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creatures/monsters/beasts etc.
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There needs to be more western comic vore.
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This is how RWBY really ended
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Ayunna had a bad run on her mission as she helped the human team deliver their secret blueprints to the Warlord.

The Divine Worm (and some sabotage from the female player) ended up dooming the team. The Divine Worm devoured her, further empowering it and only making the circumstances worse for the group.

My character didn't even dare open fire as he escaped, merely turning to look as he took a sip from his liquor bottle. He had seen enough.
i don't usually follow Marvel but has bodybag appeared in any lie action, movies or shows?
Nope, and he never will. He's barely in the comics. Bodybag is as close to the bottom of the barrel as you can get when it comes to throwaway, forgettable F-tier antagonists.

For those wondering, the scene is from the pilot issue of a Captain Britain comic, so the monster is a literally who, from a literally who's series, who never appeared ever again, as far as I know.
Got one with sound? Artist?
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Every time I see this artist's work, it makes me more into Vore every week. I think its the asses and faces he draws when the prey is consumed. It feels like they can break out at any point but either choose not to or can't even though freedom is right there.
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artist is Yugerov; https://x.com/Yugerov/status/1773846750094385585
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>the monster got the drop on Mirko and quickly shoved the hero into its maw
>her shapely hips the only thing preventing her from sliding down it's throat
>suddenly she feels a pair of hands on her hips, help has come!
>instead she begins to squirm and panic as she feels her leotard slide over and something press against her exposed sex
>the helpless heroine can do nothing as the unknown assailant thrusts into her
>after several minutes with a final, violent thrust the attackers dick erupted inside of her
>the slamming against her hips causing her wide hips to finally slip past the monsters mouth, sealing her fate with a satisfied gulp
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cropped b/c of graphic digestion
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salsa please

me love some graphic digestion
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It's good stuff. Ass-last is my favorite prey "pose," and I always love seeing outline of prey in the predator's body.
Plus prey being smug/self-assured before smash-cutting to them being devoured is just amazingly hot.
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Something so hot about the last thing the world sees of this hot woman is her fat ass. Sexy and humiliating.
I love ass last, but hands down ass first is my favorite.
The casual cruelty of vore bystanders never ceases to amaze. This class just sits there and watches their classmate and teacher die for twenty minutes without giving a single shit.

I like her looking at those skulls. Clever.
it's from a story called "feeding the class pet"
A girl is selected to replace the skeleton on display in the classroom by being fed to a giant frog.
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I personally don't have much preference when it comes to the pose, but I am partial to the instant loss style hard cut to the prey being eaten/digested
Something that will always have an appeal to me, definitely feet first vore
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I enjoy those too, though not usually a fan of graphic/explicit digestion

I guess it depends on the pred for me, I like it best when snakes go head first, frogs ass first, and fish go feet first.
I love feet-first most of all when it means we get face-last. Not that hands-last isn't great, but seeing the prey's final expression, whatever it may be, before they engulfed fully in their predator is so, so much hotter.
Love the pic, but I'm autistically bothered by what happens to her legs. Do they stick out? Get broken and folded in?
Aaaah yes, the famous last look, love to draw these (and feet first in general)
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I was looking for something else and found this, so I'm gonna post it.
Fuck it, just gonna request it. Someone post that one of the mother and daughter both getting eaten by snakes, face-last, with the daughter almost gone as the mother watches and the owner of the snakes taunting her about it.
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Speaking of snake eating prey feet first, anybody got that comic where a woman comes out of the shower and meets a snake with some quills on its head and it coils and eats her from the feet up ? Can't seem to find it since ApexDiner got their DA account nuked from existence. Artist is TORN-S if that is of any further indication.
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You, sir, or lady, or whatever, are the GOAT
A comic made by jamsstf when they were on DA
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Please post uncropped version.
Is this project ever getting finished?
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The game was shut down, it will never come to fruition. The limited alphas that were released are all we get and it is only an unfinished level. The creator has moved on.
has anyone broken down that situation? iirc he was given tens of thousands of dollars and just pissed it away hiring help because he had no skills for actually making a game. now he's promising shit like teasers for trailers for.. i dunno, an animation? as long as he gets enough patrons, of course. dude should've been mocked into deleting everything years ago
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Forgive me if it feels like I'm pressuring you asking this, but do you feel confident enough in your art to give us a sample?
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Sure ! Here's an example featuring one of my OCs.
Very sexy. She looks like she'd give a wink right before her face was slurped in.
Do you have a gallery anywhere, by chance? Or, at least, an alias I can ascribe to this piece?
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Yeah, you can find me as GojiVorax on Aryion
Good to know the sequel has as delectable game overs as the original.
What do you guys think of owners feeding tiny people to their pets? Usually snakes,, frogs or fish, but I've seen others too.
and a few instant loss, just to keep the thread alive
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Yep it's DA-tier dogshit.
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To be honest, it was a lot of work and he shouldnt have been doing it alone. He overextended and was also trying to maintain other forms of business.
The game alone, he needed to code everything, design everything, and draw everything, then animate it all.
Dont forget he had to maintain his normal job, pay bills, take care of his living situation and so on.
Am I disappointed? Sure am. But ultimately it's kickstarter, thats the risk that the project wont come to fruition.
At least it's not AI
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Subnautica vore bc why not

Samus visibly didn't know the brain-like organ we can see through the Crabsquid's translucent body is actually its stomach
I'm just happy we have artists here as opposed to it all being reposts.
This guy gets it
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Since it seems like aquatic preds became a theme.
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Good, more underwater vore please.
oh, that's my commission. good taste, pet feeding + mini is a great combo for sure
I like your art, Goji. Keep it up.
Thanks buddy !
he's working on a sequel?
Not that I know of. Last I heard Camel is maybe working on another visual novel.
This sequence was made by someone who wanted to use their oc creature in a comic strip to look like the game.
Would you mind if I drew your oc there (Valerie)? I kinda want to try my hand at drawing her getting slurped in completely. (No promises I'll find it good enough to post though)
I'm honestly not sure if this pic is intended as vore or not, but something about being eaten by a creature only meant to suck up algae screams humiliating in a bottom of the food chain way
Zetaxinn DeviantArt user made a commission with some Japanese artist with anime girls nami erza and cana being swallowed by a nasy toad. Till this day i can't find the full lenght comic. He deleted it from his profile. Looked so dope. What a tragedy
What a shame zetaxinn deleted it from its profile. I tried asking him to see it but i wonder if he is still online
Ai for now can't make such quality job like that artist did
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Still wish more artist did monster safe full tour vore
It's awesome. I hate fatal vore
I'd be honored !

And no worries, just take your time and know you will at least have tried your hand. Better than regretting not taking the chance, pal
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Basically this artist draws any random picture that's even slightly a meme, but with this girl.
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Somehow it keeps leading to vore
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The vore mascots are always a classic.
Anybody got that one lugia comic
you gotta start somewhere
Eh, I've seen much worse. This is fappable, which is the most important thing.
Been mostly drawing on digital for two years only, if truth be told
Thank you for this flattering comment, buddy !
>What do you guys think of owners feeding tiny people to their pets? Usually snakes,, frogs or fish, but I've seen others too.

Women casually shrinking down men to feed to their pets = Kino

Female Zookeepers feeding lots of tinies to the animals = Kino

Female Zoo keeper handing tinies to a guest to feed to an animal and the guest teases them as she tosses them one by one into the animals law = Cumbuckets
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I had it shared with me in 2016, I think enough time's passed that I can share it , pains me to see content get lost, and besides Zetaxinn himself I might be the only one who still had this; https://files.catbox.moe/h7ic81.zip

Catbox works for zips right? if not i'll make an imgur album or something
it works, thanks anon
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You're a hero man. Really.
Thanks a lot. I tried talking to zetaxinn but i had no result. Never could access this comic until now. It was really worth the wait. This is the best kind of vore, bikini girls getting disgustingly dirty and get out of it in one piece (pun intended). No fatal digestion or gore stuff. although it would have been to glorious if they made it out by the chocolate backdoor.
Like zetaxinn did with Gwen Tennyson, tyris flare and teela lol
I keep getting tempted to commission one of my ocs in this sort of scenario, only got lamia vore so far but picking the right pred is tough. Creature vore is so good it's unfair.
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Kaname posted another WIP of what they're working on, looking good.

>>11051365 >>11050794
No problem!
Coloured? Nice. I loved his t-rex full tour girl comic, hope it gets coloured some day. Where can i see his new wip? His Twitter account was locked last time i checked(I'm from a 3rd world latam country and can't pay for his Patreon like service) I hope there are more artists in the future that do more full tour no fatal vore insted of the usual digestion fatal material. Zetaxinn is a collection of the best of that kind
who made this?
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I hope he poops her out alive
No idea but i loved the weird vore fetish moment in the last story wii game 2011 where in chapter 42 Arganan Temple the gold spider eats the female protagonist Calista and literally shits her out alive covered in spider diarrhea and then eats her and shits her again and again and again
It was a writer's barely disguised fetish certified moment
U can do dis with the invisible dye clothing that makes them look like they're in underwear. Despite YouTuber Oddity Connoisseur and one twitch stream it's impossible to find the vore moment where calista gets eaten in underwear. There was one yt vid during 2017 but the channel got deleted and then it became lost media. You literally could see in the video during a long time calista in underwear getting eaten and pooped again and again covered in spider diarrhea with lots of detail and in hd
Sadly the vid is no longer there and nobody did another experiment like it since the game is not that popular, it's painfully long and well it it what it is

@menhukuro on twitter
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Beast Boy : "Babe, can we just have a normal picnic date ?"
Raven : "No. Turn into a plesiosaur and eat me"

Little funny thing I drew on Valentine's Day
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Beast Boy is such an ingrate. He gets to fuck raven every day and he still complains.

Nice pic, I like when you draw more of the prey's body.
Yes I recall that exact same video. You fight that monster twice in the game, the first time where it can swallow all the other female party members if you let it.

JRPG vore is a treat. Have another:
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Yeah, he's pretty lucky, though we need to cut him some slack, I too would feel a bit upset if I had a gf and she picked being a total freak over a nice, wholesome moment such as a nice picnic at the lake or playing some video games together.

BTW, thanks for your appreciation of my work !
Looks dope. Oddity Connoisseur really helps to collect some rpg gems. Wish him or someone else could do the Gold spider vore scene in 4k with Calista's underwear skin and have a look at her spider shit covered body and watch her go full tour over and over again lol. Maybe in some other timeline. Hope there are more games in the future that feature beautiful women go vored in some monster slime or doo lol
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>Hope there are more games in the future that feature beautiful women go vored in some monster slime or doo lol

Dragon's Dogma 2 failed to deliver on that end. All that hype and they removed so many enemy types, including the hydra.
They removed so much i don't get why it exists
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Why is there just a vagina floating there?
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It's hers. The whole comic is an above ground panel and a below ground panel.
It's mostly guro.
Has anyone ever grabbed LinArt's exclusives off Patreon?
There are some LinArt works in kemono
Idk if this helps you
Too bad it's been a year since her last update
One of the best vore artist out there
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>forcefully stripped
>naked butt sliding down the throat being the last thing you see
Whew, so many good things in that gif.
is this guy still here? i got news for him
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Our heroine Fubuki finds herself deep below City-Z, and deep in trouble.
A little something for you guys, give me another One Punch Man girl to draw next (also open to any other girl from another series)
Reverse Image Search doesn't give me this version, where did you find this?
My friend made an edit of it. Don't ask who, he'd rather remain anonymous.
thats crazy, good work on his part
Awesome work anon, I really like how well you captured her expressions as well as the actual swallowing looking excellent!

Imma ask you to do some plant vore of either Frieren or Serie.
Since you did Fubuki, you might as well add Tatsumaki to the mix.
Perhaps either Captain Mizuki or Suiko. These two are criminally underrated
I'll work on Tatsumaki and Serie next, might take a while but i'll start as soon as I can
NTA but Serie vore sounds interesting... and character-wise she's straight up the alley of certain anons when it comes to prey.
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finished this!!!, what do you guys think
Fappable, so I saved it.
thanks :D
it's not perfect but i will improve the next ones
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Been a while since I browsed these boards. Think you guys will enjoy this piece I had done for me a while ago.
“SisterlyRxKR bonding”
Credit goes to Neuro-arts
As someone who knows the artist very well those girls have zero chance of getting out of these situations trust
I thought it was a bottomless guy in a hoodie from the thumbnail.
lmao, i think i went too much with the foot size, i'll reduce them the next time
does this count
The sizzling sounds of impending digestion is still sublime even now.
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this is one of my favourite pictures and probably not for the usual (autistic) reasons. Like, sure, Fran is swallowed whole AND underwater so she has no hope to escape.

But, I never played FF and met someone who wanted to ERP getting vored by someone she trusts to let her out ... MUCH later. I don't think I ever met someone so happy I didn't know who Fran was kek.
>chocolate bunny vore
what a way to discover this fetish, thanks for reading my blog
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made another one. what do ya think? need to draw these snakes a little better..
Looks more like an alien monster than a snake, honestly.
i know what to work on next then :)
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Got footage of those snake-snail things? I need them for reference.
The white ones that summon stuff to fight you? There was a webm in the thread but it kind of just bites you on the face and you die. Didn't really look like vore to me.
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The skintight pics are the best.
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god, theres something just so fucked up but so hot about thinking about a girl slowly suffocating and being digested while getting swallowed whole by some creature. I have spilled bucket loads to that scene from Nope when the wife is shown inside the aliens stomach.
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that scene was just people sliding through a tube, but i’ve seen normies say its the most horrifying thing ever

couldn’t even get my dick hard
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I hated that.
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>Tfw no monster friend that you help feed by luring innocent people to it
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>having a pet monster to feed people to
Good taste.
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found another one
>girl is a high ranking monster from the future
>travels to the past but is defeated by heroes
>in the monster hierarchy the weak are worthless so she has to fight her way back up
>her former subordinate monsters rape her
>after she is passes out from orgasming they feed her to a giant worm monster
>monster queen raped inside the worms stomach, humiliated that what she considers and ancient monster is making her orgasm so much
>begins to be digested
>for the first time in her life she feels helpless
>mixture of fear from being melted, humiliation from being toyed with by a weak monster, pleasure from the sex
>scene ends as she comes as she realizes she's nothing more than nutrients now
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Still no sauce on any of these gifs :/
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Platamatina on deviantart
they're from heart of darkness, it's full of vore, but you know, the kid's not naked in the actual game
great sound effects too. hope you like slurping noises
For me it isn't about the suffering, but about the curves and emotional response
the actual treasure of El Dorado
It's the bulges for me. The more form-fitting, the better.
I am looking for a particular ApexDiner comic, most likely illustrated by TORN-S

The title used to read "attack from the depths" on deviantart

It featured a blonde woman, in a white bikini, floating in the ocean, then getting eaten, by a giant worm-like creature.

If someone can place it here, they have my thanks
Also, "Delta Party" by same artist.
"Hhungry Intruder"
"Anaconda legacy of the blood orchid"
Now if someone shared ArtofVenus or Simplegreenbag recent works...
nta but i posted this series earlier in the thread in low res. i didn't have these higher res ones. appreciate the dump anon
You have my thanks
Allow me to make a contribution
You know what? How about some more?
All these art pieces are by Sergeant 16-Bit
Isn't it just lovely, how it licks her all over, on the way down?
it's a shame, TooFarBound, removed the Diana videos from their store
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This the one? I don't know if it has more than two pages.
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where's this one from?
i feel like a freak for saying it, but that entire vore scene in nope was a turn on. that digestion moment just hits a switch somewhere
Digestion scenes involving the prey getting thoroughly fucked is a guilty pleasure for me.
So hot when a girl is purposefully thrown to her doom
Fan no hitori is just the best at destroying schoolgirls in hot and humiliating ways
What a legend
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For me, it's wasu
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eden ritter grenze. It's a japan only gacha with vn style porn, but some dedicated fan has made a scene viewer which helps a lot since you don't have to deal with vpn or gacha bullshit. 95% of it is tentacles but that lends itself into scenes involving worms/slugs/plants/wyverns/mimics eating the girls to tentacle them.
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>For me it isn't about the suffering
It is for me
I figure this would be the best thread to ask.
I've been looking for this gif I've seen a while ago, it was someone inserting a png of Sakura Igawa into a recycle bin with an icon reskinned into a humanoid monster's body, the icon then changed into a bloated version and it reverted back after right clicking and emptying the bin.
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Please tell me who the artist is of this awesome video you posted, I need to know!
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I don't suppose there's any female character mods for Heart of Darkness?
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is there anything more humiliating than ending up as plant food?
I can't even begin to tell you ho much I love it when the prey gets fucked before it gets eaten. It doesn't get any better than this,

And Ragnar ist the master of this art,
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kek the saucenao result for this picture is funny...
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Idk what saucenao is looking at. It's a crop of this picture but it's been posted here a dozen time so
Aye this stuff is the best, especially if there are two people involved like in your pic, as the one who's getting fucked is powerless to do anything, and they also get to see the fate that awaits them too once the creature is sexually satisfied.
Have some more, then.
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im eating that monster's poo
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You know, Frohike, it's men like you that give perversion a bad name.
but where can we find the source of these?
Aye, that's an underrated scenario and hot as hell.
Does anyone have this full comic or the one where the teacher asks for a volunteer and a shy girl agrees and he sets her in a giant plant that gives her a two week long orgasm then digests her?
You can find it on reddit
Shame that his manga ended on such a wet fart.

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