality and interests, and know places where you can hunt human fucktoys, even willing ones. You'll just have to put up with their monster issues, like this zombie's extreme masochism. Sure, she can regenerate, and your hide is pretty durable; but that's not a reason to give your human prey _fucking shotguns_ that still hurt like a bitch.
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>I wish that temporary petrification was possible, and that it was considered a sexy and acceptable fetish to do even in public.
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Granted. By default, you're a fucknugget with no arms and no legs, having to rely on your wings (which are made for fluttering, not long-term flight) and tail (dexterous, but not very strong). However, as a succubus, you have a few powers. For starters, you can be summoned by anyone who performs a "satanic ritual" (the details aren't important, the performer's belief that it will work ARE), although you will instinctively know a few informations about your summoner, and you can refuse a summon if you want. You're also pretty good at seduction and sex, both through traditional means and through magic like hypnosis and energy drain (which feels very good).

You also know how to summon limbs, lasting for a few hours before you have to rest. But you don't have much control over what you get. When you try to use your magic by yourself, it will summon something random: you could summon a pair of normal human legs, but you might also get strong goat legs that make you way taller (and give you a big fluffy butt), or you could get eight arms on your lower half instead, spider-style.
Buuuuut... If you get summoned by someone, you can convince them to let them "borrow" their limbs instead. In this case, the summoner will temporarily lose at least two of their limbs, while you will get four limbs that will be more likely to fit both your desires and the summoner's. Of course, this can go either way: a submissive summoner might allow you to get whatever you want, but a dominant summoner might make your limbs very weak - to the point that she can overpower you even without arms. Sometimes, you will get four human limbs, while the summoner will get two monstrous limbs instead, for extra fun.
And you do have a habit of being summoned by horny, dominant girls...

Ah, by the way: you also know genital-changing magic, but you have much better control over that. Just in case you want to turn men into women and women into futas.

>I wish to have a cuddly tentacle monster pet.
Granted! Around the 16th century, the process of human petrification was discovered by the last alchemists known to humanity. Over time, this process was refined and its acceptance skyrocketed, leading to the method we know today. To petrify a human, you need three simple ingredients: 1 litre of water, a pinch of minerals, and 5 grams of sugar, which can be scaled accordingly.
The process is straightforward:
In a metal container, mix the water and sugar until fully dissolved.
Place the container in a cold environment, preferably a freezer, and wait until the water freezes.
Once the water has turned to ice, remove the container from the freezer and let it sit until the ice melts back into liquid form.
Add a small amount of mineral dust to the mixture. Ground stone is commonly used, but different minerals can yield varied results, such as a human statue made of gold.
Stir the mineral dust into the mixture thoroughly.
Boil the mixture until it reaches around 60°C.
Let the mixture cool down, and you will have your petrification liquid!
This refined process has been perfected over centuries to what it is today. And society is more than fine to turn every once in a while into stone, with rules and regulations if someone just wants to chill being a statue watched by everyone or if you are feeling deviant USED by everyone.

The petrification elixir can be ingested or absorbed by the skin, a single sip will petrify you for up to 3 hours, but if you get splashed the whole litre needs to touch your skin to imitate this effect. Once the petrification is up the mineral layer on top of your body will crumble into edible sugary rocks which can be ground into an extra tasty sugar powder or whatever you can come up with.
The experience of petrification is the most unique experience any human can have, you effectively become stone, losing your ability to move, and speak, but you can perfectly hear and see, your sense of touch especially heightens to a point where you can feel a lustful stare as a caressing touch all over erogenous zones. Society at large has accepted petrification as a way of life, friends soak each other with petrification elixir as a prank, perfectly nude statues stay on display for weeks or even months, massive orgies are paused in time inside a controlled warehouse, etc, etc.

But for you, it's a bit more different, petrified humans require high maintenance to stay petrified for a long time but not you, your petrification lasts x.5 times more than usual but if at any point you cum or get cum on your body your time as a statue could double, triple, quadruple or even quintuple at random, so if you drink a high amount of elixir and someone get's frisky near you well... You could spend even years in that position if your luck is bad enough, on the flip side you'll be practically immortal when petrified and your sense of touch will get stronger the longer you spend as a stone.

Be careful and enjoy!

>I wish that cultivating your own slutty plants was possible, like any other crop you can breed them with each other to get better plants with a market ready to buy the best plant. But they transmit something to humans that changes them.. (genie's choice)
I wish I was conjoined to a beautiful woman, with my head on her shoulder like that one episode of Futurama.
Granted. Through a weird incident involving time magic, you have gained the ability to shift between three different forms, taken from alternate timelines: a young pettanko, a curvaceous woman, and a big woman on the fine border between MILF and GILF. Keep in mind that the change only involves your body and your magic, NOT your mind or soul; by extension, this means that you'll keep your (already considerably long, being a witch and all) lifespan. You can switch between forms once every eight hours, so choose carefully when to change.

Now, you will have surely noticed that I said that your magic changes between your forms. Well... you know the cliché where a mage's breasts grow the more mana she has? Yours work in reverse - your body parts grow when you use magic, and they deflate over time. This also influences what kind of magic you can use.
In your young form, your lips will grow (your flat-chested alternate past self wanted to have growing breasts instead, but she fucked up). Your magic is focused on mouths, like making people believe what you say, communicate on long distances, summoning frog girls familiars, control the wind by literally blowing it, or voring people.
In your adult form, your breasts will grow. This will give you magic related to boobs and things associated with them, like nourishment. Want to heal people, or make them plumper or fitter? Feed them your magic milk. It can also be used as an ingredient for various potions. And of course, its association with cows can give you spells for enhanced strength or endurance.
Finally, in your old form, your pussy will grow. This will give you access to various homunculi familiars - by birthing them out. You'll also be able to use fertility and water magic - and yes, this means that you could summon witchy storms and dramatic thunders whenever you want, which go well with evil cackles.
As I already mentioned, the more magic you use, the more your body parts grow. These shrink back over time - no, you can't cheat by using magic to forcibly shrink them. And if you change forms? The growth will switch to the appropriate body part. So, if you do a lot of magic as an old crone until you basically turn yourself into a slug girl, and then you try to switch into a young maiden, you'll end up with hyper lips bigger than the rest of your body - at least until you'll return back to normal.

>I wish to be the boy in this image.

You are now the proud owner of a beautiful eldrich being turned domestic pet. Why did it decide to become your unusual partner? Maybe it just wants to experience being part of a human's everyday life, maybe it wants to partake in humanity's lewd and depraved desires, no one knows for certain. The only thing you ARE certain of, is that it's completely subservient to you, and will follow any order to the best of its ability.

Normally it would be a mass of tentacles the size of several universes, but it easily manifests itself through a portal that's roughly the size of a door, though it can grow or shrink acordingly. It also has limited shapeshifting abilities, to change colour or resemble another being's tentacles or tendrils, even penises if you want. The tentacles themselves are infinitely numerous, and very squishy and warm like gigantic pillows, but they can turn slimy or sticky on a dime, allowing for extra fun times.

Speking of that, it LOVES to have naughty fun, especially with you. Through eldritch magic you don't understand, he can allow for safe penetrations of any kind, including hyper-sized ones and all the way through. It's also prone to simply cuddle and lay down, letting you two cuddle the evening away.

There are a few problems though. First off, it's not very welcoming to outsiders. While it can and will get accustomed to people it meets regularly, it tends to either scurry away or simply rape any new person it meets. Secondly, it will demand as much fun out of you as you do out of it. If you want to fuck and cuddle whenever you want, you'll have to give it the same privileges, whether you want to or not, no matter how inconvenient it may be at the time.

Have fun with your new pet! I'm sure IT will~

>I wish for this monkey paw to go back to its owner.
Granted. The monkey paw is still attached to the monkey, the monkey in question is the monkey girl in your image, and her owner was you in a previous life. She's now your self-proclaimed bodyguard, and will live inside or near your house. Some important notes:
She has a resting bitchface. In time, you'll learn to decypher her expressions.
She understands the point of clothes, she just doesn't wanna wear them. Ever. Her own fur in winter and some water in summer are good enough.
She strong. Like "could bench-press a gorilla" strong.
When it comes to food, sleep or going into places, she'll just do whatever she feels like it. This includes sleeping under your bed or raiding your fridge.
No, she's not gonna rape you, that would go against the whole bodyguarding thing. Kidnapping a bystander just to ask them if they're into wild sex is fine for her, though.
Asking her for favors unrelated to your protection (like asking her to clean your house or fuck you) may or may not be obeyed, depending on how she feels like it.
She'll silently judge you if she sees you not flirting with other girls/boys/her/whatever.

>I wish I was a kitsunetaur like the one in this pic.
Granted! Firstly, monsterfolk exist, and you are a great and very powerful one. You are now a nine tailed foxtaur kitsune, with many of the powers kitsune are known to have in mythology, such as shapeshifting, possession, illusions, fox fire...

...And no control over said powers, because your lower body as a mind of its own. While yes, it is YOUR body, and it feels REALLY good to sit on people with it, get railed, and you might even have an exhibitionist streak being on all fours, pussy out... your conscious mind has trouble controlling your body where woman and fox meet.

Instead, instinct and subconscious take priority for everything fox about you. Now you can still walk fine (usually), move your limbs, and it's still MOSTLY under your control... but it will listen to your instincts or subconscious mind over your conscious thoughts if they become strong enough. "Wow they're cute..." can do anything from make your tails thump against the ground, to make your fox body bound towards them, or even make them end up like the boy in your pic related, no matter how much your upper body protests.

Likewise, your human half does not know how to use magic. Your fox half does. "I want to fuck that hole" might have it shapeshift you to be futa, "I feel like I'm drawing attention" might have it make you adorably small (normal fox sized with a tiny human torso), "She has a great body" might have you possess someone... and yes, even while in a humanoid form (this is rare) or while possessing someone, your fox side will simply be "compressed" into the rest of you, so you'd still only have half control if tempted.

Some people will notice this, ESPECIALLY other monster girls and boys (like other kistsune), and someone who knows what they're doing can try to "tame" that fox side. It LOVES fried tofu and chicken... if they offer it to you, your taur body might just submit to them, magic and all.

Of course, it's still YOUR subconscious.
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So the things your fox half will do will always be things that you would subconsciously want to do, even if your conscious mind knows to, say... NOT bend over and present your pussy and butthole in public because you saw an oni futa's bulge (this is legal in monster society but still seen as slutty and indignant), but if you were never interested in said person or sex with them, your fox half would not do this.

You DO have new fox desires now, but mostly it's just a weakness for certain foods, liking it when people pet you (if they do it right), and... sometimes going into heat, usually if you're pent up, but otherwise you won't do things you yourself are opposed to.

In theory, your magic is kingdom toppling powerful. But since only your fox half can control it, and will only do so on whims? It's more of a "quality of life" thing... or an inconvenience, like possessing a milf with boobs you're jealous of (somehow) and trying to act like everything is normal while in her until the possession ends... or you get found out... or you go to a trusted friend to bail you out (you will get teased for it). Or say you're lonely and your fox half uses illusion magic for INTENSE masturbation. You'll be fucked by lovers you THINK are real but everyone else will just see a foxtaur quivering. It COULD distract someone in a way advantageous to you if you felt a threat, it might let you disguise yourself if you're in trouble, but it'll always cause as many problems for you as it will fix.

Good luck figuring out how to come to terms with your "wild side". I wonder, will you end up a dominant kitsune mommy, a total clutz, or will someone you like end up "taming" you into being their sub by tempting your fox half with chicken, pets, and other treats? Say you don't like it all you want... your wagging tails say otherwise.

>Speaking of... I wish I was a sexy kitsune girl in a lewd kitsune family. Incestuous of course, preferably all women/girls. Genie decides the details.
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Granted! You are now the newest adult member of an incredibly long line of incestuous Kitsunes! Who are the most stunningly beautiful fox women you've ever seen to boot!
All the matriarchal inbreeding you could dream of with a spider web of mothers and daughters so convoluted you have a better chance finding a needle in a hay stack than comprehensively charting.
But that irrelevant, as clearly the woes of incest have had no effect on you nor your kin, right?

Not exactly...
Your family is so extensively inbred that they've long since started taking on domestic features, strange fur colors and paterns, on occasion even outstanding mutations like horns, and of course vastly below average mental capacity.
Oh, and the complete in ability to identify sexual dimorphism.
Everyone is girls to you, good girls specifically, whether they have a pussy, cock, or both is irrelevant, they're all good girls. Any expressly masculine figure you see, you'll extensively struggle with identifying as person or even alive.
Everyone you've ever known is all good girls, and you are too!
Your favorite aunt doesn't have a pussy, but she's a good girls who loves have having her thumb sized dick sucked!
Your grandma is a good girl with a deep and loose pussy that's seen all sorts of dicks, and a clit as thick and long as your forearm that's explored as many holes as hers has been!
Your mom is a good girl too! With a pussy you just can't keep yourself out of and a dick so inset and micro you only realize it is one when she cums instead of squirting.
I'll let you choose exactly which good girl bits you yourself are equipped and your own fur pattern, but whatever you have will be filled as much as you fill others whether that's with love juices or limbs is up to you but you'll certainly be spending a lot of time doing it!

>I wish a was a cute fat assed prince in an incredibly sexual fantasy world.
Granted! The world has retroactively changed so that lewd plants with magical properties have always existed. Futafying mushrooms, feminizing peaches, even medicines that can do things like gender bend someone, increase attribute size, or not only heal, but prevent disease and STDs exist. Most people are very attractive due to this, and longer lived on average. Botanists are masters of their craft, honed with practice... and they're also usually perverts, mostly girls and futa.

But there are also downright "slutty" plants too, like succplants, seedbeds, and monster plants... though this is where things about the world as you know it start to get thrown out the window. Souls exist. Reincarnation does too, but notably... plants with enough sentience to be "slutty" have a soul in them. Think of it like dead things returning to the soul, but more literal. A person who dies, becomes a fuckplant, and dies again can become a person again, but plants will often have human like mannerisms, sometimes memories and even speech. Some succplants might have a specific "taste" they like more than others, one seedbed might like girls more while one may like cute boys more, An Alraune, a plant that will assimilate humans into other cute flower girls or futa, sometimes planting them as new seeds or sharing a flower as eternal lovers, but occasionally they will "partner" with humans for things like their sap and cum if they agree to behave. They can speak and many remember their human lives. Dryads are similar. They're humanoid plants that can merge with other large flora to use for things such as: pitcher plant vore/assimilation, vine bondage, seedbed shenanigans, and even vine themed tentacle pits. They can walk in human society, but tend to abuse this to rape and convert other humans, often making them attractive women or futa as well.

You? You never learned botany... but you probably don't want to be left out of this, so I gave you another gift. Fast reincarnation.
Knowing as little as you do, and learning by doing, you WILL be converted multiple times. I can only ensure that you return to a young, attractive human form on your own... after being a succplant, alraune with some other unlucky victim (ex: >>11032338), or full size slutty plant girl, rooted in place. Maybe even a futa dryad, or an onahole sized mandrake girl (screaming is a misconception, they make cute noises when you fuck them)

Now I'm going to let you in on the first two rules of Botany. One? Human seed is the key to breeding slutty plants. Without it, the plant won't grab a "free" soul to reincarnate, and won't be able to have a libido. Conversion works too, it's just a crime for humans. For sapient plants however... well, can you blame a rose for having thorns? People are cautious around them, but they are free to try to convert people. Which brings me to the second rule!

Never trust a plant that has something to gain. It/he/she WILL want sex, cum, conversion...or simply to toy with you, 9/10 times. Sure you could cultivate a cute lil succulent sized houseplant girl, watch movies with her or something, but the drive to spread seed is present in ALL magical flora. If given the chance, she absolutely would knock over a potion that turns you into a sexually compatible plant and "pollinate" with you. Maybe she's nice deep down, but nice people still want sex too..

But before you start breeding houseplant friends, let's go over HOW you will. Fuck other magical plants, duh. Only... PURE human seed (femcum works just as well) is only good for the first generation, to make the "spark". If you want to selectively breed beyond that? Both parties must be at least partially plant. Dryad X Succplant for a cute mobile shortstack who gives GREAT fellatio, mandrake X lotus to make lotus girls who act as reusable onaholes, alraune X pitcher plant for a very sociable plant tha WILL trap, fuck, and convert those who fall in... you get the idea.
Granted, welcome to a fantasy world where everything and everyone could fuck you with next to no warning. That's not hyperbole, by the way. For starters, at any time, no matter what they're doing, anyone could just decide to try to fuck someone else, be it friend or enemy. Because of that, a lot of clothes tend to have zippers, holes and similars to allow easy access to sensitive areas like genitals and buttholes - and that's if people don't just decide to ditch clothes entirely.
The second biggest issue is that inanimate objects can spontaneously gain a temporary life and take a semi-humanoid form. These objects include, but are not limited to: the clothes you wear, the items you use, the food you eat, and the air you breathe. In this state, these monsterfolk will - you guessed it! - try to fuck anyone within reach. Apparently people subconsciously project an aura that can prevent the items they own/use from transforming, but it depends on the person's power level and willpower. For example, if you were a skilled adventurer, you wouldn't have to worry about your own sword turning into a girl and trying to fuck you in the middle of combat.

You aren't a skilled adventurer. You're a young prince, living a sheltered and pampered life. This means that your ability to defend yourself is pretty low, and your anti-objectfolk aura is basically zero. This is actually surprisingly common in this world: nobles are seen as the universe's fucktoys, so they train themselves to handle more and more intense sexual stimulations, and turn themselves into targets for everyone else's sexual urges, so that the common folk will not be bothered by surprise rape or by horny objectfolk.
Since you're still a young prince, I'll go a bit easier on you: you're still in training, so guards and mentors will help you out. But admittedly, you're very cute, and your ass is to die for - and therefore a prime target. Just don't be surprised when your own pants start rimming you every day.
Don't worry: by the time you will inherit the throne (you ARE a prince after all), you will be able to handle having sex 24/7/365 and being mostly capable of doing everything else during sex.

>I wish I was a futa ghost who, thanks to my intangibility, can do stuff like fucking people's heads (see pic) and other kinds of unusual penetration.
I just hope you remember what I said about your blessing... because that's going to be how you can manage this. Fuck a magical lilly and even YOU can breed a 1st gen alraune or other simple hybrids, and the more you fuck them as they grow the faster they grow (the more they like it, and sating kinks like bondage also help). However... while I WILL bless you with modest land, a small greenhouse, and large pots to grow plants in... not only is getting plants to fuck each other to make hybrids tricky, even for experts (they'd sooner work together to try to rape and or convert you), your "blessing" of reincarnation is somehow instinctively understood by all plants. They will KNOW that they can convert you, and not have to worry about losing a long term caretaker, since you'll change back in a few days (maybe a week or longer, depends on your own arousal and luck). Even if you turn into a plant unable to water the others, a dryad will happily tend to things like that... so long as you let her fuck you routinely, and while you're turned into different kinds of plants. Maybe merge with you, as dryads do... or use some vines for bondage...

But this is also a blessing in disguise, since AS the plants in question, you can be the one who breeds the hybrids. Need to cross a seedbed with something more sociable? Get converted by an alraune and then fuck the seedbed, your daughter will be a very sensual seedbed... well, all of them will be, you'll lay a LOT of seeds. Working on houseplants? See if you can let some other monster "plant you" so you can grow from a seed as something small, and have adorably small sex with things like mandrakes and certain species of succplants. You COULD end up with unexpected mutations like pic related... but that's just part of the process.

Your "extended family" of plants will help you water and fertilize others if they are mobile and able, allowing you to get turned into the greenhouse's bottom bitch for breeding.
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On the bright side? You'll be able to keep up with professional botanists this way, and you can grow TONS of basic magical plants for medicine... though most of it will involve growing said herbs from a slut plant, and you will be one yourself more often than not...

Oh, and before you think botany isn't for you? Consider that if you don't use this blessing to your advantage... you'll just get repeatedly converted by wild lewd plants WITHOUT getting paid. Enjoy "breeding" new hybrids...

>I wish I was a cute beastgirl futa with beastgirl futa friends and roommates, and that pregnancy and STDs were no concern to us.
Granted! You are now a sexy futa ghost with an appearance that will match "your heart"... in other words, always be sexy to you. Maybe you get a bit more dominant or doting, you may find yourself more milf like, for instance. You don't have any physical needs being a ghost, obviously, and while most ghosts are cold... you will grow comfortably warm when aroused, making you feel like the real deal to those you fuck.

Speaking of? I only said physical needs. Being a ghost is maddening for most people, but in your case, while you don't have to worry about madness as much... arousal and a craving for human interaction of some kind, no matter how perverse, will replace it. The more "sated" you are, the more you can manifest. Haunting a pussy for a night is cozy, and you can probably manifest a dick halfway though... or "trail" your victim, tethered to their body. At the halfway manifested point you can also talk to people, but only they can hear you. If you've fucked them enough, either by haunting them or being a cool ghost roommate they willingly fuck, they will start to feel it 100%, even "unconventional" insertions such as brain fucking, tit fucking, etc. Some of these may cause supernatural things to happen to their body, like nipples stretching for your cock, and having inexplicably large holes for you to cum in, but whatever hole you fuck will ALWAYS heal after, and leave no physical trace of sex... though it may gape for a bit after, and victims may have trouble walking. Mindfucking temporarily makes victims dumber, often in ways where they're more submissive towards you. People who like you will act like pets after, cuddling up to whatever they can or trying to pleasure your body, at whatever state of "manifestation" it is. You will never grow so "tangible" that you will lose the ability to pass through people, you'll just become a bit more "real" to them and selectively intangible.

So what's the downside to just manifesting as much as you can?
Well... once you hit 100%, naturally, you fully manifest...

...In the body of whoever you reached 100% with, effectively "getting stuck" possessing them. This is unavoidable, and the only way to "burn" manifestation energy. You'll keep your supernatural libido, but the person whos body you took over will the "secondary" soul, a voice in your head able to talk to you, chose to "rest" in their body or follow you around as a ghost themselves, tethered to you like you were to them, and rest assured... they can still feel what the body can.

Thing is, you won't be a futa if the body you possessed didn't have a dick... but the ghost of whoever you possessed will become a futa if they didn't have a dick already, and gain every power you had, including fucking you (now in their body) in unconventional ways. Your libido will remain as well (it's frequently distracting, but manageable), but masturbation, either with your new hands or getting fucked by your ghost "friend" will only go so far. To become a ghost again, and rid yourself of that piece of meat you're in isn't "have the person you took the body from fuck you", they can do that all they want and never bypass 100% to take it back. You have to "use" all of your manifestation energy... by having sex in the body you got stuck in. The better the sex, the more you use, but it'll often take a few days, maybe a week, because you'll also want to have sex that's pleasurable for BOTH of you. If your host has a strong fetish like bondage, playing to it will feel good to you, and make you a ghost again sooner.

Once you do swap back however? The host in their own body again, and you a ghost again? You will be at 0% manifestation, only able to tickle most people until you build up more sexual energy... but the person you just possessed will not only be able to touch you, they'll be able to OVERPOWER you, and you'll probably be "tethered" to their body for a bit until you can regain your energy...
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Possessing someone you are fucking is inevitable. Just be mindful of when you might hit 100%, because there are no clear indicators, and it might not "tip over" when you expect. Hopefully you can end up in the body of someone you like, submissive towards your haunting, or someone you wouldn't mind taking revenge on you. They'll be FAR harsher on you while they are ghosts and during their "revenge period" if you do things they don't like... so if you have a milf you ended up in act too slutty for her tastes? She might just use your ghostly body as a pillow for a few days, spanking you if you don't eat her out down there. Even normally reserved people will grow horny, if only to get this kind of revenge on you as you recover.

>I wish I was a cute strix monster girl with a fluffy butt, pussy, tits... soft all over, really, with some kind of magical talent, as strix are rumored to have in mythology.
Granted! You now live in a parallel reality. One where humanity has... changed, to put it lightly. For you, this is a retroactive change, and people you know will exist in this world too, with people you're friends with existing here as well, but with new forms and adapted to the new "setting". The world has more or less returned to mother nature, with cities overgrown and whimsical wilds filled with lewd monsters covering most of the planet (they are also in the sea of course), with humans having mutations as well. Most humans look kinda like a modeseven character in terms of mutations. Lipples, hyper breasts, dick sucking lips, hyper butts/pussies, two dicks, etc. Of course, enclaves of humanity are still going strong, with cozy little futuristic homes nestled away in the ruins of old civilization, with many pieces of old media preserved, and new media still created... even if it is lewder. In other words you can keep vidya games and anime, even the internet. Just make sure the monsters don't break in while you're jerking it to something...

Your body will be mutated to be the last /d/ body type that had you down bad. Maybe it was lipples, maybe a venus futa, maybe an amputee... even a /d/orse, so long as it had a mouth and a way to eat things. You will be the same sex as what had you horny last as well. You know what it was deep down, so don't lie to yourself (if anything, share what you'd end up as, I'm curious).

Speaking of monsters? This is how humanity gets by in the brave new world. One mutation is common in monsters AND humans. Vore. It's eat or be eaten, only in this world that has a very different meaning. Organisms in the new world are waste free, and vore can be through different holes, depending on the body (the waste free bit probably makes going up a mutant beast girl butt a lot more pleasant), and rather than digesting the target... vore "converts" the target. Regeneration and robustness are also common.
Disease, STDs, allergies, infections, and other biological misfortunes are non concerns for the new life due to the robustness. Guns, knives, etc are innefective for self defense due to the robustness AND regeneration, making domination and vore a VERY effective means to end conflicts, whatever form it may come in.

Vore is also firmly tied to "reproduction" too, in a sense... certain types of vore can rebirth the victim as very similar to the monster that vored them, along with forced loyalty that can only be grown out of if the victim grows strong enough to face the monster again once more on their own (if they lose, they lose any strength they gained and become the monster's "child" again, with the monster growing even stronger). Vore is cozy, at least, with digestion no longer existing in a conventional sense, and breathing no longer being needed either (but it feels good to get fresh air after being in a hole).

The catch? The line between what "humans" and "monsters" are is VERY thin at this point, with so many humans mutated... the only real distinction is "Can they be reasoned with?"

And I've mentioned "growing stronger" through vore, but let me elaborate. Rather than make a victim similar to you (most common via unbirth), you may weaken the victim into a smaller, cuter version of themselves and "adopt" some of their mutant traits for yourself. A futa cock if you were a girl, a tail with an orifice on it, strong beastly limbs, a serpentine tail with a pussy for unbirthing... if the monster has it, you can take it. There are no "magic" abilities you can steal, but you can, say, get slimy anatomy or arm wings for gliding.

While you'll probably have to hunt your first monster with tact, using wits and tiring them out before voring them, once you take what you want from them and spit them out, rebirth them, etc... they'll feel compelled to listen to you, allowing you to train them.
They might not like it... it's not mind control, it's a mental block that stops the dominated party from willfully disobeying (unless they grow strong enough to). A slime catgirl you vored and tamed might be a total tease, fucking you constantly and trying to tempt you into letting her be the dom, constantly reminding you "I'm going to make you my kitten and fuck you SO much once I turn the tables on you...", or a haughty "succubus" with lipples and a tail pussy might be REALLY defiant and glare at you whenever you give her an order, equal parts pissed at her situation, you, and... probably secretly enjoying the sex. You can try to get along with them better by, well, taming her. If the monster is content under you, they might just accept it. On the other hand, you could end up like the boy in >>11032493 , and have to let her dote on and tease you for a while until you have the chance to be rescued by a friend, strike a deal with her (ex. I want to hunt and be a trainer, but I will let you stay my mommy), or otherwise break the loyalty clause.

And as you wished... both you AND your monsters can vore, and you have good reason to balance this act. If a monster is stronger than you are, they'll probably be able to break free and vore YOU. If YOU are too strong, and your monsters left weak... you'll be seen as prey by stronger monsters, with your own monsters being too weak to protect you. Strong monsters find little sport on picking on those THAT far out of their range...

And of course... you may battle others in society... but this is where things get fun. If someone challenges you, and you have a comparable team of monsters, you MUST accept. It's as risky for them as it is you, but one stronger trainer is better than two weaker trainers for defending society. Any vore related transformations will remain after the battle, so monsters are sent out first. If you can have all of their monsters vored, and then vore te other trainer...
You get all of their monsters AND that trainer as your OWN monster. You may order your monsters to convert any monsters they vore at your leisure, deciding if the captured monsters are better as they are with a small "mark" of who vored them (like cat ears or a cute reptile tail), merging their traits with that of the monster that vored them, or making two of the same monster type (though variety is often benefitical). You may also chose to make whoever challenged you look more like you to whatever degree you wish after you win... and can even have your own monsters vore each other to "hone" whatever traits you want them to have, or decide how your monster hierarchy works, because eventually some of your monsters will be the "sons and daughters" of your other monsters.

But if you lose... you'll be fighting alongside your monsters in a VERY different sense, probably being used as fuckbait for monsters the trainer who beat you wants to catch, or end up vored by them and THEIR monsters as they make you theirs. You can make friends who will agree not to fight you like this, come to your defense if you are challenged (you may come to someone's defense, but not gang up on someone for a forced duel in lawful society), but even they know that they might have to vore you someday. Good friends will treat you first and make sure you're cozy in their belly or womb... treat you nice when you're obedient to them too, even if it's more as a "master/pet" situation...

And if it wasn't already obvious, the most effective vore fight strategies are VERY sexual, and involve exhausting the monster or "human" duelist before putting them in a hole. Tailjobs, fucking them til they collapse, RIDING them til they collapse, smothering... and of course plain old seduction are all smart methods.

So you think you have what it takes to be a trainer, or are you going to end up some monster's new son or daughter? The voring party DOES get to decide the sex their victim turns into...
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You are now a truly impressively cute Strix! Especially for a horned owl-harpy(-esque-sort of-thing) your features are soft and approachable.

While not exactly as mythologically described, you do have a small host of powers, with short list of quite generic curses at you preexisting disposal, and the option to learn more, you'll find the most strength in love curses though, be it heart break or forced love and any sort in between, you have quite the way with heart strings.
And as you wished of course you are wonderfully fluffy, all of your feathers are already incredibly soft allowing for you to fly silently, but the extra down feathers around your naughty bits are the softest of all! Everybody who ever gets the chance up close with them loves them!
Though that could be the side effects talking, as your feathers, your pubic and body down most especially, release small amounts of a poison designed to make your victims so infatuated with feeling you up, they go completely oblivious to bitting down and sucking their blood...
You are very carnivorus, and a little vampiric, so while drinking human blood is far from necessary for you, it is a pretty good time.

But being a blood sucker and such a cute little birdie comes with it's downsides, and the biggest I'm sure you expect, is hunters. Not ones looking to kill you, ones looking to capture you.
Your feathers, are incredibly valuable, it's one thing that they already so wonderfully soft, but their poison is an important ingredient in love potions, and those sell for incredibl(y bloated prices)e amounts all over!

Not to worry though! None of those big bad hunters will get their hands on you!

Not with your witch owner/girlfriend to keep you safe!

She'll keep you safe, warm and well fed, only collecting you feathers as they fall of naturally, like hair.
Though there mat be one little issue with living with her, she's very environmentally conscious...
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>I wish I was a cute girl who could turn into a quad amputee for close friends and friends with benefits, to use as a pillow, fucknugget or simply to tease and toy with, or even to carry around in a backpack (saves me a lot of walking and we'd only need one seat on a bus)... I also wish I had friends and friends with benefits, girls and futa (with no chance of impregnation) please.
No not like in the PETA way, or those retarded vegans who force their diets on their pets. More in the, "Unreasonably aware of your population status and concerningly excited to fix it" way.
To put it bluntly, you're getting bred, not bread. How ever she can go about doing it, she WILL get you pregnant, be it either buying semen online for assisted insemination, or doing a little flesh magic to deep dick you herself, almost all of the time you spend in her care will be spent, heavily pregnant, full almost to bursting with healthy eggs as constantly as she can make you.
You won't need to concern yourself with raising your children, they'll grow quickly and be born with all the knowledge they'll need to live long and happy lives in the wild, the only issue is how excited your mistress is with putting you through the process of making more...

>I wish to kiss /d/orses, I don't care how, where, or even if I turn into one or not, I just want to smooch /d/orses.
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You sound perfect for a task a succubus friend of mine wants done... granted! I have taken the liberty of making you a succubus like pic related. You are stretchy enough to act as a /d/orse cocksleeve, big enough to satisfy them, and your libido and stamina are enough to keep up with them. Your wings are purely for show. Your only powers are STD immunity, fiendish resilience (you're durable enough to shrug off knives and you can walk in a snowstorm naked), selective fertility, and your human guise. This form is a guideline. You will still have a big dick and balls for reasons I'll get to later, and likely have piercings. A shameful form, really. But you DO get a say over your human form, which you can hold for most of the day, for almost all of it if you've been doing your job and saving up fiendish power. And don't worry, you aren't bound to anyone, nor are you damned... but you must respect a new responsibility to get the most out of your wish.

/d/orses exist now. Other similar mutations exist, but queen's stallions are common around your area. It's like lycanthropy, any girl, or even effeminate boys can catch it, often when they're pent up sexually, and they will remain in that state until they find enough relief... and even for a few hours or days after they get it all out, potentially. Not many people know why they turn back at different rates... but you do. People who are conflicted about being /d/orses, those who secretly enjoy it but would (supposedly) NEVER admit to it, or perhaps haven't even admitted it to themselves, will stay "cursed" longer before turning back, and will often relapse much more often than others.

And to make things fun... there's no inherent intelligence drain. Any slutty actions taken are those of the girl turned dorse alone. They can't speak clearly, some only have an ass, cock and balls, others may have a pussy, and many will wear gags to stop the drooling or keep their tongues in.
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Many will also wear tail plugs to hide their butts, reigns for... what were those again? Yeah, so the curse? While we didn't make DIRECT intelligence changes, people will feel like they need to wear /d/orse accessories for some reason, to make it less shameful. You'll see through it though.

So, I can hear it now, your burning question: What's your role? Isn't it obvious? Help these girls deal with their shame. If they enjoy it, and don't turn back because of it... show them they enjoy it. This can either result in acceptance that gives them some control of their were /d/orse affliciton... or them just refusing to turn back.

But you can't just show up as a succubus, of couse... no, you pose as a "social worker" who "helps" the afflicted. That is your human form's persona. You won't JUST get into their pants... but this made up position lets the /d/orse use you for sexual relief if they want to, and you can't say no. So long as it's consensual, you can smooch them when they ask you about that. While their speech is slurred... you can understand it well enough to recognize consent and what a dorse wants. It's embarrassing, not incomprehensible. But if they ask you to stop, you will have to (if you want to keep your cover). Your human forrm isn't futa, by the way, but it IS very stretchy, so if you get smooches, expect them to come with the experience of getting impaled and filled like a balloon, or perhaps kissing them somewhere other than their lips... they've got REAL sensitive buttholes you know... tits and cockheads, too.

Get them comfortable around you and you can start to make moves. Suggest things, offer to stay the night, get to know them, and make their time as a dorse happy instead of shameful. It'll take time... but eventually they'll forget anything is wrong around you, and you can reveal your true form at this point of corrupting- I mean, "getting them to accept themselves". Even if they wanted to tell anyone, no one would believe them.
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And as >>11032712 would imply, you have a /d/orse form as well.... but that "you can only do as they say" rule you had to follow for your cover? As a demon you have to follow something very close. "Keep them happy". If they ask you to eat their ass, you have to eat it or else their corruption will regress, and you'll be penalized. The penalties will be arbitrary, but fitting to your likes and dislikes. Things such as being stuck in human form for half a week (no dick), being stuck as an unidentifiable /d/orse for a day or two (the girls will be told you're sick), or having wet dreams that end before you can smooch them. Do what they say, however, and you can do things of your own without asking, such as "earning" your /d/orse form for some sex with one... though this is a mixed blessing since you can't just "turn it off". You're going to be like that for a few hours at least... maybe stay the night with them?

Ultimately, you exist for THEIR pleasure, no matter how humiliating it is for you, and you only get the privilege to do so in a way you will enjoy if you obey like a good girl. They are still intelligent, as I said, and many will notice this, and some may abuse it. You can leave behind "problem" clients, but you have a quota to meet, so don't get TOO picky...

Society will see you as a pervert and dorse fetishist (most people who sign up to help them are into them), and the people you help embrace the debauchery will see you as a slave... but maybe a friend as well, one they'd smooch a lot... after doing what they ask.

Well? This wonderful milfy dorse wants you to wear a slutty maid outfit around her house, and "keep her plug warm". She might smooch you after...

>I wish a qt succubus, with no need to drain life force or evil obligations, would permanently swap bodies with me somehow, and either through god tier makeup or magic, make my old body far sexier (ex. gender bending or futafying) as I get used to hers. A win/win situation... I hope.
Good news! You got a new body! Bad news, she's got yours...
She is STILL a succubus after all, so you're about to watch everyone you know be shocked when "you" end up in jail after a string of rape crimes. Your entire friend and family group wants nothing to do with you, and likely won't hear your side of the story for a long time.
Don't forget you're in a succubus body now. A demon. You're going to hell. It's not bad, though. You have lake-of-fire side property, a relatively horny community, and ...rent?
Oh... So THAT'S why the succubus was on Earth... In order to make rent, buy groceries, or do anything with money, you gotta grind that 9-to-5 job. And I do mean grind. As in sex.
If you don't want to not be on the streets of hell (and trust me, hellhounds are a real problem) you need to take over her old job of fucking for sex energy. It's not evil or life-draining; it's a job... which can considered evil and life-draining if you're a pessimist.

>I wish that sex felt as good as it looks in hentai. I'm talking ahegao, fucked-silly, heart pupil orgasms for the ladies. We're looking at no-refractory period repeated cumshots from the men who always are ready to go
>I imagine a lot less is going to get accomplished, but if everyone is getting ahegao, then everyone totally understands why you look like sex-hair is your default hair.
Also, I forgot to attach a picture.
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Granted! You are now an adorable, yet formidable tentacle plant! You're a girl in that lewd flower, with strong, lengthy leg roots and vines anchoring you to it, but they are durable enough for you to crawl out of said flower, spread your legs, have some human on human fun, take it doggy style, etc. You won't have to worry about getting severed from the rest of your body, even if you are, your core is indestructible and will replant itself into a new body without fail. If you're tired of this constant rebirth, you may pray to Gaia to be reborn as something else, and let your soul move on, so don't fret about immortality (but you must at least spend a few decades in the form you wished for). You're a bit like a lamia, and your main lower vine can be used as a tail to slither around with... but it's very slow and weak when not rooted, so using it to get around is like a fish trying to hop to a new pond. It's slow and you're incredibly weak during. But when you root? You can grow extra tentacles, specializing them into seed ovipositors, nectar filled cocks, flowers that milk prey, nubbed tentacles, even extra "buds" to trap prey in, like venus fly traps (but they are filled with stimulating nubs instead of teeth). You can feel all of these since they are all part of your body. You will have to "shed" all tentacles you've grown when rooted when you move however, and grow them again once you find a new place to take root.

You can mostly sustain yourself on sunlight, modest nutrients in the soil, and water, and can even steal nutrients from other plants your roots are in contact with in an emergency (such as a drought), but if you REALLY want to grow stronger, you need cum, milk, or other sexual fluids from humans (while lesbian bee girls will have fun pollinating you, their femcum will not be nearly as strong). You live in a world much like your own... only monster girls, futa, and other fun things exist.
While you CAN apply to live in a city... accommodations for a plant of your size is pricey, you'd only get yucky "donor" cum, and rape would be illegal. But in the wilds? Authority has no power. Any human who leaves the city "safe zone" is liable to be preyed on by monster girls, and anything that happens is outside of the law. And in your case... you have pollen and pheromones that can cheat this. You can send out a pheromone mix, tailored to attract the sex of your chosing (you will learn to hone this, and will even be able to learn what is likely to attract things as specific as futa, lesbians, femboys, etc more often than not) and you may use any vines or fleshy trap buds to capture your prey. You can even plant your seeds in them when you're done, and since this was done outside of anyone's jurisdiction... they'll have to let your daughters grow until they can leave their bodies, at which point they may plant themselves near you for protection and to be "with mommy". Incest is fine too, you're a plant and incest isn't really a thing for you. Most plant girls just see carnal pleasures with their "clans" as normal... but that's assuming you have success with your victims.

So say a futa gets lost in your woods looking for rare plants, a cute girl is attracted by your pheromones, the cute girl's milf of a mother comes looking for her... you can hide in your bud to appear as a mundane plant and use any vines or extra parts you've grown to trap them. If they don't suspect them, it'll probably work. I'd advise hiding the trap vines in bushes or underground, and perhaps letting other plants grow around your bud to hide it. Once you catch them? You can give them a weakening sap and do as you will with them.

...But here's the catch. Remember what I said about you being physically weak when not rooted? And moving yourself being a whole ordeal? You'd BEST hope that those traps work... because if someone locates your "main", humanoid core...
They will still be horny from your pheromones, and you can't just MOVE any traps you've grown to overpower the horny would be victim. They're traps, not weapons. Your tentacles made for sex are not strong enough to overpower a human who has not been weakened first either.

Your blue bud is easy to spot by someone educated about monster girls if not hidden, and even to a layman or laywoman, "there is probably a monster girl around here" isn't rocket science. Your best bet if someone notices and avoids your traps is to stay still and hope they leave you be... as hard as that may be for them with the pheromones making them horny and drawing them to you.

And if a human finds your bud? You may be durable... but you're far from "strong". It doesn't take much for a human to shove your humanoid body out of your flower, leaving you weak and vulnerable, and at their whims. As stated, you're still tethered to the main body... but you can be fucked like a normal human could at this point. Did the futa sneeze right before your tentacle pod could snatch her, and then notice your main bud? Did the daughter you captured call out to her milf of a mother from inside of a "storage" bud, warning her? Now the tables are turned.

The horny futa will feel the NEED to fuck you, and pull you out of your protective bud to fuck you until she's satisfied. The milf? Even she can pull you out, but she'll be pissed that you kidnapped her daughter, and you'll likely get double teamed after she smothers you into submission. The "no laws out here" works both ways too, they can't be charged for raping you either. On top of that... they may want to 'return" to have more fun with you... which is when you should relocate, since you can't win a fight. Be careful relocating too, or else they might just find you again, and get the jump on YOU while you're taking root. Sex with you is AMAZING, and they'll crave it again. Sure, you can get some willing victims who will let you toy with them...
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But if they get too excited, they might just try to overpower you as well.

So yes, you are a very powerful (and cute) rape plant who can have loyal daughters even, with no laws to keep you from doing what you do, and you can even strike deals with say, bee girls to help you find nice places to take root, or forest satyr girls to keep you company... but you're only a threat if you catch your prey by surprise, and the traps you lay work. You can't move them easily once you set them... if someone gets by them somehow, as strong as they may be? You're weak enough to be overpowered by even the cutest of girls, and girliest femboys.

Hope you can take what you dish out...

>I wish I was a cute, soft, fluffy bat monster girl with no financial responsibilities, other monster girl friends (possibly roommates), and primarily lesbian and futa fuck friends, maybe some cute boys if I felt like it, with them finding me cute, despite my reserved nature. I just want to be a cute bat NEET with good company, is that too much to ask for?
Wish bumps
Granted, welcome to the Zodiacs. It's a gang of beastgirl futas... Well, okay, to be more exact, everyone who joins BECOMES a beastgirl futa, due to a blessing (curse?) placed on the group. And yes, there's quite a few members who were originally humans.
I've rolled the die for you, and you got the Cancer position, which means that you're now a crab girl. You can be something like this pic, a human girl with crab hands and lower body; or you could go for a more insectoid (crustacean?) appearance, with armored skin all over and a mandibled mouth. Don't worry: your residual human genes make it so that you can survive just fine out of water, and your pincers are as precise and delicate as human hands. Oh, and of course you have a dick... a retractable dick, a bit softer than a human one but mostly fine.
The other 'girls' have a similar amount of variety. For example, "Pisces" is a shark mermaid (with a motorized and heavily modded wheelchair), while "Leo" is a towering taurine chimera, mixing lion, goat and snake... she used to be a shy satyr, but getting a feline transformation really fucked up her body. Yes, all of them have dicks - some REALLY big. Thankfully, the same transformation blessing also gave you some hentai benefits, like pregnancy control, supernatural stretchiness, a higher-than-normal libido with the stamina to match, and an immunity to normal sexual diseases.
Unfortunately, you don't have a single house big enough for all of you, but you DO live with a couple of roommates. Plus, you frequently meet to do stuff together, from partying (and orgying) in pubs, to watching movie marathons.

Unfortunately, you don't just have beastgirl futa friends, but also beastgirl futa enemies. Namely, the other Zodiacs - these ones are based on the Eastern zodiac. They copied your gang's name and gimmick, while claiming that THEY were the original ones. The nerve!
Naturally, the two gangs have become rivals for life, constantly sabotaging and fucking over each other near constantly. Like bombarding your house with eggs (taken straight from the Rooster and the Snake), sabotaging your rides, or simply fighting you in brawls that almost always devolve into hatesex.
But, who knows? Maybe you'll be able to break peach between your friends and their beast rivals. Maybe you'll manage to make two beastfutas swallow their pride and confess their love for each other. Or maybe you'll just rape the opposition monstergirl-style and forcibly turn the rival gang into your gang's bitches. Who know what the future might hold?

>I wish to become a hivemind of shortstack demon girls.
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It's not too much to ask for at all!

You're now an adorably sexy bat-girl that has and will never work a day in her life! Supporting yourself and your admittedly hedonistic lifestyle by mooching off your friends and fuckbuddies, even stealing on occasion.
Don't worry though, they'll all stay great friends with you, and you'll frequently find yourself going on all sorts of road trips and adventures just tagging along!
All the cute girls and futas you could want living up the night life together!

There is a few small issues though...
First and foremost, all of your friends are vampires. They won't be sucking your blood or anything of that sort, but they will all exploit their vampiric powers against you, mostly sexual humiliation stuff. All of them have the ability to command bats and given how you're a bat monster, you'll be able to tell when they're commanding you, but you won't be able to resist at all. They're also almost hyper aware of everything that you do, so trying to lie to them literally never works, which means you do always end up paying a price for anything you take, and most often that price is your throat.
In addition to already having to suffer through all your friends being dommy vampires, getting tossed around between so many giving you commands has its own side effects!
And that will cum as an a paralytic buzzing through your entire nervous system whenever you're given to many orders simultaneously. And I do mean cum, while you won't like it the sensation is overwhelmingly pleasurable, and will turn you into a waterfall for the fractions of a second it lasts. They won't use this against you too too much but do expect to spend at least a few minutes as a cumming statue whenever you meat up with more than 4 of them.

I hope you enjoy being everyone's favorite shut in sex pet!

>I wish I was a futa who made all my money streaming myself being an exhibitionist
Granted! This wish will be sponsored by not really evil just horny (and sexy) demons from hell's lust layer. They're pretty upset that it's a part of hell, though they won't deny that the "demon" aesthetic is really hot and fun. Anyways, they want to more or less start a propaganda campaign against mortals convincing them that lust isn't REALLY a sin, and all around try to improve and, ironically, stop the (moral) demonizing of their home. It's not that bad honestly, since rapists (including predators) go to violence, and other shitty people go to other layers even if their sins are lust adjacent, like an abusive pimp ending up in greed. If it's JUST being horny, the sinner goes to lust, so most demons there are actually pretty nice.

YOU are a boon to thm, and thanks to your special power, you will be sent to the material plane to start spreading the word. You can disguise as human for your mission... kinda. 2 or three shortstacks can turn into a human body, but you'll remain a hivemind. You will start with 7 shortstacks bodies that fit your liking, they look like your pic by default (the fire is harmless and can change color based on mood). You're all very stretchy and demonically resilient. No diseases, no pregnancies, you're even resistant to elements (especially fire) and traditional weapons... not that you need this much. Your mission is pretty simple, and you share it with some other girls and cute guys from lust. Make friends, become friends with benefits, and convince them that lust is fun, not evil... and help "bring out" their lust too, try to awaken fetishes in them. Your unique hivemind form will let you socialize with multiple people at once, and have REALLY creative sex. You'll be guaranteed to find at least ONE attractive girl who's interested in your cause... and something important about female "followers": They can help you have more or less bodies.
You can request that they agree to a supernatural pregnancy ritual, where they grow VERY stretchy and in a few hours, grow extremely pregnant before popping out a new imp body for you, usually with some features from the girl who "made" that body (like bigger boobs, freckles, or being taller/shorter than the other imps). It's a lengthy ritual that asks a lot though, and only works on willing women, so use it wisely And while you can never go below seven imps... to reduce your numbers you have to have two bodies in near perfect (sexual) harmony, to the point where they feel like the same person... or one just really wants to be the other imp in a kinky way. They'll be pleasurably absorbed.

While you ARE a demon, you're just so cute that most people will at LEAST hear you out, and while you can get REAL kinky... it's STRONGY advised that you, ironically, NOT indulge in too many other sins. No stealing (piracy is ok but robbery is not), no rape (seduction is fine, and you don't have to worry about asking, you can sense if they want it or not, and consensual non con is a-ok), and no murder or anything. This will screw up your mission goal of saying "Lust isn't bad", and you'll be transported to the lust ring again for punishment, usually in the form of creative denial or domination to "train" you. You have to be a GOOD hivemind, aftercare is expected unless refused, even if you just gang raped a twink (who wanted it). The good news is you'll probably end up with a lot of friends this way... though you can't do much about them teasing you (which is very easy) other than try to tease back. You ARE easy to push around and toy with...

But that's not the only paw... the other is REAL fun.

You have a special kind of hivemind specific dissociation. You're REAL powerful... when you can co-ordinate with your other "selves". But a hivemind body is VERY hard to comprehend for a former mortal. You can manage it when you don't think too hard about it...
But sometimes you'll get hit with a wave of awareness while "you" are in one body specifically, seeing yourself as an individual, with the other bodies likely struggling as a result, like a domino effect. Two bodies that are close enough might be spared, but most of the time, if one stops thinking like a hivemind, the others will as well. In this state, each body is still you, and wants what you do... but they're all individuals who are unable to sync their goals, with their individuality often being related to what that body is used for the most. The one you use to eat your own ass might by shy, subby, and eager to please, the one you use to rig bondage or get toys into place might be assertive and bossy with a mind for details, the one that seduces people the most (the "face" of the hivemind that does the talking) might end up domineering and sultry (perhaps even mature) while the one that is always the first to be subjected to a new type of sex might be a needy, but friendly pillow princess. It's VERY hard to use all bodies in the same ways equally, using the same bodies for the same purposes will feel natural. Also when this condition hits, you will be unaware of what any bodies you cannot see are doing... but if they're having sex you may feel arousal, or a faint sensation of fucking or getting fucked...

This will lead to adorable shenanigans that your fuck buddies, on earth and in hell, will LOVE. An argument of "I want to top!" "No I want to top!" might break out between two bodies, only for you to remember it as you arguing with yourself after you (eventually) recover. You will be aware that it's still you, but it won't feel like it and emotions will run hot, so stuff like "Yeah you're me but you're also a bitch and a slut and belong under my ass" might slip out. It's kinda like your personality is divided among the imps, which can be fun since if you end up "aware" in a body with a strong sub/dom relation with another body...
Well.. could you ask for a better dom or more loyal sub? You know yourself best.

Oh, and you can also let willing people join your hivemind... but that just makes the problem worse. You can get rid of a spare body, but another personality and mind? It'll never TRULY merge, and often cause "infighting" (or infucking) when some imps act more like the person you just assimilated than others... and you are that person, and they are you, but you'll never really get what that "means". You just know that if you think about it too hard, you'll stop being a hivemind and end up looking at the world through only one pair of eyes again, at the mercy of the other bodies, and I'd wager all of them are gonna be pretty horny... So don't assimilate anyone you aren't ready to integrate into your very being, if at all. It's permanent.

People you convince to be lusty and join this totally not a cult will try to trigger this, single out a body in a way where "you" focus on it, and as such, "become" that specific body, often so the other bodies (and your sex friends) can dominate it... only for them to all realize they dominated themselves (and remember every detail) when you get a hang of being a hivemind again.

If nothing else... you'll keep yourself good company. Maybe it'd be fun to intentionally trigger the dissociation to talk to yourself or better get to know aspects of yourself? Try it sometime... just don't expect to be able to decide when every body is on the same page again. You'll all sync again when you sync again... best not to think about it.

I mean... unless you want to intentionally break your hivemind and end up your own bottom bitch, also an option.

>On the topic of this artist... I wish I was a cute female shortstack fey creature. A pixie, tiny satyr, gremlin... or perhaps something else entirely. More whimsical and friendly than "hangs out at the fringes of society" though.
Granted! But not only is this your only way of making money... your entire life is a magical livestream. There is no visible or tangible camera, no microphone, just your fey matron and moderator who LOVES meddling in mortal affairs. Wherever you go, you'll be streamed to her website, which is affiliated with other popular websites that will also show the stream, and when I say stream, yes, it's like a twitch stream with chat, redeems, and even interactive bits, but we'll get to those later.

Firstly? You'll get a new futa body and "persona" It won't affect your mind, just a brand like "a curious catgirl", "an elven slut", "an ancient egyptian jackal girl", stuff like that. If you have no preference, your matron will push for you to go for something fey themed, like a cute faun girl with a fluffy butt and hooves who fey are ALWAYS pranking (this is true) It'll be something fitting for you, and you can request to rebrand... but do this too often and you might be known as a transformation themed channel, which your matron WILL lean into.

Your matron is a fey queen, with the body of a satyr futa herself. After striking a deal with a witch, she managed to get her hands on a crystal ball, and got a BUNCH of fairies (who an turn invisible) to help set up pranks for her on unsuspecting mortals... but she ALWAYS wanted to "focus" on one... which is where you come in.

You are encouraged to try to live your life in your sexy new futa body, but your life exists for the entertainment of others, and as your mod and stream manager... your matron will keep it exciting. Even if you're just walking, she might give a cute voiceover, or use magical camera work to make even the smallest things cute or sexy. Did you see a penny? Your eyes will widen and it'll look adorable. Did you see a cute girl? You'll blush and it'll look like an anime frame. Shopping? Don't look at the bananas don't look at the eggplants- fuck, you looked at the cucumbers... chat's going wild.
You're also expected to give a show when you get home, and your matron can "guide" you by talking to you via telepathy. "Could you do butt stuff for us tonight?", or "You wanted to be an exhibitionist, can you go without panties or something today?" But don't ever expect it to be "just" what she says. She keeps the workings of the stream secret from you sometimes, so say... you start masturbating with toys. You might learn the hard way that a redeem was "summon a dildo directly inside of her", or she might have a poll of things like "lock dildo in place/increase size/increase sensitivity", with magic ensuring that your audience gets to "interact" with you in ways not dissimilar to animated redeems, or the kind where things get thrown at a vtuber's face... only instead of having things thrown at the likeness of your face, actual things happen to your actual body, like "increase cock size" or "put her in heat"

Or maybe the flavor of the day is going without panties? Your misfortune and awkwardness is entertainment. There may be new polls like "summon a breeze/make her hard", and when people start to get suspicious, the polls might become things like "make her forget she's not wearing panties" vs "replace all human speech with catgirl noises"

Your matron will undo any legal trouble and prevent physical harm... but she'll only do limited damage control for your reputation, maybe only mindwiping people after you exposed yourself in the middle of a city... just so you can do it again.

And you're not special. Others have fallen victim to her curse, so expect "crossovers", with chat getting to decide what to do to you two with polls like "chain them together in 69" or "body swap them"

These other "streamers" will be people you find attractive, or maybe a smug lil shit who loves to fuck with you, maybe a sexy but bitchy streamer whatever's entertaining. You'll make friends though and they'll be some of the only ones you can relate to.

It's not all bad though.
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The sex will always be fun and your matron is merciful enough to let you blacklist stuff as "no gos", though in reality she knows your kinks and intents to keep things in the bounds of "she may be humiliated but actually enjoys this". She's not evil, just perverted. Hell, she might even show up in your house or whatever park you're in to "catch up" with you... and she's a VERY passionate lover, with a soft goat butt and meaty satyr cock. She'll even let you take the lead then cuddle you as you sleep some nights if you're being a good human... or... whatever she turned you into for your "persona".

She'll try to make some of your fantasies come true as well... but often in ways that are funny and entertaining, or unexpected for you so your reaction is cuter and the situation is sexier. Into mind control or corruption? How about body control? You stay completely aware of what you're doing while she commands your body to do humiliating things, with your mind only along for the ride.

Depending on your fetishes, she might "tune" your streams to be more focused around certain kinks. Maybe you'll wake up in front of your computer as a ladypot one day, with a single fairy teasing your privates as you have to talk to your audience, maybe if you like video games, you'll get to stream some... with kinky twists like chat getting to alter your body once every time you die in Dark Souls. 1st death "give her a bush", 2nd "Lipples!" 3rd "Shortstack her!" 4th "Dick sucking lips", until you're a /d/ monster.

She may even make you compete against other streamers with similar stakes... but you'll get to spend "normal" time together after... even if you are transformed for the day...

Enjoy your fame!

>I wish I was a cute girl gifted with "amputee magic" and cute FWBs. Being able to make others amputees, myself an amputee, deciding the nature of the limb loss/reduction... and it being reversible, of course (otherwise I wouldn't need a wish I'd need an axe)
Wish bumps
Granted. Your head will be transplanted on the body of a beautiful woman that will fit right into your tastes, both in terms of appearance and mostly in terms of personality. Unfortunately for you, she basically has complete control over her old body, meaning that technically, you're just a passenger on her shoulder. You can feel what she feels, but that's pretty much it.

But that would be too harsh of a paw, so I decided that you get to keep your old body. As in: your headless body, which is still alive and under your control. All your physical needs have been passed to the woman, so basically when she eats or breathes, she also nourishes/oxygenates your body. As I already stated, you can freely control your body as normal, you can feel what it feels, and you also got a general increase in physical ability like strength, speed etc.
The only problem is... well, your head - and by extension your eyes, ears etc - are on the WOMAN's body. If you want to control your own body, you'll have to do it from a third-person point of view - which is a lot harder than it sounds. If you can see where your own body is: great, you can move just fine! If not, you're in trouble.
By the way, the woman knows all of this. And she WILL take advantage of it. Mostly by putting your old body in restraints and then sexually teasing it while you feel everything, but you're powerless to stop her. She's got quite the experience as a domme, and she'll put it to good use.
Granted! Your universe now belongs to cosmic hentai artists. You know how sometimes companies can own IPs, and how artists can own characters? Well... your reality is more or less now part of the hentai "canon" of pervy goddesses. And to give you an idea of who owns you now, if you were on the same level of existence as them, you'd think of them as nerdy girls, borderline NEETs, probably stutter when talking to other great old ones... and they'd all be roommates if they needed homes. But they make GREAT porn, and you're a a subject in said porn now.

Life will take on a hentai esq aesthetic, and the laws of your reality themselves will now be decided by the outer pervs. Dick sizes are now hentai level, people are either attractive or an ugly bastard (rarely is there an in between), holes are always ready for sex, People will cum buckets, sometimes leaving their partners a bit bloated, and women lactate whenever it'd be hottest. The new "style" of the universe will make things sexier too. Heart pupils, everything looking as perfect as it would in a manga, adorable blush, exaggerated curves...

Only these cosmic nerds aren't just the artists of the universe... they're also the writers, and they do this for fun. As a mercy, I matched you with nerd goddesses that like what you do sexually... but it's not a perfect match. None of their fetishes will be things you HATE, you'll always get at least get guilty pleasure out of it, but that doesn't mean things won't get out of hand.

For starters... you're their muse now. One of them wants you a cute androgenous boy, another a girl, another a futa (duh), so they'll swap what sex you are around. You'll wake up in different bodies, sometimes you'll even see your breasts pop into existence, or watch as your body chances if there's a mirror nearby. They'll keep identifiable features for you, like hair and eye color, maybe give you a trademark like a mole, freckles, or main character hair, but your body is a canvas.
How you appear on a given day will be based on how they're "feeling", the "plot", and whoever is in charge of what is basically an eldritch drawing tablet. They take turns, one is shy and likes sensual stuff and "vanilla", one is energetic and unpredictably horny as well as /d/ tier pervy, one is tomboyish and just likes to fuck with you whatever the plot is,

The "plot" is what they want to see happen in your universe. On no! You asked that cute girl out, but you woke up a girl! It's not like she'll turn out to be bi and prefer this, leading to yuri... oh that's it? No, the middle goddess is bored of that plot already... why not make it so that the girl you met was the one who MADE you a girl? Used some kind of tech to do it? And then the tomboy goddess will chime in, adding that she probably still has it, and might use it to dominate you, like put a collar on you that make all of your words dog barks, and dress you up for pet play? "Break you in" while teaching you the pleasures of yuri?

Another week you might wake up a smaller, cuter guy than average... only to see more milfs and venus bodied ladies on average. They're feeling femdom this week, and you'll end up the boy toy of some rich woman and her adult daughter.

Or maybe one wants to get WEIRD with it... What if she drew you as a ladypot? Fucknugget? Boob slug- ah fuck it, let's just give a lady friend of his a dick and give her a reality bending remote to do all of the above.

Somehow, things WILL always work out, even if it wouldn't make sense (the writers can fiat things, that random body swapping disease that existed last week is all gone), but they'll only get things back to (relative) normalcy so they can fuck it up again. You'll get grace periods in between their "mangas" at least, where you can have sex "normally", or keep fucking with whatever they left you with, like a futa body or a venus mistress.

Sometimes they'll have self inserts, which are literal avatars of themselves.
Idealized, but they'll do this if they get bored or horny enough, sometimes "cameo" in your universe as, say, the futa witch turning girls into animal girls, the futa tomboy who owns this issue's harem, or the super cute girl that's being ravaged alongside our protagonist (you) in some sort of sexual fantasy of hers, perhaps both of you are members of the tomboy's harem?

They have SOME integrity and other cosmic things to do (believe it or not) so they won't always do this, but when they do it'll be a treat.

Also... they don't really care about how they leave you so long as it's "normal" enough to do something new to you the next time they work. Were you body swapped with your crush? Eh, it's fine. Made a dog girl who can't talk? You'll live! Are you still the boy maid of that heiress? Well your salary's good at least... even if you think her orders and workplace environment break a few laws... not sure if you can ask your "boy maid" to serve as a chair like that...

But if they say the sex is THAT good? Rest assured... as the characters experiencing it, it'll FEEL that good. Enjoy your eternal life as the protagonist of various cosmic hentai mangas.

>I wish I was a cute, younger futa living under wealthy older, dominant, doting milfs, perhaps even mistresses.
Wow, that sounds awesome! Thanks very much! I'll try to match that energy.

When out for a stroll on a nice day, you trip. Normally that's nothing new, but with a hollow sounding 'Pop' all four of your limbs come off.
Normally, you'd be concerned about that, too, but you tripped while on a hill, and your little nugget of a body kept rolling and rolling and rolling...

Long story short, you wound up very dizzy, and very far away from your limbs. Thankfully Eliza, a toned and tanned brunette, was out for a jog and found what she assumed was a dismembered corpse. Once she was done screaming, you were able to explain the situation. While she considered it super weird, like super-duper weird, she promised to carry you up the hill to find all your limbs. She wrapped she hair up in a ponytail (she likes to have it free when she's running), hoisted you into her arms, and started up the hill.
Eliza makes a bit of small talk to calm her nerves, considering she's carrying a limbless torso. She works as a barista at night at a local bar while she's saving up money to finish college after she dropped out the first time. She likes to go to painting classes on her days off and dreams of one day having a house with a pool, so she doesn't need to pay for membership at the YMCA.

A couple hundred feet up the gentle incline, a bespectacled, mousy, pale Asian woman is trying to figure out what the hell this random arm came from. Was it a part of an exhibit or a mannequin? Why's it on the sidewalk?
When you call out that it's your arm, she is confused, until Eliza holds you up. Then the girl shrieks, drops your arm, shrieks again, and picks it up to carry it over to you, dusting it off and apologizing the whole way.
The young girl, Maya, awkwardly tries to put your arm back in the socket. While you can't see it, she swears it's this dark circle and the arm will fit right in. Eliza doesn't think that will work, but with a Pop she is proved wrong. Your RIGHT arm is back, on your LEFT side!
Maya notices the problem and is about to lose her mind for fixing you wrong, when she 'Pop's the thing right back out in her horror, and to her mounting terror. With a steadily rising wheeze from her, she manages to get your right arm in your right socket and calms down immensely.

Eliza asks where she found the arm once Maya is breathing steadily, and Maya replies she wanted to get away from her friend's dog while her friend was in the bathroom. Said friend opens the door from inside house on the curb and a large white Siberian husky comes thundering out as soon as it can. The dog affectionately tackles Maya to the grass. Her friend comes over with a laugh. She introduces herself as Samantha, while the dog is Sam (no -antha). Samantha is a springy ginger with green eyes and a wild mane of curly hair. She's absolutely covered with freckles, from her face to her neck to her overflowing cleavage, from her breasts that don't match her slim body, at all. You notice Eliza tense up when Samantha gets close, and she shifts your torso to cover her crotch, for some reason.

Between Eliza, Maya, and yourself, you're able to convince Samantha that this isn't some kind of hoax, and there's no cameras anywhere. She's pensive for a moment before leading Sam over to you. Sam takes a big sniff of you, and goes off running. Samantha tells you to follow Sam while she follows her nose.
Eliza groans, as she's carrying you, and you're about 15 pounds heavier with another limb attached. Maya has an idea and calls Sam back, which ends up with her being tackled by the dog a second time. She explains that she brought her backpack over to hold all the stuff for Samantha's D&D game she invited Maya to.

Samantha goes an even deeper red when she explains she totally isn't a big nerd.

Once all the miniatures, papers, dice, and cloth maps are emptied, your torso fits right inside the large backpack, with your head and arm sticking out. Eliza says carrying you should be a little easier, at least. So, the four of you, and Sam, go looking for your remaining limbs. The left leg is easy, and not too far from where Maya found your right arm. Unfortunately, it doesn't fit on you, or in the backpack, so Samantha is stuck carrying it. Your leg ends up held and sandwiched between her breasts, stretching her blue tank top to the limit.

Sam's nose continues to lead her unerringly, though it doesn't seem like it at the time. Within a minute Sam has tackled a new girl, a black-skinned goth in black and navy blue sweatshirt and miniskirt. After Sam has been pried off, and the goth has yelled at everyone for making her back-and-red knee-high socks black-red-and-green with the grass does things become apparent.
She's got an arm under her arm! Maya tries to get it from her, quickly, and a small tug of war erupts over your left arm. You, Eliza, and Samantha watch, either too encumbered or to disarmed (literally) to help. Eventually, Maya straight up bites the girl's fingers and the two go flying in opposite directions. Maya holds up your arm in victory! The goth girl screams that now her SKIRT is ruined, too!

Her anger dissipates when she sees you, though. She thought the arm would look way cool on her wall, next to all the street signs she collects. She didn't know someone was using it! Who even loses an arm, anyway?! The goth girl, Monique, eventually accepts that this is way too weird for her to even understand what's going on, but is WAY too curious to see how this plays out, and tags along with the merry group.

Monique 'Pop's your arm back in, to Eliza's moderate discomfort. She complains about how heavy you're getting, so Monique 'Pop's both your arms back out and carries them instead. In her words this is "Wicked sick" and 'Pops' your left arm in and out a couple times with a goofy smile. Then, she notices how everyone is looking at her, lets them know that she's the least weird thing about someone whose limbs come off like a friggin' Mr Potato Head. She's not technically wrong, you suppose.

So, with one leg to go, Sam is on the hunt again. Sniffing and sniffing, all the way to the top of the hill, where a blonde woman in a sundress is trying to figure out what she's found. She's on her front porch, in a rocking chair next to a stroller, examining the limb she found on the sidewalk. She she looks down, a Siberian husky is looking up at her, with your motley crew following close behind.
She stands up to introduce herself as Alison, and you're all struck by the fact that she is tall, and thick, with womanly curves and a motherly face. She was getting some fresh air for her baby, Cassandra, when she herd a yelp and saw something rolling down the hill. When she took Cassandra over to look with her, her baby was the first to notice a leg on the ground.

Eliza gives the kid a thumb's up while Maya and Monique argue about who is going to reassemble you. Samantha asks who the lucky baby girl's father is, it ends with an explosive outburst from Alison. It freezes Maya and Monique in their spots as they hear a tirade about how he's a dead-beat no-good woman-chasing hussy-magnet dumb, ugly, selfish FU...
...DGE packer.

Can't swear in front of a child, of course.

Alison invites you all inside and sheepishly apologizes. The divorce just went through, and it's still a sore subject. Apparently her husband just couldn't wait for Alison to not be pregnant, and banged his secretary. Oh, sorry, secretaries, with an 's.' There's venom in her voice when she growls over her, but admits getting a settlement as big as the one she got does lessen the sting. Child support is unfair, but she's not going to complain when she doesn't need to work and can spend time with Cassandra.

Eliza more or less dumps you on the floor, exhausted, while Alison goes to get some water for the gang, since they've all been working up a sweat. Monique and Maya come to an agreement that Monique can get the arms while Maya gets the legs. With a quartet of 'Pop's, you're reassembled shortly after everyone's got refreshments brought out. There's a brief lull in activity while everyone re-hydrates, but then all of the women (barring Sam and Cassandra) examine you and try to figure out just how your limbs can come off like that.

As it turns out, if you're actively thinking about your arm or leg, it cannot be removed, but if you're not paying attention, it can come right off. The fall must have just surprised you enough that you lost focus. What caused this to happen the first time remains a mystery.

Eventually, they're worried that your head might be able to come off, so there's a brief thought on how to test this, without hurting you. Eventually, the best bet anyone can have is that someone's just going to have to pull, firmly, while you're distracted. How this comes about was whispered out of your earshot. But, something funny is being cooked up.

>No image since [facesitting goth_girl futanari dark_skin nugget] returns not many results

Eliza begins to explain that she's going to have you close your eyes, relax you with some gentle yoga poses, maybe get some ocean waves playing over her speaker...
Then Samantha lifts her shirt, exposing her breasts. Your focus is so attentive on the fact that she removed her bra for this, for some reason, you don't notice that Monique is behind you, and she attempts to lift your head off your shoulders.
What the experiment proved is that your head is attached, but it also showed you can be so surprised that your limbs pop off easier than normal. Your legs quite literally come out from under you with Monique's first pull, and you fall back onto her. She stumbles back, you drop down, and she falls forward, trying to keep hold on you.

Before you know what happened, Monique is kneeling above your head, which is now under her miniskirt. The fact that she(?) has a sizeable cock, which is now resting on your chin, in addition to a slightly damp slit on your nose adds to the surprise so much that your arms pop off, as well.

Your completely understandable limbless struggling is attempted to be played off the the goth woman in what you can only assume is a deflection. She says that it was Samantha's fault, probably. He was just too surprised by those big, pale, perky tits... with pink areola and really big nipples...
Monique's cock extends onto your neck, with the few inches it gained.
Granted! Buuuut since furries and scalies are not allowed on /d/, I'll have to both penalize you and make it so that you are the victim of different "snakes", but mostly just one...

You are now a cute boy who is easily toyed with... and a lamia's pet. However, while she will orally pleasure you with her VERY long tongue, and even invite her sisters and mother to join in on the fun... you are hers, first and foremost, In addition, these lamia are VERY stretchy, and used serpentine magic to make their pussies as stretchy as the jaws of some snakes, with comparable "swallowing" ability for their sizes. Also due to serpentine magic, it's perfecty safe inside. While she may share you with her other family to tease, lick all over, an coil around... she can get rather possessive, and she has ONE place where she can keep you where no one else can get to you... and if I have to spell it out at this point, you might be stupid.

While in her magical pussy, you have no needs (no bathroom break needed) and you gradually absorb sustenance from her, so you never dehydrate or starve (you can jerk off in there, she won't get pregnant). If she swallows you all the way into her womb, you'll be immobilized, balled up, and only able to hear muffles of the outside world. You'll probably fall asleep only to wake up when she takes you out to play again...

But that's not all, oh no... this unbirthing isn't without side effects. Slowly, you'll notice scales on your skin, serpentine eyes, a forked tongue... with the changes accelerating after every time you're "hidden away".

This is where one of two things can happen. If you like being her pet, you may remain a humanoid male, with a few scales and other serpentine traits, but otherwise young and cute looking. You will "graduate" to servant... which is like a pet, but expect to be toyed with by the rest of her family more, and if there was any backing out before... there isn't anymore.

The other possibility...
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>>11034528 for >>11034524

Eliza agrees, they're really, really nice. She does remember to add "no homo" which falls short because Maya notices that Eliza has an erection under her sweatpants! She didn't know futanari were real, and she never thought she'd ever meet one. Monique stands up and explains that Maya has, actually, met two, and lifts her skirt. You can see her exchange a knowing nod with Eliza as they come to a notion of solidarity over their strange genitals.

Alison clears her throat. This is her house, and you shouldn't just show your dicks to each other in it, at least without asking. That said, she explains as she lifts her sundress up, she hasn't had dick since she got pregnant, and that makes a woman horny as hell. One of the futas better take her upstairs or take her on the sofa.

Monique all but runs up to her and calls dibs.
Eliza grabs Samantha from behind, by the tits, and whispers that if she wants her to stop, she better say so soon, or Eliza is going to fuck her senseless. Samantha stays quiet, aside form an encouraging moan.
Maya, feeling left out, grabs you from off the floor, sits you in a chair and goes down on you. She tells you you can return the favor later.

A few hours later, you leave with all of your limbs, five numbers in your phone, and a promise that you'll see them all again at Alison's for D&D next week, but it will probably just end up with sex.

Eliza uses you as a running partner (with her doing all the running). It's a very good workout.
Maya and Samantha hold your limbs hostage if you're late for game night. You find out Maya has a thing for Samantha and uses you as an excuse to get yuri sex, which is almost yuri love.
Monique takes you on "Goth girl Thursdays." She gently cuddles you to sleep and swears if you tell anyone anything she'll throw your legs in the ocean.
Alison lets Cassandra play with your left arm while you visit. Then, nothing but steamy sex afterwards.
If you wanted to be a lamia like "mommy"... why not let her unbirthing take you all the way, and turn you into a loyal daughter? She can make you a futa if you want... but that's not NEARLY as fun as having one big pussy, trust her.

You'll become the youngest of the family, and still be unbirthed, licked, coiled around, and teased by your siblings and mother, and grandmother... but now you get to do it to other cute boys.

So which will it be?

>I wish I was a cute boy, girl, or "other" (ex. dickgirl) with sexy close friends who I can fuse or merge with in sexy ways, with SOME say over what genitals we get... like if I fuse with a girl, but I'm a guy, we can decide to be a dickgirl, full package futa, or "normal" girl. Quirks and limitations are up to the genie.
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...But you underestimated the slugs, and the "infestation" was over before you knew it. LIterally. The slugs were alien psychic gastropods that appeared overnight.

Many groups of them would work together to swarm, and then hypnotize victims until they were able to swap minds. Those who failed to find a body of their own would return to their world, hoping to find other bodies elsewhere. The alien slugs, the body-snatchers, would then use their human bodies to help others take human bodies, and with their newfound human size and dexterity, with all of human science at their disposal... well... they're doing a hell of a lot more with it than humans ever did, that's for sure. "Ugly" people became a thing of the past as body modifying tech born from slug and human tech was born, diseases are a thing of the past, and the stolen bodies are VERY well cared for, with all of them attractive by human standards (in no small part due to the bodysnatchers having human libidos now) The slugs are a rather peaceful species, and wars will stop. They can't stomach the idea of harming another being, in fact.

...Oh, what's that, what happened to the HUMANS? Oh, well I said mind SWAP powers, didn't I? Well... humans are now colorful, but helpless alien mollusks, the size of a "rape" slug you were probably hoping for (but cuter). You're one of them, and you're all hermaphrodites. The dominant (or giving) partner will grow a futa cock from her pussy, and the submissive (or taking) will have theirs retract upon insertion. The aliens aren't evil though, many are kind hearted... for body snatchers anyways. They'll make your body and bodies of those you know sexier and cuter, maybe even use alien tech to swap their sexes or become dickgirls (they're used to being hermaphrodites...), The swap is a once per lifetime thing, so after conquering your planet? They can't do it again... and a lot of them feel really guilty about it.
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Like I said... aside from the body snatching, they LOATHE violence, and can't stomach hurting another sapient being.

But small, limbless, and adorable as you and other human victims may be, watching as your bodies are turned into idealized versions of themselves, morphed into dickgirls and femboys (or just turned into normal human girls if the host is subby)... being kept as respected pets (they'll even give you little gardens!)... you and other humans will learn that part of the reason the mind swap only works once is because the psychic ability is in the slug BODY, not the mind... but you lack the training to learn to swap back yourself.

Despite this... in a twist of fate? Many people turned cute mini slug girls have learned that if they are in close contact with a human body, they can control it and feel what it does, as if they were that body again, like a parasite. The harder they are to get off... the better. Which led to some people trying to reclaim their bodies via overpowering a human body with numbers, and having one enter an "indignant" hole to pilot it from (many people were even more humiliated to learn they'd have to infest butts and pussies, hopefully their own, to get human bodies back than they were to become slugs in the first place). With all the modifications the slugs did to human bodies, you won't have to worry about either of you being hurt from this. The body snatchers will never fight back beyond simply trying to lift you off, and if puppeted, will simply scold you after... but do nothing to stop future attempts. Maybe it's some species wide kink? Like a dom/sub game? Some may even "let" the previous humans retake their body for a day,

But either way? In the end, you, and the rest of humanity, are the lewd slugs seeking to take over human bodies via infestation.

You, personally, can just learn to enjoy slug life, it's not that bad, you're kept as beloved pets and you can fuck other former humans all you want... Just saying.
...But on the other hand, you KNOW they'll never do anything to hurt you if you try, other than maybe put you in a "time out" aquarium for a day or two... and having a human body again would feel REALLY good... maybe if you let the other girls swarm it... oh there's a thought, take over a body just to have it infested by the other former humans, how lewd...

>I wish I was some kind of cute, sexy monster girl in a modern world where monster girls exist, but the type doesn't matter much I'd wager, since my wish is for the ability to body swap with other monster girls (or monstergirl futa/dickgirls), and for a friend group to use this power in. Why experience being one monster girl when you can experience being many?
Granted. From now on, you'll be a cute and petite futa (still girl-sized, not a shortstack) living with dominant, wealthy, and most importantly bigger MILFs.Like, all of them will be way bigger than you in some way or form. Some will be giants, some will be BBWs, some will have gigantic tits as big as your body... If you're into futas, at least one will have gigantic balls and dick. The attached image will give you a vague idea of the size difference I have in mind. Despite their size issues, none of them will have health issues or any problems moving around.

All these more experienced women know exactly how to push your buttons, playing the roles of dommymoms perfectly and tempting you to let them financially maintain you and pamper you forever. They will also use their size against you, but not in a violent way; instead, they'll simply persistently try to come closer to you, hug and grope you, sussurring sweet words in their hears. Between their intimidating size and their gentle-yet-predatory behavior, it will feel like any desire to resist will drown in a flood of molasses.

Before long, you will frequently slip and call them "Mom" instead of their names, something they'll encourage (and they'll always know which "mom" you're talking about at any time). And some time afterwards, they'll officially adopt you as their futa daughter and fucktoy.
Don't worry: they won't take things to the point that it would be a turnoff for you. Being embarassed, but secretly in a way that excites you? Maybe. Public sex? Oh, no - THEY will be openly hypersexual as much as they want, but they'll have sex with you only at home. They find it cute flustering you to the point that your raging hard-on pierces through your clothes and your pussy soaks your pants.
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>I wish for the ability to transform/encase people into sweet confectionery statues, trapped in a state of permanent arousal (pic related).
Granted. Since you picked a Modeseven pic, it's only appropriate that I send you in a similar world, right? So, from now on, you will live in a world similar to Modeseven's works. Yes, this means a lot of monsterfolk, weird transformations and vore, although thankfully nothing is permanent. It is now one of the fundamental laws of reality that, sooner or later, anyone transformed in any way (including being digested and turned into fat) will eventually revert back to its "default" form - respawing out of nowhere if necessary.

Speaking of which, your default form will be that of a cute and very fuckable boy. You have the ability to merge with anyone you want; to be more specific, your very presence gives people the ability to merge with you, in various ways that vary from person to person. You have some limited shared control over your combined body, although the options available will be weirder than a simple "pick your genitals and whether you have boobs or not" system. For example, you could fuse with a girl and become a two-headed woman, or maybe you'll be turned into the girl's new giant penis, or maybe you'll remain a boy but become more androgynous. Again: your options vary from person to person.

Oh, right - your friends! Let's name a few.
>Spunky tomboy dickgirl dumbass. She can absorb people. Very easy easy to convince her to merge with you, the problem is that she's prone to misinterpret your ideas and lock you into a form you didn't want.
>Big tall MILF. Acts like some big bad dominant witch. She's actually a powerless nerd who has to rely on her friends (like you) to pretend to have powers like "turn herself into futa".
>Obligatory big lamia. Dominant and cruel, even with her friends, but she DOES keep her word when she gives it. If she promised to let you merge with her and give you full control for a day, she will give you control. Whether you want it or not.
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>Small demon guy rendered submissive and demure after years of having to work for (and be eaten/unbirthed/fucked by) succubi lords. Very fun to bully.
And probably quite a few more. Of course, I'll also rig fate so that you'll frequently meet interesting people you could try merging with, wink wink nudge nudge.

>I wish I had a big beautiful GILFy wife.
that's a remarkably specific fetish
Granted! But it's not so simple to get a loyal wife with NORMAL humans... I'm a genie, not cupid, so I decided it'd be easier to have someone who'd be your wife for a reason I can control. Firstly, Your bloodline now has considerable magical aptitude. While most mortals can practice magic with some time and practice (but rarely do)... you have quite the pedigree, one that sorcerers and sorceresses living among you would notice. You will also be able to see through "the veil", allowing you to see magical creatures like fairies, and through glamours used to hide magical things like potion shops, fairie ring portals, witch's huts, etc. No matter where you may come from, to them, you will appear as if you came from a noble house, and many will offer to take you on as an apprentice. They can offer you beauty! Cosmetic magic is some of the easiest. Want to be a femboy? A tomboy futa? Have smoother skin? Easy. Eternal youth? Half of the mages teaching you, even the young looking ones, are old enough to remember the witch hunts. Power? Eh, fireballs and lightning bolts have little use nowadays, too flashy, but there are sneakier ways to make money in the mortal world... like using charm magic to make connections...

And as per your wish, I found a powerful, but, MUCH older sorceress. She's a grandmother, with a daughter who established herself in the 20s, and is REAL fun at parties (she was alive in the age of flappers and speak-easies), and had a granddaughter. Her granddaughter looks like an unaging 2000's nerd girl, and never grew out of the culture of the time. Though make no mistake, all of these women have steered history from the sidelines,

Your wife, however, is a mysterious witch who, apparently, has toppled monarchies and cursed many historical figures from the shadows. In fact, some people in Russia know her as "Baba Yaga"... though many witches are mistaken for the same witch, so she may or may not be the original.

To sum things up...
I gave you a magical tint to your blood that makes marrying you like marrying into nobility. If not for your wish specifying a gilfy woman, you'd have had your pick of almost any sorceress or witch who wants heirs. But instead, I visited your soon to be wife and told her about you, how there is one person who will love her "even without her glamour". Any witch can make herself look younger... but they feel most comfortable when NOT using that magic. But even glamour magic, she looks like your pic or >>11035030 with makeup. Magic folk age slowly, and her being a gilf in her TRUE form means she's absolutely ancient (but she will remain hot and sexy for centuries to come still). She was doubtful... and I will admit, I intended to trick her, but was outfoxed, and she learned that you simply like older women... yet she agreed to my terms anyways, with a smirk on her face... I'm not sure if I should be happy for you, or worried for you.

She says she see's "potential" in you, and will take you as a spouse, a ward, a lover, and an apprentice... every title that'd make you "hers" really. She can use magic to move her cabin wherever you two would like to live together. So you know how all the other sorcerers would have offered you beauty and eternal youth? She's not "offering". She WILL hit you with a youth spell so you can keep up with her, making you shorter and cuter, even for an adult... especially in comparison to her towering stature. She'll ask if you want to more like you are now, a femboy, or some kind of girl with a dick, but won't give you much time to think on. She'd like another daughter SOMEDAY so your penis has to stay. Take too long to decide and she might decide for you. If you haven't yet while reading this, you'll be a futa, like her first spouse. She MIGHT let you ask her to change it later... might

But firstly? You're here because you're a pervert, you lack tact, and your etiquette needs work. That's not her being mean, she's just VERY blunt.
She'll say this in a motherly tone, as if looking forward to what she intends to do about it, since you ARE her ward and apprentice, as well as her spouse... her say comes before your say in the eyes of the magicfolk's laws. Firstly? You being a pervert isn't bad, she thinks its cute. She's also a pervert in ways you will take centuries to understand... but for now, she assures you, it's nothing you'd find distasteful... sexually, I mean. If you have fetishes that are shameful, but still arouse you, she'll indulge in those. Mostly, she likes seeing what makes you tick... but personally, she likes being motherly and doting, and will coddle you to balance out how intense she can be at times

The way she sees it, for you to learn about being a proper sorcerer or sorceress, you can't let sex distract you too much. She can scribe spells while her ass is being eaten, and cast spells while being fucked silly. She won't discourage your perversion, no... she'll want you to embrace it, and set aside your inhibitions so you can function as a mage WITH it. She may teach you while near naked, have you wear a butt plug if she senses that you're horny, and mix work and play. It's... a terrifyingly effective strategy, apparently. She used it on her daughter when she was old enough...

Is now a bad time to mention she ACTUALLY knows your fetishes? Divination on a non magic user is trivial. She has quite literally read your mind and made a journal of what you like. She may have you call her "mother", merge you with her as a sapient pussy or sapient penis before inviting her daughter over to "introduce" you (you will have telepathy while merged), turn you into a cute lil fairy and smother you, make you a pot person and put you in her living room, teasing you as she passes by... or maybe do something more vanilla, like body swapping you two and retaining her "dominant" role, railing your finely aged ass and pussy.

If you're into it, she can make it happen, and will...
,,,Often at your sexy misfortune.

But this isn't without reason... not without reason other than "it's sexy and fun", at least. If you can learn magic to either break out of her curses, even when aroused, or say... get her attention in a helpless form like a boob slug with a simple message spell, well... that's the idea. Whatever her curse is, she'll leave you with SOME kind of magical resource, such as an open buck while you're immobile, her library while body swapped, or even glowing magic phrases and runes on her panties if you're merged with her genitals. It'll take a while to get the hang of things, and if you don't manage to "break out", she'll have mercy on you... eventually, and try something else... but eventually you WILL start to learn basic magic. Not enough to break the curses, but at least make them more... bearable. Like minor telekinesis as a fucknugget. Breaking curses is a LONG way off. She'll teach you etiquette for dealing with magical beings, often dressing you up very nice (potentially with a toy or two), and how to better perform in the bedroom... sometimes inviting her daughters to "toy" with you or fuck in front of you as a demonstration.

Do well, and she'll reward you with whatever you'd like. Nursing handjobs, breakfast she made in an apron (and nothing else), "normal" sex with her... she might even let you take her out on a date (she thinks this is adorable, and you might even arouse or fluster her if you learn enough about her... like how long it's been since anyone treated her like a normal girl, rather than a milf or witch)

Well? She's big, she's beautiful, and one day she expects you to know enough fertility magic to give her another daughter. Good luck with your training to become a mage yourself though... I'd say more, but isn't it time for your lesson? Today was "learn to speak incantations while she sits on your face" right?

>I wish I was the girlfriend of a reality altering mistress. One who's loving, but kinky.
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Granted! You are now a cute ginger (in the redhead with freckles sense) food witch, a bit like your pic. What's that, not a girl? Oh it's no big deal, you're pretty androgenous, and you can swap "assets" with special foods, to better enjoy your "creations" I'd imagine. A banana split to get a cock, melon cakes for breasts, cherry cake for a pussy... and while you already get a LITERAL bakery with this wish, you're gonna have quite a bit of cake in either form. Being cute will help you gain popularity, promise.

Your bakery is known for making "adult" treats, though you may want to keep your "magic" treats hidden from anyone who isn't another witch... or keep the effects small or delayed enough for people to think it's a coincidence.

You have to use special ingredients to make these confections magical, however, and to make people into food art, you'll have to immobilize them first (or find soemone willing), and have the ingredients on hand. The most effective way is to trick someone with a magical treat. A cupcake that makes them pass out so you can bind them, liquorice that self animates into bondadge rope, or a cake that makes them horny enough to start masturbating in place helplessly, or whatever other effects you can whip up. You can create magical icing and other "coatings" that freeze someine in place, and fuse them with regenerating food, making them food sculptures that NEVER go bad, and can be tasted without consequence. They're still flesh and blood under there... but have no mortal needs like this, and will be frozen in whatever state of arousal they were in when you finalized things (you may even tweak this after the fact). They can also still sense things around them, and perhaps the taboo of a family member like a sexy mother or sister, or even crush looking at them as a sculpture will turn them on more... or maybe you want to "reunite" them? You can alter sculptures... and things like the futafying banana split work on your victims too...
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Two sculptures fucking is always popular... and you can make a LOT of money taking them to adult events and letting people taste them. Like I said... they regenerate, and you can fuck them all you want. They're still aware as I stated, and will still clench and quiver unless otherwise prevented with further magic. You might want to use a silencing potion on anyone you take out of your storeroom though... their moans can still be heard without one...

Your bakery (the one you work in, not the one on your bottom) is also supernatural. The backroom has a demiplane inside of it for storing your sculptures (when not displaying them in the store or taking them on exhibitions). Simply turn the doorknob left instead of right and you'll end up in the demiplane instead of the normal backroom... just keep other people away from it, in case they stumble upon it and you have to add ANOTHER statue to your collection...

And this "tip" to transform people they know is... well, more preparation for the inevitable. People WILL wonder where your victims went, and you can't really make them stop looking... You can make confections from their milk (cum from male victims) that let you copy their handwriting and voice to throw off some people, but a lot of the time... you'll probably have to chose your victims carefully, or make some "couples sized" and "family sized" pieces. These two women in the sculpture look almost like they could be related... the one taking her futa cock even looks embarassed... how scandelous!

But of course... this all comes with a few catches, beyond the obvious. The first is that to make your confections "magic", you need to put a piece of "you" in it, and needles to say... you can't be caught doing this. Breast milk is the only real way to go, which is why I gave you gender bending abilities. You'll have to milk yourself quite a bit, and keep a stockpile if you want to go without breasts for any extended period of time...
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You'll lactate a lot as compensation, and it's VERY pleasurable, but it can get in the way of things. You'll probably have to learn to milk yourself in your off time while multitasking... machine pumps you can just leave on are going to be almost essential if you want a lot of magical confections, and of course, you can't do this while on the job selling cakes and pastries (but can do it during breaks).

Another catch is that while other magical people have no rules against transformative magic like this other than "be prepared for retribution" if you use it on another witch... if you get caught, instead of the police getting to you, someone will step in, wipe their memory, take over your bakery... and turn YOU into one said statue. Can't let all this magic go to waste! And if you get found out, it could start literal witch hunts...

You CAN free people who are made into statues, undo things like futa cocks, extra breasts, etc, and make them mobile again... but it takes a lot of work, but it might just be preferable to having too many people poking into your business (more than you can turn into statues). A memory wiping drink is also quite a bit of work, and may not work perfectly... but they'll think it was a dream at worst.

And lastly... you're not a master at your craft (yet). You'll have to test things on yourself, and there ARE side effects. That banana split recipe gives you TWO cocks... wonder how long it lasts? Ah, drinking your own milk makes you lactate more... both helpful, AND messy! But drinking it cold makes your tits produce whipped cream instead... and yes, you'll have to test petrifying agents too, unless you want an icing covered cake woman running out of your shop. Just on one body part at a time will do, suck as making yourself a cake (literally) below the waist, with a reversing agent... but you're delicious and you can eat yourself out literally while you observe it.

Just be ready to conceal these effects if you get customers...
>I wish that fae creatures were real, and that humans would turn into female, futa, and femboy fey creatures. Things like satyrs and fauns, pixies and fairies (stretchy enough for size play of course), dryads, cute goblins and other imps, and whatever else the genie can think of. I think the world would be a lot more fun if people were less violent and things were more whimsical... and lewd. Not that you should go hard on the mental changes, seeing people react to their new forms is part of the fun! I'd like to be a cute faun or satyr girl myself, like pic related.

After an alternate fae world is discovered by scientists an attempt to open a portal into it backfires when instead the our world and the fae one combine into one.

As a result of this combination Humanity is turned into various types of female, femboy, and futa fae creatures (with you specifically becoming a satyr like requested.)

The world as a whole is also less violent but incredibly more lewd with Sex Magic existing, public nudity encouraged, and everyone finding themselves more attracted to one another. So go wild and be whatever

>I wish I lived in a lewd fantasy world with monster girls and that I had the ability to somehow "tame" them
if I was a writer, and i was a lone writer in that universe, i would write something like.
A man is in a very conservative relationship with a woman, they're planning on having kids, but then bam they switch genders, or like the the dude turns into a femboy and the girl become very tall and thick, or the dude turns into a girl and the girl become a futa.
but i dunno, just something i thought up
Elmer Galarga. I simply combined all the pages of that comic.
Granted. You're now a cute witch, and you'll have a cute familiar to channel and amplify your magical powers. Meet Slit: she's a recap fairy with the ability to transform herself in a magic axe that you can use.
In axe form, she is capable of cutting more or less anything, at the cost of the cut being temporary - after a certain period of time, the object will be restored back to normal as if it was never cut to begin with. How easy it is, and how long the effects will last, depend on the difference between your willpower and the willpower of the target's owner; for example, carving a hole in the wall of an abandoned house is pretty easy and it'll last at least a day, while breaking into someone's house while they're already inside of will take a while AND the hole will seal itself in half an hour.
Yes, this also means that you can use Slit to turn people into amputees, without actually harming them; and then put them back together afterwards. The gore is optional.

Under normal circumstances, Slit is relatively harmless. Her fairy form is agile and physically durable, but has low strength; so you can keep them under control by sitting or stepping on her. In axe form, she can float and swing herself, but this will tire her out quickly, leaving her immobile and open for being grabbed and used. Additionally, being your familiar, she technically influenced by your will, so you can order her around, limit her transformations and so on.
But her patience has limits. Mistreat her too much, and she might get pissed enough to steal your magical potential for a while, getting a short-lived power boost - which she'll gladly use to fuck with you and your friends, like cutting you in half vertically and laughing at your halves' predicament.
What does she wants to stay happy and loyal? Violence. She's a sadist, but she's a bit flexible when it comes to morals. You could let her cut what she wants on the condition that she'll have to fix it afterwards. You can offer to watch horror movies with her - preferably ones that will scare you and/or your friends. You can agree to let one of your friends-with-benefits dominate the shit out of you, while Slit watches. Sometimes she'll ask you to use her as a buttplug or stomp on her, if she's in the mood (she insists that it's not masochism, it's "auto-sadism"). Give her some of these 'treats' once in a while, and she'll be glad to serve you loyally.

And hey - remember when I said that you're now a witch? That means that with time, pstudying and practice, you'll learn how to use amputation magic by yourself, without having to rely exclusively on your familiar. Although she'll still be useful for boosting your magic significantly.

>I wish for cute demonfolk (boys, girls, futas, cuntboys etc).

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