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Name on the tin. Any form of urethral play, insertions, or penetration is the name of the game.

Bonus points for spermicidal takeover, ball filling, small cocks fucking fat meat sabers, and urethral tonguing.

Futa/trans/whatever is welcome, just not that weird bug shit.
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thats just perfect
holy shit
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Here are the original frames in high quality. 1/7
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love every frame
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Any good guides on doing this IRL?
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more urethral tonguing pls
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assuming you mean urethral sounding in general because putting a dick in a dick is something i've only seen with massive amounts of saline injection involved...

short version is shell out some money for some surgical lubricant, silicone or stainless steel sounds, and boil/sanitize them before you shove them into your dick. best not to use household plastic objects since most plastics have micro burrs that will tear the shit out of your urethral lining and burn for a solid week. if it's your first time it's gonna burn afterwards no matter what, but just for a day at most if you use the right stuff.
got plenty more tongue stuff if this thread is still around tomorrow
prettymuch impossible.
Basically what the second anon said. I've never done sounding personally, but everything I've seen hen looking into it is to get the smoothest most sanitary object known to man, and make sure it snot thick as fuck you have to work up to that, and start slowly and gently.
Based af Anon. Happy to see the thread is still going, those few days where it was dead after I started it were a little upsetting ngl.
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>have scoured through so much content with this fetish that i recognize virtually every image posted in these threads
>tfw there simply does not exist enough content to satisfy me
how did i reach this point
I am commissioning more as we speak, the flow must continue
xray version :)
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>Bonus points for spermicidal takeover, ball filling, small cocks fucking meat sabers, and urethral tonguing.
I don't like any of that except ball filling, and I especially hate spermicidal takeover.
I get that pain partially anon, I've started to run into images I've already seen here and there too
It honestly depends for me, if it's malicious or demeaning then I don't like it
Hell yea anon, thanks
You're doin degen jesus' work dude
Here’s a new one, I had this commissioned a bit ago
Same, desu urethral insertion isn't exactly the type of fetish that's drawn THAT frequently, sure there's probably a few hundred pieces or so out there in some of the more obvious locations, but it's also reached a point where I think most of us have seen a majority of em already, cause most urethral threads nowadays almost always have the same shit posted, barely anything new in here anymore unless it's one of those rare occasions that something new actually WAS drawn, usually by JADF
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sorry for the resolution, larger version is paywalled
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Gotta commission it.
I'm broke B')

also same anon from here again, speaking of JADF I noticed his most recent set still hasn't been posted here yet from earlier this month, so figured I'd at least contribute with that
>Pekomama cock fuck
I like you.
thanks, I got two more on the way. a student teacher set, and a distracted accident set
Not the same guy, but PLEASE post em here when they finish, ik you'd probably plan on doing this anyway but I'm starving for new content
I have a sounding obsession, and same. I know virtually every amateur or porn couple who's ever filmed sounding and posted it online as well as recognizing nearly every sounding related hentai image there is. It's especially tough if you're straight. >95% of the people making content on this are gay men.
These are the closest things to irl futas docking. they even cum inside too. say what you want about trans, I think it’s hot.

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POV is so damn rare
Based as fuck anon, I love that artist. I have the rest of this comic if Anyone wants me to post it or this guy doesn't have it.
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once again jadf pulls theough
or sinensian. hard to tell sometimes
That's the result of Sinensian's art trade with JADF (Sinen's art).
Please do post it.
>It's especially tough if you're straight. >95% of the people making content on this are gay men.
it is truly agonizing when this type of stuff happens
out of every single artist that draws this fetish there is only one that i would consider almost perfect for me
but nearly half his art is femboy stuff
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That was the last one in the sequence
Artists name is lemon snail
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I have this on hand if it's good enough for this thread
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I honestly wonder what type of path her pp had to go through to exit out of the green girls pp
Why the fuck is Homestuck here
Answer: The fuck. The fuck is why homestuck is here.
Very good shit. Thank you
Some of aka6's best
Imagine how it would feel for a futa to use your cock as her onahole as she then dumps load after load of semen into your balls causing them to swell,
go back
Someone shared this in the overfull balls thread, actual new content
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I prefer fucking womens real urethra rather than dicks
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>Invading Sperm Gangbanging her sperm
Dats it
I want content where sperm evenly mixes through both sets of balls
You mean where both balls get flooded?
Yes, where both partners get a mix of their sperm and their partner's in their balls
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well you're in luck, cause someone anonymously just recently commissioned an art piece between JADF and Sinensian's OC's docking each other
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there’s x-ray too
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anyone else wanna take a crack at this?

this is apart of an 4 image set (this appears to be image 2 out of 4) where a futa has her dick invaded by a slime with her balls expanding as a result in images 3 and 4

only issue is that I can't find the other images in a higher quality anywhere, I at least did manage to find out who the artist is, being Raikissu, and I believe it's commissioned art of somebodies OC, with the name of the OC being "Feicui Lang", but I've been unable to find anything else beyond that, the only reason I know about the images in the first person is cause I was randomly scrolling through old archived threads in "desuarchive" when I stumbled upon em via the low quality image previews for said images, the anon that had originally posted em seemed to have downloaded it off of Tumblr before the porn purge, so the original source for em is long gone now

overall pretty peeved that I finally managed to find a new set of urethral images I've never seen before only for just about every higher quality sources of the remaining set to be deleted
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and the desuarchive links for those curious which thread they came from, gives you an idea on what the rest of the set is like, although idk if I'll help
Judging by the resolution of the single-image preview post on the author's FurAffinity gallery, I doubt a higher resolution version even exists.
that I'm fine with that, the problem though is that the other 3 images have abyssal quality as the only traces left of em I could find is low quality image previews that had their original sources deleted, if I can at least view them with some semblance of clarity like with the one I shared here >>11065527 then that'll be good enough for me

worth noting the artist has a SubscribeStar as well but I have absolutely no idea if the rest of the set is on there or not, but just thought it was worth mentioning
When you mentioned the originals being deleted, I thought you were talking about the original tumblr post rather than the desuarchive ones.
Sadly, didn't have any luck finding the rest of the set on the artist's other platforms, either.
You'd probably have better luck asking about the fate of the set from the artist directly, e.g. via the comments section on the aforementioned FA preview post.
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I wonder if anyone has found a way to insert anything into their balls. any attempts at insertion always end up in the bladder with the fiery gates of hell scorching my urethra whenever I piss.

I just have this fantasy of getting my balls filled to bursting and unloading a huge nut that's way more intense then normal. I just want a longer ejaculation but that's kind of impossible. Or it would actually hurt like hell.
I’ve seen people fill them with that saline stuff to make them inflate like massive water balloons. but that doesn’t really change cum size. the fluid part of cum isn’t from the balls
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I'd recommend not doing the stuff op did here.
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You can force saline into your scrotum but you have to go through the scrotum walls with plastic medical tubes. Look up the documented cases of hospital patients who did it wrong. The nurse left some tips on how to prevent problems at the end of the report
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Well, i haven't done anything that extreme yet. I realize that this is just another one of those fantasies that can't really be replicated in real life. Same with Orgasm Denial in the way its depicted in Doujhins. No, tying a band around your dick doesn't magically make you unable to orgasm. Sure you wouldn't be able to ejaculate, but it would go into your bladder and not feel the best. There is no ramping pleasure of getting edged infinitely in a way that prevents orgasm. At least none that I know of.
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how do i unread something
most sane 4chan user
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oh i've seen much more from the pits of depravity. read diaries of folk whos masochism had reached such a level they had to inject a litre of 130°f(54°c) soap n mouthwash into their bladders for hours just to get off; enduring agonizing pain that causes their bladders to spasm n lines their insides with chemical burns, the way they describe it all makes me cum so, so, so very much.

trust me, i have truly seen the depths of urethral n bladder related masturbation n yet, like another mentioned here, there simply aint enough out there. someone has to be the guinea pig. someone has to do our bidding, n our fantasies nshow to the world the feats of the urethral fetish.
correct me if I'm wrong but when a cock goes in another cock it's docking but if an object goes in a cock its sounding?
yes, the umbrella term is urethral penetration.
ah ok, I only like docking, usually where a shota fucks a futanari's cock. That's the hottest to me

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