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We're back.
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I think that's the first time I've seen a multiarmed fairy.

Indeed. I'd say it's the best quality multiarm artwork I've seen so far this year.
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Is Ai not allowed in here?
It's fine, if it's realistic enough
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I guess it's up to OP, but I feel like any niche thread that accepts AI is just going to be flooded with it as every AI-generating anon thinks their stuff is peak, which leads to the thread becoming useless.
But that's all I'm gonna say. Arguments about AI that take up the whole thread are worse than AI-anons spamming it.
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I agree pretty much, just that AI picrel they posted is pretty realistic for AI multiarm, so it's a good standard.
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We could establish a quota. For example, no more than than 1 consecutive AI picture.
It could help to select only the better ones, since some are really good, and it's mainly that there are hundreds of AI pictures looking exactly the same.
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I guess multiarm is niche enough that it's not a big concern, but all it takes is one anon ignoring thread anti-spam requests. If they actually read the discussions and respect it, I guess it'll be fine.
This user on DA does really good multiarm AI that's unprecedented in quality. I think they actually edit the pictures to be more realistic, but the base is AI generated.

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They also made a full anatomical study about the implications of having four arms.
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Tried looking for the source and apparently it's from some NSFW fantasy game on Steam called Seeds of Chaos. What's the character's name?
X’Zaratl, but she's more of a side character, so she doesn't have a whole lot of content.
Unfortunate. Might consider buying the game though! Do you happen to know if there's any image albums containing her ingame appearances?
sadpanda has a dump of one of the more recent galleries.
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most AI is gay poop but theirs is really interesting stuff, also for conjoinment as well
There are stories about multi-armed girls that were translated from Japanese on Pixiv.

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How do you all feel about women with the standard 2 arms but also have ghost/floating arms?
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not quite as good as a woman with more than one physical pairs of arms but will do if there are no other options
like the diet soda of multiple arm pair girls
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How to I find a tiny four armed fairy?
find one of those flying ants and dress it up with a cute fairy outfit
step into a ring of mushrooms, but there’s no way back
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How do anons feel about falling devil? Hot or too weird?
Nice first image op.
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>super tanned 4-armed tomboy with 4 sweaty armpits to lick and be hugged by
oh to stumble upon an uncontacted tribe in papua new guinea who look like this
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My favourite thread returns from the grave once more.
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I wonder if there's an island where there's a tribe of women with four arms.
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