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Last thread splattered a while back, figured it was time we found a new one. All things onahole TF are welcome here; adjacent fetishes (sex doll tf, personality excretion, etc.) are permissible as long as onaholes have some focus. This time, I’m curious if anyone’s run into dedicated onahole TF games, they seem really rare. Also, we’ve heard a lot from doms in the last few threads, so it’d be nice to get some more input from the subs this time around. As long as they hold up under the use, at least.
Inspired to post this thread because I found the only semi-dedicated onahole tf game I know of earlier today. Having trouble posting the link, but look up onahole transformation on f95 and you'll find this game hosted on some site called gigafile. If you aren’t fluent in moonrunes, scroll down to the open space left of the qr code, type “game” (the game key), and click the button to the right. Download it, extract it, and run the game out of the bottom of the four folders because that’s the one with a (flawed but understandable) English translation. Tried it myself and the program hasn’t stolen my identity yet!
It’s pretty simple, you can send a minion out and collect prisoners by bumping into them in a timed minigame. After you come back, you can turn them into onaholes, then either sell them and their possessions off to upgrade your minion or just sell their things and use your former prisoners up.
You have eight archetypes you can catch, each with unique dialogue for the six mental states you can set: unconscious, orgasm-crazy, and conscious and brainwashed (both of which can be set to erase their consciousnesses the moment you cum).
The game makes you throw them out after you use them, unfortunately, so no breaking down people’s wills over time or anything. Oh well, not like there isn’t an endless supply of potential onaholes.
There’s basically no challenge, nobody fights back, all the characters are available from the start, and there’s no reason to sell anything other than to upgrade your minion and give you a little more time in the capture minigame, so it’s not like the game’s very deep. But the content that’s there is pretty good.
Also, the game is a little buggy. If you start getting a loading error, it’ll just keep popping up more and more frequently; save, quit, and reload and it’ll go away for a little while. Not a major issue, but it is a little annoying.
On the other hand, you get access to figurine, coin, chocolate, and statue transformations, and if you like the hard dom side of onahole TF, you’ll like the doll dialogues especially. But the game auto-onaholes your first captive and puts your onaholes front and center, so it’s pretty clear what they’re aiming for. Still, at least this game exists. If anyone knows any other similar games, I’d love to hear about them!
Sounds similar to succubus alchemist on steam. But that game is also pretty light on content and mostly fun for one evening.
This game sounds super interesting, I'll have to give it a go
Nevermind, I can't find it. OP are you sure you can't drop a link?
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Check the description of this.
You have to type the "game" into a tiny field on
page meant for a password then click the button next to that field to download. The site says it hosts files for 100 days and the pixiv upload was about 100 days ago so it could disappear.

I don't really know of onahole specific games, and kind of prefer ones with more variety anyway. I've played a couple that have one or two scenes though, I don't think any are in English though.
Dandy, I got it downloaded. Thanks anon.
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I’ve been out for the sauce on this one for… better part of a decade now. None of the image search tools turn up anything.
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Saucenao finds it on Gelbooru, and the artist has pixiv and newgrounds accounts. It even looks like it was a drawthread request on this board. It's only from three years ago, though, did you upload the right image?

I ran the image through saucenao just now and got nothing. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong, do you have the artist’s name?
That's strange. Tuoni.

Thanks, got a story for the thread in the works as thanks
Little something inspired by some past posting in the thread and OP’s game. It’s the first erotica I’ve ever written, so be gentle.

>world class sorceress, unmatched in every known school of magic
>wife is the greatest swordsman alive and an unparalleled warrior
>several years ago, the two of you fought and slew the demon king, saving the world
>both of you are legendary heroes, showered with praise everywhere you go
>everyone loves you
>you hate them
>everyone seems to forget your party originally had more than half a dozen members, now all dead or worse
>they’ve been airbrushed out of history to clean up the story
>everybody also seems to forget the demon defectors and friends you picked up along the way
>you couldn’t have done it without them, and all of them are also dead or worse at the hands of your human “allies”
>nothing the two of you do seems to help anyone, it just makes the brutal and powerful more brutal and powerful
>you and your wife were always perverts, but all the death and despair you’ve been through has twisted twisted your preferences
>youre spiraling, fruitlessly chasing new sexual highs as you lose every last scrap of affection either of you ever had for mankind
>a few weeks later
>truly massive ball being held
>every important woman in the northern third of the human kingdom is there
>noblewomen, government officials, knights, mages
>your wife even convinced the king to send his youngest daughter
>”The beast is canny, my liege, and he will only take the bait if it sufficiently tempting.”
>”You have my sworn oath; I will die before i let the princess come to harm.”
>as far as your loyalist quarry knows, there’s no real magical protection for the soirée, just standard blessings and wards - and since everyone in attendance is female, given what you know of the spell, it will guide him here as the biggest target in the area before casting it.
>the door bursts open
>the demon loyalist is tall, lanky, red-skinned, and shouting about vengeance for his precious fallen king
>the dozen disguised wizards stationed by the door leap out of hiding and launch their strongest spells at him
>the spells fail
>most of them are already onaholes by the time the screaming starts
>maybe a third of the room is onaholized before the rest of them start to realize what’s happening
>you’ve subtly sabotaged every ward and counterspelled every curse the human mages threw out
>(not very hard, for you)
>melee troops can’t close with him without getting transformed, spell casters are helpless against him with you blocking all their magic, and your wife, amazing as she is, has every ranged fighter either distracted or non-lethally disabled
>don’t want to ruin those onaholes, after all
>after a while, just you, your wife, and the demon left
>she rushes over to give you one last deep kiss before the spell hits her
>you don’t see what she turns into before the demon shouts a triumphant final slogan and the last onaholization spell of the night hits you
>some time has passed, you can’t tell how much
>you feel yourself tumbling out of a box onto a counter in a large wood paneled room, one of at least a dozen onaholes now gently rolling to a stop
>probably in the basement of the mansion where the soirée was held but you can’t be sure
>no clear memory of what happened since you were transformed
>you feel like rubber, or plastic
>no arms, no legs, no clothing
>except, oddly, for the witch’s hat you’re so fond of, you can feel it like it’s now a part of your body
>which you guess it is
>You can twitch, look around without turning your head, roll a bit without turning over, open and close your mouth, and do little else
>your magic senses pick up the thoughts of dozens of onaholes scattered around the room
>muted panic, outrage, and confusion from some
>unthinking lust from others
>even in your diminished state, you have enough magic you can probably remove the curse on yourself right now, freeing you to easily defeat the demon and save the kingdom
>you don’t, obviously
>the loyalist shuffles into view, tossing a wooden box aside
>his cock is out
>at least eleven inches long, red, already erect, glistening, speckled with other colors especially near the head
>you realize he’s already torn through several onaholes before he even got to you
>you try to shudder in anticipation
>you can feel the hole inside you flex slightly instead
I completely fucked up the posting order, this one goes between the first and second blocks
>word arrives of a disturbance in the north, near the old demon kings castle
>the two of you arrive with a government delegation
>some loyalist found a powerful spell you remember from the war and started deploying it against the women of border settlements
>it turns people into onaholes
>government agents have yet to find any onaholes that haven’t been used (officially, at least, they might be using any fresh ones they stumble across and not telling anyone)
>some recovered onaholes are still intact and register as cursed items, so standard holy magic returns them to personhood
>however, to a woman, every former onahole emerges from the experience so utterly sex-crazed they can barely communicate, usually wandering back into border zones to get onaholized again
>the local government’s officially given up on bringing them back to human form and started selling the onaholes off to their families, interested parties, or just private individuals looking for a disposable sex toy
>typically callous
>some onaholes have torn, burst, or been otherwise seriously damaged; these women register as dead and should be affected by revival spells, but the local government has prohibited any revives because they speculate anybody brought back will end up just like the other former onaholes and don’t want to waste money finding out
>instead local officials sell the busted onaholes back to their families if they can afford them for burial or throw them in the trash otherwise
>also typically callous
>had the people there behaved with anything like human decency, maybe you and your wife would have made different choices
>but they didn’t, so you started laying plans with the delegation
>the loyalist sticks his hand into the pile and chooses an onahole at random
>it’s your wife
>unlike you, completely naked, her messy short hair, modest breasts, and of course spectacular abs on display
>she’s bright purple
>your favorite color
>you’re flattered
>the demon mutters something like “stupid bitch, like she wanted to die or something”, then unceremoniously shoves her onto his cock
>masochist that she is, your wife requested you make sure her new body was flimsier than usual, almost guaranteed to break on the first use
>even now the onahole is warping under heavy use, the athlete’s body she spent so much effort maintaining deforming into something unrecognizable
>you can feel her gradually go insane from unbearable pleasure, the telepathic link you once used to coordinate attacks on demonic positions now broadcasting an unending orgasm
>her last coherent thoughts thank you for bringing her here
>you put everything you have into pushing your head up so you can watch her final moments
>the demon cums and her face splits open under the force as the telepathic line goes dead
>you orgasm
>as you’re splattered by demon cum and the shreds of your wife, you realize this demon just fucked apart the woman who stabbed his precious king to death and didn’t even realize it
>you orgasm again
>he holds up what’s left of your wife, a loose, torn-up, drooling sleeve of plastic barely recognizable as a former human being
>he tosses it aside and goes for another
>as he moves from onahole to onahole, your magic sense lets you feel the moment their consciousnesses dissolve as the demon’s cum bursts from their open mouths
>you orgasm every time
>he picks up a former merchant princess, notorious for buying slaves to torture them to death for fun
>fucks her, cums
>she’s a mindless cocksleeve
>an elite member of the royal guard who you caught forcing herself on a servant girl but used her connections to keep her position
>fucks her, cums
>she’s a mindless cocksleeve
>a sorceress “rival” of yours who wanted to try using onaholes as magical batteries - it would have destroyed their souls for good, but what did she care?
>fucks her, cums
>she’s a mindless cocksleeve
>to your surprise, he pulls out the former princess next
>you start to feel bad; she’s barely reached her second decade, after all
>you remember when she saw a former demon slave girl, who’d led you through the back passages of the demon kings castle and allowed you to take him by surprise, and had her executed on the spot because she thought the demon girl was ugly
>you don’t feel bad any more
>somehow, even as she loses herself to the pleasure, the princess keeps enough presence of mind to try to resist
>she manages to hold her mouth shut when the demon cums even as her mind is erased
>her head bulges grotesquely as it fills with semen
>he looks at the deformed former princess with disgust before dropping her and stepping on her with a loud POP
>finally, the demon picks you up
>he goes to impale you on his dick before pausing to take a closer look
>”you were the one helping me back there, weren’t you?”
>”you know, I’m tempted to turn you back, have you help me with my future conquests”
>”but you’re the last of the cocksleeves here and I’m still horny, so I guess I may as well just use you up”
>he pauses and looks closer
>”… do I know you from somewhere?”
>in a flash, you recognize him
>he was there when you fought the demon king, one of the few to escape the final battle alive
>will he recognize you?
>will he try to turn you back to get his revenge some other way?
>will he-
>”ah well, doesn’t matter anyway” he says as he shoves you onto his cock
>nothing could have prepared you for this
>even the pleasure you felt through your wife’s telepathic link was a pale echo of the reality
>every thrust brings a mind-shattering orgasm
>even you can’t hope to stay sane under the onslaught
>an ever-decreasing part of you wonders what will happen to the kingdom, if this loyalist will bring the demon king back, whether anyone will try to turn you back to normal
>but by the time he comes, all you can think of is cocks
Good stuff anon, i really enjoyed that one. Especially the focus on onaholes being one use and fate of main characters wife.
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Why do I identify so much as the onaholes in those pics, fuck this is so hot.
Nice story.
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I love this one where she just transforms a school full of moms and kids and teachers in to teddies and just leaves them there and just casually mention all the onas in her room are former girls. Random girls makes the best onas followed by protags close family members/friends. Sadly very few stories of the latter kind.
Pretty sure there’s a long story in a previous thread about some guy doing that to family members and popping them one by one. Come to think of it, are there any good places you can find ona stories in English? I’ve found a few in these threads, there’s a couple bumming around AO3, but mostly it’s just pictures, and even then you can really only find them here, in a few doujins, and on pixiv.

As a dom, always been curious about this. I kind of get it - it’s a form of uncompromising humiliation and submission, plenty of people get off on that - but it never really clicks for me.
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That was really hot.
I'm not into snuff, but something about bad ends like that really does it for me.
any way you can link that story in the previous thread/any other stories you might find that fit under a similar theme?
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I actually really hate snuff, and I usually cant stand non-con either. I think something about how fantastical the whole ona scenario is makes the extreme domination/submissjon so much easier to indulge in without having to grapple with what it would mean in a more realistic situation. It fills a similar niche to mind control for me; I can be as dominant as possible without worrying about it causing real harm.
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I can’t be bothered to sort through everything right now, but desuarchive.org has just about every previous thread archived. Just remember to use the search filters properly so you don’t see literally every post that contains the word Onahole and that different threads used different combinations of Onahole tf and sex toy tf, so you’ll have to look for both to find em all.
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Do you have any requests for subjects for future stories? I can’t guarantee I’ll have the time or energy but if something intriguing comes up, I’ll see what I can do.
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I'm all for some hot and heavy onahole TFs with nipplefucking!

Well, I got an idea down:
> Seven sexy college co-eds on a night on the town brandishing their big tits and futa cocks
> heading to local carnival
> End up being TF'd at a show under the big tent:
> A futa couple among them get turned into a d/orse and an onahole, and one of them gets fused into her d/orsey friend's cock
> the other four scramble in panic
> They're caught by their d/orsed friend and cockvored
> Ringmaster makes the d/orse cum into the poor onahole who used to be her lover
> Fills up her nipples with one girl each, squirts one each into her pussy and mouth
> Show ends with them being ushered backstage for more fucking
> Friends end up being born out of the onaholized friend as onaholes
> d/orse gets horny for her friends and all of them end up fucking

...if a d/orse is too much, then you can change it for a dildonahole or an animate moving sexdoll.
(Alternatively, you can have the poor girls turned into cumslimes trapped inside their onaholized friend, caught in unending orgy while begging to be freed.)
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Gosh, I don't know. I'm really into the non-con side of the things.
You could try something where the mindbreak itself is the focus.
Maybe a warlock gets overconfident (or sabotaged by her rival) during a summoning rite and a spell that is supposed to bind a demon to an earthly vessel backfires on her. She gets turned into a helpless onahole, full of panic and outrage, and then she has to just try to hold onto her sanity as she's getting used.
I can just imagine how overwhelming it would be to take cock like that. All senses distant and muted until you're picked up and your entire existence stretched taut around a cock. Every throb sends your thoughts in disarray and every thrust knocks loose a memory, and whoever is using you can take as many sessions as he'd like to wipe your mind clean and replace it with a load of sticky cum.
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The one you pick gets fully transformed, progressing from the neck up. But what happens to the other two?
They win front seats to see what will happen to them very soon.
Seriously, partially transformed victims witnessing other women getting fully transformed and used is the best part.
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I just realized, this is gonna be followed immediately by a prompt to nickname your onahole. Just scrub that remaining shred of identity away, you'll have forgotten her old name before you know it.

>They win front seats to see what will happen to them very soon.
Obviously. If they think they're getting out of this without being fully turned into sex toys then they haven't been paying attention. But in what context?
>Seriously, partially transformed victims witnessing other women getting fully transformed and used is the best part.
My nigga. They see and hear exactly what's going to happen to them and there's absolutely nothing they can do to stop it.
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Source?for the minamoto
>you enter the room with your first captive
>elven priestess dedicated to her race’s patron goddess
>middling height and middle-length blonde, with very generous curves and thick but tattered clothing
>wearing a symbol of her goddess on a golden chain
>she struggles against her chains, only to pause as she takes you in
>black horns on a red scalp above glowing, leonine eyes
>sharp teeth exposed in a wide smile traced by a slitted tongue
>exposed breasts, enormous and perfectly round with just a bit of sag, one hand gently fondling them
>her eyes stop at your groin, specifically the throbbing cock curving over a foot into the air as you move your hand down onto it
>she opens her mouth, to spit an insult or holy spell
>suddenly you’re in her space, clawed finger placed against her lips
>”oh, I know you want to pretend, but I know better”
>she tries to wiggle away, but you delicately pinch her lips with clawed fingers
>”do you remember Sister Isobel?”
>she freezes
>”oh, her fall to sin must have been torture, but not for her, oh no”
>the elf stares at you
>”when she sold her soul to a demon for pleasure, or when Sister Maria went back to whoring in the village, or when Sister Sophia gave herself up to a mind flayer and was nothing more than a seedbed by the time you found her, you weren’t like the rest of your sisters”
>”you envied them”
>”you wanted to fall to corruption, just like them”
>”you touched yourself in the dark lying next to your other sisters thinking of how they might fall, and after you started this little journey, you looked at the hellhounds and imps and incubi you defeated, only admitting to yourself after nightfall part of you wished you’d lost”
>”how… how did…” she asks, her eyes wide
>”you’re not the first adventurer to wander into this castle”
>”and besides, I’m here to grant your wish”
>you touch her forehead gently
>the elf’s face falls away from you, then down, down, as she shifts and shrinks
>you dig through her robes and find her onahole
> not many cocksleeves with such a pronounced hourglass figure
>the plastic is the same strawberry blonde as her hair, her breasts so large they jiggle independently of her body and her pussy as small as you hoped, her eyes glancing wildly side-to-side as her mouth opens and shuts
>only remaining clothing is her necklace, the chain and symbol raised out of the plastic
>immediately start rubbing your cock along her entrance
>you find it amusing how her eyes cross, her expression shifting from fear to arousal in seconds
>when you lift her away you can see a shadow cross her face as she tries to decide whether she’s disappointed or not
>she doesn’t get the chance to before you shove her onto you and start fucking her in earnest
>the elf is very shallow, only two or three inches deep - barely enough to fit your cockhead
>but then, you think as you deliver careful thrusts, she isn’t really designed for you, is she?
>not that the priestess can tell, judging by her eyes blown open and mouth stretched in a silent howl of pleasure
>it takes you longer than usual without as much stimulation as you’d like, but finally you cum, your semen flooding out of the elf’s mouth
>as you take the onahole off your cock and wipe the cum off its face, you’re amused to note she attempts to suckle at your claws
>the former priestess now stares at you with heated, hooded eyes, silently mouthing obscenities and pleas for another round
>the holy symbol on her neck is now an inverted pentagram
>satisfied, you toss her into your storage pocket dimension and move on
>you walk through the pens where you keep your minions to find the wizard
>chained to the ground in spell-dampening irons in her own little enclosure
>small, round, with a lot of excess flab and stringy brown hair
>not offensive to look at, just… dumpy
>at least compared to the beauties she came in with
>the mage opens her mouth to spit insults, but you cut her off
>”I know you lost your virginity at a gloryhole,” you say casually
>her jaw drops
>”oh, you tell everyone you want to be famous mage, and you do, to some extent”
>”but we both know what you really crave is anonymity”
>”to be fucked without mercy by people who will never know your name, to be just a faceless pussy filled by equally faceless cock”
>she stares at you, jaw working
>”you’re not the first mage who could keep a demon from reading her friends’ minds”
>”and besides”
>”I’m here to grant your wish”
>with a touch to her forehead, she shrinks down
>you pick up a featureless cylindrical object with a soft opening on one end, indistinct angry noises coming out of it
>”don’t bother trying to speak, miss wizard, you can’t really form words anymore”
>”your body is now a series of indents inside a cocksleeve, and the only movements you can make are contracting around that negative space”
>you delicately run your talon around the opening, turning a furious squawk into a shocked moan
>”don’t worry, you’ll want to”
>without hesitation, you toss the former sorceress into one your minion pens
>”fuck it until I tell you otherwise”
>as they get to work, you find a breeder pen and gesture to one of its contents at random
>a former halfling master thief, once an arrogant genius, one of the wealthiest women on the continent and a shoe-in for grandmaster of the thieves guild
>she enthusiastically clambers over the fence to you, shedding her rags in the process
>you pick her up and set about trying to breed her again as you watch your minions work through their new toy
>the goblins have barely enough cock to fit comfortably, not that it quashes their enthusiasm
>the orcs, on the other hand, fit perfectly, and others have to tear the former mage off them after a load or two
>the minotaurs are uncharacteristically gentle with it, not wanting to damage something you’re clearly interested in, but they still fuck it hard enough to injure an ordinary person
>the succubi clean it out between rounds, their forked tongues scooping monster semen out of every cranny
>time passes
>after the fourth load, you’ve suffused the halfling with enough essence to be sure she’s not ovulating today
>satisfied, you let her go, the master thief sliding off your dick and landing on her inflated stomach with a squelch
>a sharp gesture and a goblin takes the cocksleeve off the centaur currently using it
>he passes it to you, and you put it on your cock
>you can hear the former mage’s ecstatic grunts and squeals over the sounds of you fucking her
>she rolls her insides and squeezes rhythmically, trying every trick in the book to pleasure you better
>clearly the brain behind all that book learning was paying attention
>she actually feels a lot better than you expected and you cum faster than you’d planned
>you shake out your cum on the former thief’s face (who eagerly laps it up) and hand the cocksleeve back to the goblin with strict instructions to bring it a certain place at a certain time
>he salutes with one hand and fucks it with the other as you walk off
>your third captive had to be cursed just to keep her from breaking free
>a mighty Amazon of a half-orc, her exquisitely muscular frame on display
>she gets up to pull at her chains but freezes when she sees your penis
>you put a little swagger in your step, and her eyes follow your cock as it sways side to side
>”you like what you see, hmm?”
>the half-orc tries to glare at you but can barely take her eyes off your dick
>”you’re so big and strong, miss barbarian, so intimidating, and all of your partners loved being dominated”
>”but all you really wanted was to be broken”
>she looks at you silently
>”you wanted someone to hold you down and overpower you, to use you whether you liked it or not”
>”you wanted someone to prove all your strength meant nothing to them
>”and maybe, if you were lucky, they would fuck you apart for good”
>the half-orc looks at you and takes a shuddering breath
>”how do I know this?”
>”you’re not the first adventurer here to serve a higher purpose”
>”and besides”
>”I’m here to grant your wish”
>a touch on the forehead and she shrinks into her onahole self
>more than a foot long, bright red, with her fantastic abs and back muscles on clear display
>unexpectedly fantastic breasts, too; she must have been binding under that barbarian getup
>she sags as you pick her up and doesn’t quite deform back to her original shape, clearly made of a different, weaker material than the former elf
>she can also move slightly, but she only twitches towards your cock, her eyes wild and fixed
>you briefly consider using her, but she has a higher purpose
>with a twist of your hand, you dismiss her to your pocket dimension and step out
>finally, you enter the heroine’s cell
>you had to chain her spread eagled to the wall to keep her strength and magic from breaking her free
>she’s ravishingly beautiful in that androgynous way, her curves and breasts subtle but gloriously present and contrasted with a runner’s build
>her hair is messy, short, and a beautiful auburn, face freckled and perfectly symmetrical, even twisted into a scowl as it is
>”you will not break me,” she says, voice low and sure
>”I don’t want to break you,” you say casually
>”I’m here to grant your wish”
>you pull down her pants
>she screams and twists
>instead of a penis or vagina, she has something in between, a small penis-like structure hanging above shrunken folds
>“I’m- I’m not a monster like you,” the heroine shouts desperately, flailing in a fruitless attempt to hide herself
>”oh, child, no,” you say as gently as you can, “you’ve never been a monster”
>”there are so many like you, who live in shame of something that deserves none”
>you grab her chin and force her to look at you
>”what’s between your legs doesn’t make you a monster”
>”and neither does what you want to do to your friends”
>she freezes and gives you a hunted look
>”I know you love the only people you feel ever accepted you”
>”or perhaps it’s better to say you’re obsessed with them”
>”you obsess over breaking your barbarian’s ego like she so deserves”
>”you dream of selling your mage friend into slavery in a foreign land, knowing she’d reward you carnally before embracing her new life”
>with a sleight of hand, you reach into your pocket dimension and make a blonde onahole appear in your palm
>”and I know you fantasize about what your precious priestess will become when she finally falls to temptation”
>the heroine looks down, baffled, at her party healer
>the former elf glares heatedly back, mouthing “fuck me” as clearly as she can
>”you’re not the first person to struggle with these things”
>”neither your body nor your desires make you a monster”
>”this will”
>you lower the onahole onto the heroine’s nub
>she cries out and bucks into your hand as instinct takes over
>you grab her head and tilt it down to watch
>the former priestess can’t look back with her eyes rolled back into her skull and her mouth wide to let out a tongue that no longer exists
>it doesn’t take long for the redhead to cum
>her eyes cross from the unfamiliar sensation
>when she can see again, she looks down to discover her nub has expanded into a true penis, four or five inches long
>the onahole, on the other hand, is still, eyes blank, face slack, mouth open and unmoving
>”I killed her,” the heroine says, looking like she wants to throw up
>”you did not,” you say calmly, gesturing sharply at the door out of the heroine’s line of sight
>”she’s a part of you now, can’t you tell?”
>”can’t you feel her memories flowing into your head?”
>”her soul joining with your own?”
>the heroine opens her mouth but can’t finish her thought
>she can’t see what you can - a blue tint to her skin, vertically narrowing pupils, nails gradually lengthening into claws
>”she’s a part of you now, and she’ll never abandon you”
>the goblin from earlier walks into the cell, cocksleeve in hand
>”you’ll never have to feel alone again”
>you drop the empty onahole and grab the still-full cocksleeve
>”now stop thinking so hard and give in to the pleasure,” you say, as you push the former mage onto her party member’s dick
>the heroine screams with pleasure; you had to struggle to hold out against the wizard’s eagerness earlier, how could a novice like the redhead resist?
>you barely have to move the cocksleeve, she does most of the thrusting herself (to the former sorceress’s barely audible delight)
>it doesn’t take long for her to come, and with a few last thrusts, you draw the now-silent cocksleeve off a cock now more than eight inches long
>”why did it get smooth inside at the end,” she asks dazedly
>”because there’s nothing left in it”
>the heroine runs a slitted tongue over newly-sharpened teeth
>”it was my mage… she’s part of me now…”
>”that she is, darling,” you say, fondly brushing aside hair that now crackles like fire
>you drop the used-up cocksleeve and, with a gesture, summon the half-orc onahole
>”can you see the look on her face,” you ask, as you move the former barbarian towards the heroine’s cock
>she twitches trying to reach it
>”you’ve always known she wanted it to end this way”
>”look at her, so desperate and so close”
>”don’t you want to indulge her?”
>you step back, snapping the bindings of one of the redhead’s hands with a talon
>she holds her hand at her side, shaking with undefinable emotions
>you reach out and dangle the onahole in front of her
>”all you have to do is-“
>with a cry, she snatches her former party member and impales her on her cock
>you step back, proudly watching the former heroine fuck the former barbarian
>you can see the half-orc’s face twist into an orgasmic mask as it slowly deforms under heavy use
>very slowly deforms
>realizing you need to pass the time, you reach into your pocket dimension for some old memories
>a little gnome mage who just wanted to get fucked by a cock bigger than she was
>a half-elf who lusted after the animals her druid order demanded she protect
>and a dwarf who hid under gruffness and rudeness an obsessive desire to be loved by you, whatever the cost
>you pick the dwarf-shaped onahole that used to be your party member and sink yourself into it and nostalgia
>you step back, proudly watching the former heroine fuck the former barbarian
>you can see the half-orc’s face twist into an orgasmic mask as it slowly deforms under heavy use
>very slowly deforms
>realizing you need to pass the time, you reach into your pocket dimension for some old memories
>a little gnome mage who just wanted to get fucked by a cock bigger than she was
>a half-elf who lusted after the animals her druid order demanded she protect
>and a dwarf who hid under gruffness and rudeness an obsessive desire to be loved by you, whatever the cost
>you pick the dwarf-shaped onahole that used to be your party member and sink yourself into it and nostalgia
>the two of you cum at the same time
>you shake the cum out of your onahole and dump it back in its pocket dimension
>she bursts through the head of what remains of the half-orc as her penis reaches its full size
>the former barbarian is now a twisted mass of plastic; you can see a fang here, a blank eye there, a flattened breast there, but the rest is so stretched and torn it’s unrecognizable
>the former heroine takes the broken onahole off her dick and drops it to the ground almost apathetically
Oh goddamnit, I can’t post a story without fucking it up

>as you approach her, you take her in
>deep blue skin, with your catlike eyes and toothy grin
>she didn’t grow horns, but her red hair now licks at her scalp as unnatural flames
>she’s shorter than you, and her breasts and hips are noticeably smaller
>but you’re proud to note her cock is now at least an inch longer than yours, and a bit thicker besides
>”what am I,” she asks you, almost innocent
>”you’re my daughter,” you respond, and catch her in a lascivious kiss
>she kisses back, her tongue eager but inexperienced
>you’ll fix that
>you break the kiss and wrap an arm around her shoulder, idly groping a breast as you guide her out of the cell
>”you have much to learn, my dear”
>”first, we should teach you what your body is capable of - in so many ways”
>”next, you need to learn how to command your underlings and breed more”
>”I have a goblin and halfling already in mind for you”
>”and then…”
>”then I teach you how to grant wishes”

This one came out very long and not as ona-focused as I planned, my apologies if it shits up the thread
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Oh hey its Mystia and Kyouko concert...
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Pic didnt load lol
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Talk about special effects....
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Seems like audience really loved the show and grand finale.
I like how they're tied down with Mystia's ruined guitar. She won't be needing that anymore.
Its a great detail. But i really love the smiles. Especially in cum-stained form.
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Source for picture?
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The artist's name is 業禍out (goukaout). They're active on Pixiv, and the illustration is in one of their recent albums. There's a lot of TFs there...
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So what happens to the onahole's after they're disposed of? Do they die? Or do they continue to exist, fully conscious, just forgotten in a pile of trash somewhere for all eternity?
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It really depends on author. Fan no Hitori who is one of the big onahole artists generally tied onahole sentience to amount of mana/spiritual power woman had left. And as she is used said mana fades away resulting in their souls also fading leaving only hollow sextoy.
Others on the other hand make their mind more resilient than physical form so you can completely mess them up and them leave in trash limp and cumflated.

Personally i prefer the hiroris take. Make them concious long enough for them to realise their miserable fate and then go down experiencing the most intense orgasm.
Bit grim, but sexy and avoids the whole "I have no mouth and i must scream" vibe.
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I really like the motion and reaction lines around their text bubbles, while the dolls themselves are completely motionless but for them floating around. Great way to show how much they're trying to say and do and how absolutely none of that's getting out of their heads, which is really what this kink's all about.

It's even enough to make me like them going silent in this, which is rare.

FNH sometimes goes the enduring consciousness route. They're never having a good time, though.
>and avoids the whole "I have no mouth and i must scream" vibe.
But that's the best part!
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Honestly i do prefer full inanimacy take. There is something super hot about them slowly fading into pleasure and transformation process still continues within. And transformation finishing in the peak of their climax as semen suddenly bursts from all of their holes is just too hot.
That very final moment is my favourite thing about this fetish.
And the fact that all thats left from them is just a fancy looking sextoy that can be peddled for some extra cash.
I honestly prefer onahole tf being treated as extremely kinky sex play, with the "..." state just being a super intense orgasm that causes them to bliss out, and before long they slowly become human again in a deep sleep..
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I like the "I have no mouth and I must scream" aspect though. A very grim fate to be transformed into a sex toy for someone's pleasure and then immediately discarded, like your whole existence was boiled down to just that moment of pleasure for someone else. What happens to you afterwards is irrelevant, after all, who cares about some used up onahole?
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You can do this Akyuu, only 376 more uses until your next reincarnation!
Hopefully Kosuzu can help with some of those uses, and tries finding a grimoire to help- but oh no, it's a cursed grimoire that turns her into an onahole too! Now the librarian and chronicler are lay on the desk all alone..
Until Mamizou finds them of course.
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Angery onahole
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Given the size of Mamizou balls i have some concerns about Kosuzu being able to take even a single load without popping like a cum balloon.
I love how she can't control herself and just has that blissful expression. Reimu really enjoyed those few moments.

Anyway goathole.
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I wonder if fresh onaholes are softer, like fresh bread
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That's a good fade.
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This artist nails this fetish
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Oddly enough green still has her pupils here
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The sight of her friend transformed in the same way as her brought her back to her senses for a moment.
This guy's stuff hasn't been put onto kemono yet and I'm pissed because he makes some great onaholes
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He also made cute Kasen
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Also i wish someone uploaded this guy to Kemono since he did alot of onaholes/sex dolls.
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Anon your writing and worldbuilding is absolutely amazing
that was amazing anon
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The dollification incident hit gensokyo hard....
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I kinda backed off on writing these because I felt I was turning the thread into an impenetrable wall of text. If there’s interest, I’d be happy to write more, but I’m fine stepping back and letting the thread focus on images.
Please do write more, anon. There's only so many times these threads can circulate the same images.
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I remember some people in a previous thread talking about whether this was desirable or possible, which sounded like a challenge.

>last living son of a fallen noble house
>heritage is ancient, but the cash ran out not long after you finished your magical education
>can’t refound your house without money and influence, so you tried several careers
>current job: bounty hunter, taking jobs from a factor to kidnap and return her various clients’ targets
>current quarry: runaway wizard’s apprentice, carrying irreplaceable spellbooks and magical artifacts
>you got some incredible intelligence - your quarry went to ground in a forest not far from the tavern your factor operates out of
>she’s hiding out in an abandoned hut protected by concealing spells she doesn’t realize have expired
>but when you arrive at the hut, she isn’t there
>her mother is
>legendary witch, at least 80 but so powerful she hasn’t aged since she turned 40
>you could have taken the apprentice down, but the witch is far, far beyond you
>fight valiantly, but you never stood a chance
>it took minutes for her to lay you flat, defeated
>”bribing that factor was a good idea, after all,” she says as she approaches
>”what to do with you?”
>”a slave?”
>she grins
>”oh, I know exactly how to handle you”
>”my last one just broke”
>she raises her hand and begins incanting
>”noli te stationis-“
>in desperation, you use the last of your mana to counterspell her
>you weren’t expecting to find her guard down
>the counterspell takes, and she shrieks before a flash of light blinds you
>you look up and see something strange on the ground where she was standing
>it’s a foot-long, slightly translucent, dark purple cylinder of a smooth, springy material you’ve never seen before
>it looks like the witch but nude, her generous breasts and statuesque curves on display
>at the bottom is an opening that looks unmistakably like a vagina
>you’re still a little unsteady from the fight, so the blast of thoughts and emotions that hits you when you pick the object up nearly knocks you over
>”master! Use me! Finish the seal! Seal me! Please!”
>sounds like the witch’s voice, but instead of imperious and smug, she sounds submissive, desperate, and very, very aroused
>trying to guess what she wants, you hesitantly lower your pants and place your penis inside the object
>immediately bend over at the intensity of the sensation
>the object moves and contracts around like nothing you’ve ever had
>you can hear the witch screaming with pleasure at every thrust
>you come quickly, then watch in fascination as the your cum shoots into the object and slowly vanishes into its inner walls
>”it is complete… master… I am yours…”
>with another flash, the witch turns back into a naked human
>you prepare to die as she pushes your arms aside…
>… and instead she drops to the ground and eagerly take your cock in her mouth
>between sucks and licks, the witch tells you what happened
>she tried to use Maledictio Futuitur, a transformative curse you’d never heard of
>turns targets into sex toys in body and mind
>your counterspell damaged damaged it, reversing the target and rendering the transformation temporary
>but the mental changes are permanent
>”I am your toy, master, not a person”
>”I will give you anything you ask for”
>you ask if that includes her own daughter
>”of course, master,” she says almost scoldingly, before giving a few final bobs and bringing you off in her mouth
>after a moment to swallow, she says “I have a way to give her to you, but it will take a few days and a few tries”
>”turn me back into an onahole, then take me back into my hut - your hut, I mean”
>”here’s how to cast Maledictio Futuitur correctly…”
>a few hours later
>the pounded dirt floor of the hut is covered in an elaborate chalk pentagram
>the former witch, back in sex toy form, lies at the center
>she’s so inflated with cum it looks like she’s about to burst
>leaking out of her belly button, nipples, eyes and mouth
>not enough to relieve the pressure
>as you finish the spell, the cum inside her glows, shifts, then seems to shrink down
>something pops out of the opening
>another onahole
>sea-green, a bit shorter, with smaller breasts and hips and lots and lots of scar marks
>you vaguely recognize the face
>legendary pirate queen, just old enough to retire now; last you’d heard she’d been pillaging cities on the other side of the continent in one last grand raid
>her thoughts kick in the moment you pick her up
>”-ver expected to end up like this, but I’ve made my way out of tighter spots before”
>she sees your cock, and you can feel her defiance and contempt
>”looking to use that on me, big boy?”
>”I’ve handled bigger and harder, and I’ve had them crying out for another by the time I was done with them”
>”doesn’t matter what I look like now, you won’t last five minutes and you’ll be putty in my - oh fuck!”
>you feel pleasure derail her train of thought as you impale the onahole
>it shudders, like she’s trying to move something inside it
>”why can’t I… come on, just… why can’t I move!”
>you start explaining as you hit a nice rhythm
>the witch has three daughters by different fathers - too powerful to settle down, you know how it is
>she can approximate pregnancy with enough cum, but she can’t create new life - barring “unexpected mana-field interference,” she can only produce someone she’s already given birth to
>”I have to make you come! I… if I don’t, I…”
>these onaholes will be a bit different - they won’t have the same mental binds as their mother, but enough cum will turn them into proper toys
>”please… I have to… please… please!”
>the witch recommended you use her daughters to give your cock some variety as you bred your way to the apprentice, her youngest daughter - might get boring fucking the same hole over and over again
>she takes giving everything she has to you pretty seriously, you guess
>”… come! Let me come! Please, come in me!”
>you oblige your new toy and watch her soak up your cum
>”… cum… please… cum… cum… “
>you toss the former pirate queen aside and pick her mother back up

>a day passes
>the witch is even fuller than before
>this time the onahole she births is a pristine white
>tall (ie long), with straight flowing locks and abs that look straight off a statue
>you don’t have to try to recognize her
>crown princess of the land, child of a brief marriage between the current king and the witch before she got bored and disappeared
>despite being the only heir, she hasn’t married yet, devoting herself to the goddess
>”… you wish to test my faith?”
>”I’ve been through worse, monster, but you you’ll never break me,” she spits
>that hurts a bit
>you don’t consider yourself a monster
>maybe you should make this easier on her?
>you look over to the witch, and while she’s absorbed or expelled all the cum inside her, there’s plenty left over from the leaks
>you swipe your finger through the leftover semen and stick it into her hole, rubbing gently
>the princess babbles as pleasure shoots through her, completely unlike anything she’s experienced
>by the time she finally makes it onto your cock, she’s having trouble forming sentences
>”you won’t - can’t break - I’m not…”
>once you hit a comfortable rhythm, you speed up
>”I - you can’t - I - I - break…“
>you lean over a bit for a better angle
>”… break me! Break me, fuck me, ruin me, please -“
>that pushes you over the edge and you fill her princess up
>”… break me… break me… break me…”
>next day
>fucking the last load into your witch
>when she’s full like this, it’s like fucking a floating cum ball
>cum spilling onto your hands, she sloshes with every movement, it’s a bit of a chore
>to get yourself over the edge, you think of that factor
>that traitorous bitch
>is she why that job at the docks failed, and why the watch was ready when you tried to enter that temple?
>you picture her losing your mind like the rest of your onaholes and it’s enough to finish you
>as usual, you do the ritual, but this time you’re anticipating your quarry
>and your favorite toy gives birth to someone else
>dull yellow, scrawny, with lack of height that comes from malnutrition
>small breasts, subtle but present hips, rough skin beneath sharp, glaring eyes
>it’s the factor, you’d swear it
>you grab the witch and demand an answer
>”I underestimated you, master” she says, and you can feel the shame echoing in her voice
>with enough magic power, you can interfere with the process and force her to give birth to someone else
>specifically whoever you were thinking of as you filled her up the last time
>and so you sucked up the factor, not your target
>content, you drop the witch on the ground and scoop up your newest plaything
>”wait, let’s not get hasty, I can pay you for - ah!”
>as you thrust into her, you remember every time she stiffed you knowing you didn’t have other options
>”I’ll give you ten thousand! For-forty thousand! P-please-“
>when the trap in the guildhall nearly killed you even though she said it was safe
>”I’ll - I’ll give you half of every - more than - please -“
>when her sloppy intel killed off a whole friendly party
>”- everything! I’ll give you everything, fill me! Come in me, please!”
>when you finally dump a load in her, you find another kind of release
>you’ll never have to worry about her again
>after all, her career is over
>”give you everything… just come inside me again…”
>after another couple days, you’re finally ready
>your favorite toy convulses and excretes another onahole
>hot pink, short but very curvaceous, the sort of sagging bust and soft hips you get from spending all your time reading and eating instead of exercising
>it’s the apprentice
>the moment you pick her up, you hear her screaming spells that would normally vaporize you on the spot
>unfortunately, no matter how much raw power she has, she can’t access her magic while an onahole
>you can feel her nearly bottomless reserves pulsing in her, beyond her ability to access it
>its almost a shame someone who might’ve surpassed her mother had to end up like this
>the thought makes you hard as you thrust into her
>”incinerandum est!”
>a straightforward fireball, would have been simple but effective if she wasn’t a sex toy bobbing on your cock
>would have blown your hands away from her, if it could have worked
>”t-tracto se-semo-semotus…”
>a spell to make something slip from your hands, but even if she could cast it she’d screwed up the incantation
>”… eiaculabor…”
>a spell that brings the caster to orgasm - sensible enough, if futile
>”… eiaculaberis! Eiaculaberis!”
>a spell to make YOU orgasm
>flattered, you oblige, unloading everything you have into her
>”… eiaculaberis… eiaculaberis…”
>you put her down, take a moment to recover, and begin packing your things
>it’s time to move on
>you hand off the former pirate queen to representatives of the trade league she was terrorizing
>they spend half the meeting marveling at her and passing her from cock to cock - you could practically name your price
>now you own a small trading company and a fleet of cargo ships
>you make sure each office and crew has at least two onaholes drawn from the port’s prostitutes, tavern maids, and sailors’ widows
>it’s good for morale
>the princess you ransom back to the crown
>they find a way to undo the transformation, but her mind is permanently changed
>the once-severe warrior-priestess spends years spreading her legs for every man she sees, noble former suitor to drunken day laborer, filling the capital with her bastards
>(one of which you planted in her while visiting the city in disguise)
>eventually the royal family grows sick of her behavior, disinherits her in favor of a distant branch, and turns her back into an onahole to keep her out of trouble
>last you heard, the crown was lending her to foreign dignitaries and honored vassals as a gesture of respect
>you took a couple weeks to filter through the factor’s brokering business
>every day, you told her if she told you everything she could think of about her business, you’d consider fucking her
>you never did
>when she realized she’d given you everything she possibly could and was out of leverage, she switched from bargaining to pleading
>”I need it! I need cum inside me! I’ll take your cock, any cock, please give me something!”
>”any cock?”
>”I don’t care anymore! Anything, please!”
>without another word, you walk outside
>the same haggard beggar on the corner as always looks up at you with rheumy eyes
>you press the factor-onahole into his hands
>after a moment, his face breaks out in a toothless grin and he shuffles over to an alley
>you turn away, smiling, and never see her again
>the former apprentice delights the wizened old wizard who first commissioned you
>he was planning on his own elaborate punishment, but he complements you on you creativity
>a short while later, he contacts you again
>he discovered a way to extract the mana from his new onahole with a special spell and a good fuck
>it drains their magic reserves for the day into the user
>soon enough you’re fielding countless requests to turn various promising young magic users into fuckable batteries
>but the witch?
>even if she wasn’t bearing all those mage onaholes for you, you could never give her up
>you never consider getting married
>instead, whenever you decide you want a child, you turn her human, fuck a child into her, make her ensure it’s a boy (to carry your family name) and after she gives birth you turn her back
>soon, you sit happy and comfortable at the head of a growing financial empire
>your witch/wife/fucktoy spends her days cumming on your cock and teaching you every spell she ever learned for a scrap of praise
>your sons are growing healthy and strong, and will soon be old enough for toys of their own
>the various onaholes you make live blissful, orgasmic lives until they end up in a trash heap somewhere
>and everyone lives happily ever after
This will probably be the last story I write for this thread, I’ve wrote my way up to a few lines I don’t get off on crossing, but it’s nice to know I can write this stuff. Thanks for reading!
Actually, wait, I forgot to ask - does anyone know if somebody got around to translating Onaho no Mori? It seems like peak ona content but I never see anything from it in English.
Your story is pretty damn good, anon.
>wrote my way up to a few lines I don't get off on crossing
Have you considered doing a more wholesome story? Like fun sexy playtime onahole transformations? Not everything needs to be a bad end.
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Then post new stuff.
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Very nice story. I think that more "bad endy" aspect of this kink is very divisive so there is no shame not wanting to write the story that goes too hard in that direction.
Its clear that girls getting their souls fucked out of them isnt for everybody.
Write what you like the most anon.
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There's a fair amount of good stuff on deviantart for this (and yes, I'm also for happy fun squishy time instead of revenge or abuse)

Same here.
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I'll be the dissenting voice and say that bad ends are my favourite; inanimate objects should be (at least eventually) inanimate; and my favourite victims are innocent bystanders who get caught up as collateral, the more innocent and cute the better.

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