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You know the drill. Post fat bitches.
Previous thread: >>11008361
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You're supposed to include at least 4 images with the OP retard
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here I saved your thread dumbass
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This fetish extending into 3d for me can be pretty funny sometimes since it causes me to feel that an average fat woman is the most attractive woman ever for the five minutes that I'm near her.
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Wasn’t there a CYOA being made a couple of threads ago? What happened with it?
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there was a comic of this morbidly obese witch who "helps" a girl by swapping their appetites, causing the witch to become skinny and the girl to grow tremendously fat. once the girl was an immobile blob he brought, the witch brought the man she loved, a prince, to show him how disgusting she was now so that he would love the witch instead. but the prince said he liked the girl this way so the witch undid the spell causing herself to become immobile again and the girl to be back to skinny. the prince still loved her at this size as well so they left, leaving the witch trapped as a blob. does anybody know what im talking about?
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The lost tales of Adiposia
yes, this is it. thank you!
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This, but then you wake up and realize most 3d fatties have shit personality and are slampigs for a reason
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The best part is being able to genuinely call someone beautiful when they probably don't think that of themselves all that often.
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I mean, it's not all bad usually. Granted, plenty of them become wine moms from my experiences growing up around family friends. Plenty of the ones I used to hang out with throughout my childhood and teenage to adult years were all super sweet, granted, some of them were also terrible but that more comes from what circle you're around. The ex cheerleaders and popular girls are the ones you wanna be around, not the scene girls.

I won't lie, the only things I'm down on myself about are my dad bod and snaggletooth. I honestly hate it when girls are hard on themselves, always just makes me want to hold them as close as possible and affirm how beautiful they are as childish as that sounds for a college graduate to say.
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They certainly are not all bad.
The one I am dating has serious potential to be a great wife and mother someday, if we go that far.
She is a very carring, sweet, and funny person.

I think the problem is that women broadly speaking are more scandelous and narcissistic as a whole these days, making good women rare.
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I am getting to the point where I'm going to try dating apps. I work at retail and I see plenty of attractive women there. I can't hit on them though during work so I barely see them again. I usually talk them up while checking them out and see where it goes or if they are just being friendly.
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True, I used to be somewhat misogynistic back in high school due to a bad ex. I wasn't an incel or anything on the lines of that, I was still good friends with the cheerleaders and their friend group.

My main issue was writing off most girls who didn't fall into what you'd call the standard or majority as a bunch of hopeless emos who couldn't change when they either grew up in a bad household or were in that phase. Granted, there were a fair amount that never got past that phase when I last knew them through other friends, but plenty of them also went on to have successful futures in different fields such as meteorology, marine biology, and journalism.

As much as I doubt my one ex ever recovered sadly, I still have somewhat of a hope she finally got the care she needed. Either that, or she still continues to believe that her house was haunted and was molested by ghosts as a kid.

I ain't ever touching online dating myself but I somewhat understand where it comes from. If anything, I'd try going out to public events as generic and old fashioned as that sounds for the modern day. I still got the luck of going back for my second degree, but I can't keep that forever.

For better or worse, a third of the country is overweight. As someone who ignored his starting social college years and can't go out without friends or family looking after me due to epilepsy, I have my regrets but still have plenty of chances as well.
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...Is that character a reference to this Tetsujinex comic, or is her design just generic enough to be confused with her?
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I don't usually like egregiously big bellies, but something about this image clicks.
Its the piercings along with the overhang
Possible, overhang is important.
I love her expression too, and the way those tiny fabrics dig into her fat.
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anyone able to share some back fat reference material? i want to draw some chubalubadubdub.
Look on Pinterest, good stuff there
The bigger the figure
Anyone have the newest iteration of star pounds? Kinda got banned for calling it WG's fur faggotry. Fuck I want a fat general server for that game
I need this
I need to feel a fat girl's weight on top of me as I play with her
Trust me man, it's worth it. I've had 200 pounds on my lap and on top of me on the couch, still have dreams about it. Never had sex, turned it down since I didn't feel mature enough/ready at that point. Got to grab and squish all over though.

Probably a weird question, but is stuff like belly fucking real? I'm into smaller sizes like that photo the guy I responded to posted. My ex joked about giving me a rolljob once (cover my dick in her love handles). If anyone has ever done something weird like that, how exactly did it feel and how does it work.
I'm seeing my long distance gf in less than a month. I need her on top of me so bad. The most I've done was lay next to her with my arm around her waist. It was like the first time I felt a girl's belly, in my hand, and just played with it, it was a moment I was constantly itching for. It felt so good.

>belly fucking
It's probably real, but too weird even for me lol. A rolljob sounds funny.

Anyone have any tips for how I could ask my gf her weight? I know she's at least somewhat insecure and needless to say she's quite big, I just want to know. She would get even hotter for me if I knew how much she weighs. (I'm already extremely down bad for her.)
You need someone who's pretty fat (like 450 lbs minimum) AND holds more weight in their belly for that maneuver. Bellyjobs are much easier to pull off.

start by being honest that you like her body. if you haven't even gotten to the point where you can touch her belly whenever you want without protest, then you probably don't want to ask her how much she weighs.

since you're long distance, ask her for pictures from time to time and she'll probably clue in on what you like.
She does send pictures, I try to make it pretty clear that I love her belly whenever it's even slightly visible, even if it's basically always tucked into the waistband of whatever pants she's wearing.
My guess is that she knows I have a thing for fat girls, but probably doesn't know the severity
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If already she sends you pictures where her stomach is visible, then you're making progress. The next step is to just be a chad and touch her belly the next time you two get to cuddle. If she doesn't already get what you're into, having her belly fondled while you watch a 2 hour documentary on sharks will clear up any ambiguity.

oh and in case you're the type to spill your spaghetti, there's a good chance she probably won't like having her belly touched the first time you do it. this is where you insist that you like it, gently compliment her body, and insist on more tummy time.
I know she has a thing for hugs from behind so I have plenty of good opportunities. I'll make sure to squeeze her belly playfully next time.

Again, I have already played with it when cuddling, I was just really scared of making her uncomfortable so I kept it minimal, but I'm pretty sure she fuckin fell asleep at one point so maybe I don't need to worry that much
On my end, my fetish got revealed even before it started after she took my phone and going through the images/history. Needless to say she was half excited half weirded out, other one cried and ignored me because she was petite.

I'm guessing it's pretty long distance then, I can't drive myself due to epilepsy. I'm about 20 minutes away from my university thankfully. It probably depends on how close you exactly are by this point and fully knowing by heart that you love her as a person first and that her body shouldn't matter. I saw the red flags by the first week, but that was my first real relationship and I was trusting to a fault. The second one could have easily lasted, but with us both moving away, we had to eventually accept it.

I feel like asking for pictures at certain places such as restaurants, museums, or certain places in the town or city would work better, it's something that most people do anyway as a whole, and if she's in there, it's all the better. In terms of severity, are you referring to size or lust? Size is always a harsh factor, even if it is fictional, seeing a 500 pound girl when she's only 250 could lead to an odd feeling of inferority. I don't know how it works with more unrealistic fetishes though like futanari or furries, but since we fall into the realistic category, it's something that can get dicey.

Back in high school and early college, I was into far larger sizes in terms of bodies and art, then again, in middle school, I was obsessed with DOA and late 2000s early 2010 ecchi and hentai girls with breasts the size of pumpkins and now I'm into smaller or even flat chests, so I think that just comes with hormones.

I tend to ask if they're uncomforable or okay and if I should stop or apologize if I do something as simple as kissing.

I'm never going for that size myself, I remember seeing immobile art and people just shoving their whole arm in there and laughing my ass off.
I feel like that works, I also feel like it depends on how close you are too, I'd say if you've at least reached second base, it won't be much of an issue. Than you can be a Chad and use your right arm of the giant.

In terms of my second relationship, even though it only lasted five months, around the fourth month, my girlfriend was fine with me touching her chest and waist, just not her butt. But mileage may vary since long distance and people have different feels on when they're ready to go specific places in their relationship.

I tended to always ask and apologise even if they were okay with it just to make sure, and when I did go too far, we thankfully moved past it and both of them accepted my apologies. I feel like I'd play with it cutely or more jokingly at the start, I'd study her face or body language next time.
>I'm guessing it's pretty long distance
Lol yeah she's like 5 hours away, I do often go to that part of country to visit some family, from there it's like 30 minutes.
>Are you referring to size or lust?
Partially lust, partially necessity I guess? Size isn't an issue, she's certainly fat enough for me. (Only 5'2, pretty much built like >>11031764, or >>11031702 with slightly less belly and slightly more everything else)
In terms of necessity, I could find just about any girl attractive, but when it comes to slim girls, I usually just pay attention to their pretty face, personality or nice hair, but not their bodies. Their bodies aren't something I'm drawn to. Fat girls can have a good personality, nice hair, a pretty face, and also have an extremely sexy body. My gf has all.
>I always ask
Yeah, I did that a lot, I was scared of weirding her out but her belly was too satisfying and soft to let go, she's fine with it, possibly even likes it as far as I know right now.
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My extended family is pretty much across the whole country, so I have to fly four hours or my family has to drive nearly two days to reach them. Again, I've dated both types, and with the bad relationship I've gone through, personality has practically become my always. I tend to pay attention to both kinds of bodies, as odd as that may sound coming from someone on the server.

Now that I plan on getting back into the dating scene once fall begins, I'm hoping lust doesn't cloud my mind from not being with someone for five years.

I tended to annoy them somewhat with how much I did it early on, I just got scared at points since it was both of our first real relationships for us. I'm more nervous about the future and healthwise in a sense.

I'd treat it like how most people treat their 20s and have them live a little fatter even though I'm always wanting to stay average in terms of health, and then focus on health when you're getting adjusted to everyday marriage life and starting a family.
The health part is still a concern of mine, but I wouldn't mind if she lost weight, I hope like she'd still be at least thick at the very least, considering her fat distribution is literally flawless. This is coming from a gymrat, albeit not a very experienced one, but a gymrat nonetheless.
I enjoy the dynamic of fit guy and fat girl too much, sue me.

Jokes aside, I can see myself marrying her, and if that's the case I'd probably try to get her to be at least more active, she does seem to already walk a lot daily
I'm more of a healthy eater than a gymrat, I'm weak as hell myself, but that's partly being lazy, part working out would make me light headed and give me a seizure. I don't think I'll be ready for marriage anytime soon, I got college to explore again thankfully, so I'll easily find someone no matter what size while I'm studying to become a teacher.

I helped my ex start getting fit before all hell broke loose and I had to end it. I feel like I'm more scared of finding out someone is in a relationship than being turned down. At least when you're turned down, you don't feel like a creep and guilty for not knowing.
This is the size I'm more realistically into.
I see plenty of bigger girls this size at my retail job. Whenever I see them about them check out I'm there to try and talk them up a bit.
I sometime stalk to a girl who brings her dog and I help her out sometimes at work when she comes by. Nothing further though.
Please don’t hurt her.
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I meant talk not stalk. My keyboard sucks.
Look at the positive. Maybe you'll land yourself a nice chubby FBI agent after she goes through your watchlist profile and realizes that it was a typo.
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The first time I called my wife "beautiful", she said, "I'm not" and then I insisted and she fucking cried. We've been together 11 years and now she's so confident she wears bikinis and always acts like the sexiest woman in the room. I'm so proud of her.

Anons, tell a fat girl she's beautiful TODAY. It's rough out there.
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Like I said, whenever a girl says she isn’t worthy for anyone to love her or trash, it gets me angry and just makes me want to hold them as close as possible and assure them that they’re beautiful. Never forget there’s always someone who’ll find you beautiful, I may be short and have a slight dad bod, but girls out there still love it. Too many men and women tend to have confidence issues over the little things when you know that it won’t matter in the grand scheme of things and someone will find it charming that I have a snaggletooth that braces couldn’t fix.

Don’t worry, when college starts back up, I’ll compliment them, even if I end up not liking them that way.
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King shit, I need this moment with my gf.
I keep telling her she's beautiful and insisting on it, even if it's just text

>fondle her belly while watching a documentary
I forgot to reply to this but yes. Need. Or any movie really. Gotta enjoy the softness all the way. She's very spoonable
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I love my gf, laying down on her like a giant pillow while I hold her whole arm like a stuffed animal and she is petting my head with the other. And on top of that she is the most loving, caring, and sweet person I have ever met.
I felt so genuinely safe and secure with her, it was like the outside world and everything that stresses me out day to day or terrifies me ceased to exist in that moment and only her and the couch we where sitting on was the whole universe. Her body is soft, at the perfect temperature, heavy.
Her physique is kind of like pic related but slightly smaller.

She is definitely past my preferred BMI for IRL. But at least for now I get to live out a fantasy of the body types I though I could only enjoy in my mind. I am going to try to help her lose weight and eat better. But I am going to enjoy every moment I can have to cuddle and snuggle her before she loses some of her weight.
Based fat admirers in this thread. I wish I could get a fat gf, hell a gf in general. Its hard being me desu.
Godspeed brother, I believe in you
Won't lie, it would be kinda funny slapping on some random iceberg chart and next thing I know they're talking about people tossing alligators at McDonald's workers. Don't worry, you'll definitely have this down by next month.

This is pretty stupid, but I'll probably post about my relationship or who I'm going to meet at some point in the fall for overall advice. It's honestly pretty great here.

That big, you're kinda lucky in that regard. I could kinda imagine it even if it's far past my BMI. Trust me, with you being such a loving couple, it shouldn't be that hard for both of you to eventually live healthy lives. Even in my rocky relationship, I managed to help a little by the end despite somewhat being the cause of it since she started to gain because my stupid ass was into it back in high school.

I feel like so many people these days think relationships are impossible to find or maintain when there's always plenty of girls out there who are single and trustworthy as long as you are the same way. I've chose to be single for a good five years now half due to everything going on and half because I couldn't get over the woman I loved.
Yeah. I like having a place where I can talk about fat girls comfortably.
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I just don't want to use dating apps since that's my only option right now and I am not going to date anyone from work because that can start issues.
How did you meet someone like that? And does she know you've got a fat kink?
I'm still trying my luck on dating apps. I've seen a couple cute girls at my job, but like a previous poster said, probably shouldn't ask for their numerous while at work.

I'm not really sure where to look, but I've heard a lot of people say just be yourself, and don't make it your life looking for someone, and you'll get a partner eventually
Its a bit of a long story, but we met on a dating app, I gave her a crush on me, we talked off and on for a few years. Then we started dating.

I don't think she knows the full extent of my fetish. But she likely does considering how I like to hold and grab her when we cuddle. I haven't really given her any scorn for her size either, and only ever asked about it when I wanted to buy her some new clothes.
I think she likes the fact I don't think negatively of her weight. I am also pretty accommodating with her size and I think she likes that I dont make her feel different or excluded.
source on this one? cant find anything reverse that isnt some rehost
Personally, I met my girlfriend at a 3 week stay at this "spa." (I don't know if "spa" is the correct term, but in my country that's just what it's called so roll with it) People were there for various reasons, but a lot of people were there to lose weight, my girlfriend being one of them. Ngl, when I first saw her I wasn't super attracted, but it was probably just her outfit that day. Few days later, she approached me, we started talking, later that day we ended up in my room, cuddling, with me playing with her belly. I can die happy knowing I felt a fat girl's belly in my hand at least once. I was always itching for that moment. (Yes, it's me again.) I have been absolutely crazy over her ever since.
We exchanged contacts, had to go home but I'm going to that same place in less than a month to be with her, so I'm looking forward to that. (Also bringing condoms this time kek)
If you're wondering, I was there due to celiac disease.
I'm not sure why I replied to that post specifically
roughly how much would you say she weighs? and does she know you're into this kink?
Not too sure, but I'd roughly guess about 265lbs at 5'2?
Pretty much built like >>11031764, or >>11031702 with slightly less belly and slightly more everything else
More or less the standard advice/results you end up with. After ignoring girls for so long though and not being interested in starting relationships, it just kinda clouds my mind sometimes.

When it came to buying clothes at the time, I got my answer by messing up. My first ex was shorter and wore XL while my second was taller and wore medium. I ordered large for the first and small for the second and they gave them back to me. They were a little mad about it early on, but it eventually became a joke down the line.

Full extent, like in terms of us here being on this thread or just knowing you like bigger girls? I was exposed right off the bat with them look through my phone or flat out asking my kink.
Didn't know you were the spa guy from last thread, I went to one as a kid before, so I know how it goes. Must have been kinda wild for that to happen so soon on your end.

I met my first ex back during our anime club (it eventually died because it turned into a make out room and most people left and it got rebranded as the DND club (I left it before then when my relationship fell apart and wasn't interested all that much afterwards.) This was back when I was a naive and overly trusting weeb who didn't bat an eye if you talked about horoscopes even if I thought it was ridiculous and fake.

(This was before every other person you met was watching stuff like Jujutsu Kaisen and One Piece and back when later Gintama and later Monogatari were the big series among a smaller group. I hardly watch anime anymore besides when my brothers toss on a series my brothers watch and usually just play fighting games like UnderNight or puzzle games like Picross casually.)

I got to fondle and make out there at the time, french kissing and belly play and all that. There were all kinds of couples there when the room wasn't being used.

I met my second at the book club (eventually died out because we didn't get enough members/didn't really establish much of a guideline.) Everyone knew by the first month that we were in love but didn't have the will and were too shy to confess to one another. Remember when she said she wasn't beautiful and deserved to be in a trash can before I went to hug her and told her to never say that again.

We chose not to pursue long term sadly, the both of us just felt that now that high school was over and that the both of us were moving away, it would be better off going our seperate ways.

Don't listen to me on that part though, long distance just never worked out for us. It'll work better for you I'm guessing from how far you are and the amount of time you've spent communicating long distance.
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best decision I ever made was getting hitched, easier said than done I know. nothing better for a fan of fat or gain than watching someone you're already hot for get bigger over time
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Was unexpected, but not complaining
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this thread reminded me of my fat childhood friend. she'd always ask me for food, i miss that.
Do y'all put in any effort to try to refer to fat girls with softer synonyms to fat (like plump or big etc.)?
As rude as it is I lowkey find it hot when a fat girl is called fat. Not in a bullying manner though, just teasing.
I feel like for me personally this kink stems from my childhood hobby of annoying the fat kids. (Which makes no sense, because I wasn't really slim either.)
Also who made that image? It's hot af. No clue what that kind of dress is called or if it's even real but it's MADE for fat girls.
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I have no idea where I got this fetish from, but I remember getting in trouble even when I was 5 or so at the beach eyeing fat girls
>Also who made that image?
OneHaunt on twitter. It's a two parter, here's the first part
I tend to use different synonyms whenever my friends joke about me liking fat girls or during my first relationship.

Whenever we were more casual, I'd call her or describe parts of her body things like sweetheart, softie, butterbutt, marshmallow, or fluffy stack. But when things got more sexual, she was into humiliation and being dominated, so she'd always ask to be degraded and describe her like a naughty cow or pig who should serve her master. I always felt cruel whenever I did it, but I sadly got used to it whenever we'd roleplay, even if she got annoyed with how much I'd apologise afterwards.

I've never liked BDSM power dynamics, it always feels wrong no matter what side you're on and it feels so much better when you're being far more passionate and in sync. I think it's fun in a loving relationship to joke around about the little "imperfections" because that's just part of who you are and in turn, proves that the person you love accepts it and looks past that.

Maybe I look at things a little too childish when it comes to relationships since I haven't been in one since senior year, but I think it's something people can tend to forget when they're constantly worried or downplaying themselves.

Sometimes there are honest reasons and ways you can improve, but most of the time, people just let it get to them when you're honestly considered handsome as a man even if you think you look like a teenager or middle age man because of your facial structure or build when you're a young adult.
I feel you lol, hard to keep your eyes off them.
I still do it
Who translated these?
Do they have any more from this artist?
Saw this image ages ago and it really did things to me. Thank you for posting this anon
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Its hard to put into words what makes aroused and flustered towards fat women.

I guess, the idea of seeing someone bigger than the average person as they slowly shuffle across the room. Catching their heavy breath while being spooned by a doughy marshmallow. Plus seeing childhood crushes like Catwoman scene here, is oddly arousing seeing being treated like queens.

>>11033117 Good luck with dating apps mate, I heard they can be a real crap shoot. I haven't been able to find large lass' out where I'm at.
Since my last file was deleted enjoy this babe
>all these anons posting about how much they love their fat gfs/wives

Absolutely based shit right there. I look forward to eventually getting my own fat wife to love.
I mean, we got some pretty interesting stories coming from all of this along with the confidence we've all been giving to each other. I'm Mr. Ex over here and while I don't know if the ones from last month are the same, it's been cool talking to 11 years married, long distance spa, retail hell, and wardrobe malfunction. (I'm just making up random nicknames here, I apologise if I piss anyone off or forgot anyone.)

I used to live near a bakery while I was getting my French degree, had a great variety with all sorts of cultures, mix of Asian and European from pork buns, mille-feuille, bahn mi. good prices too, nice sizes for about three bucks to five bucks. Wish I got to bring a girl there, would be a long ride now sadly, granted, pastry and cafe feeding fics are pretty common though.

No matter if you actively search or let things come naturally, I got faith in you my guy.
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I love when you have an already fat woman who is then stuffed full of food like the glutton she is
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Only the most supremely bloated fatties will suffice
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One of the many good pics he's done recently.
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its too damn good, when shes that big her appetite should definitely match. (fathu anon reporting in)
Fat girls in red form-fitting dresses like that are my weakness
Not my weakness, but school and office uniforms just get me going like no tomorrow.
Same, office uniforms especially
Orihime is top tier, can't wait for Cour 3. Need this when I go back to college with how damn tight those desks are even for an average guy like me,
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My gf has a dress like this and it makes me want to stick a hand down my shorts every time I see it
Can't blame ya, what other outfits get you like this? Sweaters get me going, works so well with such a body, makes them even better to snuggle with in my eyes. Hoodies are overrated as hell in my opinion, sweaters, duffels, and parkas for life. Sad how much Winter has died though, lasts for like a month and a half in the US now, rest of the time it's practically above 70.
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I really like her in dresses or skirts. She had this one that was part of this very 1960s looking outfit that I liked, but she gave it away because she said it smelled like cigarettes.
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Fat girls in tight crop tops/sport bras and shorts.
Always lots of fat spilling out, the belly is usually tucked into the tight shorts and shows its shape, and their arm fat is on full display.
I got a thing for classic fashion (50s to 80s), always a good mix of ridiculous flashiness and elegance. Remember how my second ex always wore outfits from all eras.

I've never been a fan of when girls tuck their bellies under their pants. It's sexy in plenty of ways, the restriction that comes from the tightness with the top half peeking out. But, I just prefer it when it all hangs out and isn't restricted while also well covered by a blouse, dress, or shirt.

I got a good thing for skirts and shorts, I just don't like jeans and hoodies. I know it comes from the embarrassment and low self esteem or because it's the modern day style, but I can't understand why you'd walk around dressed like that 24/7.
Agreed, I want to see the whole belly, but if my gf lets it all hang out in front of me (hopefully she does when i finally see her again lol) it's gonna feel hella more rewarding.
What are your thoughts on when the bikini covers the belly? Not that common, but it just screams wardrobe malfunction. Always been into one piece swimsuits though, really hugs the figure and still allows it to technically all be on display, no hoodie or jeans trying to hide the full tummy. Good luck spa guy.
Forgot the image.
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I honestly find it kinda annoying. Just let the belly hang out. I can already see basically all of it, just let it hang out. I'm slightly infuriated when I see fat girls do it.
This was funnier in your head wasn't it.
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Same here, no need to restrict it. If it pops off, now we’re really seeing all of it. I know I sound rude and perverted, but it’s kinda true. Granted, I don’t know if it’s mandatory for larger sizes since I’m a guy, is kinda nice to see it snap in artwork though.
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How fucked up am I?
Certainly not where I fall, but it's more common than you think online. Blobs win most Patreon polls most of the time for a reason (used it for a few months and the largest sizes would always win), this fetish is kind of a slippery slope in a sense where the more you delve in, the larger it gets and even other fetishes awaken.

I myself used to be that way, slowly got into larger sizes until I was looking at IRL SSBBW porn and immobile 2D. Hell, I even delved into slob, male, and mutual. Reasoning for slob was that it was conceptually sexy in writing, male was because I was sexually confused in high school, and mutual was due to a sheer lack of heterosexual content in fat fics and art.

As I got older, I wasn't into the larger sizes/more drastic kinks (enjoyed the gluttony and sloth part, but fuck no on anything related to scat with my life), weened myself off of porn, and now overall fall into what you'd call a more "normal" size limit (If a max limit of 40 BMI on a girl is what you'd call normal). Not trying to fully shame anyone here, I'm just telling my personal story.
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I personally don't differentiate between 3D and 2D.

One of the main side-kinks that have awakened for me with fat girls is a breeding kink. Can't explain it other than fat girls just look more fertile (breedable, if you will) to me. It's like they got the space to be a mama.
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>fat girls just look more fertile
History is a circle. I agree though.
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i actually prefer fatter 3d than 2d
it takes a seriously massive hambeast to be too big for me with 3d (they usually become too gross before too big) but with 2d it just starts to be blobfaggotry and i can't it seriously even though there are over 600lb girls alive
chubby, fat, and maybe bbw is my 2d zone but for 3d ssbbw is still hot
anything less than plump is just zero sex appeal whatsoever
If I were to make the chart, I'd put everything from thin to fat in at the top in 2D and then go up to SSBBW and then everything at the bottom.

Never understood breeding kinks, maybe it's because I have a personal disgust with pregnancy kinks (one of my friends went into foster care because of his abusive parents, they had a pregnancy kink, so they pretty much constantly had kids until CPS found out about the situation and they were arrested. Sorry for the personal tangent.) or do you mean liking wives. I'm pretty vanilla, I really like loving romance, a bit cheesy, but stuff like voyeurism, manipulation, BDSM, rape, etc. isn't my thing. Call me straight laced, weird for a Rance fan to say, but most players are there for the gameplay, lore, and writing, not the hentai.

Yep, she has a basket head because it symbolises the bountiful harvests women would provide as farmers during ancient times. I got a thing for all body types though, I'm not super specific on things like height and weight, more on the body, personality, and clothing, no thanks on tattoos, piercings, and dyed hair.

Somewhat unrelated, but finger licking genuinely drives me crazy and makes me weak, I just fall into something unspeakable.
I too fell into a slippery slope.
I started getting new fetishes for seeing women act lazily, women taking on hobbies that will make them fat like binge watching anime or playing games, over pampering and enabling, backfat, and pudgy hands and feet.

Ironically what kind of pushed me over was actually cuddling my gf, who was previously at the cusp of my upper limit. But feeling how soft she was and just always so warm and seeing how she smiled when I did small little things for her (mostly out of genuine care and kindness) it really opened me for another trip down the slippery slope.

I am not going to give in, but man I sometimes feel conflicted when I get really horny.
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I don't understand that kind of stuff, I have a huge pregnancy kink and while my gf and I have talked about having a kid in a year or two I'd never be so fucking retarded and irresponsible to just shit out children I couldn't take care of. But that's separate from the primal lust that a huge pregnant belly instills in me, I guess some people can't make that distinction.
Being a loving boyfriend is never a kink, that's just call being a true lover. Girls lazily binging was on my kink list, but it's not my thing, I'd give you points for that anon. Tossing things like taste testing, helping with clothes, and overall helping girls out isn't what I'd classify.

I can't blame ya for developing it, you're better than me though, but than again, puberty really sends a man into a downward spiral. Sadly, my friends have gotten worse over the years, (they've more or less obsessed with furry futa femboys, don't associate with them too often anymore because of that and other reasons. Granted, I'm not afraid to admit I like pudge though, so you be the judge,).

I'm considered caring and apologetic to a fault at times in relationships, my first ex practically walked all over me, second ex was far kinder and both of us were extremely supportive.

Fair, thankfully most people aren't like that. I'm not sure when I'll be ready to have a kid or get married, getting my second degree and I don't feel prepared for shit honestly. But I tend to get too worried and worked up over things.
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I'm glad they're actually back and have improved.
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I still feel kind of guilty for sometimes fantasizing her to be a bit of a blob and just having the times of our life snuggling.

I do wish it was possible for someone to be that big and not have health issues or social problems from lack of mobility and clothes that fit. Especially if the pleasurable feeling of her warm body, soft skin, and heavy hugs was all her and I could feel for a few hours.
Trust me, the idea of having a bed size wife or girlfriend would sounds like a fantasy come true.
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This image unironically gave me a fat fetish help
Fair, never something I'd want in terms of permanent reality, but I've had the thought of single night where you're sleeping with a human waterbed pop into my mind sadly.

Health issues is the last thing that needs to be sexualized. Nudity and sex is banned on DA and yet the amount of health issue stories that seem to just pop up whenever I searched for stories to read was terrifying.
All I gotta say is you lost the moment the girl's room had an Amelie poster. My brother learnt that the hard way.
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Kinda wish i could get behind a woman with such proportions and fuck her as she's trying to stand and walk.

Too bad fat women after a certain size tend to gain weight way differently irl :(
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Sorry, forgot >>11038624 was slob.
Just looks like a black jaguar cat girl to me, this ain't Pyro art.
I wish he’d make another game again. And I wish he’d stop with the farts
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does anybody remembers that one guy who posted a burp sound effect that came from an actual bbw video? I think he wanted to use it for an animation or something, I can't find it anywhere
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I was wondering if you were just being autistic and was freaking out over “cat ear and tail means full on furry fucker” or whatever, or whatever but then I realized all the pics are the same character.

Just someone’s OC they have an unhealthy obsession with. There was a time I wouldn’t think about it and not care, which you can still argue you really shouldn’t. But following enough artists, after you see it enough times and just how often, you really just want to shake your head and go “You uh maybe want to have 1 out of the last 50 posts be about something else?”. I’ve even just unfollowed some artists because they just always had to tie the subject back to their OC’s at all times. I feel like the Y(our)C(haracter)H(ere) commissions are just magnet for those people especially, because some of those posts you pointed to I distinctly remember having that template. Really even for most of these people they can even turn it down to just a degree lower and it would be less obnoxious.
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>he doesn't know what kemonomimi are
hello Mr. Newfag. Her nose is a little odd but it's hard to call her "furry" when she's got bare skin and no snout

big nekos are like crack cocaine to me, OC spamming is fine by me as long as they happen to be OCs I like
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Not the guy you replied to, but what's wrong with Amelie?
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A bit tame for here probably
Words cannot describe how much 2D fat is superior to 3D fat.
I think its the smell, and the attitude. Women after a certain level of obesity always turn into bitches while men are 50/50 bitch/Santa clause
In real life I draw the line at mobility issues and diabetes.
In 2D I draw the line at No longer looking human.
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There's nothing wrong with the film, it's the stereotype Black Butler, Kuromi, Animal Crossing, theatre goth girls that's in the image that tend to be the issue from personal experience.

This isn't always the baseline, my second ex was a fan of Sanrio and the novels and theatre you'd associate the stereotype with, but she was a really sincere and loving woman to everyone she met.

It's just a stereotype for a reason, my brother's ex had the trashy ass room and similar posters, smelled like ass, and used my brother for weed and Taco Bell money 24/7. I didn't trust her at the start but she tended to fluctuate from being pretty stable to a mess over the years, it's just that she was a freeloader with no aspirations.

She's doing better now, has a job and living well on her own, but at the time, she was kind of a mess. My brother is going through similar issues right now, he dropped out during the last semester of tech school a few months after the relationship ended due to most of the classes having shitty teachers, but ended up getting his degree due to the fact you can pretty much pay to take a certificate exam anyway. He's got an IT service job and he's been doing far better now.

I tend to be somewhat judgemental towards goths and scene girls, it was far worse back in high school, but now I just realise that it's usually a phase and that it's not all bad once they mature, most of the time. Still keep my distance towards them though.
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Alright, I'll play along too.

This fetish is the main reason I don't want to play the game at all. Picrel.
If there was ever a Fat Art Hall of Fame, this really should be in this
One of my all time favorites of fat art. Wish he came back
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I agree, He's been MIA since 2017 and I hope where ever he is he's doing well with himself. Maybe someday he will return like how SolitaryScribbles did. But I wouldn't hold my breath
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Remember the days of NanoCarbs and MagicStraw.
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Just remembered the name used to be Daysdays, looked at his stuff back when his series of Sasha stories were being written.
Agreed to a degree, it mostly depends on the girl whether they're into it or not. If they are and don't mind you being a little pushy, I don't see why the 3dpd can't be more like the 2d graph, if they weren't so rare. But man, even though there are guys who get off on the dark side of this fetish, I'm not one of them and it's such a drag to hear a girl failing to cope with her situation, to blame everything bad on her weight. Sometimes it is if it's a health problem, but most of the time it's the girl failure/femcel traps they fall into.
what is this schizobabble

god there is no other fetish that is filled with more moralizing and whinging than this one. I cannot stand the fact that I can be looking around for porn and have to see a bunch of crybabies telling me "y'all this lowkey unsafe" or people with obvious fetishes barging in going "UGH FAT GIRLS SMELL LIKE DISGUSTING SHIT AND THEIR HEARTS EXPLODE AT 22"

I just wish these people would go find another fetish to shit up
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You know, I still don't understand why people get so irate about health issues from the plump to BBW sizes.
There are known ways to reduce health issues of obesity an they are simple, *cough* frequent light exercise *cough* not eating exclusively goyslop *cough* not eating pure sugar to manage beetus *cough* having an upper weight limit *cough*.

This isn't fucking rocket science.
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>"thin" option still has huge boobs, no thigh gap, wide hips
I'm not sure if whoever made this diagram understands what "thin" means in the mainstream.

As for me:
>I like 'em big, I like 'em chunky,
>but she gotta still be able to move
>to walk, dance, and get funky

In terms of art I draw the line at amorphous blobs, it's just not a woman any more at that point and I can't suspend my disbelief.
Yes and no, there's a good video going into the health of sumo wrestlers and they still have medical issues even though they have a ton of exercise and eat the foods that a health nut would eat. Most don't live past 60 due to the medical issues based on what size or overeating habits that come from training if they don't lose the weight. Granted, I got no clue how my obese chainsmoking grandmother with diabetes is still alive at 82.


Pretty good vid going into the overall sport and the training/health aspects that comes with Sumo.
Yeah obviously, but there is a difference between eating and exercising like a sumo, and eating like Nicado Alvacado.
Which plenty of feedees do the latter and then end up surprised by having crippling health issues in their mid 40s.
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I'm not moralizing you; you do you. The red are MY tastes, and the text has been MY experiences, not what I think OTHERS should have.
I'm going to spoiler the rest of this if anyone wants to read some fucked up stories, because I don't want to take away from what I just said.
[spoiler]I have some friends/family that are feeders, and that's where the red text comes from. It started in college where a lot of my friends got gfs who ballooned with the Freshman 15->150. Thought it was amazing, but they'd keep trying to diet, were just mad all the time because of it, and relationships would break down often in the messiest ways possible.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]I have an uncle who is a feeder, and my aunt is getting closer to immobile because of it. The issue if you can get past the "I want to diet"/"find someone who's into it" is psychological. In order to get that fat, you have to have support. Financial, but mostly just logistical (bringing food/amenities/etc. so they keep eating). The problem is that if you receive that level of support for an extended period of time is that you get spoiled. The problem with getting spoiled for that length of time is that you start to develop a TERRIBLE PERSONALITY. Almost all of my friends or family who are feeders either end up breaking up before they get to that point because the woman starts having second thoughts (c.f. college above), or they do get to that point and are so demanding and otherwise terrible to be with. But OF COURSE they are, they've been pampered with every hedonistic desire of theirs for years. You could start with Mother Theresa and end up that way because of it. If one day my uncle murders my aunt, I don't think anyone in my family would be surprised.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]The other fucked up thing in my uncle's case is you see what happens to the offspring in that kind of environment. I mean, they grow up with a 6k calories/day bitch mom: they're gonna take after her.[/spoiler]
skimming this but this is also a common refrain: not just patronizing faux "health concerns" but also

it's weird projection and I see none of it in any other fetish.
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Alright, screw spoiler tags.

I have one friend who's 'made it.' His now wife isn't spoiled, she's definitely into it. In fact, they're so into it they're into other crazy shit. Like she'll bath in ice water for an hour before they do it because he's also got this necrophiliac thing going on too. On the one hand, I want to ask him about how he got past the psychological issues that I've seen everyone else fall into, but given the freaky shit they do...I really don't want to know. I want to have plausible deniability if the cops ever come around to talk to me. There are other aspects of his household that are beyond fucked up that I don't want to get into (c.f. "What happens to a feeder couple's kids" because my friend has like 8 children).
Final story. When I was a kid, I had a friend whose mother was immobile. That's where the 'eldritch horrors' shit comes into play. Like sitting on the couch so long or not changing clothes so long that the skin starts to graft with the cloth, or their body begins to host maggots after the diabetes kills off their foot. That sort of shit.

Tl;dr, the red text comes from personal stories I've heard that make me want to avoid 3dpd. But obviously, I have friends and family into this crap, so I'm not going to moralize about it. As for myself, I don't know if I've never gotten into it because of being scarred from my friend's eldritch horror mother, or more simply because I've been poor, don't have the finances to support it (don't think I ever will), and it's just copium. Sorry I pissed you off, but if you can have your preferences, I should fucking be able to, too. Besides, this is a _2D_ porn thread, ffs.

Anyways, I'mma just post some porn now.
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Alright, with this, peace.
True, I just worry sometimes with a few of my extended family members being obese diabetic chainsmokers and just overall knowing the basics of health. The smoking part is the real issue, but I got no clue how they're in their mid 60s and still alive. My family is overall super healthy (besides my youngest brother and father who are obese). It's sad that my grandfathers died before 60 despite being healthy due to their smoking habits, so I only knew them as a toddler.

I'm more or less gonna have fun in my 20s with whoever I fall in love with and then focus on her health if she's pudgy afterwards. My family tends to tell me I'm too soft in a relationship. But I can't tell if my standards are too high these days when I don't want tattoos or dyed hair.

The overdramatic mukbangers are a sad meme for a reason, its why we got long documentary video series on their lives.
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Well he's not doing DDLC as much anymore but I still like them.
Still has not colored Yuri
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Need more mega bloated fatties
Artist drops two based drawing of huge NEETs and then deactivates account, bruh
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Hate it when artists upload their good stuff on Twitter instead of their main accounts
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New Thread this way, everybody!
Sauce? Love me some fat Samus.

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