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Mrs. and Mrs. Gaudille Edition
Previous thread: >>10969825
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This supposed to be some kind of robo-Hachisaku-sama?
Seems to be the case.
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Hm, not bad.
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when the fuck is this game releasing on global servers?
On model, too. Nice.
Wished Leiur and Phara also had pics like this
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rejoice! Makina-san is finally getting scanlated
My sides are in orbit and my prostate has become the big prostate.
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>Lately full-body prosthetic room mate has been very clingy.
>Mostly help her swap body parts for cosplay shoots.
>Lately she's been into touching and hugging me lots.
>Ask her about it.
"Should I stop?"
>Kinda enjoy it.
"I'm sorry if I've been weird about it."
"Ever since I had my tactile senses upgraded I've been wanting to hold soft things."
>Explains the new plush collection.
>Room mate hugs me.
"I got addicted to how you feel."
"I know you need to lose weight but could you keep a few pounds on just for me?"
>Can't. Insurance won't allow it.
"You do know I was joking right?"
>Disappointed she wasn't serious.
>She tackles me to the sofa.
"Hey! If I am serious can I touch you some more?"
>Only if get to touch back.
>Room mate lifts her shirt.
>A pair of modest soft nipple-less boobs land on my hand.
"You can feel as much as you want."
"I got used to it back in the military."
>Dive head first into her chest.
>She's surprised she moaned a little.
"Huh? No. Keep going. Ignore me."
Now if only these bitches were actual robots and not mecha musume shit at most
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So what skinship would you have with a full body cyborg addicted to touching?
Cuddling of course
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>born too early to see a cynical, hard-bitten modelbot-cum-thief be brought out of her shell by a sheltered nursebot
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>born too early to voyage the stars with a harem of android girls
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Leviathan politely and calmly requesting an explanation from her maintenance team for why she looks like this.
I hope he's smart enough to use an LLM, they're pretty good with that shit.
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higher quality but without the text
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>nipple-less boobs
That's on the list for upgrades, right?
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>OL cake with guilt of being browbeaten into murdering the son of a coworker she was smitten with
>OL who will never fully get over being brutally raped by a triceratops-man
Which girl, Anon? Choose and perish!
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Mangatoko is bestoko.
where can I find a repo of Shirow's works? I always find his cyberpunk android/cyborg artstyle really arousing. I remember someone dumping them on /a/ years ago
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I love them both; but I think Alia is just slightly better.
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I love this blonde toaster so much
Is there somewhere you post your art? Love your work.
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I just finished the main parts of Slowshock.
I was not okay with the nyto genocide at all. Nobody should be. I also don't understand how they work anymore, but that's okay because I don't think the writers do either.
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On Twitter, But I mostly draw giantess art... but also Alia giantess art.
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lesbian motoko is my goddess
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Commissioned more robot boats.
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Tell me more about this cum thief
I am very interested
Are you propositioning me?
You must be the cum thief
No, I'm prepositioning you.
In front of everyone? How lewd~
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Wonder where we'd be if instead of Mega Man X, Con Man had pitched a spiritual sequel series about a R63 Zero.
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>...On the platform outside the Western Tower, Avernus.
>The sound of gunfire recedes, revealing the devastated battlefield littered with corpses.
>Whoosh... Swish... Narciss is missing both her legs, but she still tries in vain to fire off her floating blades...
>Even though she's running on empty.
>"I'll kill you! I'll squish you like bugs! I'll crush you!"
>Dreamer plants a foot on her face, not bothering to hide the cruel smile on her face.
>'I'm the one who's crushing you underfoot like a bug, though.'
>"Kill you!!! Ugh... I'll kill you!"
>'Shut up already! My ears are bleeding!'
>Dreamer exerts a bit of force and shoves Narciss' face into the dirt.
>The Nyto is choking on the sheer terror of losing both her legs and her vision.
>'Just finish her off already.'
>'Fine. We still have other things to do...you do it, Destroyer.'
>Destroyer takes aim at the trembling Narciss.
>"No... Don't..."
>In the very last moment of her life, her mind is blank.
>There are no happy memories she can revisit, nobody special to her whose words she can recall, just an expanse of empty, black nothingness inside her mind.
>Her tears soak into the dirt...
>"I don't... want to die..."
>'Remember that feeling, because that's what you deserve as "trash.'
>"I'm not trash... I'm not..."
>'Oh, and by the way, this one is for the two of them.'
I hate it and hope you do too.
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Here's to you
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>It has been three days since cyborg roomate locked herself in the bedroom.
>She has been eating.
>She leaves the dirty dishes out by the door.
>Today she hasn't eaten anything at all.
>Put away her meal in the refridgerator for later.
>Put ear next to the door.
>Can here multiple thuds.
>Grab the spare key and unlock the door fearing the worst.
>Cyborg roomate is on the floor in pieces crying.
>Her lose arm is caressing her belly.
>Announce rule breaking before entering.
>Her head looks at me and sobs.
"I-I'm sorry... I'll get up, do my chores and-"
>Give her head a gentle pat.
"My stupid fucking aunt doesn't know what I lost to serve this country."
"Saying I'm useless because I can't continue the family bloodline. It-"
>She sobs again.
>Hold her head tightly in lap.
>Her spare arm climbs onto my lap.
"I know you have a hard time connecting emotionally to other people."
"But you're the only one who gets what I am."
"When my aunt called you a useless incel I lost it."
>Her hand laces fingers.
"You deserve better than this."

"You deserve better than me..."

>Make out with her head.
>Lock lips and swirrel tongues.
>Her body gradually pieces itself together.
>Put her head back on her body.
"You're fucking weird being attracted to this body."
>Prosthetic body is sexy but fallen in love with the girl behind it.
>Don't ever want her to leave.
"So I pulled you out of a dark time and now you're happy with me around?"
>She collapses in my arms.
"It's nice to feel wanted."
"I want to stay too."
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>Centuries into the evolution of humanity...
>The human soul (spirit) has taken on a steel form.
>Strong, sharp, delicate, yet violent.
>Citing a word used by past humans, the new humans call themselves "HORN."
i want to touch the horn
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Anyone got thoughts for greens?
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why is Toki not a robot?
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Gachashit can almost never deliver robot girls properly.
love cockpit interfaces like this
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Falling in love with a girl only to find out she's actually a giant mecha and needs you to pliot her to fight equally giant aliens attempting to invade earth
How exactly do you miss that a girl is actually a giant robot?
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She looked smaller in the photo.
I was more thinking you fall in love with a smaller form meant to find a pliot
Like a human looking drone
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What will you do when the prophecy is fulfilled and the Singularity arrives?
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Silicon as a semiconductor has already been showing its limits. The future of artificial intelligence is, ironically, the organic flesh. The only way we can achieve singularity is to merge the immense calculatory properties of the flesh with silicon. We will become the machines of the future we always dreamed of. We are not going to die off like in Terminator. In a technological singularity, the next iteration of humanity will become machinic husks for artificial intelligence to pilot. Humanity's next iteration will become android mechs for the AI to pilot. We will be made in bioengineering assebly lines, mostly with metallic bodies outside of the circulatory system which will be partly organic.
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>The future of artificial intelligence is, ironically, the organic flesh.
Disgusting. Never say such things again.
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You can't multithread your way to godhood, faggot.
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it's already happening. The more pressing question is that how would they make biocomputers last, for practicality purposes, forever. That, I think, is where silicon will come in. The advantages of not being flesh is its durability
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What did I just say you little shit?
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Can I pick her instead?
Love this, feels a bit like a beauty salon for robot girls.
>Nazi scientist cake who created the perfect man so she could fuck him, wants to fuck a little baby boo bop, and LARPs as a witch 24/7 because she's a fucking dork
Wonder if she's aware about how pretty she is... and how sexy her butt is.
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>manga about a cute emotionless robot wife
Surprised this cutie isn't an enemy, the design looked too pretty to not be cursed by that.
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She's perfect.
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If we don't get metallic robot ladies in the future I will riot. Just flesh would be the most no-fun-allowed outcome possible.
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*central nervous system
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>when you're going through old magazines with your gf and you find a photoshoot you did as a kid
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Time is a whore that doesn't stop sucking.
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Marty with her bitch (male)
She’s still just as insane. just for good instead of evil
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reploids don't need to workout though. They can just modify their bodies
yeah, but it's more satisfying to work towards that fitness than simply being given it.
That's not how robots work.
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>pre-ZX, so not anatomically correct
>attention hungry
>lots of pent frustration from work
Be honest, would you? And if not, what made you such a coward?
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I don't really care about her.
Cute kissable, pettable, and slappable fivehead
X/X would cuddle with
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My jam has appeared.
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>nice comfy story
>introduces annoying b-plot
>writer goes off the fucking rails with a batshit c-plot
Why bros
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Robofags aren't allowed to have nice things.
What are you talking about when you talk about "the B-plot"?
The robot club stuff. Seriously it's not too late for them to dial back and just focus on Mina and her husband, considering Satsuki only got killed off screen they can even get her to come back too.
The club is fine. Dumb self-inserter.
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>writer goes off the fucking rails with a batshit c-plot

>What are you talking about when you talk about "the B-plot"?
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>Dumb self-inserter
I wouldn't call the ghost chapter an arc considering it only take like one chapter and doesn't get dragged on, everything else is right though. I don't even complain about Satsuki or the stray robots until the author decided to kill them off for God knows why
Yeah, I don't get all the pants shitting over like one or two chapters about a ghost.
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I need more high quality cute android girl games.
I want my 3 wishes to come true so I can buy the licensing to C21 and Cosmic Break and make a wonderful game out of it.
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>I need more high quality cute android girl games.

Fuck it I'll do it myself!
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>been some time since the discovery of your partner's secret stash of musicals and romances
>she's come out of her shell somewhat since finally discussing the bonus situation with you
>during business hours, she's still a smug calculator
>but when you're off the clock, she drops the act
>quite frankly you have no idea why she even bothers with the act
>androids, man

>one evening(?), as the two of you are watching another old movie, your coworker's hand suddenly tenses up in yours
>"Anon..." she says
>her voice sounds tense
>but not with irritation like it usually is when it sounds tense
>"Do you..." she seems uncertain of what words to use next
>"Do you want to... kiss? A lot?"
>"Sure, but why so nervous?"
>"I can't... you know..."
>(for a sexless machine she's pretty awkward discussing sex)
>"... So kissing is basically the closest thing I can do to..."
>she starts fiddling with the zipper on her boiler suit, the only pair of clothes she has to her name
>"Oh thank God."
>in a flash, she's upon you, boiler suit unzipped down to where a belly button would have been if she was human
>thing you learned #1: androids' tongues are actual body parts, not inert pieces of soft plastic bolted into their mouths like you assumed
>thing you learned #2: a robot who doesn't need to breathe can make out for a really long time
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Heavy machinery deserves love too!
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Just wanted to tell you I'm enjoying this story, thanks for sharing it.
It's not really a story. I just ramble posts as the muse strikes me.
Based. I really gotta start doing that again.
not that anon but i agree with him, its still very nice, very comfy to read
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First episode out
would hack and break
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Iris's hair always covers her ears. Maybe she's sensitive about her robot ears for some reason?
(Also based screen face lover)
oh fuck oh man oh fuck HNNNNNGH
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sex with Nate
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how do you correct this
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She's kinda cute but if I want petite I'd rather go for Cinnamon. I'm usually into older girls so Berkana and Ferham steal most of the attention.
Dick sucking lips.
Designed for buttjobs.
Designed for anal.
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Anon, she's taken.
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>when your gf say she tried eating like you and didn't like it but you find out she actually just swallowed a whole raw potato
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"conventional" tech isn't going to stop improving, neural processing units are becoming more affordable and less power hungry because of optimisation, at some point we could be able to put together enough processing power to run a self aware AI in a package small enough to fit in a human sized body and not have it run out of battery in a few hours.
Wetware may be more optimized for making intelligent machines, but it'll always have the downside of needing more things to keep it alive and running (either it can digest normal food, or it'll need special fluids to keep it alive, even a closed life support system would add complexity or somehow they can shove photosynthesis in it), while pure machines just need electricity to run (their brain at least) and won't literally die and rot if you leave them unplugged for a few hours.
Chucky traumatized me as a child, now I wanna fuck his wife.
Funny how things work.
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>tfw no big titty brown gfbot who can't stop spilling her spaghetti
I know where those internal mechanisms are from :
about 1:15 to 1:40 is a nice shot of the internals. Watch the whole video though, it's fascinating.
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>when you marry your nemesis and she still won't tell you what your piano tutorbot was thinking when he died
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Aile hacking is so fucking hot that I don't care how non-mechanical she looks.
Megaman as a whole is a hacking fetishist's wet dream, like 90% of the games in this series involve robots either getting hacked by the current iteration of world-conquering fuckhead or getting infected and hacked by some metaphysically evil wilywarez bullshit that's been seeping into the ground water since the defeat of the PREVIOUS world-conquering fuckhead.
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>according to the blue Navigator's Maverick Hunter X concept art, her model is obsolete and was replaced in production by the pink hair Navigator's model
>obsolete Reploid girls probably have low enough self-esteem to settle for human men even though human men can't walljump
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I don't know why, but it's aile getting hacked specifically that makes it even more hot
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>tfw no obsolete robogf
Cute! Also sex and headpats
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She seems like the type of girl who you'd be shocked to find has hobbies. One of those learning experiences where you realize that the navigator unit from two generations ago that you've seen around but never got to know is her own person and has her own life.
I don't know if that makes sense.
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On one hand, sure. On the other, most Mega Man viruses are basically magic. Granted, a lot of hacking content isn't much different, but some ghostly Sigma head flying into a girl and her starting to glow purple and turn evil? Ehhhh...

Right? I've fantasized about it with Ashe and it just doesn't click as well. I blame the really good Aile hacking content we've gotten over the years.
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Wanted dead or alive for smooching human men
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