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Anything related to gender swap from female to male.

No A.I stuff.
gay thread
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Come on, man; learn from your mistakes. Didn't say anything when you tried this a week ago, but you NEED to post more than just one image in the OP.
Otherwise these are just gonna keep dying; generals need an autist to maintain them. I can do it every so often - did the ones around turn of year - but I spend too much time archiving shit to take that on fulltime. And while it doesn't have to be *you*, having these threads misfire every couple weeks just makes things harder.
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Gonna give this one more pity bump, since OP's a neglectful son of a gun.

Otherwise I'll run one properlike in Septemberr sometime, probably.
Call it masculation for fuck's sake
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Ahh that's what I came here for. FTT, attractive women shrinking into small useless, helpless traps, losing all their feminine power with no size or strength to replace it.
Such a fucking shame this type of gender transformation is so underrated.
anyone has a link for that one huge archive of ftm stories that one anon keeps curated? thank you.
good theme
I’m more sad virtually no girls think turning into a guy is hot/desirable, but there’s legions of guys who want to be the little girl. Seems like basically no one wants to be a guy and it’s a shame.

Pretty sure this is it (most recent update):

On a related note, could the anon who runs the story archive please re-share the link to the FtM TF discord server that got posted here before?

I know discord is cancer but I’m willing to trawl through any source for a crumb more of FtM content.
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I really like this image and accompanying caption from the previous body swap thread. Seems to fit this thread.
>I feel like the best aspect of the mom/son bodyswap is the perspective of the mom's mind.
>Her conscious and subconscious minds locked in a battle. Her conscious very aware of the fact that she's in her underage son's body, trying to keep control of the situation, but her subconscious responding to the chemical and hormones cues of the body and wanting nothing more to stare at her tits and touch his penis.
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Since OP is a cunt, I'm just going to post AI regardless. Because I really believe AI is the best thing to happen for enjoyers of this fetish. You can turn the girliest girl you know into a flat-chested boy with ease, from any franchise you can think of, no need to deal with western artists.
could you do one with Juri Han and Misty (Pokémon) together?
Not only was OP lazy, he doomed this thread to fail by ruling out AI. AI is the life support of this niche fetish.
No refreshes though, kinda suspect this is part of the reason things've been so dead. https://pastebin.com/NVkWFrxL
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Thanks a lot anon! Much appreciated.
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Oh that reminds me, does any have full "The Guild Clerk's Too Busty Client" from this artist? Someone said they would post it last thread
Is that regret I see at the finish line?
>Woman who wants to be shemale doesn't realize she has to take hormones from now on to stay feminine.
>Shemale who just wants to be normal but got a sex change going to male instead.

Also wondering how to add some life to a sex swap program.
Who's the artist for that image?
Auronaito, they mostly share on their own discord (can find it linked here > https://auronaito.gumroad.com/l/jgXiB), though a lot of it does get updated on https://kemono.su/discord/server/789363218782748682 too
>Woman who wants to be shemale doesn't realize she has to take hormones from now on to stay feminine.
Always cursed to be the mid-transformation..

Regardless, I could imagine a woman like this coming to grow to like the continued masculinization.
Here's the full comic for pic related:
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Probably just coping somehow to mask from themselves how much they enjoy becoming a man till it's too obvious they got a sex change...

Or is actually that dumb and isn't taking hormones cause they enjoy getting stronger and stuff till it's too late.
Alternatively: Was warned not to masturbate for a few months after the operation, but they can't stop themselves even as their breasts start shrinking. Chest hair and an adam's apple is where regret sets in.
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Maybe asking for something a bit gross but wasn't sure where else to ask. A while back I saw a bunch of images of women with very manly bodies, like, bodyhair, obese, muscular, basically ugly bastard(?) bodies, but while still having girls' heads and personalities. They were bursting at the seams of their outfits. Would anybody know what I'm talking about? Sort of in the vein of picrel but completely unironic, assuming attached pic was made ironically
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Just another subgenre. There were / are some artists what specialize in it, like pno12 and foxymoron
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I would like if this side of things was explored more. Where you don't necessarily get a nice body from your TF, but you still got what you asked for. Also having to get used to being a hairy MAN is a lot different than going from female to femboy.
Not quite what I was looking for but headed in the right direction. Thanks.
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I mean you can take it as far as you want it, content just tends to get lower quality the further into the extreme you go. Same pattern as most fetishes
Oh your pic is absolutely what I was looking for, I just also rememeber a specific bunch of pictures in this vein floating around I saw years back. I am an idiot.
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This one?
That's not the exact image set but that is 100% along the lines I was looking for, thank you.
You may have seen these before, but here’s ugly-bastard-with-girls-head skinsuit. It’s not a physical transformation unfortunately, but it technically fits your description.
Finally checked out that FtM story archive, should've done it sooner. Good shit, nice organization.

Truly heartbroken (not) that the Ivarataur Warframe story isn't in there, but it's on the wayback machine anyway. Tons of archive-exclusive RemovalRem writing anyhow.
I like the fusion one
Post nut clarity
Fuck the no AI rule. Presenting: Erza Scarlet coming back a bit different after a noblewoman requested her specifically for a very important job. Strangely, no one seems to remember that Erza used to be a woman back at Fairy Tail.
His second time working for the noblewoman saw Erza going back with a diamond ring, and to the relief of the entire guild, most of all Erza, she accepted. Now the soon to be husband is preparing for the wedding.
I really need to learn how to use AI, but they're way too complex to figure out
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Try civitai, I wouldn't call it easy but you can get stuff done without having to learn the deep stuff. Problem being you need points to generate images, and the way is set up it clearly wants you to buy points with real money, kind of like one of those online games where you technically can get the stuff for free but takes a lot of time.
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The best trapformation pics involve some distress.

Posting some classics.
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What's the source for this? Can't find anything
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Foxymoron's jumped in and out of /thediscord/ like five times over the years. Lots of sketches never made it out. Most trend more towards YMMV though, re: slobbishness and the like
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Not from me, sorry; missed your chance, >>11051614
Folks from all over in there, don't want to be unreasonable with flooding it. Ask again in whatever thread we have going in three months
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That's too bad. Some of his stuff looks really interesting. Thanks for telling me.
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They do have live sites, just a lot of psueds. Search any of Foxymoron + Wolfdragon27 + Snobbish Fox + SnobbyFoxy + SobbyFoxy + kit2475 + SpringOnions5.

https://x.com/SpringOnions5 (An even weirder alt)
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Thanks for the Info. I'll check it out. Did he make a pic of Asuna from Blue Archive with an adam's apple shaving her chest? His artstyle looks similar
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I don't mind slobby FtS. Can you post more of it?
They're not getting more masculine, just less feminine
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Whoops, didn't realize that one was scat from the thumbnail. That in mind: this is about all I'm willing to do, too much of the same extreme turns people off
help me i don't know why I like seeing women turn in to men
I hope she used to be a strict and polite woman before her transformation.
I like the idea specifically of the girl suddenly gaining a male 'sexuality'. Like their mind goes right into the gutter of that of a 14 year old boy and women's bodies are the only thing they care about because their sex drive is now driven by their new dick.
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I'm still lurking.
I see too many stuff I didn't like so, I leave.
I prefer prefer them still having tits.
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Fucking typo.
>When you don't get to be a cool dickgirl cause the FTM keeps going

Oh nooo.. how horrible... what are the odds?
They are two different endings but you can see it that way, I suppose.
I like this sequence, it scratches that slobby shemale itch without going overboard.
If you're the artist could you repost the dafuze style shemale ftm from this:>>11062636 in this thread? I don't have access to the discord. Also if you have any more dirty ftm pics like >>11065190 please do share! They're very well made.
Functionally, the first ending is the midway point of the second ending.
Nah they're shit.

Here ya go.
This is really hot even if it's low res. The new glasses, the belly that doesn't push her into obesity while still being slobby, the hair trail and the vocabulary change too! It's probably just me but this is already one of my favorite ftm pieces. Got any more fuze ftms? If this is what you can make maybe I should learn how to draw too. Which tablet do you use?
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First fuzed pic I did digitally.
I prefer how you did the fuzed face and the belly on this pic: >>11065351 I won't lie. This is of course preference but I think this pic veers too much into slobby dude cosplaying as a woman rather than masculine slobby shemale. What tablet do you use for drawing?
It's a Samsung tablet, you can find people who can answer that question better than me. My tablet is shit, I use it because it function like a android phone.
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I only draw it like that once I'm afraid.
But here's a sketch concept of an older artoria who had been turned into a shemale.
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This isn't fuzed but I think it's what you're looking for.
This is a thousand times better! I like how her dick pulls at her underwear. Thanks for sharing this.
Yeah, I like when ftmd girls get vulgar, slobby and their body becomes more masculine but they still stay female enough to be mistaken as a woman at first glance. Nice detail with her tits beginning to sag as they start to look more like man boobs. If you don't mind, could you share even more like this?
That's it I'm afraid.
The rest are either too fat or to muscular.
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I'm good as long as they don't get more masculine than:
I'm also fine with fat ftm if it's similar to the one posted here: >>11062636 under 05/10/2024 6:27 pm(which I'd also like you to post).
Or even the fat tf below it. Both of those look really good and I'd be happy if you could post them. Seriously, that feminine hairdo on that body is pure sex.
Yes and the one above it on the linked post. If this is how your fat tfs look like then there's nothing wrong with them.
Well, that one is already posted so, I don't need to do that.
Didn't see it. If you're up for it dump some more pics like that or like >>11065386
. I feel a bit bad for asking so much from you already, but the pics are really good. Nerdification is fine too.
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If nobody is going to post anything I'm going to post more of my gross ftm stuff.
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auronaito made the only good FtM content ever and then just fucked off and stopped drawing it forever.
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Very true, still waiting on that paid comic The Guild Clerk's Too Busty Client", to pop up somewhere
its free now
well what do you want? I've done some works since then the Guild one, although they are far less polished.
nta but have you thought about continuing the yui thing? it was my favorite
lol perfect timing
Modezombie’s himbo stuff is 10/10, wish they’d provide more context beyond just the art
Uh it looks like you can't get at all anymore.
Sorry I got banned. Check my twitter @auronaitotsf for link.
I would like to continue it soon. I think it would allow me to do some good preggo scenes.
oh man, hard punished just for altering content on the account? That totally sucks, legit sorry.

Honestly I'm very not above pirating so I'm not gonna moan about morality, was very waiting for someone to dump it too, but the 'oh geeze guys anyone remember that one guy who said he'd give it, wink wink' as a little gagworthy, and with the worries 'bout panda too, just a quick reminder not to feel peer pressured. Don't give a damn about internet opinions, both good or ill, just make cool shit if you feel like it and accept people'll do whatever with it once its out there.

Think most would agree you're pretty easily top five in the genre though, even if there's not much competition
thanks. it mostly wasn't peer pressure at least I like to pretend so.

Mainly 3 reasons:
1. I'm going to get banned on Gumroad eventually due to their ToS from a few months ago. I might as well release it.
2. I'm starting to feel like a dick coasting on this comic. When you pay an artist money, you expect the artist to produce more of that work. So far it's been like 2 years.
3. Only a few hundred something people read it. Ftm can't grow as a genre if I'm pay walling this forever.

Anyways have fun reading it... unless you hate it which I'm sure there's some out there on 4chan of all places.
I love these gross ftms.
I really like how this drawing makes her tits look like they're becoming man boobs. It's a subtle detail but it makes the drawing.
Fuck, I want to see this happen to a girly pop idol like Athena Asamiya. I wonder what her fans would think of such a drastic image change?
You should do FtM and MtF
Pretty sure it's the "Guy In Real Life" effect. Anons already refuse to believe dominant girls exist, let alone a girl wanting to be the guy.
This one's really cute, I love the roleplay aspect.
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>This one's really cute, I love the roleplay aspect.
Thanks, glad you like it. That was a comm I got a while back of my OC Fuyumi Aoi, Clover Blue. It's not really "canon" anymore since I always felt Fanter's take on it was too different from the og Magikal Clover stuff. Here's a newer one with her official look.
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And another.
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>well what do you want?
If that's you, I want you to draw more in general and more stuff in the style of your bigger stories.
Just posted an update to this:

Now with girls turned dickgirls considering going full male.
>FtMs become traps/effeminate
>MtFs all become instant bimbos
I would love to see an MtF transformation where the resulting female is just as tough as the original pre-TF
Napq18 on pixiv.
These are from his fanbox.
do the mtf you teased on the guild one. this can get more eyes on your work as mtf is significantly more popular than ftm.
I can't claim to have read all your works, but I've seen a few that all seem to be "girl thinks this is a good idea -> girl gets nervous and very unsure about it mid change -> change is finished and they just feel good about it." personally this makes me feel really bad in the middle, but that's not important, I just want to make sure you have multiple emotional arcs.
I hate the fat/dadbod thing, but do you have multiple bodytypes they end up as? it looks like usually the end result is athletic, ideal highschool/"young adult" type of male. turn a girl into a femboy or something at least once.
it might also just be that people don't like the "penciled" style of lineart. Arisane/Arisa Yoshi is apparently popular, for example, so people might just prefer "inked" style. the colors on the guild story cover are very good. does that take a prohibitively long time? a short colored sequence, maybe presented as a premium work if you need to, might do well.
I was slightly confused about the genre that the guild comic was in. from the cover I thought it was fantasy, but it turned out to be scifi. most of your work is in "real life" with fantastic drugs, right? I don't know what genres like nanomachines scifi or fantasy magic are popular for these sequences.
what part of the sequence do YOU like? I might be able to guess based on what parts your comics linger on, but with art people can tell where you're passionate. do that.
More gross ftm?
There are some isekai-type gender benders like that. Yakuza Reincarnation comes to mind. Old retired Yakuza dude ends up in a fantasy world in the body of some princess and shreds demons with a katana.
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Raikou dump incoming.
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Thanks for the feedback I appreciate it. I'm definitely trying to find new body types without entering shota territory. It's very difficult to add fat to a male body without turning the character into a fat bastard. Some body types I can think of are narrow shoulders, bottom heavy, lanky, or they retain x characteristic from when they were female.

Regarding emotional arcs, I've done some non-consensual ones. But that's the only variation I can really think of. The reason I have them feeling uncomfortable in the middle is because I try to add some friction/conflict with the TF. It's kind of boring if everything is hunky dory.

I want to do an MTF sequel but maybe 20 pages of that.

I really need to polish my work. I think, out of everything mentioned, what's holding my work back is my bad quality. I think step 1 is just to ink my shit.

If you have suggestions let me know on the Discord. I have a critique channel, but no one seems to post there.
>It's very difficult to add fat to a male body without turning the character into a fat bastard
yeah, but look at what people keep posting in this thread. I'm not saying to go even further into a niche.
within the usual genre there's appearance tropes like the hime cut girl, tanlines tomboy, gyaru, etc.. and it's easy to think of body "gimmicks" for a one-off. three friends change, but one keeps her boobs, one keeps her ass, one keeps her... I don't know, face?

I understand where you're coming from. it doesn't need to be that complicated is all I can say. have you looked at other works in the same genre but different mediums? what springs to mind first is fanfic/oc writings like on ao3. what works there, inspiration, [spoiler]get an idea for something involving an existing work and change it enough that it's non-copywritten[/spoiler]

I'll look forward to it then.

unfortunately I don't know what other people like, and personally my own art level hasn't reached the stage of knowing the inking process. good luck, continue working to improve.

this is really all I have to say, maybe if I think of something I think would be really important. also I am tired and done fapping for today, otherwise I would fight you in the street to not tf a tomboy.
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>yeah, but look at what people keep posting in this thread. I'm not saying to go even further into a niche.
Not auro, but spicy hot take here: I think the slobfags and the fartfags should fuck off and stop ruining another thread.
>Almost entirely western art
>retarded op
Hardly a surprise for such a shit fetish.
this was posted by /tsf/ gang
I've been following your work for a while and I think that while polish is always good, just getting it to a state of clean bw is usually good enough.

I understand the perfectionism thing though, it's hard to get over. Your work is pretty unique though and I hope you find your drive again some day. Keep it up.
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Not spicy at all, I straight warned them off here but some folks just don't have consideration. Remember other people use the thread, mates. Vary it up.
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I should commission this artist again.
>Please masturbate to the images I generated!!! My self esteem depends upon it!!!
like half the threads on /d/ are specifically not allowing ai now because no one likes it except dorks. These fetishes existed before stable diffusion was invented.
Every post I've ever seen complaining about stuff like this invariably comes with zero visual accompaniment.
NTA but seriously considering adding a 'no text posts allowed, all bitching must come with thread relevant imagery' to every topic I open here on out. No doubt my far more beneficial brand of tism will be equally as respected
>I don't like your opinion so I'm going to censor you!!!
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