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This is Shelly. Her fate is in your hands.
Tell me what happens to her, I will draw.
How about if she has a breast expansion
The tongue is a detachable symbiote, kind of like shitty-venom. She lets it fuck her at night and finds keeping it in her mouth the least annoying place to hide it, since it looks and acts like a normal tongue most of the time.
>>11040244 (OP)
her tongue seems to have a mind of it's own and desires to fill it's host with many nutrients as possible, whether animate or not
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I love this idea <3
The tounge makes her say things she doesn’t want to. and makes her lips bigger
make her fat
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Not my thing, sorry. Btw let me attach the list of my likes and dislikes.
that got worse the more i read
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A guy follows her, pulls her into an alley, and actually tries to follow through.

What he doesn't expect is for the girl to french him and a two foot long tongue to shoot into his throat.
Another tounge comes out of her mouth. there’s a bunch in there
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The second tongue climbs out of her mouth, then licks the first tongue like a kiss around her neck.
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I had to redo the face, it was so annoying
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The two tongues then team up to lick underneath her jaw. All while a third tongue hangs out of her mouth.
A second head grows from her shoulders with her own tongue symbiotes
She gets transformed into a sex doll
Do you have a gallery?
I do. check out my website liligoon.com. However it doesn't have all my drawings.
she looks pretty cute
sounds like a great idea
maybe the thrird tongue is split at the tip
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nice sloppy and slippery
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maybe a nipple escape its prison because she begin to like it
Another larger girl with an even larger tongue starts deepthroating/french kissing her with it.
Tongues decide to have a bit of fun in her pussy, both of them slip in under her panties and churn up both her and each other, as a sort of tongue-slug DNA exchange.
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I'm down for some drawing if anyone is here.
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I haven't seen bondage anywhere on the list.... but if you're okay with that, let's tie her up. Or even better, put both her hands and feet in stocks. So she can't cover her holes and defend herself from the questing tentacles.
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How about replacing her limbs with robotic ones that force her to pleasure/torture herself?
BTW this last edit I requested a while back is fantastic and I'd always appreciate leather/latex bondage gear. Maybe an extra tight steel corset to go with the limbs?
I'm still pretty new to this "draw one step at a time" thing.
I love both ideas. I think I'll create a separate story from the robotic arms idea.
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She got the limbs from amazon. They can be remotely controlled by Jeff Bezos. Her fault for not reading the fine print.
Ebony minigts futanari using her as an onahole
Draw her as a quad amputee running on her little stumps towards pov’s cock, please.
pervy ai controlled arms could be fun
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soo she will love them
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She pets a cat and tells it she loves it.
The hands force her to subscribe to amazon prime and to like Jeff Bezo's facebook posts.
is all I want :(
The tongues tickle torture her by licking her nipples.
She's stuck up to her big saggy tits and sinking in quicksand.

Well, you asked.
just like venom snake
going back to it, the tongues should make out some more, then slide inside her to reproduce

she'll of course have to give "birth" later
your artstyle reminds me of an artist from the mid 2010s who went by "Tammy", are you the same person?
it is indeed me!
get back here and draw more, slut.
I'm here. I'll start drawing right now.
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she tries to masturbate but she keeps pinching herself with the mechanical joints
the moment the tongue enter her another should come out of her mouth
i like where this is going
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yes, yess

don't you love when a greedy slut gets her holes filled?
nnghhh yess i love it... lets do things even more horrible to her... lets make her cry
cry with pleasure as wiggling tongues fill out and swell her belly, maybe?
She ends up liking the experience, as the tongues insert in her and make her pregnant
Oooh yeah.

How about big phallic-looking tentacles wrapping around all of her limbs, lifting her up and stuffing her? Tentacles that are so big they're just about at the ragged edge of what her holes can accomodate without ripping? She can barely breathe because her mouth and throat care being flooded with so much cum it's exploding from her nose too and threatening to drown her.
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nnghhh love it
Enough to create a pic, maybe? Maybe with her stuck in some high-heeled boots to go with?

..I like boots. They make things kinkier.
Pretty please: give her headpats and/or thumb or fingers in mouth caressing her tongue.
Thoughts on pregnancy and short stacks?
both not really my thing to be honest, but I love eggs, larvae, infestations, etc, which can be pretty similar to pregnancy visually
that tentacle looks like it wants a kiss, this slut should give it one
amazing idea
a long, sticky kiss followed by forcing little tongue-larvas down her throat, and to squirm inside her belly, msybe?
nnghhh perfect
get to drawing then, slut.
I love that, by the way
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Tasty, tasty tentacle cum!
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She absolutely can't get away from it.

She drinks it all down,or she drowns. And she's already full. So, so full.
More and more of the larvae enter her, consuming the girl from the inside to make more room for more of its kind, eventually the girl's torso and limbs overtaken by the creatures.
Her getting anal vored by a fat anon
She gets rough anal from a nondescript man with his face out of frame, her expression indicates her enjoyment is dubious
that pussy looks lonely, the tongues should play with it.
pspspsps, get back here, little slut

Just swallow it. Gulp, gulp, gulp. Swallow all that cream they've made for you.

This is lovely.
You around? Got another idea for you.

The tentacles have wrapped her up but good and she's not getting away. Her pussy and ass are so full they're just about to rip. She's absolutely awash in cum, and she's praying that they stop, and also praying that they DON'T. Fortunately or unfortunately, they aren't stopping anytime soon.

It's more a continuation of this one than any orginal idea,but hopefully up your alley.
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nice, can't wait to see that belly swell and squirm
the tentacles should fill her from the other side too while the tongues work on her nipples
Yeah, let's get that belly a bit bigger. Not fat, just swollen a bit
can we get a nice view of her feet and soles
She grows huge, hyper muscles
why are her tits not leaking yet?
Fat tentacles should stuff her ass to pump cum into her from both ends. Meanwhile, one that looks a little different shows up in front of her face and squeezes out an egg, then repositions itself, pressing up against her pussy while the others hold her knees open.
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I'm back! I can draw even all night tonight <3
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Now draw her getting an education.
oh welcome back!

you can't have these tits leaking with milk without something sucking on them!
nnghhh good point!
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nice, nice, nice

still think she should get tongued, maybe the tentacles could hold her legs spread in the meantime?
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can you please draw that tentacle reaching all the way through her? just have it squirm out of her ass and into her pussy?
her neck need a bulg of the tentacle wiggling in her throat
>However it doesn't have all my drawings.
That's what I was afraid about.
That's what I like very much.
Draw her using a huge dildo in her anus and a huge prolapse after she removes the toy
her rear should definitely get attacked, either by tentacles or tongues
She wants more, and shoves one of the tentacles up her ass
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I feel like this shot is worth putting more work into
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it definitely is!
such a lucky girl
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also improved the face in general because it wasnt good enough
and it looks amazing now. her back holes should get filled to keep everything inside. would be such a waste.
tentacles make her grow an udder and gets milked.
Don't think for a second I didn't recognize the Predator movie "You son of a bitch~" greeting, even between tongues.

Consider these:
>That tongue is pumping enough that it might come out the other end
>Or it could be big enough to go right through her digestive tract and out the other side
>Or another tongue goes up the ass, meets the mouth-tongue in the middle, and also gets the Predator hand-grasp salutation.
That tentacle has so much going in, her belly should get bigger. Maybe her ass or tits can get bigger too?
Have the tentacles inject her clit with something, forcing her to grow a cock and pair of balls that grow and grow and grow, eventually morphing into a horsecock and still fucking growing, to be milked for semen and fluids
Can you coil her up to the hips in the crotch of a lamia version of her that will hug her upper body gently?
> S: Flat Chests
> S: Girls unwilling to accept their fate
> A: Femboys

Here's an idea.
> Shelly loses a few cup sizes
> Flat chested now, thinks that's it
> Loses pussy, grows a dick
> She is now a He
> Insists that "she" is still a girl

Feel free to get creative as to why this is happening to "her".
nah, that's boring, let's stick to the tentacles/tongues fun
have her stuck in a tentacle wall with her arms and feet slowly assimilated by it while she cries in despair.
how about onara?
>permanently ruined bodies
how about something like this since i dont know how to describe it
forgot the the tag here >>10988203
hiii im in a hotel room tonight. I have my mobile tablet setup and im ready to draw!
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I don't have my desktop files here so I will start a new one for now.
"I'm looking at your skirt, what's going on under there?"
Mean girl is disgusted until she realizes he's talking about the penis bulge growing out from her panties.
"I'm looking at a loser, you loser. What kind of unpopular nerd has titties as big as yours and doesn't remember to wear a bra? Did you mom forget to dress you, or could you not fit those huge nipples inside your cups this morning?"
"Gah, it's so gross! Why are your nipples like that, loser?"
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I really like your art, how did you learn to draw like that?
thank you so much <3 Well, i try to draw as much as I can, i try to learn from tutorials, and also im always trying to have fun drawing, i jerk off every time j draw.
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Shelly goes to college and gets a law degree
Now if only her nipples were ALSO jutting out and embarrassing her.
If only...
That would be swell...
now she prematurely cum a lot hand free and stain her skirt but stay hard of course
oh no, a wild penis!
it somehow squeezed itself between her thighs.

she hates that she likes the sensation, grabs it, and it sprouts all over her face.
a mean girl stay a mean girl even if she become a futa. she immediately mocking the footballs jocks about their tiny pricks.
stroggification, thats all.
Requesting her transformed into one of those nightmare fuel monsters.
>What happens
Her clitoris suddenly grows a little bit and she can't resist the need to jerk it off as if she was a dude. Then she jerks it off and cums and squirts semen from her pussy. Then she complains about the smell.

(It's like a futa but ovaries producing semen and the cock is just a slightly larger clit)
Back home! I will do some drawing tonight!
still waiting
I ended up going to bed, I was very tired after the long trip
have a good night
What about her not touching a razor and being hairy? Maybe even beyond the classic pubes and pits, on legs with a happy trail

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