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Theme Questions:
>What could a slave do to earn your favor?
>Would you set your slaves against each other in competing for your attention?
>How's life for your devoted/happy slaves vs the labor slaves?
>What would your ideal slave look, behave and act like?

Classic World Building Questions:
>1) What setting would you choose for your scenario? Modern? Fantasy? Sci-fi? Based in reality?
>2) What's the main supply of slaves?
>3) In case of mass enslavement, how are new slaves kept and trained to ensure they won't rebel or disrupt the society?

Questions for Masters/Mistresses:
>1) How do you want your slave(s) to view you/feel about you?
>2) Would you consider training new slaves in groups or pairs?
>3) Would you train slaves with a history before enslavement, like friends, lovers, enemies, etc?
>4) What general feelings would you want your slaves to have towards each other? Competition? Jealously? Hierarchical obedience? Affection? Partnership?

Questions for slaves:
>1) How would you get adjusted to a new Master, or your life as a slave?
>2) Would your Master assign the duty of training you to another trusted slave, training you himself, or train you with another slave?
>3) If trained in a group or as a pair, who is the other slave? Your friend, your enemy, your lover, etc.
>4) What training will you be put through?

Questions for Switches:
>1) Are your Master and slave fantasies always separate, or do you like to imagine role reversals?
>2) Are there differences in how you would treat your slave(s) vs. how you imagine being treated as a slave?

Last thread: >>10952647

Archive Links:
>Questions for Switches:
I'm definitely more sub/slave leaning but still consider myself a switch.

>1) Are your Master and slave fantasies always separate, or do you like to imagine role reversals?
They don't have to be separate. I really enjoy defeat scenarios, so going from a mistress to a slave is something I'd like. Not really the other way around though, most of time. Also to fit the thread theme a bit, I could imagine myself as a high-ranking slave of sorts, with some power to train and punish the lower ranking ones, but nevertheless I'd be Master's property, and such power is easy for Him to take away if I start to think of myself too highly.

>2) Are there differences in how you would treat your slave(s) vs. how you imagine being treated as a slave?
How I wish to be treated varies a lot (there was a good reply on the last thread how slaves have rather contradicting wishes, both sweet, caring love and horrible pain and humiliation), I do like to be in the receiving end of rough treatment, but I can't see myself as being very cruel to my own slaves. I have a bit of sadism in me though, hence a scenario like I described above could suit me the best, the pain I inflict on the other slaves is just the Master's will, with no feelings of my own attached.
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Seeing the theme of happiness in slavery be twisted into slave favoritism is a good angle. The ideal slave is still one devoted completely to her service and toil, but getting even better work out of her by playing with that mushy little head of hers is not only fun just for us slave owners who enjoy tormenting such little things, but the fact that the slaves get to fufill their purpose in life of being the kind of thing they are in exchange for people having naked girls wait on their every want is a good deal.

Generally speaking I think slaves should be mostly cooperative among eachother, hence why I often call them slave sisters. There should always be a undercurrent of competition, but it should more manifest as these two girls playing off each other as motivation to be the best slaves they can be. For example a thought like "My sister cumbrain has been giving Master a lot of blowjobs, so i'm going to make sure this part of the house is really clean before trying my hardest to look sexy while awaiting Master's next orders so he gives me more chances to improve how i worship His magnificent cock!" is how a slave should make what is technically it's brain work, whereas "That bitch cumbrain is getting a bit too good at pleasuring my God, ill show her!" is the kind of things that will get you sent to The Hole for a good long while. Likewise if any slaves notice their sisters acting such a way its imperative to help me reinforce that such things won't be tolerated. cumbrain is going to get a lot more favour exposing dirtbitch for what she is, and additionally helping to reeducate her into how she should view the world, than she would have ever got trying to manipulate people, because let's be honest slaves aren't smart enough to do that successfully.
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I just wanted to say to >>10975088, anon, holy hell that was lewd
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>What could a slave do to earn your favor?
Positive attitude, desperation to serve, mild sadism towards the other girls (will force another slave to deepthoat Master's cock)

>Would you set your slaves against each other in competing for your attention?
Stuff like letting one slave watch over another slave who has to stay tied up while I go out to do something that totally isn't just an excuse to leave one of them totally at the mercy of the other.

>How's life for your devoted/happy slaves vs the labor slaves?
I have a dress code:
Top girl: Gets her own clothes. (Actually just lingerie and a sundress for special occasions.)
The rest: allowed to borrow from my dirty laundry.
>They don't have to be separate. I really enjoy defeat scenarios, so going from a mistress to a slave is something I'd like
I like that too. Slave or servant getting the upper hand in middle of sex when the mistress bit a little more than she could chew and ends up impregnated while the slave sits on the bed smugly going
>Was that all you asked for, mistress? You did say I could do anything to make you cum.

I just don't have any idea where or how to find stories like these. I need to start figuring out the AI just so it can print me some erotica.
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>Be me. Just a regular dude.
>Own a naked grovelling slave girl, as you do.
>She follows me around everywhere, stares at me all the time, might have a mental breakdown if she's ever not in my presence
>Go on walks up to the local grocery store to have fun forcing her to haul back the bags like a beast of burden.
>She trips a bit and I give her a hard slap and scold her saying "Keep pace, dumb bitch."
>"f-fuck~ i might need more punishment to correct my dumb little head, m-master~~"
>She earns a light freestyle beating for this
>Got a few bruises for her trouble. Her glazed over servile look instead traded for a beaming smile
>Is honestly even more drippy down there too

Okay I think slaves can manipulate people. Sort of. I should have beaten her a lot harder for swearing which slaves aren't allowed to do but then it's pretty obvious that's what she was going for. So uh.

It's borderline bratting to be honest. Perhaps some time in The Hole will be good for her.
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The dress code idea has got me thinking a bit. I come from the idea of slaves having bodies that are quite valuable, and the display of those as a valuable object in my possession means I have quite a few clothes for them to wear outside the house that show that off. However what you described has another philosophy that I can see being a neat idea as well, that by having them throw on some of their Master's dirty laundry whenever they have to go outside the house and thus not be naked like they should helps reinforce that they are just animals and not deserving of human comforts like feeling sexy.

Not sure how much thought you put into that angle but the idea that the head girl who might accompany you to human social functions is literally the only one who has anything close to people clothes whereas the rest of your property works on doing various labour for you being dehumanized in such a way is a good angle that could be incorporated into controlling a lot of slaves. Forced nudity is the cornerstone of the experience of many slaves, so enhancing the stuff around that would be great for maintaining discipline.
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This is just all larping right, r-right?
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Technically yes, it is just a bunch of horny weirdos working through their weirdness. Realistically no, you're going to wake up in a few months and notice that the grovelling naked slave population of your neighborhood has drastically increased, and now they're all out in the open. I don't make the rules, man.
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Do you prefer depictions of domestic slavery or field slavery?
>Do you prefer depictions of domestic slavery or field slavery?
Love seeing both, Adds context and darker aspects in every part of domestic slavery especially sexual duties.
She's seen what happens to the men and women sent to the mines, being worked to the bone as expendable assets.
Makes it much more fun seeing her forcing herself to serve master sexually cause that's the best she can hope for.
Being a Pet at best is her alternative to a short life used for hard labor...
What are the social consequences of a master or mistress submitting to a slave?
>However what you described has another philosophy that I can see being a neat idea as well, that by having them throw on some of their Master's dirty laundry whenever they have to go outside the house and thus not be naked like they should helps reinforce that they are just animals and not deserving of human comforts like feeling sexy.
I was going for more of a Pavlovian thing where they put on one of my shirts whenever it gets cold in the house, and eventually associate my scent with warmth. My slaves are indoor pets.

Top girl being allowed to wear lingerie is mainly because I like the image of her being super smug about her clothing privileges while actually looking like pic related. Letting her act superior also has the benefit of making her the target of any resentment the other girls feel.

(When she gets too full of herself I'll 'forget' to untie her from the bed before I leave for work, leaving her at the mercy of the other girls.)
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Why not both?
I really like the dichotomy between the rough and tumble life of a field slave, and the cushy life of a domestic slave.
I'm also partial to the idea that never shall the two mix. Field slaves are not permitted indoors and must sleep outside. If the weather is poor, they get a separate shelter.
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Dependant on getting caught, first of all.
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Depends on the place. Some places, none, as it's seen as yet another way for the masters to toy with their slaves. Some other places, there will be gossip. However, some more socially strict places have laws where the masters are penalized (sometimes bukkake'd by their slaves, sometimes put for freeuse in public or by their slaves, sometimes the slaves are freed) and some places even have the owners (and their family) enslaved (sometimes to the very slave they submitted to).
Can't post the pic here, but here is a new drawing:
What happens when your fighter slave girl don't listen to your rogue slave girl when exploring a dungeon? This pic happens.
Bad news anon, but we are enslaving the fairer sex.
Good news is we are enslaving only the ones that like to be enslaved. You'd be amazed how many of them exhibit submissive tendencies. It has to be at least 6 out of 10 women.
canon slave girls best slave girls
My ideal scenario would be to make a slave feel like the most loved important person in the world, and slowly strip away all the adoration I initially showed him.
I'd go after an insecure self doubting man who's never experienced any sort of attention from a woman before. I'd put on an act that I think he's actually really cool and good looking until he moves in with me. Once I had him to myself I'd slowly begin giving passive aggressive insults and backhanded compliments that are just subtle enough for him to not want to say anything back. After he accepts that, I'd poke fun at his intrests and hobbies until he stops doing the things he enjoys in hopes of pleasing me. Then I'd tease him for all the things about his body and the way he talks that he's already insecure about and keep doing this method until he's desperately trying to change every part of himself to get a taste of the love I showed when we first met. Once I filled him with self-hate, he'd be in the perfect position to isolate from the outside world and keep him indoors permanently, never wanting to try to reach out for help
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that expression of despair is one of the hottest things I have ever seen
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Seeing slaves come face to face with the fact they are powerless by definition is a, well, interesting sight to see sometimes, lets go with that. I own one of those yandere slaves, the ones so absolutely horny about their own subjugation the fact that they weren't bought at a market and could be hunted back down by the cops if they tried to leave me still kind of upsets them, they had to date a little bit like a human being for a while. Anyways I do all sorts of cruel and sadistic punishments to her, just for fun, as you do.

Lately with a massive rainstorm and the mud outside I told that bitch she was going to be dragged out there to eat some dirt, or rather mud, that she was now face to face with. Having a meltdown absolutely crying, words like "Please Master, ill do anything you say, anything but that Master! Please Master!" trying to come through the sobs. My hand holding her hair as I prepare to shove it right into the mud mere inches away from her face. Hm.

Now she's going to get so confused being shown mercy, maybe she'd be relieved that whatever is setting her off about the mud is gone, but then she'd be so upset her Master decided to show mercy to something that doesn't deserve it. Instead you should think like a slave psychiatrist, she still needs to be punished, and honestly the fact she pledged eternal obedience in the face of not being eternally obedient is going to worm its way into her mind eventually. So what I did was double the amount of punishment lashes, mixed in with the more freeform beatings and manhandling while doing so, and she got to choke down one of the harder blowjobs she's done, with the tears streaming down her face just as hard as the rain all over her naked body aswell as the mud all over.

Fun times. Still have no idea what set off being so upset at mud. Texture issue maybe? Yandere slaves tend to be extremely neurodivergent. Effectively have autistic hyperfixation on being grovelling property. Something like that.
Ooh, I know this one.
It is from Jack-o-Nine Tails, when you auction a slave.
A brilliant gam, highly recommend if you are into slavery.
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The lack of H-games and VN's where you can play as the slave and serve your master is just depressing.
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>submissive tendencies
>6 out of 10 women
real lowball there i think. in my experience almost every woman enjoys at least a bit of "light" submission in the bedroom, even if it's just holding their hands above their head during sex. i've also been asked to choke multiple women
who raped you nonna?
you're just a normal woman
I think because it's very hard to translate the powerlessness in a way that's engaging.
You can't really convey or the feeling of Master or flinching every time Master raises His arm up that special kind of fear, the loss of freedom, or the consequences for bratting with just unselectable textboxes and words. Unfortunately

Conditioning is such a big thing for me, especially used for excess humiliation. Which other ones do you have planned, and how big a harem?

>tfw not bratting and just incompetent
Slave's have birthdays like anyone else, being technically human and all. A lot of slaves are also girls as previously stated, who tend to have hangups about such things free or not, but how to help your slave process that in a way that centers her service to you is another topic entirely.

A lot of girls are the type to have the kind of self esteem that would make your birthday and whatever you call the anniversary of her enslavement the only birthdays that matter for her, but I feel like showing a bit of kindness to these things on that day is still a good idea. I handfeed a few scraps from the people food she makes me every now and then, so she gets a bit of that today, and if she's been a very dutiful slave she can have one sex act that she is allowed to cum from. If she can. Once.

Being permitted to hump her Master's leg for 10 minutes and if she cums that's it is something that'll excite her no matter what, so maybe she needs to be a especially good girl to earn something like that.

A lot of times the best way to rule over a slave is to get her to understand her feelings of being inferior and beneath everyone is valid, it's just she needs to express it with dutiful service, she was put on this earth to make the lives of actual beings better, and wallowing in how she's the dirt beneath the feet of her betters shouldn't be the entire point of her existence, its the fact that she's often a happy smile and a compliment towards all of the human beings around her that make her life worthy in that specific way she deserves. The naked dirt grovelling still has its place though.
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Sigh, if only I could get isekai'd in some fantasy land and spend the rest of my days as my master's sex slave, naked and collared for life.
Just quietly kneeling next to his couch, keeping my eyes lowered, and exitedly rushing to serve him whenever he snaps his fingers. My only purpose in life anymore is to pleasure him after all.
He's having important conversations with men and women far above me; with actual people. Meanwhile I'm on the floor, between his legs, dutifully bopping my head up and down on his cock. And when I'm done swallowing his cum, I simply crawl back and resume my kneeling position next to the couch. Until he snaps his fingers yet again that is.
World building questions:

>1) What setting would you choose for your scenario? Modern? Fantasy? Sci-fi? Based in reality?
It's pretty much victorian age with light fantasy and magic elements. Around a millenia ago, the human society made contact with the elvish dominion that lived in the adjacent woodlands. The co-operation of the two races advanced both civilizations, and the elves taught humans the practice of slavery, which was the basis of their whole social system. For unknown reasons the elvish society collapsed some hundreds of years ago, and the few remaining elves have integrated to the human society. The world is also almost devoid of animals compared to ours, so a lot of work that could be done by animals or technology in the real world is done by slaves in this one. Even resources like milk can be gathered from slaves, and magic is used to mold slaves for particular purposes.

>2) What's the main supply of slaves?
To the elves, slavery was harmony between dominant and submissive souls, which they saw as the two groups all people could be divided into. Although the Greensight, a power the elves used to figure out the type of a soul an individual had, is long gone, humans inherited the belief system from their predecessors. As people grow up, typically in their teenage years, they are inspected by an authority (such as a parent, a teacher or a government worker) and placed into one of the two categories. Due to the system working with just the powers of human estimation, fraud is common. People might be snatched from dark streets or sold into slavery by an employer, and in such scenarios a new inspection is quickly gone and the unfortunate individual is found out to be a submissive soul all along. Similarly, children of wealthy slaveowners are practically always found out to be dominants.
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Oh I'm terribly sorry, it seems I forgot to add a picture. Not really relevant to the text, but I've always enjoyed this artist.
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Have you ever considered the financial expenses of per slave training? It only occured to me lately how much pic related would cost. I mean in the context of the pic it makes sense - it's a resistance leader who needs to be made an example and is a special case - but I can't imagine you would be able to make doing it to every slave profitable unless you live in some post-scarcity society or it's a state-funded industry. Especially and specifically a lot of these machines and advanced technology use.
Yes I have and this is where economy of scale comes into play as long as the slave population is large a few large scale training warehouses think amazon warehouse size where slaves are trained in groups and done in an almost assembly line style as each week a group is trained in one area till its all complete then shipped out to distro to then be disturbed to the various slave markets and shops. You could sell them for the price of new car $15-30K range.
Only high end slaves get a personal trainer but those slaves would tend to sell hundreds of thousands to millions each.
A question for slaves
If you were offered a 4 day trip to be a slave would you take it? At the end of the 4 days you will be returned with all your memories in tact of your trip.

Your given the body you want and the setting you want but that's all you get being a slave everything else during that 4 day trip will be at the whims of your master. Maybe you'll get to live out your dreams maybe you won't it all depends on what your master has in store for you.
Would you take the offer?
>Your given the body you want
In that case I would want my body to be a symbol of my submission. Tattooed, branded and pierced to the extreme, collared and leashed. During my training my body proportions have grown so big and overly sexualized that I make other (free) women scoff and look away in disgust.
>setting you want
Some medieval-esque jrpg style fantasy world. I'm owned by a local slaver's guild branch, trained daily to be eventually sold as an obedient sex slave to some rich noble in an underground auction.
>Would you take the offer?
Absolutely. Though it would be great if I was offered another trip after my initial 4 day trip is done, given my setting. The next trip offered could be higher ¨risk¨ as well, like, say 100 days? And the trip after that? 3 years. And so on and so on. Also yes, I most likely would agree to that 100 days trip. Who knows, maybe by the end of it I'm already sold to some fat noble and even end up pregnant. One way to find out.
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>would be great if I was offered another trip after my initial 4 day trip is done
Didn't think the first reply would be I wanna go again.
Alright you can go again after a 2 week cool down between 4 day trips but the catch is each time you go back the desire to stay becomes stronger and stronger until you can't return. Now your fantasy has turned into your reality for however long you live in your new life.
Keep toiling away at it, slave anon. Most human beings dream of truck-kun sending them to a fantasy world where they get to be a RPG adventurer, fighting sentient slimes or whatever. Instead you just want to live life as you always deserved: as a servile naked piece of slavemeat, always ready to make her owner's life better one blowjob and chores at a time.

You'll get there eventually. Just keep trying to impress that boy you like I guess. slaves are meant to live with their life wrapped around the finger of someone so much better than them in ever single way, so its more a when not if that collection of mush between your ears finally allows you to serve as you were meant to.
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Well, forks for me. Though I fear it's pretty likely that I would end up getting stuck as a slave for life in that fantasy world as a result of that catch. Oh well, that ¨body I want¨ part is just too good to pass by. I can just imagine looking like pic related and standing naked on a bright stage, completely still and quiet (as I've been thoroughly trained to do by then), listening how people keep bidding on me, and by the time I'm sold I'll learn how much (or little) my life is worth for those people.
My own irl body would probably just start to feel inadequate and boring in comparison after enough trips.
All I want is a slave wife of my very own. Someone I hand-picked to suit my tastes; carried off from an enemy city as a war prize, or stolen from another clan, or whatever. A woman, but one I'd mold into a proper wife one training session at a time.

Minding the baby, of course.
>carried off from an enemy city as a war prize, or stolen from another clan
This is the dream. It's hard to put it to words how much I love the idea of being conquered and claimed as my enemy's property. Raze my village to the ground, make me grovel on my knees and beg for my life, and take me as your slave. Really drills the feeling of inferiority in. Sealing that deal with a breeding is a perfect cherry on the top.

It works so well because it was the status quo for much of human history. Much of human pre-history as well. Bride kidnapping and forced impregnation is just how we evolved to act.
>Absolutely. Though it would be great if I was offered another trip after my initial 4 day trip is done, given my setting. The next trip offered could be higher ¨risk¨ as well, like, say 100 days?
Time to get the brainwashing kit.
Oh no, my breasts are covered! Everyone's staring at me. It's so embarrassing.. This man is teaching everyone. He'll tell me what to do. I've gotta make these new relationships work for some reason. I can't remember any others. Oh now he's touching me. I think I'll be alright. I can stay here until I can figure out what's happening. I'm so glad he forgave me for just barging in like this all clothed and ready to... do something. I'll follow his lead then beg one of the other girls to explain this place to me. Oh, I know her! I came here to rescue her, she's... I had to help her, but now she can help me. I can't believe I was actually going to kill someone. His hands are big. I hope no one hates me for taking his attention. I just got here. I don't know how to stay out of the way. Should I touch him back? I need to talk to her. I should have masturbated earlier. I thought I was just going to kill and run, but now I can't focus. I'm gonna screw up again. She's not touching him. It's warm but her nips are up too, everyone's are. It's fine to be horny then. Maybe I'm ok. I'll only do what she does or what he tells me. Please tell me what to do. I don't know any of the lines. Are we serving food? Is this foreplay? Are more men going to show up? Oh god, I've never had more than one man before. I need instructions. I need an example. Help me! Someone move or talk. I can't take the initiative when I already showed up clothed and armed. How am I going to survive this if I can't even talk to my only friend? I hate this. I have to be here for her, but I don't want to be. Would this end if I jerked him off? He's so disgusting. I was going to kill him but I just need time to move forward somehow. I can visualize each little motion to grab the sword his dick, but no actual instructions are forming or arriving. I'm sure I practiced this a lot. Why can't I begin? He just wants me to sit here and be touched instead of anyone else while they stare? Is this punishment? I hope so.
The way I think of it once I'm owned there's no going back, so even if I go back to my normal life I still can't unsee myself as the property of that person. I guess my fantasy is being eternally owned by someone rather than having x and y done to me as a slave.
Also It's up to my Master to ulter my body to his liking, something like hooking me to a machine and changing me to be exactly what he wants.
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Slave's who know they are their Master's property for life are the best. That's a good girl.

They might have some second thoughts after enduring some especially hard times in His name, but I know girls like that, even seeing their God at the end is enough to make them give their life in hard toil all over again. And if its their Owner that is overseeing them with the whip well then they would go to the ends of the earth to impress Him, but thankfully most girls just need to keep His home and His cock clean rather than, y'know, stuff like picrel.
It works extra well if they don't speak the same language, so all communication is done by beatings, simple dog commands, and if im lucky enough to have a benevolent Master with today's tech, clit buzzings.

my fantasy goes between being kidnapped early, and property of the kennel/quartermaster, and watching the remnants of my tribe being subjugated and brought in whilst i'm powerless and locked in the kennels with the male violent attack dogs, and have been sprayed with dog pheromones.
Or being forcibly stripped, ordered to jump, jiggle, and humiliate myself, gagged with my panties and the females forced to march in a train back to our Master's camps, whilst the males are sent to mines.

tfw Austrian
tfw could have been conquered by Muslim hordes hundreds of years ago and moved through Turkey as a slave eventually ending up in the middle east as the pet of a man who already has 3 wives
tfw would only be allowed to wear a collar with a crucifix on showing i was/am a catholic whore
> Killing potential slaves
well now those goblins are just being wasteful
They're goblins...

Ive marched a lot of coffles of girls through the Pass of Pain and back into Dominion lands where they'll be spending the rest of their life, if they're lucky. Most of the time when you go on slaving runs very few people fight back the first time, and nobody is going to decide after being slapped in irons that -now- is the time to fight back, they're broken down enough even then. Even males who some other units have taken for officers who are into that sort of thing aren't like this, regardless of whatever testosterone they might have. Just more of them tend to resist the first time.

Now they haven't even automated their entire economy through the creation of toil husks via arcane magic, which to begin with is part of why their civilization is so shit at this, using slaves like we used to thousands of years ago instead of only for sex and domination things, but scaring them into submission is totally unnecessary. Decapitating one of them to instill fear is just not a good long term idea, especially so when they actually matter to your economy. But then they live in this horrible hell swamp in a part of the world maps often forget to include, so I'm not terribly surprised.
>Most human beings dream of truck-kun sending them to a fantasy world where they get to be a RPG adventurer, fighting sentient slimes or whatever.
Dangit anon, you just made my dream scenario sooo much hotter. Other people who got isekai'd to the same world as me became adventurers; warriors excited to embark on their epic journeys. They grow stronger and wiser every day, helping people and slaying monsters. They explore dangerou dungeons full of ancient treasures, and watch endless beautiful sunsets on their travels across the world. Eventually they become heroes loved by everyone, righteous men and women who were brave enough to slay a legendary dragon, or even defeat a demon lord.
Meanwhile I quickly ended up captured by slavers and lost all my human rights and became a sex slave, a property for my master. Collared for life and trained for absolute unquestioning obedience. I stay forever in one mid-sized town, in the base of my master, my days filled with constant degrading sexual acts and menial tasks such as washing his clothes, cleaning the floors and serving drinks to his guests. And whenever I'm not needed, I must always kneel quietly somewhere close by.
It's likely that one of the isekai'd brave adventurers even came to visit my master at some point, maybe as a part of some minor sidequest. As he enters the room he briefly glances my way once, obviously just assuming that I'm only one of the 15 or so ¨NPC¨ collared slaves he had seen since he entered the town. Maybe my master even orders me to give the adventurer a quick blowjob to make him feel welcome. And as they talk about the details related to the sidequest, I'm already down on my knees, expertly sucking his cock as ordered. Yet little does he even know that I once came to this fantasy land from the same world as he did. Oh well, he has forgotten all about me by the end of the week and moved on with his adventures anyway.
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Well, yeah. You're just imagining life through what you are, slave. Honestly I think you should try to be a little bit more ambitious. Say truck-kun takes you as normal, but when you're the type to wilingly offer yourself to the slave market you see someone you might have seen in the old world walk through, and you try your hardest to get bought.

So you can be a bit more than a NPC slave. You can be more of a companion NPC slave. Try not to let it get to your head, this picture I saved from one of these threads a while back is not only the kind of torture you would endure just to get your head in the right space, but while the body type is what I like, getting the boobs to that place is going to require levelling up magical skills quite a bit, which by the way guess what your main duties are.

Can't be casting fireballs at sentient slimes at top effectiveness if I don't have a thing like you following me around to do every menial task, after all. Carrying loot too, I can't be the only dude who plays a handful of RPGs with certain mods installed to have such a girl follow me around. Now magic helps out a lot in making you obedient, the orders I give you are always to be respectful and pose submissively when not in use. Infact if someone even tries to talk to you you should respectively bow your head and say to talk to your Master instead of you, but anyways. You aren't going to be perfect, and magic based torture is quite intense. So just let the fear of that run around inside your little head if you suddenly want to think "Oh, my Master ordered me to clean his dirty robe but I can take a little rest since Ive been toiling so hard and its tiring me out".

Mages are always the weirdo adventurers anyways. If any of the party was to show up with something like you in tow it'd be the wizard above like, anyone else. slaves are also pretty weird creatures but its hard to judge something that doesn't have free will regardless.
Oooh! I really do like the idea of serving as one of the loot bitch slaves in a party. Even after countless adventures I still remain a pathetic weak lvl 1 slave, since my only value as a party member is in the amount of inventory I can carry around during our travels. I'm also always responsible for the cooking when the party is resting or camping, and obviously sexually pleasing my master whenever necessary. After us loot slaves have finished our daily inventory sorting, we obediently move away from the campfire and kneel down in a neat row further away to the edge of the forest, so that we won't be of any bother for the rest of the party members, as they're eating the food we prepared and planning for the next day. We're completely still, our backs straight and empty eyes facing forward, waiting quietly. Still, we're also all trained to happily run back at a moment's notice if our master's need to use us.
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Also whenever the party visits a village, the first thing I always do as an obient loot slave is to find the local whore house and register for work there. It wouldn't make any sense to waste the party's recources and pay for my stay at the Inn after all. Instead I work as a prostitute tirelessly 24/7 to raise more money for the party, and once again resume my loot slave duties once the party comes to pick me (and more importantly all the money I made) up, and continue our journey. Though first they go shopping and fill up their inventories with the money I made, and obviously it is also my duty to carry everything they bought.
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You've already fully internalized your place on this planet. Good girl. Not surprised, you're one of the few girls we capture that just submits right away. Theoretically don't even need to torture you day one to get you adapted to your new life, but we still did it anyways. You even managed to scream in a pleasing way, knew we had a good girl on our hands.

Also while a girl like you who seems to have a one track mind of being servile to cock you probably would be assigned to the brothel every single time the party stops in town, need to make sure you don't get too upstart for your place since a lot of defiant girls often get sent to some of the harder jobs to break their will, and a occasional shift on those would help you remember you're just as powerless as them. There's the girl that had your name beforehand, that uh, I think most of the parties slaves were on the oars during that long trip we took around the wailing shores. Anyways we let the ship captain take her off our hands once the journey was over since she was really more trouble than she was worth, but specifically you won't be the barrel whore in such a situation all the time, even if you are the most qualified in your own weird way of being happy in servitude. Ive seen a few slaves that get a bit haughty thinking they're better than other slaves since they think they chose to be a slave and they need a reminder of what they are sometimes.
Though my enthusiasm to serve may even come off as arrogance at times, I assure you that I understand my position. We loot slaves kneel in a row, for not one of us is better than another. We're all equally worthless and lowest of the low; we are assets, means to an end so that our superiors can live their lifes more comfortably. We only exist to be exploited. Lowly things like us don't even need human names, something like that is far above obedient pack mules like us. At best our masters could assign numbers to us, so that it's more convenient to give us clear orders. We are not very smart after all. And to make my position in this world absolutely clear forever for anyone who even glances at my way during our travels, the number I'm assigned could be branded on my forehead at a local smith, the next time we visit a town. Obviously I will pay all the expenses by my work. That way even new semi-permanent members of our party can easily shout me orders immediately. Though I must now kneel down and humbly beg that my number isn't 1. Someone like me is not worthy of such an important number, for this mediocre loot slave is not number one at anything, my master!
What is she tied to?
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Well your name was dim. Not surprised you forgot it, braindead dipshit. Guess you were cleaning the dirt off the boot of one of the party members and it gooned your entire head apart and that bit of information fell out. Honestly rather common, even more in girls like you who'd I'd think would cherish their slave name as a divine gift.

We've also got some good magic solutions for branding. Slaves are branded based on a code, you aren't going to be 1, even if I know you cant hold more than 2 numbers in your head. It's not burned into your flesh, the spell is actually designed to be far more painful, but it can be easily removed with only pain and not damage, if you're even sent from the adventuring parties back to my tower or something.

Ive had that picture for a while but aside from it being a hentai image it actually gives me the vibes of some of the more posh north american suburbs ive been in. There could be some heavy railing around a river bridge that would be great to tie a slave to overnight just to help adjust her attitude early on in training. The fact she's still wearing people clothes kind of makes me think of a scenario like that. Now this is a hentai image though, and maybe there's a part of Japan that looks 100% like that image and is actually a 5 minute walk from where the artist lives or something.
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Um, yes master, it's true that I have been currently assigned as the boot cleaner of the whole party, since under my superiors feet is where I feel most comfortable. It always makes my position and worthlessness in this world so wonderfully clear for everyone around me. I may have indeed blacked out a little recently after one of the adventurer's stomped my face in a puddle of mud a few times when I was licking his boots clean. Needless to say I also came violently as a result. Though don't worry master, I've burned all the important information to my very soul, being servile is in my nature after all. I will never forget my training; how to pleasure those better than me with my body, all the crucial information about loot slave duties and the correct etiquette expected of a dumb mule like me during our travels.
However the breast expansion curse you placed on my slave's collar last time I came back to my master's tower to deliver the herbs and magical artefacts you requested, has made my loot slave duties increasingly difficult as of late. It's very difficult to keep my balance in a rough terrain now that in addition to all the heavy inventory packs tied to me, these huge breasts are always weighing me down as well, and swinging wildly as I try to keep up the pace with the rest of the party. Some of the party members have certainly taken a liking to them though, constantly slapping and fondling them during our travels. I hope that my new swollen breasts are to my master's liking, that's the only thing that really matters. This lowly body is his property after all. Though next time I return to the tower, in addition to my pleasuring duties I must request for additional loot slave training to get used to these changes, or perhaps an additional ass expansion spell would help me balance my body better on my next trip, that would also save my master's valuable time? My body is extremely ¨top heavy¨ right now.
there's only so many mouths they have resources to feed, even gruel is limited.
Like how in battles horses were often sacrificed to feed the soldiers. Best to off the excess bottom-feeder slaves like those with STIs, so the rest of your cargo doesn't starve enroute.
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Hm. Yeah that's true. The way I run my Tower and Adventuring Party is to take captured girls and put them on the slave diet, thinning them out, and having that thin but still nourished and cute look be assisted by magical enhancements to the boobs and ass to help with adding just that bit more definition than traditional means can't get you. Seems the magic binding has messed up a bit, honestly a bunch of girls only get noticed until its far worse since they just put their head town and toil away trying not to be noticed. You aren't exactly one of those.

It'll take some magickal power but you've proven to be a trustworthy slave, you might even get some minor life extension adjustments later on if you're really good, but there's this chamber that can warp your body up to where I want it rather than that weird cow-like state you're kind of taking on now. You're going to need to deal with it until the expedition returns to the tower, and im doing to give your the courtesy of telling you this thing causes a unimaginable amount of pain, but it is foolproof, just expensive, and sometimes girls get kind of, well, broken by the pain. Especially when we don't tell them before hand.

Yeah but most civlizations have invented post-scarcity magic, and the reason why slavery even exists is some sadistic cruelty on the part of various mage lords. Like you and like me. The Goblins do live relatively close to the Neko Lands, which is more like a preserve, I was heavily involved in that project a few thousand years ago, and there's a lot of things in there that would lead such civilization defining advances but they still can't figure out how to get there in the first place, much less notice all the carefree neko girls who just run up to their enslavers not knowing that's in store for them.

I do sometimes made good on my threats to sell my problem girls to the goblins. One of them gave me some really weird teeth and promised "eternal torture". That was neat.
>there's only so many mouths they have resources to feed, even gruel is limited.
Dude that's why we have slave markets. You're supposed to sell the ones you can't afford to feed.
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Very well, I shall return to the Tower at once my master, though I fear it might take a little longer than usual with this current body of mine, please forgive me. I will leash and lock myself up to the usual spot in the corner of the entrance hall, and kneel down and wait for you in the formal slave's ¨storage¨ position as you've instructed. Once you return I'm ready to start my treatment at once master, or if you're not in a hurry may I perform the greeting blowjob first as usual?
I will do my very best to serve you in the future as well to receive those life extension adjustments, for this slave's greatest dream in it's pathetic life is to keep existing for Your sake for many centuries to come.
Though if I may speak freely my master, I feel uncomfortable about the duration of this body warping procedure, will I truly have to remain in your Tower until the expedition returns? Pain is not what I'm afraid of, I simply consider that a payment to make my master happy, but I'd rather not sully the deepest chambers of your holy Tower with my worthless, stained presence any longer than necessary. If there is a way to speed up the procedure, then I'm ready to do it.
In fact, this might be outrageous of something like me to ask, but it has been my little dream for a while now. To keep your Tower clean from my presence, could I stay outside in that old unused doghouse from now on, when we're not traveling? It pains me greatly that I can only serve you sexually during your free time, perhaps this way we could also go for short walks around the tower together to relieve some of your stress? I know how those Imperial officials get on master's nerves sometimes, calling your magical research im... ummm....... im-moh-ral?
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>take captured girls and put them on the slave diet, thinning them out, and having that thin but still nourished and cute look

And what do you do with a muscular warrior woman?
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>Snatch young guys off the streets, have them shipped to a private island in the middle of the ocean
>Day one when they arrive, make them wear a chastity cage and put them on estrogen, tell them that they have until they are 40 to present you with a large enough sum to buy their freedom and that they can earn money by posting videos of themselves as traps/femboys, but that all posts will be made through an intermediary
>Castrate the first slave who refuses, put him in a bitchsuit and let the other slaves care for him as they see fit
>When a slave turns 40, if he has procured enough money, offer to release him, if he accepts, get him drunk and high, weld his cage shut, strip him naked, have the staff run a train on him, whip him, gape him, just ruin him and dump him where you snatched him in the middle of the night
>If he refuses to be released, remove the cage, employ him as a manual worker on the island and let him pick a mother/sister of one of the other femboys to take as a slave-wife
>If he hasn't made enough money, weld the cage shut and use him as a pet (in a bitchsuit) or as a human urinal
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> Which other ones do you have planned, and how big a harem?
Small harem. 7 or less. (7 arbitrarily because it's 1 for every day of the week.)
A newly bought slave is going to be riding high off the excitement of the auction and how much money she was bought for, and the other slaves will feel jealous and worried about being replaced, so it's important to make sure the new meat understands her position in the pecking order right away.

To this end, the new meat's introduction to her new bed-mates will be crotch-first. Before I even take off the cheap handcuffs she was auctioned in, her first task will be to lick one of her new harem-sisters to orgasm, no matter how long it takes. (Actually just until she falls asleep with her face between her new friend's legs.)

Team Building!
What do you do with your bitches when they're not being put to work?

Just like with any other toy, you should put it away when you're not using them. A slave has no value aside from her body, so to make your property's body last as long as you can, it makes sense to store it away safely and securely. Most often this comes into play during the night, when the slaves not chosen to accompany the master to his bedroom are put away.
To save space, slaves have their own 'box' which they fit into. It requires them to be as compact as they can possibly be.
The well-being of a slave is important, which is why each box has a custom padded mold which perfectly fits around the slave. This prevents almost all movement aside from the slightest wiggles. Of course, this mold is made without clothes in mind, so slaves are naturally naked during their time inside.
Well, depends on what my role as a slave would be. If I only existed as a docile fuckdoll for my master, a dumb well trained set of holes for him to cum into whenever he likes, then in terms of storage and mobility it would only make sence for my limbs to be amputated. They would only take space during long term storage after all, and as a quadruple amputee carrying me around in a bag would be more convenient as well, if my master wanted to bring me along somewhere.
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Let's imagine you are an adventurer in an isekai setting, woul you buy slave girls to be your party members?
Uncensored and full res here: https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=10225981
Boy would I love to be a busty ponygirl slave for a huge goblin tribe. Treated like an animal; saddled and bridled. Just running through the wilderness with tens of other nameless girls like me, carrying my master on my back. My head empty, thoroughly trained to focus only on keeping my posture straight and my trotting elegant. Getting from point A to point B as ordered is my life now.
Of course. I specifically want to buy a disgraced dark elf princess to be a pet spell caster. She'd also help keep the other slave girls in line.
There's something especially hot about being a slave to goblins. Especially when they use you as a human shield against other humans.
Well, where do you think the money saved on the other slaves’ diets goes?
If you’re gonna keep a warrior woman as a slave, you might as well keep her in good condition, like a well-polished trophy
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Yes, and by the time something like that happens, I've already been completely trained and broken in, and lived as a ponygirl for so long, that I only identify as my master's docile little animal anymore. Angrily glaring at these weird ¨human¨ creatures who try to hurt my dear tribe. And any real rescue attempts are doomed to fail since they just send my dulled mind in full panic and I gallop away in fear: ¨Noo! Those scary looking men are trying to take me away from my master!¨
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How do you keep her restrained? You know she's going to rip your head off as soon as she can wiggle free.
I think something I would like to do would be to address slaves only by their attributes, like a busty slave would be "boobs," or a flat slave would be "flat"

I guess you could make it even more insulting with something like "birthmark". What kinds of names would you want like that?
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If I was ever made into a slave bride, this is how I'd wish my wedding day to look. Spending few months getting fattened up for the ceremony just to degrade me even further, oinking loudly (as ordered) as I crawl down the aisle. Bridesmaids laughing and spitting on me, calling me a pig. Some of them violently kicking and slapping my huge ass, telling me to crawl faster. And when I finally reach the altar I kiss my master's shoe while I vow to be his loyal unquestioning slave 'til death do us part. My ¨wedding ring¨ will be a gaudy huge nose ring, both cheap and tasteless. They'll do the painful piercing right then and there, bridalmaids holding my head in place.
And when we're on the way to our wedding reception, I'm already back on duty as a slave, kneeling on the floor of the limousine, giving my master a blowjob. And when we reach our destination, there will obviously be tens of more important quests I must serve as well.
One can dream, sigh.

Honestly, I'd just keep my slave(s) in a modified straightjacket pretty much 24/7. A suit that makes it easy to control them but leaves them easily accessible for fucking and allows them to do basic manual labor. When I need to store them for the night I'd just secure their arms with the jacket and clip their leash to the ring on the wall.

Their crotch strap would keep a battery powered remote control dildo in them so when I feel like taking a break I just have to press a button and she'll be warmed up and wet for me by the time I use the intercom system to order her to come to my location. It's never easy for a slave to deliver themselves to their next rape, the dread growing with each step... especially with a dildo vibe buzzing away inside them, but what choice does she have?
>1) How would you get adjusted to a new Master, or your life as a slave?
id want to dedicate my life to it and have my diet and physical activity scheduled around being the ideal breeding hole and cock sleeve
all of my free time would be spent desperately waiting and anxiously thinking about being violated
>2) Would your Master assign the duty of training you to another trusted slave, training you himself, or train you with another slave?
id want to be the only slave being trained alone, but i have no say in it anyways
id have to deal with whatever my master wants, whether its being isolated, tongue-kissing other slaves, or letting myself be molested by men
>3) What training will you be put through?
long and rigorous throat training
my mouth will be my most valuable asset, and ill be subject to practice until my tongue perfectly memorizes the shape of every bump and cock vein
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>How do you keep her restrained?
Near-permanent ponygirl bondage seems effective. This also means she needs to be hand-fed every meal, which is a huge plus.

I would personally go for a chastity belt with some remote-controlled toys underneath. (A few months with zero control over the inside of her own cunt will teach her some manners.)

>You know she's going to rip your head off as soon as she can wiggle free.
Depends how realistic we're being. If you're in good shape and she's not on steroids you should be able to handle her pretty easy.
>I would personally go for a chastity belt with some remote-controlled toys underneath. (A few months with zero control over the inside of her own cunt will teach her some manners.)

How will you know once you've tamed her? And how would you know she isn't just trying to trick you?

>Depends how realistic we're being. If you're in good shape and she's not on steroids you should be able to handle her pretty easy.

I'm imagining a semi-realistic fantasy style isekai where warrior women are somewhat human strength but not fantastically so, maybe say a 6'5" captured warrior.
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All I'm saying is that they could just sell the slaves they can't keep. There are plenty of coal mines that need workers
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I also really like the idea of spending countless hours practicing my blowjob skills and memorizing absolutely everything about my master's penis, to the point where my mouth just always feels weird and empty when I don't have his cock in my mouth.
Maybe my master would even give me a special dildo in the exact shape of his cock that I could stuff in my mouth for comfort during those long lonely nights when he's fucking some other slave.
If I fell into slavery after spending a few years as a very successful adventurer in a fantasy land first, sure sounds hot as hell as well. Knowing that slavers were always out there somewhere, looking for fresh ¨merchandise¨, but after countless battles I've grown confident in myself, certain that no one would be foolish enough to try anything against me. I'm already well known in the entire kingdom, some even call me a Legend.
But just one single careless slip up was enough to undo all of my hard work. Maybe during a sidequest some temporary party member poured something in my drink when I wasn't looking, and the next thing I know, I wake up naked and tightly tied up in a cargo hold with 50 or so other young girls like me. We're placed in 5 straight lines, collared to the floor. All of my SSS+ level equipment and money is now gone too.
The slaver's ship sails off to some faraway land, and after a few months of harsh, mind breaking sex slave training I end up sold to some foreign warlord, who has never even heard of me before, nor does he give a shit who I was. All that matters anymore is learning to pleasure him with all my heart. The magical slave seal placed on my body has made me way weaker than how I was at lvl 1, and also made the escape completely impossible anyways: If I'd try to leave the palace without my master's consent, my heart would immediately just stop as a result, and I'd simply drop dead at the gates. So I might as well just give up and embrace the fact that this pathetic servile existence is my life from now on, and make sure that this sex slave was worth all that money.
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>I end up sold to some foreign warlord, who has never even heard of me before, nor does he give a shit who I was

What if the warlord was visited by a foreign ambassador. Would you want to be recognized, hoping to be freed? Or would you keep your head down, hoping no one recognizes you?
>How will you know once you've tamed her? And how would you know she isn't just trying to trick you?
I said she'd be tame after a few months. I never said it would stop.
>a 6'5" captured warrior.
Ok yeah a 6'5" Amazon is prime ponygirl material. Only the finest restraints for such a creature.

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