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Post femdom, talk about femdom
All flavors are welcome
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What kind of femdom do you like?
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What gave you the kink?
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Stories and greentexts are welcome!
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I love any, from gentle to more on the extreme side.
like for today ive been wearing a chastity cage all week and my girlfriend is going to dress up in a bikini tonight and use a vibrator on the cage to make me cum in it and see how much I cum.
casual. for example when im watching movies with my girl and she randomly slaps me and tells me to get on my knees and worship her.
gentle feminization type
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The 'That dick belongs to me' kind.
What's ya'lls favorite scenarios or ideas when it comes to femdom? I've been going through the same three scenarios and it's getting so old and finding anything new is hard. I'm desperate for anything at this point
Gf plays video games while sitting on my face. Kneeling and kissing feet and ass. Chastity for days with ruined orgasm in cage before being unlocked.
Love face sitting, but never experienced it it's a bit intimidating. But I love the idea of it. I'm Big into being told what to or being convinced of what I like, but a lot of the Femdom stuff I find is weird shota shit.
How is it intimidating?
Either when I saw the end of a goofy Japanese shmup called Parodius (where a giant woman accidentally beats the villain by flattening him with her butt) or when I ran into a fanmade Monster Girl Encyclopedia monster page on deviantart
Whichever it was, one day and it was all over for me
Basically anything between the most gentle stuff and things like: reverse rape, beatings and forced feminization (straight, no NTR)
I swear to god this is true. It sounds like erotic fiction but every word is true and I've been chasing this high the rest of my life

>Be like 9
>Only just starting to figure out I like girls, haven't figured out what masturbating is yet or why my peepee gets hard sometimes
>Stepsister is 15
>She's having a sleepover with her friends
>I'm in the other room playing video games
>In my underwear because its summer and hot as hell
>Hear them giggling in her room
>Go knock on her door and ask if I can come in because it sounds like they're having
>Hesitation and murmuring
>"Sure, anon. But we have to keep the lights out because we're in our underwear, okay?"
>Sounds reasonable.
>Its so dark I can't make out anyone's faces or anything but can see their general shapes
>One girl says "Who's next?"
>I have no idea what they're doing but I wanna be involved
>"Okay, sure. Come over here."
>She has me lay my head on her lap so she can put her hands on either side of my head
>She's not really in underwear but more like pajama booty shorts
>She starts massaging my temples and having me take deep breaths, tells me to relax each part of my body individually. Tells me to imagine I'm drifting off on a soft pink cloud
>I didn't realize this until years later but she's hypnotizing me
>Once the induction is over, tells me to imagine being on the beach and being approached by two beautiful women in bikinis
>"They're so gorgeous you can't think straight. Your heart starts to beat fast and your brain feels like mush. They're so beautiful that you know you'll say yes to whatever they ask.
>Says they need my help. They just want to borrow my brain.
>Runs her fingers through my hair
>Puts on a breathy, sexy voice
>"It's okay if we borrow your brain, right?"
>There is no way I'm saying no.
>Says they're going to cut open my skull, but it won't hurt. In fact, I like looking at the girls so much, it'll just feel good.
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>she describes them cutting open my skull while she firmly traces her fingernail across my forehead
>it feels crazy good, sends shivers down my spine
>plays with my hair while she tells me its the girls pulling out my brain
>tells me that now that I don't have a brain, I'll feel super light head and won't be able to stay upright
>has me sit up
>I fall over immediately and can't stay up, just like she said
>she directs me back down onto her lap
>says that since I can't walk around like this, the girls are going to make me a new brain out of sand
>describes the girls packing sand into my skull while she pats my head like she was packing sand in
>describes them stitching the top of my skull back on while she makes little marks on my head with her fingernail
>tells me I can get up now, but because my head is full of sand, it'll be difficult, and I'm gling to feel really groggy
>wakes me up on the count of 3
>I wake up, like she says, its hard to sit up
>I'm embarassed that it worked on me so well, but I also feel REALLY good.
>My peepee is hard
>Its so hard
>I didn't know it could get this hard
>I'm wearing tighty whiteys, so even in the dark, when I stand up, everyone can see
>They laugh about it. Not at me, but are clearly embarassed and amused
>I'm embarassed but don't know what it means
>Sit in the corner in a scrambled, pleasurable daze for a long time while the girls carry on with sleepover games

Anyway, I have raging femdom and hypnosis fetishes now

I've since learned that this is a variation of the "sandman game" that is apparently a sleepover staple in some regions, but its normally done as a horror story where a killer cuts you up and fills you with sand.

I don't know why she turned it into sexy bikini babes. I don't know how a 15 year old girl learned how to hypnotize someone in a small midwestern town when most people didn't have internet. I don't even know who she was--I didn't know my stepsister's friends that well and it was so dark.
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Sorceress or a female reality warper effortlessly dominating her male victims with her overpowered powers that can't be ever learned or used by males
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intense fetish scenarios with plenty of aftercare
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>several giantess threads, an omnipotence thread, and a general femdom thread

wow, /d/, you all are such little subby bitches
I prefer lovingly degrading domination, both as domme and sub. I lean sub though, and I'm not good at being as mean to others as I like them being to me.

In roleplay I love to include incest (mommy/daughter or sisters), corruption, cnc, drugging, petplay and/or watersports.

Got lots of experiences to share, but no relevant hentai. Not quite sure where to start, though...
Here's a cute one to start off with.

I was visiting a woman a few years older than me. Had seen her a couple of times before for some lovely kinky sex after matching on a dating app. I had mentioned my interest in pet play to her in passing. This visit, she first got me extremely horny and stripped me down to only panties and fishnet stockings. Put a collar and leash on me, then cat ears. I blushed furiously and she photographed me in my embarrassment. She told me to be a good girl and stay put, while she went and fetched something from the kitchen. When she was back, she had me to get on my knees, put a bowl on the floor, and poured milk into it. She had me crawl and lap up milk while she stroked my hair, asking me it was tasty, calling me a good kitty. I was so embarrassed, but also so happy to be dehumanised in such a sweet and loving manner.

I had wanted to do pet play for a long time, but I was always too embarrassed to do anything about it. And this woman, who I'd only seen a few times before and who *isn't even particularly into pet play*, knew exactly what I wanted to experience, and dominated me into doing it.

Anyway, we've been living together for a year now, I've found my own dominant side since, and now we switch!
That’s gay but because you are a woman you get a pass and it’s hot instead.
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I know, isn't it great?
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I like more gentle type but I don't mind more rough, obviously I like size difference with taller women, also ss, I wont lie. Usually lot of the femdom stuff I like is in that section.
I really like the stuff where the woman is roughly milking the guy dry because she is that horny.
Also I like femdom where the woman "upgrades" her chosen man, like changing him to her preferences, like making him more sensitive, produce more cum, larger genitals etc.
Cool story bro
Was a fun read, whether real or not
Is hypnosis even possible irl?
I grew up playing lots of video games. One of the genres I liked was fighting games, which were obviously full of really hot women. But since I was bad at the games, I would often lose to said hot women in single player mode. Losing to them over and over just have me a femdom fetish over time.
I like noncon or "reverse rape" if you want to make people upset
I like the more extreme kind of femdom.
The harder she drills into my skull I'm an inferior subhuman not worth licking the sole of her boot, the better.
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Teasing, and gentle humiliation
I'm convinced that 90% of femdom stems from low self esteem
>What kind of femdom do you like?
Spitting makes me fucking rock hard. Love when my girl throws me on bed, sits like this and tells me to open my mouth. Sometimes she just drools over me and sometimes actually spits. Can't tell what's better.
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I like when women wins their superiority and put me beneath them. For example: we make a bet not based on luck but on our skills and she clearly wins without me giving her any adventage. Then she abuses her winner right to amuse herself with me as she feel fit.
On other hand as a people pleaser i like do small stuff for like cooking, cleaning, doing eranda etc. in exchange for pleasure but in this case i cannot pleasure myself (some kind of chasity or just verbal agreement) and im at her mercy.
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Feminization, petplay, SPH and "goofy" erotic humiliation. I don't know how to describe it, but I like it when the mistress humiliates her submissive as a game or a way of amusement. In fact, I've been tempted to make a thread focursed on that kind of humiliation, but I must collect a good amount of images related to that first.
Mainly cartoons from my childhood.
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>Zaizen Tokiko
Very nice taste
I'm glad these femdom threads seem to be focused more on actual femdom rather than NTR like every other femdom thread I've seen on 4chan
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Entire fetish is fucked, 80% of the time you're looking femdom related stuff up it's either feetfaggotry or NTR
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Feet have grown on me, but NTR and raceplay are a poison on the genre.
Femdom should be kept between myself, and a woman. No other parties involved.
Yeah, its not cartoon mind control but its a real, scientifically documented state. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypnosis

Its more like... you know how when you're watching a scary movie you can get scared by something on the screen even though you know 100% its not real? Or how you can watch a video on a tiny phone screen and only see ithe video and not the rest of the room around you? Or get sucked into a book and not notice time passing?

Hypnosis is basically guiding someone into that state where they're really immersed in something and then using that to convince them of stuff (on a certain level). You can alter someone's emotional state, convince them they can't move (in reality they'll break out of it instantly if they think they have a reason they really should move, but in the moment it really feels impossible), cause pleasure or other sensations and some other tricks. Some things are harder than others.

So you can't really control someone mind. But you can make someone FEEL like you're controlling their mind (especially effective if they WANT their mind controlled), which is great for d/s play for obvious reasons. You can also make people orgasm with just words after some training (this comes more easily to some than others, and you have to build toward it).

Since you can also create sensations with hypnosis, you can use it in combination with classical conditioning to make someone feel pleasure at a trigger like hearing a certain word or a finger snap, which can be used to gain some legitimate control over someone or coerce them into stuff

Its kinda wild that people look at hypnosis like its some kind of mystical juju like healing crystals or reiki or something when its a very well documented phenomenon. But its understandable because the "hypnosis" people see in movies and stuff isn't like the real thing. And even some of the stuff hypnosis was used for in official settings turned out to be bunk (recalling surpressed memories)
Anyway not to write a book or anything, but I think this stuff is super interesting.

Its basically like playing really effective make believe to the point where you actually believe it on some level. And your perception can cause certain effects in your body as it responds the way it would if that scenario was actually happening, to the point where its been used successfully to reduce pain during childbirth and even treat stuff like IBS to a degree. (I wouldn't recommend it over traditional methods in either case, trance can be unstable and impercise)

If you're interested in trying it I can share some resources.
I hate this shit too. I just blacklisted domination loss from my searches
NTR is the natural evolution of femdom.
Femdom doesn't mean being a piece of shit.
>NTR is the natural evolution of femdom.
What is this NTR thing?
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I'd love to check out your resources
NTR is when a woman cheats on a man, and the man either doesn't know, or he goes "arrgh!"
It's evolved into a bit of an umbrella term to describe any form of perceived betrayal, even when people aren't in a relationship.
It's cucking.
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The good without any of the bad, basically.
>you are her pet, you are to please her on command
>lots and lots of cunnilingus, to the point of training your endurance at it by forcing you to tease her for longer and longer timeframes
>she teases and belittles you, whispers sweet verbal abuse as you serve her
>no violence/physical abuse, this also means no pegging
>nothing really stupid like making you lick the floor/shoes/feet
>no ntr, mistress and pet are strictly monogamous
Unfortunately ntr can feature in many facets of femdom. Especially hard core femdom and humiliation.
thats like saying you want to eat all the junk food without gaining any weight or any health problems. kek
>gentle femdom
>minor petplay (Wearing a collar being leashed)
Nice effort post anon
I might actually try this out
Maybe self hypnosis can be useful for some things? Can you only be hypnotized by others?
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Gentle femdom, teasing, mommydom, minor bondage (stuff like collar, soft handcuffs, blindfold) - all with love, care and full consent.
I'm also into taller women, but alas, I'm 6'4" myself.
It is just crazy how my wife can reduce me to soft putty in her hands with just a certain way she looks at me, or with just a few words in the right tone. She does a killer "ara ara".
Its a shame we're both more bottom than top.
Probably a combination of low self-esteem from being bullied for almost a decade, feeling of insufficient closeness and understanding from childhood due to difficulty connecting with parents and family because of my autism, and the overwhelming responsibility over choices in everyday life as a neurodivergent person. Also my now-wife used to tease me a lot before we dated, because she absolutely loved watching my reactions.
It just feels so right and good to have someone take the lead and make me theirs, and only theirs.
role reversal and the a loving kind of femdom, with maybe some light stepping on
also footjobs and body worship
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What a thrill it would be to be in his position
Relationship goals
The type where one minute my domme breaks me down. Belittles me. Shames me. Fucks with my senses. Uses me as just another toy to play with, and has me perform degenerate acts as I serve her every need within our limits. Then the next minute she’s at my side. Comforting me. Cleaning me. Telling me how proud she is of my obedience while bringing me back to a normal state of mind, earning the night to cuddle with her as her good boy.
Femdom cuckqueaning. A big, strong, dominant femdom utterly mogging vanilla girls using superior techniques like pegging and bondage.
fuck off
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pegging is not "violence/physical abuse" lol. if you don't like it just say so but this *will* make it harder to find a partner because ruling out one of the things dommes seem to really like in a community that's already kinda short on women is not a good start.
we are NOT having this argument again
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Nah trans inclusive misandry is something that's good for boys to believe in. Even if the whole gender inferiority thing might just be mostly a way to horn up their heads.

Trans women are women and trans men are men, meaning that transitioning is either graduating to becoming part of the ruling gender that there was some tragic mix up sending them down there at first, or the other way around of how the fuck did this thing end up among it's betters in the first place. Trans people put a lot of thought into gender to begin with, which makes the feminine ones so much better than you it's kind of ridiculous sometimes.
nope, fuck back off to that whole country where all ugly people come from
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im sorry I didn't realize this was an argument that people already had
I've been on feminizing horomones for about a year and I did develop an attraction to being dominated by men
but somehow the thought of dominating men apeals to me, like it's more wholesome and cute, but obviously it contradicts with my more fundimental desire to BE dominated
I was just wondering how you guys felt about it sorry
A tranny is still a man, so it's not femdom, it's just gay.
A few issues tend to set off people who are already pretty neurotic from trying to work through their desire to be beneath the heels of women. It's also why they don't post porn when they're having their little freakouts.

My relationship through femdom comes from liking domination in a lot of forms, despite being a maledom myself, aside from playing around with how a lot of boys seem to like the more gender oriented domination of having women rule over them it's hard to really say how this stuff works out in whole. I think transfemme dommes are even rarer than all other types of dominants, the old adage of way more subs than doms to go around is a thousand times more true in femdom, and I guess you might be a unicorn to quite a few people you might be able to meet locally but filtering out weird chasers might drop a lot of them.

Having dominant feelings alongside submissive ones is also a thing to work out, having dominant feelings at all is very rare ive found, so you're already experiencing something a bit more than most people, but aside from signing up to fetlife and enduring the 20 people a day who send you their weird fantasies there's not a lot of other options. At least when they have hangups about their dick wanting to be flattened by a woman but oh no they have weird feelings about what a woman is here it's relatively self contained since there's no DMs.
born a man is always a man, born a woman is always a woman. cant change teams
So as a curiosity to any pro domme femanons, what were some of your worst/craziest experiences with a sub?
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God I wish I looked like him holy FUCK

Stuck in this 6'4" body, born with great bodybuilding genetics imo but have a serious want to just be tiny and frail and cute

spent 4 years working out thinking I would change but GOD
I even got my ass on vrchat to play an avi that looks like him.

bros. I'm broke. I have a gf who has tried to domme me but I'm ngl. I think I'm more interested in looking like that than I am in being dommed by a girl smaller than me
My sisters friends use to tie me up when they hung out with her and just had me in bondage as they watched a movie or something.
Other than that, when I was about 12, I went to a competition for building huts that lasted several days. I was placed with a team of only girls from my class. On the last day they baited me in the hut we built and ambushed and hogtied me

That gave me a raging fetish for this shit, glad I have a gf willing to indulge although I love being in control of her as well
The game for you was rigged from the start, you didnt even have a chance

Im a M sub who hired a few "pro" dommes from back when backpages and CL personals were still a thing. I had a few odd experiences with some but many were just standard. Oddest was this girl had her bf waiting in the car and he was just reading a book while we did the 2 hour session. So it was hard at times to focus when she was on my face and inside my mind im like "hes right out there and my face is in his gf's pussy" but afterwards she said he is cool with it and its part of their open relationship that clients dont count and im like "ummm ok, odd but okay take your money the post nut is hitting". Another one I recall was this one middle aged one I used a few times who was nice but in one session she had me fully bound and tied and gagged and was pouring wax on me while sitting on my face and her phone rang and it was something time sensitive with one of her kids so as she is sitting on my face pouring these wax candles on me shes rescheduling her kids dentist appointment. We laughed afterwards when the gag was off but in the moment it was an interesting experience.
How do most mistress' feel about facesitting? Are there mistress who will do casual facesitting, such as sitting on your face while reading a book or painting their nails, or watching TV?
Craiglist was actually usable? I always thought you would end up tied up in the back of a van meeting people that way. And I mean the bad kind of tied up.
Tell us more about this middle-age domme.
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It depends™

If it's an escort/professional domme It's basically free money for them, most won't mind and will be used to it. Some don't do cunnilingus.
Groomed by my great aunt when I was 14-15
In my experience with the backpage and CL "dommes" I had a few who flat out did nude sitting and made me lick and eat them out while in chastity or bound, etc. Some didnt and used panties or wore yoga pants. It really was the girl and their limits and what they deemed. I guess if its yoga pants its technically not sexual so they cant get a prostitution charge if they got caught. I had one who played candy crush while on my face for an hour, another ones ride was running late and just sat and browsed her phone until the ride showed up. I didnt even get charged for that so it was cool, she said it was on the house haha

I mean it did have its sketch, you had to obviously be careful until you met. And weed out the scammers and bots. Up until you met in a public place it was always kinda nerve racking but also the thrill was awesome (I low key miss it). There was one who hosted and had a basement set up with toys and dog cages etc, she was nice but was kinda odd in her messages. We met at a gas station down the road from the house and talked a bit and i gave the deposit and she got in her car and I got in mine and followed, went around the house to one of those bifold doors (the basement doors on the ground on an angle) and had me go inside. part of me was like "yup this is how I end up on 48 hour mysteries" but it was nice and we had a fun session I still remember to this day. On the way out we hugged and she said it was nice and to contact again if I wanted to do it again.

and this was a different one but I saw the first domme i talked about in my other post I mentioned many times so I have many stories, none really weird like I already said but I can reminisce about my sessions with her if you wanna hear
>no girl wil ever do this to me out of her own perverted volition
why even live
Sounds fun, would love to hear more stories if you can spare the time.
>There was one who hosted and had a basement set up with toys and dog cages etc, she was nice but was kinda odd in her messages. We met at a gas station down the road from the house and talked a bit and i gave the deposit and she got in her car and I got in mine and followed, went around the house to one of those bifold doors (the basement doors on the ground on an angle) and had me go inside.
It does sound scary, but exciting. Do tell us more.
Place Mistress on the left and me on the right and it’s perfect
Pegging, cunnilingus, chastity, (forced) feminization, CNC/reverse rapeplay, slavery scenarios, orgasm delay/denial, humiliation, bondage, multiple orgasms/overstimulation. Humiliation is my favorite. I'm short so just having a guy on his knees or physically under me makes me feel powerful. I also really love it when I can see his poor little dick strain in his pants/underwear while he eats me out. Bonus points if his hands are bound so he can't take care of it himself.

Not a professional, but I love the idea of casual facesitting, especially if I'm working while he does it. Femdom equivalent of those men who get under-desk blowjobs I guess.
Sadly for the basement one that was a one and done. She wanted alittle too much each time and was alittle far to drive so it wasnt worth it money wise. But that session was fun, I was stripped and collared and had my body written on in different markers and then clothespins all over. Then I was tied to a bend over table and kicked in the balls and whipped on the back with a crop. Then to cool off I was bound and gagged and put in a dog crate and she left and turned the lights off. Finally she came back and let me out but I had to walk around on all 4s and she rode on my back while pulling on my leash and made me drink water from a dog dish. Then she had me lay on my back and walked on me and had me spread my legs and say what I would rate our session out of 5, I said 5 so she said thats what I thought and kicked me 5 times in the balls. Then after that she had me lay to recover and chatted and I got dressed and gave a hug and the rest of the money and I left.
The hell is a "slavery scenerario"?
Everything you practice sounds like a dream to me, but don't tell me you went full OWK on some poor submissive.
I like the idea of a Master/slave relationship but I don't think I'd be a fit for the lifestyle. Having complete control over someone else is super hot and I love discussing the fantasy with others but I wouldn't go full OWK on some guy unless he wants me to. Even then I'd spend a while considering it just because I'm worried that being a full-time domme would be too mentally taxing for me. I wouldn't mind doing it to a partner for a few hours though.
Do you mean a Master/slave relationship entails something different from a "normal" BDSM relationship. I always thought they were synonims.
>unless he wants me to
So you are saying there is a chance...
> I wouldn't mind doing it to a partner for a few hours though.
It could be for three days a week, or just the weekends or something like that.
Few hours = 3 day
I meant it could be a plausible plan for a Master/slave relationship, not an alternative in that particular case.
my gf and I do that. We switch depending on the day or weekend plan, etc
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What if you were not in the mood to change roles?
I communicate like an adult and say Im not feeling it and she will do the same. Life happens, sometimes we dont feel the roll based on the day or what we ate, mood, etc. So it just goes to the next time
As it should be, you lucky bastard.
Gentle fendom and post orgasm torture (when you come but she doesn't stop). No painful stuff and/or humiliation.
thank you. this weekend she wants to top and be dominate and im like yay
Best guess is being around the women of my family the majority of the time as a kid. Not that I was never around the men (I was very close with my grandfather, and even now I have a better relationship with my dad) but more times I was either with my mom, my aunts, or my older sister. Guess I never grew out of it
its interesting how so many can get into this
Makes you wonder sometimes
In terms of what I would want in real life? Basically I'm about as gentle/vanilla as you can get. I just want a normal ass relationship but with the roles reversed. I want to feel like she's in charge, and I belong to her. I want to be the little spoon. She decides when we have sex and how we have it, and our sex life revolves around her pleasure. I'm really into eating ass and pussy.
I'm very squeamish about pain/bondage and it's not appealing to me at all, but I could submit to say some light spanking if she wanted to and it would make her happy.
In terms of fantasy, a lot of my femdom fantasies involve hypnosis elements and mind control.

There was no particular event, as far as I can remember. It's just one of those things where like, as soon as I knew what the concept was, I knew I was into it. In high school I had a teacher who was kind of bitchy, and even before I found any femdom stuff on the internet, I started having spontaneous thoughts about being dominated by her, having her put me on a leash and treat me like a pet, stuff like that. I quickly ran into femdom stuff online, like there was an old forum where people would share their femdom fantasies and I immediately knew "yep, this is me".
Not him. Some people make a distinction between "submissive" and "slave" where the tl;dr is a submissive has a safeword and a slave doesn't.
I personally don't believe in no safeword play because safewords need to exist for things like medical emergencies and house fires started behind a dominant partner's back.
>post orgasm torture
Craziest shit I've seen in a video was, immediately post-orgasm, a well-lubed fleshlight attached to a drill spun on the glans.
no safeword play only exists in fantasy. in real life there always needs to be a way for both parties to end it if needed.

also what if my kink is house fires?
That's such an unusual kink that it sounds like trolling, but kinks can be weird; the example of tiles anon comes to mind. Also, Wikipedia does back you up on the fire thing, so...

If true, that means that you've got a kink that can't actually be satisfied safely or legally (much like if your kink happened to be snuff, theft, or mutilation). In that case, you can either constrain yourself to whatever fantasies appeal, seek treatment for the intrusive fire-related thoughts... or do something unwise that's likely to ruin or end your life. Choose wisely.
For me it’s the access body hair. Can’t shave it or else I’ll get razor burn. I’ve used nair and while it helps, the hair itself grows back like a fucking weed. Sucks I got stuck with these genes since feminization through femdom is a major turn on and I doubt a domme wants to dominate a hairy ass femboy.
I've been knowing that feel since I was a teenager. I'm tempted to try the sugar wax technique, but to what end? I'm a wizards and my country's BDSM scene is pretty much dead.
Use an electric razor? It's not a perfect solution but it's much less likely to give you razor burns. I've done the sugar thing and while it does give a nice result, it's a giant hassle if you don't already have a date lined up.

There's no cure for being tall but smoking weed can make you forget about it lol
>Femdom equivalent of those men who get under-desk blowjobs I guess.
Gentle and loving but firm mommy dom is my jam.
You get to smell, taste and lick your partner and she controls when you breathe. What's not to like>

Okay, so, I didn't HAVE a hypno fetish before, but wow, have things changed and I don't know how to feel about it.

>You're mostly naked, except when she decides to put you in a costume of her choosing.
>You're in a chastity cage most of the time, and she loves to tease you daily.
>You spend hours at a time serving her when she comes home from work, always waiting for her with a cup of coffee or a cold drink when she returns.
>Surprisingly, you cook and clean the kitchen together. You do the rest of the housework though.
>She's quite a good cook, when she takes a turn.
>After dinner, you usually spend an hour or three slowly eating her while she reads, or watches television, while she idly plays with your caged cock with her hands or her stockinged feet, and edging you until you can't stand it.
>You always call her Mistress. It's only polite.
>Every few days or so she lets you cum. Always at random intervals, to keep you guessing. And it's amazing.
>She likes to plug you sometimes, and enjoys tying you up securely before climbing into bed beside you.
>You usually sleep bound, gagged, and plugged, with her holding you like a teddy bear.
>Every week or two, the cage comes off, and she fucks you like a wild animal before settling down to a night of slow lovemaking, before the cage comes back on.
>She's ALWAYS in charge, though.
>She talks about sharing you out to her friends, usually when you go out to eat together, or to a movie or to see friends--with you still in a chastity cage.
>Heaven y/n?
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Can’t remember a time when I didn’t have it. Feel like it was just something I was born with. Anyone remember this show called Pucca?
I must’ve been 5 or 6.
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Leave out the plug, cage and bondage and I'd be golden.

It's just a personal preference. Pay it no mind, if that's what gets you off.
Give me the sauce Anon, and I swear on my honor, I'll ask the next woman I sleep with do that to me.
As a sub motivated by caring about the dom and servicing their needs, if your being mentally taxed by your slave, your slave is fucking up at their job. 24/7 master slave relationships aren't about non-stop sex and dominatrix outfits. It's about your man following some protocol, addressing you with titles, showing you respect, and being more obedient to what you want.
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/trash/ is down the hall and out the window.
I don't remember where I saw it, unfortunately.
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Femdom agacent, I love Succubi/Demon Girl (or Monster) hentai where the MC is literally fucked to death and turned into a husk.

Scratches an itch my reptillian brain needs.

Would recommend to check this game too: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ280042.html
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There needs to be more pics here's one for ya I have more but others need to post more before I share more.
minus the sharing with friends thats hot af
There is too much sissy shit invading my fetishses.
and there's to much cuck shit invading mine. We can't all win
same, with trannies getting normalized by the left they are infecting many kinks I love

No, it absolutely isn't.

And no, there isn't any "true" kind of femdom. There isn't any one "true" kind of BDSM, no matter what anyone reads in a book or what some people think. Whatever you and your partner/master/mistress agree on and you're into and makes you both happy is fine.

NTR and cuckolding both make me a little depressed and uncomfortable as hell. If that was the whole story, I'd be done with BDSM, period, But fortunately, it isn't.

I included it as a tease for those people who like that kind of thing.

But if you don't, that's fine. Feel free to ignore that part. It's all good.

This.It's literally the same in any relationship, including completely vanilla ones.

For me, the affection and care needs to go both ways. I have a drive to care for the needs of my partner, whether they're a dom or not. And nothing is hotter to me than when the dom is tender with their subby and attends to their needs. Sexy aftercare is really fucking hot.

You're allowed to like or hate whatever you like, and that's fine, but please please please don't bring politics into this fetish. Left or right or center, it isn't the place for it.
This but NTR and cuck shit
The "getting dragged in deeper" scenario.
>Get laid on second date, she wants to tie me up
>Say yes
>Whole night she keeps me tied up one way or another, even going to the bathroom
>She jokes about keeping me tied up forever
>(It wasn't a joke)
>Wake up still tied to the bed and wearing a chastity cage
>She says it's to make sure I come back, doesn't untie me until I promise
>Spend all day failing to take it off
>Go back to her place the next morning to ask her to take the cage off
>She refuses to take the cage off without tying me up first
>Ties me to the bed, takes the cage off and fucks me
>"Ok this isn't so bad"
>Fall into routine of going to see her to have sex
>Spending more time at her place
>She starts making me eat her pussy before she takes off the cage
>Sometimes She doesn't even take it off
>She starts punishing me if I take too long to come over when She calls
>All this time, She presents the outward image of a normal couple
>Eventually move in with Her
>true femdom doesn't exist
Nah, it does. It's when a female rapes a dude.
I really like the idea of the girl being introduced to chastity in a relationship, and then ultimately being way more into it than the guy is, but he still enjoys it so he doesn't want to call it off completely.

Kind of similar to how it happened with my wife although we were already doing orgasm control stuff before doing that, and she was super excited about the idea of it pretty immediately

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don't underestimate your ability to change yourself or overestimate the barriers in your way. I would have related immensely to your post a few years ago (incl. being 6'4), but I've managed to claw my way to a body I'm happy with and I recommend you do too, whatever that means. a determined, unafraid person with an hour to spare every day can do just about fucking anything in a couple years

I'm not necessarily saying take the pink pill like me but don't let your height stop you from anything. I let it stop me for years and regret that time immensely, since it turned out to not even matter that much in the end
That's one kind of it. If your femdom fantasy doesn't include sex then that willl probably happen yeah unless both people are asexual (mentally ill).
It's hard to say how a non-vanilla relationship can be as fulfilling but it's up to the individual to figure it out because I've seen them and they're typically very unique and based on unique past trauma.
YOU are mentally ill my friend
My country (The USA) obtained societal lunacy before I did. Don't think about moving here, Vijee.
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Female-only effortless magic. Magical femdom: males are powerless aganist the might of sorceresses, who can bend reality with a simple zap
That's nice. Ntr is still the lowest form of degeneracy cuck.
>You usually sleep bound, gagged, and plugged, with her holding you like a teddy bear.
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I have never once in my life met a woman my age who wasn't a schemer, an emotional manipulator, a bully, or just plain misandrist. The worst part is thanks to twitter and tumblr and the stupid fuckers who keep posting things made by users from those websites on 4chan I can't get an extended enough vacation from these cunts.

Just the fantasy of a woman who isn't evil, who is capable of selflessness, who actually gives a shit about my feelings rather than pantomiming giving a shit only for them to either use it against you later or getting the "ick" after you do it as they requested, is enough to make me immensely happy, and that is where gentle femdom as a fetish comes in. It doesn't even have to involve my dick, I'd melt in pleasure if I just had hugs, headpats, and temple rubs from someone who genuinely gave an iota of a shit.

Unfortunately, like most fetishes on /d/, this is indeed fiction. This is why I have to go to /d/ to get content for this, because /h/ is full of NTR and unpleasant shit like that.
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>/trash/ is down the hall and out the window.
there's nothing wrong with trash, problems only arise when ntrtards escape their containment general
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Lol who drew that?
>sleepygimp drew an image without black women
Holy shit.
happened with my gf, i loved it and got her slowly into it and she will want me to wear it at times or while at work, etc and sometimes ill have to be like "no im not feeling it sorry" myself 5 years ago would want to shoot me for that lol
You talking about the batman pic that got removed? I'm pretty sure that was DWJ's
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can someone explain this lvl/exp drain fetish to me, it looks like it would be really hot if i could understand it
liking femdom but not liking feet is such an epic fail. feet will always be inseperable from femdom
you are a level 300 knight, some qt 3.14 monster thats level 20 takes 5 levels from you and makes you weaker in exchange for cumming.
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so it's like findom but in a RPG setting. it's really hot. "maso casino" by doskoinpo is one of the sexiest doujins i've ever read, i wish there was more like this

I hope that your life gets better, Anon.
yes its like findom with power and strength instead of money
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Second part
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>It doesn't even have to involve my dick, I'd melt in pleasure if I just had hugs, headpats, and temple rubs from someone who genuinely gave an iota of a shit.
Anon, women like this still exist. I am lucky enough to be married to one, and I genuinely hope you find one for yourself one day too. Don't lose hope.
Nah it's getting pooped on.

Damn good point.

Well, these scrambled eggs no longer taste good. I think I'm done with lunch.
Same shit
Ballbusting and CBT, spitting, reverse ryona, wrestling, choking, bondage, facesitting, urination, leash and collar, crushing, trampling, muscle girls
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>POV me in her glass cage
>extremely anxious
>mask it well and present as nerdy but normal
>I like socializing and dating but it is a huge fucking drain
>End up dominant with partners because... women
>MGQ releases during early college
>Wonder why I am into this outside of the obvious partner taking control part
>Not into pain/torture/(heavy)humiliation/denial stuff
>It is specifically sensual domination, giving in/surrender because you cant resist your partner
>Plus combo of partner being assertive, smug, confident, aggressive with some playful/light humiliation thrown in
>Wow I am into this stuff even just conceptually. This kind of seems what most subby women are into.
>mfw thinking "what would a succubus do" and using slightly de-cringed lines from MGQ have triggered sexual awakenings in several recent partners
>mfw I accidentally discovered being a "pleasure dom"
>mfw when my partners internalize the concept of an sensual domination, which a ton of women LOVE, and go absolutely wild around the idea being able to take back some control/dignity
>switch mode activated where we basically end up taking turns trying to mindbreak each other
Thanks MGQ. Maybe one day I will meet a girl weird enough to know the truth.
The gentler, softer stuff for me, no whips, NTR and pegging please. I'm really into feet and breast worship, facesitting, acts of service and roleplaying, which leads us to >>11027072.
My wife is a sub extraordinaire with me, but she's haughty, proud and belittling towards others. That started, at some point, turning me on. It may have helped that she started wearing really classy clothes, while:
-looking much younger than she is
-having a very unusual eye color (a very light brown, almost golden)
-having a very slight, but still present, Eastern European accent.
If picrel didn't give it away already, she looks like a vampire, so much that some of her colleagues already hinted at it.
Her aura of prestige and pride is so hot that it gets difficult to be a dome sometimes, because I just want to serve the vampire princess. Fuck.
Oh, and I guess I have Touhou to blame, too. I discovered characters like Junko, Yuuka Kazami, Parsee Mizuhashi or, of course, Remilia Scarlet, and understood that evil women are hot.
damn, how could I forget? I also, somehow, got into eating my own cum. This just... appeared out of nowhere. My wife already kissed me after a blowjob, and I got to lick it off her feet and nipples (at different times), and I'm waiting for her new birth control to give her head after a creampie.
She says it's the only dom-like thing that comes naturally - pun unintended - to her, which is already great; I just hope she'll gradually feel more at ease with that role. Without stopping being a sub the rest of the time, of course.
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give me millitary femdom pls
some sexy (but not too mean) warcrimes
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As a child, I was exposed to a surprising amount of bondage and torture imagery, be it movies, comics or even some video games. These usually showed the victim in various states of undress, so seeing all that bare flesh, combined with all sorts of torture stuff, it just made me obsessed with the idea of being tortured myself, to have my freedom taken away for the benefit of somebody else.

What finally showed me my destiny was this German erotic drama film called Die Flambierte Frau that deals with a bit of femdom too. Eva, the leading lady of the story turns to a life of professional domination to support herself after she leaves her whiny husband. In one scene, she's shown flogging one of her male clients, wearing a black leather corset that has no breast cups, so her boobs hang out naked and exposed. That was the defining moment for me. I was already aware that torture excited me, but because I knew for a fact I wasn't a homosexual, I realized from that moment on that I wanted a dominatrix. (So far no luck in finding one.)
My parents were too nice to me and had zero sense of boundaries, so a strict motherly lady disciplining me has always filled me with childlike wonder, I don't need to have boundaries if someone else can preside me within theirs. Dad was hot and cold, sometimes too nice, sometimes blew up and began screaming, so becoming depressed and existential had also given me a death drive which ironically made me too independent for these fantasies from becoming much more.
I can think of a couple reasons.

- Sometimes, femdom as a concept is still mind-blowing to me because it goes against society's standards. It's like no one told me this is possible?? I naturally gravitated towards it.
- I got tired of women being passive and unspontaneous, of me always being the one that has to initiate and drive things forward, of never being surprised. The complete opposite of that - a girl who can out-flirt me, better yet, out-sass me, take control over me and enjoy it too, is one of the most attractive things to me.
- Tired of vanilla porn lol
Monster musume. The anime.
thats so funny because for me it was a scene from the original CSI crime show 20 years ago where the main detective has a flirty thing going with this milf who runs a bdsm dungeon and is a dominatrix. And in this episode she knew who the killer of her daughter was and they didnt have the evidence so she takes him and ties him to the hood of her car in the desert and keeps whipping him while in full outfit. After that I was like "god I wish that was me" and life has gone downhill ever since for me. I blame that episode of CSI for some of my kinks
>mfw thinking "what would a succubus do" and using slightly de-cringed lines from MGQ have triggered sexual awakenings in several recent partners
Intriguing post. Care to share some examples?
Oh yes, Lady Heather. :3 I always cursed the fact that they can't show any graphic nudity on TV. Her scenes, while good, could've been so much more sexier.
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Guys/gals, I have a question. That squirt fluid that some girls are able to release when they cum... Is it safe to drink it? As in, actually swallow it into my stomach?

One scenario that I've been running in my head is being forced to drink mistress' squirt. Like, she'd force me to give her an orgasm, where she'd then shoot it out and collect/harvest the squirt into a bucket, or a tall glass. Optionally, I'd also have to blow my own load into the mix, and once the cocktail's ready, she'd let me rest my head on her thighs, cradling it in her lap, bring the "drink" to my lips, and force me to gulp it down. Like, actually pinching my nose shut with her fingers, and covering my mouth with her hand, so I wouldn't be able to spit it out, I would have to swallow.

But, the very obvious stuff like STDs notwithstanding, is this safe to do, or do I catch something nasty from drinking squirt? It is my understanding that female squirt isn't straight piss, but rather something else that a girl's glands can produce.
Assuming that you're both otherwise healthy (because any body fluid contact can be a disease vector), it's no more problematic than drinking urine at any other time. Piss is 95% water, and most of the rest is electrolytes... which aren't exactly harmful, but the concentration is well beyond what you need, to the point that drinking it probably dehydrates you more than the water part replenishes. But as an occasional thing, urine consumption is non-harmful to the point that urine has been considered an alternative medicine since ancient times.

The non-urine component of squirt is a LOT harder to measure (there's not a lot of it, and it's usually mixed with urine), but the fluid content of it seems quite similar to semen? So that part is no more dangerous than eating cum would otherwise be (not particularly, discounting STDs). So you're at no more risk from drinking squirt than from giving oral in general; go ahead and swallow, it won't hurt.

(The thing you should actually never swallow is shit, because intestines are full of all kinds of harmful-to-consume bacteria even when otherwise healthy; this will basically always fuck you up.)
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Speaking purely in terms of sexual fantasies...

Prisoner of war-roleplay, where I, as a foreign agent/soldier of a foreign military have been captured in action behind lines, and brought to a POW camp, where the camp's female commandant would take interest in me, and put me under her direct control.

Being forced to first strip in front of her, I'd then be interrogated, tortured, humiliated and made to do hard labour (basically, whatever work she can think of) under pain of corporal punishment, if I fail to perform as expected/do as I'm told. The femdom commandant would also try to break me by playing these little mind games to fuck with my head, by telling me things like I've been abandoned and nobody will ever come to rescue me, or that agents have been dispatched to find and hurt my loved ones back home, unless I tell her exactly what she wants to know. I, in turn, would do my best to resist her and endure my treatment, so the session would be a battle of two strong wills, where she'd constantly have the upper hand thanks to her position.

When I'm not needed, I'd be held tied up in a small pit, covered with a wooden/bamboo/iron lattice. Whenever she'd have to go, she'd show up to squat over my pit to take a piss on me trough the lattice. She'd then later clean me up by throwing buckets of ice cold water on me. Over time, her interest towards me would begin to take more and more sexual tones, and her methods of abusing me would become more erotic, until finally she'd give in to her urges, strap me down to an interrogation table, and straddle and rape me.

I don't think I'll ever be able to act this one out. It involves too many hard-to-get components, like a ranch + props that could be used to mock up a fake POW camp, and a GF who'd have talent in acting and being able to throw herself into the role, being able to deliver her lines with some credibility, so she wouldn't sound ridiculous as she plays her part.
So I wouldn't die. Thankful to know this.
Are you talking about "Post Orgasm Annihilation by DDarkoh" ?
best superpowers for femdommy stuff?
>best superpowers for femdommy stuff?
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anyone got any shit where the male isn't a twink or shouta?
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>anyone got any shit where the male isn't a twink or shouta?
I also prefer it that way for actual role reversal
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A lot of people want to be dominated but a lot of the popular focus in BDSM is more intense kink stuff. It can be more than restraints and doesn't need to involve pain.

A lot of the safest things let you exploit how most people go wild if you can mix humiliation and pleasure without being hurtful. A lot of the humiliation in MG or succubus stuff is "I made you cum" or "you are feeling so good you are moaning" which is absurd at a surface level, but when you have established a dominant position you can basically dictate anything as being humiliating so it works.

The following can be humiliating/degrading, but generally not hurtful:
> "You were so quiet but you keep on letting out such dirty sounds, you must like this a lot"
> Stopped a partner close to orgasm and made her beg "Mr. Vibrator" to let her finish after declaring her love for him
> "If you are shy why are you thrusting your hips against my fingers so hard?"
> "Wow did you really just cum before I even took any of your clothes off?" or "is it always this easy to make your hips shake like that?"
> Training them to initiate, but even when its done meekly saying things like "What, do you want me to make you feel good? Did you like it that much last time? You are already so addicted you are at the point of just shamelessly asking?"

Other general stuff:
> A lot of women, particularly in subspace, can have consecutive orgasms. Teasing about this is pretty easy especially if its something they have not experienced before.
> After some edging and some sort of verbal surrender doing some variation of the "good girl, this next part is going to feel *really* good so its okay if you cry a lot" before an intense finish
> After making them beg for something then humiliating them for being greedy, make an orgasm their "apology"

The whole sex being half a mental experience vs physical is true. Dirty talk is like a cheat code when it is more than "YEAH YOU LIKE THAT DICK" but most people don't even try.
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yeah, supposing you don't consume, like, pints of it. at worst, your kidneys have to filter a little more urea (a ubiquitous molecule, present in saliva, sweat, piss, etc) than they would have otherwise, but you'll only push the capacity limit if you're actually trying. also obviously assuming she has no uti/std.
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it was really my original sexuality, well that and vore, but i think that grew out of femdom + too many shrinking scenes in cartoons. young teenage me really hated my own aggressive drive, because child me got into fights and hurt people, including my little brother, so when i started having sexual feelings there was a sort of guilt complex where i couldn't imagine myself in control. couple that with a girl two years older than me who was a family friend and both hot + significantly taller, so some of my earliest fantasies were being dominated by her in just an ordinary "bigger than you" way. i eventually got over the other thing and i can kiiiiinda have normal sex but i still basically only fantasize about femdom and by some miracle am now dating a dominant woman who knows how to push me around
I do this with my gf pretty frequently. She and I have done it where she does work and I'm under her ass, even if she's in jeans or a dress.

Anyone got any more ideas which involve casual sitting and what they can do while you're under their?
Any witchy/vampy magic is never bad.
Every day, I thank god that I don't have extremely specific autistic fantasies like this
An active and rich imagination is a thing to be envied
Insatiable desires are another thing. Hopefully war crime victim anon can cum without being interned in a camp
my gf plays video games sometimes while doing it
Haven't done that yet. I've eaten her out while she's been full force sitting on my face, and slowly gotten her into putting her panties in my mouth after everything is done. Sometimes she'll wear headphones and ignore me or tie me up and trap me a bit. Also have done where she shops as she sits on me, or does her makeup. I don't know why it's enjoyable, honestly, but I know I like it.

I've seen videos online of girl's calling other people as they sit on their guys face, which she is a bit scared to do. Not to shit up the thread, but just ideas if anyone's never done it or wanting new ones.
I dont even eat her out when she does it, she wears panties or yoga pants or a skirt. I have done that in the past though with a domme i hired before I met my gf and it was fun.

Also you cant shit up a femdom thread on D, its already shitted up most of the time
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Or you could hire a reliable professional dominatrix, find a place that matches your desires and live out your fantasy.
I like the yoga pants as well, especially after a workout. I've always wanted to see how long I could go with minimal oxygen while she sat on me, but long-term really isn't her favorite. Definitely want to try a skirt or something. Getting her to do other positions like making me a footrest of anything has definitely been interesting.

Does anyone have any fiction or media that features this theme of long-term facesitting? I'm gonna post what I have later just so I'm not text only :D
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Go big or go home.

Would you believe that I also post and contribute in the Gentle affection-threads? After all the brutality, I need cuddly stuff to balance things out and bring me to normal. For the most part, I just want life to be normal, and the commandant/POW roles would be just that, masks that we both would wear for a few hours at a time to satisfy an urge we can't really openly talk about. Which is why I emphasized the part about my partner's superb acting skills. I wouldn't want her to be that person for real, but rather, simply just somebody really nice, who'd have the talent to flip a switch to turn the role on, so that she could then chew the scenery for a few hours, maybe a weekend max, before returning back to her pleasant, humdrum real world persona who deep down would actually give a shit about my safety.

It would all just be elaborate theatrics. Like, in the fantasy I'd want her to push my face into a bucket filled with shit. But in the real world, we'd just be using something like chocolate sauce as an analogue for the desired effect. Fake, like Hollywood.

Nothing like that close to where I live. I'm aware of just one place within the borders of my country, where they MIGHT be able to do this. I'd have to travel hundreds of miles to get there and the costs, all put together, would quickly balloon to anywhere between 1,000$-2,000$, which I don't have just conveniently lying around. >>11051970 called me an autist, and that is what I actually am, with the associated too damn small disability benefits to boot.
Based, what about her joining a voice call on Discord and/or chatting with frens and giving a play by play of what they're talking about

>I dont even eat her out when she does it
Any particular reason?

Interrogation/ disciplined by a superior officer RP is hot. I'm surprised there's not a ton of that for sexy commissars in WH40K
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When you're dating a cowgirl, you have to really like tits.
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Honestly, discord call isn't a bad idea in the slightest. Have you done it? Our system is kinda like she senses my nods or shakes as yes or no's. I've also done where (she found it in a video) I hold her phone, laptop, or bowl of popcorn. It's honestly a lot of fun. Gives you a task to do. When I'm good and listen, she'll play a bit. Never done chastity though.

One time she teased me about doing a video chat with her family while sitting on my face when they interrupted us (she said it after the fact). Made me hard as diamonds but obviously never happened so yeah.
I wonder how long he has to drink from them. An hour a day?
omg anon that sounds fun, I’m glad you have a creative GF

One benefit of Discord is she can mute when she’s getting close so it’s safer than like video calling (one less thing to mute/ turn off video). It might also be fun for her to have the sound coming thru speakers so you can hear the context or background sound.

Not sure if this floats your guys’ boats but thoughts on eating her out as she sits in your face and her fren rides you/ sucks you off?

Unfortunately I don’t have experience but more than happy to bounce ideas in the thread
I'm imagining the scenario as cowgirls having a breastfeeding instinct that normal women don't. To the point that breastfeeding is better than sex for them. So these women don't look for guys who are good in bed. They look for guys they can dominate and become their only source of food.

Going to sleep in bed with wife? Face in tits. Wake up, time for breakfast? Face in tits. Get home from work? Huge french kiss so she can taste your mouth to see if you ate anything other than her milk while at work. Dinner? Face in tits.
Based ideas with discord :D. Hearing background noises is something I didn't think about either. I like hearing that sort of stuff as we're doing it, or any other furniture stuff. don't think that threesome idea would happen, I feel I'd probably be on a true crime TV series for even asking.
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Pretty hot to imagine her forcing a guy to drop his entire diet and live just off her milk. It would save money but imagine if he was a foodie or something.
I wonder if this would considered some kind of ntr. Loving wife to one man is sadistic to slaveboy.
Plot of that sequence is that the husband is incredibly perverted and the wife just goes along with it, pretty much.
Looking for a manga page of a boy tied up ass over head, gagged with sex toys sticking out of his ass, with a mistress in the foreground about to leave him there, with text like "dont worry youll get used to it eventually"
There are dozens of manga with that exact ending.
There are a few things I can think of that had something to do with it
Being an annoying shitheel little brother as a child and my sister enacting physical revenge kind of instantiated a hierarchy in my mind. I never have been attracted to my sister but she was kind of the alpha when we were kids and that probably did something
Also, there were these books she liked called Chronicles of Ancient Darkness. The fourth book in this series had a hypnosis scenario and that made me feel funny when I was an impressionable little 9 year old.
When I was 12 or so and taking karate classes, a larger girl pinned me against a wall by my throat completely unbidden, not part of the lesson or anything. I think I had annoyed her given my behavioural track record as a kid.
Being really short my whole life has ingrained the tall girl fetish pretty deeply because most girls I was attracted to were bigger than me by default
And of course there were the requisite smoking hot teachers in highschool who I imagined giving me detentions for bullshit reasons so they could force me to service them with like a foot massage or cunnilingus or whatever, and then of course they tell me to come home with them because I haven't reflected on what I did wrong enough and my parents are inexplicably fine with this because it's a perverted fantasy and nothing has to make sense
By the time I was having detention fantasies it was all over and just a matter of admitting to myself that I am, in fact, a pathetic bottom who desperately wants to be tied up and hypnotised and groped and milked and called a good boy and amazon pressed and choked and french kissed with her tongue filling my mouth and forced to eat her out and and and
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This makes me wonder how women get said kink themselves. What can be the reasons for girl to become total dominant/top? With her actually enjoying it of course, not simply doing it for money or "because this is what he likes so i guess i will do it"
neither narcissism nor greed for power is limited to any gender. if you can get your ego fix by asserting dominance, you can also satisfy your craving for attention and admiration at the same opportunity. proof: all the goddess-worship-angle femdom.

most women are just too lazy since they can get attention by having someone else to work for it anyway - which also explains why most of femdom is 'hahah you totally are my slave now do everything while I make you feel worthless' instead of 'I am better than you in everything so just give up and let me handle things while you sit back and watch'. It's much more relatable to the general female populace because it ties into the 'passive cute princess' behavior, and not being responsible is not associated with lack of power.

In other words, social 'power of complaining/requesting' is much more convenient without fixing problems and having agency on their own. As long as that is easier than taking charge and responsibility, only outliers will go for that way, because it means to do work, and humans are lazy animals.
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do you prefer the 'dommy mommy handles all the hard things for you' or the 'goddess makes you feel miserable while demanding you worship her' femdom?

They got almost nothing in common but for some reason are grouped together under this single term
>This makes me wonder how women get said kink themselves.
That's a good question since almost zero fucking women do.
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i forgot what going into subspace is like
holy shit, splitting headache but you LIKE it
just had my girl ride my face for the first time and i'm addicted to it already
Dommy mommy who ties me up, beats the shit out of me, humiliates me, teases and denies me, destroys my ass, and eventually whores me out because she loves me and she knows that's what would make me happiest.
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>They got almost nothing in common but for some reason are grouped together under this single term
Well femdom is pretty damn broad because it just means female domination. Could be anything.
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SS, size difference, feet - ideally all three at once. I want to be a young boy and have an older lady take advantage of me. Aftercare where she's kind and gentle after kicking me around would be greatly appreciated too, but not necessary
Caveat: I’m a lesbian so I can’t speak for bihet women being into femdom.

For me it started with fiction characters I liked namely Maleficent (from Sleeping Beauty) and Eris (Sinbad Legend of the Seven Seas). I felt myself drawn to them and wanted to emulate their characteristics.

The appeal for me is mainly around RP/ERP scenarios. I like the idea of someone I’m with playfully putting up a fight because the feeling her move against me makes me think of the force you’d feel when you experience cuteness aggression. The same goes for bondage: having something to struggle or move against helps to intensify the sensation of what feels good.
Furniture stuff? I think her sitting on you as if u were a chair while on a Discord call can be fun

Best of luck, fellow anon, and pls keep us posted
One reason I think it’s rarer is that in general, women are discouraged from being assertive and self starters in ordinary life and those are prerequisites for femdom where the woman is actually into it vs. doing it bc her partner asked her to
Well, men are also discouraged from being passive/weak, but there's still a large portion of us who are into femdom. It's not really a societal thing, women just seem to be overwhelmingly homogenous in their preferences, personalities, etc.

A broscience theory is that the Y chromosome morphs from an X chromosome initially during development, and so this change results in more varation in everything amongst males.
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men get into femdom for the same reason women don't: it makes females more responsible to make things work.

there is zero reason for women to get into femdom because they can have the same power and social influence to make men cover their demands by staying nice and only giving them as little attention as needed to reap their resources. All the benefit, none of the responsibility.

Also they're hardwired biologically to be attracted to males as providers and nothing else
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I didn't post a size-themed image there, have this one instead
Context I’m an intersex passing trans woman. If you don’t believe it consider this a larp idc don’t derail from femdoms! (Just would feel weird not giving context on how I know females pov and weirder to share mine pov as a female pov)

The cis women I’ve been with/spoken to like to dom cause they often don’t have control in their life or feel like they don’t get to be powerful. This is usually how they get to feel that. Some agree with my pov but most it’s more abstract feeling of power

Personally I switch between sub and dom, and lost 80% of the little strength I had pre trans where I have the lowest t anyone can have safely(0.5nmol/L). So I like to dom cause I am often scared of how easily men can over power me now and being in charge or scary to them is hot. Then I like women doing the same to me but often they are stronger than me. I haven’t internalized that I’m THAT weak, so just her casually overpowering me is very hot. Also nothing more humbling than acting all big and tough to a cis girl assuming you’re stronger. Only for her to easily break free of you holder her down when she was obviously only playfully struggling. Like it would’ve been hot but not if she obviously then is disappointed I’m not strong lol. vibes changed after that night
Sometimes it can be mixture of both.
> men get into femdom for the same reason women don't: it makes females more responsible to make things work.

Yeah basically every online femdom community is full of dudes who call themselves subs but are entitled and demanding and hate advice on how to actually find a femdom (aka, something mutually beneficial)

Women understandably don’t want to do all the work, like why would they even bother with a guy if he dumps on all his baggage on her and uses her as a kink dispenser lol. It’s better for her to be single
abusive girlhusband who makes me cook and clean
Damn, crazy how women get so turned off the moment they're asked to perform half of what normal non-femdom men are demanded of every day!
I cry everytime
You know that's asking for a lot (because men go through a lot), and you're surprised that women aren't lining up to do what you ask? Also if a woman can do "a MaN's joB" why does she need you around? Just to complain? If all you can offer is stereotypical male benefits like money, why are you mad that that's what they look to you for?

Women in general aren't way smarter than guys, but there are few dumb enough to act so much against their self interest that they'd date a rando that doesn't contribute any benefit to their lives.

SRS are you actually going to post anything about femdom or just wallow in how you're sUcH a NicE gUy and you just don't understand why women won't be kink dispensers for you, or do you just come to the thread to get mad about women having standards

Pro tip: there's no shortage of guys who complain about women
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Dommy mommy who handles everything but also makes me worship her and use me as a chair.
>that entire post
This is some next level autism lol
Boys are girls' toilets!
>are entitled and demanding and hate advice
So just like women?
*drum beat*
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>do you prefer the 'dommy mommy handles all the hard things for you' or the 'goddess makes you feel miserable while demanding you worship her' femdom?

'Normal vanilla gf' in the streets, 'Merciless goddess who punishes you for every slight' in the sheets.
>Make a joke at her expense in public.
>She laughs while planning a CBT session in her head.
>keep planning dates and public outings with her just to get some relief from the harsh femdom punishment at home
>Know that she'll go from soft spoken sweetheart to a strict and brutal queen as soon as you guys lock the front door from the inside
As a size enjoyer (as in tall girls and giantesses) just one question out of curiosity.

Shouldn't be a majority of you guys be into size stuff as well, or is it more the mental aspect of domination that turns you on?
See, I'm into size stuff, but it's just one of the many fetishes that can GO with femdom for me. At the end of the day, a guy being dominated by a shorter woman is just fine. I might even prefer it at times because it displays more role reversal.
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to me, size leads to natural, healthy dominance which doesn't need to be spelled out or proven. I mostly associate femdom with the unhealthy but spicy dominance that is insecure in the sense that it constantly needs to confirm who's in control.

femdom is appealing when I just crave getting any attention at all, but since I'm one of the unwashed masses who really just want to be loved I'm much more on the loving mommydom mini-giantess side of things, yeah
I'm into size stuff. Every single one of my kinks has 'female dominance' as it's base.
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Even when I'm not in the mood for fapping to a giant woman destroying cities, I prefer my ""normal"" femdom content to feature a larger female. So yes.
as long as I feel loved+protected+desired more than humiliated+blackmailed+exploited, it's appealing. it's a balance act and depends on the basis of power for the relationship (if it's solely emotional blackmail, then it's too far on the mean side). most femdom images which don't focus on humiliation/pain are ambiguous in that regard, so they work well enough
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I wish more size content combined conventional femdom/BDSM play.
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Reminds me of this
Sissy wanna be I think
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A woman so big that she can fill you up with just her pinky, like it's a girthy strap-on.
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>role reversal,
that's what I like too, but I enjoy it coming from a sort of newly found physical reality. Denial of that new reality makes it even hotter imho
>natural domination
That's what I mean
Weirdly enough normal femdom doesn't do it with me, and bdsm interests me even less. But add a sizable lady too that and I'm suddenly diamonds. Allthough I like gentler stuff as well
So looks like there is a lot of overlap makes sense. Now it would be interesting to me if somebody actually hates size stuff and still is into femdom lol
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My favorite genre of femdom is BIG woman x twink/femboy
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Oh yee?
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>"chuck harford"
you are like 40 years too late for this shit man go play catch with your grandkids
You have it backwards. See, nobody really likes to admit that culture affects their sexual preferences. Maybe it affects others, but certainly not me, oh no. Yet sexual trends exist. There are few ways to explain them.

The culture encourages men to be submissive in two ways. First, it says powerful women are awesome and sexy. Not always, but it does say that sometimes.

Meanwhile, submissive men are almost never portrayed as attractive, interesting, or generally valuable members of society and/or as good sex partners. Even media that seems like it's trying to be sympathetic usually makes a hash of it. There are exceptions. Inuyasha. Ben Wyatt. But they're rare. So this discourages women from being dominant — specifically towards men — because what are they going to get from that?


The other way that the culture encourages men to be submissive is by literally telling them it's going to be amazing. Like VICE or whatever is full of propaganda about how having a prostate orgasm will change your life. In other fake news you have claims about stuff like edging and chastity creating unmatchable peak experiences. Often this propaganda is promoted by "professional" dommes who are definitely not predatory in any way whatsoever and certainly don't benefit from the fact that most submissive men are too insecure to effectively form normal relationships. (Somehow the promise of a better orgasm from living healthy and being comfortable with yourself doesn't sell as well.)

So, gee whiz, why are there a bunch of men who act like clients during purportedly relational sex? Because that's how you told them to act. So now the "feminist" of the thread has approvingly quoted a post rambling about how women are "biologically hardwired".

Meanwhile, there is generally little media showing of some kind of joy in being a woman dominating a man. Again, there are a few exceptions, but if I had to guess, 4chan's dominant women mostly browse /y/, not /d/.
i think it was his mom and I know the one you mean
> The other way that the culture encourages men to be submissive is by literally telling them it's going to be amazing. Like VICE or whatever is full of propaganda about how having a prostate orgasm will change your life. In other fake news you have claims about stuff like edging and chastity creating unmatchable peak experiences

It’s not that deep, for some it’s “real” others it isn’t. I love it personally and it’s 10x more sensation than a normal orgasim. So not only do you have to like that sensation, its also all vibe based. So you have to be in the right mood, have the right things done to you, etc to even get one. So that’s why the Chasity and edging makes it easier/better, where if you haven’t cum in a while anything is 10x hotter than normal.

That’s why there’s evangelists for it, if you like anal and have the right person you can have what feel like 100x the pleasure orgasims. It hard not to hype that up lol

If anything culture is evolving to be way more pro women dom look at Megan the stallion. Also semi related it’s almost embarrassing to have a boyfriend/husband right now. Since you are seen more of an extension of them more than them as an extension of you. So anything cringe they do reflects worse on you amongst girls more than how he’d be seen amongst guys if you were cringe. Look at “Please, please” Sabrina carpenter. Like the song is basically about if her bf is cringe she loses her aura or like “it girl” vibe. Getting princess treatment amongst the girls is not only a flex but expected especially if you are an 8 or higher. (An 8 from women’s pov not men’s)

Atleast that’s how my friend groups are operating.
I think prostate orgasms vary from man to man.
I've came from being pegged alone. I did not feel shit. Well, I mean, I felt the strap-on in me obviously, but I did not feel anything extra the moment I came. The cum literally shot out of me without me feeling a thing and had I not visually saw it come out I would have been completely unaware I came.
Same hairy femboy here. I found the best solution few years ago. Hair removal cream. Its nota perfect cause expensive af to keep unshaved 24/7, but its last longer than other ways (during double the time of razor in my case), much smoother result and dont bite af while growing.

Someones dont recommend their use in anal/vag zones but I used It a dozen of times before and there wasnt a problem.

I think its the best way if you cant afford laser hair removal.

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