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Post girls being handled gently. Part 4. Beach Day Edition No AI slop
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Who am I to say no to such a thread?
If big counts, does small count too?
this time it's limited to girls?
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Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. No? No. Fuckkit
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Hell yes
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screw OP
post boys getting pampered
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>wearing sweaty, smelly socks to a sexual encounter

Ewwwww! Sex should always be had in bare feet only.
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Sir, I regret to inform you that you are wrong.

Simply incorrect.
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Hmph, fine...

But at least wash your feet and wear your socks dry and clean, so I don't have to smell foot cheese, okay honey?
>tfw you'll never have a GF who'd strip just to have a nude video gaming session with you.

>(...and playfully stomp on your junk when you own her in *insert game here*)
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>(...and playfully stomp on your junk when you own her in *insert game here*)
you have some strange ideas about what counts as "gentle affection"
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Hahaa, I understand that there's a bit of a conflict here. But I just couldn't pass up on the opportunity to post that pic, because the idea of a nude video gaming session with your girl is too cute to ignore. It's very intimate stuff, right. I would've done it, if only the right girl would've been in my life 10-20 years ago when I was still an active gamer.

But since that stomping is a clear-as-a-day detail in the pic, I just had to say something about it too. And the guy doesn't seem to mind. Only a truly close person, a true loved one, could get away with stepping on a guy's dick like that, so their relationship can't be that bad, right?
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fair, but I'm worried about what happens if she misses and hits the balls instead
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All the pregnancy-free, safe sex they could ever want.

Hey, maybe she IS doing it on purpose. Condoms cost money, but stomping with your foot is free. :p
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now that DEFINITELY doesn't belong in a gentle affection thread
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>be me
>exchange student in a faraway land
>meet cute girl
>she stops over at my apartment to study
>she plays some half-life leaning up against my chest
>wind up with her making out with me in my bed
>she licks my cheek
>i lick her cheek
>we end up sleeping in the same bed, she's wearing my pajamas
>her ass is round and fat, and she loved me squishing it
Sometimes the most lewd things are gentle and cute
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Let's have some classic "making out in the car" stuff...
Loving harems <3
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On the other hand, would it be so bad, if your one, true love would suddenly start expecting your child?
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I wouldn't be disappointed if the condom broke
I'd be disappointed that I was wearing one in the first place
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I just want an cute girl(s) who want nothing more than to press their entire bodies against me.

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