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simpler rules this time:
>post women growing taller
that's it. other types of expansion are fine if height/size growth is the primary focus.

>can I post men getting taller? or women who LOOK like men?
no. post women. based gaychads should post in a different thread.
>how is this different from /size/?
sometimes it's more about the journey, than the destination

old thread: >>10991729
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i doubt this chick EXPECTED to grow here, but it'd be way hotter if she was overcome with the urge to masturbate, in public, and also fully aware that she'd grow as a result (but doesn't care).
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i don't think this one is related but i think it's the same artist.
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would help if i remembered to attach the image
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this image in particular for some reason gets me rock hard every time
Thanks! I'm glad you noticed
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normally not really into breasts but this one is ok
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idk how this thread is about robots so here s just one
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aight thats all ima do for now, if anyone got butt focused works do post - few and far between there - especially in stories
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eh one more for the road and because why not have a question to add some spice

What's your favorite kind of growth? Favorite growth cause? I personally like organic bursts, with eating -> grow being my favorite cause.

a good eat and grow story IMO is The clothes make the woman - odd start but gets better
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I have a soft spot for "potion growth" - huge bonus points if she grows every time she takes a gulp

pic related is very sketchy, and very old, but that's the kind of concept i like
Yeah I've liked the content involving the OCs. Evie design does it for me, horns, tits, and dress that seems to have elements of cheongsam. I like the somewhat reluctant character going on but she still gonna grow heh
it'd be easy to accuse lajest of dropping known characters for OCs but honestly I kind of like his OCs
that said i might only like them because he's been very light on the "lore" aspect and has continue to focus more on the growth and content than whatever backstory his OCs have
he could still end up loredumping and driving everyone away one, but hopefully not - for now i agree that his OCs are very attractive (though I cannot tell if Evie likes stomping on people or not)

i just hope that lajest will manage to win against his EXTREMELY severe mental health gay

he is capable of doing really great stuff, but his mental issues keep nerfing him hard
I feel like I seldom see it, but I always liked the concept of a woman growing from arousal, going around and humping things and getting larger from it, and unable to stop because she gets hornier the larger she gets.

Are there any stories that have this sort of content?
Love growth in spurts, most other ways don’t do it for me. And pretty simple with arousal being my go to. Especially with some depictions where the growing individuals body acts like a boner in the sense that the arousal + growth combo can be somewhat unwilling in earlier stages. Growth and arousal feedback loops are also create, and I always love some breast, ass, hip and thigh expansion thrown in. Lactation too.

Oh and a more niche aspect I tend to like, especially if the grower can shrink back down. Is said grower retaining some curves and height. Especially retaining the chest to some degree and it gets harder to hide after each growth incident.

Finally a new chapter. She and her neighbor are scared by a mouse. Neighbor jumps onto her in panic not aware of her growth. Good chapter so far.

It is. Despite what you uploaded is an early WIP, when the whole comic was readily available.

The scenario is that the girl was with her boyfriend in a gym and suddenly grew big. Some sex happens that causes her to grow bigger and bigger into the night (where she remains, not wanting to expose herself) and ends with her strongest, biggest, growth spurt. Ending on that image, with her boyfriend still in her pussy. (I think? It's been a while since I last read that comic)
Gotta be unwilling/forced growth, have a gradual personality shift overtime once she realizes the perks of growing non-stop especially if the growth is orgasmic and she struggles to contain herself.

Cause? I'm not too picky, but lean abit towards some artifact of great power lying around somewhere. Still like attribute theft, essence drain, or rpg leveling up like isekai shit.

Artifact of great power is a nice setup for either an unwilling, unintended or some evil bitch to get big.
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I always prefered confined, aka outgrowing room/building scenarios.

But, does anyone have any particular locations you wish to see the girl outgrow something isn't a house/apartment, office building, warehouse, castle, cafe, school/university/collage, or labratory?
I love schools/colleges/universities for this scenario. There's so many rooms in which the growing girl can seek refuge, and many differently sized ones at that.
Say, for example, her beginning to grow in class (be it she's a teacher or a student), and upon noticing she's beginning to grow, she flees to a restroom. From there, she can outgrow a stall. She can then try and flee to a locker room or an empty classroom, only to find herself running out of space there too. Naturally, we then have nice, large corridors for her to try and use to reach the gymnasium or whatever.
Of course, the building being so massive overall means she has plenty of opportunity to grow truly massive before being unleashed upon/unveiled to the world, and we can have plenty of scenes of her limbs growing through classroom after classroom.
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unwilling/afflicted growth. arousing and pleasurable growth is good but I steer towards the niche concept of just barely being in control of herself by the end. outgrowing spaces rooms is fun too, so is interacting in tight spaces. infectious growth scratches an itch but the giantesses are almost exclusively cruel and evil.

I'm not too bothered by the cause. If it makes sense then whatever I guess. If it just happens thats fine too. I loved Spinejuice's reverse unaware growth story and he didn't have to elaborate on the cause of growth.
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unwilling growth
clothes destruction
cramped growth

the holy trifecta of growth content
FaTerGD does some great work. Anyone who uses the phrase "My dedication in giving Cassie a pair of boobs with actual nipples has cost me dearly, having to re-render a few more scenes than I would have liked and my computer's struggling to keep up" is doing it right.

Caves are also another "indoor" growth I see every now and then. But not so much in the animation department. As far as I know.

Or at least deep inside a very huge mountain and I think this would usually be depicted in a medieval/fantasy setting.
Schools and buildings work the best for me, because of the multiple floors she can grow through, at faster and faster speeds.
A rare sight is to see girl grow through a floor or two, then her weight becomes too much for the floor she's in, and it caves under her. Then, her head comes back to those upper floors far larger than it was the first time.

Another favourite of mine that's too rare, is the roof being too tough to grow through for a moment, so the confined GTS' growing head is pushing as hard as it can against it. Basically, like that one shot when Miss China grew further than her normal size.
It's finally back, thank christ.
I wish the guy posted status updates somewhere.
Goddamn, you weren't kidding. What was even the point of setting her up to masturbate in front of a basketball hoop if she wasn't going to land a three pointer with her squirt? What is the point of having her grow when there's nothing around to compare her size too?
good choice of character for that image, do you have the eng version of the sauce?
saucenao got it for me but i could only find the chinese version
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>kind of growth
I prefer willing growth but in the vein that girls can control their height. Their natural height might be 5ft, but they can change their heights to whatever they feel like at the given moment. Even with that, I still like short bursts.
>fav cause
Is it an oddity if I say hereditary? I've always liked the idea there is a female line of sizeshifters that passes down to the women. Each subsequent generation can get taller than the previous.
The other is arousal, mostly because the idea of having sex with a girl that starts growing and filling out the room is kino. More points if she bursts through the ceiling or walls and then has the post-sex haze realisation she took it too far.
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Any chance you've got said comic?
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Neither is currently posting anymore, but GTSMakerDJ and Orangeorc both made several captions for images that have arousal feedback loops.

About the one thing that is good there is the orgasm design and sounds she makes during it.
>First squirt: gasp in realization that she's orgasming
>Second squirt: cry of pleasure at the height of her orgasm
>Third squirt: beat of silence, then a groan as she starts to come down.
Well planned, and well voiced (if he had it voiced, otherwise well picked). I just wish the visuals were better, the "liquid" that we see is...not good.

Thoughts on either "indoor growth" in let's say, a space craft? Either full sci-fi scenario or a more "realistic" vision? Like the RL Space Shuttle or such?
There's another image in this set, before this one where she's a bit smaller. I agree the two of them together make me fucking diamonds. I think it's her nonchalant expression as she casually crushes a building.
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replayed bowsers inside story recently and the idea of a girl that experiences extreme growth in response to nearly dying or getting killed like what happens before the giant fights is pretty interesting
has the concept been explored at all?
Ooooh, I feel inspiration with this one.


"H-Hey, Tangerine ? We've been on a team together for a while, and I was thinking... I'd like to be more than that to you." shyly spoke the inkling boy to his orange-haired partner.

"A-Azure..." breathed Tangerine, her heart swelling to see her feelings returned. But in her moment of joy, she'd forgotten the worst quirk about herself. "W-Wait, no ! A confession ?! I-I didn't even get to tell you I-I... Aaah !"

Suddenly, the squid girl's body ballooned up, doubling in size in the blink of an eye. Her t-shirt exploded, and her sneakers crumbled, leaving her in stretchy underwear. Her forms filled up like burst bombs, and even her tentacle hair seemed to grow thicker.

"Tangerine ! What's happening to you ?!" cried Azure to his growing potential girlfriend.

"I-I have K-Kraken blood, i-it activates when I- Eeeep !" she yelped, as her bust engorged with weight. To not help matters, her scalp rammed itself on the ceiling. "Ooow ! Oh no, l-look out !"

"Bwaaf !" could only yell the lad, before being buried under the mammoth-sized inkling, and her enormous inksacs. It was fortunately soft, and very warm. Above his head, Tangerine panted.

"I-I-I'm returning to my t-true size... That's what h-happens when my heart..." she struggled to say, tears in her eyes, her body aching with sloshing ink. "I-I didn't want you to find out like this, I-I was gonna tell you, because... I-I-I wanna be more than your teammate too !" And that was the tap shot that broke the Rainmaker bubble. "AAAAAAAAHN !!" moaned Tangerine like an army of Killer Wails, her body going into growth overdrive, and completely burying the poor boy under her while all of her form filled up the room to the brim. "Nooooo ! Azuuuuuure !"

(To be continued...)

She didn't stop to the room. In a matter of minutes, the entire house was pulverized by her body, which even began spilling on the streets and neighbouring houses, thankfully empty, as they were bulldozed by tons and tons of sweaty flesh.

Finally, when she stopped, she was bigger than Inkopolis Tower, her butt capable of sitting on the whole Plaza at once. A news helicopter passing by her face was no bigger than fly, and the poor mastodon could only try to hide her modesty.

"Uuuu... A-All the way to my true size. A-At least that means my feelings for Azure are true... AH ! Azure !" She panicked, lifting her castle-sized chest to find her beau. All she managed to find, to her despair, was a small blue stain. "A-Azure... Nooooo..." But before her sobs fully took over, the stain began to wiggle, slowly reforming into a minuscule little squid boy who had hidden in the ink just in time. "AZURE ! Oh thank the Zapfish above !"

"A...Am I dead, and gone to heaven ?" garbled Azure, hanging on his ink, before he was whisked away at great speeds on the tip of a finger. Two enormous red eyes invaded his whole vision. "T... Tangerine ? Holy squid, you're MASSIVE !"

"I know..." sniffled Tangerine in shame. "I-I guess this is good-bye then..."

"Uh, heck no ?! This is so fresh ! I don't care if you're a kraken girl, that just means there's a lot of you to love ! A lot, lot, LOT of you !"

"R-Really ? Oh, I'm so happy !" cried Tangerine with joy, giving her new boyfriend a stadium-inking kiss.

"Hey, right back atcha !" grinned the barely-fazed boy, kissing the tips of her lips in return. "And uh, if that's alright... can I have a dive in there ?"

"Of course ! Just mind the sweat."

"Roger !" And the inkling formed a super jump to his target : the enormous valley of inksacks he'd now get to swim in every day of his life. "BOOYAH !"

made a RWBY growth story involving Weiss since there's few rwby gts stuff that involves growth. (warning, futa)
making a sequel piece involving salem, and will be making separate stories for futa and non futa
writefag from last thread there.

I'm retardedly averse of writing established characters, but I did do a resident evil short to see if I could.

something about this speaks to me, whos the artist?
cross-crescent but be warned, 99% of his content is belly/pregnancy. I commissioned that from him loooong ago.
He's drawn big horses before but this was the first one with growth depicted
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Love the initial growth spurt where you see her boot send shockwaves, then the camera gradually creeping up her body each spurt.

Getting the attention whore/exhibitionist vide from Darcey, expecting good things heh.
too big+no feet=respect it but not for me/10
looks nice but i don't care about giga/evil bitches so whatever/10
Hmmm, I give it a solid 9/10 on presentation and rhythm. It tells a good story, the voicework is delightful, and the growth is very nicely dosed.

Enjoyment-wise, eh, I'll give it a 6/10. I appreciate the animation effort above all, but I do not like power-mad giantesses, and I don't like cruel destruction. I'm a gentle sissy. Still a great work though.
Despite not being a fan of that size range and her being clothed (albeit with major jiggle physics and nipples clearly outlined, so at least it's not trying to be 'mainstream' or disguise its purpose), Lajest never fails to choose and direct his VAs to give the best growth grunts and moans. I really wish one of these days he'd have one of them orgasm and just flood a city with her juices, he did something not far off that with milk once.
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ending was a bit off for me, wish darcey grew once she had sat down already, other than that I love the huge scale + evilness

Starts off already giga and grows even more giga meaning the interaction can't be more than smoosh. looks good and sounds good but the size isn't my cup of tea 3/10

Competent and boring
This should be interesting. Despite this video being as SFW as possible given it's Az's work these days, YT still tends to take these videos down cause I dunno fetish?
Hollewdz is a blessing to the GTS community, I hope one day I find a woman who has a string GTS kink like she does.
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fellas is it bad taste if I think its more attractive if a woman suddenly growing bigger reacted in ways other than just becoming extremely aroused?
Unwilling growth is kino for that very reason. I get that arousal being the natural go-to reaction to growing massive for the viewers pleasure, but there's a sense of realism in the panic and/or confusion that tickles me the right way, depending on how fast the growth is of course.
>paid commission to her 2 years ago
>made a wip, wip was approved and no more news ever since even after contacting her several times through twitter to ask her for updates
>keeps drawing patreon stuff, even did a YCH over there not so long ago
Don't commission her
I feel bad when I enjoy stuff where like they're crying or just REALLY dont want to, especially giga/etra sizes just destroying everything with no end in sight and not being able to do anything about it and its HER and the horror behind that

soo good but I feel horrible for it (gentle stuff just feels so boring and stale to me)

also anyone know of any good growth focused games? I dont really know where I'd find anything
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I mean, there's well enough overlap between growth and ENF as a fetish, so it's not like you'd be alone or in bad company for it.
not that anon but i paid money to some skank on twitter who then "lost" access to her paypal and refused to figure out a way to refund me or even attempt to make up for it, just a "can't do anything about it" and fucked off, zero remorse or compensation.
anyway, it was waaay beyond the date of chargeback and they didn't even have a paypal account so there was nothing i could do. some artists are very good at making you wait until after the chargeback period to start blueballing you.
He quit
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Mental health gay claims another sizefag's soul.
How much harrassment did this bitch get to breakdown like this?
Lajest clearly has skill. Some of his older vids gave me fap material for weeks.

What does he lack? How should he change his approach to new size vids to make them better for sizelovers?
His skin's too thin to do this, just let him go, it's for the best, for him
From those I played I definitely recommend: Growing Vengeance Remake, Bloom War, The Pill, Change Deck and the newest one and still in early development - Changr.
Besides there is Project Realism but still didnt play it but heard there is some good growth stuff there
>How should he change his approach to new size vids to make them better for sizelovers?
Just keep making content with genshit/hoyoverse/gachaslop/ whatever characters. It's that easy. Maybe some people will complain but the vast majority of them has not enough brain cells left to appreciate anything else so it's still a major win. Don't trust obscure characters or your own OCs, just, pure, gachaslop.
He does the only giga sized animations I like so I really hope he figures out his mental health gays someday
Damn. He made bretty good content but boy oh boy is he fucked in the head.
The answer these days seems to be "surprisingly little." I know it's a typical boomer answer, but goddamn kids are fucking delicate lil flowers these days.
>"surprisingly little."
Spot on. He ran a poll on his DA account a few weeks before his quitting post.
91 fucking percent of people, given the option between love, hate, and apathy, showed love. It wasn't a small amount of people either, like 1,100 fucking people voted in that fucking poll just to have him ignore the result because he's too fucked in the head.
Whelp, hope the guy sorts his shit out

I feel like there is some sad joke about how alot of artists are fucked in the head a bit
lmao he deleted all his posts (the text, not the art, though I'm sure it's just a matter of time). Probably for openly saying he was gonna put a bullet in his brain, what a fucking nutjob.
Either that or deviant art band his account after talking about killing himself and insulting his fans.
>3d renderslop artist succumbed to gay
and nothing of value was lost

>Just keep making content with genshit/hoyoverse/gachaslop/ whatever characters.

Thanks for reminding me of his piss-poor execution of the only 2 Arknights growth vids he did. (And probably the only animated Arknights GTS work(s) ever)

Both focus on only one character:

Granted, they are technically the same vids, but while one was a short one, the other was an extended (reanimated/slight reimagining) version, which even changed her reaction to her disliking that she's getting bigger with each growth spurt.

>Until he abruptly introduced his bloody oc STEPPING in!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3M37YRO3vg wow
I want to see more growth art with the afterimage effect, or whatever is a better way to describe it

Yeah. This one.
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>YWN get to watch a Shizune growth animation longer than 30 seconds
>You will get MagnaProspekt art and you will be happy
In all honesty, I hope the rest of the Heavenly team find someone else to continue working with these characters, assuming Lajest is actually quitting. Call me hopelessly optimistic, but he deleted the DA post, so he may be having second thoughts.

Thanks for reminding me of that. Gatchaslop character getting unceremoniously crushed under giga OC feet is the best thing he ever did.
His DA account is gone now. Don't know if he closed it or DA banned it since he was talking about shooting himself numerous times and insulting his fans within the post.
His account is still there, but the "posts" page must've been purged, because that link no longer works. You can still see his gallery.
i know this vid caused a lot of drama because of its ending but i unironically love it
i love multisize, and also love the idea that, okay roll with me, assuming she kept growing, this chick was only a few minutes away from being big enough to not get stepped on, but just due to sheer bad luck she happened to get crushed before she could grow big enough to be immune to it
she had the chance to be a goddess but had it stolen away from her - and to top it off, stolen by a huge bitch who wasn't even aware of what she was doing
I dunno man, the sort of "bad luck" in her situation does wonders to my dick, she's so unfortunate that it's hot (why?? i have no idea)

also, i assume he's just overreacting and not quitting, but dude needs therapy and meds NOW. i do hope he doesn't quit, with beladdy dead he's probably the best making this stuff at the moment
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Looks like the manic episode is over and he's sticking around.
Sizefag content creators really are fucked in the head.
This seems more like a trailer than a full animation imo
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And after all that, her soul is just going to be absorbed by Evie so she can grow even bigger. Becoming fuel for someone else's growth after experiencing it for herself.

Guess I was right, glad to see he's not actually quitting. By the way Lajest, if you read these threads, stop it for the sake of your mental health. Your OC animations are good and you should keep making them.

The whole "Perfect Order" project is supposed to be a series of 15-minute episodes with an actual story, according to an old Patreon post. But that was over two years ago and all we've seen since are these shorts, plus I don't know how many people (other than me) would really want to watch that. I think they're still working on it, so it could be considered a trailer.

Speaking of that Patreon post, it had a video introducing Evie (not vid related). Does anyone have that? It's only in the post as a now-deleted Streamable link and I couldn't find it on DA or Twitter.
I don't care about his OCs and i usually don't about OCs in general
I don't understand why he apparently likes cruel bitches yet his seeming favorite OC was supposed to be uwu gentle
bros, just make some bitches get bigger and naked. it ain’t that hard.
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You will now be subjected to my myopic background fluff as to WHY the bitches are growing. I can assure you that by the end of my schizo ramblings, you will have a deep and appreciative understanding of why women are growing bigger and why they are naked.
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no the clothes grow too
if you disagree with this you are a double hitler and I will kill you
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>myopic background fluff as to WHY the bitches are growing
thats the best part
Only if you have the mental health gay
Lajest, if you're reading this, get the fuck out of here and get some goddamn therapy. These seething autists will do nothing good for you and you need serious fucking help.
Naked is just overrated, Don't care if your "CLOTHES CAN'T GROW WITH HER" autism is triggered, giant bras, giant socks, or any other clothes really, the thought of having them around me...Hard af.
>You will now be subjected to my myopic background fluff as to WHY the bitches are growing. I can assure you that by the end of my schizo ramblings, you will have a deep and appreciative understanding of why women are growing bigger and why they are naked.

Sounds good, once they know what they can get themselves bigger and off

Yeah plain naked kinda bores me, I prefer their clothes to become more undersized as they grow. Or basic bitch bikini with nipple/areola poppin out.
Does anyone have that growth sequence with the girl taking pictures of herself with her phone in a mirror and growing every time she does or something like that?
I thought that too until he did the 180. Now I just think he's a goddamn attention whore.
If its what I'm thinking of, look for elppa on kemono
Thanks, that's it!
>Becoming fuel for someone else's growth after experiencing it for herself.
>growing girl
>gets taken out by an even bigger girl
>bigger girl starts growing instead
Holy shit that's a really hot concept that I hope to get to see one day.

>lajest posts multiple polls
>every poll overwhelmingly praises him
>"I always figured that no one gave a fuck about what I post but I guess I was wrong!"
i get it, he's not actually sane and has a legitimate mental illness, but it's so tiresome to see it. forced therapy for people like this when
Guy who made The Pill is working on a new one. Some kind of farming game. Could have potential, from the trailer. It's called Bountiful Harvest.
Lajest, if you're reading this, please consider doing an animation with Katalina from Granblue growing out of her armor and getting frisky with a city, that big naked Katalina animation you did was pretty based.
Also do meditation and/or fun hobbies on break to help stymie the mental health gay.
Also played it and I can not recommend for now. Too less too early, but potential is there
can someone post that Uru patreon post, which was the origin of "mental health gay" meme?
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When are bitches gonna realize I don't give a fuck about their OCs and just want to see touhous getting bigger?
https://mega (dot) nz/file/svYA1T6I#LnFf32yVdMxSxsTZ8BNS3Lkyqt9sWyH4r6M1X7aEIGA

I uh...

really like scrag's content. That first mavis animation was so fucking peak, and he has just put out banger after banger since, and so consistently as well, his pipeline is crazy.

With the way that he just kinda came outta nowhere with such quality content, I wouldn't be surprised if its a JollyJack situation, and it turns out that he's actually a long time industry professional.
He is talented, but I doubt that he is a professional. He still makes obvious mistakes here and there. Like in this Marika video, her facial expressions are weird, almost meme-worthy. You know, the usual faces on xnalara deviantart works, lel. Or how the cum in his works is more like a weird stream of milk.

Don't get me wrong, Scrag is REALLY good. He knows how to make his giants powerful, and the tinies - weak and pathetic. But some details show that he is not a professional, just very talented and knowledgable on how to make the stuff hot.
Same. MMDAnon's stuff is my favorite. He doesn't post often but He's probably the most sane animator and hasn't sold out by making a patreon or any of that cringe like everyone else.. I miss his stuff. But he likely animates when he gets the time out of his full time job is my guess...
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OCs are often hot tho.
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well my oc is stronger and taller than every touhou, she could easily eat them up and use them as nutrients to fuel her growth
post favorite touhous
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I'm personally the opposite, I mostly don't want to see existing characters because I'm not really interested in seeing porn of them, I'd rather just have a character that exists purely for weird porn.
https://mega (dot) nz/file/VGVTwTjJ#Muu8kzv0gHCH4Y9hQI8BjgEekzEhLsBlu6PHlv4NYSQ

Meh, it's okay.

>Yukari Yakumo opens a portal, that appears behind oc multiple times larger in scale, reaches in, her ginomous hand appears and grabs oc through the portal, is now the size of a barbie doll in Yukari's hand.
Folks, I wanted to ask of an opinion on how to go about introducing mini-giantess and growth elements into my own OC’s and stories.

> Context: Two of my main characters are half dragon and half demi-humans. While full blooded Dragon characters are humanoid, they’re essentially just draphs, so much larger and having dragon features such as horns, tails and some with wings ect. Females generally top out at most 9ft tall (with some exceptions), and the males getting closer to 12-13ft tall.

What I wanted to tackle was how my two half dragon characters eventually grow into full dragon forms, and the keyword is growth cause while I don’t see my OC and its verse as overtly fanservicey, it definitely has elements. So for options I was thinking:

> Option 1: Transformation. Both characters can eventually gain the ability to grow into their dragon forms, with full defining features. More of a state than permanent, but allows constantly changing size dynamics on a whim.

> Option 2: Progressive/Slow Burn. I also really enjoy this option because it can work for the much larger story I’m trying to write, and allows a lot of ongoing interactions between characters and just a lot of the great elements that progressive growth and slow burn bring. Bumping into door frames, clothes ripping at the worst time or wardrobe malfunctions.

So really, for anyone that cares to read. May I have some thoughts? The mini giantess range and size difference is one I quite like a lot, and while it has a smaller window for growth which is the big fetish on my end (as it is for most here), I think the actual growth aspect can be played out a lot more on option 2 but shrinking back to do it all again wouldn’t be an option.
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not that guy but i'm surprised to never having seen any growth pieces of yuuma, with the giantess form that shows up in her game and all. excuse the off topic
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here's some touhou content
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and some implied growth

>Bumping into door frames, clothes ripping at the worst time or wardrobe malfunctions.
My bias for unwilling growth tells me option 2 is the best one but I'll try to be fair.

How will the two react to either option? What are their thoughts on their inevitably growing into full dragon forms? Will they be changed mentally by then?

You mentioned there are exceptions to females being smaller than the males, is one/both of the half dragons the exception?

They're your characters so I can't know for sure which option would be better for your story. I don't really have a good answer but you asked for thoughts and here's mine.
> How will they both react
Both of them are sisters, with the older one being pretty above average height already for a lady, and the younger sister being on the shorter end.
They’d both remark that their father is already tall for a demi human, and their mother is just huge compared to them as a Dragon lady.

The older sister would enjoy getting taller and she’s already used to the wardrobe malfunctions because she’s extremely curvy already and has the largest chest by far. And the younger sister would probably find it less enjoyable, as even though she’s curvy too (to a lesser extent), she wonders how her older sister deals with her chest size let alone once they both start growing into full forms.

> Thoughts on growing into full dragons/mental changes
They’d both view growing into their full forms as almost a rite of passage and inevitably as half dragons and just being on the same footing as their mother. Lots of extra story details I won’t go over though does have them use these new forms for strength of others. The older sister especially goes through quite a character arc and she secretly likes becoming taller than her love interest and gets a bit more dotting and motherly toward others too.

> The exception
In my writing so far I have a lot of godly figures and its no different for the dragon people. However their gods are directly responsible for the world as it is as dragon gods of creation and destruction. I had an idea in mind where the dragon race when faced with *severe* trauma and turmoil eventually and unwillingly transform into a remnant of these dragon gods and being destroying their surroundings until someone can find a way to revert them. They wouldn’t be massive humanoid dragon people but instead actual dragons. With my inspiration in mind as Bahamut from Granblue for the type of dragons. The older sister will eventually have this happen to her (as it did her mother long ago)
What I was thinking with the exception is that the older sister could attain the unwilling destructive dragon form as a new power but she remains humanoid. So as a gateway into proper giantess territory. There’s a lot more story detail I probably won’t go into but the older sister eventually becomes an unwilling chosen one and god character to save their world ect.

A result of this full unwilling dragon transformation (and thus reverting back) does actually leave said characters with proper dragon scales on their body as a signed they had transformed into it before. Otherwise the drsgon folk simply have wings horns and tails ect.

It seems to me like you've put a lot of thought into the 2nd option. Maybe you should lean into that one?
Hello, I know this is a bit of a shot in the dark, but does anybody happen to have Noikaisyu's full "Giantess Kama's universe" MMD Image set
I have a very particular fetish, and most games like this don't accommodate it - would any of the ones you listed happen to.....actually be finished?
I like the sounds of option 2 better, and it sounds a bit like you do too
XJ-9 or "Jenny" is an...odd case
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i definitely prefer the second option. progressive growth and a constant slight reminders of the increase in size are my personal favs and i cant wait to read your work if you decide to go through with it! either way though, make sure you're making what you want. that's what matters most.
red head's va is pretty bad
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Here's my shit tier list no one asked for, for 3d animators. I will not elaborate.


Benevelont Bunny




Pedro (I will elaborate, someone put this guy on a list)

On a different note and not to get too deep in the weeds, but does anyone remember a furry animator that did a bunch of 3d growth/expansion/inflation animations around 7-10 years ago. Their primary OC was a fox woman in a blue latex suit with lab goggles. There was a giantess growth animation they made where the giantess grows by working out. I think first on bench press, then on a cycle (where the fly wheel comes off and richochets into her chest and cuts her top off but leaves her unharmed), and finally curls, where she grows out of the gym. Any info appreciated.
Why Fater in D? I think he's a little hit and miss, especially with this latest foray into futa faggotry, but he's got to be better than Az.
>happen to.....actually be finished?
Only Growing Vengeance Remake is finished, The Pill and Change Deck kind of (by that I mean author is updating it from time to time with totally independent chapters)
Moly actually upped his animation skills. His latest Guilty Gear animation looks accurately to the game one.
Too bad he decided to grow the most hideous possible character
Az growth so good when u ain’t got a bitch in ya ear telling you it’s dogshit
A girl is a girl.
I looked into them - the pill and change deck weren't for me, but growing vengeance remake seems promising except I can't find it except behind a paywall. Do you know where I can get it?
Creator found out that people leaked his stuff on Kemono a while back and threw a massive shitfit. Only available through paywall, which is kinda insulting considering everything he does is just RPGMaker crap with AI slop attached. I get trying to make a living, but there's a limit.
FaterGD is notoriously fucking terrible with audio editing. The dialogue from the voice actresses in this video is fucking inaudible for half the video - the acresses mics are PEAKING constantly - and the dialogue is usually very very cringey. He's a good animator but the second the volume is turned on he turns to absolute shit.
>move Az into D tier
>Scrag to A (he just hasn't made enough growth content, yet)
>Anonymoly to S
>SliceOfSize to A
otherwise this is a very very good list, nice taste anon

btw, has MinMax even animated anything in the last 3 years?
see >>11060997, his animations are good but the guy is an absolute retard when it comes to audio, dialog, and sound editing. every video he adds sound effects or dialogue to drops in quality off a cliff.
so when do we get an explanation about pedro
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i havent heard of a lot of these so my takes might be shit but
az goes straight to d, everything hes made after pool remix is garbage
not sure why gtscasey is high, id drop him in b
rororenro to d maybe, near-zero character variety kills him for me but he isnt as bad as az so idk
bunny could go to c maybe, i havent seen anything impressive from him but also nothing horribly offensive either
I can live with shit voice acting so long as he keeps up the video quality. Though he has a problem with the physics on the breasts going insane. It's funny, but it's something he should fix.
So unless the moon turns blue, pigs fly, and I decide to pay $7 AUD for porn game, I'll not be able to try it out? That's a shame.
anyone got that new agegrowthfictions vid?

Simply, for not being a sellout faggot, and posting here with us before we had so many pay walling shills surrounding the community
>I can live with shit voice acting
eh for me it isn't even bad voice acting, just bad voice *quality.* like I said, the VA's mic pics constantly (probably not even her fault, I bet he boosted her audio to make her sound bigger and fucked it up) and having her be completely inaudible when behind the glass was supremely retarded.

he had another video where a girl growths while laying on a lab table - the version he had before he added dialog was great, the sfx of her clothes ripping was great.

then he added dialog and the bitch's voice is so loud it drowned out all the cloth-ripping sfx. good grief
peaks, not pics. what is wrong with me.
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Whilst I despise all this tier-list faggotry about content creators, MMDAnon does actually deserve a top spot.
Nope. it seems his Kemono updated with his current list of encryption passwords. So you can snatch a copy anytime time if you want. Better do it quick before the guy has another meltdown.
Does anyone know where you can actually find back all of MMDAnon's stuff? Seems all i can find now are just reuploaded remnants
Is there a workaround to stuff that is connected through patreon?
his animation skills are fine but all the actual videos are sexless dross. he's zoomer az.
In regards to anything on a dedicated site, seems like that's still under lock and key. It requires verifying a Patreon account.
shit taste
You know AZ DID do a sex growth video with futa Sky and giantess Shantae.
Rate X and all that shit.
But the moment it came out, massive drop in patrons.

So now he's doing that Lili vid thing to recover and finishing the vid is stuck in fuckin' limbo.
Guess the people don't want no sex growth.
Nice, thanks. Downloaded the mac version and it doesn't seem to work but I'm home now after being away for a couple weeks so I can try it on my PC
That probably has more to do with it being Futa.
That said, growth is its own fetish and doesn't really need nudity or sex involved for a lot of people.
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Giant gyaru?
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There is no continuation, the author who drew this has disappeared.
Why do quality size fetish creators often disappear? I'm pathetic because I can't do anything
Nah it's just futa being shit
There isn't enough giant mia content.
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Looks familiar
Y'know, by and far I'm a smaller giantess growth fan. The idea of a girl growing to anywhere from around 10ft to 50ft so that interaction can still be a bit more viable is my ideal scenario by far. Sizes I could see where she could still cut a decent life out for herself with some adjustment.
But then I see a pic like this and that embarrassed panic as a girl undergoes a massive growth spurt, where the clouds part around her body and her tiniest movements cause the world to buckle, and her mere existence is a threat to all life around her (even if I'm a gentlefag, but it's easy to understand it's accidental destruction) really does activate the same parts of my brain sometimes.

Wow! Never new there was a Rika growth process that was in the works.

Sucks that whoever was the artist/author just vanished, taking these (and who knows what other works they had) with them.


Someone on a Discord server found the artist

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as the person who posted this set of images I could've just told ya lol
also still on the hunt for ass-focused growth stories to tera - so far there's nothing at all :/
Here's a nifty story idea....

The inspiration came from Jenny Mace's Yanks car masturbation video. On her way driving home, twentysomething college girl unexpectedly gets overpowered by a need to masturbate. She tries to fight it but the urge just keeps getting stronger making it harder to drive. As she nears some parking lot or side of the street, she pulls over to masturbate much like Mace does in her video.

Similar attire. Could be a dress or pants like jeans or khakis. She gotta wear underwear though if a dress.. Better for it to snap apart. She doesn't grow right away. Because an infection inside her, a parasite maybe, is triggering her out of control arousal to make her cum. When she orgasms, her body releases natural chemicals that are what it needs to trigger massive size growth. Then, it reproduces in bodily fluid and feromones once she's big.

Can be a standalone or the beginning for a series..
Imagine other characters that can't get somewhere private to masturbate and have to do it in.. say, a crowded place. After which suddenly they begin to grow bigger causing the contagion to spread. What started in a parking lot or side street can be bigger..
Does anyone know if the guy who wrote "The Incredible Growing Zoey" ever wrote anything after or did he just fall off the earth? He wrote a couple short stories on GiantessCity before that but that's all I Know.
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pro tip: if u dont put any thought into ur own opinion, at least post a pic.
that being said, u are right. clothes need to rend with a growing girl

I think he wrote what was supposed to be the first part of a new thing then disappeared. I think he might actually be dead.
it's actually wild to imply that futa content would make patrons drop off. idk how long you've been on the internet, but just so you know, futa is one of the most popular subgenres.
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Most of the stuff I have saved is mostly hourglass with a little GTS, so not much I got to post here
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If this was extended to any animations, I'd stick giant woman into FFF tier, because at least Pedro doesn't mark their videos as "For Kids", that's a level beyond.

[pic unrelated]
based take
Ooh, never seen that one before. Thanks for sharing!
>futa is one of the most popular subgenres
So is gay and furry shit, yet I can guarantee you he would have seen the same drop had he included that shit. There's a reason futa gets kicked out of just about every giantess thread there is.
seems like lajest is getting back on his feet soon
He should honestly have left to avoid taking further mental damage, he should already know about the mental health gay's power
it's all about expectations, no? If people expect just GTS content, it's fine, if they expect GTS + Futa + BE or whatever, sure, but if it's forever one type then SurpriseFutaStory.txt without the title revealing what it is, might sour a lot of people for good reason

always label your shit! own what you like! over time the proper crowd will flock to u
Does anyone know if Expandinator completely gave up on this? He never mentions it in his patreon anymore.
has anyone ever seen anything from agamennon?
curious but half expecting the animation to be half baked
Do you like Koikatsu girls with stock moan effects? Cause that's what you're getting. Another weird case of something under heavy lock and key despite it being probably super cheap to make. The subtitles are barely legible English.
thank you
glad my intuition was correct
>it's all about expectations
Exactly. People EXPECT giantess porn to be free of any gay or furry shit, unless it's a channel or artist dedicated specifically to those fetishes. It's like poop: you can't mix it in with anything, you have to shove it aside to stink all on it's own.
>it's actually wild to imply that futa content would make patrons drop off
It's wilder to insinuate it WOULDN'T, given that you're posing in a giantess growth thread where futa and gay shit are explicitly banned, just like every other giantess thread on this forum.
Any decent audio? Tired of that mass produced slop SGA makes
>Anonymoly's next big video project is of Bridget from Guilty Gear video
>Whatever your political ideology is, Bridget is still physically male
Oh good, so now they're making giant male content? Futa is one thing, porn of dudes (or women with dude bodies) is another. I change my mind, put Anonymoly in F tier, jfc
Anyone have the Archive of Our Own for that one writeanon who was busting out the really good stories?

Like one has a business lady who was a were-giantess, another had like reality changing shenanigans infecting a school? I've only bookmarked the pastebins and they've all 403'd.
Thought it was gonna turn into a "giantess heroine causes just as much devastation as the villain" kind of thing near the end.
Still 7.5/10
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Anyone else frustrated with growth projects/growth drives that had good traction but ended up dropped dead for (X) amount of time?

> Pic related is from a pretty much dead Pyra growth drive on Twitter, from 2021
>anonymoly has transitioned to making male giant growth videos now
>lajest almost kills himself
>beladdy found dead in a dumpster in ukraine
>scrag only releases new growth vid once every ten months
>whatever the fuck az is doing
>fatergd ruins all of his videos the second he opens audacity
>agf getting sloppier and sloppier every upload until it's just a jackurai-tier tween of a model getting bigger
Is there ANYONE making decent growth vids anymore or is this fetish fucking dead
Did they drop off the face of the earth or hide behind a patreon or something now? Their animations were the sweet spot for my tastes but they just kinda seemed to vanish.
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>or is this fetish fucking dead
Fucking hilarious to hear you zoomers cry about this shit when 15+ years ago all we had was 240p videos of the scene from Jungle de Ikkou.
>this community SUCKED in 2010
>so I'll gladly accept anything these days even if it's shit
this is cuck logic

no idea what happened to him, add him to the pile of dead growth animators I guess
would also love to read these again. forgot to bookmark or download em and i cant find them anywhere :(
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>so I'll gladly accept anything these days even if it's shit
So which artists are you currently funding?
i am subscribed to most of their patreons, i'm not a freeloader
i agree with you - complaining about the quality of fetish porn and not paying for it is incredibly fucking stupid, your opinion doesn't matter if you aren't paying for it
not that I think my $5 is actually valuable to them of course, but i am funding them
A little unfair to compare a classic, that was animated by hand, to the 3D animators today, the mediums don’t even match.

Oh you better believe they value every last dollar. Most of those patreon guys make it their full time jobs to do this. Otherwise there wouldn’t be suicide baiting, or them coming here on the boards to argue with us “freeloaders”. Their egos won’t let them ignore these boards. They care a lot.
This anon?
mega (dot) nz/folder/EM91QZLI#CkJ6pY3_RIScP-G0OZI2Hw
files dot catbox dot moe slashy55rmw.mp3
>Fix (full).mp3
I got this off The Process forums years ago from a disgruntled creator who was pissed that the commissioner didn't pay or someshit like that.
That's it, bless you anon

Is the author still kicking around? I remember he was banging these out like crazy and they were all really good
Seems AZ is working on a Lili and Asuka vid from Tekken 8.
No mental health gay suspected evwn after being around for 6 years.
i was going to grill you for this - you didn't even try to argue that az was making a good video, just "a" video at all
then i realized, well, compared to his peers, yes, just making ANY content featuring an adult human female is above-par at this point
this is like a horse race where one horse is crippled and the other horses are dead
what a low bar to clear but i'll take it i guess, go az yay
Hi, yes, I'm alive, I've just been procrastinating like fuck because...
I have no excuse i've got the fucking vampire story lying two pages in for two months. Hope to start posting again soon(tm).
Also, I need a new fucking place to post the stories for people that don't want to download them off mega. The site I used went full fucking retard and then just died.
I'm an aspiring writefag and I'm gonna upload my stuff on Archiveofourown once my account is approved

Still the best "show don't tell" growth audio out there.

No narration, no unusual dialog describing EVERYTHING happening like old comic books did, just using our own imaginations based on what we hear.
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nta but I was the writefag who did the resident evil story along with the one from the last thread. I'm keeping all of my shit on pastes for now but I might put them on my ao3 account if/when pastes becomes unreliable.


Completed versions (since 2023)
I must be retarded because I can't get get the link to work at all, even after replacing the key words with the respective symbols
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https://files (DOT) catbox (DOT )moe (SLASH) y55rmw.mp3

The slash probably tripped you up.
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Just look for the start of the story, the rest isn't worth your time

-> >>11072016
Wait beladdy is dead? When the fuck, how the fuck and what the fuck? I must've missed something in a previous thread cuz this is the first I heard of it. Fuck dude, he was a rly good one for me...
People have been claiming that for a while now, but no one ever posts any proof.
that last one has scat thanks for the warning im going to go vomit profusely now

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