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Haven't seen a prolapse thread in a while, post em if you got em.

Any hole is fine, futa is fine, no AI or dudes.
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and there's my 6 to kick things off
I have nothing to contribute, but I salute you. THIS is /d/ tier.
And now I have "walls fall out" in my head on repeat.
does anyone have that pic of a girl standing on a train with her prolapse sticking out her shorts, and someone playing with it with a pencil?
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>Mom caught on to a new trend for older women looking to curb menopause, Free-Wombing.
>Needless to say it's made my life a living hell.

>She was already pretty loose with her body. Showering with the door open and walking around with her robe unfastened.
>But now she's gotten WAY looser. Straight up spending all her time naked, jiggling her massive tits and ass, but worst of all swinging around her prolapsed uterus.
>And when i say Prolapsed, i mean all the way. Completely inside out with her ovaries dangling freely.

>Supposedly the oxygen and sunlight rejuvenate the uterus, but i just think that's bullshit made up by a pervert.
>Especially now that whenever i go out to do yard work i have to watch her rub cream all over it before tanning.
>She even makes me help her with her womb stretching exercises to "Increase Fertility"
>I'll never forget the feeling of that slimy thing. Massaging it and tugging on it, stretching her tubes to the limit as she screams in pleasure and agony.
>It was bizarre watching her ovaries actually squirt eggs onto my hand.
>At least my therapist has been sympathetic.
Un-write this.
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Anybody here follow Smutpirate? Probably the only artist i've seen do bladder prolapse.
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what if I told you they were lurking in this thread?
also here's an uncensored version of that pic
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Love your art dude! I check your Pixiv almost everyday for new posts.
Looting problems has been great too. I love internal storage stuff, especially with the implied exhibitionism. Always loved the idea of a nudist girl using her bladder, womb and asshole as a purse. Casually prolapsing, trying to remember which orifice she kept her car-keys in while a crowd forms around her. Or prolapse fashion, like wombkinis and intestinal scarves.
The guro stuff's great too, i've been dying to see just how far you'd be willing to push it.
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Thanks for the support! Here's one I haven't published.
Don't think I'll have time to take any reqs in this thread, but if any anons want to share their degenerate prolapse adjacent ideas I'll file em' away for the future.
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Again, just really love the idea of casual prolapse, like pic related. Being naked or near naked in public with a body that's fucked up beyond belief but acting like everything's normal. Extends to guro as well.
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Why do you guys like prolapses? It's weird, but I like big gapes and seeing into the holes of the body and I guess prolapses are sort of tied into that.
As with all weirder fetishes, Morbid Curiosity.
But for me personally it follows the idea of greater exposure. Like when a woman exposes her pussy it's lewd, but when she spreads her lips to you it's even lewder. This follows that same logic, unfolding her deepest, most private recesses into the light of day.
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It's taboo for one, and the idea of a woman having to resort to increasingly extreme stuff to get off until her holes are literally falling out of her body really does it for me.
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here's one of my favorites, wish more artists would take the idea this far
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Nezumin is my fav. Too bad he's slowed to a crawl
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Oops, I posted the wrong one
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Why is there so much Makima Prolapse art?
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Dude, is that even curable? Like, how do you stuff it all back in??
>older women prolapse their uterus
>makima is an older woman
Any love for hyper prolapse?
this is a first for me, but im liking what im seeing
Absolutely, it's so rare to find art of it
Sauce on this? Reverse image search is not giving me any love right now.
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Fed it through SauceNAO and found it.
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You still finishing ITL? I like your comics, and hope you do more with different settings and themes.
I Really like Chloe too, and hope to see more extreme stuff with her.
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Yeah, definitely. Just takes a lot of time and work to make a full chapter. Might have another one done this month though.
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Would you ever be interested in collaborating with a writer? To bounce ideas back and forth with or handle dialogue if it lessens your work-load.
I wrote >>11045694 and a lot of other greentexts, published a little on AO3 and CHYOA, with a lot of unfinished stuff in google docs, but i'd love to write more prolapse stuff. It's so niche and you're really creative with it, to the point that your art turned me on to more extreme fetishes.
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Sure, you can add me on discord if you have that, username is smutpirate. (make sure to include the period)
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Shit, i don't have Discord. What about Pixiv DMs?
Yeah that works too
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