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I'd love to live in a city with a stationary giantess towering over it.
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Bro she is spreading roots and turning the city into plant food not standing still
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I was bored and decided to make a tier list template for Giant Guardians after seeing the discussion last thread
All the CGs look fine from the front, but when they turn around it's like their ass inflates to 3 times their regular width.
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I get why people wouldn't like Yakuu, but I have a mighty need.
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while I generally like the art, some of the attempts at forced perspective end up looking pretty janky

to be honest, I have barely interacted with Yakuu and Croixelle so I could be missing out
Yakuu seems like the most straightforward cruel and ruthless giantess, unlike Kendra who can be playful and kind with her giantess friends and has an interesting relationship with her sister, or Nyxmay who likes the company of altruistic people despite being a sadist herself
>Yakuu seems like the most straightforward cruel and ruthless giantess
She is, but she starts to warm up as you go along her path, and is only really mean if you flag the maso dialogue options. She's also principled, so she won't kill you on a whim like most of the others in TimBurtonville.
I love Alky!
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Normally I'm all in on murderfagging but monstergirls bring out the desire for cute gentle content for some reason
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Gap moe!
I thought Regina was a very standout character out of all the routes I tried. There was an interesting dichotomy between the way she was presented as a gentle character but had a very short temper and seemed to be repressing a more sadistic nature. Holy shit there are so many spelling and grammar errors on her route, though.
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Where'd yall get your copy of the game? You just buy it from the patreon?
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Sometimes. Development is slow enough that I only do if there's an update to a girl I like.
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Hoshiguma my beloved.
Regina has a temper but her intrusive thoughts aren't nearly as bad as Maryen's. I actually think she's the most well rounded of the actual guardians in the game. She's gentle and motherly but takes her job seriously and won't hesitate to use violence if necessary.
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Big Fish is back in town.
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>pixie wife has a thing for sex in public places
>"It's fine," she says, "no one will notice you if you're shrunk"
>after a few escapades you start getting used to it, so she suggests something a little more risky
>she sneaks you into the coatroom of a fancy restaurant, then into the pocket of a fancy coat
>"It's fine," she says, "we just have to finish quickly before the owner comes back"
>unfortunately you get carried away and lose track of time
>the two of you are thrown about as someone takes the coat off the rack and puts it on
>your unseen captor reaches down and closes the button on her pocket, trapping you inside
>"Okay maybe it isn't fine," she says, "but technically we haven't done anything illegal. How bad can it be?"
>half an hour later, the owner reaches her house
>she reaches into her pocket, and the two of you find yourself sitting in the palm of a very large and very well-dressed bicorn
>"Well aren't you a cute little couple. Planning to spend the night here?"
>your wife looks at her, then looks at you
>"Hey, I'm game if you are"
>your penis responds by getting so hard so fast that you get dizzy
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Mamono are hardwired to avoid killing humans, so eh. Just make it so that their stomach is an inescapable cock milking organ instead or something.
>the mamono digestive tract can’t break down humans
>it just keeps raping
>village gets raided my mamono
>you got snatched up by a manticore while making a run for it
>she tossed you in her mouth after saying something about marriage, Chief God knows what
>oh god not like this
>no burning or pain in her stomach
>actually it smells kinda nice
>and her acids are away your clothes, but make you tingle pleasantly
>stomach walls start pressing in on you and protrusions start grabbing hold of you
>rape time
>unknowable time later, you’re exhausted and fucked silly self is happy to finally be sliding out of her horrifically pleasant ass
>you fall right into her waiting tail orifice, which promptly swallows you and the rape begins anew
>manticore just watches fondly, figuring you’ll be ready to talk after a few more trips through her
Or just make it so vore and rebirth are part of the incubization process or something
>mamono can eat and digest people
>they can reform exactly one human male as an incubus to marry
>they can reform human women as daughters (rare)
>eating human men is seen as extremely taboo, since he could be another mamano’s soul mate
>eating human woman is less frowned upon, but they’re also the only source of men in the world…
>plus is any mamano start getting too feral/cruel, the Lilim start handing out smackdowns
>Naya that far down
>Margarita above anyone
Absolute tastelet
Regina resonates with me the best actually- she's a kind, caring guardian to the innocent, but delivers swift retribution to the guilty. Though I don't dislike Eliette, it really rankled me when she said "oh yeah I spared that one dickhead dragoness after she killed a bunch of people for literally no reason cuz killing is bad mkay?" With Regina you know that she'd put a permanent stop to that shit. Doing no harm isn't always the same as doing good.
She ended up the route I went on my first playthrough. Was probably the one I ended up liking the most out of what all I played. A shame the butterfly/fairy princess doesn't have a route.
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I hate goblins so much its unreal
I want a big wife who eats goblins
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I love goblins so much its unreal
Same, she was the one I got when I acted as I would have were I in the MC's shoes.
The butterfly princess may get a route too, since the fox and polarbear on Madea's routes have interest points in the game's code apparently, the butterfly princess may too.
>a ship and a submarine in her drink
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>Someone reposted my art here
Holy shit, I've made it
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Would either of you happen to have a concept you'd want to see fleshed out? I can't make any promises on when it'd be delivered or how good it'd be but writing's something I've been wanting to get better at I just lack ideas.
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A dude and his Hellhound wife get isekai’d to Felarya. She grows giant, he stays small. Native Felarya monstergirls learn really, really fast that her husband is not on the menu. Since she’s a mamono, she doesn’t have to eat people (but can, obviously) as his sex energy sustains her, or whatever.

Probably ends with her and him creating a gentlefag safe town, since a few of those already exist in setting like Sanctuary and Kortiki.
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Would you believe me if I told you I know literally nothing about it because of how vore heavy it and Karbo's work is?
There’s really not much to know about it, beyond it being a canonical isekai destination that’s literally powered by vore. There’s a reason Karbo barely touches the setting any more and just draws mawshots over and over. It’s kind of a mess full of everyone’s super special OCs who are innocent monsters and totally not evil.

Writers like french snack honestly did most of the heavy lifting for actual content with the setting, and grappling with how fucked it is.
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>There’s a reason Karbo barely touches the setting any more and just draws mawshots over and over
Doesn't help that when he does try to do something different his fanbase revolts.

Either way it's a bundle of autism I'm not sure I want to get anywhere near. Sorry for the letdown
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Fairy learns shrinking magic so she can have normal sex with a man, but the spell was written for human casters and fairies naturally have more powerful magic than humans, so instead of shrinking him to the same size she accidentally shrinks him much smaller than her.
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You could say she has quite the LITTLE fanclub, but also no SHORTage of critics.

Very nice, luv me aquatic monster girls.
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me in her pubes waiting for the guy below me to pass out so I can have my turn
New Alky? Hell yeah bruv
This needs a prequel, with her reacting to having dozens of anons wanting to offer her their "services". Maybe she put out a help wanted ad and got offers for a different kind of help.
Also I did not notice the one spelunking, only the one pushing between her cheeks, respect to both.
That one lad going
>Why are you in her boots when we've got all this goblin?
Holy fuck! Me in the nylon she's wearing, under her foot
It's honestly easier to find the few positions that I wouldn't want to be in than try to list all the ones I'd like.
Only the one hugging her ankle and calling out to the guy in her boot would I not want to be, because they're the only ones not doing anything really.
Hanging from her nipple is fun, being between her breasts is hot, being in her hand is intimate, whispering/licking her ear is lewd, sinking into her tummy is cozy, pleasuring her clit is sexy, diving into her poosi is orgasmic, prepping to spelunk in her ass is kinky, being trapped beneath her feet is titillating, being in her boots/nylon is musky, and I just noticed the guy trying to lift her tit, that's nostalgic >>11023740
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Reminds me of this
You my friend, are based
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>tfw no giant elf wife who eats all the giant goblins who try to make advances on you
If only there was a karbo but for anal vore
It was a cool setting. I hate vore but back in like, what, fucking 2012? Probably before then that, it actually wasn't a purely vore setting. Vore was a big appeal, but there was some content for just vanilla giant monster girls. I remember being fascinated by it but mortified by the fanbase. It fucking sucks there really isn't a gentle giantess monster girl setting that's worth any salt. Though honestly without a few violent ones running around it would be boring.
>Since she’s a mamono, she doesn’t have to eat people (but can, obviously) as his sex energy sustains her, or whatever
>it being a canonical isekai destination that’s literally powered by vore
Felarya isn't "powered by vore" and Felaryan giants have no biological need to eat people, they just do it because people taste good and clueless offworlders (of which there are many in Felarya) are relatively easy prey in an extremely dangerous world (yes Felarya is still dangerous for giants, why do you think Anna decided to live with Crisis?)
Any giantess that is skilled at hunting and foraging for things that aren't people, and has the discipline not to indulge in sweets would be able to live a gentle lifestyle in Felarya
Found a few images and have no clue what the source is. If anyone knows the artist tell me.
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Honestly, whenever I see Felarya brought up my mind always goes the route of "What would be really fucking funny to subject that world to". The Monsters from Evolve could be neat because they're literally eldritch energy beings that make bodies from the environment they manifest into...but lately I've been wondering what it might be like if The Black Fleet showed up (The D2 pyramid ships) and tried to grant everyone "Salvation".
I dunno, just some weird plot bunnies as of late.
Unfortunately I'm pretty sure anything in Felarya that threatens the whole vore status quo gets nuh-uhed by its OP "guardians" or whatever.
Maybe the setting was interesting at one point, but now it's just a sandbox for people with OP and Mary Sue totally-not-amoral-psychopath OCs to eat people alive but it's OK because they're greedy bastards risking life and limb to try to find something to sell to pay for their kid's cancer treatments.
See that's why I feel something like the Black Fleet would be interesting to throw there way. A force that operates beyond causality, one that could likely strike down those cringe-AF "guardian gods" things Felarya has. Get rid of those and then maybe some interesting stuff can happen.
Yup it basically boils down to “anything that threatens or tries to change Felarya insta-loses” and it’s retarded. I enjoy imagining the place getting its shit pushed in, because lol. The Correctors tried, and that was that I guess.
I’m pretty certain I read some lore bits back in the day about how the Guardians (or one of them? Been a while) put magic in place that basically boils down to “Felarya is kept running by blood magic via vore.” But it’s been a fat minute and the various writers could also just be retarded. Like, there’s lore about Humans being sapient cookies that got loose.
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Is there a reason no one else has tried their hand at a setting like Felarya without the bullshit? The framework sounds easy enough to write; the issue comes down to working on intricate details like geopolitics and locations.Also art.
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Alky throwing a shrinky-potion at a company of state troopers, expecting them to run and try to fight back, but instead they all charge straight in.
>"You wouldn't understand..."
This pic was one of the inspirations for this one, in fact!
Human kingdoms regularly accidentally laid waste to by angry wrestling patrols of elves and gobbos.
The closest I've read would be The Voracious Queen by The Mouths of Babes, maybe. The world building is mostly bits and bobs here and there. It's a pretty grimdark story/world for Humans.
the things you hate about Felarya are exactly what make it interesting to most people
there's a reason nobody is clamoring to write a bunch of fanfiction about greenanon's monstergirl setting, or the setting of giant guardians
>the things you hate about Felarya are exactly what make it interesting to most people
Guardian gods and Mary sues?
the fact most of the giants have inhuman moral standards and are extremely dangerous to most people, the jungle itself is mysterious, untamed, and brutal, and yes, there are gods that actively prevent any intrusion of civilization into their little playground because felarya is not for stories of grand empires conquering the primitive wilderness and its savage inhabitants, it is for stories of individuals overcoming, or succumbing to an environment that is as beautiful as it is deadly
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the reason people write fanfictions about Felarya is because Karbo himself is an incredibly high-quality artist, skill-wise. And a very popular artist. His arts are not just fetish, but a fetish drawn by a skilled hand. And also competition was not as tough, back then.

I honestly wish Karbo drew stuff like, butt crush, or his girls stepping on people. More usual giantessy stuff, than just vore. But alas. Nothing is perfect in this cursed reality.
Because the autism isn't a bug, it's a feature.
>the fact most of the giants have inhuman moral standards and are extremely dangerous to most people
Oh no no no no, no no no anon. You see, that isn't what people dislike, come on now. It's not the fact that they're inhuman in their morality, it's the fact they're very human, and very evil, but their creator desperately, genuinely believes they're not evil. There's absolutely nothing wrong with an evil character, but they need to be acknowledged by the narrative as such- not given every pass in the book from "durr the people were trespassing this giga-glutton TOTALLY wants to just be left alone!" or "oh they're just greedy treasure hunters they deserve to die" like apparently they really hated Indiana Jones growing up, or, one of my favorites that sticks in my head to this fucking day, this one OC who's whole shtick is she captures people to eat, but before doing so, she converses with them. Has a full-on conversation to learn as much as she can about their world and what they know, and then eats them. Best fucking part? If the ones in line start to break down at the sight of someone being callously swallowed whole by this amoral psychopath, she "feels terrible and tries to console them" and no, that's not in-character, the writer 100% put that in to make the character seem like a good person.
That's what pisses people off about the OCs in Felarya, that the people-eating giantesses are never called what they are: evil. It's totally fine for them to be evil, but the desperate attempt to avoid that label for their evil OC, that's what irks people.
Hot fucking damn, color adds so much.
>the strand of drool connecting her tongue to the lucky bastard's mouth
>the black nylons obscuring the ones beneath its threads so tight they're ripping
>the subtle musk wafting out of her boots and around her poosi
You're a fuckin' treasure m8, you need to live forever.
>interesting to most people
lol nobody gives a fuck about Felarya beyond fapping to karbo’s art or talking about how dumb it is
That’s why I only like French snack’s writing from the setting. He makes it clear being in Felarya is a horror story and the preds are monsters.
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The mental gymnastics annoys me more than anything. If you're gonna have your character do heinous shit then own it
Nirvana ;-;
>one of my favorites that sticks in my head to this fucking day, this one OC who's whole shtick is she captures people to eat, but before doing so, she converses with them. Has a full-on conversation to learn as much as she can about their world and what they know, and then eats them. Best fucking part? If the ones in line start to break down at the sight of someone being callously swallowed whole by this amoral psychopath, she "feels terrible and tries to console them" and no, that's not in-character, the writer 100% put that in to make the character seem like a good person.
Pretty sure you're describing Millie, one of Frenchsnack's most well known characters featuring in many of his Felarya stories
Meanwhile... >>11033916
Which brings us back to >>11033679
You just don't "get" Felarya, it's okay to admit it. No need to go on rants like it's 2011 and you just discovered Karbo's DA page for the first time
Sure, but I get that. But I also think the setting is very much propped up by Karbo's art and the fact it's been around so long. Don't know the exact details on how long it has been around in actuality, but I'm pretty sure it has roots as far back as old forums. I'll strongly agree that there is appeal to the danger and unknown, but I don't think that's the only, or even main reason it's popular.
Fuck off back to deviantart already, Felarya is shit and you’re not changing anybody’s mind
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Felarya is like SCP foundation. An interesting concept with a few bright spots, but ruined by too many hands
Probably the best way to put it. I think it’s only still relevant because of nostalgia and Karbo’s art. It was a lot of people’s first look into giantess vore shit. It no longer has any good writers and people mostly just shit talk it now, for good reason. Most of the writers and characters were fucking garbage, and arguing otherwise is just copium. It’s a rotting corpse.
>there's a reason nobody is clamoring to write a bunch of fanfiction about greenanon's monstergirl setting, or the setting of giant guardians
Yeah, no shit. Are you stupid?
That’s kinda how it goes with any sort of community fandom. Sexy Space Babes is a good more recent example. Most of the fan authors are fucking awful and the fandom has ballooned into a mess larger than canon, and the actual author doesn’t even want to go back to the setting now.
Obviously Karbo's art brings a huge amount of attention to the setting but if the concept wasn't fascinating to people in some way they wouldn't stick around and contribute time and effort to adding to it.

Karbo's DA page got nuked so I can't double check but I think he started posting early Felarya art featuring Crisis and basic lore details around 2004 or 2005. Most of the third party world building was done on the old forumotion site, which still exists, as does the wiki. Both sites are pretty dead these days compared to the peak of Felarya's popularity around 2008-2014
>jungle world where people get eaten by giant monster girls because fetish porn
>autists turn into into a playground for retarded roleplay OCs who are super special and tragic and blah blah and the creator pretty much ditches it aside from drawing mouths
>role reversal femdom harem adventure about sex with tall alien tomboys,
humanity got bitch slapped and Earth is better off desu
>autists turn it into a generic HFY setting and insist the sexy alien women are aktually weak, ugly, and stupid and Humanity will inherit the stars and terrify everyone, Earth is space Afghanistan, blood for the blood god
>the author prefers writing his other stories without fanworks now.
Go figure. Autists ruin everything. I do agree Felarya stays in my mind because I remember being a teen on DeviantArt/here and seeing giant snake ladies eating people and that was that.
SSB is a Reddit fandom, so yeah.
>creator pretty much ditches it aside from drawing mouths
he still draws lots of Felarya vore art, including comics, the only thing that's changed is he draws Vivian or one of the faeries or succubi more than Crisis now, probably because they are more mature and lewd
>You just don't "get" Felarya, it's okay to admit it.
Oh no no no
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I cant speak to the other fanworks, but SCP was ruined because most fan authors dont give a fuck about the setting. Rather it being something to adhere to, they use it as a general framework for them to inset some stupid OC into it, like that trans satellite that likes homestuck or all the UNCONTAINABLE KETER-LEVEL DONUT STEEL anomalies. Its a problem inherently caused by writing allowing the lowest common denominators to be creative. You have to wade through shit to find something worthwhile.

>>autists turn it into a generic HFY setting and insist the sexy alien women are aktually weak, ugly, and stupid and Humanity will inherit the stars and terrify everyone, Earth is space Afghanistan, blood for the blood god
Warhammer has been a disaster for the sci-fi genre.
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>>11034048 The stuff that focuses on vore is the best examples of Felarya. Its when the "writers" trying to flesh out their OCs that there's tonal whiplash.

Even Karbos characters feel wishy washy.
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Imagine a character in Felarya deciding to crush their prey with foot/ass/boobs/hand/etc, instead of eating them.

Imagine one of the guardians growing themselves huge and doing a rampage in the city. Stomping on buildings, vaporizing people with magic, and stuff. And now imagine Karbo drawing that. I think that would be pretty rad.
>And now imagine Karbo drawing that. I think that would be pretty rad.

Karbo tried to branch out once and did some pussy insertion and a bunch of mega autistic fucks jumped down his throat and punked him into never drawing anything but vore again.
reading this post i can't help but be reminded that one of greenanon's works did get a fanfic at least. anyone remember conquest of earth?
>autists turn it into a generic HFY setting and insist the sexy alien women are aktually weak, ugly, and stupid and Humanity will inherit the stars and terrify everyone, Earth is space Afghanistan, blood for the blood god
this is the reason Karbo made the guardians part of Felarya, to stop mil sci-fi and HFY wank from going too far
I'm going to play a bit of devil's advocate for Felarya here because I actually really like the idea of monster girl's minds being fundamentally different from a human's in certain ways, and the concept of a monster girl being genuinely friendly and chatting people up without a hint of malice despite intending to eat them is pretty cool in theory. It's kind of a shame nobody really did anything with that idea; Karbo touched upon it occasionally with non-Crisis characters but the fanbase just wrote a bunch of kawaii psychopaths and expected everyone to think they were precious uwu beans who never did anything wrong.
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>people talking about Felarya
Wait a second, this isn't /d/, I've found my way back on /tg/! I've gone back in time!
in all honesty, if there ever were threads on /d/ that would get along with /tg/ it'd be the giant monster girls threads.
They've had (attempts) at earnest discussions about Felarya there in years past. Even made a less overtly fetish-y setting based on the idea of a jungle where everything wants to eat you.
I remember those, back when /tg/ knew how to have fun. One idea I recall passed around was the setting was basically the stomach of the universe, and everything in it that originated from it, from the trees to the giantesses to the weather all tried to eat people to fuel the very plane's existence. Trees would leak digestive enzymes instead of sap, for example.
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I want to be trapped in her bra cup, snuggled against her nipple.
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Do Umas count?
She's got nonhuman ears, she big, she counts.
My monstergirl fantasy setting is pretty much tailored to my own tastes down to the types of firearms the humans use, it's also already a setting where humanity has a firm and strong place in the world, so more Humanity Fuck Yeah fics in the setting aren't as appealing I think.
Yeah that one actually got a couple fanfics, I did try to write that one as more of a coherent universe with possibilities and potential for other writers to do whatever. Humans in Conquest of Earth have a lot of potential, and in the long run it's kind of a humanity fuck yeah story in the sense that the giant blue space elves want to make humans happy. The grand scheme of things is that the Aelmari WANT to be tools to whatever ends humanity desires, but neither they nor the humans they've "adopted" recognize that quite yet.

Anyway, a commissioner did ask me to try a Felarya type pred with "Finding What's Lost" which is a modern world story with a giant naga and concludes with the main Naga committing to only eat "evil" humans as a religious duty, but that comes with its own problems obviously. I tried my best to explore the ethics of an obligate human predator in that story, I'm sure smarter anons than me will point out logical and philosophical holes, but I did my best.
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>humans dominate the galaxy
i sleep.
>humans being playthings for a higher alien race
fuck yeah.
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>I tried my best to explore the ethics of an obligate human predator in that story,
I may be wrong on this, but I don't think any giantesses in Felarya are actually oblique human predators, they do it literally because it just gets them off/tastes really good.
Ironically, the cat girls have more ethical consumption habbits than the nagas bacause they can actually survive without eating humans while nagas can not.

Though I guess there is the fact that the neko girls have stronger addictions and lose control of themselves more easily while the nagas seem to have a better grip on themselves, even limiting their population to account for a lack of deserving sacrifices.
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Yakuu is a Lawful Evil tyrant and I love her for it. The later parts where she actually starts smiling and blushing at the MC when her ice-cold exterior begins to crack is the best.
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>"What would be really fucking funny to subject that world to"
You know, I've had the same itch as well, but usually takes the form of nuclear/chemical weapons, but as noted, >>11033365 , the whole guardians either cockblocks me or helps curb my edgelord
Was that in the house with the dragoness?
Is it weird that I kind of hope that humanity gets turned into pets by a giant alien race because I'm so sick of our bullshit and it would help us to eat a humble pie?

Also, unrelated, do giant angels count as monstergirls?
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If they don't they're at least monstergirl-adjacent
Nah I constantly wish the big space ladies will come for us. Pets would be ideal but I’m so tired of humanity that everyone else dying via my fetish would be funny. I actually just read through that Sexy Space Babes series that was mentioned, and found the HFY pro-human terrorist Redditor faggots annoying as shit. We deserve to get humbled. I’d prefer it to be giant space ladies rather than nukes or whatever.

And yes.
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Imagining the sheer anger on a HFY-fag's face as they get cooed over by a giantess is one of my favorite fantasy. It is truly the height of cringe to boast about how badass you are by comparing yourself to fictional species that you made up in your head.
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Not only that, but make sure that the fictional species is too retarded to actually exist, either by making them go "durr de hurr cruelty? Whatever in the world is that?" or "Throwing stuff? Oh no they're throwing things further than any creature we've ever seen capable of doing so ahhh I'm going insaaaaane!"
I must admit that I didn't expect to see a lovecraft joke on this board out of all of them. "Niggerman help me! They're throwing things in a non-Euclidean way! aaahhh I'm going insaaaane!"
I can respect that. I'm ready for the giant alien catgirl invasion... any day now...
>neckbeard starts screaming, crying, shitting, and pissing himself about how this is all so wrong and that the indomitable human spirit will one day triumph, as we were meant to inherit the stars!
>“Stop being so silly, Snuffles. I guess I need to put you in time out again. Ugh. Why couldn’t I have gotten a cuter Human?”
>The giant space elf bimbo snaps her fingers, and her stupid whiny pet is teleported to her clit piercing cage. He’ll be more cooperative after a few hours down there.
>mankind spends eternity screaming into the void of giant omnipotent space elves pussy.
>aside from the ones that are really into it. They’re happy.
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>Is it weird that I kind of hope that humanity gets turned into pets by a giant alien race because I'm so sick of our bullshit
Every single issue we have is due to gross mismanagement by the powers that be and limited resources. A race of space giantesses would have already overcome the problems we are facing. Assuming they are benevolent, this could only be good. We'd likely be relocated to a more sustainable environment and be offered food and protection. Or kept as individual pets in gilded cages. I would like to see the elite and world leaders trapped in a jar for the crimes they have committed not only against humanity but the planet itself.
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>No muscular tomboy gargoyle soldier girl
Helga my beloved
She genuinely made me laugh in the most recent update. Actual waifu material there.
Then that'd make them evil by nature.
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The absolute worst one is Jora, that girl that was just a normal human, got teleported to Felarya and turned into a giantess somehow, and then began happily eating humans just like the rest of them.
Is that the scientist one? But yeah, there was another I recall, a human who was eaten by Crisis, somehow became a naga Crisis' size, and she mostly, from what I recall abstained from eating people, but yeah fuck Jora.
Anna actually behaves more like a reasonable person in that yeah, she tries as hard as she can not to eat people and just survives off animals. But she's stuck in a giant naga body that has strong predatory instincts and she can lose control when she gets really pissed off. She's Karbo's best character imo, actually having conflicting motives and trying to remain sane in Felarya.

Jora just went "LOL IM BIG NOW" and started gobbling up people because...?
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Humans and other small races taste good to Felaryan giants but the biggest factor is just that they are more vulnerable than other animals. That's why Jora and Anna end up eating people; without the hunting skills of a native Felaryan, humans are the only food they can reliably capture.
Jade has literally offered her fruit to eat before and Jora went "nah I prefer humans" wtf man lol

Anna is cool in my books though because Naga are obligate carnivores
I said that's why she started eating people, it's true Jora did embrace her urges and become much more like a typical Felaryan predator than Anna. She would still bring people who were accidentally teleported to Felarya back to Safe Harbor so Jade could take care of them, though
>Is there a reason no one else has tried their hand at a setting like Felarya without the bullshit?
What kind of story do you want to tell in a world like Felarya that can't be done by adding your own characters and locations to Felarya?
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I only included characters that have a sheet like >>11039103
But I just realized that Kive has one that was only posted on twitter
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>page 10
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Be kind to trees.
Could you do Orca girls knocking over yachts? And then high flippering each other for the mess they make?
Found this in english manga last week.
Sister and Giant
>Sexy woman.
>Some form of tragedy in her past.
>We were good, but now we're bad.
>Becomes even sexier when evil.
>Powerful both physically and non-physically (political power, magic, technology).
>Delights in doing evil due to her playful personality.
>Can turn into some manner of 50+ meters tall monster (yet remains equally sexy if not even more so).
>Will turn back to being good through the power of love (the children you're about to shoot into her womb).

This is the ideal Female body.
You may not like it, but this is what peak Evil Woman looks like.
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Gorgon is my wife, you cannot have her.
I do not know what manner of delusions would push a man to perpetuate such lies, but I know that Gorgon has been my wife since the moment I laid eyes on her, so find your own evil woman, buddy.
I wish there was a story about raising a sapling into a city destroying behemoth
It's only natural that the big eye is for spotting her microscopic prey.

They may have shitty depth perception, but cyclops' eyes have an uncanny "zoom in" feature that can easily spot millimeter tall tinies from several meters away, and can even see μm-sized tinies in detail from up close with a significant enough effort.
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BASED mono-eye enjoyer!
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Why are there giant sperm in the background?
It’s onioniogre, so somewhere in the background is a giga futa cooming everywhere
The talk of felarya has died down but I might as well get my thoughts out while it's thread relevant. So, playing devil's advocate, I'll say karbo as an artist is overhated. His art really feels like he's having fun, however, only when he's not forced to do the same maw-shot for the billionth time. Everyone and their mom knows the story of Karbo's fanbase being an example of how the market can stifle artists, when he posted that AV piece and they screeched for oral vore. And yeah, his faces used to have this 2000s deviantart vibe to them but I feel like he's really improved on that, mostly due to shading and forming a more distinguished style.

Most of all, on felarya, I think Karbo's environmental art is great. I remember being a young teen 10 yrs ago, finding the wiki, and being filled with wonder. Felarya had such a unique aesthetic for a fictional world at the time and I think it was mostly thanks to his environmental art, though, I do remember there also being some straight up cool concepts like a desert with fields of localized time distortions(I think?)

But yeah, the Anon that compared it to scp was totally right. I remember clearly, reading an article on a city, and it was neat to see the chill side of this horrible world. Then it got to a tiny race and was like "btw they steer clear of humans because felarya has a magical energy that makes females want to CONSOOM ANYTHING SMALLER THAN THEM ALIVE!" And it was like... oh. That's retarded.

Tldr felarya has a nice aesthetic and karbo is a decent artist, plz draw more loli monstergirls and butt stuff plz plz
No one was banging on Karbo's skills as an artist though
Yeah the city the preds avoid (Negav?) fucking sucks. Because the normal sized people often eat the tinies. And because unless you’re rich/a mage, you probably live packed like rats in the slums. It’s super corrupt and awful. Felarya pretty much just sucks unless you have plot armor. Like, holy fuck even the angels eat people. Sanctuary isn’t so bad, since it has a protector and she (Jade?) has some friends that might help her out if it gets attacked. But it does get attacked, by other preds that basically like to eat her pet humans just to be mean cunts and teach her some sort of lesson. So that place kinda sucks and isn’t safe either. The safest place in Felarya is Kortiki. You just probably can’t ever leave, and being a criminal is a death sentence. So don’t do that, and you might end up with a Fairy wife and not dead.
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I would just go befriend my irish mermaid waifu and obviously everything would just work out!
You'll end up in the belly of that whale faster than Jonah and with no God to save you
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Yeah, that's the thing, right? The only thing that would make Felarya worth living in is the eternal youth and freedom from disease (not so sure about the second one). I would do almost anything for eternal youth, but I don't think I'd risk living every day having to dodge the maw of some psychopathic cunt.
That's how much Felarya sucks, not even eternal youth makes it worth it.
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You mean THIS irish mermaid waifu...?
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>But yeah, the Anon that compared it to scp was totally right. I remember clearly, reading an article on a city, and it was neat to see the chill side of this horrible world. Then it got to a tiny race and was like "btw they steer clear of humans because felarya has a magical energy that makes females want to CONSOOM ANYTHING SMALLER THAN THEM ALIVE!" And it was like... oh. That's retarded.
I just looked at the pages for Negav and Tomthumbs (tiny humans) on the Felarya wiki (which is the closest thing to an official canon) and didn't see anything like this. Instead there is
>'...tinies are obviously at the bottom of the food chain in Felarya and often fall prey to nekos, their main predators, all sort of animals, and sometimes even humans!'
Which implies it's uncommon for humans to eat tinies, although obviously possible
>'While Negav is primarily a human city, tomthumbs (and, to a lesser extent, other tinies) have also come to view it as a relative safe haven. Most tomthumbs tend to keep to themselves, and avoid contact with humans. Consequently, the Tomthumbs' Negav is a "world within a world", mostly unknown to the city's human residents, and subject to occasional speculations. A small number of tomthumbs live "between worlds", interacting regularly with humans.'
Most tinies in Negav live like stereotypical borrowers but it's not unheard of for them to interact with humans. There is also an official place in the city for tinies to live, known as Pelnepi, which is a miniature town located within the temple of Minalca (goddess of luck) and administered / guarded by her followers. That's an good concept for a gentle Felarya story right there: a neko or human-sized monstergirl joins the cult of Minalca and has to tend to the inhabitants of Pelnepi, overcoming their prejudice and her own predatory urges in the process.
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I've heard of Davy Jone's locker, but as a crusty sailor I'd rather end up in Anko's bust desu
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Anyone knows the source of this pic?
I am trying real hard and the best I could find is the post here: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10887276/#q10917176
with a twitter image ID of ESt3aBbXkAEsXu_
What a nice slime girl.
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How in the hell did her stomach get so distended from something so small? Did she cast Enlarge while inside there?
Felaryan slime girl
How is she nice?!
She's just so transparent.
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God I love Hellhounds. That cute maw look so warm and comfy
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The fact she doesn't do it often makes it a lot hotter when she does desu
Nobody wants to think about this, but wouldn't your best defense in Felarya be to just, right as you're being brought to the giantess's mouth, shit yourself? Just shit all over yourself as loudly and messily as possible.
What giantess is gonna want to eat you then, huh? Checkmate you psychopathic cunts.

Knowing the military-grade plot armor bullshit that goes on in that setting, you'd probably encounter the one predator that's into that.
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Interesting strategy, you would need to be ready to shit on demand though, and probably in a very short time span. Treking through the jungle with a buttload held in reserve doesn't seem very feasible, but it's a possibility worth considering.
>Anon shortly before getting vored by a dung beetle giantess
Karbo's fanbase shits themselves if they even see a butthole so the world would probably end.
>just, right as you're being brought to the giantess's mouth, shit yourself
you really think this has never happened before?
there's two ways it could go
>she's so disgusted and surprised, she drops you
>you fall 80 feet to the ground
>you are dead
>she finds a nearby water source, or even just a nice big fruit to squeeze the juice out of
>cleans you off
>eats you like originally planned
>you are dead
>quick death, no get being digested alive
I see this as a win
>piss her off a bit and force her to taste and eat my shit, before getting turned into her shit, and hopefully give her indigestion in the process
Small victories. Survival was never likely. Glory is forever.
That's just not dignified, man!
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Really hope that artist makes more Abyssal art some day
Why not make like a poison dart frog and get yourself some chemical weapons?
I’d imagine most of the preds have never experienced the effects of a Carolina reaper pepper after all.
You think she'd slither on me if I asked?
Unfortunately I think Kancolle is totally dead at this point, which is a massive shame because I fucking love the Abyssals so goddamn much.
Nah the community is still alive on places like Space Battles and game still gets updates. Keep in mind there’s no official way to play outside of Japan because they, for some reason, never want to share it. As such, you just gotta know where to look.
On a side note, you could probably commission some Abyssal art if you wanted to from someone.
My issue with comms is, ignoring the cost, indecision. I'm never gonna be able to finally decide on an image I feel is worth the money I'm paying, and something that I feel like I'll look at for years to come. I'll also feel like an asshole for constantly critiquing the updates, and asking for slight changes to please my autism.
have you tried not being autistic? I've only comissioned art once but it was a three image sequence and I kinda liked seeing the artist's take on my request and the little details they came up with to make it come to life. It ended up different than what I originally had in my head but it was still enjoyable
>have you tried not being autistic?
If you could turn that off nobody would be on this site, first. However, second, sure actually- with someone else's money.
>page 10

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