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Feast Edition

Previous Thread >>10995564
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How did you guys find out you had this fetish and how do you cope with it being unfulfillable?

For whatever reason, this trope in cartoons where the characters go into someone's body always made me feel funny, but I couldn't pinpoint why. Before I knew it, mouths and giant girls started to seem enticing to me, and then I found out that this was a fetish.

I'm fine with having it, but sometimes I run into great art and wonder why it can't be a thing irl. I don't lose sleep over it, but from time to time I worry about not handling it well one day
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>Giantess game with explicit vore, good art and writing going mainstream with tons of streamers picking it up

This all feels pretty unreal, bros...
It begins....
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I mean it's a pretty good concept as a horror game to normies, it's not appealing to them but instead a terrifying situation to be in. They're thinking "HOLY SHIT THIS BITCH IS INSANE" and not "god I wish that were me".
What feels more unreal is the fact the source material it's based around is real size smut stories written over more than 20 years ago, and Saeko is just one of the original writers OCs. But it seems the Saeko from the stories and the Saeko from the game are not quite the same. She can't shrink women in the original stories, nor was there ever art of her.

The game is 100% made by people with the fetish, this wasn't a coincidence, as we are the actual target audience. As >>11038501
said, it's a good horror story from normies perspectives.
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I saw some footage, I liked the F/F content, but it isn't super explicit, more horror, and with some kind Omori-esque art-style.

It's a neat game fetish content aside.
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Yeah /d/, WHY tho??
People that include or even focus on animals in their stories deserve the rope
I read that same tiny treat or whatever delivery story, I actually think I read it somewhere else when it came out last year, can’t recall where. Unfortunate waste of otherwise good writing skills, I liked pretty much everything else about it. But Big Mig animal shit can fuck off.
It’s on Eka’s, so probably there. Wish furry/animal vorefags would keep their shit off giantess sites.
Any idea how many thousands of people a moderate giantess needs to eat until she looks pregnant?
If you can supply a height, some autist could probably figure out the maximum volume of her stomach.
where did Karbo post this?
It’s not karbo, you silly billy
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>How did you guys find out you had this fetish
I had funny feelings watching cartoon characters get swallowed whole (grew up early 2000s), had fantasies about getting swallowed whole by snakes and crocodiles and other monsters and stuff but kept it to myself because even my autistic ass knew it was something I should keep to myself. When I was thirteen (2009-ish) I was watching a video on cut Brawl content and Jabu Jabu came up. Someone in the comments brought up vore, I was like "what's that" and found early Karbo shortly afterwards (including pic related). That's when I realized I liked girls too,

>how do you cope with it being unfulfillable?
I just have a strong imagination. I can pretty much imagine sight, sound, and touch fairly well, so it's easy to just run through a scenario where a qt gobbles me up in my head (or in rare cases, the other way around). Then I write it down and get disappointed in my writing, and leave the 3 people who watch my Eka's disappointed for years at a time.
Sadism and humiliation.
I'll take the bait. What's your ekas?

My writing isn't great, but somehow there are a couple people with bad enough taste to follow me.
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In Elementary School, my friend kept drawing vore art over and over again in his and my notebook because he thought it was funny. I just rolled with it cause I thought the concept was ridiculous. Cut to a few months later and I get a boner from the giant mom in Sharkboy and Lavagirl and imagine her eating me on the giant cookie.

In short, I blame my friend for ruining my life.
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>How did you guys find out you had this fetish
I can't remember how exactly, but I found size fetish porn before I even knew what porn or sex even was, it was my first fap ever. I had always been obsessed with being small, and it instantly clicked for me. Over a decade later and I have changed alot but I still really enjoy giant women. I
>how do you cope with it being unfulfillable?
It doesn't bother me too much, since I still have a normal interest in sex, but sometimes I really do wish I could be tiny. It's what I've wanted my entire life.
Unaware story idea: man is shrunk, gets into mess and ends up eaten by complete stranger who has no ties to him whatsoever, perhaps at airport or another travel hub so the complete stranger travels far away and never hears on the news about the mysterious disappearance of the man. Who in fact was digested by her and turned into boob fat, thigh fat and girlpoop.
Wow, what a great and original story idea. Thanks for posting this, anon, it’s super unique and totally worth a writer’s time.
>mfw I reply to myself instead of the person who asked me the question
Please have pic related as an apology.
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What was the name of this?
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>How did I find out?
I guess it was just a bunch of video games... getting eaten by Yoshi playing Melee, getting eaten by Moldworms in Minish Cap, seeing the fairies getting eaten in that one DK64 minigame.
Honestly, crossdressing and feminization give me the same feelings but in a way that is more achievable (I know I'll NBAW). Surrendering myself to look cute and desirable produces the same feelings as surrendering myself to a girl's digestive tract. The act of dressing up kinda feels like I'm preparing myself as a dish, and a silky smooth dress will help me slide down the esophagus better. Maybe one day I'll wear a cute dress and put ice cream toppings all over myself.
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>Honestly, crossdressing and feminization give me the same feelings
Saeko having a trap protag made the game more appealing to me than it otherwise would have been.
pumparum1 disc if you want to eat or get eaten
I want to be inside you
Speaking of NBAW, Nack in highschool i use to imagine all the fun I could have if I was a hot girl or my crush. Like, I definitely would've bought a huge stock of those tiny plastic men around 1inch tall and stuffed one in my shoe and another in my underwear before going to school everyday. I would've 100% found a way to make edible or safe to consume ones to put in my lunch as well.
what does a girls burp smell like?
g-go on...
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I agree completely. If I didn't know any better I'd say this game is tailor made for my fetishes specifically. Trap protag, watching a cute girl get eaten and then keeping the view on Saeko's stomach during the talking segment... I hope there's a part where you get dressed up like a doll in addition to a scene where you get eaten.
boys exist to slide down girls' throats
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It also made the pred pov stuff they teased in the dialog a lot more appealing that it would be if they just made the protag a generic self insert, even if I'd still find being eaten by Saeko hotter.
So if I write a story about a Negress Giantess I deserve the rope.
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What would you taste like to a Jpanase High School girl?
I didn't catch that part, so we'll have a scene from Saeko's perspective?
Care to share the original story?
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No, if you express interest she'll offer to let you try eating someone another night(I assume by shrinking someone else down even smaller), which of course wont appeal to everyone here but if the protag wasn't a trap I wouldn't be interested in a route like that at all.
Yeah, not really my thing, so i hope it doesn't really go anywhere, but if it ends up in the game good for others
Trust me when I say you probably don't want to read them. Google translate flip-flops pronouns all over the place, and the stories are extremely vile. There's several arcs and they gradually get worse.

Saeko is not as old as she is in the game, and the stories take place around 2002-2003. The game in 2008.

Tom Thumb I
>She shrinks a real house to keep tinies in, puts it in a fish tank, decides to prank them by pissing on it, and leaves everyone to choke on the smell.
>Mainly shrinks and kills bullies and sexual harassers in every way imaginable.
>Discovers they taste good.
>Forces tinies to clean her dirty shoes, makes her favorite sleep inside a dirty slipper.
>Her favorites are called "Tom Thumbs" (red flag if we see this in-game) but they are usually all old men, this is the good end but always ends with them being eaten eventually.
>Tom Thumb I is a detective sent to figure this shit out

Tom Thumb II
>Lives alone in a "haunted neighborhood" going on a murderous rampage throwing unshrunken half eaten bodies and people melted by pussy juices in the streets.
>Tom Thumb II is a washed up homeless man who lost everything, that was going to rape her cause life in prison wouldve been better than living in the streets. He gets shrunk and knocked out by her, dragged to her apartment, where he wakes up as shes about to eat him but somehow tricks her and wins her favor.
>She eats 10 people a day
>Sometimes she keeps people in her pussy for hours until they die, calls them "pickles" and then swallows them whole
>Tom Thumb II suggests she shrinks an entire city to 1/10000th its size, rather than abduct random people to be more sustainable. He becomes mayor of that city, Multi-size stuff occurs, she shrinks herself to a mini-giant and fucks him inside of it.
>Saeko cannot shrink women so they all just disintegrate/die and only men exist but everything goes pretty well, until "Tom Thumb III".

I hope the Saeko in the game is not the same Saeko from the stories.
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If it weren't for the "can't shrink women" thing it could have possibly been a sequel to the stories. Honestly that part was dumb so I am kinda glad they didn't keep that at least, or her preference for old men(despite being 30 myself).
After reading this i seriously doubt they'll be the same character, but unfortunately the risk is never zero
In later stories we see what happens to the decrepit "Saeko City" once she eats Tom Thumb II out of sporadic impulse (she is basically bi-polar, she regrets it later cause she did really fall for him), and the population numbers dwindle. Time flows faster for smaller people, no way to reproduce, civil wars break out, cults form, sacrifices dwindle the numbers, and no joke a portion of the populous turns into transvestites'.

>Puts a used period pad atop of it and lets the oozing blood seep onto the surface below.
>gets sick and spits a giant phlegm nuke on it.
>Finishes it off by getting drunk off wine with her mom at a fancy restaraunt, only to turn home and vomit a belly full of half-digested normal sized tinies into the drawer where shes keeping atop of it

Tom Thumb III
>Daddy Issues.

>Tom Thumb "100"
>Saeko is only in the 6th chapter and the story goes to complete shit, she befriends a girl who can shrink herself and only women.
>Saeko is able to shrink a parallel worlds version of her friends hometown she hates, so she can go on a murderfag rampage, more of the same with tiny city politics, time warping, transvestites and gay sex.
>Saeko wants to find the limits to her powers and shrink the entire universe, and the story ends when she has sex with a normal sized Tom Thumb 100 to be impregnated.
It sucks.

Not spoiling the source of her powers. Though I wonder if it'll be the same in the game.

The game seems more like fanfiction fortunately. They have contact and permission with the original writer for lore and questions, but someone else who writes size smut is doing the script. Haven't read his stories but hear he's excited to inject his fetishes into the plot. Dev would've made all the characters girls if he wasn't so worried about character diversity for plots sake. The twitter stated the game is not about her rampage, but her cares and beauty within cruelty. She's likely going to be more sympathetic and elegant. Hopefully a different take.
We're going to befriend the nicest girl and then Saeko is going to test our loyalty by making us eat her, probably.
>How did you guys find out you had this fetish and how do you cope with it being unfulfillable?
I guess I was always fixated on the idea of cute girls in 90s anime growing huge. Like most others it was probably invented into me from various cartoons I watched but I only realized it was a fetish when I was 12 and found some geocities/yahoo groups pages about giantess art.

As for "coping with it not being real"... uh what? That's kinda psychotic. Why would I want it to be real? I don't wanna get swallowed alive, I'm not suicidal. Although I do like watching giant girl eat other people, I have no interest in being tiny myself. I'm more interested in girls getting big and stomping cities.
The pixel art is nice but this shit does not do anything for me.
>"Giantess" game
>Game is about shrinking
>Morbid horror cruelfag shit instead of fun
>girl is creepy neet archetype
Although e everyone is calling this a big win for our people I'm gonna have to pass on this one.
>Dev would've made all the characters girls if he wasn't so worried about character diversity for plots sake.

If only.
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>Creepy Neet
Game confirms she goes to university and is very hygienic
I still don't like her
Now that you mention it, I don't much like her either. Something about her is a major turnoff. I think it's her blouse or her oily looking hair.
>Jaundiced skin
>Greasy looking hair
>Grubby looking hands
>Psycho personality
>Knowing the source of the garbage fiction she came from
This bitch isn't it
I've had this horny idea.

>Giantess who stores extra food (people) in her womb until she gets hungry, which then she pushes them out and eats them.
>IIt's done in the style of an infomercial.
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She's supposed to be conventionally attractive I think, the girl she eats is closer to that archetype honestly.
jesus...of all the good fics out there, this is the shit that gets adapated into game?

makes you wonder why they even bothered, might as well have just made something wholly original
She's described as being extremely mature looking for her age, well endowed, and having an hourglass figure.

There's a constant mixture of
>Viewed as a goddess of feminine perfection, lust, & power
>The realization she is just a regular sized childish girl made of meat with the same disgusting bodily functions and smells as everyone else.

I bet the first few chapters were just the first piece of GTS media the dev ever read that awakened their fetish, so they'd like to pay homage or potentially rewrite what they didn't like.
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I think having a trap protag is more interesting than going full yuri would have been.
This picture highlights proper gender relations. Boys need to learn their place *groan* *gurgle*
When I was about 11 and just starting to feel urges I was mostly normal. One day in school we were doing some creative writing ideas stuff and a girl in my class started talking about her story about a fantasy girl dragon who only ate bad people and protected her kingdom from monsters. It made me feel funny even though it was obviously not meant to be anything. My teenage years were actually kinda normal and I had other preferences. I think as a teen you cycle through a lot of ideas. But one day when I was about 14 I was lying on a busy beach and a woman walked past in her bikini. From my angle she towered over me as she passed and it just kicked off again, this time with the full horniness of a weird teenager and the wild west of the mid 2000s internet. I didn't stand a chance.

>Dealing with it
As an adult, I recognise it as an abstract fantasy that's rooted in my self esteem issues. I'm not a great looking guy and women have always held power over me. When I'm with a girl I find it's enough to give her the control: like being on top or just sitiing on my face etc. I can enjoy the sensation of that while using my imagination to play out scenarios in my head. I've never blurted out anything that raised questions, but one girl in my early 20s did joke that I was obsessed with kissing and stroking her tummy.

A real game changer for keeping it out of my relationships has been Virt a Mate and VR. It's a pain to get it set up - a lot of custom world scale overides and you still need to use your imagination a bit since the models don't have great mouth internals. But it's worth playing around with if you have a Quest and a decent PC.
then who is the artist?
it doesn't look exactly like karbo but I figured it was a sketch or a wip
I think there was an ep in magic school bus or fairly odd parents where they go into a girls body (maybe both), i think it was dormant from there for a long time.

Can't remember how I even came to getting off to these images, complete gap in memory.

.. weird thing is it doesnt bleed over to anyone i've ever known or seen irl, never had the desire to be swallowed by anyone ive seen in the real world- its only online, and only giantess. I guess that makes it easy to deal with it lol. Other stuff still works for me, this just works the fastest.
>I think there was an ep in magic school bus or fairly odd parents where they go into a girls body
There are multiple such episodes in both.

naga feeding habits is the definitive thing that opened the door to 90% of us bastards. Everyones story is mostly the same. Felt weird watching all the vore stuff in media from the late 80's to early 00's, somehow came upon the term, punched it into google, this is what showed up. Then we all had the most earth shaking wrong-but-feels-so-right nut of our young lives.
Do vore enjoyers not care or consider the fact that they wouldn’t survive inside of a body? I never see vore comics show the after effects of getting swallowed? Do they not care about the fact that they would slowly dissolve to death by stomach acids in a very painful way inside of a small chamber where the walls are constantly moving? Or even if they survive what would happen one you get covered in shit and pooped into a toilet and flushed into the sewers, do they not think about that at all? I need answers
I like F/F the most, but that'd be fine too.
Trap protagonist and all others are girls would be unique.

They consider it but don't care, or it's appealing, I like being an observer myself, being eaten IRL would be pretty horrific and there's plenty of others in the kink who share that view.
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That's like the best part. Of course I'd never actually do it, but since it's impossible, it doesn't matter. Another vote for observer pov although I don't self-insert that much regardless.
That’s the point
Gore and scat are banned here
That’s the point
Depends on the artist/writer

You seem stupid
>Imagine not wanting to be digested alive and turned into shit inside of a cute girl
don't need to spread your mental illnesses to us dude
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there are lots of vore works showing people get digested and dying in graphic detail, it just doesn't get posted here because guro is against the rules. I once even just posted a picture of a girl suffocating in a giant girls intestines among half digested waste it got deleted. there wasnt even blood. a lot of this fetish is based in domination, humiliation, and sadism. its required for a lot of people, including myself.

I like graphic digestion and the fact that the person dies is actually required for me to find it arousing. safe vore and full tour doesnt do it for me. the more pain and humiliation the better. the slower the better. sometimes I imagine its me getting eaten. sometimes I just see myself as an invisible observer. in my chatbot ERPS i often have sections where I make it to the predators colon just barely alive, my skin and muscles all mushy, but die smothered in uneliminated shit right before my mostly digested corpse gets pooped into the toilet. i am a sane individual, i just have problems.
I love unaware scenarios so I might write this, when I'm in the mood.
>thinking a writefag's time is worth anything
That's one of the biggest appeals. Stories like VortexFoodsTM's really get this right. Stomachs should be hot, oppressive, vile, and most importantly painful. I love it when tinies in stories cry and writhe in agony as their bodies melt.
>"You are finding it increasingly difficult to keep your head above the surface of the vile broth,
sinking under every couple of moments, inadvertently swallowing acidic puke. Letting out a
gargling sound, you spit it out again and cry in disgust, but no matter how much you struggle,
your dying body is letting you down.
Pure kino from one of vortex's stories
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Artist is 1themainman1 on twitter. Someone a few threads back called him the poor man’s Karbo, but that’s a good thing, to be honest
Well he is able to deliver solid pieces in a place that is often overlooked. So overall him being there is very much a net positive.
> my chatbot ERPS i often have sections where I make it to the predators colon just barely alive, my skin and muscles all mushy, but die smothered in uneliminated shit right before my mostly digested corpse gets pooped into the toilet.
Wanting to be compacted head first, half digested and withering in pain head first into a girl's slowly forming shit is a super based and normal fetish. The only story where I read this scenario in is A Filling Ideology which is is also a utopian story about appropriate, healthy gender relations and correct female positioning in society.
VortexFoodTM is the king of digestion and disposal. I think he reads these threads because I mentioned once that I think his stories can be improved if the girl's wiped clean tiny bits from their assholes and he now adds this to almost every poop.
Another time I mentioned how hot it would be to be a tiny in Hanna's bikini bottoms as she orgasmed. And the next story with her included a boy going straight up her wet vagina.
He's mostly a pure vorefag though, I am mostly too, but he's such a good writer that it would be nice to see him branch into other forms of sadism especially with Hannah and Tanja.
You are way too autistic, anon.
Ideal stomach size
Yeah surviving the stomach is so appealing because the immensely tight, hot, gastric journey through her bowels would be amazing. The deeper you go the hotter and more humid and goopy it gets. The idea of stewing away in her colon to the point you're desperately wishing for her to just go to the bathroom and get it over with. Just imagine a girl going about her day and just think of what's going on in their rectum or anywhere deep in their bowels. Imagine a girl is just shopping for a new bikini while her digested breakfast is getting compacted in her colon along with a tiny man who had the misfortune of surviving her stomach. He has to wait hours and hours for her body to finally pressure her into visiting the bathroom to end his suffering.
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I'd expect in a fetish which only can exist in fiction, and that (I assume) most people wouldn't want to happen to them irl even if it were possible, as it'd be horrible, people would be more capable of differentiating fiction and reality
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I'm not the anon which commissioned the image, I'm just observing the schizos answering him with the old video games and violence
I bet you guys think the woman who liked redo of healer (which had a higher female public than expected) want to suffer through whatever the MC was doing. Well, in your schizloand, it's likely true
Also, post images, this is an imageboard
So...thinking and enjoying fantasizing about killing and digesting people in acid is fine, but if she's a minor that's the line. very logical.
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ah, so it wasn't a matter of being a schizo, just dumb, enough to not understand a small text...
Or was it too lazy to read? Maybe a combination of everything? I wonder

Hi schizo, how are you? If you see a giantess in front of you, she is not real, ok? Don't forget to take your meds

Also, posting images is too hard for both of the schizos, apparently
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nice, no idea what a daisy is but it's a hot premise.
also stop responding to bait retards, the "pedo" argument is the most tiresome shit on this site
oh the metric of how real is the schizo point is the result of the actions of people which won't consider the topic rationally... Makes sense, in schizoland
Welcome to schizoland, where:

- GTA players are criminals
- CS players are terrorists
- Fanas of redo of healer wanna be raped
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which one is you, the dumb one?

Extrapolating the same "logic" applied, as in, predict someone irl interests by their fictional interests is not a false comparison.

it maybe different for those who want to special plead something, like you...
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Ah, so knowing (at least) to languages is bad, makes sense

Maybe >>11042966 is right, as answering the schizo who only knows how to spew offenses is not that productive.

For the schizos, don't forget your medication
Nobody is going to beat me up for fantasizing about things, you understand that, right? they are drawings, yes, my fantasies involve fantastic things like giant girls congratulations,
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posting OC already places you at the highest tier for this thread, nothing else matters.
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I understand lolicons getting triggered by these kinds of comments, but I also understand the normalfag opinion on lolicons, loli content doesn't cause someone to become pedo, but considering that you solely consume loli content, normal people will assume that you're a pedo for a pretty good reason. Your best chance is just to accept and ignore it, as long as you don't bring it in real life. Sorry for the big-brained centrist moment.
You're really going to sleep well feeling great about putting text on the internet, aren't you? Poor thing
>has a fetish for killing and eating people
>berating anyone else for having a fetish
I loved this manga. I need more of her. I wanted her evil arc to last longer but good manga
it implies you are attracted to children. one day some freak might go from looking at drawings to trying to meet up with a minor or stalk one. its pedophilia. there is no excuse for being sexually attracted to children even if they are drawings
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Not him but I fucking love loli vore and genuinely can't get into the sex stuff at all. I know because I ran into MUK's and Fuyuno Mikan's more conventional stuff and bounced off it hard. And I don't think it's a moral objection because I don't really care.
I suppose the combination of horror, cuteness and innocence really gets me
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I swear the Naga feeding habits comic is a cognitohazard. I was already fixated on giant girls as a preteen but once I stumbled across Karbo's early works all my sexual fantasies would involve erotic horror scenarios and casually evil women.
She chews up some men (the luckiest ones), some she chews partly but they are alive and missing body parts, and some she swallows whole and intact, and they all have to share her gore filled tummy. Surviving her tummy gets your half digested still living body compacted into the shit in her bowels, while other bits of you are already going straight to her ass fat and boobs as she is looking at them in the bikini store. Very gruesome. All this is happening inside a super sexy girl.
Shit I haven't thought about Muk in a long time, I should go check what he's made.
Saeko giantess dating sim.

This one is very good. The breath after swallowing the dude and the sight of her gullet is just perfect
I like that content and its why I like to self insert as a Pred or observer.
All that shit happens to someone else.
never read his stories and never even heard of him. should i give it a go bros? i like digestion and what comes after
>A Filling Ideology
Where can I read that
>as a Pred
plz eat me gobbess
he is on aryion

giantess city

vortex foods is getting closer and closer to the "compact a half digested still living tiny in poop" scenario but I don't think he'll ever reach it because he's into realism. but given his writing and the "shit" he favorites it probably piques his interests
i remember having strange feelings looking at a book about dinosaurs as a kid. particularly the rather detailed drawings of a side-on cutaway showing the digestive tract. I don't know how old i was exactly, maybe 6 or 7 in the mid 90s
While i dreamed about being eaten by girls like from video games later, it wasnt until 2007 when i actually tried to describe it with google searches to see if this was a unique feeling. I wish i remembered what i searched for, but you can imagine. I didnt know what a fetish was
so yea, i went probably 10 years not knowing a single other soul shared this interest
>it shouldn't turn you on
basically the tagline of /d/
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Can we have one fucking thread without lolifag infighting? Jesus Christ, someone needs to make a specific giant loli vore thread, so the cancer doesn’t touch us
This whole thread is full of pieces of shit, they just need a hungry female to convert them to their proper form
There's also a game coming out shortly called "Digested". Not Giantess related, but you play a guy running around a deserted island trying to escape getting eaten by a giant snake. The graphics are extremely good for a game of the type, and he did a great job animating the snake. It's a bodycam video perspective, and you're running around in what looks like a radiation suit - but it's apparently an anti-digestive suit... which implies that you have a chance to escape the belly of the creature and try to make another run for the extraction point. If you fail, though, the bodycam will show the internals of the snake with you in it while you get digested.

Not posting a picture, because this isn't the creature vore thread - but if anyone's interested, you can just look up "Digested" on Steam.
>Disclaimer: I suck at math

Lets make an average woman

Jane Doe is so tired so let's call her Mandy Vorez

Mandy is a 38 year old RN of mixed racial background (White/Hispanic) she is 5'4 and 160lbs.

Now let's shrink all men their deserved size. Lets make it so that a 6ft tall man is now approximately 1cm tall, a scale ratio of 1:180.

Our healthy 180lb man now weighs in at a roughly 2.20 milligrams. A grain of rice weighs 30mg

Unfortunately for our male brethren, Ms. Vorez is a real maneater.

The size of the average meal for Mandy is 1.2lbs. This means that during a single meal she can slurp down 247,414 of those screaming morsels. That's a lot of men for one girl to digest!

By the time she lays her sleepy head on her pillow, Mandy will have swallowed 742,242 of those tiny losers over the course of an average day. In comparison the US Army only has 452,689 active duty soldiers, Mandy has room for reserves!

But today is no ordinary day, it's a Friday. After dinner Mandy has decided to go out for drinks with her girlfriends. After a few hours and a few to many Mandy drunkenly decides to over-indulge a bit.

Her stomach can expand to hold about 4.5lbs of food, with ravenous appetite Mandy gulps down 927,803 men in hedonistic display of drunken gluttony.

This makes her uncomfortably full and bloated causing her to suffer from a distended stomach, a condition colloquially known as a "Food Baby"

At home Mandy collapses onto her bed. One hand reaches for her vibrator, the other is pressed gently to her stomach to feel the warm, faint writhing of the slowly digesting mass.

She pleasures herself to the idea that her divine female body is converting these men into their true form, and that she will flush them all away in the morning.

Mandy Vorez has consumed 1,670,045 men over the course of a single day, more than every US combat death over its history as a nation.

If this was a war, we would have lost. Fortunately it was just a girls night.
woman-mod when???
> How did you guys find out you had this fetish
Like everyone else it seems, it's something I've had since childhood. Back then, there was television channel that would show old horror movies, and I remember really wanting to watch Attack of the 50 Foot Woman for some reason that I wanted to hide, but couldn't understand. I can't remember how old I was back then, but I must have been quite young, definitely in elementary school. Later when I was in middle school, I saw a scene of a shrunken guy next to a regular sized girl in a comic book, and it sort of took off from there. I didn't actually realize that what I had was a specific fetish though until high school. That was probably through me finding the size thread on /aco/.

> how do you cope with it being unfulfillable
It's never been something that's bothered me personally, so I don't really "cope". I think that all I want is to be dominated by a girl in general - not that finding a super dominant girl is easy for me, though.
Does anyone have an archive of sorts of Oaky's drawings? They seem to have nuked their Eka's, and I don't think they've posted anywhere else...
It’s not like those hundreds of thousands men suffered and died for nothing, they died to serve a Girl. They served as a Girl’s breakfast, which is a much higher use of their lives. This is a good value comparison between the male and female.
Same as most other people, seeing body exploration episodes in cartoons in the early 2000's made me feel funny. I specifically remember Magic School Bus, a Simpsons episode (?), and Invader Zim all leaving an impression. I think it wasn't until seeing the CatDog movie and an anal vore focused episode of South Park of all things that really left me with an "oh this is really kind of fucked up" feeling. I think it felt especially dark because I'm 100% on the pred side but not into digestion, just the idea of having living people inside of me? Lots of early fantasies about being in a less than consensual pred situation or having to swallow someone to hide them from persecutors, shit like that.
I read tinyhunter for the plot.
Parasite taught me that, even as a degenerate into truly awful doom shit, I do have limits
His latest story was great through.
Anyone interested in giantess vore themed character cards and lorebooks? I've been working on a scenario involving creatures called Nutri which are bred in a lab to be sold as adult food items. I've got a preset and lorebook that should allow anyone to roleplay vore scenarios with just about any character card.
>how did you found out you have this fetish?

Well I think I am like most people here, I think I had this fetish since I was born, but I can remark I found out about this when I was a little child because I remember playing this weird game with a cousin when I was like 5 or 6 years old, where, I used to draw little soldiers and she had to draw the monsters my soldiers had to face, it was like a childish dungeons and dragons game that we plaid without dices or statistics, only imagination and rolplay, of course being that young there was no sexual inclinations there, but in this games I remember she always drawed monsters that would eat my soldiers and even I remember this time when she draw a final boss giantess witch (that was herself into the game) and when the witch ate all my little soldiers, I started, Like a bad loser, to rolplay like if the soldiers tried to escape her stomach with all their weapons, of course I insist, none of this was played with any sexual tone, just 2 kids playing, I don't remember how that game ended but after that, I noticed I loved that game and I wanted to repeat it many times, my cousin started to make more witches or mermaids or giantess to fight against my soldiers and it was fun, one day, when I was 11, I found the notebook where we used to play all our rolplays and for some reason my little wiwi got hard, I think there was when all this little game became something different, but if I had to remark when I found out vore, it would be in high-school, where I remember some guys laughing disgusted because they found a video where a drunk girl got challenged to swallow a little fish, all reacted disgusted and laughing and I was like "ooohhh how messed up... may I have te video just to show it to a friend?" Of course I didn't show it to anyone, I just fap to death with it, after that I tried to find more and here we are :3
yeah im more into men being around 2 inches and girls only ever eating 3 or 4 with their meal but that was still pretty hot to read
yeah you gotta be lil freaky to make a game like that, but props to him. I doubt a AAA studio would ever make anything like that. Now it just needs to get released and then modded to have a giantess hunting you down trying to ambush you. the island looks pretty scary and dreary so maybe she could be an attractive 20s or 30s woman in camo hunting gear to blend into the environment more, aiding her in ambushing you. she could lay traps, set bait. fuck why couldnt this dude just make this game instead.
the dev claims he had no knowledge of this fetish before making this game.
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Consider me interested, I've found that GPT-4 is pretty good at vore scenarios with the right context.
I just wish he'd move on from the damn high school setting. The beach story and the valentines day stories were much better than the constant boohoo-my-classmate-ate-me
but anon, "boohoo my classmate ate me" is the most kino of vore storylines
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>I just wish he'd move on from the damn high school setting
nah (I like most of his stuff though)
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tinyhunter just took the "semi-digested living tiny compacted into shit in a girl's bowels" scenario and took it to the next level. the only thing that would make it perfect is if she was still a pred.
Since you guys like disposal you probably will like this one. It's my favorite story in the whole website. The predator is just a really evil bitch and how its shown that she also devoured important people in the past is also nasty

Not when it's constantly just the same similar plots. Several paragraphs of setting up, a couple with mouthplay, pred swallows prey, one or two paragraphs from preys POV, one paragraph from preds POV, one paragraph for disposal or ending. Soon enough the stories will approach RealZikik levels of original storylines.
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>wishlisted by 30,000
are we entering a new age of sizefag games?
Just released a new Public version of my Twine Based game. Over 75k words now.

You can download it on Patreon for Free. https://www.patreon.com/posts/105258057
Started when i was three. Kept thinking about sharks or dinosaurs eating me. 14, found internet. started to get curious, searched keywords. Found community.
How do I get the Gilly vore scene?
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I know that for most people, vore is hot because it's some form of submission to a strong woman (and I totally respect that)

I found that what makes it hot for me is that it's a situation where the pred unwittingly gives the prey access to a intimate part of their body.

I don't know if I'm being coherent here but it's almost as if the pred, who is in control in the beginning, actually gives it to the prey by swallowing them, and thus showing them their private, fragile and squishy internals. The really hot part for me is that the pred doesn't realize how much they're giving away to the prey.

The closest concept I could find is "switching" in BDSM, where the dom and sub keep alternating roles during a session.

The hottest vore comics for me are the ones where both the pred and prey leverage what control they have on each other like Fro's Darkest Dungeon from vaderaz (masterpiece)

Does anyone have the same experience as me ? Once again I'm not trying to sound cool by liking a different thing about the concept, I'm just genuinely curious
I've felt similar, that access to the most intimate and secretive parts of a woman where there only control they have over you is by relying on unconscious digestion and you can basically just do whatever and get your way with her while inside, just fucking her stomach folds or jerking off without her being able to do anything about it actively is what makes it especially hot to me

>How did you guys find out you had this fetish
Like everyone else for the most part I'd guess, you see it on TV and your penis gets a little twinge.

how do you cope with it being unfulfillable?
While it's unfulfillable, there's things I've done sexually that come close as you can get. Having a MFF 3some with a female dom and female sub for me hit that spot perfect. Aside from that just finding a girl that fits your sexual preference, dom sub brat or whatever will help find that similar excitement. Ofc its not the same but you really don't need it, fantasy is fantasy for a reason. I've fantasized about eating a girl out but when we got to the bedroom we were sweaty her pussy smelled like fish and she was terrible at kissing. So yeah the nice part of the fantasy aspect is that you're in control of the entire sexual circumstance etc...
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That's trippy, I never encountered this perspective at all and it's totally alien to me. I suppose it's rare but shows up every so often. Maybe escapement has it.
It seems weird when paired with digestion though, it doesn't really matter whether your cum is on the outside or inside of your body when it gets melted down, it all goes to the same place anyway.
I think being eaten is the most intimate connection between two organisms. once you drop in her stomach though, you now exist for her completely, in fact you become her. Its hard to say the prey is the Dom in this.
i just read this and am like "this guy really made an novel on some girl killing and eating fairies and other beings" and its longer than most master students thesis paper.
What did you think of it? One of my favourites on the website
im not big into vore and scat but I did enjoy it. it did get very indepth at times and the scaling confused me (like are these fairies like the size of a gummy bear or like a lady bug or what) it seemed to change kinda how big the tinies were. But the plot was what I would expect from a fantasy where some evil queen vores and crushes small fairies. The heavy later part into scat kinda made me go damn but I pushed through and it was good but the abrupt ending seems like the post nut clarity hit the author so he just ended it lol.
Fair enough. I like spoiled bitch preds who suffer no repercussions and feel delight in devouring their prey. Wish I could find more like these.
By holding onto the hope that I may turn out to be a reality warper.
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What type of giantess vore do you lads prefer?
I made a strawpoll here- https://strawpoll.com/XmZRQjPPWgd
but probably needs better and more categories.
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Pretty good options. For me it's a mix of the Food and Sadistic ones. Peak scenarios in my mind involve preds who humiliate, demoralize and utterly break a prey's will by treating them like, and making them feel like food.
There's a lot of sadism behind their actions, but they do also wait until they're genuinely hungry to do it.
That's my ideal pred.
prey where they are large or even barely fitting inside the stomach is great, especially if its accidental/unaware
I've grown enamored with being eaten by a giant girl because she genuinely loves you a lot. Affection and natural predatory instincts mix together
The scenario on my mind often is a girl goes to a gas station and buys a bag of men much like they are potato chips. The men are all on top of each other like any food as delicate feminine fingers pick them out one by one. So it’s food vore but also shows the immense power and value difference between the genders
They would most likely be dead in the bag, and make her sick.
To me, the whole point of gts vore is to show the contrast between in and out.
The pred is beautiful, immaculate, "innocent" from the outside, but inside her is a living hell. The pred is enjoying her life casually, the preys are fighting for survival inside.
But what really hits the note for me is when that separation is thin enough to make a faint bridge between the two worlds: some visible bulges, some audible screams, just enough for you to notice if you actually pay attention to the midriff.
Add some internal views to accentuate the experience and I'm sold.
(Alternatively, prey being able to hear outside conversations, or being pushed around by someone poking the belly)

For instance, "Separate tastes" from Paramouth, that one video with Ada Wong eating Ashley, is such a treat for me.

Gosh yes. The tighter the struggle, the better.
I find it boring when a prey is so tiny that the stomach is bigger than a house to them. That's why I usually go for preys that are *at least* 3 inches tall (7.5cm)
Besides, bigger prey means bigger bumps and louder screams, regarding my previous point on bulges.
>I find it boring when a prey is so tiny that the stomach is bigger than a house to them

Honestly I've recently started to prefer a much more realistic approach to specifically the contractions of the stomach. I think it's way hotter when the stomach is depicted pulsating by squeezing the contents instead of the unfortunately common glorified jumping castle approach. So smaller prey get the chance to be shown tightly squeezed too.
Here's someone's endo as an example for what I'm trying to describe: https://x.com/AeonLuerci/status/1806621930671226982?t=GKAgcQea_W2dUWOkJrdIPw&s=19

Though I do agree, in general if a prey is too small I'd want it to be mass vore at least.
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I like all the main types of vore you listed, but my favorites revolve around intimacy, the pred getting off on/enjoying the thrill of having eaten someone (which I suppose falls under the entertainment category), and gentlefag shite.

I'm really, really fond of loving relationships in vore, so this gets a big vote of approval in my book.

Based and bulge-pilled.

Ooooh, that'll be pretty good inspiration for my writing in the future. Very interesting, how the stomach squeezes itself from one end and pulses up to the top.
Maybe the cashier girl uses tongs to put the men in the bag so they are nice and fresh
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Looking forward to multiple days with Saeko, because there's really something to knowing someone's digesting one day, digested another, and /doubtlessly/ slid from her ass by another. Gimme some Saeko booty at some point and I will melt.
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>that one story I can't find where a guy convinces his mini friend to go to the party because he's a foot tall so he's safe but some upper classman girl in a skirt manages to just barely fit him inside her ass
>no one can hear him calling for help over the party music and she ends up fucking his friend and orgasming on him before going home with her new little toy
still diamonds whenever I think of it, mini's getting stolen away by some girl who can't resist is amazing
Vored by diapered giantess plz
If u ever do find it definitely post it anon
Taking story requests
My google fu has failed, what is tinyhunter? because I now want to read whatever it is.
your google fu is weak
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>setting where shrunken people are served as food
>guy gets served up to someone he knows and is friends with, she's on a date with another girl
>thinks its his lucky day, she'll totally spare him and he can live as her pet, anything is better than being eaten whole and alive
>girl recognizes him and initially plans to spare him
>gf eggs her on saying she's talking to the food more than her date, decides to eat him anyway not wanting her date night to be awkward
>shrunken people always get eaten, at least he can be eaten by a friend that will be gentle. besides, she already paid for the meal
>offers an awkward apology and eats him, cutting off his frantic screaming and begging
>eats spicy food, making his time in her stomach even more hellish
>digestion goes on to the point where he enters the intestines alive, dies somewhere in the large intestines
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>giant kaiju eating a bunch of ships
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There’s no feeling of defeat quite like watching your favorite creator draw someone’s cringe OC instead of the good shit. If I have to see that dumb ass face in another one of my favorite artists work, I think I’m gonna lose it. Anyone else have an OC that you’re sick and tired of seeing? I’m tired of Ocean, Dari, and obviously LittlePunk. All cringe self insert garbage.
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>convicts get shrunken and shipped of to voluntary eaters
>these are ordinary women that get tasked to swallow them within a day and get a decent financial compensation for this
>convicts come in different sizes 5-15 cm and the larger ones require the women to have done some swallowing training (in this world some are lazy and have difficulties with the task as a result)
>they can decide against it, but then get suspended for 3 months and thus lose part of their income, the convict just gets transfered to the next eater
>either one of these are the eaters for your story (you decide):
>stoner girl that needs the money (first timer, didnt prepare)
>middleaged milf, that is a pro, does it purely for the money without cruelty, somewhat submissive and sometimes lets the convict boss her around before she eats him("take a mint","i deserve a last meal",etc.)
>chubby sadist (more a background character that everybody has heard of), is a pro and finds enjoyment in psychological and physical torture of the convicts
>first timer girl that still lives with her parents, wants to do "something good for society", easily manipulated, somewhat dumb and seems nice and friendly, but gets borderline when a convict tries to escape or tries to lie his way out of his fate
>death comes pretty quickly (30-90 seconds) after swallowing as there is not enough breathable oxygen in the stomach, however the company that does the contracts also provides optional dmall gasmasks and oxygen tanks for dubious reasons
I write on these and others myself for fun, and would be very interested to see how someone else tackles these
Return of the King
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this might be silly, but just once, I wish I could see a Karbo vore sequence where the prey comes to terms with their fate and tries to enjoy the remaining time, instead of crying and thrashing until the end.
It feels bad to see all these tinies suffer
>How did you guys find out you had this fetish
(least original origin story ever coming:) as a kid I noticed that I was oddly drawn to scenes in cartoons where characters got swallowed whole... then, even before I reached puberty, I started fantasizing about a giant naked woman swallowing me whole. then one day I discovered the search term "vore" and things got fucky after that

>and how do you cope with it being unfulfillable?
I'm still a virgin, so I can only hope that once I settle down with a woman, I'll find that regular sex is enough for me
But even if I never find a gf, eh. I can manage just fine with the occasional fap
He does have stuff with hypnosis in which the prey are basically zooted out of their minds on Vivian's magic sauce.

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