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Previous: >>11035227

Nvidia: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-NVidia-GPUs
AMD: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-AMD-GPUs
Cloud: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Online-Services
Optimizations: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Optimizations
Extensions: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Extensions
Custom Scripts: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Custom-Scripts
WebUI Forge: github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge

Wiki: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki
Holara: holara.ai/
Training: github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | rentry.org/59xed3
Tags: danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
ControlNet: rentry.org/dummycontrolnet
LamaCleaner: huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/Lama-Cleaner-lama
Animation: rentry.org/AnimAnon
Wildcards: rentry.org/NAIwildcards
4chanX Catbox userscript: rentry.org/hdgcb
Essentially everything: www.sdcompendium.com/
PonyXL/Autismix cheat sheet: rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff

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Request Anchor
A tan trap succubus that's packing heat.
This but not succubus, just human >>11038050
Requesting a feminine goth futa with a huge, thick dick fucking a faceless muscular male who is taller than her but has a smaller penis than her (e.g normal sized)
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At least on my end, it appears to be noticeably more receptive to prompting for my preferred artist styles than Hadrian and Veridian. At least for the faces. It does seem to have some stronger side effects on body tone.
Dropping the score tags from the prompt also seems to also help avoid the style crushing, like I've seen with Veridian and Hadrian - but HotDog still seems to have less of a style impact.
Cool, I'll have to give that one a shot, too.
Love the big flaccid cock and fat balls.
Can you do more of him, with longer hair?
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gave me a brown hex for some reason.
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Requesting a variant of this picture, but with her having bushy blonde pubes and an uncut cock.
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requesting hyper sized miku like this hex maniac
requesting busty multi penis goth girl on beach.
Hyperpregnant succubus
Futa with a normal sized penis, but massive, titanic testicles and itty-bitty breasts
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taking the "casual" in business casual a little too far
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like this?
futa with futa dick with futa dick with futa dick with futa dick
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Yeah, just like that! Just uh...without the dick looking like it's missing a chunk. I assume you used some flavor of photo editing software? Is it possible to also add tiny pubes to her balls as well?
Tired to get a good futa self-titjob+blowjob combo, but it seems like it's too complex for the model to interpret
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yeah I'm touching it up just wanted to see if that was the general idea of what you wanted
Femboy Juri Han, showing off ass from behind.
OOooh 3 cocks, impressive, very nice.
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A multibreasted barista serving coffee from her nipples.
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Succupregnant Hyperbus.
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couldn't really add hairy pubes without it fucking up the testicles sorry,
Thank you very much!
That's fine; I figured it was a long shot to begin with. Thanks for the edit!
>She's so rich, she has a foreskin, over her foreskin!
Anon.. those dicks look like stretched earth worms or leeches.
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Nice, how much do i have to donate for a quickie with Reimu.
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If https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=764685 is to be believed the going rate is one yen.
Now do the blonde domming the fuck out of the cowtits
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This might be too much to ask, but can you do one where Reimu has a decent rack and Rumia is fucking her tits?
Who's the woman?

Requesting a curvy woman with crotchboobs... because there's an even bigger set of balls and a matching cock where her tits should actually be.

There was one western artist from decades ago who did a bunch like this but I can't remember anything about who they were. Well, the giant chesticles and cocks, anyways.
>I'm jealous of this fucker, he has three dicks!
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Would you marry Miku even if if meant you'd be kicked out of every buffet in 15 minutes?
need more size difference stuff please
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Requesting finishing the pic with a human/dragon monstergirl head. You don't have to use the head already there, it's just a placeholder. Smiling, maybe with horns?
a small price to pay for salvation
tried a bunch of things but I ran out of simple ideas for her, only so much I can do with how limited I am

https://pixeldrain com/l/ rs1bRRQW
What about more Rin or other Sabers?
>69 pics
Thank you very much anon, it's amazing.
>I ran out of simple ideas for her, only so much I can do with how limited I am
How about naked dragon Artoria showing off her body like in >>11038039
Honestly can't imagine Rin as a dominant futa at all, she is too much of a fuck-up. Have a failgen from when I was trying to get Saber to fuck her though.

Dragon Mordred has potential for the future(why didn't she inherit the dragon core Nasu you hack???Why doesn't she have a part dragon berserker/avenger version while so many literally whos get alternate 5* and the face of Apocrypha starves??) but I will wait for some inspiration, it's probably for the better.

the crowd is beyond me but I can try having her bathe in some fancy evil bath, give me a while
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didn't even realize a new thread got made, wondered why /ddg/ was so damn quiet tonight lmao.

Moth girl with her human bride (updated from the other thread to to fix some minor errors.)
Gorgeous, thank you.
Rin does have an edge to her, she's just nice. Just imagine that all that testosterone analogue her futa cock produces hits her brain.
kiara from hololive jacking off her hyper futa cock on stream spurting cum all over her computer and room as it starts to fill up with cum
Here's a thought, you fucking FAGGOTS! Has anyone tried training a lora on THEIR OWN DICK? Did you get some great shots with your feminine husbando?
Anon, I was married for 9 years and gave it up. Sex aint shit compared to genning cute girls.
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Miku may or may not have eaten the entire Llama 3 34B model.
I was only in a relationship with my last ex somewhere in 2015 for 1.2 trimesters before she convinced me that keeping my life to myself and just looking at porn is far better.
Based and Al Bundy pilled
So fucking hot!
wonderful, requesting more please. pony?
and big bird is hungry!
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It may have been too much to ask, nothing turned out that great and the composition was usually sort of weird. I need to get better at regional prompting.
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Rin is a goober who tries to act like hot shit and it always blows up in her face, I can't see her dominating anyone without her getting instant loss'd and femdommed until unconscious
Also the jack-hamer scene is seared into my brain, hard to restore your top energy after that

Not the best royal bathhouse but it gets the job done
>Not the best royal bathhouse but it gets the job done
Damn,thank you anon.
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looks like a strapon yawn, digits need some work
good idea though
>how much for the three slaves?
have another one that I have been unable to replicate for the past 20 minutes
catbox please
Fuck, didn't expect Saber alter. Really like the cocksure smile and whatever is going on with that penis? would it be possible to maker her dick erect while is looking like htat?
She's been Alter the whole time but the excalibur morgan colors were a nice surprise
Thank you, would it be possible to maker her dick draconic too?
Just a Roman citizen, going about her day. I requested stuff like this in the last thread, and they turned out great. I don't know why but I find ancient rome to be full of sexual potential.
Just noticed the blondes in the back, shame there isn't a way of having them more involved.
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I don't even like monstergirls or animal dicks, how did I go from "hehe I wonder how titoria alter would look with a dick" to this
https://pixeldrain com/l/ A38ZmK5Q
Anyway I tried to keep the glow with the dragon dick but it didn't work, a horse-ish dick in my upload made it though

Truly a shame
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>Honestly can't imagine Rin as a dominant futa at all, she is too much of a fuck-up. Have a failgen from when I was trying to get Saber to fuck her though.
Thank you anon. Futa Rin lives rent free in my head because of the futanari Rin fic called "Jewel studding".
Basically in a ploy to grow a dick to use her semen to store spare mana and increase her mana regeneration in cheaper way than using gems she fucks up as usual and missed the part where the book warned her about:

Do not use more than one jewel. Regularly drain energy from the jewel.

A heavily charged jewel may cause side effects.

Side effects include:

Excessive growth in the penis and testicles

Discoloration of the penis and testicles

Abnormal growths on the penis

Excessive Smegma production

Excessive Semen production

Abnormal Semen consistency and potency

Massively increased Libido

Lowered Inhibitions

Increased Sexual Aggression

Basically the was inspired by this Muchin pic and the whole fic is Rin becoming more depraved and hyper dominant Muchin style futanari while going through tons of magical and sexual shenanigans with her sister, mother,Ayako,Taiga and the other servants.

Even if you don't think Rin is not fit to be a futa i really recommend you give it a try.
Yeah I've known about it for years, did not care much about it, his short story with futa Illya was more up my alley.
I'm more of a "fapfic where Mordred claims Bunnytoria as her breeding sow to get over her daddy issues" kind of guy
can you make one with her trying to do standing splits?
more of this, please. what loras do you use? love before and after (or even better, transformation over time), but just the after in this is fantastic, too.
>I'm more of a "fapfic where Mordred claims Bunnytoria as her breeding sow to get over her daddy issues" kind of guy
I like how that sounds, would Morgan be turned into a breeding sow too? how would Mordred treat her?
thanks. surprised you didn't use any style loras for this, i guess i'll have to check out that model
The story is actually real and it was pretty good, but I don't remember the name, something about taming a king I believe.
And in my eyes Mordred would forgive Artoria but not Mordred, she would keep her around as her slave to make her atone for her crimes by paying back with her body.
>The story is actually real
What? It's an actual story?..
Just looked it up, is this one? https://www.hentai-foundry.com/stories/user/ThatLewdWriter/48344/Fate-To-Tame-King

Will check it out.
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adding "socks" to the negative next time
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That's because you look at it like some porn reality.
If she had a dick she'd probably be too embarrassed in comparison.
Besides, I'm sure there were some doujins about futa goobers. They aren't so harmless, you know! When the semen keeps on spurting, hips just move on their own!
Being a futa is not synonymous with being evil or comically dominant.
It's just a dick.
I agree, that's why i said Muchin style futa.
Nothing /d/ about these, my dude
She looks so at peace with herself there, more gentle Mo-chan like this?
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>SMTV:Vengeance and Shadow of the Erdtree coming out so close to each other
Finally hit that, "wish I had a dedicated computer to to genning" moment
Tan tomboy futa frotting with a pale chubby futa. Chubby futa has a bigger dick and looks embarrassed about it while the tomboy futa looks angry.
futa adventurer girl using a generic RPG slime as emergency relief, in the style of Dragon Quest
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Minigts futa oppai loli
Does anyone happen to have any insect loras, after they were all wiped from civit for some reason?
you'd just double barrel genning
t. is double barreling genning
futanari Rally Vincent.
Moar FGO girls
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Do you have search filters on or something?
Now try opening them.
I had saved the following before they 404'd:
Bless you anon. No clue why the fuck they deleted most of these
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Something like this? Just ignore the fact that Miku is this flexible despite breaking every scale she steps on.
Nice and smooth
How did you get the clean lines?
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exactly like that, the contradiction of body type and flexibility is so nice
If I may ask, can you generate one of her completely nude in a classroom?
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I did the thing.
Which foreskin lora is this though?
From that anon, 0.4. I don't have the link, but there should be a rentry link in previous threads.
I think someone asked 2 threads ago.
Continues to work amazingly then I see
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With this party, I'd wanna isekai as a slime too.
Meanwhile Ai the rogue is offscreen making her slime pop
>rogue standing there dumbfounded covered in blue slime and her own cum wondering what just happened
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Based Aya style gen, thx anon
LMAO at the crab, but that's another great gen, i love the dress of the mothgirl
>the thing
this is perfect, i love her expression, the nips, the freckles, the blush and the all the juices staining the couch. Thank you 20Lora anon.
sukabu rpg when?
what a nice look, is this a menma style lora?
These ai images can only be produced on your own device with expensive graphics card?
>is this a menma style lora?
Found a Gunsmith cat lora on civitai, and added prompt tags like film grain, and chromatic abbreviation. Tried using a VHS Lora but it didn't do much.
The good ones, yes.
You can also be a poorfag and do some online gens.
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nope, there are a few online services, even free ones. But for local genning you would need at least a 'recent' midrange nvidia gpu i'd say.
>Gunsmith cat lora
oh nice, i was wondering how you got so close to the canon style.Looks great!
was just about to post a gen of yours i had saved to show the potential of free civit genning lol
Which online service would you recommend? I am using novelai, but it's nowhere >>11038574
this good. People keep asking for lora. I don't know what it is, but i know i can't add them to novelai.
I thought NovelAI was the best tool even better than local gens? Maybe you need to learn better prompting terms and artist styles.
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>Which online service would you recommend?
sorry anon, i have no idea cause i'm on local. But NAI seems to be the meta for online genning services. Cuase i've seen anons post some very nice stuff genned with novel ai.
> but it's nowhere this good
that anon is also on local and spends quite some time on his gens to make them look this good.
>People keep asking for lora.I don't know what it is, but i know i can't add them to novelai.
Loras are additional smaller models that can be added to get many different concepts and styles that are not trained in your base model, like the foreskin in >>11038574.And I'm not sure how NAI works but it makes sense that you wouldn't be able to use them with thier service.
>I thought NovelAI was the best tool even better than local gens?
idk,maybe? The simple fact that it's not local makes it feel inferior to me. But you've got a point. maybe >>11038592 is just a little bit inexperinced with prompting.
You can't get most of the things posted here with tags only. Especially when you want each part to be represented by different tag. For foreskin i even need to use furry model. And furry model in return is bad at doing styles.
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>that anon is also on local and spends quite some time on his gens to make them look this good.
Sorry, what kind of work you mean? It's ai. What else you can do but toss a coin? Especially when i want different style for example.
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>spend quite some time to make them look good
>toss a coin

Oooh anon, join us in a1111 forge/comfy ui and witness the tools available to you.

I'll repost this old thing just to show how a workflow can be.

Sketching and inpainting that is the main tool to success. But a good checkpoint and/or artist prompt/lora can hard-carry a gen.

Checkpoints can be absolute trash or gold, greatly deciding a style. Same with loras.
>Other than coin tossing
Manually redrawing and inpainting part of the gen. Or photobashing for img2img. There are quite a few ways to improve a gen other than winning the gacha. But I'm just rerolling for a better gen 99% of the time too. But some anons like to go the extra mile and it shows in their gens
I don't think i can do this in novelai. If I paint something and click start, everything around the gen will immediately change too.There is no way to preserve what you already genned. Inpainting doesn't work sketching.

(there was no thief lora so this took a few goes) Couldn't get her covered in slime but close enough ;).
I'm struggling to get regional prompter to work in the way I want. Is it possible to force a position of a character and a gender of a character using it? For example, if I want the female to be on the left and kneeling, and the male to be on the right and standing, every time?
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I'll probably go easier on Alice this thread.
Have other girls and things I'd like to gen.
I thought that was the entire point of regional prompts
I had an idea I need to try. A normal sized slimegirl in a gangbang. But the gangbang is hundreds of men, if not thousands. Enough to fill her with enough cum to expand into a massive fat slimegirl. Series of images.
It's not really a kink of mine, but it's a lulworthy experiment. Had some whacky results from xyz checkpoint plot, veridian won.

1girl kneeling, facing the right
1guy standing, facing the left

Enable Regional Prompter, default settings, click Visualize and make Template.
BREAK tells the prompter to read the line on its own.

If you want to have more specific regions, head over to the Mask tab > create mask area > draw the mask for the first line of prompts > draw region and show mask > continue with more masks if needed.

I sketch in photoshop, gives me more power. I don't think I ever got the Sketch tool in a1111 to work, real pain to work with anyway.
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on a long enough timeline, all porn becomes futanari porn
the crab of degeneracy
Futa is truly the ultimate evolution of porn and allows for maximum possible sexual acts, positions and ability to mix with other fetishes
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>lulworthy experiment
nice, iirc you never did a slimegirl gen other than some tests. Can't wait to see it lol
nice thick thighs
> massive testicles
i don't think they're quite big enough for you but this is my take on randy marsh style testicles
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forgot the pic
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last one with smaller tits
>9 tailed Alice slightly annoyed Alice
Cute, thanks for the pic anon.
>I'll probably go easier on Alice this thread. Have other girls and things I'd like to gen.
Fair enough, looking forward for your stuff.

Would it possible to ask for a pixeldrain with all your Alices?
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i fuckin hate crabs tho
goth futa with a pair of hairy balls
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Forgot to attach image
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I'm really enjoying the 0.4 spine lora, slowly figuring things out. Thanks again to those who help :)
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rude wtf
look at him
hard-shelled sideways PRICK
looking at you like he's perfect, like he is the peak of evolution
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All of them are very well done! Hats off!
Request for a Fembot who's pregnant with a human baby, and is lactating
My attempt at a post-intercourse Senko and Kitsune Alice. Senko's tail feels wrong and Alice's cock isn't canine enough, but whatever.
Anything where their faces where in view kept failing because 2girl-ing is cursed, as established.

>Would it possible to ask for a pixeldrain with all your Alices?
I guess I could upload all the Alice images I liked enough to img2img somewhere. There is a fair amount I forget to share.
Other girls I like giving (purple) colored tongues too, I do post in our cousin thread here on /d/ from time to time. And haven't done best horse twin turbo in a while.
Does it have to Pixeldrain? I might have a burner account with mega laying around.

Either way you should remind me in the weekend if I haven't done it by then.
Summon me with purpletongueanon if you can't spot me conventionally, I'll have 4chanX highlight that. I don't like namefagging.
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You should grow some thicker carapace, softskin.
>Does it have to Pixeldrain?
No, anywhere is fine.
> I'll have 4chanX highlight that. I don't like namefagging.
Fair enough.
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>Senko's boobs look horrible
Politely requesting a girl, who's stomach is so cumflated that she's burping up some semen
how about a love goddess in heat
Nice, but that chin... it really makes me remember Rin's pointy old anime chin.
Nice Scathach, what style lora are you using?
It's NovelAI judging by the catbox.
It's just novelai.

I've just been doing xyz plots to find the best one after tweaks, had to wade through furry loras to find an inflation lora as well.
Yeah, the transparency is what I was after to try and get ghosts, but that was quite wonky, but with all these new checkpoints, I might get what I was after..!

Here's a plot to see if you see anything of use, fairly high weight on the lora so it works on some of the stubborn checkpoints.
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I want to do something like that for this collage I'm experimenting for. How to get the rest of the bodyparts inflated?
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All Mo-chans are gentle, no matter how rough they might look

very nice
Caption this
The King is too perfect...
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I to, am a believer in "big-dicked office ladies" supremacy
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So, anyone gave stable diffusion 3 a try? How's the experience?
the only thing I know about sb3 is that its memed for fucking up anatomy and its banned on civit atm
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It was pretty funny witnessing the huge ass "yo guys SD3 is out let's gooooo" and the next day it's "SD3 is banned sry"
Is this Aka style?
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Good eye, nonny
Nice, do you have his Lora? really want to try to make more of his futanari succubus/demon he rarely draws nowdays.
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I tend to use aka's lora often in a mix with others' and it works most of the time. It's a solid artstyle.
seems like they're mad about it being vague on ownership/licensing rights. Banning it is pretty stupid when they can just put a huge warning on all SD3 Models/Loras. Most people now just use local AI image gen for personal use anyway.
need big dicked artoria being mogged by an even bigger dicked mo...
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Requesting Mai Valentine (Yu-Gi-Oh!) giving futa Ishizu Ishtar a titjob.
Total Recall 3
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thank you!
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I'm extremely suspicious of anyone who isn't
Requesting more /d/-bodied girls (futas, centaurs, demons, multibreasts, hyper, etc.) in casual slice-of-life situations
Doing laundry, at the office, on a farm, eating lunch, whatever
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constructing hyper muscled femboy abominations
/d/-bodied girls stuck in traffic! Sweating it out bored to death in their cars
Based crab poster picking up my slack when I'm not around.

We don't take kindly to crab haters around these parts anon. This general was crab city for half a day once, you better watch your mouth or I'll send my crab army after you, we have tanks and crabcopters backed up by dragon girls and shark girls.
now give him massive tits
>dragon girls and shark girls.
Why are the dragon girls allied with the crabs?
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>. Senko's tail feels wrong and Alice's cock isn't canine enough, but whatever.
I think the pic is pretty good, thank you anon. I think Senko's tail looks fine as it would be difficult to show it too much without blocking something else and Alice's cock look s fine, if a bit small.
>There is a fair amount I forget to share.
That would be amazing.
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Sometimes it gives him tits and forgets the dick so it's just a girl now.
Holy fucking shit anon, Aka does mix well. I just added the lora to another older gen and it looks like it.
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Nice monstergirl
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Thank you
Zero Suit Samus with an uncomfortable boner trapped in her suit.
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It's so tight she can't even get hard
Too bad Aka rarely draws erections so his lora refuses to do them.
Just use "bulge"?
What if the girl is naked?
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Containment breached
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Dress code violation
Is it not possible to hard prompt "bulge" with endless parentheses and get it in AKA's style
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If anything it struggles with the car interior for me.
What are you mixing the Aka lora with? can't get a erect penis no matter what.
>her car reeks of sweat and precum
Damn, they lowered the amount of buzz you get per reaction.
AI is going to struggle with the interior no matter what. Lots of conflicting angles, vertices, and edges. To do it right you'd have to inpaint and photoshop for a good while
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If you don't like the fact she drives naked and it smells like boys' changing room inside - scram off and good luck waiting for another ride to hitchhike. It's the middle of desert and AC is broke.
In the last post I mixed in fftaker v2, here's a take without it:
It still works, but gives me double penises sometimes, also try putting flaccid in negatives
could…. could I see the double penis?
they cut all buzz gains by half in fact
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You convienced her to put at least something on. You only worsened the situation.
Really like this girl and your stuff, keep it up anon.
>sweaty AND briefs
Holy based
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I'm out of ideas
>car breaks down at the company parking garage
>it's going to need towing and everything
>cute but blunt, no attitude taken girl from work who you're friends with offers to give you a ride
>of course you accept, it's 105 degrees outside
>as you open the passenger door, your nostrils shrivel from the wall of cumin and cum
>you don't see any stains on your seat at least
>you look at your driver
>She's stripped down naked, minus her choker
>and she's packing more heat than anything you've seen in your life
>she glances at you from the side
>"what? Take it or leave it"
/d/-girl waiting at the DMV, confused with paperwork
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God bless Murica
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Why do my inpainted penises look like ass?
>You walked into the monster futa bath.
This gen really convinced to download try to do the gens on my computer.

How do i start i tried the op but i got a bit lost, what do i download first?
>trying to do some actual gardening
>bitch decides to fuck the plants instead
>cumming 100L is the norm for them
imagine if they edged.
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She'd rather die in that desert than spend another hour at america's finest bastion of soul-draining bureaucracy
Could you try to gen this girl in the bath in this stiuation>>11038039?
try the crowd and people tags.
Whats your process/settings?
Your penis there looks overly detailed compared to the rest of the pic. Did you inpaint it multiple times ?
All my girls are allied with the crabs. Partially because I love crabs myself.
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This is it she's gonna punch that bitch cunt at the registry right in the face for making her redo all this paperwork bullshit for fifth time
Somebody told her to touch grass and she thought it means to lie with grass like with a man.
Sorry Ma'am, Sir? You need to bring proof of residency
I must repainted multiple times without realizing it.

Right now I just use the inpainting feature in A1111.

penis, thick penis, veiny penis, shiny penis, precum,uncut, foreskin, long foreskin, very long foreskin, foreskin overhang, extremely long foreskin uncircumsised, penis thickest at base, giant testicles, sagging testicles, veiny testicles, <lora:foreskin_insertion_v0.1-pony:1>, foreskin_insertion, tongue in foreskin, shirokuma_\(nankyoku\)
Negative prompt: circumsized, short foreskin,
Steps: 25,
Sampler: DPM++ 2M,
Schedule type: Karras,
CFG scale: 7,
Seed: 1266642375,
Size: 1024x1024,
Model: ponyDiffusionV6XL_v6StartWithThisOne,
Denoising strength: 0.68,
Soft inpainting enabled: True,
Soft inpainting schedule bias: 1,
Soft inpainting preservation strength: 0.5,
Soft inpainting transition contrast boost: 4,
Soft inpainting mask influence: 0,
Soft inpainting difference threshold: 0.5,
Soft inpainting difference contrast: 2,
Mask blur: 4,
Inpaint area: Only masked,
Masked area padding: 0,
Lora hashes: "foreskin_insertion_v0.1-pony: nnnnnnnnn",
Version: v1.9.4
sadly the AI is biased against shorter futas being bigger, most if not all of my results are either wrong or slop
https://pixeldrain com/l/ XNdhV3Hc
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..it didn't end well. But at least she's got enough time to do her paperwork now.
Oh no! Not the experimental drug prison!
I used this tut to me started a while back. Start at 2:05. For 5:15 you can use Forge instead which is in the OP.
Error calculating cost, yep looks like civitai is shitting the bed right after the buzz adjustments.

Thank you anon, looks like it's the perfect moment to start.
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They don't have pools in prison.
She can skip the three months she was charged with at the court, but only if she agrees to participate as a tester of one of those new medical drugs.. Not like she's gonna agree to be a lab rat for those nerds.
amount of futa art declining only for A.I. to save us was not on the bingo card.
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just wanna say i fucking love these ones from the last thread, holy jesus, thankyou anon
With a dick that big does she only mate with cow girls and centaur girls?
cows and bulls*
sometimes she just hunts down an egirl and annihilates her for the lulz.
Keep all the prompts from the original gen(most noticeably your score tags and anything that affects the style of your image). I know your only working on the dick but no need to remove everything else until they actually start becoming a problem.
Ill be honest, ive never used Soft Inpainting. So I cant comment on that. I dont think ive seen anyone here use or mention it before.
Keep Padding at default(32)
Denoise is kinda high, if you just want to touch up the penis you can drop down to 4 or 5.. Once you start getting to close to 7 or higher, youre looking for something fairly new.
Are you using "crop and resize" or "resize and fill". Both will work fine, I personally use resize and fill more for touching up the image.
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+1 for skintight erections
hmm i see, wouldn't mind mordred being made taller for this to further exert her dominance though
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It's beyond what I can do sadly, this is all mostly up to luck.
The fact that their designs are intentionally similar probably doesn't help
>Mora futabu
Love your Mordreds anon.
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The boss is VERY adamant that nobody disturbs her while she's hard at work
They're testing some hyper fertility drugs on her. Supposed to increase the size of all her sex organs by 600%
Might have been part of the SD3 temp ban
Only thing I saw about it was that did text pretty well. Which sucks cause AI text can be cute or funny
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Link should really have checked what was in that potion before he drank it...

(Trying to make an image sequence of link changing, still deciding if I want to do futa or not though)
Now he has a severe cum craving, futa or shemale
Dick only makes it better, if anything - make it grow along with his ass, lips and tits
what about Zelda becoming a himbo femboy?
busty beardgirl in catbox link
I've been seeing more extreme hirsutism in hentai. There seems to be a lot more girls with chest hair, both conventional and ai
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That's an idea, might give that shot when i'm done with my two current projects (this, and kira yamato genderbend)
Could you make a gen with a really long bulge but with this girl>>11038947
Can you imagine how much water and vitamins they need each day?
Let alone how noisy those balls are, sperm rushing and churning within
Do at-home setups work fine with 3070-level hardware ( I know Nvidia tends to be far better) or do I need 3080/3090?
your gens will be slower, you probably can't do large batches, and you'll likely have to stick to lower resolutions, but yes you can use a 3070.

But if you really wanted to get into this, you'll want to save up and buy a better model. Don't waste your money on a slight upgrade either, get something with 12+ gigs of ram since that's the primary bottleneck.
agree with anon above. I am running on a 3070Laptop and I'd say that is close to the bare minimum for pony. You really want something better and 12+gb ram at least. I imagine it'll only go up in future too.
So will something like a 4080 be good then? It's a gen ahead and 16gb VRAM
Requesting May sporting a huge round belly, a tube in her butt, and all this pixelated, please.
I gen >>11038286
on a 4070ti with 16GB of ram. My single photo gens at 1152x896 are roughly 30 seconds, and my batches of 8 inpainting are around 2:40.

A 4080 is faster than my 4070, by a fair amount actually, but is significantly pricier. I got my 4070 for only 500. 4080's are roughly twice as much.
I am guessing a GTX 1650 doesn't make it to the graph ?
Yeah, I'm fine with the price. I got promoted and a bonus and figured that I might as well try to gitgud at AI genning before any crackdown happens, and so I'll get something for that.
can you even gen a single image with that thing?

Then yeah, go for broke. Your 3070 is enough to get your feet wet and I'd certainly consider starting and learning how to do it before spending a grand on something like this (Though this is advice I didn't even follow since I dumped a grand upgrading my PC)

But upgrading your GPU is never a bad thing anyways even if you don't make AI art with it.
Funny thing is thats only the 512x512 graph. Theres another for 768x768 genning if want to feel more sad.
Lol here I was, thinking it was going to take like, 15 minutes per Pic
fuck, i want to see it. to try to figure what to look for the next time i buy a pc.
im on a 2070 super and its good enough for me right now. I'm waiting for the 50 series to come out since its been around 5-6 years since I've upgraded.
>1361.23 Dolaridoos.
What the fuck
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thx anon
>cumming 100L
the tiny dick would be quite the bottleneck,i imagine those girls have to spend hours slowly cumming to relieve pressure to avoid pain lol
>So will something like a 4080 be good then?
I'm on a 4080. can confirm genning is quite a bit more fun compared to my old 2080 i had before and even lora training for pony is possible.I'm not even sure if an upgrade is necessary form that cause i'll be sticking with pony or quite a while longe i guess.
>Yeah, I'm fine with the price
>gitgud at AI genning before any crackdown happens
if you can wait a little more you should go for a 50 series gpu, cause local genning and pony isn't going away anytime soon.
>I'm really enjoying the 0.4 spine lora
thx anon, and i'm enjoying your gens using it!
>I want to do something like that for this collage I'm experimenting for
oh wow looks pretty neat so far.
>How to get the rest of the bodyparts inflated?
i bet a hyper lora of some kind might help lol
>LMAO at nijistyle
and yeah you chose the best looking checkpoint. Some of them are quite funny though
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To the anon who liked this one, here's some more
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Medium hair
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Long hair
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Medium hair and packing a lot
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Long hair and packing a lot
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Huge fertile loads
She probably pollinated the whole forest with that single load.
Cum so potent it can breed across species
Thanks, i love this white haired chococat, is she looking for a monster girl in the forest to breed?
>the tiny dick would be quite the bottleneck,i imagine those girls have to spend hours slowly cumming to relieve pressure to avoid pain lol
instead of multiple shots it would probably be one long flow for atleast 10 minutes, before they could begin to cum "normally" for another 20
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Kotmom for the fans.

Like the requester said, just a random greco-roman futa.
I genned her in >>11037129 and >>11037257 which someone used for this OP.

>I don't know why but I find ancient rome to be full of sexual potential.
We have evidence that they were degenerates like us, that's why.
I was hoping to see more like this.
I tought the ball vs no ball debate was forgotten.
Could you make Aya getting her belly cumfilled by Ai?
Her balls are perfect! They must groan and gurgle with producing trillions and trillions of sperm cells each day!
Thank you anon. He is beautiful.
updated this image some and cleaned up a lot of details.
Be warned though, it is Ryona, that's why it's behind a catbox link.
That crab better not awaken something in me
I love this artstyle so much. I know you're all generating your own images but at risk of sounding retarded, is there anywhere that I could find an archive/dump of this style? Also, is AKA an acronym for some artist? Googling AKA hentai has yielded few results but fuck I need more of it
Aka6 is the name of the artist.
Holy sex
Anything like this, but cumming?
... or just make that one cum, I guess
>trying to get a face sitting gen

Jesus fuck, I think this idea is going to have to sit on the shelf for a while unless I can manage to img2img
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Looks like Fern discovered a new spell.
Slightly chubby boi being bullied for having a cute uncut cock? Kinda hot, ngl.
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can someone tell lease re-create this using a better ai?
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>ball vs no ball debate
I don't consider it a debate, I like both configurations (and others).
I think some of our other genners feel similarly, so if you want more noballs futa, just tag that dang-ol anchor post with those specifications.

This took a whole mess of inpainting, but it was a fun challenge. Couldn't quite get what I was originally envisioning, but here's what I got.
X-ray tags are super heavily weighted towards sex in Pony models. I bet maybe some vore tags would actually be more useful, and I'd approach it that way if I were to try it again.
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beautiful anon, thank you!

this one came out mostly ok, inpainting didn't do much though
Excellent work on it pregnant Fembot! Great job!
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I have a mega but it needs to be updated and it most likely has too much hairy degeneracy for the more well-adjusted, upstanding anon to stomach
and I should couch this by saying I don't do anything much beyond the boring realm of "1girl, 1futa, standing" to warrant much interest. Most regular posters here are far more competent, dynamic, and dedicated
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stop requesting non-futa, you don't get deliveries anyway. waste of post limit.
Do you use this tag or is it all expression-based?
Is there a tag for the begging dog pose?
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I know other anons have made much more interesting and higher quality gens, but this one is fantastic and I love it. Enjoy.
i've gotten several non futa deliveries before, what are you talking about
these threads go by pretty fast anyways so it doesn't really make a difference
kneeling, paw pose,
it's pretty clear that he's salty that his request wasn't fulfilled so now he's venting by acting retarded.
is anon's pdf guide somewhere in here? I think I remember a post about it from a month or three ago
Thanks that was more or less what i was looking for, on all fours only gives me doggy style sex, i just wanted the girl to walk in the floor like a dog.
Requesting a futa MILF around her 30s frotting against a younger futa woman around her late teens, the younger futa is more well-endowed and dominant
>if you want to see less futa in this thread, you should request non-futa!
>syke, there won't be any more non-futa deliveries if you do that because only like five anons total post non-futa stuff here in general, and most of them don't even do requests
dick diffusion general at its finest
Requesting Iowa from Kancolle as a sexy submissive trap.
I like to ask for a bride in a wedding dress that exposes her nipples and her giant clit. Dark skinned if you can, I like the contrast with the white dress.
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Blond+flower reminds me of Basil from Omori
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so is everyone using pony now? i am still using 1.5
Average Israeli woman

Not chink artstyle. Gook it up or you'll be sent on vacations.
Is there a specific name/tag for this specific sort of penis-enveloping panties?
Got it through panty bulge rng and want more
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Dunno enough about clit stuff to know if this is sufficiently 'giant' but it's a shot.

The fuck you talking about, Billy?
At least 80% of the non-futa requests in the last several threads have gotten gens.
I gen the shit out of non-futa requests that fit my criteria (I don't gen most franchise characters or watersports).
Sorry I'm still not good enough for you, but the actual requesters usually seem quite pleased.
If I missed something you really wanted genned, maybe, I dunno, request it again in the next thread?
You'll catch more flies with honey, my guy - right now you're just being the certified worst poster in the thread.

If you're asking about my regional prompter guide, that's in my mega:
I should've included a size description, sorry. I was thinking about golf-ball sized, or maybe a meatball if you prefer food analogies. This image is great though.
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It comes out hot.

Gotcha, I figured thumb-sized wasn't quite what you were after. Might be able to improve on that.
Speaking of aka6 I definitely would like to see more of these two.
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A bit bigger on the clitter.
Such a happy bride!
that's just /y/ shit
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>hear something creeping up behind you
>turn around
>catch Skinny Maniac mid act
>she completely freezes and starts blushing
wat do
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Picking up some groceries.
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This might be more vomiting than burping, but I wanted to give it a try.
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Catbox? Loras?
Absolute, relentless small cock bullying time .
...With a little bit of rubbing those wonderful ribs while she's busy shooting out her tenth smol load in a row
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>a tube in her butt
are you that anal hose meme anon ? i tried to get a nice pixelated look but it's not ideal.But i updated the mega with a few gens like picrel and some other pixel art styles
https://rentry co/0point4_anons_AI_rentry

pretty neat gen,good job
>I know other anons have made much more interesting and higher quality gens
desu, that's not bad at all,i dig the detailed veins. And if you enjoy it that's all that matters.
nice donut
i like that hairstyle, what prompt?
>It comes out hot.
isn't she burning herself though?
lovely colors
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Another try at it, less projectile vomiting and more of a polite burp.

Initial gen's Catbox:
I generally don't use Loras.

>isn't she burning herself though?
Nah. It's magic, I ain't gotta explain shit.
Glad you liked the preggobot, too.
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>Nah. It's magic,
makes sense lol
start uploading to aitracker.art
civit is going into a censorship phase
>i like that hairstyle, what prompt?
Sidecut + high ponytail + long hair
All needed high weights for some reason
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Because you only got memed on last thread.
This is not the charizard I remember
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You must not have had enough badges.
I can, I have, I will ;). Always keen for the Futabu requests.
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... with the pic this time
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>All needed high weights for some reason
yeah, no joke. that was the thing i was missing lol, thx anon.I needed (sidecut:1.8) for it to show up in the gen with this lora styles mix.
>Because you only got memed on last thread.
LMAO, doing gods work, good job anon
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i got enough decent gens for a super small set.Both idle on the beach and cumming in the shower, check my rentry if you want to have a look.

>165.Small dick huge balls futa
https://rentry co/0point4_anons_ai_rentry
>Do you use this tag or is it all expression-based?

What? I didn't use any ryona tag for the image, everything was done by autistically inpaitning every body segment with (bruise:1.2). The faces were simply "scared, crying with eyes open, and open or closed mouth respectively.

I don't know if that answers your question at all, cause i'm not really sure what you were asking.
File deleted.
Not much into what's below the belt, but gotta give some appreciation to canon breast size Hex. And nude with gloves and stockings is always a great aesthetic too.
how did i miss this one? Pretty well done! A bit much for my tastes but still very impressive.
lol what a great gen.very cool idea.
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Cleaned it up a bit.

Thank you anon, you're the best!
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>tomboy (male)
That's still great
Even better!
Thank you very much 0.4!
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I really enjoy demon x angel futa stuff for some reason.
I also like the idea of sperm so strong the women instantly gets a pregnant belly.
Maybe it's the opposite attracts aspect that triggers something in my brain
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Sun goddess
I'd love if you could do some hung Basil actually
At home in the morning, wearing a crop top and no pants
Absolutely gorgeous
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Morning after spending the night with the viewer
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Beautiful! Basil is so cute <3
Folder please~?
could you do some with no cum?
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Uncummed variant
Thank you so much anon!
If you're in the mood for more Omori, would you be interesting in genning some Sunny in the same style? With and without cum.
I want this POV so bad
Morning after making love to a cute boy
/dgg/ is a bit too gay lately, far too much shota posting going on.
/dgg/ is a different general
May I offer you a penis in these trying times
Yeah we need more straight stuff like cuntboys, dickgirl taint pics, bearded women, and ambush traps
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Dark Samus not only managed to eliminate her nemesis, she also managed to find one or two huge upgrades in the process...
>too gay
>because there are some "gen a girl call it a boy" gens
(pants on head:1.5), (crosseyed:1.2), drooling
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great stuff as always anon. but how do you make it so the dick gangs off beyond the skirt/dress like that. when i try it most of em look like this https://files.catbox.moe/126cxw.png
Short skirt + RNG
I get plenty of badgens, where the skirt is cut incredibly high in the middle. I have no good solution for that, I just brute force it with more gens.
Would love to see them without the bottom half of the dress
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Thank you so much, I love this pairing. How do you manage to get two characters? Inpainting? May I also trouble you for a catbox link?
Hell yeah!
>Imagine the useless protests from the employees over her having her bare ass and pussy in the store
slightly chubby busty neet girl with short black hair, a huge bulge, and a transparent white crop top.
Taking care of his morning wood~
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let me know if one or more of the elements needs to be changed
Pretty easy to miss when there's no image and just a catbox. If I had a cleaned up version without the ryona I would have posted that along with the catbox.

Ryona isn't technically banned on /d/, and that is certainly on the lighter side of stuff I've seen in the ryona threads. But still, it's definitely not for everyone.
Not the requester but I really want to see this without the panties
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>including 20 monitor setup
Fuuuck, she's perfect
More of her please
Requesting standing pose with big flaccid cock hanging between her legs
i NEED to see how sweaty her asshole is
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Fully naked please??
do you do pee stuff? i'd love to see this slobby neet taking a piss with that thick dick
Just wanted to come back to let you know, your instructions helped. You're awesome, thanks so much!
original requester
really love these, thank you. could you do one with black mesh stockings and wavy hair?
How do i get lolis in civitai without the interface stopping me?
small breasts, slender, young
flat chest
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Last image for now
Not because I don't enjoy it but rather because I'm terribly busy
I'll try to fulfill requests later
i wanna be her gaming chair
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Accurate Sunny is hard to get. Pic related is best shot and that's with the only pony lora for Sunny on civitai.
Don't think I can get a gen with tubes that make any sort of sense desu
Looks super cute either way! No need to get the perfect resemblance, I'll happily take a generic black-haired boy as well.
Thank you anon, may I get a folder of this too?
Not enough words in the dictionary to express how thankful I am!!!
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accidentally genned this instead of inpainting a penis.

Enjoy, give it a lick.
Im guessing that purple thing is a clit dick
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regional prompting. Not sure the best way to do it, right now it is a lot of gacha. Just note that regional prompting doesn't set regional loras, just regional lora triggers.
Why yes I am. Sorry for the prolonged absence. And, thank you for the amazing works!
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Here's my attempt at my own request. It came out pretty good, but I think it gave her penis thumbs somehow?
Purpletongueanon you alive?
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0.4 I request third leg of Yanagi Uzaki, then the holy trinity shall be complete.
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evening social event at work.
Have this previously made Alice.
gonna sleep now and work from home tomorrow.
I did find my old mega account.
>all the way through
I have to try this next time.
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Yay for titties.

Looks like an inpainting or adetailer accident.

This gen is very cool.

>"Ma'am, if you don't cover up, we'll have to ask you to leave
>"I weigh half a ton, asking is about all that you can do. Now can I buy these carrots, or not?"

These are cute. I need to prompt inverted nipples more often.

Glad you liked it.
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Deertaur going to class.
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i see lol. same here. I've slowed down on posing too.But I'm happy you like the pixelated gens!
>holy trinity shall be complete
based, picrel is a preview for tomorrow, i'll have to gen the set during home office so i'm not cutting into my playing time for the elden ring dlc kek
>Yay for titties.
a perfect multibreast gen
>I need to prompt inverted nipples more often.
yeah you should! i'd like to see more inverted nips in your gens too.
yeah, i just stumbled upon your post cause some other anon mentioned a crab LMAO
>But still, it's definitely not for everyone.
i guess it's pretty tame after all. Maybe the tears felt to much for me? lol Have you ever considered to do a zombie gen? i'd be curious how your take on that would look like.
thx anon, i'm glad you like it!
Like this? Or with longer hair?
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Forgot to attach
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>Looks like an inpainting or adetailer accident.
After some more testing, it seems the big clit Lora I was using identified the thumbnails as additional clits when I put it through hires. Plus the stained glass windows are screwing with hand identification.
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I prefer not to do watersports
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close enough lmao, thx for the tip https://files.catbox.moe/d6ec94.png https://files.catbox.moe/ybokso.png https://files.catbox.moe/0ao8y0.png
Hot as fuck anon
Last request from me, could you do her sleeping, wearing nothing but her top? If you could do a flaccid version and a boner version that would be amazing
I fucking love Sadacock
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Do you have catboxes for these in particular, preferably in png format?
>>>11036282 (You) (Cross-thread)
No, but i can make other though it will have to be tomorrow. I only have them in jiff.
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Hatsune Miku? More like, Fatsune Pigu lol.
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The alice poster isn't actually me, we just both use civitai and a similar group of loras
The bottom three are here:
https://pixeldrain com/l/ 2qW6Xz2F
The dragongirl Artoria one can be found in one of these links, don't remember which
Oh shit, that's nice. Thank you Ainon.
Fucking nice.
>elden ring dlc
Understandable. You deserve all the joy 0.4.
Amazing stuff, Anon.
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Love Miku Fatty
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Nudist satyr girl walking through the park. With inverted nipples because why not.

Guh, more reminders why I like doing all that manually.

No problem, glad it works for you. I also did a full bottom up charizard girl in >>11039560 but didn't go quite as hyper as the one you posted.

First time I really tried that, so I'm glad they turned out well for you.
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>Comes home to find this mess crashing on the couch
I mean like full pantyhose, with the bulge in the tights. but this is nice too. hair more rat nest curly
No western artstyles please.
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heres a folder with a bunch of it if ur intrested. https://mega.nz/folder/DKxXSLjS#xdlgkB7Nyr_rLB-DsJ2UyA
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Very nice, thank you based anon
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impressive as always /ddg/!
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i sometimes upload newstuff to my shit. so if u want more of it u could prolly check it again to see if theres new stuff.
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Doing a gen for >>11037918 that didn't get done last thread.
Also doing no-balls for >>11039163 (definitely not because it makes this gen easier.
New Thread:

Messy hair blonde barely awake girl with open pajamas that fail to conceal her huge futa dick and heavy breasts.

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