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Previous: >>11043691

Nvidia: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-NVidia-GPUs
AMD: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Install-and-Run-on-AMD-GPUs
Cloud: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Online-Services
Optimizations: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Optimizations
Extensions: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Extensions
Custom Scripts: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Custom-Scripts
WebUI Forge: github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge

Wiki: github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki
Holara: holara.ai/
Training: github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | rentry.org/59xed3
Tags: danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
ControlNet: rentry.org/dummycontrolnet
LamaCleaner: huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/Lama-Cleaner-lama
Animation: rentry.org/AnimAnon
Wildcards: rentry.org/NAIwildcards
4chanX Catbox userscript: rentry.org/hdgcb
Essentially everything: www.sdcompendium.com/
PonyXL/Autismix cheat sheet: rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff

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Request Anchor
requesting handholding pov with hotaru shidare from dagashi kashi
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Post-nut clarity.
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req more v stuff
Requesting pokemon moms as horny hairy shemales.
>"Why am I like this?"
Cumming on self looks more like post-nut guilt.
Explorer/archaeologist looking girl in a densely canopied jungle with her shorts down looking in shock at the cock and balls that just grew out of her, she has a very phallic looking fruit in her hand with a bite taken out of it
Optionally a second panel where she's on the ground cumming profusely from her now huge cock and fat balls in a stupor with many eaten/half eaten dickfruits laying around
requesting a sequence involving futa hinoka and futa camilla in bikinis, where either:

1) hinoka has a small cock and camilla has a large one, but hinoka manages to steal camilla's cock size until her cock ends up much bigger than camilla's was originally

2) camilla being transformed into hinoka's hyper cock
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Requesting Meena (DQ4) giving futa Maya a blowjob.
To the generator of the anal hose meme. Do you have the prompts? Be as detailed (model, lora's, prompt, negatives) as possible, please.
Minigiantess futanari oppai loli standing casually next to an normal adult man. Can be set around pool or on a beach.
it's this retard again with fucking autistic requests that WONT BE FULFILLED

you are screaming your asperagus requests into the void. nobody wants to spend their time doing your gooning material cunt

go back to /csdg/ requesting fucking molly jo sausage banana finger looking ass cunt giving a blowjob to the goblin granny cartoon

fucking get a life or end it
Requesting a futanari shortstack miku giving a massive boobjob onstage. side view
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Can someone make this idea I had.
a busty girl at a tropical resort. she has black hair in a messy ponytail. she’s wearing a small black bikini. she has two sets of long nipples on each breast, one in the bikini, one poking out the side. walking down a path
Is this pasta?
Requesting /d/ girls wearing nice dresses and outfits
oops meant to reply to >>11046751
Fuck yeah, someone made a lora of one of the characters of my favorite doujin.
Have to /d/ it up
Nice gens, she looks kinda spooked though
>fave doujin
Mind sharing the name? Should be pretty based if you like it lol
Kek did you decide to give it a shot yourself? Or found someone more reliable to gen them for you? I'll give you all the info when I get back on my PC so you can finish your quest to anal hose them all lmao.and I'm sorry that I slowed down so much with posting but yeah, It is what it is.
Why the premature thread again? I don't get it.
Make her penis so long it rests the ground.

Requesting a qt girl with a giant cock and balls instead of breasts, preferably with a flaccid dick but that's a minor detail at best.
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Sort of her thing in the doujin.
It's a great concept and the artist is amazing.

[Inoue Kiyoshirou] Houshi-iin No Oshigoto

Obscure waifu ho!
Why can't you guys wait until the thread reaches the image limit or until it gets archived?
That's what I want to know too. That anon has been blowing his load with baking a new thread way too early for the third time now. I really don't get it.
Thx 20Loras. I'll check it out later! And your gen looks great.
There's a conspiracy theory that he's doing it to avoid futa in OP.
In most cases, I'd dismiss it as paranoia, but we had a bunch of genuine retard-schizo-posting in the thread recently.
>the subhuman who insists traps are shota and not /d/
>the slobbering mong who brings up trans people just to be mad at them
>the retard who gets assmad whenever someone fulfills a request for a futa with a pic where you can't see a cunt

I'm not saying OP is certainly a subhuman retard like the aforementioned ones, he could still just be ignorant of best practices.
But if he was doing it to avoid futa in OP, then he would undeniably be closer to a turd than to a person.
Based, but I always liked the cockroach girl the most.
Based. Shame nobody translates this anymore.
>>the subhuman who insists traps are shota and not /d/
>>the slobbering mong who brings up trans people just to be mad at them
>>the retard who gets assmad whenever someone fulfills a request for a futa with a pic where you can't see a cunt
Are you bear faggot? or the one posting traps trying to pretend they are futas or lolis?
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Any idea on how should I go about getting this clenched fists/storing power pose?
fighting stance is pure gacha
hell yeah this is great.
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so here's the prompts for the anal hose gens, everything in the curly brackets is a dynamic prompt and __XXXX__ are wildcards:
score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, source_anime,uncensored,BREAK,may (pokemon),1girl,solo,completely nude,BREAK,huge breasts, __nipples__,{huge pregnant belly|pregnant|belly},navel,BREAK,(wide hips,huge ass:1.2),BREAK,anus,(pubic hair,anal hair:1.2),BREAK,erect clitoris,pussy,anus,(pussy juice:0.8),BREAK,blue eyes,looking {at viewer|back,ass,anus} ,{__pos_emotion__|__neg_emotion__|ahegao,drool},blush,BREAK,brown hair,BREAK,__poses__,anal hose insertion,fingernails,BREAK,__colors__ gradient background,
source_pony,source_furry,source_cartoon,censored,(hands:1.3),long fingernails,watermark,logo,artist name,double dildo,gaping,shower,lactation,stray pubic hair,cables,tan,loli,flat chest,long legs,tall female,holding,disembodied,handjob, limb,faceless male,double penetration,monochrome

The prompt is not ideal and still kinda gacha, but it was good enough for me after all.Post a gen if you can, i'm curious to see if this prompt works for you aswell! I also boxed the wildcard files so you can check their contents too.
And don't forget that you can always take any gen from the anal hose mega and get the metadata from there too.
>neg_emotion.txt https://files.catbox.moe/vezx9z.txt
>pos_emotion.txt https://files.catbox.moe/0ol3a7.txt
>poses.txt https://files.catbox.moe/wpr4p2.txt
>colors.txt https://files.catbox.moe/fltl72.txt
I don't use a concept lora for the anal hose. And for the style i mix my cromachina lora at 0.25 with my takku lora at 0.35 strength.
The cromachina style lora can already be found in the mega from my rentry, I'll upload the takku style lora for you in a bit. Pls be aware that both artist styles are focused on loli, but it's easy to avoid if you don't prompt for it.
https://rentry co/0point4_anons_AI_rentry
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An excuse to try out this armless lora
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It's hip to fuck bees
Futa on male with CRAZY hyper stomach bulge fluids everywhere butthole bruised
Hyper like massive futacock popping up through the guy’s chest/throat
Please and thank you
Doesn’t matter the style just make pure intestinal obliteration
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Hardest part of japanese fake-western vampires is the bat wings.
Requesting sexy Latina with three legs and three butt cheeks.
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>There's a conspiracy theory that he's doing it to avoid futa in OP.
>he could still just be ignorant of best practices.
yeah that's what i thought too, and I'm not a fan of conspiracies but after 3 threads it really seems deliberate, cause the complaints were there the first time already. And they were ignored.
>But if he was doing it to avoid futa in OP, then he would undeniably be closer to a turd than to a person.
If that's the case that anon is really beyond any help KEK. i truly don't care what kind of gen the OP is, but it's pretty annoying that the thread is needlessly cut so short every time.
lol it really reads like one at least
it's a little janky and i'm not the best at genning at excessive pubic hair but i hope you still like it.
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>Takku style lora.
Check the link in the rentry or directly here: https://mega.nz/folder/1zETBBCL#ljhnXe-obuQLTtrp-9bsjw
And as always: LOOK AT THE README <3
forgot to quote the rq
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Requesting some horny and grotesque chubby goblin girls with hairy pussys, my skills are limted.
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weren't we supposed to have government mandated catgirl girlfriends/wives by now?
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"powering up" can kinda get you the pose.
That's hot but the big nipples on the dude looks weird.
Also we will have robit catgirls before real ones for the small price of a new car. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/hsmFECAEjVI
the big nipples are because it's really hard to make the AI with my loras have a guy fuck a futa with a bigger dick and wants to make it futa x futa instead.
Thanks anon!
You pick the one I like too.
What a coincidence.
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glad you liked the gens, here's the last one for today
>You pick the one I like too.
it was the only one i knew without googling so i chose her, and the tag for is literally 'lana's mom' kek
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Tweaked what I did last thread.

I love freckles, that's why Kot's got 'em.

Fun outfit on this cyclops.

>after 3 threads it really seems deliberate
>it's pretty annoying that the thread is needlessly cut so short
Agreed on both points.
I was really hoping it was just a bad newposter, but now I have significant doubts.
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Solo vamp in a pretty dress.
>it's pretty annoying that the thread is needlessly cut so short every time.
Sad and true.
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>I'd like to see Tome Kurata from Mob Psycho 100 stroking her fat foreskin'd futa cock while looking embarrassed.
>dozens of Mirko gens, all going fine
>suddenly she appears holding pic related even if absolutely 0 prompts asked for it
She's had enough
It happens, some times "full mast" gives the girl mega erections but some other items a random ship mast appears in the pic or the girls is holding it.
is that a Muchin with what else?
Popyays epic fantasy and styles for pony diffusion concept art
Don't ask me why or how, I stole it and this mix just does magic for see-through bulges
Saitama on HRT
Requesting Iowa from Kancolle as a thicc pudgy milf with a venus body
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Oh cool, I wasn't sure if anyone was gonna do it.
Requesting Maki from Jujutsu Kaisen fucking Ghislaine Dedoldia from behind and causing a massive stomach bulge
Very sniffable balls.
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these are great, do you have any more?
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Morag but she's hiding a really hung schlong under there (maybe a bit embarrassed)
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No pony lora for her.
There is one though
The civitai search is dumb and so am I.
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Ancient Greek futa looking incredibly smug about her tiny penis (it means she's intelligent and civilized).
Now that you put it like that, it really makes it sound as if the Greek all had tiny penises and were coping when they said that tiny penises belong to intelligent and civilized people.
That face is the most uncanny valley shit i have ever seen, anon please for the love of the AI goods please tone down the western style.
It's more than that.
>penis anatomy
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I'd like to see Tome Kurata from Mob Psycho 100, hesitantly stroking her fat foreskin'd futa cock while looking embarrassed.
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fuck sorry guys, missclicked
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where'd you get the lora from and would you mind sharing? I got her figure a while back had
Ignore this post; someone already fulfilled the request further up. I should have read through the entire thread first before re-requesting.
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Requesting a futa lamia woman with angel wings. If you can, have her jerking off with a huge load coming out.
goblin girls (slightly chubby, cute, small figure) riding a handsome dragon guy's huge gnarly dragon cock, desperately reaching for a gold coin which he is holding out of their reach, dragon guy smirking, goblin girls cumming/in slight pain but also pleasure, pussies stretched tight around his huge member.
background: dungeon/underground/treasure.
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Make Dani a DOG like the girl on the right! complete with the tribal markings and fat dog cock
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Snake hair and vagina OK?
I went with vagina because balls on a snake sounds wrong.
How could I not.
I did give Alice short hair since with long hair and the angles it kept generating the wings looked fully detached each time.
no balls
is fine too
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Big Mama
please more big milves with tiny cocks!!
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Glad to see another MilFuta enjoyer. Here another one.
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Your own favourite flavour, but make it T4T
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>Why the premature thread again? I don't get it.
The thread was two threads away from falling off the board. Never, every trust page 10. Even on slow boards.
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very interesting hair, not bad
>The thread was two threads away from falling off the board
We've been hitting the image limit consistently before you started killing the thread early with your goofy fear of falling off the board. So what if it gets archived? At least let the thread stay up as long as it's able to stay. I hope you can understand that you don't have to rush everytime. PLS don't do it again anon, let the thread die in a natural way.
I ran a few test gens with this prompt again. maybe you'll find another gen you like.
>169. Lana's mom futa
https://rentry co/0point4_anons_AI_rentry
Is this zoomer speak? what are you sayin sonny
> Never, every trust page 10.
> Even on slow boards.
That's not how that works
Hey 0.4 anon, may I request third leg Sayori please? The cutest and most tragic girl ever.
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>big milves with tiny cocks
here's my take
Lol I posted and was immediately distracted. I'll try to do the set in a bit.
nice result
way too muscular and off-putting
Take your time man. Thanks.
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oh and before i go all in, what body type? i would go with smaller breasts and more petite like picrel if you say 'cute'.
Cute winged Alice.. say anon would it be possible to try to make Alice look like a goddess?
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Obscure waifu into Dragon.
If you could give a few more pointers what a goddess looks like to you, I might give it a try tomorrow.
previously turning her into an angel taught it is hard to give her a halo.
That's perfect.
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I added some other decent test gens to a small set if you want to check it out:
>170. Milfy futa artist style tests
https://rentry co/0point4_anons_AI_rentry
gotcha, i'm on it. Or rather the machine is, lol
I just want astolfo flaunting his huge cock (non hyper) setting is whatever but by the beach or in a classroom.
Nice choice of waifu.

>black general
>Yellow scales
Anon i...
>huge dick astolfo
i'm not sure if it's something for you but you can check set no.132 in my rentry in >>11048090 if you haven't already.
Awesome. If I may suggest the eyes are a little too yellowish rather than blue, and ever so slightly bigger breasts would be great, but if you already started it's ok, it's my dumb ass who's doing multiple things at once.
>the eyes are a little too yellowish rather than blue
i noticed that too, i fixed that in the prompt immediately
>ever so slightly bigger breasts would be great
lmao i'll do the rest of the gens with medium breasts then. But i'll add the small breast gens in the set too.the spectrum of sizes is quite varied anyways.
No it's ok just like that, my biggest concern were the eyes. Sorry for troubling you.
>Backsack and anus peek
Makes me go fucking WILD
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Sayori was a bit janky to gen and the her bow is pretty inconsistent, but I hope you find some gens you like anon.
>171. Monstergirl futa anal classroom masturbation
>172.Sayori third leg
https://rentry co/0point4_anons_AI_rentry
she's beautiful. catbox? also, any tips on how to get penises like that?
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Requesting Yui and Ritsu from K-on as futas with balls, rubbing their small dicks together and cumming like in this picture.
My friend this great holy shit. I love them all. Thanks again.
Any chance you could do Natsuki too? She's the cutest boy.
Requesting ftm transformations
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She kinda looks like Natsuki with that bright pink hair color. Sayori has coral pink hair color. That being said I second this.
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more like this please?
They're both beautiful. I'll admit to being torn on the subject of balls too. Fantastic to look at, but they do get in the way of seeing the other naughty bits.

The snake locks were inspired.
I would be interested in seeing the results of other people trying to gen a "Metroid mode" monster Samus, ideally as a futa and muscular
Dickgirl Reimu getting assfucked.
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please give her more muscles and maybe some colors.
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in case you need/want the source
[Gura Nyuutou] Futa Mata
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now gen her doing sick skateboarding tricks
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it's hard enough to get these gens as it is. and it only works on 1.5 too, pony has no idea what a segway is.
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Doragon jerking it cuz I said so.

>way too muscular and off-putting
Plebian take. Vampiric royalty is mighty.
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Also, here's a skinny one because I'm nice.
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This big ass goblin is drifting into macro territory for me. That "plump" tag is no joke.
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Is there a better way of generating widescreen images? Apparently there are no restrictions on resolution, but most models/loras are trained on 1:1 aspect resolutions like 1024x1024, and going anywhere beyond that or lower... Generates images that look like they belong here, like [pic], using the same prompt that generated the one linked on catbox.
>Vampiric royalty is mighty.
NTA but vampire strength is magic and doesn't require big muscles.
>This big ass goblin is drifting into macro territory for me.
Or maybe male goblins are just tiny and female ones are minigts.

That clearly looks like shota. If janny has a bad day, she's gonna give you 3 bad days for this stuff.
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He's a halfing who just turned 18. Trust me bro.
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Vampire footjob

Well obviously that means a vampire with big muscles is regular strong and magic strong, which is more strong than just magic strong.
It doesn't matter what I say, it matters what the almighty janny decides is OK that day.
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Maximum sex appeal
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Look I was in a golden/yellow mood.
>any tips on how to get penises like that?
nothing specific, most I described the penis with was "purple penis". i believe some of the dragon x, and scales tags bled over to the penis a bit.
I did put scales in the prompt for the penis adetailer.
Best mega collection for now??
This would be amazing if she had BALLS
yeah ive cheked it b4 good stuff

phew very hot. Love how smug he looks
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Why bully one person when you can bully a whole civilization?
i dont wanna get ban .jpg q_q
Sorry guys, new genner here. Is there a consensus between autismmix, autismmix confetti, autismmix DPO, or any of the other variants? Even from the preview images, they all look the same to me.
I think confetti is supposed to be the best for most common case.
It's still not a huge difference, use what works.
You were amazing, and you still are! However, I'm here for ulterior motives. My gang hates AI art - Me posting AI content gets them riled up real good. I hope to see you around.
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> I'm here for ulterior motives
If you get something you want to share here pls do. I'm kinda curious.
>My gang hates AI art
LMAO, i see.A good shitpost is best served with some ai gens i guess.
glad you liked it
lol i went to sleep after i posted that set, i'll do some Natsuki gen since you guys aked, but i have to see how many i'll do. Because her hair is pretty inconsistent and quite gacha like picrel.
kek what a neat idea. And it looks great everything considered.
I love the nails
>yeah ive cheked it b4 good stuff
gotcha, it's a little difficult to predict how many ppl know of the rentry and how often i should plug it when anon requests something i already did some gens for.
>Even from the preview images, they all look the same to me.
i use confetti,i'd say go with that one if you don't want to test them all yourself. But trying them all would be the way to go to see how they work with the stuff you want to gen.
very good gens, but yeah it makes sense to keep stuff like that boxed up lol. What a shame
>mega collection
what are you looking for, gens or loras? you can check my stuff in the rentry here >>11048166 but only my loras are on mega.
And ofc there are other anons that have collections too. But you'll have lurk more if you want to get their links or hope they wanna share their mega. Itt you can ask these anons >>11048608 >>11048544 >>11046782. iirc all of them have a gen collection in some form. But i only saved this >>11048544 anons mega link and Vramlets lora mega.
Personally, I *love* YOUR ai art. However my mates don't appreciate me posting what I like. In our defense we hate what others like.
I'm still not sure why you wanted the breakdown of the genning part though. Do you want to gen yourself? If you have any more questions feel free to ask anytime.
> In our defense we hate what others like.
LOL so true, expecially online. And it's even worse with AI hentai hahaha
>Do you want to gen yourself?
Maybe I don't want the pretty prompt to your beautiful bellies lost to time. Don't worry, I'll be around.
Also my new machine is stuck on the other side of the world so it'll be a while until I can produce something.

Thanks so much, I appreciate it! Natsuki's underappreciated, especially when it comes to her having a cock.
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>Maybe I don't want the pretty prompt to your beautiful bellies lost to time
i see, putting the most important information into the vault LMAO
> stuck on the other side of the world
ohh nice, what did you get? and why is it stuck, did you buy it off aliexpress? hahaha
>Natsuki's underappreciated, especially when it comes to her having a cock.
well, she has 49 pages on danbooru but literally not one single futa gen lol
And to be completely honest i did a smaller set of her cause i wanna game a little today. I hope you still like it.But if you miss a pose or a specific gen you wanted to see just let me know.
>174. Natsuki w/ third leg
https://rentry co/0point4_anons_AI_rentry
>literally not one single futa gen lol
i meant 'futa artwork' ofc KEK
Yes, and [joke spoiler]yes.[joke /spoiler]
Oh yeah, I'm very aware... I've got like 3 images in my folder of her with a cock, and I've been branching out.
wow, i hope you won't have to wait for too long then
yeah, somtimes futa art of franchise charas can be hard to find. At least i'm happy to contribute to your folder lol
You take requests directly by chance? You make a lot of great gens
Any and everything is absolutely welcomed. With this, I've posted fully half of what I have.
>I've posted fully half of what I have.
LMAO yeah, i feel that. And I'm not sure if you missed it but just to make sure, the set is already up here >>11048761
Sure,if it's something i'm into myself i'll always at least consider a direct request. But i'm a solo genner for the most part, also VERY slow to gen sets and i don't like to use character loras,so if the character is to obscure i'll always just bootleg the visual aspects with the prompt to get close enough hahaha
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Requesting hung naked dickgirls in poses similar to this
Oh gosh, more Astolfo in this artstyle please.
Can you do him in a standing pose, facing the viewer, with a big flaccid cock of a similar size to your pic?
that's better. good job.
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AAAHHH this is fucking fantastic. I was hoping she'd look a bit more tsun though. Is there any chance you could gen more with her iconic pouting face please? I'll leave it in the request anchor just in case.

Hope you don't mind, I had to see if it would work on NAI
Yo anon any chance you could do this with Natsuki?
love the mole on the breast
NICE and their expressions are kinda funny lol
> Is there any chance you could gen more with her iconic pouting face please?
I'm afraid that it seems like her 'iconic' pouting face is kinda impossible with just t2i. But i'll add some more tsundere and annoyed faces to the set!
>Hope you don't mind
how could i possibly mind lol.Also your gen is great and thx for testing the prompt on NAI. I'm always curious to see what it can do. And it seems like NAI sadly only knows cromachina? But this style is still VERY solid. Good job
KEK i guess i can add a few with that pose to the pouty gens. This is the pose that started the third leg sets after all.
>more tsundere and annoyed faces to the set!
That works for me!
>This is the pose that started the third leg sets after all.
I love your third leg sets, they're the best!
All this Natsuki love warms me inside.
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Tsundere/annoyed with anus focus and backshot poses please
Holy fucking SEX this is amazing
More please, naked too

Yeah, the danbo dataset is one of the weaknesses of NAI, takku only has 10 entries so no strength. You can use vibe transfer to offset weak artists and concepts, but it's still gacha.

I saw from the Rentry you also like Ina, so have a her as a thank you for the encouraging words
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perfect astolfo gen
I hope you all find a few gens you like in this set
>175.tsundere Natsuki w/ third leg
https://rentry co/0point4_anons_AI_rentry
>I saw from the Rentry you also like Ina
lol thx anon! But that character was a request, i'm not really into the vtuber stuff. It's still quite impressive how good NAI knows alot of chars, i had to use a lora for Ina.I guess for NAI they have to train them in the base model cause they don't support loras after all.
>so have a her as a thank you for the encouraging words
It's funny to see someone else post an anal hose inflation gen and your gens look pretty solid. But if i'm honest i only did the anal hose gens as a joke. What i'd really like to see from you and NAI is a cute purple eyed cyclops girl in a yellow or gold bikini if you're up for it and want to try. Really curious to see what that would look like.
But that's it from me for today, have a good one everybody.
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>anon did you read the manga I lent you? not that I care or anythin and don't misunderstand I'm only hard because it's too early in the morning... hmph!
You're the best.
Oh wow anon, a whole set??? I was expecting a single picture! Thank you so much!

Cute yokai? anytime

And one of NAI's strengths, you can add a series like Monster Girl Encyclopedia to get some style influence
A cute boy like her deserves all the love
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Absolutely adorable! Thank you so much.

The last Natsuki I have is cute and flat enough that I should probably only post it in /b/, so. But there's the entire collection I found, for collection's sake.
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>thigh-thick dick
Girls have such giant genitals.

With Disgaea, Monster Girl Encyclopedia

and a zip of cuties:https://files.catbox.moe/3owsko.zip
It's part of why girls are so good.
lmao. this is why we don't cross breed the mongirls.
lookin swole brah
Cute Rosa. Would touch tips.
Fucking incredible anon, thank you
Standing pose please?
Pretty good anon, though >>11049032
>>11049033 these two almost look like boys if the pussy wasn't whiting sight i would suspect foul play.
the doppel artstyle is so fucking nice, i wish more people would use it
What happened to the hairy girls guy?
Are you the same anon that post stuff on pixie?
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Very hot, keep going
Can't find this artist
Requesting a muscular futa with a cum-inflated belly. She's got a little dick and balls the size of cantaloupes. Have her wearing workout gear that supports her big heavy nuts while leaving her dicklet exposed.
>"Futa cum has so much protein and vitamins, it's the ideal workout supplement. And the best part is, I make my own supply!"
Bonus challenge: She's got a catheter going from her cock to her asshole for faster nutrient delivery. Don't worry about showing both ends of the tube, it's enough if you can just get the idea across.
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Sorry I meant pixie.
*Pixiv. Fuck Autocorrect.
What was that lora that let you make anime on furry models? I've got a new pc and can't remember the damn name and I'm too lazy to turn my old pc back on and look
Nice! Got a folder?
I couldn't get white jeans.
I'm waiting for SD3 with dick in both hands, it's supposed to be very resistant to tag bleed.
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Absolutely amazing, this is exactly what I like. If you have more like this, please post all of it.
nothing else that's clean. these took the least inpainting touch-ups
Thank you anon, this is awesome, great-looking dicks and midriffs on all of these!
Probably just busy. He posts almost daily so something mustve come up
I see, that's fine then, thank you for fulfilling my request. I hope to see more gens with this artstyle in the future because it looks really really good.
Are there even any SD3 fine tunes in the works yet?

It's the atelier artist.


Looks different cause I mixed .05 cutesexyrobutts into it.
Could you catbox this girl please?
I see, thanks. I rather like this type of monster girls.
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could we get a gal just absolutely erupting with milk? Tits don't even need to be huge, but she should be fountaining gallons of cream, maybe into pool she's standing in, hips-deep with her milk.
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I tried
Unrelated but when I open /d/ on my computer it won't go to other pages. I can't even view the catalog. Is there a way to fix this?
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I did some pregnant futa Lucifer
I want Sayori to warm me inside if you know what I mean
no, 4chan is just /d/ now.
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large, hyper dragon guy with cock bigger and gnarlier than this, fucking girls in the street (medieval fasntasy) while other women look on in lust/awe. pussies stretched tight. girls in pain/pleasure, dragon guy in wild lust, grabbing a second girl to fuck after the first one- she is scared but aroused.
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hell yeah more hyper stuff
How is this answer my question?
I'm stuck on page 6 of /d/ and I can't go anywhere else. Even checking the catalog.
Nevermind I fixed it.
lmao what's the prompt for a girl this cute?
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Commercial for milk chocolate
Which one would you rather not pet?
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good but >>11049306 is right.
tracer overwatch
truly despise autistic people
Those aren't bad gens and all, but:
>grab some jap artists from https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff
>/d/ is for things too good for /h/, poledancing catgirls is /h/ kosher, except when it's /aco/
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Biblically inaccurate
Alright cool, take your time with it if need be, think you could do something with shortstack futa girls, that also have a tiny dick and notably large balls, cumming excessive loads? Character doesn't matter, though they should be like, the skinny/petite with huge boobs body type rather than small and chubby with huge boobs.
I was lost and stonned and thought this was /b/
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Some more variations:
catbox moe/c/38828e#
>Error: our system thinks your post is spam
Don't remember 4chan disliking catbox album links, especially when files.catbox still works.
Yo, who is up for some burgers?
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I hate how SD always sneaks in those high-waisted skirts, even with them negged.
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Nah, he's got the right idea just the wrong board.

Furry trash belongs in /trash/ go there.
first of all, that's not a skirt anon...that's a dress and a belt and that's where belts are supposed to be worn on women. Hips don't stop at the ass, they go halfway up the torso almost and you need the belt above the hips on the waistline.

If you wanted skirts that barely cover the ass you need to prompt for butt crack. Or midriff if you wanted a frontal view.
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>that's not a skirt anon...that's a dress
ESL here. I actually know which one is which, I just glitched and wrote the wrong one while thinking about the right one. It's too easy to swap them internally if your native language doesn't separate them well.
>Hips don't stop at the ass
I still think it looks like the hips are too long.

Is there a good way to get a low-waisted dress or a skirt that starts closer to the widest part of the hips?
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You should probably bump the resolution and pick an asian artist style, like one from here: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff

At low resolutions, the model can't figure out some features and it gets blurry and under-defined.
Well, it's only from perchance.org (free online AI generator with fix resolution). Of course the res and style can be improved but I don't have access yet to offline AI generators. I just wanted to give some ideas.
Perchance.org has alot of Anime (and other) filters of course but it does not look as good as the "real" ones here from offline tools.
Feel free to make better images of that kind.
understandable, have a nice day anon.

as for your concerns about the hips, they look about right honestly. There might be some issue with the portrait resolution elongating your torso a bit, but you're using a proper resolution so it shouldn't be too bad. Personally I find 896x1152 to be better for proportions, or using full body instead of cowboy shot.

As for lowering the skirt line, without tagging midriff you're probably left to gacha and artists styles. Miniskirt tends to have the affect you want but if you wanted it on a dress I'm not really sure what you can do.
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>But if i'm honest i only did the anal hose gens as a joke.
Keep joking, please.
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Good job anon!
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Still here sadly
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Futa Konata with a mole on her ballsack.
you shouldnt sell yourself short! youre one of my fave genners in this thread, it just wouldnt be complete without you! (this is dani anon btw, thanks for the gens lol)
Eyyy good to hear!
Maybe "sadly" is referring to the fact that he's still on 4chan in general. In which case, relatable.
Please please please do Bridget like this
>preggo futa
Patrician taste.
lmao I just woke up and im already dying of laughter
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enjoy your ban
>>11049526 yes, any type that encompasses this subject is good
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plushies, that's an Idea,
It does reminder me of forbidden internet knowledge however.
I myself have rediscovered an extracted figurine style lora that was shared here awhile ago.
>testing a lora out
>getting the results it advertises
>can't stray away from it
>turn it off for a set to see what happens

Beastiality is not allowed on /d/ but monters x human is. Pretty weird rule likely due to 4chan being scared of ISPs and their host.
Oh my fucking goodness this is so perfect, thank you.
Can you do a couple more but with the foreskin pulled back?
Requesting this with a tomboy haircut and a sportsbra showing off underboob

I love how huge the pussy is
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Amazing, thank you so much <3
would love the same treatment for venti from genshin, maybe also lyney and tighnari if possible, not enough big dick art of them
LMAO considering how it works in horror movies, the little girl is probably the most dangerous.
gotcha, sounds pretty based.I'll see what i can do. I feel like this would be a good opportunity to test a few style mixes to find the best style for oppai loli futa.
KEK, funniest shit i've seen all week. thx for the laugh anon
>Keep joking, please.
hahaha ofc
very neat idea! looks great
LOL i feel that
looks very clean
KEK what kind of lora is it supposed to be?
nice poses
holy shit,and i'm sorry for the late reply but i went to bed after posting. But man, great stuff. Picrel is my fave, cause of the lowleg bottoms,but I'll have to try to gen some third (second?) eye cyclops girls like you did too, it's a neat idea lol
cyclops gens are very rare here, keep it up anon.Your gens look great!
not bad
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buy me a drink, Traveler?
horses are real and monsters arent
none of them are real since it's all drawn which is protected speech by the First Amendment. Doesn't stop server hosts from getting iffy though.
fuck off furfag
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Glad you like it. Yes "big swollen pussy" is actually one of my standard prompts. ;)
Tomboy is no problem, underboobs are more complicated since the AI generator I use lacks of knowledge I guess. Totally random results there unless I find a working description of "underboobs"
I only post one pic since the style seems not allowed here. I guess my monstergirl collection will stay out of 4chan, sadly.
fuuuuck venti i'll buy you anything you want!!!
Good to see you're still around, always nice to see what you're making.
Felix Argyle please? Different standing pose if possible
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Nice, thanks.
God I would suck her all day, more, please
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Sooo... I've been trying some Pony checkpoints and models. Looks promising, but there's something off about it. Like, it's always kinda blurry, and I can't seem to replicate the high-quality generations most people post on Civitai and here. Any tips? Should I check my samplers? What resolution? What about Hirez fix?
Could someone inpaint a horse pussy and anus on this picture?
Is this cloe?
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Yup. Tried other characters, other models, still this off-putting appearance.
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Dont go overboard on loras and artists, keep things simple for now. Id say stick with Euler A as well for now. Use one of the recommended SDXL resolutions(pic related). And make sure your using the score prompts.
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Mega sex, thank you
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Thanks for the tips, it does look better. I changed the model too (AutismMixPony). Still a few artifacts here and there, face isn't perfect, but it does work with no loras. Also, hiresfix and upscaling doesn't seem to change much as far as quality is concerned.
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Sdxl cooks are weird and pony has a shit time with some artists. If your using civitai loras not sure if their quality has gone up but I wouldn't full blast style loras like with 1.5, like I run 2 at .7 sometimes and even those can get blurry depending on seed.
That looks better. Gens arent always perfect straight out of txt2img, thats why we have tools like adetailer and inpainting to help refine and fix parts up.
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Pretty nice, who is this girl?
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Holy cow, adetailer is absolutely amazing, thanks !
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Just a random moth.
Wanna shove my face in there and *sniiiiffff*
Anon could you please make a futa Illyasviel von Einzbern in a similar pose and with a similar sized penis?
Seconding this but Kuro
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is there a lora/lyco for snake like cocks? not necessarily huge, but long, wrapping around, touching the ground and going on and on
i've tried very long futanari and that's the closest one i could find. any idea? can't even find a relevant tag, not much material
i feel like this is a complex one for ai to get right, nice
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Here's some milk.

If you're not seeing more detail from upscaling, you probably have the wrong settings.
Easy way to start is by tossing it through img2img with 'just resize' by ~1.5-2x, with a Denoise between 0.2 and 0.4
Higher denoise and higher scale can get more detail, but runs the risk of adding unwanted extras or changing things too heavily.

Adetailer is an automated way of doing localized inpainting - they're both good solutions for cleaning up blurry parts without changing the image size.

'Prehensile penis' is an e621 tag that might be useful if you want ones that can move and bend like a snake.
'long penis' is also an e621 tag that might help implicate ones that are longer than should be given their thickness.
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Ever been baptized in blessed semen?
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smalle dick milf please more
Tried cyclops + wheeze meme for fun, with mixed results.
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Best I could do.
To add to this, basically if your resolution divides evenly by 64 you're fine.
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I wanted to do a take on this.

That's pretty funny.

Inconsistent hands, but I like the overall look.
I need to muck around with monochrome stuff more often.

/d/'s rules are old and couched in board/internet culture from the early and mid 2000's. Even more fun, they're inconsistently enforced.
If you want monster sex to not be against the rules here, make sure it's
A: not furry (give anthropomorphic monsters like werewolves human-ish faces, no snouts)
B: not bestiality (which is banned on most boards as a global rule - use dragons and non-real animals)
C: not 'Western-style' (should be anime/manga-like, no 3D renders, no photorealism).
/d/: is 'alternative', which is probably the vaguest. Officially the only things called out are bondage, futa, tentacles and 'etc.' so it's very open to interpretation. Guro and scat are 'too extreme' and are not allowed.

That bein said, posters will still probably complain no matter what you're making; people just like to hate sometimes.
Nice, but can you go brattier?
Could you catbox this please?!
Could you do Illya please? with a much bigger dick if possible.
/d/'s rules may be strange to some, but they make sense to me.
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Here the best result I got on my idea so far. I haven't been able to get the balls quite as large as I wanted.
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Sure, have one more.
wow these are coming out excellent.
Don't click that q_q
But I like that
Those are some thick dicks
Any chance you could do Ansel from Arknights with the foreskin pulled back like this?
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It's kinda a bitch, I got some consistency using like (thighsex, pussyjob). E621 tags are great.

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>pubes not pink
wasted potential
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Thank you very much anon!

could you put Illya in other situations like>>11049942?
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Fine. Wish matching pubes was easier even with mismatched as negative it rarely works without inpainting.
Have you tried colored pubic hair lora?
Didn't know coloring pubes was hard, most of the times I tried (color) tag it just worked
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It's not but usually have to inpaint, just tried colored pubes and matching pubes and it's coloring now so far it seems, learning is fun.

Don't like to use loras like that cause they carry inherent style that can affect other loras. I like a less is more and try to get what I can out of the model.
"Damn girl you shit with that hole?"
Does anyone have any fetishes that don't have a lora, that happens to have a decent amount of images?

I'm trying to get better at training.
Suit yourself, but at about 0.4 to 0.5 strength it works pretty well and imparts minimal style and has minimal impact on other loras, especially if you are already applying a specific style already.
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Hirsute Miku
More big Kuro cock please! Standing pose, front view, flaccid, no pubes.
I ask for more BIC, Big Illya cock please.
Can you repost the link to your mega folder anon
St.louis from Azure Lane please!
Might as well share this one since Kuro enjoyers are around, maybe you can also enjoy toned Kuro
Hell yes, I love it. Post all the Kurocock you've got.
sadly I don't have as much as I would want because she really isn't the kind of character you want to make on an online generator
>fbi meme
could you catbox a few of these please?
Oh well, if you have some other /fit/ dickgirls that you want to post instead, please do!
It's all failgens from here on, mainly posting this one because it was funny and someone might like it anyway
It's not the fbi meme, it's the "goes directly against ToS" meme, I'm already cautious with Nagatoro since they even specifically talk about school uniforms, plus the generator even filters some tags that she could use(couldn't even generate the fat cowtit nurse from HotD without a warning because the title of her anime triggered the filter, it's that dumb)
Then again, people post gens of Futa Klee, get dozens of likes on them and nothing seems to happen, but I would rather not risk my account

Have this one, I never refined the prompt but it could probably use "narrow shoulders" or something along those lines to make flat chest + muscles look less masculine

>if you have some other /fit/ dickgirls
That's like telling me to post my entire gen folder, it's pretty much the only thing I make.
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St Louis
>That's like telling me to post my entire gen folder, it's pretty much the only thing I make
Well then, could you post your Nagatoros?
Can you make her hairier but still confident?
I very much do like it anyways. Not enough male pov in these threads, much less male pov that isn't just looking directly down at the dick.
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Chest and leg hair
some vore i guess
OH YES! Thank you!
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>double bellybutton
Still working out the kinks.
Just realized pixeldrain asks for accounts now, is this new or am I retarded?
All my Nagas, it's a lot and the failed gens are not even sorted

Have another ??? pov Kuro pic that happened out of nowhere
For some reason I got a bunch of accidental pov gens with her
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Can you make a quarter back view of her where we see her and some of her front features, she's bent over a little and looking back? Like presentimg her ass of something.
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The face of that monster girls looks almost photorealistic and seems to be having a stroke but outside of that nice. Wish her face was a bit cuter or anime style.
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>anal taker pov lora
>yes, this is what I want
>high weights make it regen the same picture and same character with same hair and same flower in hair
>low weights make it gen male on futa instead
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Like this?
More like standing and looking back but this is good too.
Squidgirl restraining another person, without being restrained herself, is proving difficult.

It was a lora about sitting on the lap getting a handjob. But had to increase the weight on the other prompts to get any effect, so when I turned the lora off, those other weights went crazy.
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These are neat, meant to call that out.

You're getting specific to a degree that it is very difficult to gen even half of what you're asking for.
But I tried.

Regional prompter might help keep one side restrained without doing it to the other half.
I've seen many weird things merging into each other.. But a hot air balloon and a penis..?

That's with it on.
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This is fun.
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Nightmare kot has missed y'all.

Well damn. Are you using the negative prompt regionally? Negging restrained in the proper region might help too.
Could you do that with a dragon girl? As long you just have the giant futa dragon girl fucking one of the girls and other girls looking the rest doesn't matter.
I gave up on it. Trying out regular squidgirl futa. But getting only normal human skin, want spotted varying color.
Did you inpaint the uneven glans?
love this futa monster girl.
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Yes, but I'm just gonna inpaint over what I already did, because that gen took over an hour from start to finish and I want to go to bed.

Probably time for some more e621 tags.
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img2img kinda works for higher rez pictures, and modifications are minimal. Thanks.
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was trying to get attention couple to work the past few days and i guess it kinda works now. At least for 50:50 split side by side, but it's supposed to be still janky af, right?
>Just realized pixeldrain asks for accounts now, is this new or am I retarded?
it's new, they changed it a week ago i think
very nice,love the colors
>spotted varying color
you could try body markings, body freckles or multicolored skin
i missed her too
very cool style
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terminally limbless miku. full snake mode, no trace of limb remaining.
'box link?
Also the lora: https://civitai.com/models/383235?modelVersionId=427726
thanks !
Yo anon which other characters have you done??
Do you happen to have any solo pics of this character?
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Hello Nightmare Kot, I've missed you!

Damn great picture anon!
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It's Unusual Penis and Penis warts loras on civitai.


Multicolored skin did improve it.
Hot! Got a folder of this?
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Hairy but stacked
PLEASE do more of her
Beautiful, I love the look
I know a lot of people don't appreciate the side shave haircut, but I like it
>I know a lot of people don't appreciate the side shave haircut, but I like it
It looks bad IRL, but anime girls pull it off well.
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Yesss sexy dickgirl gilf~
Can you give her a big flaccid cock? Make sure the tip isn't out of frame please
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It's actually supposed to be Ciri from The Witcher but headcanons are headcanons I guess
Oh sorry, I'm not familiar with that game... I saw the white hair and thought she was an older lady. Still very hot though!
Man I hate hanging out at page 10 because no one posts anything out of fear the thread will die
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Actually it's cause I'm at work and can only post from my phone.
Holy sex, perfect proportions
If they are decently popular, tomboyish/sporty and feel like they could use a dick chances are I have some of them
Damn, if you could post your Beidous and Dehyas that would be awesome
Please do more dickgirls with this bodytype and cock size
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Looking at your prompt it's probably the "looking at viewer" since it does something connection with pov amd "viewer" is my best guess amd experience with it.
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I tried, but i kinda feel like i failed. This prompt is very hard to get right, something is always wrong with proportions and sizes,it also seems like i'm missing something for excessive flying cum with loli gens. But i uploaded the few decent gens i got anyways, maybe you'll find something you like.

176. Skinny oppai loli futa tests
https://rentry co/0point4_anons_AI_rentry

nice, looks much more interesting like this.
lol, nice
>page 10
you'll be fine, thx for not baking early again anon.
I see possummachine, why don't you take a seat here?
KEK is it really that bad? I guess it implies alot but it's just the best loli style imo hahaha
forgot to quote
Haha it's all good.
He's an amazing artist, fun to see it used on different bodies. I'll give it a try on that nerdy futa thing I did the other day.
Lmao yeah. Some works in the original art are even too much for me but the artist couldn't be more based.
And are you going to use my Lora or did you get a different one? if you get something good I'd love to see it, even boxed or cross posted.
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Oh shit, didn't know you had made one. I've been using a lora from civitai from ages ago.
I'm doing an xyz plot with yours right now.
Gedou Gakuen Nightmare Campus

what model/prompt is that ?
Nice hahaha let me know how you like it.i feel like it's decently flexible with body types lol
tentaclesX and the girl is Earnest Flaming
speaking of that, it should be a pretty nice idea to create a lora from a DVD right ?
here, xinyan also sneaked in since she was in the same folder

Is there a better way to make them look at the camera?
Though honestly the accidental pov pics tend to be decent sometimes so I might keep using it anyway
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Can try facing forward or just leave looking at viewer if it doesn't bother you.
For some reason the lora makes the hiresfix and adetailer takes a lot longer for me.
But it's much better at getting the style for the faces. I'm doing just a slight touch of it here.

This is for /b/s AI thread as it's not anime enough. I'm considering pic related borderline /aco/.
Nevermind I was just retarded and forgot to change upscaling from 2x to 1.5x.
Here's with the scott pilgrim lora as well that I used before.
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Hehe, I imagine that the nature of my Loras can make genning a little bit slower maybe? But it looks great ! Thx for the test gens. That's a lovely character you got going there.
Should work fine. Always wanted to try it but I'm too lazy to screen cap episodes for the dataset. But one day I want to try that too. There are quite a few anime that have neat and unique styles that could work nicely for a lora.
It looks like a nice inclusion of my favorite loras for faces, thanks for making it!
Last spam for today, veridian checkpoint. Very kawaii face style.
actually we kinda need the spam right now.
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Damn, didn't realize this one was half baked in the thumbnail view.
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i humbly request a trap having his balls crunshed and squeezed by mommy's hands

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