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Be it practical, impractical, or pleasureable get it in here. Silicone, Saline, Mana tits, Ballistic gel, Augmentations and other type of implants welcome. Bonus point if their implants are canon.
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Dont you die on me
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what happened to the old thread?
something tells me these implants weren't her choice
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Probably died due to inactivity? What /imp/ lacks in activity it makes up for in passion for plastic tits sempai. Its here now, thats what counts ;_;
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>rippling fake tits
Why she get them in the first place?
breast envy due big titty mages?
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Absolutely. She wanted her own mana pillows. And now she can cast twice a day!
That trans girl showing off her implants here went quiet. wonder what happened
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looked in the archive the other day and didn't see so I was wondering if it got nuked for some reason but fair enough. I do love big plastic tits tho
I'm gonna be honest, I was one of the people making most of the edits, I probably made about half of them and I'll be honest, I have absolutely no wish whatsoever to share anything here anymore. Nobody has said anything bad about any of my edits or anything but people are just complete fucking assholes to total strangers here and I just don't want to unknowingly fulfil edit requests to one of those people. "It's 4chan", yeah I know. But that's why I only post in other places now and honestly I have no wish to share where, with people here. Just thought to shed some light, the fetish isn't dying, it's just leaving this place. I've talked to some of the others doing edits too and they've also just decided to leave this cancerous website.
Before you leave, could you show us the process for the x-ray edits? I tried them myself but they always seemed off.
PSA for artfags:
Lollipop scar is from reduction/lift, circle scar outlining nip, scar in armpit, or along bottom of tits are from implants
Understandable, I feel you.
Would you mind sharing where you migrated ? ( if it’s not against the rules )
Where to look for more of this content ?
Thanks in advance, and keep up the good work.
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Well, as someone who comes here to post original art or edits purely out of my own enthusiasm who has been around since the oldfag times of yore it sounds like you're yearning for a real community with feedback and focus.

I draw plastic tittie thats all I need. Dont stay if you dont want to. Make art for yourself. Publish it and be free.

I have no idea where you should look for fulfilling communal plastic titty fetishdom beyond myself or like some other anon reposting /imp/ when we're around. Make some art accounts on adult websites for yourself I dono.
Where am I supposed to go for huge fake titty news now? Perfectboobs.net seems like its gone and not coming back.
I'm not "Yearning for a real community with feedback and focus"
Just a place that isn't all woman hating incels
who go kys tranny this, kys tranny that when literally any woman, usually not actually even trans posts anything, it's gross. And these places exist, since cowards aren't as anonymous on discord they don't dare to be as much of an asshole to random strangers, there are multiple discords, I don't feel comfortable posting them here but I am in like 3 community discords for fake titty stuff, I am sure if you look for them you can find them somehow, since new people do join them every now and then.
Maybe if I see a picture I like here, I'll post some edit again, who knows, I suppose it's fair if this is where I got the picture from but I am definitely not going to post most of my stuff.
Btw what kind of edits do you do? Xrays, incisions, veins, or captions?
I kind of get the vibe of what you said; and I'm saying this as as a tranny chaser who hangs around the shemale and ambush threads here in /d/ and
It is clear that imageboard's influence on directing the internet culture is waning, and nowadays the numerous, tightly-knit Discord servers are where the cultures are groomed. But I grew up here, and I like the anonymity too much. Plus, Discord due to its smaller circle size and its structure, tends to get too clicque-ey for my taste. Especially when mods get power mad. I know, because I am a Discord mod myself.
I miss this website it has the best fake tits stories made by NailClipSatan
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You sound like you need to toughen the fuck up, its the internet and you're way too sensitive.
Appreciate your work though.
looking into implants. any advice on what to get if I want something soft and natural looking?
Now this is something using party members as mana storage and to get some mana the mage must grope them fake tits. please do a full party lol
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lmao you're exactly why these threads are always dead retard.
Silicone is a softer and squishier feel in general. You can also chose how filled your implants are for more control. Some people overfill for that tight bimbo'd out look. Some people fill them more conservatively and get certain implant profiles and textures to fit inside their existing breast tissues so they can shake around on the chest. Placement under the muscle is often selected to minimise the "fake" look as well.
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Im totally on it. Gotta figure out the party composition, please speak up if anyone wants to see a certain fantasy archtype with "lore" supported fake tits
No anon they're right. No one like a tranny sperg.
Drop one here anyway. The average sperg won't join because they know deep down discord doesn't accommodate spergery.
>Cleric/priestess of some fertility religion.
>The implants double as holy religious icons to cast with/spell storage/ambient spell or enchantment targets/magic spell armour/other.
Especially so if they're beginning to get unrealistically big on her frame, and/or physically cumbersome.
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back to editing potential arts with incision scars and veins
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If only there's more art of this plastic dyke. It has been too long since Reikadou Ayame that there is a canon fake tiddied chick
full party of non spellcasters lols and their excuses is they can find a way to their mana but they just wanted fake tits and yes boob envy
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another edit from the images posted in the previous threads
What is your favourite kind of augmented breast art? Incision Scars? HUD/AR Xray? Inset/Separate screen/panel Xray? Or obviously fake shape?
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I'm OP and I made the Prison School warden edit.
Incision scars are nice. They dont need to be exaggerated either, sometimes the subtle but obvious vibe is hot. Acknowledgment of the implants, before and after and size comparison/jelousy/hype is pretty hot. Xrays are hit and miss for me. Putting the fetish in fantasy or scifi settings and coming up in universe context for it is fun. 8 out of 10 times I'm doing scar and text hint style art whether it's an edit or my own original stuff. My Xrays are the "you can see the whole implant" like its in front of you style when I actually do it.

Frankly I think my tastes are pretty vanilla after browsing the web for implant fetish stuff. I dont require any other fetishes layered on top really. I'm not down for the "Implied to be young and implanted" or "psychological manipulation/hypno bimbo/shaming/grooming" stuff. "implants of weird, organic or gruesome" stuff is a little on the fence for me but if the art is good I end up consuming it anyways.

Women with enhanced/augmented bodies make my neurons fire. Im a bit of a purist. Thx for asking.
Reikadou is based, I gotta draw the frontside of the driving school shot from the anime.
I've seen some pretty nice "enhanced" Rebecca art on different sites. Lots of showing off her new body kind of pinups. Canon flat to firm and fake. Cyberpunk is a great setting for implant fetish.

What kind of kink canon would get implants in pirates? Whats the spin?
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Nice edit, shape was a bit too natural to me though so I wanted to add to it a little bit
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I'm still figuring out how to edit rippling. I think I can do double bubble.
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I feel like I really captured the plastic on this one. Gotta clean it up.
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nice rippling tits
I do my breast
Captions on /d/ that was the golden age along with elzi edit threads but j
Now got there bland same 20 something threads on repeat.
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Wish this one didn't have the scars and bandages.
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just look up the artist, sauce is literally in the picture, all I added was the scars and bandage, just a bit of warp to make to upper pole of the breasts more "fake"

This pic was like this no edit :d
Kys troon
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