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Girls peeing/pissing/wetting etc.

Males go elsewhere.

Canon edition

Kemono list: rentry.org/omokemono2
Manga scene list: rentry.org/omogenmanga
omorashi AI models:

previous: >>10982626
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I sure hope this months manga chapter is the one she pisses herself again. Especially after the anime decided to be bland and cut out the most important details. If they do a season 3 they owe us an anime exclusive wetting.
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Asking again
#nooticing a trend with studio bind shows
The start of many a wetting fetish, including mine.
Am I the only pissfag who isn't into omorashi all that much? I am hugely into piss but I prefer toilet scenes or free peeing scenes (like taking a squat outdoors) but omorashi doesn't scratch the same itch for me.
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I am just the same as you bro :3
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i'm partially in your boat: the 'uncontrollable' aspect of omorashi has appeal, but the fact that most art depicts the subject as being fully-clothed is disappointing since there's something frustrating about seeing the stream impeded. imo omorashi reaches its pinnacle when it's depicted as desperation compelling the subject to drop her panties in an inappropriate setting and let loose all over the floor.
pic unrelated, girls going onto a pet sheet or towel is underrated.
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We need a series with magical girls that use urine based powers.
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I definitely prefer free pee, but I like omo just as well, particularly if the girl is wearing tights or a swimsuit
>toilet scenes or free peeing scenes
I'm probably the only one here who actually hates those.
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Big important poll
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You're definitely not the only one, I find them either boring or disappointing if they are the end result of an interesting scene.
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It's a bit of an odd situation. We're called the omorashi thread but we're really a general for all sorts of pee content, the really degen stuff included. In fact if anything desp+wetting and toilet use are kinda too safe for this board imo, they're safe enough to be posted on /a/ and /e/ for example.
I like all of these
>omorashi chatbots and roleplaying
My time to shine again! You may consider giving this lora a try on any llama 3 8b model: https://huggingface.co/dividebythree/llama-3-8b-omo-lora-test1
It is trained on llama 3 8b base, using a dataset (also uploaded to my HF) of basically the entirety of the omorashi.org fiction section scraped. Makes the model much more likely to go into omo scenarios, even unprompted, and greatly increases its ability to describe omo scenes. If you need a llama 3 8b model for roleplay, stheno 3.2 seems pretty good.

You said you use kobold with SillyTavern. AFAIK, there's no easy way to apply loras to GGUF models at runtime. I recommend ooba as the backend, with Transformers as the model loader if you have 24GB VRAM or exllamav2 if not. Both have a dropdown box to apply loras after loading the model.

TBQHfam being able to do omo themed roleplays with AI bots is very underappreciated by this whole community. The interactivity can make it way hotter than just jerking to an image, which I never understood until I tried it myself.
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Umm, like i want to try all this new so-called "Ai" stuff but the price for the cards with good ammount of VRAM (as you said 24Gb) like Nvidia A40 and A100 terrifies me well enought (8-15k $). F*ck all the FANG "fat cats" who can print the money out of the thin air (with the major help of FRS) and because of that allow Nvidia to set the prices so high.
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also f*ck ASML which somehow sends top notch steppers equip. to some shady "taiwanise" island (although need to say their girls are hot), disputed with China, and not to the glorious US.
>of basically the entirety of the omorashi.org fiction section scraped

Now, I'm not denying there's some good stuff on there, but also knowing how much absolute trash is on there, I'm not sure this was the best idea.
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Apparently some Splatoon 4 leaks that have been making their way around recently were originally posted onto Omo org's discord.
When it comes to omorashi. Anons, do you prefer when girl does it because:
>She's scared, traumatized
>She could not hold it or/and has weak bladder?
Former, if she has any control she should use that to practice pissing standing, preferably either at the urinal or on my meat.
option 2 pls
I like both pretty much equally. Might swing a bit in favor of one or the other depending on mood
Second option, along with them trying to hold on as long as possible and gradually leaking more and more until it all comes spilling out. Mani does a great job at conveying that.
Just saw a cute girl doing the pee dance on the side of the road. She was waiting with I assume her bf so they could jaywalk across the street, probably to the burger king that was over there, but the traffic was moving at a fast enough pace that they had to keep waiting, but also slow enough so I could keep watching her for a while. She was doing the weird "pulling up the pants to put pressure on the pussy" type of pee dance (basically top left panel of this pic but with white jeans), idk what to call it but it instantly made me diamonds when I saw what she was doing.
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Anyone got sauce for this? Reverse image search turns up nada.
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It was actually posted here before. I wonder why this drawfag never comes around anymore.

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Only the second option. Anyone can forgive themselves for showing weakness under enough fear.

The girl has to know it's entirely her own fault for her lack of control and she has nothing external she can blame for the moment she loses it. Her physical relief has to be mixed with the maximum regret and knowledge she let herself down.
I love both which one I like more depends on how I feel at the moment. If I had to pick one though It would be regular accidents because a lot of fear art lacks the adorable blush and humiliation. But when fear wettings can work blush and humiliation into the scene alongside fear like pic related I love that.
Mani sucks ass with piss stains, the most ESSENTIAL part of omorashi imo
could i get some omo drawing requests? more desperate or strange the situation the better imo
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Toki from SMT 4A looking antsy and impatient, tormented by watery imagery like a running faucet or glass of water, but then running past a perfectly available bathroom to meet up with the MC for a date. The viewer would be led to think she was only impatient because of eagerness for the date and we were being misled, but then she starts wetting down the back of her legs while she walks away with him. (He doesn't notice). As to how she ended up that way, she lives in a world of demons in a one piece jumpsuit, popping a squat isn't exactly an option. I like to imagine that she'd be on some mission for the hunters association outside the safe zones and is almost late to their date.
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Same situation of being antsy and late for a date with MC would work with girls like Dolce or Raven from Rune Factory, but they're much harder to draw. Those two are the type of girls to hold it too long just out of shyness or being preoccupied desu
Do you have some examples of your art?
hell yeah
A girl that is merely a couple steps away from the toilet but she's so desperate that she practically can't make another step without leaking
You might be right, but I was going for minimal effort + maximum quantity. Feel free to curate the dataset I uploaded, or just copy-paste stories you like from omo org and compile it into a dataset. If anybody makes a better dataset I'll train loras and upload them, assuming there's any demand.
Source plss
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How about a fear wetting that only happened because she was already desperate?
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>pick up VC4 on a whim the other day
>suddenly out of nowhere, Kai omorashi
I think someone is watching me
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How I miss days like these
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this is what water king roxy can do, just wait for water emperor ariel is capable of.
I just wanna watch my waifu go potty as badly as she want to go in my fantasies. Why is it so much to ask that my dreams let me experience waifu going pee?
I'm right there with you. If you ask me, all my favorite anime and video games should have scenes of the hot female characters having pee breaks. Or just having accidents in their pants.
>>She could not hold it or/and has weak bladder?
This one. The token effort made to attempt to hold it does it for me. It's also why I don't like complete loss of bladder control either.
>Why is it so much to ask that my dreams let me experience waifu going pee?
Learn to lucid dream.
Underwater peeing is rare to see in art.
I did that once and it backfired when something else came in. I'll spare you the /x/ tier schizobabble but I cant anymore.
Explain further.
I think a demon got in and now it won't leave. When I tried to banish it via lucid dream, it got really pissed off and stopped letting me lucid dream. If I even slightly approach the level of awareness needed it hunts me down and violently ends the dream. The nightmares it gave me to "punish" me for rejecting it are so horrifying I refuse to believe they could come from my own consciousness. There's more to it but I'd rather not get too into it.
Naughty anons trying to lucid dream about anime girls pissing themselves get haunted by the anti-piss demon
Seems to be the case for me. I wouldn't believe it if I weren't living it every night.
most mentally stable Omo fan
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That's pretty crazy. Whenever stuff messes with me in a lucid dream I just kill it. I just woke up and had like 4 lucids during my nap. I was too busy exploring, adventuring, and going on a rampage to do anything omo related this time though.
What are your your requirements for your ideal wetting?

Mine is:

>Character - A woman, no lolishit, big boobs, preferably strong and/or sadistic, as seeing those types humiliated is the a5 wagyu beef of wetting. Not only should she be embarrassed and humiliated, but also angry.
>Pose - Almost anything is fine as long as she's standing and facing the viewer - no ass shots
>Clothing - Jeans, pencil skirt or dress - no skirt/dress lifting, no pantyshots, no upskirts. Piss stains are an absolute must, the bigger and more noticeable the better; a wetting is pointless without evidence
>Situation - Desperation wetting is the preferred scenario, fear wettings played for laughs are acceptable, tickle wettings and pain wettings are low-tier, intentional wettings are okay, but can never match up to accidents, bonus points if she pisses herself in front of a guy, even more bonus points if he laughs at/makes fun of her for it; free pee, especially naked free pee, can't even be considered wetting, but if it was, it would be absolute trash tier

I have yet to find a wetting in any anime/manga/doujin/hentai that ticks at least one thing from every category
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Old fashion petticoat pissing x-ray hoopskirt view! Strange enough for you?
Desperate in a cosplay costume, and than decide to pee in anything that could hold liquid, maybe a fake gun, gloves, dolls ,boots or tail
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hmm, you're like my opposite, I love nice ass pantyshot wettings, especially when the girl knows she can get away with it if she keeps her skirt dry
>hours of buildup/preparation/holding etc.
>like one minute or so of blissful release
>another hour to clean up/shower/etc.
such is life as an omorashi enjoyer
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Oh hey you found a pic of my ocs!

They’re for a theoretical omo rpg like Nomako that doesn’t exist yet.

White haired girl is a wannabe edgelord mage named Rayna, Pink hair is Cayenne, a very lost soldier, elf is Lucille, a very dumb cleric, and the girl wetting herself is Karella, a maid who really loves cleaning peed in clothes despite not enjoying wetting herself or cleaning her own clothes.
Good luck, anon
The world could always use more omogames
You're only getting one minute of enjoyment? My enjoyment is both the last stretch of the buildup, the release, AND admiring the result afterwards. Maybe even a second release later. And cleanup shouldn't take an hour.
I recommend either a therapist or an exorcist. Possibly both.
I like writing short stories for fun and I always try to include a scene of a woman wetting herself or peeing outdoors. It's never the main focus, just a fun little bonus.
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how do i find more stuff like pic related?
Jeez! This 3D fluids dynamics is just perfect.
biku omorashi org
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I just want more Toki omorashi.
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Ok maybe I was exaggerating. But still, that warmth never really seems to last as long as you would like it to.
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Ok so this golden nectar lora is insanely good.

I was always kind of anti-AI, but I got curious and have been addicted to this for the last few days. Ngl, for basic omo images without too much complicated stuff going on, this beats like 99% of human art. It often struggles with high-level composition, and since it doesn't really know what's going on the images always feel just a bit bland, soulless, in a sense.

But holy fuck, the low to mid level details, backgrounds, facial expressions, overall perceived quality of the image, piss details, the way it soaks into and stains fabric, rivulets running down legs, is all really really good.

When I want something new I keep finding myself reaching for the SD webui now. Pixiv is an absolute shitshow, this thread is kinda slow, boorus are okay, twitter is hit or miss. But the AI is infinite possibilities in comparison, and all the images come out looking pretty good with a bit of effort. Maybe I'll get bored of this eventually, but for now it's fucking great. And I've barely even touched style and character loras, of which there are hundreds, maybe thousands. Unlimited piss works.
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So what this does exactly, it just tells you a story?
Outdoor pee
Got a tutorial? Been wanting to set up stable diffusion again but last time I ran it was like two years ago.
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>the word image is mentioned a few times in that post
In case it wasn't obvious, the posted image was AI generated, as an example of what the lora can do.
Idk I'm not an expert. Install A1111. Get PonyXL. Get the pony version of the golden nectar lora. Look at the example images on civit for how to prompt it. Learn how inpainting and img2img upscaling works. That's it basically. I suppose there's guides to tell you exactly how to do each of these steps if you're completely retarded.
It's so much fun to lucid dream and make hot dream girls desperate and wet themselves. I had one a few nights ago whose legs have out and I put my hand under her skirt to feel the warm gushing liquid. I could smell it, and when I pulled her panties off and started licking her pussy and butthole clean it tasted salty.
go to https://dezgo.com/txt2img?model=anything_4_0 , click on More options, then Setup lora. Paste this:92105AAA0A6DC832CF41553B47AC62617D07103CE7251DBB989D24644CDDEB89 where you see SHA256 HASH, click on OK, then type the prompt (example: 1 girl, wetting self, wearing skirt, kneeling, tears) then Run. wait for it to generate a picture, then you can even download it. it's free to use, though you can pay to get premium features (though after using it for more than a year i never really needed it).

the pic that i attached here was generated with AI on that very website.

here are some more infos on the keywords (i copied and pasted it from where the lora was):

Here are the relevant tags it was trained on:

-wetting self
Like "wetting self" but a lot less. Might need to experiment with the strength, or even add "wetting self" as a negative with low strength.


-holding crotch


-clothing aside
-clothing down
-clothing around one leg
-ripped leggings
I only had a handful of images with this, it may not have learned it well.


-toilet use
you can use this one on its own
-peeing in container
combine with a container from below
-holding container
Use if the girl should be holding the container. It may struggle a bit with this, there's only so many training images of this concept.

-from above
-from below
-from side
-from behind

Some of these tags are "compositional". E.g. desperation is a general look of needing to pee, holding crotch means actually holding oneself. If you want the typical "potty dance" pose you need both tags. Similarly, "peeing in container" for the overall concept, then "cup", "bucket", etc for the type of container.
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I was walking home the other day, and saw a girl step out of her van and immediately inspect the crotch of her denim shorts, which had a wet spot on them. Just kinda standing there on the sidewalk in broad daylight before quickly walking into the pharmacy, presumably to buy paper towels to clean the mess she made in the car. It didn't seem like she was actually finished peeing, since it looked like she was planning to pull her pants down and squat on the road before realizing just how many people were walking by
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time to start commissioning
Thank you, hero
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I wonder if these are just spills we're seeing. I've seen two women with wet pants changing/attempting to change by their cars in relatively recent memory, both seemed pretty nonchalant about it, so I wonder if they really did pee.
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I think it'd be pretty difficult to spill liquid in a car in a way that it specifically wets the area between your legs without getting the front or back wet. Unless there's some crazy shenanigans at play.
Also came across a (possibly drugged up) lady bent over with her ass on display on the subway platform one night, but pulled her pants back up without actually peeing.
Thanks, bro!
Have some delicious French macarons :3
wasn't there supposed to be a new elf toilet chapter?
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I want to hog the bathroom while Natsuki knocks loudly telling me to come out and saying she can't hold it any longer
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thank you based anon. updating pytorch was a bitch but the results are looking promising.
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Can you dream in 2D, or just 3D? Occasionally I get dreams of animated girls peeing but for the most part my pee dreams (that aren't of myself) are of random 3Ds i've never seen before in my life wetting
Sometimes my brain comes up with its own original omo doujins/animations in my non lucid dreams. In terms if fooling around while lucid, the dream characters look like irl women unless I specifically summon one in anime style.
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A friend of mine is on a train trip down the coast, and messaged me this morning to say she forgot to lock the door and got walked in on while peeing. I have never in my life been more envious
Does this artist have a kemono page?
What would you do in this situation?
She's firing her holy piss laser.
Begin masturbating
Maintain direct eye contact throughout the duration of urination.
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I'm upgrading my gpu after this. stable diffusion got hands and 8gb is no longer cutting it lel
you're welcome, glad that i could help

never tried them, but they look good. also here, have another pic that i generated just today:
source? image search not working.
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That's a pixiv filename, you can just copy paste it into the URL
J-jam it in!!
Impromptu golden shower
is there a way to make ai omo art online? my craptop can't make anything
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I'm back with 12gb. sdxl is goated, wow.
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Whenever I see vtuber pics in this thread, I wonder if there are refugees here from the old days of /ringo/
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been here since the early days, just wanna make what artists refuse to draw.
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and with this it's 40 pics combo, took me a while to upload all of them. have a good day y'all.
So glad you told the story!
cute boys
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testing the new tech.
Which card you've got, omo'bro if you don't mind ?
I switched out my 3070 for a 3060 sitting in one of my other PCs. the 3070 is the faster card overall but it only has 8gb and local ai image generation does better when you have more vram. The 3060 can be had for less than $300 so it's kind of a bargain!

for reference, a 3060 spits out this image at 1380x1860 in about 90s.
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forgot image lul it is 1am
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tengu pee
The third one is futa
Second one is a trap yes
oops, i couldn't tell. on the third pic, it looked like the skirt moved cause the train was moving or something, but i dont know about the second one
I reverse searched it and checked the pixiv tags
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i see. i'll do that when i sus it's not a girl before posting, thanks for telling me.
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very cute images, thank you anon
extremely serious omo discussion

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