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Cornucopia Edition

Previous Thread: >>11010835

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8th for Degrees of Lewdity
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Blind girl is cute
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there any new games with nipple fucking in it?
for context I've played Lilith's Throne, CoC, that alien parasite game who's name I forget, and as many OneOne1 produced or Aojiru drawn games as I can get.
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Uhh I sthotdogking dev games have that? I'm not sure, you could try Worm Nest Plague or Para Ark maybe?
Both girls are cute.
star periphery
it should be called Drama of Lewdity at this point
Is there any benefit to crossdressing in DoL? I know if decide to be a crossdresser at character gen there are specific benefits. I'm wondering if anyone interesting happens if I decide to start cross-dressing without picking that.
Something so exciting about putting on panties and a skirt as a boy...
Not really. Quite the opposite. Skirts have more negative events, for starters.
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i'll probably keep doing it anyway
I have a question for this thread if any of you want to indulge me:
If you had an ideal theme/motif/setting to make an H-Game out of, what would it be?
For me it would be gothic late renaissance with vampire girls. I really like seeing foofy vampire girls in dark clothes and in/around gothic themed castles.
It used to, then it got reversed for 'unknown reasons' in a somewhat recent version. Before you used to get consistent stress debuffs for wearing panties.
If you mention it on the discord, you get lots of DM's.
Ancient Rome, but with a light comedic tone.
Centurii-chan fan I take it?
Modern urban/office environment, but all the women are monstergirls (but acting normal jobs within civilization).
Any games where you can play as a femboy without the game trying to turn you full into a girl? Also not that much grind preferable.
If you find it, please inform us.
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Sounds good, not many games with this vibe, closest I have in mind maybe is Transylvania: TEA.
I would dig an SDV-like game with monstergirls/boys segs ft. trap/dickgirls/male/females.
Otherwise more horror/sci-fi themed shit with girl(s) raped by xenos/tentacles/corruption shit, sthotdogking's stuff like para ark is pretty close to hitting the spot for me.
Ancient Egypt, where you're bought as a slave but can advance the hierarchy and choose from multiple women to date.
Haven't seen a game like that yet, or maybe I'm blind.

I'd love to make a game where you train muscular futanari Gladiators. Unfortunately that's kinda out of my scope, since I can't code that well.
I think Crossdressing in Camelot is designed that way, didn't try it in a while tho.
I really like of the vampire theme, but never thought much about a porn game with this setting.

I would do something like >>11028979

Player discovers a underground secret world of magic that exists under everyone's nose, monster girls, futas, tentacle monsters, magic shops, vampires, witches, demons, cultists, an organization like SCP/Lobotomy Corp. made by regular humans that handles dangerous sex monsters (that alone could be an entire fucking game on its own).
only thing that sort of works though it's pure text and very early in development is 'Contest at Houndgate'
I like that thought of a male MC being harassed in the office workspace by monster girls
>Human-kun, it seems like my big clumsy tail knocked your cup of pens and pencils onto the floor, I guess that means you have to bend down and pick them all up right in front of me fufufu~

It's slim pickings out here man, the games I've found will just use the title 'Vampire' or have one element of being a vampire and call it a day. The only two games I have right now are Crimson Veil and The Depravity of a Lewd Vampire, one of which has western art and both of which are RPGM games.
Max the Elf? Witchload?
Both good suggestions.
Sadly Witchload is unfinished and will never be finished.
Good premise though and the design is nice, except for that hat.
Maxtheelf has great art and animations, but don't have a lot to offer other than that.
Ewww Side Scroller Porn Game, Cringe.
>decide to play again after a few months spent in a bunch of vanilla games
>go clothes shopping
Thank you Vrelnir and Hyomi, my prayers have been answered at least in part. May this be a new dawn for we of the rubbery persuasions.
>you get lots of DM's.
like in a good way or a bad way?
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tried out Para Ark
I liked it, thanks
still willing to hear out more tho if anyone else knows any more
are there any good chastityge's that AREN'T real porn?
How would you make a vampire themed game?

I like not only of the gothic aesthetics, but also the social dynamics of vampire-human relations, its a soil rich for sub-dom content, corruption and also opens the door to magic that can enable a lot of things.
>"RPGM? it's shit"
>"sidescroller game? Eew"
>"VN? fucking boring"
>"text based game? boring AND autistic"
Genuine question, what the hell do you guys actually like? Or do you just simply love bitching about everything? No wonder we don't get any new (/d/ related) games when all you do is complain, even worse if you don't even support any of the devs
>Genuine question, what the hell do you guys actually like?
AAA-Quality, open world game, 800 hours gameplay, RTX enabled, duh. If I can see that titty, I want to climb it.
>just let people enjoy things!!!1!
>you have no right to complain unless you create something yourself!!!2!!!
never fails to hit the mark. anyways I'm bored

>walking simulator + visual novel with useless combat and random porn here and there
yeah it's shit
>sidescroller game
>9/10 times it's just a real game with random porn here and there
and you can't even play those onehanded most of the time
>text based game
nearly the same, if the creator can't write a compelling story/premise then surely it will get called shit
teraurge is dead and superhuman is garbage no matter what anyone says

>what the hell do you guys actually like?
the one game that is perfect for /d/ is trap quest. but guess what, it barely gets updated and is superjank. the few games that are /d/ related don't get updates no matter how big they are or they get moralfagged by retards.
do you think some random secret club here is able to influence all the /d/ games? what are some /d/ games you enjoy and would like to see discussed more?

sit down and shut the fuck up retard. take your holier-than-thou attitude to some other shithole
You know that billionaire who's been using his son's blood for transfusions to remain young? There's your setting, inside the family whose head is a vampire. Does the vampire continue to feed on its children when becomes clear that they'll eventually be too old to provide life-extending transfusions? Does the vampire keep having kids to feed off of? Does the vampire make his favorites have kids, turning favorites into vampires by letting them feed off their own kids?

All that's just the internal dynamics of a vampiric family, and assumes vampires want to minimize their impact on the populace at large. Billionaires do whatever they want in their own social bubble, but having their excess visible to the lot of us might lead to discontent and upset the order they've set up. Whether created via fantasy or science, vampires should be fairly secluded from the general populace - because of self-preservation or consolidating control over their environment or disdain for "mortals". It may pay to paint vampirism as a reward for service, elevating the lowly but loyal out of their caste into first immediate servitude (butlers, maids of the manor) and then, by degrees, towards inclusion in the vampiric circle (advisors, breeders, concubines). That setup is for more for an established world order, where vampirism happened a while ago and is a fact of life. You may have PC be someone who volunteers/gets drafted to work in the manor, revealing the inner workings of the dynamics to the player through a "newcomer" PC's eyes.

Might want to look for inspiration in the Markov family from Magic the Gathering's Innistrad.
(Can't post western art here.)
But what about the gameplay?
What about it?

Make a Starless-tier VN if you want to show off an outsider coming into a depraved mansion and losing humanity in pursuit of servitude/potential vampiric reward. PC gets mentally broken down and remade into a slave whose loyalty is unwavering. Once PC integrates into the manor, introduce interactions with another wave's "newcomers" - now in the dominant role - or even with the general populace, to showcase power/social class disparity. In sexy ways, obviously.

Or, if you want to be the vampiric sire, make a management game where PC has to balance getting new blood with servant/family loyalty while also not upsetting the general populace. Something like FC in the management aspect but closer to a one-on-one slave trainer for intimate family dynamics, with the "commoners" being a distant threat not worth your time (but still capable of a torches-and-pitchforks revolt). You can't fuck the mob into submission...or can you?
I like the boring and autistic text games.
>you are a young vampire
>there's a much stronger, older vampire who's basically keeping you as his slave
>need to run errands for your master
>deliver mail, steal a thing, go kill a dude, go fuck a dude, basic RPG quest shit
>there are other powerful vampires, and you need to get involved in their political machinations and run more errands to increase your rank in vampire society
>also need to regularly seduce or overpower mortals to drink their blood
Basically writes itself. Just need to make the game.
I like RPGM actually. You're a dumbass for asking this though, it's not the same person saying they hate all 4 (usually).
>/d/ is one person
give me more rpgs with fun supporting characters and fishing minigames, please
>of course he likes the ugly 3DPD game
lol, lmao even
I like rpgm
>it plays the wrong version because its brain doesn't work properly
there is a 3DCG version with renders that actively adapt to what your characters look like
I like autistic text games.

I-I never read it. Should I?
im a sucker for VN style shit if they're remotely well written and the art is decent
lotsa choices
Is there a /d/ game with gladiators
RJ200133 but it's not /d/
>I-I never read it. Should I?
No. You're too timid for it. It has hardcore degradation, piss, scat, and bestiality (the latter two being potentially unavoidable and definitely too /d/ for /d/). It's also old, meaning you will probably be disappointed by the absence of more modern conveniences if you haven't played older stuff already. You will definitely encounter a lack of choices during segments you might find objectionable/icky. Hunting for a "good" ending will require consulting an external flowchart, because consequences of your choices won't be apparent for quite some in-game time.

If none of that turns you off, however, fap away.
The only thing that really bothers me is scat and I heard there is some guro and the game is a bit long.

Guess I will not be playing.

I was just thinking, a game like this can't be that hard to make, right? Except for the art.
>Except for the art
a VN has two parts, writing and art
that's fifty percent of the game you've conceded is hard and writing a game with multiple, interwoven branching paths is harder than you may think.
Good porn and well written likable characters are the priority since gameplay is almost always garbage. Hence I'd prefer a VN or dating sim rather than a game.
And RPGM sucks firstly because of usability, the engine is stuck in the 90s and lacks so many basic QoL features. "But you can hack them in with scripts", not everything. Second issue is devs uses random encounters and the boring default combat system as filler to waste peoples time. Only style of gameplay which has interested me a bit are the metroidvanias (Ex. Limulilim), but again they typically have QoL issues that make completing them a chore.

Actually are the QoL issues a Japanese dev problem specifically? Like their software in general is stuck in the 90s? Or they mistakenly think something silly like bad design "adds to the challenge"?
guess I will never make a game then
Random encounters are only an issue for retards.
It should be called Piece of Shit, because that is pretty much every NPC's description. Or Karma of Houdini, considering how most of them are impossible to truly punish and when it is possible it is extremely diffcult and/or tedious.
>Play rape victim simulator 2024
>Get mad when you can't win against rapists

Just as bad as the community that formed when it was still loli simulator 2020 and then complained enough to get the loli references removed.
>NOOOO the PC is too vulnerable, the PC should made less vulnerable, in fact all the bad guys should be BEATEN UP and apologize, the PC should just relax and drink pinacoladas on a beach with all friends and just have fun, in fact maybe remove all the dark elements of the setting entirely
People like you are exactly why DoL game design declined.
Random encounters are not hard, they are annoying.
Well congratulations you and fags like you won!
It's now a dating simulator instead of a misery simulator. Enjoy.
I never said they were difficult, I said they were an issue for retards. Stay filtered retard.
You are just butthurt because someone insulted your garbage rpgm games.
Why is it so common for devs to default to RPG Maker? Is it because of the 15+ yr documentation of both the engine features and Ruby(/JS) scripting and sprites? I know that GameMaker has a clause or two that makes lewd games not kosher, but what about building off like LibGDX or Defold?

I get RenPy because it's actually designed for visual novels + Python's wider reputation for being relatively easy for normal people to learn. I don't fucking get RPGM.
Godot is the antithesis of RPGmaker. While still being a game-making engine it will do very little to accelerate your progress, besides providing a framework to make a game in. Godot games are, naturally, vastly more varied than an RPGmaker game but that's because it just gives you the tools to make the game with. RPGmaker gives you a premade house and simply lets you place the furnishings.

But that's the point. RPGmaker is so much easier. Music? Already there. SFX? Already there. Dialogue systems? Already there. Save systems? Already there. Moving, interacting, inventory, equipment, combat? They even have default NPCs, default enemies, default buildings and tiles. When you see how much goes into a game you start to really appreciate how easy RPGmaker makes it. It's not that all of these things are very hard to make, it's that there's just so much to do that isn't porn.
If you use RPGmaker, you can use a framework for a basic game and cut straight to the porn. You can even hack the game to differentiate it from other RPGmaker games.
Best of all, you won't have as many players whining that they don't know how to play, the controls are standardized and can often be used with one hand and it's quick and easy to save or manage equipment. Fine-tuning all that shit in a Godot game is a nightmare by comparison.

The short answer is: People don't value gameplay in porn games enough to make it worth making unique gameplay. Unique games are passion projects.
Actually I play side scrolling ones, but continue lashing out retard.
I feel like it's a case of ''it's popular > people use it > it stays popular'' no matter how shit it is
>LibGDX or Defold
in all my years of cooming to the weirdest engines I have not heard of either. I know nothing about programming though. also the first reply sums it up pretty well in the second paragraph
also it's mainly japs that use rpgm, I have plenty to say about that but seeing how there's ironic retards like >>11030851 here I'm not gonna bother
>The short answer is:
I'd even say people don't care about anything in porn games, as long as there's even a crumb of porn anywhere. see queen opala and innocent witches
I said nothing about Unity For Brazilians. Assets are already plentiful with even PBR displacement maps and shaders being given out like candy, let alone sound effects and music.

Yes, there's the character sprites, but if one is making a porn/fetish game then one already has a dedicated artist somewhere.
And surely there a better backends to create vidya beyond byzantine duct tape lumps of C++ and Ruby and [engine-specific scripting language].
A real issue I see is to know the ideal glue code to hook assets and game logic together, but I still haven't learned much beyond Hello World in C, let alone Common Lisp.

t. made two shitpost games in Twine
>I said nothing about Unity For Brazilians.
It's an example. If I bring up Unity or Unreal then it's a middleground where there are assets and packs.
If you look at porn Unity or Unreal games there are a ton of awful assetflips out there. If you look at porn Godot games, they're usually not assetflipped, but they may be more limited in scope and content.

>Yes, there's the character sprites, but if one is making a porn/fetish game then one already has a dedicated artist somewhere.
The artist does not have time to do all that shit and your typical artist may be good at characters having sex but they could then have no skill in other sprites and assets, nor would it be something they can post on their twitter for clout.
Code scares away potential developers and artists who can't think mathematically but for those that stick around, the real challenge is making all the assets, not the coding. Coding is scary but won't consume as much time as all the stuff that RPGmaker provides put together, even if you use royalty free music and SFX.
You can get an RPGmaker game up within months and have people fund it. Non-RPGmaker games of similar scope would take years.
I accept your concession.
>come to thread insulting others to defend random encounters aqnd rpgm honor
>n-no you are the one lashing put
I only stick my head in here once every couple weeks or so, because almost nothing is ever going on. I do tend to agree with you, though. For my own part, even though there’s nothing special on this list and some are even pretty damn old…

Mystic Knight Maya (more cartoony, vore, futa, transformation stuff, etc. Still actively updated.)
Tales of Androgyny (old, but still pretty much the absolute best futa on male content there is)
Town of Magic (The authority on possession stuff, even if way too grindy)
Moncurse (very slow updates, but pretty great corruption / transformation / mind control stuff)
Futakin Valley (endless futa on futa, technically still being updated but again, glacial pace)

Those’re the only ones I ‘actively’ keep up on. I still fire up Flexible Survival every now and then as well, though that’s a lot more rare and development for it is completely dead so far as I know. I really prefer games with graphics, though pure text is okay if the writing quality is high enough.
Why is it that every time some deceptive submission simulator gets called out, there's always bitch boys losing their mind? Do they want to get insulted to satisfy their fetish?
What are you trying to say retard?
You're the one playing a game that's clearly not for you.
Can I cum today? Please?
There's this game I play that's making me ask online for permission to cum
>Assets are already plentiful with even PBR displacement maps and shaders being given out like candy, let alone sound effects and music.
I'd take a generic rpgm game over some god-awful unity DAZ goblin game any day.
>I still fire up Flexible Survival every now and then as well, though that’s a lot more rare and development for it is completely dead so far as I know.
Huh? It gets monthly updates.
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Have you gotten permission yet?
No not yet I didn't ask anywhere else
>Doesn't know what deceptive means.
>Calls others retards.
No, you're not allowed to cum, as punishment for playing stupid games. In fact, tighten up that chastity belt.
>It gets monthly updates.
havent played that game for years. might be worth looking at it again if its that active.
not a big fan of the main content, but it had some good stuff to make up for that
OK thank you
That virtual Succubus game?
Does anyone know a game that builds around gaping the more the better?
I am simple person, I like bondage. What games make it a primary focus? Been trying out Degrees of Lewdity but it's just too diluted with other themes. Just an opinion but, what if games didn't have to throw the kitchen sink at you?
are there any games that allow me to play as an amputee? or any games that feature amputees in the main cast?
besides Katawa Shoujo, that is.
Bondage games are unfortunately all kind of shit, they're either abandoned or stuck in development hell. Hard to make a bondage game that focuses on bondage mechanics that actually work.
Foster Home for Fantasy Girls
There's a bunch with erotic stats being tracked and shows thumbnail of holes. Though I don't think they have impact on gameplay or scenes.
Is there a local download for the DoL Gold mod? I just want to CTRL+F to find the scenes.
Plenty by Aelie. Old classics on /d/.
Google 'Aelie Escape Games' (cuz spam filter)
Mostly escape the room games but Lia's Adventure is even a pseudo point and click / RPG.
Does anyone know any games with shortstack femdom? CoC1 and 2 had a little but I want more
Kinky Dungeon is nice.
Those game are good, though I've already tried them.
If I had to take a stab at making one, I'd just do a dating sim with a mix of dominant and submissive npcs. Game mechanics could literally be ripped off of Stick RPG.
Seconding this. Did not remember this was a thing I needed until right now.
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Corrupted Saviors. I post updates to my blogspot, but lately they've apparently been requiring age verification to access it. You can also find it on SubscribeStar, and the download link there is available even for non-subscribers.
The monthly updates are
>This obscure retarded character you don't like? We gave them a backstory where you can read 8,000 lines of text of how before the nanites they wanted to own a library and be a magician but now they're stuck talking to you and you've got to fix their heckin' depression

The game gets regular updates but still really has terrible mechanics, and the grind for the tiny crumbs of good content only gets worse. They have a massively bloated game with 6 million lines of text but the "random exploration" buttons don't lead you toward any of the new stuff (all random and you're just as likely to randomly find boring unfinished old shit), so unless you learn the names of all the new events or put on cheat mode you can't find them and therefore it might as well just be a new game released every month that's short and with shit mechanics.

And it's still one of the best text porn games, it's just so filled with flaws because everyone wants their epic patreon OC in and nobody wants to try and make it fun.
>How would you make a vampire themed game?

Bloodlines but with the option to hook up with Damsel, Velvet, Heather, and Yukie as well.
>white text on black background
>stolen art
>no content
That's an ultra combo.
I like this game, but I'm the type of sperg who plays eretohok for the gameplay.
It's not "stealing", it's appropriation.
So called because of how appropriate it is.
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Thanks for spreading the word.
I like this update a lot actually.

>Can you finish/drop school or get rid of Bailey yet?
You're penalised less for skipping school, but can't get rid of Bailey yet. Unless you count beating them up every week.

Thanks for the feedback.
>Unless the game is in scotland it doesn't deserve hypothermia rules, it deserves heat stroke rules.
I envy your part of the country if it doesn't experience both.

>>1019356 >>11021228
You wound me Anon.

>Let me guess, you still can't fuck the teachers.
There's a Mason scene I had fun writing, if you haven't played in a while.

>Can the weather at least change at times other than 12am now?

>Will this render the game unplayable with ear slimes and high enough corruption on winter?
Prophetic, but the bug fix updates rebalanced things and should have helped.
>Speaking of, Remy's farm is still broken on winter, isn't it?

>Idk if this should be the start of the 0.5 updates.
I was on the fence, but the porn content is comparable to the 0.3 update, and it's been over a year since 0.4. Felt like the time.

I'm glad you like it.

>I couldn't help but notice how most new content is gameplay changes and sprites.
The great hawk writing is very robust.
>I've noticed this is the second update in a row Vrelnir hasn't posted here.
My desire to post is balanced against my desire to not shit up the thread.
Apparently I pissed in someone's cereal. I wouldn't have done it had I known they were a /dgg/ enjoyer, I swears.

I'm glad you like it.
lmao fuck off
Combat update when?
you own this place?
We had a vote and anon won by a landslide.
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>Apparently I pissed in someone's cereal. I wouldn't have done it had I known they were a /dgg/ enjoyer, I swears.
Don't worry about that people still like to give feedback regardless, every successful games end up with dedicated haters eventually.
Anyways thanks for sticking around!

Does anyone knows if Crossdressing in Camelot dev is still alive? Long time I didn't hear from him ..
Nice non-post. Prime discord material. Perhaps you should stay there?
The player will keep passing out from being naked outside in the cold on Remy's farm during winter. Or at least that was the case last I was there during winter.
Last post by their Patreon was on the 29th of May, so I presume they're still alive.
I kneel Anonymous
If you don't mind RPGMaker games, Magical Girl Luna is pretty good, has a lot of different and varied bondage and each boss is like a puzzle figuring out how to beat it and avoid getting tied.
God I played trapquest for the first time in like 8 years. What the fuck is this piece of shit.mp4. I mean you don't have to type now at least but that fucking engine is so horrible.
You can use the hunt command to look for specific content. I spent hours playing RNG simulator before I learned this.
Yes, I want to play it more but I can't stand to. Although it's pretty bad game design that almost every possible thing that can happen is just random.
I did roguelike mode so I wouldn't savescum the rng like I used to back in the dag. But every time I clicked something the whole damn thing would chug and take a couple seconds to load the dialogue. It was crazy.
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bro i just want more whitney content bro PLEASE
honestly anything involving the school would be appreciated but more bullying please, the world doesn't feel hostile enough yet
also fuck the haters man, keep on keepin on
I don't engage in 90% of the content, but can I suggest an option to continue consentual encounters after making your partner explode, at least once or twice? Might not work well because the player is always a sub (or is written as such "her ass ravages you" vs "you ravage her ass") but it's worth an ask.
>I'm glad you like it.
Vrel, I love it. I haven't managed to get a catsuit, but I'm assuming that particular outfit is more of a slinky, dark bodysuit probably made of a nylon-polyester blend. Still very much want it.

I have a little bit of feedback on the Big Birb Boost, if you'd like. First, the writing in it is absolutely solid. Parts are uplifting to me (and that's not just a pun about air currents) and the family aspect tickles something deep. Second, so far I've found it fairly difficult to balance fatigue with having the opportunity to continue doing things in town yet get back to the nest before fatigue-stress knocks my character out. If this is tied to Athletics and/or Physique, the former is... OK and the latter is excellent on that character, so maybe that helps explain it. Otherwise the travel is a bit laborious. Third, developing Housekeeping skill at the nest seems almost impossible after the first few days. Housekeeping to me so far is a crazy timesink with seemingly mediocre reward. If that's a "me problem," then let me know and I'll try to find ways to git gud. This slow skill development makes me feel like any nest (general term for the "home" environment, not necessarily the nest specifically) upgrade beyond the D requirement is Unobtanium. Fourth, besides those niggles I really have enjoyed this new Birbmode.

...God Damn do I want to be a Dad... BRB feels.
Afaik the dolp mod has an option for that, though idk if there's an option to distinguish between consensual and nonconsensual encounters when doing so.
Trapquest is one of those games that should have finished years ago and would have if not for Patreon. It's got so much random shit added to it and at this point, not even the wiki can probably keep track of everything, especially since they keep reworking the same mechanics over 6 months.
maybe if you worked on your game more instead of being a mass replying faggot your updates would have something worth having
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Making some progress on the sex system.
Pleasure is physical stimulation (at 100% the character has an orgasm). Arousal is more "mental" and accelerates pleasure build-up.
Seems like it will be hard to balance the numbers, especially later on when I start factoring in things like fetishes, attraction towards partner, etc.
Yeay! Thanks keeping us updatded. Complex system mechanics can become an hindrance in the long run if it's not flexible enough. Perhaps you could try to factor fetishes in outside of the sex mechanic as an attraction boost, and maybe unlock special scenes or "moves" if both sex partners share the same kink.
4 girls? I am remembering it wrong, or it was just 3 saviors before?
Vrel, any thoughts on including ponygirl/boy content ?
You're great vrel!
I'm a bit saddened by how you have less dev impact on DoL these days, but you made one of the biggest erogame projects ever happen regardless. It's something significant, I think
So,back to whacking your dingalin to Skyrim?
I want to find a slavery focused entrepeneurial tycoon game, where your busines can grow and branch out to deal with many specific types of slavery.
Closest thing I ever saw to that what from the Company mechanic in Free Cities.
Have you tried Paradise Inc (HTML, TFGS)? No explicit slavery, but MC does collect souls of various NPCs while expanding the business they're in charge of.

Sometimes putting porn into an existing high-quality game is a way to get a high-quality game with just the right amount of porn in it.
can I trick the futa saviours into constantly gangraping their trap compatriots? if not, why even play
theres just 0 reason for anyone to experience or even find the content that's being put in
we need *any* reason to go find this stuff without reading patch notes or going to the wiki, it's way too unconnected to the rest of the game
I hope you had fun with answering pointless lore questions on your blog Vrel

Hint about next LI to have preggo? Also I noticed 3 first LIs to have preg are all low popularity ones. Is this intentional? Also why birdie is like you fused Eden and the wolf's ideas into one character?
Lona RPG, Summer/Winter Memories, Futanaring, Forest of the Blue Skin, Black Souls, Pokemon H, Parasite in City, Tobihime, Monster Girl Quest, Pic Related.
Cheers for coming back, even with the recent animosity lmao. Wanted to know if there are plans to implement more mods/mod features in the game similarly to what you were planning with the piercing mod. Specifically the inventory/backpack system from the defunct backrooms mod and maybe even the bunny tf from the modding discord. I imagine the former could help players deal with the weather in the case of using food or a fan if they're too cold or hot
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Wasnt quite sure what board to ask this in. But is there something like The Genesis Order (NTL games) but instead of normal woman there are /d/ickgirls and twinks?
>Combat update when?
It's coming, but it's not a small change and I can't say when.

No problem, and thanks!

I remember now. It should be less fucked.

>bro i just want more whitney content bro
There's more to come. I agree the school needs more content, and more bullying in particular.
I'll do my best!

>can I suggest an option to continue consentual encounters after making your partner explode
Thanks for the suggestion. Would work as a general thing.

Thanks for the feedback. I'm glad you like the birbity. What sort of things are you getting up to in town before returning to the nest?
Housekeeping is in a rough state, and the nest highlights the fact. Improvements are planned.
And don't worry. We're gonna make it.

>mass replying faggot
I laughed. Is "mass replying is verboten!" a new thing, or was I clueless before?

>Vrel, any thoughts on including ponygirl/boy content ?
It's not a kink of mine, but I liked it in Jack-o-nine-tails. Sort of thing that'll be added if the right muse lands on my shoulder.

Thank you! I've never done it alone, but I need to work on more content directly. Things have been fucky for me since 2021.

>theres just 0 reason for anyone to experience or even find the content that's being put in
Aye. I only recall two reasons to go to the farmlands. Landry sometimes sends you, and there's a treasure map. I'm sure I'm forgetting others, but we need more still. Something tied to school.

>I hope you had fun with answering pointless lore questions on your blog Vrel
They're not pointless to the people asking them!
>Hint about next LI to have preggo?
I had a planned order, but people swooped down and worked on characters ahead of schedule. I can't say who'll be next.

Glad to be here.
>Wanted to know if there are plans to implement more mods
No plans, but I'm not against it. That inventory system is interesting.
>What sort of things are you getting up to in town before returning to the nest?
Helping the adult shop (shoppe, if you prefer) on Friday, maybe one or two runs in the park to try to improve Athletics, one or two dances at the club, basically just one to three regular things then I haul ass back and even hitching a ride it's a bit rough.

Wait. Does bodysize have a part to play in how much fatigue it takes to fly in your calculations?

I'm very much looking forward to piercings, too. I have a huge thing for cutely pieced nipples. That's one of the things that drove me wild about my ex, small breasts and cute nip piercings.

Don't post here much but just wanted to say love your game, have been playing it on off for years at this point.
You guys don't know about Tales Of Androgyny? That's like its whole thing
Sauce on picrel? I know I've seen it around but cannot for the life of me recall the name
>Monster Girl Quest, Pic Related.

I kind of want to play Lona RPG but the learning curve is a cliff, kind of like EVE, from what I remember people saying.
That's definitely not MGQ. I dug through some tags on f95 and managed to find it - Princess Reconquista is the name
Ah my reading comprehension failed. Good sleuthing m8.
A non-rpg maker rpg.
A VN with game elements.
A text based game with ample pictures.

Have a look at the most popular games. They're Java RPGs or Sugar Cube browser text based games with images. Occasionally an RPG maker with excellent story assets and game play.
I really enjoyed the gameplay of Cursed Futana Ring, but then again, no shit I enjoyed it, it's basically fire emblem with a pokemon capture mechanic and sex.

Personally I'm fine with sidescrollers if the game caters to my fetishes (pregnancy, parasite unbirth, slime unbirth, oviposition, etc.) and has decent animations.
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Vrel, more BDSM content when? I've been dying here.
Games dogshit.
the combat system is confusing as fuck, it's mostly futa on male (which Star P is a much better porn game at that.), game has 'bestiality' but all it is, is the beast mistress's cat and the game actively punishes you for playing it as a porn game.
It's a glorified CG-hunter.
Don't know why it gets deified here.
>CG hunter
They've tried to implement some sort of battlefuck. It's a better battlefuck than DoL or CoC but like all battlefuck systems it never quite feels right. Enemies just sometimes decide they've cum enough and the fight ends.

I already liked Majalis' art before they started making a game but I can appreciate that they tried to make an original game and not an RPGmaker one. Seriously, if they'd hurry up and finish the game and start a new game with a focus on more simplicity I think they could make something better. I still consider it a great game just for having higher quality content than most other western games, including those DAZ slop games.
Do you at least have any idea on how the combat would be improved?
I've been playing since 0.1 and it's gotten stale. I love the content, and the framework to the encounters is great, but it's stayed in this bare-bones state for a while. I understand that someone else worked on the weather update, but there should be some priorities here
Second this. Gimme a reason to pick Kylar or Sydney.
you literally just described The Masquerade - Bloodlines
hey vrel

i don't give too much of a fuck about the climate thing but i guess it is good that the game gets deeper

i have 2 things to say here: first, if you want the mpreg to be avaliable then make a new way to get it that is at least a bit easier, getting the ear slimes is a pain in the ass and getting rid of them a bigger one. also to this day idk that if you get rid of them you can stil get preg.

second i still think beast content is lacking in the game, idk about other ppl but to me the hawk while being good and fun doesnt feel like beast content. and the wolf cave sounds kinda hard to expand so my suggestion would make the named pet npc a reality it has been sleeping too long in the maybe pile, it would be full of new and fun ideas to play around, it almost writte itself

anyway its good that the time between updates has been restored to one a month there were lots of weeks with nothing there
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ToA is the best game in its genre and if you disagree you're literally retarded. It has inspired me to suck alot more cock than I otherwise would.
Aight so what are some games that have the best pregnancy/impregnation mechanics? I'm down with various levels of detail but I enjoy the process of having my character be fucked, impregnated and then watching it develop. Birth optional but it's cool.
Agnietta does it quite well, actually.

Also, I fucking hate browsing the F95 'pregnancy' tag because 99% of it is just copy+paste MTL shit with a single bad end with it.
Yes. But, like, with more sex.
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The learning curve is tall but rewarding and F95 has solid guides that can get you through almost anything. Some of those guys have mastered the game to a nonsense degree.

Better to go in with the mindset of playing a survival game and not a porn game though, there's lots of porn but access is much easier when you have a handle on the situation.
>rats aren't raping the player
Nice triples, I have made an annotation of the checking procedure. Thanks for the F95 advice there and yeah I gathered it'd be mainly survival gameplay. Especially the usury part.

I've played enough DnD to know that CR 1/4 can still fuck your entire ass with fresh characters.
Is there a way to play and win with a succubus build? I tried once but I barely made enough money to survive the day-to-day and never got out of the starting inn, and all fights were this weird sex combat that always ended in a draw at best.
I now look more kindly on "patreon scams", because people deserve money just for having to put up with this shit.
Make a new game where I can play as the rapist, please.
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Should I call my cum shooting game "COOM" "Coomer Shooter"?
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It's hard to post good quality videos on 4chan, so here's the spritesheet:
Who's cocks are you sucking?
Just one cock, and it's an older guy I met on Craigslist 10 years ago when I was in high school. I sucked him off pretty regularly for a long time, but fell out of touch with him due to work stuff a few years ago. Just recently reconnected with him and have been blowing him 1-2 times a week for the past few months.
Any tips on finding nice people like yourself?
>Any tips on finding nice people like yourself?
Not really. There are plenty of gay/bi guys who love to suck cock, but the problem is going to be finding one who wants to just suck off one person over a long term. If someone's risk-averse enough to only want one person, they're likely risk-averse enough to avoid trying to find a gay sex buddy in the first place. Anyone openly looking to suck cock is likely a degenerate. I'm a bit of a special case because I got into it when I was young, stupid and jacked up on puberty making me horny enough to risk it, and the guy I'm with is older and divorced so he's not getting it from anywhere else. That being said, if you don't want something exclusive, it's probably not hard to get on grindr or something and find someone willing to blow you.
Thank you for the advice, I've never used such services before
is this a bot
Make some decent H Games!
This niche industry is ripe for the taking!
It is a new and noncompetitive ground that is yours if you would reach out and grasp it!

I already tried and failed because I'm not so smart.
>he doesn't know
posting here b/c idk where to network for this shit;
looking for a partner(s) to work on an h-game with
tl;dr hunterxhunter tf card game w/ a focus on mc
i'm an illustrator not an ideas guy
discord tag is sonnybuoy

also if you know of a better way to seek collaborators out lmk lol
>also if you know of a better way to seek collaborators out lmk lol
Probably f95 forums. Yes the pirate site. That ViNovella guy who made Fetish Locator recruited from there. Made a DAZ3D RenPy thing that went over well enough to last for three "weeks" of in-game content (meaning three "games" full) which are now also on Steam. You can see how well that went over time via graphtreon
which is probably not the full picture because people use SubscribeStar more often these days, especially for incest or other objectionable content (or they make "unofficial" patches that "restore" stuff so only the "clean" version is legitimately available).

Anyway, point is, this guy turned recruits from an internet forum into a company that managed to complete a three-part title. Maybe he did something right? IDK.
Recommend posting your art (sprites, concept sketches or whatever you have) when you make this sort of request, shows proof you are serious about it and the level of skill you have.

Anyway maybe try >>>/vg/agdg you cant post porn there, but discussing it is fine. Also perhaps try the tfgames.site forums, don't know how active they are but you'd at least find people who share the fetish.
Otherwise have you taken a look at what active projects there are? If there's a game you like maybe join their team. Like off the top of my head I recall a TF card game (TF Card Battle) which I think currently just uses stolen art, so original art would probably be welcomed.
Do any of you know Chinese?
I'm trying to follow this guide to run Lilith's Throne through Linux and can't decipher what the last 2 steps mean.
Thanks for any help.
Man I have no idea what problem this guy is solving but there should be no need to do 90% of that shit. You're probably better off just trying to run the .jar and seeing what issues you have and then solving those than trying to follow this.
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quickly embedding a wip at your suggestion before i sleep
>got memed into trying monster girl island
How do I donate negative money? Also wow, that fanbase is assblasted.
How did you even fall for it? It's a trainwreck on the level of Yandere Sim
>Game looks to have interesting themes and sexual content
>It's an absolute chore to play with managing bars, food/hunger, money
>Most of the beginning is spent with mundane dialogue
>Some of the game mechanics aren't even explained
>Multiple people asking for a walkthrough/guide for the confusing puzzles
This seems to happen way too often, gamedevs seem to think more mechanics = more fun and they try to build this grand game by piling more and more shit onto it each update.
My game was like that on release. It's very easy as a gamedev to lose track of your vision and start adding stuff like hunger or money or whateverthefuck because you feel like your game doesn't have a driving force or purpose so you need something for the player to collect.
You'll justify it with
>The hunger will be used so the player can consume cum like a succubus later
>The money will be used ot buy lewd outfits or prostitutes etc etc
but that just overscopes the game further. you have to explain every mechanic as well.

In the end, I decided to axe a bunch of mechanics and introduce a tutorial that tries to ease the player in, instead of swamping them in everything at once. That takes time, you can't expect new developers to do all of that in their first iteration of their first game.
dl link for ToA in the catalog isn't working
any alternatives without needing accounts?
why are you so against making an account (with a throwaway)? I just don't get it, it's so much easier and more efficient to do that than hope someone will spoonfeed you. if you regularly want the latest version or whatever then it's basically a nobrainer to make an account
anyways here's the link from f95
>inb4 see it worked
answer my question
I updated the link also here:
General dislike of dealing with all that and with throwaways. If I was a more frequent user I'd probably have to - like you say.
Thank you

I have an urgent bug report: We can't wear microskirts to school, this is outrageous
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Hey There! ^^
Wanted to share my project, pixelart sidescroller with a goblin female MC. A bit of story, will mainly be for pregnancy and non-con enthusiasts. Got some scenes (with art) and struggle sexual animations + a rudimentary pregnancy system.


Recently released, just dropped hotfix today. Not much content yet but you might be interested anyway ^^

Love and kisses
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played a bit
you move at a god damn Kenyan murder-machine pace. would be nice if there was a walk and that speed as the run
Thank you for taking your time to play it ^^
I had this problem reported to me after the first, buggy (at least more buggy) release. That's when I noticed that I kinda fucked up the movement calculations and didn't make em dependent on time but on framerate (I know, rookie mistake). If you can capture a quick footage and send it to me on discord (invite is in the main menu) I would be most thankful! That way I would be able to determine if that is the one currently intended or if something is truly fucky.
Oh fuck, of course the game I just tried out on f95 2 days ago has the dev be a user of the 4chan.

Question: Why does you have tags for bestiality on f95 when there is none in the game, atleast with spiders doing zero damage. (even then spider bestiality is disgusting imo), are you planning to add wolf enemies for the bestiality tag?
or anything like it*
Actually I almost forgot.

But maybe you should tell people in game during the backstory segment to press E to progress through the backstory, instead of doing it AFTER you finished the backstory.
lmao, I played this like an hour before the post
thought it was alright, I only did the first level. main complaint is the lack of variety in sex sounds
will pick it up again later to give the preg system a try
thinking about crime in ToA
you can steal shit, you can just steal everything and if you do manage to get caught your only punishment is to suck some dick and then you get to keep everything
if you insult the head whore she kills you with her ass then and there and nobody questions it
what a whack ass setting

also what the fuck is up with the ruins, it's such an early game area and yet it asks you to have late game stats in order to do anything. What's that, you need 9 agility to run away? Good thing I put absolutely everything into agility! Oh what's that, you don't actually get to run away unless you also have 5 endurance?
oh, don't forget to buy boots too, or you autofail
oh, don't forget to ensure you didn't lose to prior encounters or you're low on health or you'll have penalties so even if you have 10 agility and 7 endurance you'll still fail

all that effort for one of the worst enemies in the game, and I don't even hate arachne
>This niche industry is ripe for the taking!
It's really not, it's an extreme niche market that constantly has to deal with payment processors interfering filled with a crazy amount of slop that threatens to bury any project you start. And on top of that, most of your customer base are pirates. The only reason to ever get involved with it is out of love of what you're doing.
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>The Outcast Tribe_BurstDebugInformation_DoNotShip
>press left, attack, press right (during attack animation)
The character should move to the right. It does not. Same with guard.
It's a guide to get the game running on an android, not a PC
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Fortunately, there are a few fan-made image packs too. And an option for black text on white background, if it means that much to you.

Well, that's basically the target audience. Sometimes gameplay can make the content feel more real than a linear story or a completely free sandbox.

After you defeat them, you can turn them to your side and send them out to corrupt other teams for you.

Of course you can. It's trivial if you corrupt the futa ones and send them after future teams, but the lategame corruption also involves several scenes where the heroines assault each other for various reasons.
anyone have any reccs for good feminization games or similar?

things like secretary, DOL, or tales of androgyny are my favs, crossdressing in camelot is okay
Magical Camp kinda has you getting feminized throughout the entire thing, depending on how you route you can maintain or lose your dick, choose how you feel about changes, etc.
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>Magical Camp
thanks i haven't tried this one before i will give 'er a go

Bestiality was added by the uploader, not me.

Currently Patreon kinda fucks me over with their guidelines and I am deciding on the best course of action, yes I am planning to add more creatures, maybe via an uncensor mod or something ^^ So yeah, even though I currently have some animations and art for it, its not implemented in the game.
Ditch Patreon, you'll be dancing their tune forever.
Get on Subscribestar or even Fanbox if you can.
Your goblin is cute
Good luck on the game
I will eventually, trying to profit abit from Patreon's popularity at first and then move the bulk of subscribers to Substar. Won't be dancing anyones shitty tune
Thank you for your kind words ^^ Trying to do the best I can.
honestly should have guessed that, alot of people on f95 loves putting in false tags.
>you'll be dancing their tune forever.
I wouldn't be surprised if even that wasn't an option at some option.
are there any games that are close in quality/theme to:

Tales of Androgyny
Claire's quest
Corruption of Champions

these have been the by far best games I have found, and I looked a decent bit.
star periphery
>GameMaker has a clause or two that makes lewd games not kosher
That's funny, I must've played over a dozen lewd gamemaker games. Of course they don't prominently display gamemaker logos or anything.
Cmon anon it's a videogame. Simple entertainment, not a hard thing.
Just stay on the default difficulty, look at what the harder difficulties change and exploit that. Inventory full of everlasting good soups and you've got infinite stamina and hp to do whatever it is your Lona does. Getting started varies from easy (succubus) to mediocre (warrior) to slow (mage) but once she has a couple dozen levels under her belt, Lona becomes an absolute powerhouse. Ostensibly the game has level scaling in the form of increasing world difficulty but that's not really how things work. Once you are equipped to handle encounters, it doesn't really matter if they get slightly worse over time. Also you can just reset it with the rebirth mechanic (newgame+) unless you're doing a virgin run.

>learning curve
Never understood that meme. Losses are painfully costly but that doesn't mean the game is complex or hard to learn. Eve Online is mostly a waiting game. One where you have to keep your account active for several years to be able to fly what you want. I got fucking tired of waiting and playing market pvp to buy plex and amass billions of ISK.
until I can
>use a strap-on/toys on Robin, Kyler, and Alex
>whore the above waifus out
>get pregnant from all the barn animals
>be used as breeding stock by Remy
I will not start another playthrough
I want to request feedback on my game:
Right now you can shoot cum in DOOM style to make the monsters fall in love with you. There is only the dlime girl for now.
There is a 50% chance they disappear and 50% chance they stay there waiting for you to fuck them. if you fuck them you get bonus health and extra exp. With exp you can upgrade dick and cum, Vampire Survivors style.
The goal is to survive for five minutes(or more time later).

What do I call this game? Coomer Shooter? COOM?
What features do I need before I can release it on f95zone and shill Patreon?
Do I need 1 extra character or just 1 character to start is fine for the first release?
How do you make a game release thread on F95? Do you create it directly on that section or do you use the requests section and set all the information there first?
Subscribestar is way better than Patreon on censorship, but they also will not aprove your account unless you are already famous or already making money on Patreon.
Also, some people only use Patreon, so the best strategy is to use all services and only release "nerfed" content on Patreon. Several incest/loli/cub artists do that, basically pretending to Patreon that they are different people that somehow use the same name.
Would that even work for a game though? Drawing something Patreon doesn't like and only releasing it on a different platform is different to releasing two different versions of a game.
Patreon doesn't like it when your other social medias have stuff they don't like, I've seen someone get kicked off because their twitter had dubiously loli-like girls or non-human sex. Might be different if it's behind a paywall somewhere.
>Would that even work for a game though?
One way is releasing a "mod" that adds loli to the game and only release that mod to the game. You supporters know that you did it, but you never officially admit it. You could say "my best friends's best friend did this." only post that on some platforms. Jikage Rising does that to add lolis.
>Patreon doesn't like it when your other social medias have stuff they don't like
True, but Incognitymous is somehow managing to get way with it. His Patreon and Subscribestar content are way different.
They have some guidelines here; https://f95zone.to/threads/how-to-post-content-under-games-comics-animations.50728/ (They'll probably delete post if you do it wrong)
Also if you're a dev you need ask the moderators to give you developer status

Pretty sure request section is for games you don't have (need to be pirated) or want translated
Basically no chance of this actually going anywhere, but I was kinda thinking about making a free cities/trainer type game where you feminize other people, as there are very few of this type of game and I kinda feel like making something with some the tools I have been hacking on recently. I would probably want to go with at least partially procedural shit, but that is about as far as I have gotten. Does anyone have any sort of ideas or thoughts on ways to improve this type of game, even complete idea guy stuff like setting and context? If I do make it it will likely end up being text only/mostly as I have the art skills of a monkey drawing with shit.
Well it's definitely an underserved niche judging by the amount of people who come here asking for games focused on feminizing others.
>text only/mostly
Check out Rogue Time Agent on TFgames if you want some inspiration for what a small but tight and well crafted all text game can achieve (and for your first game you should definitely go small and almost proof of conceptish just to avoid burning out and abandoning it). It's a player feminization game of course, but I could easily see some of those RNG mechanics applied to a game where you're (for example) controlling agents who go out and come back with a chance to be feminized.
Also I think a fantasy themed game where you can influence which party members get feminized/healslutted over time would be cool, and different from the usual sci fi settings.
Figure out where you want to fall on the management scale. FC dev had a blog post about how "samey" or impersonal the slave training in FC feels. There's an "optimal" path to breaking a slave, and you just use it on every slave until they get to the point you want them to be. Even if generated by an event that shows off the slave's personality, the slave retains none of it in the breaking process (unless there's a follow-up event). This even gets called out if you try to enslave the shelter inspector, something along the lines of "in a few weeks i'm just going to be one of your brainless dolls, but i'll still hate you."

This is by design, though. FC dev played the earlier slave trainer games, like Jack of Nine Tails, which focus on a specific slave and how the slave reacts to breaking/training. He wanted more of a management game, which resulted in the trade-off. Yeah, you can play FC with only a handful of slaves and RP in your head, but that's not what it's designed for. But you'll also have a hard time trying to play a RenPy trainer title like a management one, if it hasn't already been set up for it.

TL;DR: If you want to keep it personal, choose a small setup and a handful of NPCs with personalities. If you want to make it procedural, you'll need somewhere for the player to dump the NPCs that get funneled through the process.
Thanks for that rec, I definitely will check it out at some point. I agree with your point about starting small just to see what other people think before going big mode on it. A fantasy themed game would definitely go against the stereotypical mold for this kind of game as well.

On this front, I definitely want to lean a bit more towards Jack of Nine Tails. I want to take inspiration from the absolute insanity and perversion from free cities, particularly in regard to body modification and surgeries, but I think that a more down to earth perspective would work better for what I am try to accomplish. I would like to make something somewhat similar to the Japanese eragames trainers, as they do a very strong job with the individual training sessions with a character.
Virtual Succubus is such wasted potential, why hasn't anyone made a replacement yet?
everyone that is exposed to your game through scamtreon will abandon it and you will be ignored once you actually move
see perverted education, it's fucking dead because they took too long to make the switch and everyone that was there for the noncon dipped out, which was 99% of the playerbase
move now and stop giving them your money
> Of course you can
> lategame
Hell yes but damn... hope theres cheats
I have literally never seen lategame CS, and I have hours in that godforsaken game.
>NPC impregnation never ever
I just want Whitney to beat me up for getting her pregnant and then bully me to support her and our child... is that so much to ask?
Games that aren't overly broad. If your game isn't already centered around (insert fetish or mechanic here), don't waste a lot of time and effort making shitloads of content for it, just to appeal to a group of people that aren't already interested in your game. Just pick a narrow theme and mechanic and make as much content as you can for that emphasizes them.

Scope and feature-creep have been the bane of more projects and creators than I can remember.
Personally I think fixed set of characters with proper scenes is better than generic procgen stuff. Take a look at 'the Sculptor' for an example of a well done (albeit unfinished) sissification game with one character.
I do hope you'll end up making something, we really are starved for this kind of content.
I wish he'd just make earlygame better instead of 'after 537 playthroughs you can fight the chosen to maybe have reached the condition to unlock a scene by achieving the 7th level of understanding and beating contra only by using your balls and under 2 hours using an item box only once leon route
like shit I don't have the math phd to play
>like shit I don't have the math phd to play
Stop it, you're making me want to try this game I have otherwise no interest in
>Dude, I don't want to do physics and maths to play this shit, I'm not a fucking physician, I just want to fucking play lego robots fuck off with your boring school crap.
More people creating and consuming fetish games have twisted personalities which are also antisocial, simply as
I never expected there to be overlap between /egg/ and /dgg/ but in hindsight why the fuck wouldn't there be.
CS can be reduced to a problem of (multi-objective?) optimization. You just have to find the optimal algorithm and parametrize it with the girl's stats.
I wanna play fetish factorio and sex stormworks now
kerbal space program sexmods?
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I'm going to level with you. When I've whipped my cock out, I'm not really one for in-depth strategy. And the game's not deep enough to be fun cock un-whipped.
I was likely in the /rcg/ at the time that was posted. I'll have you know I was one of the best players back when it was cool. I just couldn't be as popular as bob's square-chan since he edited videos.

I don't actually blame you, I just wanted to post that. I played a bit of CS so I understand the suffering, it's too abstract with the numbers.
How low is it in the priority list to update the underground brothel and farm, and the prison? Those are my favourite places in the game but they are quite limited in content, especially the first one. Is there anything planned or not?
I found this here on /d/ a while ago but no one had the sauce, does anyone know the name of this game?
Don't know if it's been translated
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Thank you that was driving me crazy
Did anyone ever make a fan continuation of XXXivilization ?
All I remember is the online version. Was there ever a downloadable? Did dev share code?
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Thanks for the rundown. I want the tower to feel remote, but I think it is too restrictive atm. Making the return flight across the moor faster could help.
>Does bodysize have a part to play in how much fatigue it takes to fly in your calculations?
>I'm very much looking forward to piercings
I hope you like it when it's ready.

Thanks, I'm glad you're enjoying it.

>>11037660 >>11037870
>more BDSM content when?
There'll be some next update if I get my arse in gear. The following update otherwise.

>Do you at least have any idea on how the combat would be improved?
Main goals are to reduce repetition, add support for auto resolve, make it more visually appealing, and make NPCs less robotic. Also codey stuff like making the system easy to expand, unifying the different combat types, and adding a proper debugger. The existing setup was one of the first things I made, and it's rough.
There's a lot that needs working out though. A stamina system and stance/posture system are being argued over.
The same contributor who worked on the weather overhaul is tackling combat, so it's in good hands.
>it's stayed in this bare-bones state for a while
Aye, and the upcoming overhaul has put things even more on ice. Less sense working on combat stuff when it'll get replaced soon.

> if you want the mpreg to be avaliable then make a new way to get it that is at least a bit easier
Aye, you should be able to just toggle it on at the start.
>second i still think beast content is lacking in the game
I agree. Thanks for the suggestion.

>We can't wear microskirts to school, this is outrageous
Leighton agrees.

I'm sorry to hear it.

>How low is it in the priority list to update the underground brothel and farm, and the prison?
They're not too high, unless Remy's manor proper counts as the farm. There's little bits and pieces planned for the others, but nothing major. We'll see though.
I liked Healslut.
>made game
>can't art
one day
I hate to say it but AI may be for you.
What did anons think of going deeper's art style? iirc that was AI with some kind of pixel / color filter
It's too hard to make out any details.
I'd suggest you at least use kisekae or something to that tune, or try and draw yourself. If you have time to spare to draw then you should enjoy the process of getting better over time. I still sometimes look at a drawing and think "did I really draw this?"
I know nothing of Going Deeper, sorry.

That's a fun little software toy.
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Was wondering if anyone knows any decent games that involve Ponyplay. I've already played a good amount of Lewdest Dungeons and Ero Witches and been looking for other games with it as a theme or mechanic
I'll see what I can do, I'm a long way from anything actually fappable
I would consider commissioning but I don't want to drop a lot of cash on a hobby
Have to give my thanks to whichever anon reccomdended me rimworld as a /d/ prsion architect, with a few cheats and mods, its worked out suprisingly well
>raiders come up to the colony prison, naturally get ko'ed and sent to the holding infirmary
>Sometimes a colonist ignores clothing rules, wears the bondage gear and cant get it off so I throw them in too
>Girls will immediately be bound, gagged and stuffed, then sent to the main prison
>Boys will remain unconscious, undergo conversion, finally bound, gagged and stuffed as girls
>Cells are a 4x5 cell with 4 large beds and some kibble dumped in the middle
>the prisoners are constanrly fucked by guards, always pregnant with future inmates
>Inmates constantly suffer from mental brakes, but armbinders mean their rage is futile and legbinders so they cannot run (but the ai still gets spooked by rampages so I still need to shock lances - would be cool to have shock collars or even remote shock implants)
>have a system where some well behaved inamtes may have a chance of going 'up' to slave status and get few more freedoms as in wear less bdsm gear (still no clothes), and the feeedom to contribute to the colony.
>Meanwhile troublesome inmated will be permanently constrained to bondage beds, with their only form of contact is the occasional guard feeding or raping them
Despite the models look little weird sexually, this is probably closes to 'kinky prison manager' gameplay I'll ever get to.
Gonna keep playing it until pnc tells me there's no good sex animations.
definitely one of my favorite games, love playing a mad scientist. There's a number of mods you could look into like gases to subdue prisoners, or adding things that on paper don't really tie into it, like the Altered Carbon mod for Cortical stacks (basically your mind/memories/feelings on a chip that slots into your neck), could yank someone and toss them into a fucktoy body. Paniel race mod is an android race, you need to use brains/ai cores to make new ones, so if you were to extract a person's brain, you could force them into this new dog-girl robot body. They have pre-programmed roles like maid or defender, etc; if you want you can also do a bit of a jailbreak to make them self-learning and have less limits, but they'll always be non-human (or whatever race they were before if they were some alien). With the biotech DLC you could force your subjects to be turned into chimeric abominations, or make them unable to rebel, make them hyperfertile, whatever. Plenty of mods that add all sorts of xenotypes/xenogerms and whatnot for more customization. If you're not into paying for the DLC, Pawnmorpher, an older mod before biotech, adds mutagenic serums, so you could inject people and make them part animal, or eventually even full animal. Maybe make them lose the ability to reason, turn them feral, whatever. Can use that mod to make mutagenic gas shells; imagine you're an invading raider group and suddenly green smoke spews out of mortar rounds that landed nearby. You see your comrade growing horns, feel odd as your feet are replaced by hooves, and watch as feathers and wings replace the arms of another. All sorts of interesting things when you throw mods/dlc into the mix.
Dunno if it's too vanilla for /d/ but I just jerked off for 14 hours to X-Change, really fun TF game that I've never seen mentioned here.
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I'm keeping tabs on this game, I think it has good potential, specially if a modding community grows around it. I think the gameplay is a bit confusing at first. What I'd like is more partner diversity, adding more ethnicities would be nice. Also I don't recall if the pregnancy mechanic was finished the last time I played.
Wait, I guess you guys are not talking about the 1997 VN after all
Am talking about this one:
But yeah there's a bunch of other games with similar title.
3 things are needed to make a game:

1. Programming skillz/Game design (can't get away from this one)
2. Art (not always necessary)
3. Writing/Direction (compulsory)

You're prioritizing the wrong thing
What kind of game?
It’s a 2d fire emblem clone, not going to work without at least half-decent game sprites, and I imagined CGs for content since 32x32 pixel animations aren’t the most titillating
You can prototype it with free sprites or even ASCII graphics.
>b-b-but I can't fap to two @ characters next to each other in a terminal window
That's a you problem. Get better at imagination.
Once you have a functioning game, it'll be a lot easier to shop around for real graphics, since you'll actually know what you need.
Sacred Stone's overworld sprites are good references. Pixel art isn't that difficult if you just want to draw basic shit like that. The combat sprites are another story, but commissioning is always a thing.
This AI thing is pretty powerful. It's giving me ideas and inspiration. Maybe I can even go back and give my shitty old game some artwork.
People have made games with RPGmaker or twine or other very minimal effort coding cases. In general, a good understanding of coding practices isn't necessary, you just need to be the kind of person that can think like code.
Art used to not be necessary back when text adventures could make it but it'll be a harder deal making a game without it now. Having animations puts you out there.

You can have shit writing and shit game design and shitty coding as long as you have pretty art to attract people and give them hope for more. As much as I'm not a fart fetishist, "Fetid Wind" had some other kinks of interest and I tried it but dear god was that thing coded poorly, buggy mess. I'm sure people will still play it despite that.
>syahata releases
>Visa/MC/Amex on the warpath and won't support DLsite
>locked out of my paypal account by an old phone number (the only means of verifying your identity)
I agree with most of what you said

EXCEPT, acquiring art before even knowing if your game is fun/hot is prioritizing the wrong thing

what this guy said in the last line
if you start with 'crossdresser' you don't get the boost in allure and arousal for crossdressing so being able to boymode without anxiety makes it easier to manage that if it's too high. I recommend just going to school in your sunday clothes and the headmaster will give you a girls' school uniform. It's best to be dressed normally if you want Whitney to force you to crossdress to a girl rather than being given boy's clothes while already crossdressing.
just finished LonaRPG, already played ToA, DoL and Futaring, i enjoy more challenging games and good combat, any recomendations?
>good combat
They don't exist. Go play a normal game.
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Ero Dungeons, it's Darkest Dungeon with Darkest Dungeon II's combat.
RyonaRPG, the spiritual forefather of LonaRPG
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I was wondering if there is like open source gallery of NSFW-themed icons (preferably SVG), like breasts, genitals, that sort of stuff. I googled a bit bud didn't find much.

The thing is I completely, totally utterly suck at graphics, so most of whatever I am building is text or UI elements provided by engine.
I want to make a talent tree and I'd like to have at least icons there, they can be very simple, but there might be a lot of variety of those.
It took me half a day to make pic related in Inkscape, and I was wondering if there is simpler way. (And no, AI is more trouble than it's worth.)
If that took you half a day you are in some real shit.
Better stick with developer art and hope your writing / mechanical design carries you to affording artists.
You really don't need artist for stuff like that when there are endless jap character poser games.
Just launch Koikatsu studio, the famous k_kisekae2 flash or any other kisekae software and take a bunch screenshots. All the image editing work required is simple non-creative labor that a programmer can do.
Okay, half a day might be exaggerated, more like 4 hours and 2 of those were ditching Krita for vector stuff. Also it's just a hobby project, my life does not depend on it.
Sounds like a decent backup option for stuff that is more difficult to draw manually.

I guess no shortcuts this time, but I think I am getting hang of the vector stuff, so it's time to get creative with the variations. Thank god SVG is modular AF.
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>the heavily logic-brained dude insists on drawing despite being functionally disabled on the artfag brain hemisphere
Alright, I'm not stopping you but you really don't need to and shouldn't reinvent booba with procedural vector data or whatever. Even though that would be technically cool feature, visual character customization via tweaking SVG values... hmm
It's nothing so advanced on visual side as procedural or data driven rendering. What I am aiming for is more clicker / idle world-building game centered around various preferences and fetishes, described by text and statistics (X% of population has Y breast size, etc), think if "kittens game" was porn).
But for multiple-path talent trees just having text nodes seems too little.
And the reason I use vector is bezier is only line I can draw that doesn't look like shit (usually).
Is there ANY game with a well executed "bully GBs protagonist and rapes her"?
Thank you for the rec. It's really good for a tf lifesim.
I don't even understand what you're asking for.
Not that anon but I assume bully genderbends protagonist and then rapes them.
>visual character customization via tweaking SVG values
Aint that that Clan Inception and Fake AI do?
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Are there games like Rain’s Rave about getting impregnated and inflated by different creatures?
Slimes, bugs, humanoids, monsters, worms…

Feels very rare for that to be more than a one-off thing but I wanted to ask
Hey guys, just wanted to say:

It's now been years and you are still participating in the eroge subcultures and working on your respective games with professionalism and, it seems, enthusiasm.
Thanks for putting up with the retards here and keeping it up. I usually never drop any money on any eroge but I made an exception for you guys and Eccma's a few years back for a few months on your Subcribestars and Patreons.
Hope they'll get bigger or better and that you still enjoy the banter of decent people just as much as I enjoy your creations!
>implying Vrel even works on the game personally anymore
>pretending to support vrel's "professionalism"
This is such a fucking shitty bait by any standards, holy shit never post again.
>past bumplimit
>time to bait
predictable, but no less pathetic.
>Eccma's a few years back for a few months on your Subcribestars and Patreons.
He said explicitly in the readme of his game that we have "no human rights to play this game"
I just checked the readme for and guess what?
It seems he's updated the list!

>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.
Can't actually post it though. Funny.
Let's try censoring bits of it. 4chan is such a shining example of free speech.

>A:VHfans(WEST), HGG2D,DGG,4CHAN,8***N,KOMICA,PTT,Gamer.tw,CCP,PRC,KMT,DPP,DLSITE,WEEABOO and SJW have no human rights to play this game, delete it and FUCK OFF.
Who? It's not like he interacts with any communities anymore because he's banned everywhere. Did someone leave him a youtube comment saying VH is better?
Eccma is a tsundere brat, he needs that facade to cull all the shitters that try to ruin his masterpiece. The fact that he refuses to compromise his the "problematic" elements of his game is commendable.
Eccma is a pretty cool guy honestly, he just has genuine anger issues and he stubbornly holds those grudges like a dwarf
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Has anyone else played this? What did you think?
Was it hard typing it while also bootlicking so hard at the same time?
Looks like shit.
Makes you wonder who he wants to play his game at this point, i'm curious
i kinda liked his /tg/ art
>Genre: Female Protagonist Buttocks Elf / Fairy Fantasy Cuckoldry (Netorare) Pregnancy / Impregnation Trance / Suggestion Big Breasts
>Release date: Dec/16/2023
>RPGmaker male monster x female elf sort of content
I'd play it if it was futa instead but I'm sure someone here might be interested.
new thread:
>Eccma is a tsundere brat
Needs piracy correction

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