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Suppose I’m risking a ban for this but the /aco/ threads finally died and they were always shit anyway. Anything goes, please share what you have.
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Besides, it looks like Western art is still posted here fairly regularly. It makes no sense bimbo threads be held to a standard no one else is.
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Anything goes, but let’s avoid excessive use of AI*
Let’s try to keep it fairly clean. After all, it’s an AI/raceplay edit general that took the place of the /aco/ threads.
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I don’t think I have any ganguro/gyaru saved personally but feel free to share some if you do. Futa, MTF, femboy too.
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This is /d/ after all.
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This thread really sucks
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Have you even BEEN to the /aco/ bimbo threads, anon? Because those threads were truly wretched.
Having this fetish fucking sucks because most of the content is either really gross live-action porn, shitty captions, straight up trash from DeviantArt, rampant AGP...
>really gross live-action porn,
Turns out a lot of people into "bimbos" are actually just into really trashy live action pornstars.
Don't forget the intersectional feminists who now liberally use the term as part of their discourse and use it to push the idea that attractive women need to do their part in hating and antagonizing men.

It's sort of wrecked any discourse about it online.
Is that even true? From what I've seen its all kind of divided into factions. You've got people who are into irl bimbos, people who are into irl bimbofication (BDSM), people who are into 2D bimbos, and people who are into 2D/fictional bimbofication
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Same situation.
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for future reference, you can just open the pic in paint and save it as a jpg
I thought this looked pretty good so I added some flat colors myself.
captions in a /d/ thread. unexpected but based
I got em off /d/ years ago.

This is so fantastic, thank you for sharing.
I don't mean this in a rude dismissive way but if you don't like what's being made you should try making something yourself. I'm hoping to start writing stories soon.
That /aco/ thread is so depressing.
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captions are unexpected in /d/ because jannies kill them on sight
why? I like it.
The AI just seems so unappetizing, I can't believe people are actually unironically enjoying it.
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I had to get through six DALL-E 3 threads and two generic Cartoon Stable Diffusion threads to find it, and then it's mostly AI Pit clones with their fucked fingers. And then I see NawtyQ QM from /qst/ asking for someone to do his OC, like the guy asking is making fanart instead of shoving keywords into a blender and pulling out the slurry.

/aco/ just isn't worth bothering with these days...
It's basically an AI Pit request thread but because OP insists on putting "AND bimbo" in the subject field it effectively killed the regular bimbo threads, which already weren't great anyway, the fact shitty shiny AI "art" was able to kill it just about says it all. I didn't know people's standards were that low.
Mmmm this is tasty! Can I have the sauce please so I can support the artist? Reverse image search does nothing
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NTA, but how do you not know about Ramslammy?
There's good AI art, but it requires some skill to produce, and so it's outnumbered by a lot of garbage.
I don't want to argue or be convinced, ultimately, I just don't see the point.
>dating a woman like this IRL costs so much it isn't worth it
bros it's not fair
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Man that's a ton of ass...
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This took longer than I thought it would but I had fun trying to add some shading as well.
Do you know who did the original linework?
I feel like its ParkdaleArt but I'm not entirely sure. Wait.
Oh, its frozenaardvark/The_Varking, of course. I must've saved it from the Transformation discord.
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These look great anon, thanks for sharing also.
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Are their any bimbofication stories based on bimbofying enbies or lesbians?

I'm asking this because I like reading about untraditional spins on old mind-control tropes. If there's any other stories that fits that mold, feel free to share it.
I hope so.
I love the idea of a bi/lesbian bimbo with such insane oral assets that her giant bimbo lips can practically serve as a vacuum pussy pump while simultaneously stretching their pussy out with a tongue longer and wider than 99.9% of cocks.
Know of a story of forcibly bimbo/gyaru-fying a girl by her lesbian best friend, but it's a WiP koikatsu comic and not a story
Normally I'd suggest looking through Svengali but I did that myself hours ago and the results weren't ideal. So many straight male writers fetishize lesbianism that finding a purely F/F bimbofication story is nearly impossible. That being said, you might be into one of these two. I wasn't, but you might be.


Interesting. Do you have a link?
I had a friend like this in school; this is activating some core fetishes.
This is only like 80% of the way there, since it doesn't go into full bimbo visual tropes - but it does hypersexualize and dykeify two women at once. Succubus goes through explosive late puberty, gets hourglassed up, and can't stop herself from jumping her female friend in public. One dose of succubus mindcontrol later and she's conditioning that friend into letting her inner subby sapphic slut out.

Kinda like getting bimbified by you own biology, did it for me hard. https://www.hentai-foundry.com/stories/user/AlexMarkov/38529/Jezebels-New-Look
God, this is literally my friend. She went through puberty super fast and channeled her awkwardness into just being a huge slut.

She was still sweet as pie but MAN if she didn't go straight from shy to fucking jumping on me and every other guy she knew. We're still friends, but she cooked my fetishes for life. I just need sluts/big girls/size queens now.
Did you have sex with her?
No, shit.
The kind of primal teen sex that absolutely destroys your ability to relate to women as an adult.
>The kind of primal teen sex that absolutely destroys your ability to relate to women as an adult.
How does that even work? What would the correlation be?
No woman I fuck is ever going to be as good as that experience ever again. And being exposed to not just sex but incredible sex that young makes talking/thinking about sex difficult as I get older.

I'm still capable of giving and receiving good orgasms; don't get me wrong. But it just feels existentially empty.
Maybe you just need to fall in love. With a sexual degenerate.
Where do I meet them, though? Most people just aren't open about it.
Didn't expect you to call me on that to be frank; don't have near enough experience to tell you were to find them. Shot in the dark, local library or bookclub venue? A decent amount of literature for women is for the sexually repressed. Wouldn't attract any natural bimbos though.
Yeah, it's a big chicken and egg problem.
Bro just start going to any alternative spots (not metal) meet some people and you soon will meet a girl that a fucking degenerate and if you want bimbos make your own, a lot of girls want to get plastic surgery but are afraid to say it or they cant afford it support them and you will have your degenerate bimbo wife
No need to worry: Jannies have mysteriously disappeared from /d/.
Honestly, I've always felt weird about bimbofication. I like the idea of women transforming and becoming sexier, but I'm not a big fan of mind control personality death and other shit associated with bimbofication, and the execution is often not that good.
>alternative spots (not metal) meet some people and you soon will meet a girl that a fucking degenerate
the problem is that everyone is on phones now; I agree that it's gonna be easier to make my own bimbo out of a plain girl who's fucked up, but just breaking the ice is touch
>I'm not a big fan of mind control personality death and other shit associated with bimbofication, and the execution is often not that good.
I'm in the same boat; I've been super into this fetish since I first got a boner from an outgoing hot blonde friend, but the shit associated with this fetish has ranged from a deluge of absolutely garbage art to straight up intersectional feminism, and it's very disheartening to have to wade through all of this garbage just to see women becoming hot/cute.
>alternative spots (not metal)
Such as?
I don't know your city but in mine alternative girls usually go to the same 3 or 4 bars start going there become an usual make some friends that can introduce you to the girls and if you want to get the girls to look at you start working out and take care of yourself
>I like the idea of women transforming and becoming sexier, but I'm not a big fan of mind control personality death and other shit associated with bimbofication, and the execution is often not that good.
I really like the idea of the opposite, a woman becoming sexier and taking on the appearance of a dumb bimbo, but at the same time getting smarter, too. Add in some internal conflict between sexual desire and platonic interests, there's something cooking. Imagine she's getting deep in the weeds proving some important theorem, making good progress, but she just can't maintain her focus because her body keeps telling her to go make babies. So she has to blow off some steam so she can get back to work. Frequently.
I'm in NYC; it's a dizzying amount of choice paralysis.
Looks track with intelligence, so this is actually far more likely than becoming dumb.
bump. sorry i forgot about this thread.
im on that fence where I like seeing someone just shift from pure to basically becoming a full on whore, but it suffers from bad lips and artists.
Well, becoming ditzy/dumber is one of the core pillars of bimbofication but its not like they NEED to go full blown Identity death either.
I actually like ID and other forms of extreme MindControl and but also agree that a character keeping her personality intact is much better overall
"Ditzy" doesn't mean "dumber", though; one of the smartest girls I know is a complete ditz and she works in God knows what kind of advanced astrophysics.
Most of the time the term is used interchangeably
>No need to worry: Jannies have mysteriously disappeared from /d/.
I did get a warning so we may not be entirely safe.
>one of the smartest girls I know is a complete ditz and she works in God knows what kind of advanced astrophysics.
Could you give an example?
How do you feel about IRL bimbofication?
>I like seeing someone just shift from pure to basically becoming a full on whore,
And corruption/moral degeneration doesn't scratch this itch for you?
You've been super into bimbofication... or bimbos? Because it sounds like the latter.
Of what she does? Something related to astrodynamics of star formation. Way beyond me.

>You've been super into bimbofication... or bimbos?
Of her being a ditz.
Like, oh my god Becky, you would not believe what happened to system A-310 while I was out getting starbucks. It went fucking supernova and I didn't even get to watch. So unfair, right?
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close but not quite, that one was actually me, I go by tsubaron/snailgod online. Unsure how I can actually prove that though, so closest I can think of is the attached image.
glad ya'll liked it enough to color, makes me happy to see
Oh. Sorry, attributed it to the wrong person. Honestly, I got that from hypnohub. So where did you post this previously? Are you in the Transformation discord server?
I dislike it, both because the results usually don't look good and because it usually involves quite a few stuff that are dangerous for a woman's health.
no hard feelings, our styles are pretty similar so I can understand the confusion. I believe I only posted it in the drawthread, but I could have shared it elsewhere too, no idea.
I am in the tf server, yea
Here's an idea: Female vampires becoming sexier when they drink lots of virgin blood.
Wears tons of pink, have literally never seen her in any moods aside from super bubbly/happy/saying "like" every other word or cute-pouting.

Does all of her physics/CS work on a rose-gold MacBook because it's "the cutest unix box you can get and I'm worth it".
You're sure she was assigned female at birth, anon?
Given that I knew her all through puberty, yes.
That makes sense. I probably saved it from there or an earlier thread, most likely it was one of the threads. I updated the tag on hypnohub for you.
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Would that we could see more of this kind of gal.
Definitely saved it from the Transformation discord. Probably didn't realize it was original art and not a repost. I removed the frozenaardvark tag from hypnohub and added "tsubaron" just for someone to remove tsubaron and add back the frozenaardvark. Very odd. I fixed it again and added source links this time, hopefully it won't be changed now.
thanks a ton, you're a real one
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before one of you say anything about captions, these captions are original from the artist.
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Standards are low because the quality's low. I like the fetish, but most of the artists doing it are not nearly as well practiced as artists doing other fetishes or just general /e/ art. The choice is between AI slop and human slop, and in this case, the AI slop edges out ahead.
draw better
Fascinated by the huge bushes... Not sure I've ever seen that in any bimbofication before.
>Everyone that disagrees with me is triggered
Have there been any bimbofication stories where a victim was neurodivergent (Autistic, Borderline, etc, etc) or otherwise had a significantly different mindset compared to most people?

As mentioned earlier, I'm asking this because I enjoy reading stories that stray from the traditional tropes. If you have any examples, feel free to share it.
>hair goes from brunette to platinum blonde
>tits balloon out
>massive fucking ass that sways back and forth, wobbling and jiggling when walking
>any clothes worn become slutty when stretched across the proportions of this obscene body
>sexually driven to insatiability, always horny
>develop an intense interest in legos, puzzles, and specific models of trains
Some what interesting to me, the biggest bimbo i know irl is a mega autistic. Typical dork interests, retro gamming hardware collecting, mtg, general gaming nerd and devloper; autistic but not the aspi type. Up until her special interesting fixation became being as high fem as possible. Like obsessed with being as fem as possible to an autistic degree, dropped all her other hobbies/interests to center her life around it, even her career. Now that she has 'maxed her stats out for now' so to speak she is starting to rediscover her old fixations.
Now I'm imagining a bimbo who is too autistic to actually act like a bimbo
She has a body people fawn over yet she can't talk to them cause she constantly spills her spaghetti
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Oh and I forgot to mention
>Standard treatment is a daily prescription that essentially acts as a roofie so that their neurotransmitters actually do what they're supposed to.
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Or she always comes on too strong, and guys get scared off
This actually tracks with most of the bimbos I know IRL, too. I know the stereotype is that they're dumb, but my guess is that there's a requisite IQ floor to be able to pull off this kind of performance without just destroying your life/looks immediately.

As someone with an 8"+ penis and a decent body who is rapidly approaching wizardry, I feel this immensely.
Yeah i think it's exactly that, to live this as a real sustainable lifestyle there has to be a degree of performance to it. That is exactly how she characterizes it when talking about it, how she loves putting on a show for everybody around her, loves being in control of how she is seen. Real theater kid energy. She also absolutely wants to drag her friend around her into the performance as accessories, props, or side character. ie when your hanging out with her she wants to be seen as a couple regardless oh how much romantic relationship there might be there. The funnest girliest option is to be giggling arm candy so your gonna get that treatment complete with near uncomfortable levels of attention grabbing pda. And trying to get you to dress as nice and showy as her.
>horny all the time because lacking in Dopamine
Is that an actual symptom of ADHD? Fuck.
>That is exactly how she characterizes it when talking about it,
>how she loves putting on a show for everybody around her,
>loves being in control of how she is seen.
>Real theater kid energy.
That's really interesting, could you share a little more? How far does the performance go? Was the high femme/bimbo fixation motivated by anything in particular? Admittedly, that sort of thing is why I'm not that into IRL bimbos. No matter how, hot, plastic, or gaudy they may be its never enough for me to make an assumption about their intelligence and I'm most interested in the "full package," I need to actually believe they're dumb. And some of the women who look like bimbos IRL probably actually are dumb or bimbo-y but I think the majority of them are just normal women who very into femininity, or they're into the bimbo BDSM kink, but that's also a performance.

Which reminds me, Holly Madison is autistic. There's a part in the Playboy docuseries on Hulu where they ask her a question and she completely misinterprets it, I forgot what it was.
>How far does the performance go?
The performance goes as far as to be how she actually is. She is not dumb in a literal sense, she is a very talented technical artist, but she is very ditzy and forgetful. And its not really a kink for her, yes she can appreciates it as a kink and is a very slutty person in general but those are kinda separate from her interest in it.
>Was the high femme/bimbo fixation motivated by anything in particular?
In recent terms me, actually. As some point a few months after we became close friends she was confiding in me in a kinda joking way about her bimbo asperations and I said something to the effect of "you can just be a bimbo, you dont have to be ashamed about it" and apparently something just click in her brain and in that moment she fully internalized that its nothing to be ashamed of. It was always something she was deeply fascinated by and wished she could have aspired to and just repressed it for years and years on end.

My take is that she genuinely has executed on "fake it till you make it" with bimbofication. Not that she is done by any means but in a realistic sense I think she is a genuine bimbo in personality and presentation. I think I get what your saying about there being a distinction between a "full package" bimbo and somebody into it as a kink. Personally I know I have always thought to my self a lot of people into this are kinda roll playing it, that's nice, nothing wrong with it, but I kinda secretly wished there was this deeper level of genuineness to the bimbo, if only you could just actually be too dumb to be anything else. And I think she has proved to me that you can actually do the bit until is not a bit any more, its not a meme. She lives it, there is no mask off any more.
>The performance goes as far as to be how she actually is
>is a very slutty person in general but those are kinda separate from her interest in it.
So how do you know its a performance? Would it be more accurate to say she exaggerates/plays it up?
>In recent terms me, actually
>she fully internalized that its nothing to be ashamed of.
>It was always something she was deeply fascinated by and wished she could have aspired to and just repressed it for years and years on end.
>And I think she has proved to me that you can actually do the bit until is not a bit any more, its not a meme. She lives it, there is no mask off any more.
It's nice you encouraged her, but I have to ask, does she know this is your fetish? Maybe that's how it came up in the first place? What you're saying though reminds me of the recent Linklater film on Netflix, it covers very similar ground, though I'm not sure any of the "science" behind it is true. I wouldn't find it hard to believe though. Generally though, this is why I stick to fiction when it comes to bimbos. Fiction and fictional portrayals exist in stasis. Real people can stop being bimbos just as easily as they can become bimbos, and it can all be genuine. But I'm sure the naturally occurring useless kind exist too, if I had to guess, they're usually probably lower class.
>So how do you know its a performance? Would it be more accurate to say she exaggerates/plays it up?
Yes that is fair. If she forgets something or makes a silly mistake anybody could make she leans into it. Why play it off when you could have fun with it. It dose not hurt that I call her out and tease her endlessly when ever I catch it, which only gets her hot and bothered and reinforces it.
>It's nice you encouraged her, but I have to ask, does she know this is your fetish? Maybe that's how it came up in the first place?
Yeah it is pretty much what we initially bonded over. We were just acquaintances for a while but at some point we ended up hanging out without our mutual friends group around and things just click and we realized we could spill our guts to each other. We became extremely close over the course of one intense night retelling our life stories in excruciating detail. Though now that she has progressed as far as she has she has started to turn it around on me, trying to bimbofy me so she has a bestie to match her level of bad bitch.
That's all really cool, anon. I wish I had a friendship like that. Well, kind of.
>Though now that she has progressed as far as she has she has started to turn it around on me
>trying to bimbofy me so she has a bestie to match her level of bad bitch.
Are you actually interested in that at all? This entire time I wasn't sure if you were a man or a woman but either way I assumed your interest in bimbos/bimbofication was as a spectator rather than potential participant, for lack of better terms.
Ha, yeah I try my best best to keep if vague unless it is relevant.
>Are you actually interested in that at all?
Oh yeah for sure, its been my deepest most secret kink for my whole life. I enjoy it from both perspective, in particular I enjoy the transformation component, the process of bimbofication both from the perspective of enacting it on somebody and being forced into it. But I am a pretty homely girl compared to her, very nerdy, highly inhibited, cute in a modest way, but she looks like a super model, striking defined feminine features that constantly turn heads. She is just built for it.
Well, I hope she's able to convince you if its something you really want. It must be incredible to have a friend with the same vision and interests as you. I can appreciate bimbos on a level more than sexual but I’m pretty sure I’m not interested in being one. And because I’m only interested in the “full package” like I said earlier I’m not really interested in “making” one either. It’s not possible in the real world to genuinely make someone dumber or give them a bimbo personality, and if there was it definitely wouldn’t be ethical. Not really into the whole D/s aspect either, I don’t even like stories with controllers. I guess irl bimbos work for me, irl bimbofication doesn’t.

Started rereading Hack/Slash and this page felt particularly relevant.
Oh no, my breasts are covered! Everyone's staring at me. It's so embarrassing. This man is teaching everyone. He'll tell me what to do. I've gotta make these new relationships work for some reason. I can't remember any others. Oh now he's touching me. I think I'll be alright. I can stay here until I can figure out what's happening. I'm so glad he forgave me for just barging in like this all clothed and ready to... do something. I'll follow his lead then beg one of the other girls to explain this place to me. Oh, I know her! I came here to rescue her, she's... I had to help her, but now she can help me. I can't believe I was actually going to kill someone. His hands are big. I hope no one hates me for taking his attention. I just got here. I don't know how to stay out of the way. Should I touch him back? I need to talk to her. I should have masturbated earlier. I thought I was just going to kill and run, but now I can't focus. I'm gonna screw up again. She's not touching him. It's warm but her nips are up too, everyone's are. It's fine to be horny then. Maybe I'm ok. I'll only do what she does or what he tells me. Please tell me what to do. I don't know any of the lines. Are we serving food? Is this foreplay? Are more men going to show up? Oh god, I've never had more than one man before. I need instructions. I need an example. Help me! Someone move or talk. I can't take the initiative when I already showed up clothed and armed. How am I going to survive this if I can't even talk to my only friend? I hate this. I have to be here for her, but I don't want to be. Would this end if I jerked him off? He's so disgusting. I was going to kill him but I just need time to move forward somehow. I can visualize each little motion to grab the sword his dick, but no actual instructions are forming or arriving. I'm sure I practiced this a lot. Why can't I begin? He just wants me to sit here and be touched instead of anyone else while they stare? Is this punishment? I hope so.
what the fuck
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...I hate how Fellatrix keeps bringing me back with something I love right before he posts something that pushes me away again.
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It's nice that it seems like he's starting to focus on bimbos somewhat again. I understand exactly how you feel because I hated futa up until like a month ago.
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Really just waiting for the other shoe to drop at this point.
In this case, the "other shoe" refers to Fellatrix likely posting a picture of a character posing with a gross ass dick covered in smegma, or a character giving a horse a blowjob, which may also be covered in smegma.
Oh. I like both those things. Sucks for you though.
it's either horribly disgusting shit or something good
this for example, very good

I guess if you are into futa, getting fucked by horses or nasty dirty blowjobs and the like it must be great, but that ain't me
I went full bimbo about a year ago. Hit me up here or Discord or wherever if you ever need advice!
I would actually consider doing that but, hit up who, this is an anonymous post.
Drop your Discord or something, or just ask questions here ig.
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I'll take a million smeggy dicks over all the interracial cuckshit. It's such a lame fetish. Raceplay fags (And rest assured, it's all homosexual/closeted males who like that kink) are so obnoxious.
I like the cuckshit, though not for jacking off to. It's always good for a laugh when someone gets asspained enough from it that they edit the cucker to be white. Dick cheese just makes me want to play Powerwash Simulator...

Anyone know if there's a way to mod that game, actually? Kinda thinking a sort of CoD Zombies mode with unwashed NEETs and homeless people might be a fun idea.
I honestly don't care for what race the guy is. I just dislike the whole "muh BBC, lil dick whitey" routine. Its obnoxious and aimed at a type of guy I find absolutely pathetic.
BBC shit has legitimately ruined my ability to enjoy any sort of porn involving a black guy, because while it normally wouldn't make a difference to me, now all that goes through my head when I see it is, "This is a weird race fetishism thing, isn't it?" and it instantly turns me off.
>now all that goes through my head when I see it is, "This is a weird race fetishism thing, isn't it?" and it instantly turns me off.
That's exactly how I feel about porn with white guys. Didn't even realize it didn't use to bother me.
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Well, there's a difference between the guy just happening to be black and then a girl getting covered in QOS tattoos or it explicitly being some racial thing.

Yeah. I think racial fetishism as a whole is lame. It's a fetish that is, by and large, enjoyed by some weird closet case guys. At least based on the kinda guys who spam that stuff or make all those cringy edits.
>It's a fetish that is, by and large, enjoyed by some weird closet case guys.
>At least based on the kinda guys who spam that stuff or make all those cringy edits.
I think its funny that the anons that make the white edits will claim its not about race and then deliberately include Nazi imagery and black or Asian men getting cucked. I think if you're at the point you actually enjoy the cuckolding or are making edits you're way too far gone. The irony is I get accused of being one of those spammers just for saving or not having a problem with the pictures with back men but I'm literally just black, and most of it is dehumanizing anyway. I've learned to get used to some of it but I could never get used to the cuck/BNWO type stuff, its just weird and not hot. Like, bimbofication can be considered an odd fetish, but you have to be very odd to get turned on by the idea of being "superior" to another man or another group of men. I suppose it makes sense for the people with humiliation fetishes who self-insert as the "inferior" man but the appeal of the opposite I can't fathom.
It's all just so focused on male humiliation that it just reads as some gay thing to me. Not that there's anything wrong with that. But, it's like, these dudes should just cut out the middle woman and do their obviously gay shit.
>It's all just so focused on male humiliation that it just reads as some gay thing to me
Actually when you put it like that, I guess that's the point on both sides. I agree they'd probably be better off just jerking to gay porn.
Yeah. The crux of the kink is the guy there. Its like gangbangs, which I'd say is either a homosexual fetish or a woman's fetish. It's just kinda fruity. Zesty as the kids say.
My alt discord handle is bimbogigi
You mean live-action or drawn? Live-action gangbangs are kinda gay, yeah. Can be a bit better drawn, and at least in that scenario it can be you're getting off on the woman being humiliated. Like if it were a free-use thing.
I'm curious too! My discord is mommies_doll
I know it can be a humiliation thing, but it's just never a scenario that pops into my mind. I never see a hot girl and think "Ah, you know what would make fucking her even hotter? A bunch of other sweaty naked men surrounding her." Nothing is lamer than when gangbangs randomly rear their head in a doujin or something.

I can get why a woman would like a gangbang. It's the same logic as to why I wouldn't mind a harem type thing from time to time. I even had a sub ask for one once when I had a D/S relationship a few years back. I laughed and said no.
Requested both of ya!
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I wish he would just draw the actual hags from Gundam instead of R63 of random Zeon dudes.
Favorite stories?
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maximumvariation on disc, thinking about taking the plunge finally if you are still around
Bimbo shit is hot til you see it in real life. Tired, post-work, going shopping, and everyone is turning their heads after some bimbo with huge tits who clearly ain't feeling at the height of sexual deviancy at the time. And everyone will know, and stare. It's body dysmorphia.
Do you have more of this artist? After searching it seem she nuked her accounts
Cohost, pillowfort, or one of those other sites.
I think that's where she is now.
>After searching it seem she nuked her accounts
You made me think her Twitter was gone. There was a dropbox posted on some board at some point but I have no idea where it is now.
She hasn't posted anywhere since 2020.
I was gonna say bullshit then I checked and you're right.
Christ, reminds me of Pram on FurAffinity.
Great fucking art, then complete radio silence.
I prefer radio silence to the alternative. So many artists will just explode and nuke all their shit with no backups. I don't get it, you'd think people that draw weird porn wouldn't be so fickle and fragile.
You underestimate how absolutely unhinged, entitled and abusive some people get when you have even the slightest amount of public visibility. Dealing with it is not just about having a thick skin, that does not hurt, but you also have to learn to truly disengage with a lot of sources of attention, both good and bad. And for a lot of people there brain is just not wired to be able to say no to the dopamine of any attention.
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nice to men by limerick is pretty hot.

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