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Bondage being administered with the assistance of or entirely by machines, in a setting or manner that implies this is a regular normal occurrence

Sorry if there's already a term for that. But I'm a big fan
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op had 5 images last night.
Jannies on some shit
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Does anyone remember a long story/novel about a similar type of bondage. It dealt with criminals being put in a bondage suit for x amount of time but allowed to not be in prison though still shunned from general society.
You are looking for https://www.evil-dolly.com/documents/eudeamon.pdf

In exchange you must submit CONTENT to this thread.

[spoilersontwork]Because I really wanted to purge my memory of this wretched fucking thing and you forced me to remember.[/spoilersontwork]

Don't forget to save it this time.
Bump, and this is relevant to many of my interests. I love these when they've got the technical descriptions.
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Man, I cannot believe this isn't more popular.
This is a popular subject—but more so in western art and 3DCG, I’m afraid.
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Yukimaruya's ongoing set is my favorite on this subject
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naya/papermania pretty good too
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>doesn't post an image
What a cunt.
>last thread on page 10
Fine, no more bumping dickwad.
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This is fucking great.
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Next time bump with an image, cunt.
It's better and I would visit daily
Or you could just not be a bitch
Don't be an ungrateful retard
Shut the fuck up you miserable fucktard
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Well thank you kind anons, Good to see it's not only mr dickwad who's posting here.
Also anyone remember the name of this artist, I think he used to post on /d/ occasionally?
Looks like @FarmthisA on twitter
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Yeah, that's it, thanks. Always liked his work.
Ugh not this low quality shit
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I hope they stop making art so we can be free of their trash someday

Continue this please! Wonderful idea!
Is there a major difference between industrial bondage (Bondage using metal instead of the usual fetish materials) and industrialised bondage (mass-produced bondage sessions usually overtaken by mechanized automation), or are they the one and the same in your eyes?

Personally prefer the latter since it implies a large enough volume of people needing to be "broken in" by sexual means that it needs to be automated somewhat/
Portals to create quad amputees is based af
Your autism is showing
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Either, both, whatever. Really it's any kind of bondage beyond sex toys, that's more sci-fi than fantasy.
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what makes this pic extra hot are pictures before capture, when she had short hair and right now they are so long suggesting it's been months or years
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All time favorite pic, "Former Slave Training Director" locked for days in a purpose built display case.
I wish that there was more context on how she ended up in there on that display.
>49 days
>no catheter
>no shit bag
>no grates in the floor
>no feeding tube
As nice as the picture is, I have real world experience of total bondage so anything that isn't actually possible unless it is justified by magic or something else impossible totally breaks my immersion in the image. The really annoying this is the artist has at least attempted to be realistic with the O2 supply whilst disregarding everything else. What about Co2 removal? Calories? Water? Waste removal? Even stuff like electronic stimulation of muscles to prevent atrophy.

Okay, I'll stop being autistic now.
Imagine the ungodly amount of fart gas unleashed when that door finally unlocks.
Obviously she's taken out of the cell and cleaned on a regular basis. Obviously.

>Crotch and ass rinsed every 3 hours
>Feeding every 6 hours
>Thorough cleaning every 24 hours

(It's like.... obvious...)
The concept is hot, though.
My nigga, that's one of my favorites too. There's nothing hotter than some hentai villain getting brought down to the level of her former victims.
Imagine. Her being sold to someone she used to sell to. He always joked about owning her someday; they'd both laugh. Only now does she realize that he wasn't joking.
Being sold by her former underling, her young protege. She thought she'd go far in this business; she never realized she was training her replacement.
Her former subordinate asking her former customer how they'd like their slave prepared after the sale is complete, offering him the list of training programs that she devised. Both of them ignore her muffled and increasingly frantic screams as he makes his selections.
Oh no, you don’t like something! You come off as a whiny little bitch with a grudge. What’d he do, kick your dog? If you don’t like it, don’t look at it. Plenty of other people DO like it.
They could take her out and clean her up now and then.
The bigger problem is that her legs are gonna get tired pretty quick. When she slumps she'll be strangled by her collar. Unless it's somehow attached to the harness to distribute her weight.
Cope harder faggot
Are you having a stroke
More likely a mental breakdown.
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What's in the tubes, anons

Koolaid actually
What’s this from?
Some beverage commercial
i love that the toung hook started by one guy and its spred everywhere
I love that shit, but can't help but wonder just how dry would her tongue get, staying out of her mouth for several hours like that. Blowjobs start to feel like fucking a sheet of sandpaper by hour 3.
My head cannon is she ended up here after training her replacement, not knowing she would be "retired" after.
Didn't ask
This is easily the most toxic thread on /d/ right now. Who pissed in your cereal?

I like the idea that she also walked past her own predecessor multiple times, never suspecting a thing.
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>she ended up here after training her replacement
Suppose it's not even unusual, this is what happens if you don't deliver exceptional work.
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Cry more
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Either high security or no security
She will spend a couple of days locked in the attitude readjustment room. Though the VR equipment will make it feel like a couple of years.
That should make her docile enough.
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Sequence complete, slut mode engaged.

I'd tell you to enjoy it, but you don't have a choice anyway.
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The terms I would use are Machine Bondage and Human Livestock.
Didn't ask
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The other anon literally made a question bruh.
Ahhhh, I see. Troll in the dungeon.
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just another day at the office
How do I apply to work there
You don't. They'll come to get you soon enough.
Hope it's not much longer to wait
Don't worry, one morning when you wake up you'll find yourself already in that position. Don't expect to be paid for your work though.
Oh, and feeding time is once a day.
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These demon pics are great, I'm a sucker for PC98 style dithering
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Applying Brand
Lewd crests and barcodes are always hot.
I love this one. She's trying to grit her teeth and endure, but it's hopeless. She's already got heart eyes just from the brand application alone, the sex machine hasn't even started yet. Once it does, she won't stand a chance.

Yeah, they're great. I love the moment when they're applied. Feels like a lines being crossed, she's going past a point of no return. All the bindings and restraints are inescapable enough, but something carved into her very skin? She can't even try to run from that.
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I bet these would be even better as gif animations
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>Once it does, she won't stand a chance.
That's why I love anticipatory scenes like this. She might think she's already trapped, she might think she's already been violated. But the transformation has only just begun.
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How long will it last?
How deep will it go?
How much of your mind will you lose?
Whatever it takes until you become the servant you should be.
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Does anyone have the Jun/Azusa see saw?
How are they encouraged to keep moving? With electric shocks I'm guessing, if they stop for X amount of time.

Well. This is more relevant than I thought. Wrote this a few weeks ago:


copy/paste into a notepad file and turn on word-wrap. Sorry, pastebin pussied out years ago and this is all we've got now.

With a properly designed prisoner suit, not only would she never be able to make that offer, but she'd have nothing to offer the guard he couldn't already take.


oh it does word wrap in the webview, nice
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Gatling Raid really does nail the "industrialized bondage" mechanic with his modified straitjackets. All they need is universal use of harness gags/w removable plugs (for face-fucking on demand) a zipper on the crotch, and an ankle hobble removable with a simple clip, and it's golden. Just the thing that would be mass-produced to handle an influx of slaves from a newly conquered country (or planet) flooding the brothel market.

An endless supply of new slaves, carried away from their home at gunpoint, now totally powerless to resist you. Unable even to scream; only able to plead with their eyes; now a single cog in a vast industrialized sex industry.

A number; on a ledger and on a barcode tattooed onto their belly.

It looks like the prod has two lights and can detect who's raised and who's lowered. If they lower themselves the shocks stop. We're catching the moment the shock switches from Ruby to Yang, so now Yang has to sit on the dick to stop the zaps.
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>Sorry, pastebin pussied out years ago and this is all we've got now.
There's also Ghostbin, it's like Pastebin but not pussed out and with a crap UI.
Can I work the night shift too
That can be arranged, though during night shifts your collar will give you an electric shock every 15 minutes to ensure you stay awake. You know, just in case.
Even better
Orgasm factory is good too
My ex loved to be bound and left, usually with toys bound inside her buzzing at a low simmer. It was a leather body harness that held her arms crossed in front like a straight jacket and D-rings on the side to secure her to the bed. Then cuffs on thighs, above the knees and ankles would have her in a frog-tie with her legs spread and tied to the sides of the bed. An inflatable butt plug in her ass and egg vibe in her puss would be held in with a crotch strap from the body harness. A ball gag and blindfold would finish it off and I'd leave her there, but always within hearing range.

Everything would stop when she had to pee, usually after a couple of hours at most. Then she'd go to the bathroom and pee, then masturbate.

After a while her time bound would get shorter and shorter, until it was less than an hour before she wanted out to pee. I figured she was cheating so she could get off, so I decided to fix her right up.

I had a friend who was a Navy corpsman who was also kinda in the 'scene' and she got a couple of catheter kits and she taught me how to insert them correctly. I was ready to give my wife a real treat.

Before her next session I had her drink a little more than usual, which probably made her think she'd be out and getting off extra early. Once she was all secured to the bed and off to the races I retrieved one of the cath kits and got things ready. Sure enough, after only about half an hour she started yelling her code through the ballgag. I entered the bedroom with the cath kit, sat down on the bed and unbuckled the crotch strap, which was not the usual routine and caused her to freeze-up.

I gloved up and cleaned the area around her urethra, which confused her even more, then opened the catheter package causing my wife to make a question sound through the gag. I lubed the tip of the cath and put it to the opening of her peehole. Once it started going in she stiffened up and shook her head, but *didn't* hum her safe song. I continued inserting until urine started flowing into the catch tray, clamped off the end, and inserted two inches more. Then I filled the balloon port with the included syringe and gently pulled the cath until it was seated in her bladder. Once I connected the end of the cath to the tube to the collection bag I released the clamp and re-buckled the crotch strap.

As I increased the vibrator control a notch I patted her on the thigh and said, "I'll come check on you before dinner, in about three hours or so"

This started some interesting play during the rest of the time we were married. We kept everything very clean and she never got an infection from our experiences.
Hot, have any other stories?

Not that anon, why did you want to forget this story? Its a solid read, spent all night going through it. disappointing that the tentacles were only ever eluded to.
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With all this high tech stuff, there's nothing saying the sub isn't allowed to have a good experience
Anyone can tell how to make these irl? I mean not the robotic parts, that's obviously is hard and limited by current tech, but these giant metal slabs of restraints. This >>11065215 is the most close one I'm talking about. Like, do they elev sell metal in such large hunks or hypothetically I would need to make and then melt metal to pour it into the mold to create this?
Literally illegal
But I would have good time in most of these images though?
Well you could cnc cut thinner plates and bolt / weld them together. Something like >>11065215
would weight a ridiculous amount though, assuming it's all solid steel.
With a quick calculation it would be somewhere around ~ 280 kg / 617 lbs.
It doesnt have to be solid, if you're bonding or fastening thinner sections together, you could introduce in voids to reduce weight and improve weight distribution to minimize the wearer's straining
okay this kinda fucks though
There was a story on literotica that was about a guy who turned women into biological computers through mind break, all the restraints and edging was to make them too braindead to resist and leave their mind blank enough that their empty brains could be used as processing. Gives the idea a bit more permanence because turning someone into that would be a one way street, no reason to let them out. They were strung up in machinery in groups and their minds were used in tandem, stupid sci-fi shit but it gave a reason I guess.
It's still retarded, just use a thick slab of wood

It'll still be heavy af
No one is going to read your dogshit story, now stop posting this every thread and fuck off
It's a good idea. Are you a native french speaker, though? There are some conspicuous spelling mistakes and eccentric word choices that make me think so. It could benefit from some editing to polish it up.
In that pic it's clearly a device rather than a solid slab, it's basically a casing and it's got electronics and shit inside. You could easily make it lightweight enough to not crush your neck by making it out of aluminium.

Generally if you just want a slab restraint, yeah, I'd say wood is the way to go. The advantage of a hollow metal shell is that you'd be able to then add/remove weights inside to adjust it, but it'd be much more labour-intensive to make, unless you already have access to a metal machining shop; you're probably better off cutting openings in the wooden slab to add like steel (or lead) weights - or just leave them empty - if you end up wanting to change the weight of the wood.

Also fibreboard/MDF is very very heavy, actually (because the glue/resin holding it together is much heavier than wood). Also cheap. But gives you cancer if you cut it. Meanwhile real solid woods vary considerably by density and thus weight, and are probably more expensive.

As others have said you'd want it to be hollow for weight reasons. Preferably aluminum. That means you're looking at custom fabrication.

Good news is that this isn't terribly difficult to do. If you can operate an angle grinder and a MIG welder it's doable, and both those those things are easy. You can even get a cheap MIG welder from Harbor Freight (~130 bucks USD or so) including ones that run on 120 volt power (no need to shove your dryer out of the way to use the 240 volt plug.) You'd be fabricating it out of flat bar stock and building a "box" of sorts (well, two that are hinged together.) Holes for arms and neck would need constant-radius bends (you could buy pipe for the arms but you'd be hard pressed to source a big enough pipe for the neck.) Bending jigs are a bit pricey for a one-off bit of fetish equipment, but you can also rent them, or failing that make one (or repurpose something.) You just need to heat up the aluminum bar till you can bend it around the jig (easy; aluminum has low heat tolerance and soaks up heat like mad.) Or you could put it in a vise and kink it every few inches or so and make a many-sided geometric shape. Or just cut the bar into small sections then weld them together to do the same thing.

A grinder isn't hard to use and MIG welding is so easy almost anyone can do it. Watch a few youtube tutorials. Hardest part people have is sourcing the metal. Even if the stuff in Home Depot is the dimensions you want (doubtful) you're paying a 100% markup on it. Go to a proper steel yard and ask there. Issue there is they can order anything you need but the steel/aluminum mills produce a minimum length (usually 20 feet) so you might have to pay for materiel you won't need. However these yards also have stuff in-stock; leftover "drop" from other orders that were cut to length. Call around your local yards; almost guaranteed someone out there has what you need (or close enough) so you don't have to pay for 20 feet of it.
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As far as "industrialized bondage" goes, I think these bondage frames that've been popular on Pivix recently are perfect. Industrial in every way - minimalist and cost-effective to make and easy for heavy equipment and automated robots to handle by utilizing the universal grab-bar attachment at the top. Hook it to a chain and you can move it through an assembly line, even.

It really speaks to the point of this fetish; the total dehumanization of the subject into a mere commodity to be handled, moved, and utilized as efficiently and profitably as possible.
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>Hook it to a chain and you can move it through an assembly line, even.
>It really speaks to the point of this fetish; the total dehumanization of the subject into a mere commodity to be handled, moved, and utilized as efficiently and profitably as possible.
This guy gets it. This is what this kink's really all about.
Production lines are the greatest shit. Dozens, hundreds of girls in a line, trapped in cold, inescapable restraints, moved down a sequence of terrible, uncaring machines, forced to watch each and every girl ahead of her experience them one by one, helplessly waiting their turn as the line brings them closer and closer with every click, each experiences the same gradual buildup of tension and fear...aaah. It's great. Industrialized peril.
Please pretend there's actually a picture of such a factory line attached to this post.
I really love how complete yet ambiguous the bondage is. She could be on her way to being anything, from dolled up to be a child's toy to being taken to a meat processing plant, and every single thing inbetween. The one thing she knows for sure is that she's about to be processed into something for someone else to use.
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This guy gets it.
I like how there's no gag or blindfold or anything, she's free to see and scream. Why would there be? This isn't some BDSM thing, we're not a factory of perverts, it's all just business.
Blindfolded would still be hotter
It would be nice in that she couldn't see what's about to happen to her, but there's something to be said for her being able to see and suddenly realize the scope of what she's fallen into. She hasn't been kidnapped by some weirdo and tied up in a basement; there are literally hundreds of girls in the building with her, just like her, just as helpless as her, in a facility that implies hundreds have come before, and hundreds will come after. And she had no idea any of this was going on before now, which means whatever's about to happen to her is a well-kept secret from which there is no rescue.

She's not even some pervert's personal fantasy to be relished and indulged in. She's been reduced to a number on a monthly production quota spreadsheet. Not even a 'she', just an 'it'. Who cares if it sees what's coming? Its screaming and begging will only fall on the ears of other objects who are themselves too busy screaming or crying as they trundle along in impersonal metal racks on their way to the opaquely mysterious machines they'll disappear into. The system is well-oiled enough that there aren't even any supervisors to watch it happen, just things that were people yesterday squirming on rails.

And then? None of them know. But they wouldn't need to be restrained so cruelly if they were going to like it.
Instant boner

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