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Any content where a female is draining a male or another female of their most precious immaterial resources for her own possession/ownership/usage -- usually permanently. Diagetic game mechanics (visible XP bars/level indicators/etc.) appreciated. The more femdom vibes, the better.

Basically, anything where "girl go up; boy go down," in the most typical case, but lesbian level drain also highly welcome.
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2/2 of this particular set.
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And that should be the fifth image to start the thread off.
attribute theft rocks, dont think I have anything to contribute tho.
>girl starts as lv62
>guy starts at 27
>girl ends at 118
>guy ends at 1
Name ONE (1) game where a lv27 character or enemy has enough exp to boost a lv62 up to 118.
You can include any buffs or increases to exp earned even just list such.
Such blatant illogical impissibilities ruin the whole gamification part in my eyes. Shows a lack of care and knowledge.
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Listen, Anon I'm not here to justify the stupidity of Japanese artists; I see numbers and my cock gets hard. That's all I know.

That said the thread's been more successful than I'd hoped so far, so I'll go ahead and dump some more.
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I've seen one work that did something more complicated than exchanging one level for one level but otherwise they're pretty much all like that. Immersion-breaking, I know
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I want to see more of this done sweetly. Not rape, or energy slaves, just people willingly choosing to feed succubus that are thankful for it. It's already so niche, but seeing stuff like this is great, even if the art isn't the greatest.
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OP here, and I would post some of that if I HAD any. However, I like both types in any case. Still, the cuter the better.
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Sadly I don't have any more energy drain I can post here since pokemon aren't allowed. Hope the thread goes well.
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I have a couple level drain posts but mostly just attribute theft
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Never expected to see one of my edits break containment. Goes to show just how small this fetish really is.

Attribute theft is very welcome, though.
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Does anyone have recommendations for H games with this?
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Teitei ("Tales of Tei") is generally agreed upon to be the highest-quality Level Drain H-game in existence at the current time if you can stomach the shota-adjacent MC and an MTL of middling quality.

Just search it up on f95
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Thanks! I hadn't heard of that one.
>MTL of middling quality
If you were a dying succubus, what would you do?
This is neat.
I could bump with some M/M or Futa/Futa size drain sloppa if anyone's interested.
I want more of your stuff
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M/M no. I don't like futa but that's at least more thematic with the thread.

I do have one more that I actually finished. I don't really post these because captions are typically frowned upon by /d/ mods, and they do have some elements of that. But I've also never seen any of my edits deleted, either. So, idk.
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It's related to a longer doujin, [Gotarou no All Night Fuck (Gotarou)] Tsuyoku Yasashii Onna Samurai, Futanari ni Kaerare Tasuketa Musume ni Level Drain Sareryoku de Nejifuserare Kyousei Shasei

I hope you make more too. You could post them on another website like catbox or the /trash/ caption thread and link them here to avoid deletion
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Translation: https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=5479736
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I used to like this one a lot more before I realized they were futanari. Cock shrinking is hot though, so at least that's nice.
Well, she's a "big titty succubus" and he's a "hero." So I see two ways to justify this: monsters require much less exp per level compared to a hero (sometimes you'll see this when there are different rarities of characters), or else she's succ'ing other characters in the meantime (second image says "a few weeks later). It only shows her gaining 2 levels when he loses 3, so that wouldn't be sufficient to pump the levels up that much, so the latter option makes more sense.
Oops replied to wrong post.

Anyway, after actually reading what she's saying, it looks like she says "You have to train diligently or else I can't drain you anymore, you know?"

So if I understand correctly, the concept may be that he's grinding levels just so he can get succ'd.
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[Akazawa Red] Bouken No Sho Series Soushuuhen

One of the best drain series.
"last evil" is a pretty interesting one, i will admit the H scenes aren't the best as it is 3D and the quirky thing about this game is that you are actually playing as the succubus but its a genuinely fun game with an interesting concept
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Not bad, but there were so many missed opportunities to do more with the GUI. Scanned through it and didn't find much more than simple bars/gauges and implications in the writing.
This isn't drain. It's just lowering stats. Also not femdom, although that's not a requirement.
The stats have to actually be going somewhere.
It's a different variant but I really enjoy it when the stats are redistributed back to the character, but are transferred from useful stats to things that are purely sexual
Like the classic IQ to breast size in picrel but also ideas like
>level stat being shifted to the libido stat
>sword use skill remade into a sex skill
Maybe a bit off-topic but it's rare to get to even mention it
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Shhhh anon is keeping the thread alive, let it be.

Also anon I quite enjoyed it. IQ drain is underrated
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Completely forgot but I do actually have one more (non-caption-like) edit, although the willingness of the participants is reversed from the traditional setup -- Gudako forcibly draining her materials into Mash to make her stronger and curvier.
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Dunno what these "samples" are from.
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>page not found
Why must artists delete such great shit they've posted? I will never understand.
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There's a couple on his skeb https://skeb.jp/@tani_00tani and some more on his fanbox, but even there some of them still have SAMPLE written all over them. I wonder if only the commissioners have the full resolution versions of some of them
Have a fantasy about being on a milking table with a femdommy girl underneath who is slowly milking my cock into the waiting mouth of a needy succubus-ish girl. Basically me being used to feed her, but she's very thankful and happy about it.

Femdom girl of course goes suuuuuuuuuper slow and edges me several times to ensure I'm a screaming mess so that when I cum I'll empty 110% of my balls for the hungry girl.
Anybody got a suggestion for willing level/stat drain? I think having someone want to give their powers away to someone else is really fun.

Slime girl attacks!
3 damage
Slime girl drains!
5 damage
Slime girl recovers 5 HP
Hero is out of vigor
Hero has been defeated

"Hero-sama's sperm is wriggling around inside of me..."

"Ahaha, you lost to someone like me. Hero-sama, you're so weak!"
Slime girl straddles Hero and repeatedly wrings out his semen.
Slime girl takes 2 levels.
Hero is now level 38.
Thanks for drainslating!
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This might be along these lines. Though I usually prefer such a scenario with a succubus and actual life drain.
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Hero: "Guh... There's no way someone like me could lose to a succubus' tits..."

Succubus: "Would you like to ejaculate while being stroked like this? Or would you rather cum while I squeeze down on it?"

Hero: "Ah... Please make me cum while squeezing down..."

Party members are Hero, Warrior, Mage, and Monk
Succubus' title is "Low-grade Succubus"


Hero: "S-sorry everyone... I can't endure this..."

Succubus: "...Weakling."
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I think there was a version that was captioned but I can't find it
If you don't have any specific characters in mind, having it be a surprise gift would be fun, especially if the character giving has stats to spare. Imagine a superhero giving their civilian girlfriend permanent super strength, speed, and intelligence, while still being so far beyond normal humanity that it isn't making him weaker by any meaningful amount.

Another option is a character in a situation their abilities don't apply well to giving their power to someone with more applicable talents. Think like an assassin and a priest enter a graveyard dungeon, and leave a commoner and an arch priest because the assassin was worthless there and needed to make her partner stronger to survive.

Of course there's also the xp simp idea. Normally noncon, but it works consensual too. Imagine a cute farm girl complaining that her back hurts from working in the field, so a boy who wants to be with her starts adventuring with the goal of becoming strong so she can drain it from him. He never moves beyond killing slimes, but her farm gets bigger and grows more exotic crops while taking less of her time. A lot of femdom scenarios can probably be adapted for level drain easily if you think about it too.
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His old art was a bit rough so I can sort of understand it even though I really wish he didn't. I have quite a few of his older works, but I saved the master1200 downscales of some. Does anyone else have any? I'm thinking about uploading them to E-H since I can't find them anywhere else on the internet.
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Oh, there's a Nijie account with some older pictures. Maybe he forgot that website existed like everyone else


Still hoping someone else has some, because I don't think that's all of them.
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Any good stories with this theme?
Size loss with power draining is great. Wish there was more
this stuck inside clothes while level drained is hot
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Honestly I think this probably qualifies as level drain if you consider cash to be equivalent to the "level" or "energy" of a wallet.
steam catgirl&cat are a cute
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What an embarrassing way to get your levels back...
This is the hottest thing ever, anon. Facesitting, level drain, role reversal, loving humiliation—it hits so many kinks for me. I'd love to see more.
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4 pages of succubi level drain and 40 pages of women getting killed by goblins, it's the classic Asanagi experience.
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I do have one more that I forgot about (again) with a bit more editing/UI mockup work put into it, because I'd made it so long ago. The glows are possibly a bit overbearing, but I still generally like it.
But yes, I'm glad you recognize that facesitting is an excellent level drain position. Most people naturally assume Level Drain = "you shoot your levels through your cum into a woman and she absorbs it," but honestly I think Level Drain better equals "she subjugates you positionally and the world recognizes the fact that she lays proper claim to your levels instead of you." Facesitting, kissing, stepping, smothering in tits... there's so much more to do than just classic PIV, but that's the vast majority of the content.
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Have some slimes. No clue what the dialogue says, if anyone is interested in translating the text.
jack lolibutt too powerful
Aw, there's no textless images on Pixiv. I haven't really done any typesetting, what's the best way to handle this? Blur the Japanese text and put outlined text over it?

1: A slime is looking this way like it wants to become your ally! Let it join?

Slime: Lv01
HP: 005
Resistance: 002
Strength: 001
Magic power: 001
Speed: 001
A slime that strayed from its group. Affectionate. If you give it things rich in magic it will grow, and from that magic power it will acquire intelligence. Based on the magical information it's given it can change into various forms. Semen is packed with rich magical power so when a man wakes up in the morning, it may be clinging to his crotch.

2: 1 month later...

Slime: Lv98 Magical power: 17/100
Slime: Master<3 I want more white stuff~<3 Just a little more and it seems I'll be able to divide<3 so I want a bit more white stuff than usual~<3 So spurt, okay?

3: Slime B
Please hurry up and cum, master. I'm hungry. It looks like I'll also divide soon so please prepare the next magic. Can you cum?
Slime A: Maste~r<3 Thanks for shooting out a lot of magic<3 It looks like I'm pregnant again...<3 Spurt lots of magic<3 So please cum more?

The bar is 精力(energy) but semen is 精液 so it's some cum power pun.
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Nice, thanks anon.
Absolute diamonds. There's simply never enough art of girls getting drained away to nothing. You have an easier time finding something with the theme through vore.
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I know very little about Fate, yet I still find this unreasonably hot.
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>Would you enter?

(Wish there was more English translated level drain content)
i will wait for a different special
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I have a few that are not 100% level drain, but fit the vibe.
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