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Thread for hardcore mechabare or robo-ryona.

3rd Edition

Post and discuss mechabare that feels abusive or cruel and destructive treatment of robots.
Stories, edits and manips are welcome.

Last thread: >>10942671
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Anyone else like it when the robogirl explodes like this? First showing the skeleton with no girly beauty left, then blows up completely
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This artist is epic
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Well now that's just sad
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Yeah, for real.
This one's nice though
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There's another thread with less hardcore art
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I miss Sana
Oh is she exploding?
I find it hot
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hahaha fembot gets rekt with a soccer ball
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Aigis is the perfect cum toilet.
I love the question mark on the subtitle makes it look like that Aigis being not even the real one. Imagine if it was like a clunky copy, making it the reason why she seemingly broke down.
Good idea, pretty hot when the fembot is some cheap copy.
Yeah, you see fembots like Aigis, 2B, Poppi, etc. having copies that look and sound similar to the real deal but moves very clunky, talks with a limited vocab, and goes "ERROR DOES NOT COMPUTE PLEASE FUCK ME" at a few drops of water.
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There's not enough Honey mechabare out there
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Does this include cyborgs?
robot girl got donuted (old youtube series; timestamp at 8:17)
Sure if looks like broken machine and not like gore
Can I get the name of the robot girl in the OP pic?
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Not a fembot but I still think its hot
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The character isn't actually a robot officially. The artist who drew it just turns them into robots for malfunctions and mechabare. The name of the character is Tsukumo Sana, a retired vtuber from Hololive.
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Vtubers as robots is kino

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