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The thread for posting pictures, manga and stories of GB'd boys being cute with girls or other GB'd boys.

Anything goes as long as no dicks are involved.
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should have just kept it to the other thread since dont think theres enough content
gotta love when they dress new girl in girly clothes and make them feel girly taking the lead
Invest in Akira x Rumi. They're about to go to the moon.
>artist actually drew the boob moles
how incredibly based
its always the best part
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What do you prefer? A boyfriend getting feminized or two friends getting turned into girls?
honestly depends on the mood
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Boyfriend for sure, two dudes does nothing for me.
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absolute kino
[Kusayarou] Nyotaika Seido no Aru Kaisha
>A boyfriend getting feminized
>Two friends getting turned into girls
Feels like gay with a copout
Unfortunately I have nothing to offer, but that manga was absolutely weapons grade, eternal thanks.
Name of this manga?
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Ore ga Nyotaika shitara Kanojo ga Do-S ni natta Ken ni Tsuite
I like the implied yaoi of two guys turning into girls that are just "really good friends" in both.
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This one's pretty good
It's TSxTS but you can probably enjoy it even if you aren't into that if you skip from page 2(not counting the cover) to 6 or to 18 if only want to see yuri.
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Here's an excellent one that for some reason isn't on sadpanda. The first part involves the sex changed husband getting raped by men, but part 2 is all yuri.

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That was so fucking hot. Thanks anon.
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Thought of a funny twist. A guy wishes to be a beautiful girl who easily recognizes other girls who would be into a yuri relationship. Wish is granted. Years go by and with a string of successes in their sex life their self-esteem builds up to the point they realize they don't actually like being a girl, it was just a confidence booster. They end up being an power top who wishes they had a dick so they could feel it when they fuck a bitch out of their mind.
I’m a High School Boy, but I Got Gender-Swapped Into a Gyaru
Cheers big ears
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How about "MC-kun is interested in TS brothels"
What are your pairings?
Mine is a tall tomboy prostitute and short, twin tailed megane TS boy.
I will never understand why I find it so hot to be fucked like a girl
I don't know about pairings but I'd kill for a TS yuri knockoff of Asumi-chan

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