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This thread's for huge butts, thighs, and hips - either huge already, or growing that way.

No male, futa, gas, or scat, please.
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What sort of sexy scenarios do you like to imagine a chick with a big booty getting into?
For instance, her is too big for chairs, can't even fit into XXL sized underwear, that kind of thing.
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Well lately I've been enjoying the concept of a hyper ass Kaede Akamatsu slamming her keister down on her piano if that's any help.
I tend to think about things like a girl with a triple wide ass sitting down on a train seat or park bench or something, filling it up on her own, and feeling bashful about it as people walk by and see she’s taking up so much space.
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Did a followup to that last one.
I'd like to have more of her taking the subway train, and trying one of those pod hotels...
Getting fucked from behind.
Her impossibly fat cheeks are slapping against the back of her head.
A woman having to deal with clothing undersized for her gigantic rear
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I've always been partial to giant butts getting stuck in narrow doorways (bonus points if she says something along the lines of "did the doorway shrink" or "I swear I fit through here just fine yesterday"), and accidentally sitting on top of someone on the couch.
I also like girls with butts so big they can bounce on them like space hoppers
>giant assed lady trying to move around in a space clearly not designed for women as wide as her
Whew that's so fucking sexy, am lookin' forward to seein' more
Would sniff
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Wow does that look bad
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>Goes to sit in crowded public transit onna seat; ass pushes into her neighbors.
>Not just having trouble pulling up pants, but specifically having trouble reaching around behind her ass to pull them over and up because her butt jutts out that far.
>Squeezing into a chair.
>Forgetting that she had to squeeze into a chair so that when she stand up the chair is stuck to her ass.
>Going through a doorway and accidentally coming to a halt because her hips are that wide.
>Putting on a dress, but it's hiked up because it's resting on her buttshelf and she forgot to pull it down past it.
>Buttshelf is so prominent that it pushes her forward so much that she has trouble sitting on a chair.
>Looking just kind fit standing up, but when she sits down her ass just kinda blobs out into three seats worth of ass.
>Someone thinking she's wearing a Victorian era butt amplifier...but it's actually legit because she has that much of a buttshelf.
>When she's standing still to catch her breath she has her arms pushing down on and resting upon her buttshelf.
I really like buttshelves.
>her ass is so big and juts out so far back that you could use it as a table
>long as you don't mind the giant crack in the middle
>she could even put that to great use herself
>sits down to play games or do some work
>as long as she sits completely still she could just place a drink standing upright on her giant cheeks
>alternatively she could just use her huge butt cleavage to store like a bag of chips or something (mind that it doesn't pop and make a mess tho)
>eventually her contintental-caboose-shelf becomes so huge that an entire person could sit on her ass like a chair
>or even bigger, someone could lay down across her ass entirely
how bad i need city size+ ass expansion, noone ever does anything even close though, why must i be cursed with such an extreme kink
Do you think frequent visits to the gas station made them this big?
Thanks Lucy
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More remarkably bad art for the ass homies. <3
>dark blue one piece swimsuit
>swallowed up by such huge cheeks
Thank you.
She went from ten braps per hour to 50 braps per hour. What a stunning increase in bph
Whatever God has planned for you isn't bad enough
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incredible, I'd love to see more of this character
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Got me thinking of Maddie working at Juggalos from Spiraling Staircase's Working Girl series.
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Well, What is the superior shape?
I kinda like A more
Who cares; whichever's bigger.
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>What is the superior shape?
Whichever is bigger.
Mixture of both.
Round, slightly angle, yet chunky in all the right places.
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A just looks fake to me, especially at larger sizes.
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you lost, anon?
this isn't a gore thread
Mods, nuke him
B is far superior
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This might be my favorite huge ass pic. Her cute face just makes that giant thing stand out more, and the fact that she downplays it as not being "*that* big" really does something for me. And that side view that really lets you see how much of a round shelf it makes is great.
Fuck the devs for killing the game lmao
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That's a fine Squigly. I'd happily be her seat
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have a massive Sunomiya for your troubles
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