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Thread with shortstack packing even more
Futa loli is acceptable
Might as well call it a Delia thread because there aren't enough futa shortstack.
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Love this girl shame the artist will never draw Delia fucking a girl or topping ever.
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Who they from?
OC called Xayessa or something. sometimes a big blue angel, somethings a shortstack
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who are these girls?
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>AI slop
Fuck off, just fuck off.
beggars can't be choosers
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Nobody begged you, waste of oxygen.
not gonna lie, I REALLY wish the OP of this thread didn't say "futa loli is acceptable" like a retard >>11027210

futa loli and shortstacks are 2 different things


examples of what I mean

boobs are all small, thighs/ass mostly range from small to average, some of these aren't even loli's either, but just regular short futa's, which is at the fault of the poster for these pics instead of the OP

none of what this guy posted can be considered "stacked", therefore it doesn't fit the theme of the thread, "STACK" is literally in the name for gods sake yet for some reason you allowed something that doesn't fall under that definition....???? why????

if it was oppai loli I'd be so much more understanding and even agree with it being allowed, but that isn't the case
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I recognizethe webcomic
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Him lucky with cat burglar…
Love this brat, I want to bully her cock
POV: anonymous
so true
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Does anyone have any smaller girls/lolis they'd like to see with huge tits and a cock?
la brava
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Yes, OP is being a fucking braindead retard as usual, at least he didn't try to start a futanari by saying including "trans" in the op like some recent retarded OPs.
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God this is perfection
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Hush, child
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