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>What is this?
A place to share and discuss the piss, shit, farts, sweat, smell, burps, etc. of VTubers. We maintain a collection of real instances that have happened on stream, fanart, and fanfic stories. Reminder: visible scat is not allowed in /d/
>Why "ringo"?
>>>/vt/5422936 tl;dr /vt/ memes that lead to euphemisms for piss (ringo), shit (choco), farts (braps), and sweat (water)
>The usual BRAAP
Browse stories and greentext: https://rentry.org/ringotext
Rentry links: https://rentry.org/vtuberingo2
Artworks collection: https://mega.nz/folder/T81nEZJI#3rwtDHdd7RExZNH7k6A2xA
Anon's creations: https://mega.nz/folder/aCpmnIDY#a6wR-s7376_R3HWvM6KEgg
Previous thread: >>11003603
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Ui and Tamaki cross streams (video)
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do dolls sweat?
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Thinking about all the farts Kronii must be making since she started her protein diet...
I love the smell of a new ringo thread
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>Towa and Mumei go to several idol meetings
>Okayu will pee herself at a haunted house
>Sayu says you can smell her unshowered at a convention
>Miss Lala supports shitting where you eat
>Fuwawa warns us of Nerissa's smell-o-vision
>Rikotan worries about farting during Ring Fit
Fulfilling my recent mention of enjoying the thought of Kiara's choco oopsies in her 80s aerobics outfit

Title: Chimkin' English
Chuubas: Kiara
Content: Ringo, Choco (dunno if 'lava' choco would be a different tag or not)
now that we know she's a magical automaton, I'm going to say yes
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timed this perfectly to listen to Kiara's karaoke while reading, highly recommend for immersion
I get the hint that Calli had a hand in the production of the ero-robics, wonder if the chimken will ever put 2-and-2 together
maybe next time she can offer to plug Kiara up so there won't be an accident
Does anyone have this archived?
Enema endurance karaoke where they actually shat themselves at the end
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There was potentially more in mind with Kiara either being gullible enough to trust Calli further, or to get revenge if she's not too bird-brained to realize what happened.
Although that'll have to be after I focus elsewhere since some messy architecture with goth Fauna has been on the mind, and the Justice debut has given me a variety of ideas.
What chuuba?
Nora Shitagai
And Kronii's always eating a lot so she has plenty of calories to fuel her braps.

Speaking of which, I hope that Kronii story one of the anons was working on last thread is going well. The plot outline they put together sounded great
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(Off-screen) Bao burp from her goofy irl pregnant Shylily cosplay cooking stream

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choco + ringo
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choco https://files.catbox.moe/6481m2.jpg
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choco https://files.catbox.moe/521yjj.png
>be extreme Twapper fan with a Nissan Skyline with Towa painted all over the car
>at a fan meet Towa comes up and says she really needs to pee and asks you to let her hide behind the car to take a piss
Would you ask her to let you watch in return?
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the minimum acceptable deal is that Towa "paints" all over the inside of the car, too
Which are worse, Kronii's Korean protein fueled brap bombs, or Fauna's American vegan fueled constant braps..
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choco https://files.catbox.moe/diuiw4.png
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>Raora will never force me under the weight of her ass and gas me with her noxious Italian fumes until I go unconscious
It's not fair bros...
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Can anyone comment on the legitimacy of this tier list?
People constantly mention in global that Ina has talked about the bad farts she gets when she drinks milk, but I’ve never seen a clip.
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Kiara has mentioned peeing multiple times, so it's not entirely accurate
also >Idle
Yeah, Ame has too
In addition to those, off the top of my head, it’s missing:
>Bae talking about pooping with Ame in their bathroom rating collab
>Zeta saying she doesn’t fart, she just releases concentrated gas from her butthole
>Kronii telling Kaela farting doesn’t hurt (she has to fart to know that)
>Bijou saying “I have explosive diarrhea” while hiding in the bathroom in a game, if that counts
can you make this include non holos too?
I didn’t make it. It was posted on /hlgg/. I was wondering if anyone knew any streams/clips to back up the claims.
Finally some good fucking food
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We can move Nerissa up a few tiers. She recently admitted she has IBS on a collab stream with OniGiri
>Do you have hot girl IBS?
>Um...I don't have IBS. But I do have Irritable Tummy Syndrome. It's not the same!
>She literally renamed it with one different word! It's the same thing.
>I just eat too fast! You know when you eat food and then die for the rest of the night?
Nerissa could be a real room-clearing braphog with the right foods.
Since she loves dairy and spicy foods, she's definitely one of the most lethal brappers
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After an innocuous request from Bae, you end up trapped in the bathroom with a front row seat to one of IRyS' most "productive" idol meetings.
I felt the urge to write this after someone pointed out that IRyS didn't have any brap/choco fics in the archive.


tags: IRyS, ringo, brap, choco
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this looks like a veritable feast which I will have to dig into later this weekend
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Some damn fine work for IRyS there with such a unique but good set-up, especially the toothbrush bit at the end and setting up so well for a sequel.
Based. Very glad I pointed that out since it lead to a story from you of all people. As always, your efforts are greatly appreciated.
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