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A thread for wholesome, adorable, and fluffy boys. A little lewd is fine, but this is a cuddle zone first!
Besides that, anything goes! Solo, yaoi, het, as long as it is cozy and sweet, and a cute boy is at the center of it, it's welcome!

(Also, friendly reminder and warning that lewd shotas can get you punished!)

Last Thread: >>10949595

I liked the last thread and I want to keep one alive on the board, at least for now.
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Yes, I have a bit of a thing for femboy Link.

Thread is kicked off. Lets see if it survives.
Oh. Look. I'm an idiot.
I used an OP pic that isn't quite on topic.
Sorry about that.
I mean, it is soft boy Link; but he isn't trapping it up. My bad. Also my apologies. Too late to fix it now though. Please forgive me and enjoy the thread.
No worries, Trap Link is a classic by now.
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A message of encouragement to all my fellows who want to be the cute trappy/cross dressing/femboy. Don't give up. Believe in yourself. I know many of you are living in situations that don't reasonably allow you to express this part of yourself. That will change; give it time and effort and you can make that change. I also realize many of you feel you don't have the body to pull off "cute". I can't say if that's true or not, I don't know you. But exercise and diet can do so much to sculpt a body it's almost unreal. Add clothes and make up and the transformative abilities at your disposal are nearly magic. Even just wearing clothes that are litterally and figuratively softer but still considered boy clothes can go a long way to changing how others see you. A cashmere sweater for instance (I know, it's summer, not a great example, but roll with it) is enough to make a woman see you differently just because you're actively advertising literal softness; something most men simply wouldn't do. And you're not too old. I'm 47 in a few days and I'm cross dressing and loving it and I get compliments. You can too. Don't defeat yourself with doubt. Empower yourself with effort.
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>Everybody talks about that XY Blackbelt
>No one ever talks about this guy
What’s the dialogue if you’re a girl? Or does he still say “we’re both guys”?
It's one of those ferris wheel dates so may be male only
it's both iirc
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>come home from a long and stressful ass day of work
>femboy boyfriend greets me with hugs and kisses
>i tell him how shit the day was
>he takes me to the bedroom
>we change into our pajamas, me a standard flannel bottoms and t-shirt and he a satin nightgown/panties combo
>we crawl into bed together, cuddling under the blanket, face to face, sharing long and passionate kisses
>our erect bulges touching as we drift asleep, happy and calm
fucking faggot
Post boys wearing towels like a girl.
Also, what the heck do you call it? I have to search "trap" and "towel," then cherry pick.
The tag you're looking for is "naked towel". If you wanna find stuff where it's over the chest, you can filter out nipples.

This is the kind of situation I'd personally use gelbooru and/or tag blacklists on danbooru to find stuff more suited to my taste.
New Ichigo-chan chapter just dropped.
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Imouto is the strongest soldier.

Very qt. I hadn't seen this before. Sister dearest has a long road ahead.
Anyone else reading the new literally me manga?
New crossdressing manga
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>this is machine translated
thanks, but no thanks

...I'll probably read it anyway, but I hope somebody comes out with a proper TL
It seems like a lot of people do MTLs to try to bait actual translators into picking it up. Though I hope he'll at least keep it up if no one else does. Like the concept and straight trap stories are unfortunately a rarity. Also found this one which seems to have an actual TL group
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>risu-bros and risu-gals
How does someone choose that as the translation over liste-niis and liste-nees or similar?
no because i can't find it. pls share name
literally everybody else in the franchise is a better lover for link than zelda would be
personally I'm a fan of Riju but she constantly gets the "she's short so it's pedophilia" argument
also gives a reason of Link to stay crossdressing
I want to ship those two.
Amata is for loving Punk-girl pegging only
This is the best thread on 4chan
What is your favourite style of crossdressing?
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Tall, slender androgynous beauties who effortlessly look feminine are probably my favorite, but beyond that I really like it when crossdressing results in a completely different end product from where it started. Where the character is nigh-unrecognizable and acting way outside of their wheelhouse.
My last image was an example of the first, this one is an example of the second. It's especially good if, in spite of them barely looking male, there's still things that tie them to who they are outside of crossdressing, something like their eyes, their body shape, their mannerisms, etc.
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How about a megane trap?
>high school senior year of track
>girls make it to the District 4x100 m relay (the last meet to qualify for state)
>1 of them is going to have to miss the meet due to grandfather's funeral
>the others get disappointed. None of the other girls are fast enough to compete
>jokingly say I should dress as a girl run with them (granted as a track uniform that would've likely just been the wig and makeup or whatever since uniforms are the same)
didn't go for it but sometimes I wonder what it would've been like if I did

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