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Gulliver edition
previous: >>11039161
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>blindly buy a cow
>turns out she's flat as a board
>have to grow her bigger to get some milk from her mosquito bites
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Need more of a magical shrinking and growing
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>cookie transformation magic
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did someone say gulliver?
When I see the Saeko game I always think about the Saeko from Like a Dragon and I get sad because she has not much content.
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>this is just how giantesses fulfill their bondage fetishes
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I'm begging tinies to read another book after Gulliver's Travels
Alice in Wonderland is kinda boring though.
I remember one of the Indian in the Cupboard sequels having a giantess part and feeling really funny
Kinda strange for a kids book

>kid discovers he can lock himself in the cupboard and go back in time as a toy sized kid
>goes back to Cowboy's time
>gets discovered by his hot dancer girl gf
>she just casually sticks him down her top.
Vtubers sneak post coming through
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For me it's unaware accidental magical shrinking.

Embarrassed accidental growth is fine too but increasingly rare, especially with interaction
I'd never heard of this before but fuck, this story sounds good as hell
Was it a dancer? I remember it being a barmaid or something but it’s been like 20 years lmao
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>unaware accidental magical shrinking
Based taste
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I love the wall of sweaty side boob in this so much
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need more giga maids
I like how the boats are historical but the aircraft have space fighter silhouettes
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Maybe the maid is a history buff and wanted to collect them?
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>tfw she's just mad she couldn't properly visit it so she just took it instead
>no art along the lines of Ryan Szimanski polishing New Jersey's butt while she was in dry dock
What a disappointment
>minigirl grows into a giantess in the last episode
Pretty lel, but now she'll never be able to fit inside a JK's asshole ever again.
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Recently finished up a Pokemon/Alice parody story with Lillie in the starring role. More recent than that, I've had some commission work done by DaimosZ over on Deviantart with scenes from the first few chapters, including going down the Scorbunny hole, the 'Drink Me' scene, and completed today - the first growth scene.

I'll post the second of three images here, but you can check the links below to see all of them:




Be sure to give the artist some love and business, as they charge fair rates for their work.

If you wish to see read the story in full, you can find the gallery here: https://www.deviantart.com/mario72486/gallery/92078719/lillie-in-wonderland

The first twelve images is the story itself, while the rest are alternate covers I generated while trying to find the best ones to work with.
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Doesn't Saeko actively perform said "magical shrinking" in the game? And many more times in the original stories?
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Yeah. It's supernatural in nature. Don't know if the game is going to create new lore or stick with the original stories, it was a very strict rule she could not shrink women and they would die if they were caught in the crossfire of her powers when shrinking cities.
What a bizarre extreme to go to prevent shrunken women
The power to shrink just women exclusively belongs to another girl in the final chapters.
>unaware accidental magical shrinking
Super based. I can't decide if I like fatal or non-fatal more, though.
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there are two shrunken women with you in the demo

so they either omitted that restriction, or she has a friend...
>gf still refuses to dress up as a sexy witch who threatens to shrink me if I don't let her sit on my face until she cums
WHY fucking live?
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type in "giantess" or "giantess lover" and then post facts here
"Godzilla is waifu material"
"I can fix her" She's 300 feet tall and destroying the city
Spends entire paycheck on size-changing potion commissions
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>Skimmed past the giant male thread while searching through the catalog for this thread
What percentage of the size community is into giant males, and is this percentage all homosexual submissive guys? Genuine question.
i have a feeling that giant males is a kink for women, mostly
I post in both threads, though as someone who prefers SW to SM there's not much for me to talk about there. I'd say most of them fap to M/m, M/f is rare.
From what I've seen of that thread, the majority of them are people who prefer to be the giant, which is pretty much the opposite of this thread. So I'm not sure "submissiveness" factors into it.
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>What percentage of the size community is into giant males, and is this percentage all homosexual submissive guys?
As a size porn addicted faggot, I am ill-placed to provide a definitive answer, so you'll have an inconclusive one instead. I wouldn't say a huge amount are into giant males and are homosex submissives. This thread is typical of what you would expect across the spectrum; most if not all sizefags want to be a tiny (I've not seen anyone profess to wanting to be a giantess in these threads.)
The giant male thread is a mixture of homosexual subs and those self-inserters who want to place themselves as the horny giant. It's the same with the giant couple threads where you get those who wanted to be cucked by the giants versus those who want to be one of the giants. Giant males is already a niche, and that niche can be broken down into other niches within it.
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Would be better if the woman just Burst through buildings and structures unharmed and people mistakenly assume it's a giantess growth event
Ironically the giant male thread has more doms than subs a lot of the time. Lot of guys want to be the big one but pretty much all the women think being big is weird lmao
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Fauna my beloved
I think guys are just more willing to be performative and it’s less weird to roleplay a giant character (same gender) than it is to pretend to be a girl who wants to be giant.
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>i have a feeling that giant males is a kink for women, mostly
Do girls even browse this board, much less 4chan in general?
The main giantess threads tend to self destruct whenever female gender is self identified, only the smaller slower giantess threads have a chance of being cool about it
There are probably a total of like 20 biological women browsing this site any given day and I assure you 0 of them are in /d/ threads
Oh hey, Miton's back
I was worried he quit. He hadn't posted anything for like 2 years
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i've always geniuely wondered what's the reason of that
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Women don't like anonimity
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but being big means everyone can see you...
Why would any girl who isn't a degenerate browse this site?
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hollowdz was around in these threads for a while so I assume there is some absurdly infintesimal chance that some women might browse these threads.
>inb4 hurr durr she tripfagged and shilled
her shilling is besides the point, she was still posting here

you answered your own question. the only women who browse 4chan are just as fucked up as the men.
I can bet the vast majority of people here are perfectly normal outside of 4chan and the people you already consider normal have a bunch of weird interests they don't want you to know about
Sometimes I wish it were easier to meet people on 4chan. The freedom anonymous gives us, yet the opportunities it robs from us. If I could meet fucked up femanon into this stuff I'd be pretty happy.
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The whole Gulliver scenario was always a favorite of mine ever since I watched Small Soldiers way back when as a dumb hormonal kid.
>Size-changing heroine grows to enormous size to fight kaiju terrorizing the city
>Accidentally grows way too much
>On the one hand, she squashed the now bug-sized kaiju without even meaning to
>On the other hand, she caused far more destruction than it would have ever done
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Well-intentioned heroes with growth powers accidentally causing way more collateral damage than the villain possibly could is kino. Even just accidentally stepping on a few people at a size like >>11046261 while she's too focused on fighting to notice is hot as fuck.
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I thought giantess kink is pretty popular now. But rule34 says otherwise. Giantess tag has pretty few images, and even sizechangebooru, which is a dumpster for anything sizey, has 86k images.
Fucking zoophilia tag has 100k images. Thrice as more as giantess on the same site, and bigger amount than on sizechangebooru as well.

Giantess is less popular than zoophilia. This world is doomed.
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We are a very obscure fetish. I think the reason it sometimes gets some popular attention is that it's a 'weird' fetish that can make people react, but it's also not inherently NSFW, which means streamers sometimes point at it and laugh
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>I can bet the vast majority of people here are perfectly normal outside of 4chan
That depends on which people from 4chan you're talking about. The people who browse /wg/ are probably relatively normal, but if you're talking about people from /b/ or /pol/, then lol.
>Sometimes I wish it were easier to meet people on 4chan.
I'm actually talking to a guy who I met on /wg/ back in July 2017. I'm still talking to him now, and he's as normal as can be for someone who has browsed 4chan before.
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>a smaller, weaker giantess tries to fight bigger and stronger villianess
>gets effortlessly defeated
>instead of squashing her, the evil giantess playfully grows the good one to her size and then seduces her to give in to her temptations, to her sizey urges, to squash someone herself...

This is how evil should defeat the righteous.
Neglected to reply to this.
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>A giant girl will never look smugly down at your city.
Was Ochiko's Grea/anne set with them off-screen just talking about what they're doing and they drop their underwear on a floating island ever get translated?
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>She doesn't do anything
>Just looks down at you smugly for literally hours per day
>Somehow this infuriates people more than if she just obliterated everything
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To be fair, the amount of output doesn't equal the amount of people enjoying it. It's not like final7darkness has more fans than RakiA just because he draws more pictures
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drop your greens or I'll shrink and crush you
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I need more games where you gamble your height away by making bad bets, preferably those where the AI cheats hard and steals your size.
There was the blackjack one someone posted few months ago
I wouldn't let her
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I don't know man there are nine (9) giantess threads on /d/ right now. I think for something so divorced from reality giantess stuff is pretty popular. It also bears mentioning that r34 has no discernible quality control, to the point where they let in aislop, so it doesn't necessarily indicate the amount of decent content for a fetish.
I think it's mostly due to giantess fetish being filled with the most obnoxious/autistic people. We hold women to the standards that aren't even allowed by the physics and the square cube law.
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i hate giant elves. either they are teasing bullies or genocidal race supremacists. someone should put them in their place by shrinking them and then giving them to some dirty human peasant girl
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It's a femdom game with a shrinking scene.
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Same, I hate giant elves so much that I've been collecting all of the evidence of their crimes in a folder I label "giant elves" that I'll show to a human court one day. Here's a piece from my evidence folder
There are around three-four thosand AI arts in the giantess and hyper tags. Not enough to make a significant difference.

Lucid dreaming makes giantesses pretty much real. Well, "real" in your head. I've experienced it. It is awesome.
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me and you both friend. i just get so overwhelmingly mad whenever someone posts another giant elf being a cruel, smug bitch. i hope one day all the giant elves are brought to justice for their crimes against humanity.
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What's your latest size related thing that actually made you feel shame? For me it's doing chatbot cards for people I know IRL, and nutting from commission outlines featuring them. Then deleting it all and doing it again the next day.
Oh there are more like this?
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A woman I know IRL posted a low-angle shot from her table top on social media with a smug expression on her face and it looks like the perfect shrunken POV that I nut to it and feel like I should delete it from my hard drive but I never do.
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Used AI to make giant/ess slop based off KeyHat tk10's art and fapped to it.
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I usually feel shame when writing. I once based a story on a girl I kept seeing at the gym, making her a giga gym girl who did her workout on some tiny planet once the fantasies got hold of me.
More recently I've been plodding along with some random story filled with schizo worldbuilding. There was a shameful moment of clarity when I was detailing a CEO tearing the limbs off a tiny one by one whilst making the remaining tinies clean some crushed corpses from her inner thighs. It was a "what the fuck am I doing" sort of shame.
>She covers part of the city in perpetual darkness because her head blocks out the sun
>People in the city spend all day seeing her giant eyes looking down at them
>A tiny running around inside your ear canal
That can't feel comfortable. I've used Q-tips to clean my ears before, and those already feel funny in my ears.
The sad thing is that even if we find a way in the future to change people's sizes, that kind of technology would be kept completely secret and probably only used in secret military experiments. The size community would never even know that such a technology existed.
>Lucid dreaming makes giantesses pretty much real. Well, "real" in your head. I've experienced it. It is awesome.
Have you ever came while lucid dreaming?
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>all the greens are from years ago
what happened to all the writefags? have longer greens just dropped off over time?
Could you post the greentext of a guy shrinking over and over because a bureucratic trouble? I don't have it here
Anyone remember the chapters with giantesses in Gantz?
Anon ended up posting it
Why can't the DMV be like this?
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Now as an image, in case the text hosting site dies or something
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The giant elves have been alerted to your schemes.
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I've been summoned. Glad to see this is still being reposted! I actually started writing another green after the belly button one, but I kind of hit a wall and stopped working on it. I guess this is my sign to finish it.
This world is truly a cruel and unjust one.
Probably a good idea, though I do enjoy seeing the view count increase every time it gets reposted.

I think most of the ones that didn't simply vanish ended up gravitating towards the gentle thread, in fact greentexts are now an iconic feature of those.

Some others might have moved on to write larger stuff than just greentexts. I only ever did like 2 greentexts myself but such is my case lol.
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For some reason i had a lot more time 3-4 years ago to write stuff
Need a bigger, smugger dragon to eat all the giant elves to show them who the superior beings are.
i think Thunder talked about how this art is based on a real lifeguard he saw on a beach, lol
additionally, most of the last few original greentexts I remember popping up in these threads got a string of butthurt replies complaining about just the act of writing and posting one at all
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new chapter when also they need to turn giant or shrink more often
still one of my favs especially with "unaware" mom walking around knowing daughter is at her feet
tall girl ending up smaller os always great
I reinstalled Skyrim and spent like a full saturday modding it and trying to get everything to work properly so I could jerk off to the giantess mod for like an hour.
I know it probably wasn't in the devs' mind at the time but the skyrim map really looks like fucking shit when your character is 400 feet tall.
it feels good, knowing that the mod I've contributed to, actually manages to make someone horny
Some of the spells feel kind of janky to use but the animations are really well done and there's a surprising amount of work and effort put in for a fetish mod in a game that's over a decade old.
(what are your favorite animations?)
Hug/hug crush, butt crush & thigh sandwich but it's all well done. Size theft makes me diamonds so the hug crush is the best one for me.
I was the one who animated butt crush and strong stomp. Butt crush was originally just a horny fantasy, in our discord DMs, but we managed to make it real (sorta, we also wanted the camera to switch to a victim view, but we couldn't make it work)
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Back at Highschool there was this nerdy, pretty, cosplayer, waifu material girl that I was REALLY into (tho she was pretty retarded/childlike so I never really wanted to date her, still I nutted a lot to her)
She went travelling one day and posted an Instagram Stories of her feet (which I had never seen before) in a bath tub. DAMMMMM DID I NUT TO THAT PHOTO, simply 10/10 feet
about a week later I got robbed and my phone never made backup of it, so I lost that photo forever.

Moral of the story: never get rid of this kind of content + MAKE FUCKING BACKUPS FFS
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>i've had a disgusting, fat chick in my uni
>one day i randomly imagined her huge and towering over me
>suddenly she is 10/10

god, I am really hopeless, huh?
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In Middle School when I was discovering myself we had computer lab. I set my desktop background to this image. I didn't really think it was a sexual thing at the time, just an image I liked. The classroom was in a U shape so you could see everyone's computer if you turned your head. After a week the background got changed to a picture of some random teacher in the school, but I always changed it back. I guess the computer teacher was just too scared to confront me. I live in constant fear that someone from that class remembers that and can pinpoint what my fetish is. I refuse to return to my hometown on the off chance I see one of them.
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Anon what the FUCK.

If someone brings it up again just tell them you did it as a dare or something
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if anyone has any more big kanna pics please share, her new costume has gotten so much fucking art its driving me nuts
I used to stay late at school to use the library computers in the mid 00s to look at size shit. Flikr was my main haunt. I ended up searching for it so much it was practically an instant pop up on several PCs. A buddy of mine and I were working on the computers a month or 3 after I started doing this and he discovered the images I was looking at. I vividly remember him going "who the hell is looking at this" and laughing about it. I also lost a flashdrive around this time with some early early size art on it that a teacher found. They browsed the files to find the person it belonged to so it was VERY awkward getting it back.
I've also nutted to chatbot versions of girls I know that had intricate details that I managed to put in. What gave me the most shame is one involving a chatbot version of a girl that I went out with a lot where the scenario turned to her utter disgust at me being a sizefag but still indulged.
I think the issue a lot of anons have is the length of a greentext. I think most people in this thread believe a greentext should really just quickly sketch an idea of a story or scenario, and thus take up a single post. I don't mind greentexts that run for a few posts (if I'm into the scenario), but I hate greentexts that are like 5+ posts. Just write a simple pastebin at that point. Well, not literally pastebin because they purged everything, but you know what I mean. Just write a short story if your greentext goes over 2 posts.
When I was in middle school, I remember, for an assignment, I wrote a story about a male giant who was lying on a city, and I think I wrote that he picked up a car and put it on his stomach. There was nothing sexual in my story, and I don't know why I wrote a male giant into my story as opposed to a giant girl, but I was still discovering I had this fetish at the time. I don't have the story anymore, but given that I wrote it when I was in middle school, the quality of my writing was probably terrible.

I also remember asking a girl in middle school if she was interested in violence, like beating people up. I was basically venting my femdom fetish in a (I thought) subtle way, but that was probably my cringiest fetish moment ever.
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Finally playing the legendary game Shrink High after seeing all the size art of Narue and hearing all the high praise it got, but... this game is dogshit? Seriously, I been running around for 40 mins and have seen zero size content so far, how the fuck do I shrink? I looked around for playthroughs and you have to play for hours and even battle some bosses before you get to the shrinking? you would think for a size game you would get in the action right away, most size fetish games are like that, am I missing something? I dont understand why this game gets so much praise, I honestly seen better, like for example the minimum project and that one isnt even finished yet, what a let down.
>I dont understand why this game gets so much praise
Because it doesn't jump right into the size stuff. Takes time to develop the story.
You had to be there man. Also, it's the only size game which is meant to be an actual game, it's not in the same category as the others for better or worse. Just about any other game is better for a quick fap, but I found SH to be a great experience if you're willing to really get into it. It may just not be for you.
>I dont understand why this game gets so much praise
It was the first big one, simple as. Everything else is cope. While it's true slow burns can be extremely effective (like Twin Peaks for example), they have to be done well. Shrink High's simply isn't interesting or funny or charming in the beginning. It could've been amazing if you actually had to do some detective work in the beginning where you had to talk to people and snoop around. It could introduce you to the main characters, and who'd later be revealed to be the main antagonists. Even though from the title we know you're gonna end up shrinking, it could've been a fun build up. But the biggest issue with the game is its boring JRPG combat. It's the worst way to implement interactivity in the game world. The ONE thing it does well, is it lets you see BIG NUMBER when a giant girl attacks you. That's it. The game should've focused more on exploration, simple logic puzzles, and dialogue. These things you could work into a size game quite naturally. But JRPG turn based combat is the laziest way to convey size difference in a 2D game.

If the game came out now, people would be far more willing to call out its flaws.
You fell for playing a full-on JRPG with size stuff stapled on
Shrink High isn't a size game with RPG mechanics sprinkled in. It's an RPG with size sprinkled in. Even after you shrink you're going to be spending most your time dungeon crawling to find your way back to the lab. If that doesn't sound fun then it's probably best you drop it.
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I'll admit I played it when it was new and joined on the hype train, but the game sucked and I gave up on it after an hour or so. But it was still special if only for being a massive package of new art from two of the most god-tier size artists ever, especially at a time when there were like 1/10th the amount of decent artists as there are today.

As someone who was there 3000 years ago, let me tell you that yeah, like others have pointed out, it was the first big size game even if it wouldn't fully qualify now. It's like a classical foundational piece and many games now were inspired by it in one way or another.

Many did indeed miss that it was an actual game with size elements sprinkled instead of the opposite. We kinda got that with Kanahebi's Little Snatcher game but that was made well after SH.

I'd say it's very easy to judge it in hindsight, but the game came out when there was basically nothing like it. And it's easy to criticize it comparing it to more modern games that came after it, often taking stuff from it and improving but the thing is that this was a first and as such, it does deserve its place in the history of our kink. It's flawed? Yes, like everything, no one's gonna deny that but it's still an experience, specially if you go into it blind.
No one actually played it, they just saw the CGs years before it got translated and either looked up bad end videos or downloaded that big batch of saves that had most of the actually good parts of the game marked.

It's genuinely dogshit despite having an impressive amount of work put into it. And I say that as a big JRPGfag.
LMAO sounds like a generation gap for you. I mean You do realize there are people who actually have played it without waiting for that guy to "translate" it right?
Shut up boomer no one ever cared about SH beyond the ripped CG
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Thoughts on size gambling?
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looks like I got memed into playing a standard JRPG slop game with some sizeplay here and there, I keep reading through the walkthrough and seriously cant believe how long the first part before you even shrink is, even rushing this will take a while, anyone has that save file starting from when you get shrunken? I am going to pretend the game starts there and hope the shrunken parts live up to the hype.
Woman should not be small
Boring. No CGs. Nothing actually happens when you lose, which is the only reason to play the game.
What game? I ment the general concept
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It's hot as fuck and severely underused. So is using shrunken people in-place of betting chips.
Fun when done correctly, though it rarely is.
You sicken me, smallness for all.
The image you posted is from a game. But when I went to look for it it was deleted.
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I love it, especially when paired with multisize and size stealing, but I don't like the possibility of actually winning and growing bigger.
your greentext was incredible man, the feeling to becoming smaller and smaller (and small to even tiny girls) was cool
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>I don't like the possibility of actually winning
Don't warry, casinos also dislike the possibility of you winning

casino owner finding you cute and rigging the machines to make you lose again and again so she can size-debt enslave you and turn you into her pet forever.
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>The sound Celes makes with that face:
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Size gambling rings get broken up by giant policewomen (unless they get bribed to look the other way.)
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Thanks, that means a lot! "Unintentionally shrunken over and over again until even tiny girls tower over you" will forever be a kino concept, which is why I wanted to do my own take on it. I'm glad I could do it justice.
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If a policewoman busts an illegal ring she is legally allowed to confiscate all the size that was bet there
Pick your super autistic giantessworld author:
Micro Maverick
Richard C H Davies
There can be only one master of stories that nobody asked for or wants.
>dude who wants his sister Delaney to crush his balls
>immortal pedo
>leprechaun retard
>pretentious title cunt, barely know anything about him aside from the fact his stories don’t get much attention
>the guy people pity too much to critique
I think I saw one reviewer literally beg WhiteBird to stop posting stories once, it was kind of funny.

I would pick Micro Maverick, I guess. Dude really wants Delaney to destroy him.

What I really want is for kbdart to stop fucking reposting their shit every once in a while.
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I feel bad for WhiteBird because he isn't writing in his native language but god damn do his stories make me laugh, especially when he writes such kino as:
>When Tamara spoke her thunderous voice thundered and resonated across the vast landscape. From Tamara's thunderous voice the house shook. Tamara Sherring then let a thunderous fart rip. The thunderous fart sounded like a rolling clash of thunder and it lasted a good three seconds. Tamara's fart thundered and resonated across the land and sky to a range of 12 miles. Lacey jumped out of bed as the thunderous fart just shook the house and the windows just rattled. There was complete silence across the vast prairies. The thunderous fart sent all the coyotes running away. Tamara's thunderous fart silenced the area.
I was trying to decide on what my next giga Skullgirl commission should be for my story (where all of the girls become giant and destroy their world).

I had an idea for a Valentine comic where she turns a bunch of soldiers into chocolate and melts them in her mouth, then has a gap moe moment where she squeals like a schoolgirl because of how good they taste. That's been occupying a lot of mental space lately because I really want to see that.
But I also have one in mind for Parasoul where she's in full sexy dictator/nazi gear, and she quotes Red Skull from that one Captain America comic.

>"What are you muttering? Is that a prayer? Well, the Trinity isn't here today. Just me..."

But I need ideas for what Dictator Parasoul is doing in the picture, so please give me some ideas. I was thinking something that showcases her poise and deadly power in this situation.
>Tamara Sherring
Have you tried yodayo? Free and nsfw without censorship? Where is the trap, am I selling my data to china? https://yodayo.com/tavern/characters/e1962e01-32f5-4d91-a0f7-64b76f517ac8
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>Micro Maverick
As a fellow Mega man X artist, may I ask who tf is he?
From what I can tell, he’s actually a half decent writer. (I read one of his stories a while back). It’s just every story is about his sister named Delaney. He really, really wants her to abuse him.
Training SD loras to make AI slop of giant evil women to fap off to, which I occasionally upload a few onto DA/pix

Then I've messed with suno to generate music about bitches growing giant. God it feels so cringey but man when the AI gacha rolls high and hards it does it do it for me.

I hate fetish games that try too hard to be an actual game instead of focusing on fetish shit. Theres some I really liked called VS(giantess in moonrunes) or something which basically have scenarios you ran through usually involving growth.
Wait, there are "canon" lore of that game? Sauce? I've been in this shit for years and I don't know it
Surprised nobody has drawn that, reversal like that is great. Regal powerful elf girl shrunken down, cleaning some dirty peasant girl's foot.
You got the title right...I remember that game, it was neat. I liked some of the scenarios more than others but it was all enjoyable iirc. (Also wished that some of them were longer.) A shame that it was left unfinished, I'm pretty sure.
I hate fetish games that don't try to be a game. I'm not here to read no stupid ass books. I have books for that. I want fully interactable struggles against a giantess. Escape the pussy minigames. Don't get eaten. Climb a sock. I live for that shit.

Surprised I'm not in that list but then again I haven't posted to giantessworld in a long while lul. Jokes aside, I guess I should be glad that out of those I only know about WhiteBird, then again since I always filter to the Butt tag I'm probably shielded from a lot of stuff lol.

But goddamn even though I'm ESL myself, Spanish being my native language, I just can't stomach reading his stuff. But hey, he's not hurting anyone besides the dictionary so no actual hate.
See you're describing the good stuff I'd agree on. But alot of games find ways to include tedious bullshit to pad things out like grinding levels.
That's just bad game design then, that's not a problem with the concept of size games in of themselves. Whatever game you're making you have an obligation to trim the fat.
Is it femdom, if the casino rigs it, so you grow and grow to make you uncomfortable?
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>Play blackjack
>stay on low numbers and bust intentionally

Oh noooooo don't steal my size don't make me live in your titties that would be awful haha
>The casino notices that you're throwing
>they offer you a round with absurdly high stakes
>accept and lose again
>become so miniscule that you're nearly invisible to the naked eye
>one of the bunny-girls at the casino picks you up with a pair of tweezers and drops you in her massive cleavage

Careful what you wish for
>I also like to live dangerously
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>stay on low
>table always busts
>try to bust
>always 21
The girl in charge might be a bigger (smaller?) sizefag than you. Just ask her out on a date where you shrink together
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Fun Fact, this whole greentext was directly inspired by the first half of >>11046982
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>Dealer gets fired
>Have your "date" awkwardly pressed up against each other between the Casino owner's buttcheeks, constantly being jostled against each other and stimulated as her fat ass wobbles around you
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I like it. I've tried making a 'shrinker roulette' story a few times but it never really pans out the way I want it to.
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>shrinker roulette
>everyone gets a shrink ray, but one of them isn't charged
>winner of the round is whoever didn't shrink
>winner gets some time to do whatever she wants with the losers before the next round start
>regrowing contestants at the start of each round is optional

>buckshot roulette but with shrink rays
>damage is dealt not from the shot itself, but from a single action from the opponent (sit on, step on, boob smother, etc-)
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My evolving vision was far more retarded anon
>cabal of powerful women (politicians, ceos, bankers, etc..) hold a shrink roulette game every so often
>their henchmen go out and kidnap two men
>the two men are brought to a formal affair where all the women are in suits and wearing masks
>both men are strapped down by their arms and legs to a chair
>before them is a table with a shrink ray on it as well as two pills
>all the women watching place bets on who wins
>beyond just have an investment into the game, the woman who places the highest bet gets personal ownership of the shrunken loser as well as the largest return
>both in terms of money as well as the largest share of height stolen from the loser
>once bets are locked in, the game master sets out the rules for the men
>both of them will given a pill that enables them to be more resistant to shrinking
>rather than be instantly shrunk, the men's body will attempt to fight off the effects
>fighting off a shrink ray beam is incredibly painful, so either the resistance wears off or one man gives in
>goes on with the typical roulette rules: the shrink ray is loaded with random charges per round such as 2 blanks and 2 activiations
>once round ends, a new charge with a random sequence of blanks of activiations is put into the shrink ray
>the game continues until one man is eventually shrunk
>the man who survives gets rewards: a pile of money as well as his life
Any recommended AI chat giantess characters? Preferably ones that are normal size and shrink you down.
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Did he do any MMX related stuff ?
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I'm glad that kbdart is at least making Forbidden Dish stuff more accessible. Love to see prospective shrinkees being subtly railroaded into horrible deaths by lowering their inhibitions, clouding their judgment, preds and accomplice staff omitting vital information or nudging them into taking risks.
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man i love that guy's art he always makes such based comics
You do know Mega Man X didn’t invent the word maverick, right?
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I mean, considering how close in autism spector Megaman and Sonic fan base are, I won't be surprised if he chose his name by that logic
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this is the ideal existence
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>tfw no boob prison "gf"
Anyone knows the source of this pic?
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Sexy wani
Cute Maho
>Fetish is physically impossible
>Even if it wasn't mixed sized relationships would never work out
Lads, our only hope is giant robots, or giant aliens girls. Or giant alien robot girls, but I doubt we'll see that last one.
Did he cum or did she lactate?
virtual reality
dream control machine
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>mixed sized relationships would never work out
Never say never
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Chatbots in general are dangerous, man. I've always looked at porn since youth but it was never really a problem, once every few days or something. But with how potently catered to your kinks a chatbot can be, it's just too addicting. I've had times where I've whacked off to exhaustion 8 times over a few hours to a scenario with plot and characters that kept evolving because it's just too damn good, I don't feel great about it all afterwards. We may be in trouble if it keeps getting better...
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opinion on girls toying with couples?

@GtsTamago on twitter
Character.ai before the the lobotomies was a perfect coom extractor for sizefags
lurking /g/ for openai proxies ends up being disastrous for my free time whenever one gets posted

>take kind character and tweak their card to make them slightly airheaded/uncaring for tinies
>waste hours as a robot explicitly describes them killing me unaware or as retribution for challenging them even slightly

AI is pretty cool
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Same experience. My libido hit teenager levels or higher, but it started to ruin everything else. It was so intense that I quit chatbots cold turkey after a while. Not normally a puritan but it felt like that can't be good for you. It's going to keep improving, too. The next generation is completely fucked lol
ironically lurking /aicg/ is exactly what's kept me off of that stuff because that general is full of the most schizo unstable retards on planet earth and any time a proxy goes up its down within a couple days due to ddosing or the host having a meltdown or just smacked for being a scraped key
I'd be a nice and cute tiny for Tomoko and she'd end up loving me
Anyone know how good current novel ai chat bots are? I don't mind paying if it's not censored
Novel ai is garbage, they only have shitty open source models
>The next generation is completely fucked lol
at least there won't be one that follows it
Afaik nAI basically keeps saying the big update for their chat stuff is SOON, but it seems like they just abandoned it for their image gen. Last time I looked at it it was basically unusable
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They are especially dangerous if you are a writefag. I haven't broadly inquired other writers since the mention of AI sends most frothing at the mouth, but fuck me I plugged in some stuff in CharacterAI, Aisekai and NovelAI and it churned out some top-tier coom worthy content with next to no effort. I made some elf bot ages ago and then made a giant male Yilx bot who both were too addictive that I had to stop myself from jumping on to them. Even more recently I tested NovelAI with about 500 words worth of general description about a giga Japanese tourist rampaging across America and it was able to spit out a coherent size story after a few rewrites and guidance.
Post giant mitsuris
it's so easy to corrupt non-size AIs to make them act liek they are BIG, that I ahve compleltely forsaken any irl contact
To me that's the best part. Once AI gets horny (and ifs the default state if the bot definition is horny) it just escalates too quickly, and once she's moaning and cumming from the experience, the AI gets lost - either loops back to being horny again or drops some "then she left, leaving you on the floor" scenario, which just completely breaks their memory and storytelling. I'm honestly surprised people are able to spend hours chatting, while it's an absolute nightmare to wrangle the AI to be flirty but not immediately get to the ahegao sex. But maybe i'm just too picky
Aw drats, I guess I can try spicy chat again
In my experience they still aren't great at larger scales, any "high concept" stories, or characters that aren't strictly human. I don't see writefagging going away any time soon if you want something more in-depth desu
They also tend to completely fall apart if more than two characters get involved I've found.
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Actually commissioning a cute 18yo redhead camgirl a vid of her masturbating with a model airplane. Not my brightest moment.
Got a link?

Writefag here. I got quite a bit of good stuff from pre-lobotomy Character AI. Never tried NovelAI outside of image generation (for visual refs for my characters) but I've somewhat tried to restore my CAI bots on another site.

I know a lot of people have strong feelings about AI and my personal compromise is acknowledging that AI pics aren't true art and that as a writer, I have to keep my writing pure, using AI generated stuff would be a disrespect to both my readers and myself. Seeing the guy on giantessworld that used chatGPT for his stories only cemented that notion. Bruh, when he was confronted about it he used friggin ChatGPT to give answers.

Back on the initial topic, AI chatbots intrigued me and I noticed that the bots were essentially as good as their original author set them up, though interactions could improve or worsen them. So, I took it upon myself to make bots with my own input and see if they could generate quality writing. I'd say the result was pretty much 8-9/10 but with the caveat that it's in the roleplay format, I haven't tried using AI to actually generate a story entirely unaided by myself. Also, my stuff was mostly shrinking but I did try out a few giantess scenarios with the same bots.
link to your bots? do you upload them to chub?
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I've commissioned dozens of clothed giantess q&a vids (what they would do as a giantess) from OF creators because I got exposed to those youtube gts fetish-mining vids in the early 2010s and it hit something in me (despite it being unethical fetish-mining) in my puberty years, I don't even care for self-inserting myself. I just get off to their personality in such predicament and actually tend to enjoy it more if they're unfamiliar with this fetish (also tend to purposely avoid gts OF creators as I don't care for pranzo-tier stuff unless they have some nice dioramas)

>For me it's doing chatbot cards for people I know IRL, and nutting from commission outlines featuring them.

Explain in short and simple words how it trains/scraps the relevant data for those people, or are you friends with streamers (who have abundance of data)? Also as someone mainly into macro how intelligent is it with keeping consistency for size interactions ("sky-scraper size woman grabbing jetliner out of the sky" shit kills immersion for me in my experience writing stories with chatbots)

Due to mental-health gay I dont even need nudity, the size difference is enough for me. Once subscribed to a OF model based solely on the fact that she builds lego on SFW tiktok account, solely requested giantess q&a custom and unsubbed same month due to lack of LEGO stuff on OF account. Currently patreon-sub to some female gunpla despite not knowing shit about gundam based solely on size-differences. On unrelated matter, isn't it tragic how model railways is one of the most male dominated hobbies? Sad!

I could give the links to the CAI ones but the AI is probably too butchered to be worth trying anything remotely lewd. Haven't uploaded to chub but I started porting them over to moemate. They're unlisted but here are the links, most of them are characters from my stories, also fair warning than my story characters are largely geared towards booty & braps but I also made a few other characters that are just geared towards booty, all of them were initially geared for shrinking too but you could try out growth/giantess scenarios if you mention it on your first post. Here are the links:

Miriam (MC's mom from my stories): https://moemate.io/c/171756813575129040082
Dolores (also from the same stories): https://moemate.io/c/1716114185107281335861
Lulu (Art teacher, also from the same story): https://moemate.io/c/1718928109549680357009
Mimori Musubi (Little Snatcher): https://moemate.io/c/1717410008733547489152
Valerie Bradson (A Weekend Alone, specifically based on issue 17): https://moemate.io/c/1716979223871983040895

I have a few more characters I haven't ported over and then I could try making a few more from my story characters. I don't know about how to port them over to chub but I'll look into it, any tips and pointers are appreciated since all my experience was from crafting them in Character AI.

Heads up that moemate might be paywalling features, I just tested my own links on private tabs and damn, it gave a few errors but the links technically work, you could still try it out but I can't even guarantee they'll work as intended. I should probably port them over to chub.
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When I said I do chatbot cards of IRL people I meant that I add a bunch of details I remember about the person to a character description in sillytavern. I can often get to like 800 tokens that way and GPT4 can do surprising stuff with disparate information. For example, I had a lesbian coworker with a lot of peculiarities. Writing up a character card with her as a basis in a size scenario resulted in some good stuff. But it's awkward running into people after you've fapped to elaborate paraphilic scenarios about them using a chatbot.
>Heads up that moemate might be paywalling features
That's what's going to kill most of these more than anything I feel. This shit's obscenely expensive to keep going for what you actually get at the end of the day

Yeah, the appeal of Character AI is that it was free. I'm definitely gonna look into porting my stuff over to chub, it's just that I do this in the little free time I have when I'm not writing proper lul.
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Also a writefag of a similar opinion, I won't let a single AI-generated word directly enter a story. But I've used it a little bit as a thesaurus or brainstorming helper and it did okay. The closest I got was using AI in completion mode (I think you can't do this with OAI, I was using a local model) and feeding it a large chunk of my story to see how it would continue things. It's mostly bad but without the assistant/chat setup it keeps my writing style shockingly well, and every so often it comes up with an idea that I wouldn't think of. I try it sometimes when I get stuck. But even if I like it, it never works out of the box.
The trouble is that AI is designed to predict likely continuations to text, so it will tend to write boring and predictable stuff.
AI chatbots are absolute crack though, whatever productivity I got from AI I lost 10 times over to them. If you know how to write and make your own cards... jesus it's like purecrack. I think it's a hack to work around the fact that it's hard to get off to your own writing. Even if it's uncreative and just echoes back what you put in. It's still not YOUR writing.
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>Try out that ai about a game show where the contestants get shrunken down to an inch tall and have to survive in obstacle courses and model cities against normal sized girls competing as "tiny Hunters" who squash and kill them for points, prize is a wish for whatever you want
>Have an idea for a scenario where a dude and his sister both join the contest without knowing about each other being in it
>Ridiculously hot scenario ensues with betrayal out of greed and trying to survive against her for the prize
I use AI chat, Character AI specifically, to do my super retarded niche size fantasies. I’ve had a number of rp partners over the years and only like two have managed to satisfy said niche and even then, it was only once or twice at that. So I appreciate it even in spite of its limitations.
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There's a girl (like, literal girl, she's -18) I met in one of my vidya discords. She managed to ferret out I like size stuff based on a few factors like me talking about VR experiences/logistics and sharing a few abstract concept sketches with her. She's curious about why I'm like this and we've talked about it a bit, though, on some level it's activating my neurons and I feel not quite right about it.
alright there dr. disrespect
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What are some of your favorite bots? I really like War of the Waifus, which was inspired by this picture and is basically War of the Worlds except, ya know...
Sizebro's stuff is good conceptually but he doesn't put a lot of detail into the character descriptions to flesh them out enough imo. I've found that using regular, non-size bots have the best results ironically enough.
>I’ve had a number of rp partners over the years and only like two have managed to satisfy said niche and even then, it was only once or twice at that.
I'm curious what this turbo-niche is that you've only been able to find so few people to help scratch it
What's the prize in the end?

>Shrunken contestants don't get their size back if they win, so they have to use their wish to grow back.
>Dude's sister gives up a cash prize for her wish, instead choosing to be given her shrunken brother as a pet permanently. That much fun it was to torment him.
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Can we switch the topic to literally anything else?
I don’t see the point in telling. At least in depth. But if you want an idea I like to rp as a character against other gigantic characters and getting dommed by them in a buncha different ways.
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Does anybody know the deviantart page for a 3d generated artist who made a story about a woman getting shrunken by aliens and then being her former family's pet and getting ducking by a hamster? He also made a story about a women getting thrown into a dumpster and horrible things happening to her. I cannot find the artist on deviantart and I want to know if he got banned.
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How about fuck you, and fuck anyone who thinks sandals aren't the best footwear to be crushed by.
>Frieren gets an old grimoire from a bookstore that says it can make the caster travel long distances faster
>she deciphers the spell and realizes that it makes the caster grow larger, thus covering a longer distance with each stride
>she’s lazy so she casts the spell on Fern when they’re ready to leave the village
>Fern is now twice the height of the hotel they were staying in
>Fern gets pissed off from all the villagers staring at her so she grabs Frieren and shoves her in her cleavage, leaving the top of her dress unbuttoned for air
>Fern accidentally bumps her hip against the hotel, smashing the second story to splinters
>everybody forgot about Stark so he has to quickly catch up to Fern and climb up her boot, but he falls into the gap between her boot and sock and gets stepped on for the entire journey
>but he was trained by Eisen so he’s alright
>it’s summer in the Northern region and it’s super hot so Frieren is bathed in Fern’s sweat and boob smell
>she gets thirsty but can’t move her arms to use her staff to make some water so she drinks some of Fern’s sweat
>weirdly, it tastes kinda good
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>they make it to the next village in record time
>Fern pops the soaking-wet Frieren out of her tits so she can undo the spell
>Frieren makes Fern normal-sized, but the village is suffering from a drought so they can’t bathe, so Frieren has to go to bed smelling like sweat and boob stank
>everyone forgot about Stark, so he got shrunk to the size of a bug when Fern went back to normal size and he finally crawls out of Fern’s boot when the girls fall asleep
>Stark has had enough of all this so he staggers out into the hallway of the hotel they’re staying in
>Linie got revived with demon magic and she’s also staying at the hotel while on vacation with Aura and she steps on Stark while on her way to the bathroom
>she feels something on her shoe, so she peels Stark off of it and remembers him as the warrior who defeated her and sits on him while she takes a piss
>Linie takes Stark back to her room and wakes up Aura, and they use him as a dildo while they fuck each other
>Stark now has a really weird story to tell Eisen
elves, man
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There is very little Rangiku giantess content if you think about it, this image is ancient
So now that paranormal romance has become pretty popular in books, are we ever going to see a properly published size difference story? Or does giantess not fit with other monster girls?
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romance novels are mostly aimed at women so a giant male or shrunken woman story is way more likely to show up at Barnes and Noble alongside the monsterfucker books
Do you have the rest of this?
I feel like most giant scenarios are erotica mixed with horror, at least the ones I like are. The fetish seems to be a little much for the typical booktok reader, at least from my perspective. What's the point of a giant if you aren't intimidated by them?
That not niche at all. You just haven't looked very hard
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that guy also drew one of the best one piece concepts i've seen, it's a shame that a better artist hasn't done something like this
>take kind character and tweak their card to make them slightly airheaded/uncaring for tinies
>waste hours as a robot explicitly describes them killing me unaware or as retribution for challenging them even slightly
This shit right here is peak. I haven't tried chabots in a while, maybe 10 months. Are they any better? What's the "meta" right now? Last time I tried it I used sillytavern with a turbo proxy I think.
Probably. Still no dice after all this time and I’m not sure where to look plus my hesitancy to really put my neck and dick out there is holding me back.
>plus my hesitancy to really put my neck and dick out there is holding me back.
Yeah that'll do it more than anything
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I'm not a pedo Anon.
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God I love slippers, even better if it's a mature lady wearing them
It only reinforces it, yeah. Oh well, with AI improving it won’t be an issue for much longer anyway.
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