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previous https://boards.4chan.org/d/thread/10903803/
You start a thread with five of your own pictures, pal.
use two maymay arrows to link to a thread or post
e.g. >>10903803

my arm hurts from all this spoonfeeding I've been doing lately
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What hotter?
A locker room in which all of the girls have undergone a recent growth spurt, blushing and grunting as they try to maneuver their newly heavy tits into bras; or a locker room in which only one girl has massive tits, much to her own embarrassment and the chagrin of the other girls?
Contrast is best, and jealously is super hot
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I like both, and a locker room full of girls all in the same predicament implies that there's an external cause (I'm picturing the beginning of Caramel Dow's 6th Year Adult Class series)
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It's hotter when it's just one girl who's self concious about her giant breasts, and afraid of being bullied, commented on or even getting groped. Always facing the locker/wall when trying to get changed as quickly as possible, covering her huge protruding nipples with one hand, since they're clearly visible through her thin swimsuit for everyone to see and gawk at.
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I recently discovered the Saki manga aka the pure embodiment of this fetish. Now I crave Nodoka's humongous growing tits.
>concerned about their breast growth
it's the complete and total opposite of the fetish since they act as if 0 growth happened
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You should see Awai, she started as flat.
a locker room in which only one girl has massive tits, and she's really shy, and all the other girls bully her and laugh at her behind her back
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A locker room where only one girl is still flat, and super envious, and constantly groping her classmates.
Huh... that's a new one...
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Or secretly padding the huge bra she bought, desperately trying to fit in. And immediately panicking when it's time for swimming lessons.
A 17th century powder room in a school for young noblewomen, where the large chested girls are all envious of those with flatter chests, acting like >>11043291's flat chested girl. Corset malfunctions are frequent, and a common insult towards the bigger girls is "nursemaid".
What if she's gotten so upset she's become totally delusional, going bra-shopping with the other busty girls in her friend circle and picking up the sizes they wear declaring stuff like "Wow, perfect! just my size" and the others have to smile or chuckle politely no one wants to tell her
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>common insult towards the bigger girls is "nursemaid"
I like that setting. Especially if the busty girl is just a commoner, trying to fit in with the slim nobles.
There's actually something of the inverse of that running on /qst/ right now with a blue blood shunned princess with big tits who lost her fiancee to a flat commoner, who then has to join a shadowy organization dedicated to hunting down foreigners from another world with strange and unusual powers... So it's basically an isekai anime plot where the main characters hunt down evil Japanese teens armed with bullshit cheat skills, with the caveat that some of those isekai'd don't use their cheats to be assholes but to help others.

It's less hentai than ecchi-ish, but it's pretty fun.
>Her face stinks of potatoes, and her hair is the color of an old brick.
I want her so fucking bad
>mara stood at the school’s entrance for a while, bewildered by the place.

>was this really where her cousins went to school all their lives?

>they had always claimed that their school was such a hectic place. the entrance lobby though… it painted a different picture

>the entire place was empty, and looked as refined and sleek as a tech store. The white tile flooring was spotless, and the size of the interior looked far beyond the pay grade of a public school.

>a school clerk sat at a desk at the other end of the room, and had yet to notice her

>It had been a while since mara had last spoken to a non-hyper school employee. she didn’t like to bug people just doing their job, especially considering her stature.

>“Excuse me?” mara asked the girl behind the counter as gracefully as she could. “do you know where room 401 is? It’s my first class.”

>after a second of typical greeting reserved for average students, the clerk looked up and quickly had a baffled and frightened look on her face when she saw the girl standing before her.

>the clerks eyes scanned up and down, then back up and down again, and still clearly didn’t take in the entire picture

>mara was a hyper in the most extreme sense, and it was likely that the clerk couldn’t even see her past her bronzed, blimped body.

>the wheels on the clerks chair creaked uneasily as the woman wheeled herself several feet back from her desk, as a cocktail of bodily fluids had begun amassing and oozing across its surface.

>”i- o-oh!! You must be our new hyper transfer student… I uhm.. I saw your picture, I didn’t think you were.. so… uhm. the principal actually wanted to meet you first, if that’s alright. he’s busy now but if you’ll just wait over there..”

>gesturing to a seat in the far corner, she revealed how badly her arms were trembling.
>Mara’s face fell at the woman’s clear distress, she seemed so tense.

>mara had tried her hardest not to make the situation any more awkward, but she’d already made the woman that upset.

>she resolved to herself that she would improve how she interacts with employees of the school, maybe they won’t all be afraid of her this time.

>they had such hard jobs, she really didn’t want to make them any harder with her stupid body.

>mara walked to the corner the woman directed her to, her strut not impeded at all by the damp ends of her sneakers having been slimed by her snail trail she had been leaving on the glossy floor.
>she walked out of her freshly drizzled puddle of fluids in front of the desk, and continued her excretions every step she took to the chairs.

>built clearly for the comfort and size of preteens, it took at least four of the chairs just to seat both of Mara’s titanic asscheeks, the cellulite-coated caramel globes wobbling beneath her uniform skirt, arcs and thick ropes of girlcum connecting her fat thighs.

>even more sticky clear fluid jettisoned onto the floor simply from the sensation of the chair armrests entering sensitive areas, and the locomotion of her legs moving.

>when she finally sat down, she did so with a massive wet squelch, and fluids ran like waterfalls off the chair as Mara absentmindedly played with herself in the lobby

>the front desk worker peeped her way over the side of her desk to see just what that weirdly sized girl had done to the school entrance.

>the carpet she stood on had been ruined, an encompassing stain that would assuredly never wash out.

>a puddle that nearly consumed the whole floor was building, and the odor of cum and sex was horrendously thick in the room.

>the desk woman spoke in a hushed but frantic voice into her phone, then looked back and Mara and flashed the fakest smile possible.
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What is this from? I tried reverse image search but it can't find anything
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>(Ah dammit... I swear, every time! I can already hear those stupid bitches snickering again...)
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How is that one thread-relevant?
Anyone wish they could go back, get fit lean and at least 6'1, a car, a job that pays enough to buy weed and alcohol, and get some action?

Just kinda bummed I never got the tig biddy experience when it really mattered y'know?

>t. KHV until 22yo
Uh, just imagine that the other girls are always calling her a cow behind her back.
It's Bocchi. She canonically has unusually large tits compared to the other characters, and she's very socially anxious.
>Picture, if you will, a world where out of sheer convenience, nearly the entire female population decides to begin consuming daily a pill containing a concoction of female hormones. The pill has one purpose, but the hormones do more beyond that one purpose...
>Picture, if you will, a world where out of greed (and maybe a tinge of malice), the vast majority of consumer products contain at least traces, if not are fully made out of chemicals that are so close to the chemical composure of female hormones that they are classified as "pseudo-(that particular hormone)".
>Picture, if you will, a world where due to ease of growth and versatility of this certain food plant, most food consumed contains it and thus the plant-based forms of female hormones called "phyto-(that particular hormone)" that the plant produces.
>Picture, if you will, a world where all of the above has been going on for 3+ generations...
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Hell yeah, now that's the kind of a tinfoil hat theory I'd like to believe in.
>Everything given to women have been secretly mixed with breast expansion/lactation chemicals by the govenrment. Whether it's food, drink, medicine, vaccines, hell even the air inside women's toilets and changing rooms, the chemical is always there, expanding their breasts from a young age. And soon enough, it's considered as the new normal for schoolgirls to have basketball sized milk filled tits. Anything less that just isn't socially acceptable anymore.
I simply can't be an anti-semite knowing the Jews are doing this
Jews rock
>Like a boiling frog, society didn't notice the changes.
>They didn't notice A-cup and B-cup bras disappear from store shelves, discontinued due to lack of demand.
>They didn't notice when suddenly every new and young actress had deep cleavage.
>They didn't notice their sisters and daughters get bustier by the month, full and dense breasts straining against their t-shirts.
>The girls themselves didn't notice the changes to their own bodies. How their masturbation habits changed. How fondling their own breasts was now enough to drive them to orgasm after orgasm.
We will never again get titty monsters posting pics of themselves and sexy stories of their experiences because of that one idiot weirdo and his cousin story to cover up his bra fetish.
It's all fake stories and pics either way so idk why that matters.
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It's all 3DPD either way so idk why that matters.
lmao holy shit I forgot about that, the lowest moments of this threads
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Uoooh! Thick!
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She chonkers
>He still thinks literally a single female has ever posted in this thread
Retards like you is exactly why coomers post that shit in the first place.
Does anyone have that doujin of the schoolgirl with macromastia? It's been untranslated for three years.
Perfection, I say. Perfection!
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She loves to eat, so she will stay in this perfect shape
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We sure won't if we talk about it, the best hope we have is to let it be forgotten so if a titty monster find the thread she's not scared off, if we spot him again we should absolutely call him out on his bullshit but we really don't need to bring it up of nowhere again

You can insert the ages in question yourselves as you read the timeline below.
>1970: C-cup = huge boobs, B-cup = big boobs, A-cup = normal boobs, flat = small boobs

>1990: D-cup = huge boobs, C-cup = big boobs, B-cup = normal boobs, A-cup = small boobs

>2000: E-cup = huge boobs, D-cup = big boobs, C-cup = normal boobs, A-cup = small boobs

>2010: G-cup = huge boobs, E-cup = big boobs, D-cup = normal boobs, B-cup = small boobs

>2020: L-cup = huge boobs, H-cup = big boobs, DD-cup = normal boobs, C-cup = small boobs
The exponential curve is beginning to take off. I look forward to the future, brothers.
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Good, it would be downright criminal if someone with a beautiful soft body like that lost any weight.
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Good. I'm really here only for 2D girls, as i probably never really run into real life titty monsters or date one. Or even just being a gaming friend to one.
I feel like there might be some truth to this but I spent four whole minutes searching online and I didn't find any evidence that isn't muddied by girls getting fatter and/or inconsistent sizing in the bra industry
I second the request for sauce. I am also unable to find it by doing any reverse image searches.
Imagine the daughter of a regenerator in a comic or super hero setting finding out she can't get a breast reduction because her tits just regenerate.
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Serves her right for even thinking of such a heretic disgusting deed.
>Trusting 3DPD holes and (((journalists))) for information instead of your own eyes.
NGMI anon, sorry.
gee whiz, you have a great point there, maybe I should've indicated somewhere in my post that my search wasn't all that thorough
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Kuni de Ichiban no Kizoku ga Noumin Musume ni Kaihen Sarechau Ohanashi | The Story of How the Country’s Topmost Aristocrat Was Transformed Into a Peasant Girl
File deleted.
Thanks a lot anon
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I really like this artist.
Izumi from Blue Archive
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Thanks :3

>Hey boss, we're overstocked on our undergarments in the smaller sizes. Says here we haven't sold a single A-cup from the last shipment and only 2 B-cups. Next order, get more C, D, and DDs, but don't order anymore As or Bs.
>I can't believe it... I was closing up the girls' locker room at the end of the day and I saw a bra left on a bench, so I picked it up to take to the lost and found. It was... big. I checked the tag to see if the girl had put her initials on it and that thing was a fuckin' H-cup. Girls these days sure are... different than when we were growing up...
>Honey, we need to talk. It's about our daughter. I-I just don't really know what to do to be honest. I mean, her breasts are growing so fast. She's only X and she's already bigger than I am! I asked the pediatrician about it at her last visit and he said there's nothing wrong and that she is perfectly normal for a girl her age. That was when I started to really look at her peers, and Honey... our daughter IS average compared to other girls her age. I just don't really know much about buying bras when they are approaching the middle of the alphabet.
>Don't make fun of me dude, but I think I am crushing on Katherine. Yeah, yeah, I know... "Itty Bitty Kitty" is the smallest girl in the grade, but even though she only has L-cup boobs, I just really like her, okay? She's cute, she's sweet. Hey, don't rag on me dude! >:(
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>She's only X and she's already bigger than I am!
This dynamic is underrated
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I like the idea that even in a world where every women's breasts have grown absolutely gigantic, schoolgirls are still insecure about their tits, thinking that they're just embarrassingly small.
Girl pouting in front of the bathroom mirror, knowing that she's only 6th biggest in her class. And yet her breasts are already greatly affecting the quality of her life as they are. Standing up for long time is hard, walking is exhausting; she needs to sit down every few minutes, already sweating and gasping for air. And running? Well that's just out of the question at this point. Going down stairs is extremely dangerous too of course, but all of this is just totally normal for her, and part of her daily life as an average schoolgirl.
Shamelessly plugging my own stuff here. Mostly college-aged girls, but there's going to be one in high-school later. Not much size at first, but that's the joy of watching someone grow; you get to start small.

ever see that shirt "i wish these were brains" ?

genetics corporation AI running randomized 'throw shit at the wall and see what sticks' computation creates a completely safe to use gene process that converts fatty breast tissue into a neuron-like substance that increases intelligence.

other companies have long invented multiple methods to increase natural breast size.

thus you now have bigger tits = smarter woman.

so you end up with ridiculous stuff like the best lawyers, detectives, teachers, scientists, etc... having M cup or bigger tits.
Neither! Imagine a locker room where 1 girl *per day* gets blessed with giant boobs, so there's this ramping feeling of jealousy/relief and constant contrast between those who've grown like crazy and those who have yet to grow.

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