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It's been many moons since the last one, post funny /d/-related things
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Part II
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>"Oh, my boyfriend ate mexican before we got intimate."
fucking christ 9/10
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Good thread, wish i could contribute
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I never thought I'd see rule 34 of fucking argon lmao
That is what rule 34 says, after all: "If it exists, there is porn of it."
don't have anything to contribute, but I wanna see more of this, so, bump
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Pretty sure there's a battaille story that is basically this but about piss and the weather is literally anything and everything.
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Been many years since I saw a come/d/y thread; glad to see one returning once more.
Look, just because he's Mexican doesn't mean his name's Jesus, have you any idea how racist that is?
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This one is a classic, there is another version too
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>just to hear my meatus flatuate
>staring at my bubbling dick
my fucking sides
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