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My weekend went badly and the thread died. Once again, post slimegirls and girls made of any liquid substance. Bonus for slime media finds and translations. No AI and keep futa to a minimum.
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Helps that I found out someone who was trying to translate a few slime doujin disappeared.
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I still want to give Erubetie a big hug!
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Would you jump in?
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Slimes mimicking flesh with artists drawing it is always hot
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This is why you don't make threads while half-awake.
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>Slimegirl thread dies from lack of content
>Still doesn't want no AI or futa.

The problem is lots of that content is against site rules, not just the board.
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Not really, besides western stuff. Pixiv, DA and Civitai has lots of actually kosher and good AI slime hentai. And futas are this place's bread and butter. I mean, these threads either ends up with image reposts we've all seen 1000 times before or just dies off from lack of participation. This is already such a niche thing, why gatekeep it?

But here's a pov image I like that I don't see too often here.
Slime corruption is welcome here, too. If the board allowed Western art I'd have more than enough dA stuff to fill a thread. It's more the loli/shota stuff that would get deleted.
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Posting some more slime corruption then!

Oh yeah, don't need loli shit but that's also a problem with trad artists too, maker of this pic does a loot of it for example. Sucks because he's excellent otherwise.
If they look too young I won't post it.
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Why is all my stuff in different folders?
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>slimegirl thread dies
>thinks the solution is mass produced, soulless slop
die a hundred deaths
a thousand deaths
a million!
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Slimes are fun
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Anon I don't think the solution for any slow thread is to just morph into ANOTHER fucking AI generation thread. We already have, what, eight?
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Sailing the slime seas.
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>tfw no hivemind yandere slime gf
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Why would a slimegirl care about nudity, anyway?
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Because she probably just became one. Don't worry, she'll get used to it quickly.
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So, anons tell me, how did you get into slime girls? Who was your first crush? Mine is pretty obvious :)
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Don't remember, I kinda naturally grew to like them. Always liked monster girls, with lamias as my old favorite, but I also liked WAM and quicksand, so slime girls are the natural step from that if you already is into monster girls. It's just hotter if the girl literally is the mess and not just covered in it you know?

I think art of Jellax was my first exposure to the concept I think, but there's a great old image of a dungeon slime trio that really got the ball rolling for me. Can't share it here since it's western, so have a Melona duo instead!
I always like to imagine that slime girls normally dont have visible nipples and pussy but form them when aroused.
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Where the giantess or unbirth slime that's the hottest since it'd make sense with their bodies
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I agree, wish there was some more of that stuff.
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What we all need during this hot summer
Perfect any manga with giantess, unbirth or at least breast expansion slimes?
wait, shit, I just realized this was posted already just now, I didn't bother to check the bottom of the thread

whoopsie daisy!!
I think I still need that hug.
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When they do stuff like turn slime inside but appear solid, I cum buckets

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