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Let's talk about our ideal matriarchal new world order story settings where women are taller, bigger, stronger and smarter than men and men are women's subjects.

Previous threads:
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Here's a matriarchal NWO story setting of mine:
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Ah nice return of the matriarchy.
I Want to be a centaur's pillow!
Matriarchies with magic and mind control and other fantastical things are the best matriarchies.
How about mind control by love potion?
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I like to think women would justify a Matriarchy with logic like:
"As the ones who give birth, we are Goddesses. The male is an inferior creature. Your mom brought you into this world to serve the next generation of Goddesses"
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Why do these kinds of threads always have gay undertones?
any /d/ thread that focuses on worldbuilding like this is unbelievably retarded.
How gay are the patriarchy threads?
I use to do heavily modded Stellaris playthroughs with an all female human race. I'd select an origin that gave them shrunken human males as a subspecies bred for consumption. It was pretty fun, coming up with feminine naming conventions for my ships and deciding whether to have an Empress or a democratic government.
Anyone else wanna smash the patriarchy
Incredibly so
Any good story recommendations?
/adhg/ general has a bunch ig. But they're all furry and kinda weak imo
I like it too. Also women are the ones feeding their kids with their breast milk. Therefore men's existence is thanks to women's breasts.
>Fetish that glorifies dominant women
Are you retarded?
It's already smashed thanks to Jews creating feminism and (((women's rights)))
Depends on your preferences. What kind of stories exactly are you looking for?
Good point. Girls are raised up being taught how they belong to a divine class that men should worship. Even if a woman never actually gives birth, she's still considered a Goddess because she's part of that gender.
Neolithic farmer thread
Didn't think I was at liberty to choose given how niche this is.
The only matriarchy type story I found on ao3 was kinda shit. Any well written story where females are generally stronger than males with no domination loss would be nice.
My personal favorite is this one where teenage girls conquer the world by growing gigantic:
There's a story on ao3 called "To care for Man" by mrwriterfromd.
Bunch of big alien women come to earth like that one episode from Twilight Zone "To Serve Man". Pretty decent.
Although read the tags first because it's definitely a little weird
Ever read any of those hammergod stories once upon a time?
I have no idea what that is
This is now a ryona maledom thread.
Not sure how good they are now since i haven't read them in a while
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>POV. You've cut through a risky area late at night to get home faster.
>You've made the brief, easy mistake of traveling through an area that didn't have loads of people around, and now this woman in dark clothes and a mask has stepped in front of you.
>Your eyes are level with her belt. And now you check there's no one else around.
Wat do?
>I fall into a slight jog, outmaneuvering her since she didn't bring a steel corset or at least a steel bra.
What does she eat every day, an entire farm?

Invest in office ladies, they know how to stay dangerous, biding their time for the perfect moment to strike.
new female superpower: less sleep needed/more stamina

1/3 Due to various genetical and medical developments focused on women's health, female humans now need 3 hours less daily sleep to fully recover physically, mentally, emotionally. This gradually builds up a massive competitive advantage of theirs in learning, working, and so on, and results in them taking over most high-stake job positions as well as economical and political control. Rumors about the change originating from an intentionally leaked lab-created gene-virus remain a semi-popular conspiracy theory without basis in reality.

2/3 Some claim that the change also supercharged motherly instincts. From a romantic viewpoint, they can use the extra time to listen to their male partners sleeping and whisper intrusive thoughts into their minds, sate any desires for cuddling, or coax out their partner's feelings in a tired, half-awake state. It also makes them better soldiers as well as solo hunters: After all, the human species is an endurance hunter, and the military values high uptime of alertness and stamina just as much as politics and the private economy do.

3/3 The higher lifetime net profit a nation receives from female than male citizens leads to global incentives for nations to create an oversupply of females, which fosters their economical competitiveness even further via the pressure of the dating market. Hence, the simple change in capability had a massive impact changing the world permanently, reversing many historical customs of civilization over a timespan of mere decades.

Life is a marathon...and single boys are on the menu.
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Sketched this out elsewhere, but haven't really fleshed it out yet
>First Madame President gets voted into power
>To promote gender equality growth hormones are given out, that only work on the female population
>The hormones over a span of 10-15 years cause all adult women to grow 10-13 feet tall
>Their bones density and skeletal hardness increase, blood vessel density and diameter increase, their nervous system gets denser and nerve tracts get thicker as well, growth of all organs, and decreased heart rate. All this to support their larger bodies
>males aren't "dominated" in a traditional sense, but all women basically stop seeing men as threats and risks when met alone etc.
>a lot of traditionally male dominated jobs now get done by women and vice versa
>non-physical jobs are still 50/50 - like office jobs
>a side-effect of the growth hormones is increased lactation
>so breast-feeding of their male partners and even others has become normalized in *some* but not all social circles
In this world I like to play around with male characters that either haven't fully accepted the new world order, or come from a background that forces them to adapt quickly (like a prisoner who has been in jail for 20 years, a foreigner from a country where the growth hormones are forbidden and haven't been introduced to the female population). One of the hottest scenarios for me is, when an implicid dominant-submissive social role gets flipped around suddenly. (Male boss with a submissive 12m tall employee that suddenly gets to breastfeed him for whatever reason)
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(bonus)/3 The new glass ceiling in career prospects for males means they're stuck in a narrow socket of the hierarchy - supervised and managed from above, supported by secretaries from below, or both. One of their main purposes becomes to raise morale of the mostly female staff - at least until they're moved to 'personal assistant' positions (refer to exhibit A).

>>"It's the economy, stupid."
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"A Brother's Price" by Wren Spencer has a matriarchal world, though men are still larger and stronger than women. That matriarchy is enforced by the natural birth ratio being something like 1 male for every 19 females, idk if they every get into the actual ratios.
"The Power" by Naomi Alderman where women gain electric powers and use them to dominate men.
Honestly, I rather like the idea of skewed birth rates favoring women. It inherently makes men too valuable to be put into danger, which means women must step into the role of traditionally masculine roles.
This is cute, the idea that men are now (comparatively) all sleepy boys compared to women.
This might verge into patriarchy, but it wouldn't have to be nearly 1 in 20 before society started shifting. Just 1 in 3 - 5 would be enough to start by necessity having to have women in a ton of typically "male" roles and prioritize them as a sex while men become more sexualized and restricted by law.
It really might depend on how it develops at the start... if it's really early in human history, we might have the cultural baggage of 'husband theft' and the inherent assumption that the men must be protected by strong women.
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The problem I always run into is that the drastic sex ratio imbalances required to brute-force the matriarchic society (if nothing else changes) are radically disadvantageous from an evolutionary viewpoint (but also any other competitive measure).

No cultural/legal measure can prevent groups/organizations from outcompeting others by returning to more balanced sex ratios by any means (even purely genetic coincidence), unless you create an omni-potent tyrannic dictatorship enforcing it - an additional unrealistic change that misses the whole point of 'no other radical change is enforced other than population ratio' settings.

thanks, I just thought 'how minimal can I get my changes to create a female-dominated world' and it turned out that the economy solves most followup problems once you create that extra nudge in lifetime-net-income-per-citizen.

An alternative method to reach that goal is to increase female neural plasticity (hence making them outcompete males in all mentally demanding jobs), but that's much more invasive; and I prefer the sleepy boys who can still be smart, because the girls deserve roughly equally smart partners for a fulfilled life).
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>>How severe do improvements to females have to be for nations/societies to balance themselves around an economical optimum of a 55-45 split of females - males?

>>Do you think this ratio is enough to keep the system stable since women now have much increased competition, hence will improve even faster via selection stress - which might make the advantage grow even larger?
>>What 'balance point of population ratio and capability advantage' do you want, and does it create massive economical/evolutionary incentive for societies to strive for a different balance?

>>Remember, removing abilities from males will inevitably incentivize societies to revert them to former conditions. What asymmetries do you find most attractive?
>>How does the dating market re-organize?
>>If it's not at an economic equilibrium, how do you keep population ratios as desired in your setting and prevent them from trying to get an advantage?

I'm curious what other anons (smarter than me) have come up with in this regard.
patriarchy thread: here's three empires and twelve social classes complete with capabilities, legal protections, career prospects and their philosophical background

matriarchy thread: woman big stronk witch

I guess it makes sense when anons want mommy to think for them instead
I also think the co cept of sinply forcing men to have to sleep more is a nice soft handed way of going about things. Makes me imagine scenerios where a guy keeps getting pranked by his female roomates because there's inevitably going to be several hours a day when he's asleep and they're not. Whereas vise versa time will be quite unlikely and brief.
>> women make it a point to pick up their tired husband from work because it's dangerous for them to drive themselves
>> ten years later: honey, why would you need a driver's license?

having women just have more energy and time available to DO things will bleed through in a million ways on its own towards a power imbalance, from important things to little details
>>you want to see our manager? It's me
>>oh, the man you talked to before? He needs his lunch sleep. I can't disturb him. But don't worry, I handle things for him whenever he's tired, so leave it to me
>> speaking of, you should just directly call my desk instead, it's a much higher chance there'll be someone there to immediately deal with the issue at hand
>> also we got him a new powernappies pillow just last week
I don’t really care about recreating the Trojan war to give fantasy scenarios context, any femdom thread is gonna require fantastical changes and superpowers to work
I said this in an old thread but I like the idea of changing the dynamics without changing the underlying behavior. Like in this world, man are still the ones more likely to be visibly checking out a woman’s assets, but instead of being leering women look at it with condescension

>Poor things, they just can’t help themselves, that’s why they need a woman to look after them.

So the reasons why a woman might dress modestly are flipped where it’s not about shame on them it’s about, essentially, they’re rude for getting the boys riled up and attention hogs.

>Ugh, what a slut
>Ugh, what a showoff

Flip side it’s embarrassing for a man to reveal his interest and might be taken as an invitation for a woman to take advantage of him. So if a woman is interested in him, she might try pretty hard to push his buttons and force him to look at her tits. Of course, the exact details could vary a lot culture to culture.
are these not just sexual fantasies to you guys? does this level of complexity add anything for you?

I like a solid storytelling foundation for my porn. It means you always have something to talk about and develop in new directions when things get old. It can just be a collection of ideas, but at least something that can be spun into a longer story.

Also, refining concepts is the only way to get more art, more content of it. You can't popularize a genre if you can't give it a solid definition to work with.

In my case, I'm tired of constantly running into nonsensical circumstances when trying to create an appealing story with women who are more capable/dangerous than men. There's well-designed magical plot devices, but most of the time things don't work well enough even for a basic premise to not break down immediately.

Magic is used to handwave changes, but it's just badly designed magic in most cases so the plot breaks down anyway.

I guess for me it's a challenge to create good storytelling despite seemingly impossible requirements, and yeah, storytelling and trying to refine concepts/kinks/genres is fun.

But I know most people are satisified with the available fap material, so have some more of what the opening post requested.
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Yeah, that sounds exactly like what could happen in a well-designed setting all on its own after a while. making it easy to come up with such stories and their details by working from a good starter setting is the whole point of designing them
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>Guy takes gf to a concert, tells her they don't have to go home after if she's not tired
>wants to impress her with his stamina, prove to her he's a capable man that she doesn't have to baby and put to bed, but he's cheating by hiding energy pills in his clothes
>Hours of partying, dancing, eating, sightseeing, amusement rides, and secret pill popping later, she's still full of emergy, and he's still insisting he doesn't have to go to sleep
>He finally collapses
>He wakes up tied up in her passenger seat, butt naked with only a blanket at his waist, giving him any privacy
>She explains that she loved their date last night, but was really disappointed to find out he'd been neglecting sleep and taking energy pills behind her back. She's decided to rewars him with a few days at this secluded location on the country side she likes, but is going to take away his privileges to make any decisions or hide anything from her during their stay. This is on top of her enforcing a bedtime, of course.
>She had enough time while he was asleep to drive several hours to an inn, bathe him, get a full night's rest herself, tie him up, and drive more hours.
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Nice write up, love how she's eroding his authority and position
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Exactly. I have worldbuilt a lot for this concept basically a whole alt history with an evolutionarily “plausible” explanation for how it came about and the kinds of cultures that would be created. I even made a rudimentary CK3 mod on the theme. I’ve never really put it all to writing though.

It is hard to find relevant visuals for this particular interest
>double dates are really just girls hanging out/talking while the bfs get used like stress relief toys or furniture
he tried so hard, and got so far
but in the end, he was coddled to get better

persistence hunting is so overpowered, it's scary

have another idea:
>your secretary let you out of her sight for ten minutes and then this
>you got booked for forgetting to pay for an energy drink after pulling an all-nighter for a project deadline
>just sleep-walked out of the shop, turned around immediately but it was too late
>how the hell did police even get here so fast, were you set up?!
>or did you just black out standing again
>police officer (female, obviously) sees your condition and immediately orders to put you into the drunk cell to get a good night's sleep
>next day, hearing at the judge
>judge: woman; state lawyer: woman; state-provided defense attornay: man of almost unbroken optimism, his smile only wavering twice
>oh no
>you get the feeling this is going to be a long hearing
>still completely brainwrecked from the project, words just filter in and out of your head, you hear something like 'poor work life balance', 'menace to society', and 'reckless tryhard' but it could just be your wandering thoughts
>you look back and see your secretary, holding up what seems to be flight tickets...
>you seem to recall she was the one who told you about the deadline change
>she's licking her lips and does. not. look. away.
>you get a hunch that truth is, the game was rigged from the start
Wow, what a set up.
>flight tickets
Huh? Did she do that so she could score a sudden vacation?
it's going to be a sentence of mandatory supervised rehabilitation, and she knows just the place to go
don't ask me, I didn't make the rules
>it's going to be a sentence of mandatory supervised rehabilitation, and she knows just the place to go
I'm giddy just imagining what kind of ground rules she's going to set. He's lucky to have such a loving (and possesive) secretary.
Wannabe nightlifers and party boys always second guess themselves when they wake up in the bed of some strange woman subjecting them to who knows what kinky shit
Big mean witch mommy good
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>college life
>study hard
>party hard
>wake up, head feels like you walked into a wall of tits in a steel bra...a few dozen times
>realize someone is moving your arms, blink twice, no, head still hurts
>someone pats you on the...lower back, you hear the voice of your female roommate. wait, why are you already in a jacket?
> 'Morning, sleepyhead. I kind of feel bad for not sending you to bed early on...now, this button here...'

>Hang on! She changed your whole clothes! And you feel...cleanly washed! And your notes from yesterday are cleanly sorted!
>She has an apologetic tone: 'Well, what was I supposed to do? I didn't think you'd stay that long! And well, when I woke up, I sort of got bored...'
>'Where are my pants?', you mumble with the authority of a king who got trampled by a horse. Man, what a night.

>'What do you mean? Your pants are fine, I'
>'Those are not the pants I went out with. Where are my pants?' Her face blushes hard. >'Uhm...well...you smelled and...', she fidgets, but clearly not enough for such a serious situation.
>'I-in my defense', she says, 'I'd never be able to live down a male roommate oversleeping. So I...had to improvise.'
>You stand up, with the pride of a wounded gazelle, and the grace of one that sipped from the vodka river. She furrows her brows.
>'Now, what the hell were you thinking staying up with the girls after all the guys left?! I thought you were an adult!'
>Ouch. That hurt a bit.

>'I'm not a dress-up doll.', you say, stomping out of the room with your bag. You need to go.
>hang on. You're a man. '...Oh, and thanks.'
>she blushes again. 'Any...anytime. About the pants...'
>you manage to close the door very loudly on your way out. At least on the second try.
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Tbh I struggle to write long posts about this sort of thing when thinking about the fantasy so intensely leads me to fapping like a mad dog.
Posts like this
end up taking me hours despite actively trying to get my point across as quickly as possible. I start falling into cycles where I just give up for a while and half convince myself I'm writing overly complex jargin that others wouldn't be into anyway.
Mayne this might shed some light on the lack of lengthy worldbuilding in these threads? Could just be me.
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Cute. I wonder if she actually destroyed his pants in the heat of the moment, lol.
I enjoyed it, so there's at least some anons here who like this stuff! I need to work on making my stories shorter too, getting to the point as fast as possible is hard.
Thanks, anon. I dont think long stories are bad, its more about time and focus for me. You can easily make several posts in a 10 minute span if you're focused.
I write some matriarchy themed stuff. Mostly venus/mini gts centric. All quite soft and gentle though.
nvm someone already mentioned, yeah it is a weird story do check before reading
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Clearly you finetuned the setting to get exactly what you want, so any feedback/criticism can only be subjective. You'll have difficulty finding a lot of images for such setting though. It's just the opposite of the 'mommydom' spectrum compared to my most-tame 'girls need less sleep' scenario. Great for writing about different women's interactions in a practically-all-female world, with the men having the depth and agency of a brick in the wall.

But then again, that might be the type of stories you intended. What scenarios/storylines do you have in mind with that setting as a base?

One thing I agree with: For that size ratio, it makes more sense to make men smaller as opposed to the headache of giantess society/infrastructure/food...
Can't get enough of these types of stories!
Is this you? (link for >>11051177 )


I read some of them, and enjoyed every one so far. They're covering the genre well.
Women taking voyeuristic pics of their boyfriends/husbands and sharing them online
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>Women taking voyeuristic pics of their boyfriends/husbands and sharing them online
How exposed are the guys in these pics?
Mostly just them turned around while removing a shirt, but a few women like to go the extra mile and get pictures of their men sleeping naked and curled up next to them.
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>Mostly just them turned around while removing a shirt, but a few women like to go the extra mile and get pictures of their men sleeping naked and curled up next to them.
Gotta be very embarrassing for those guys to constantly find pics like that on the internet without knowing she took them
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A venus gene exists. Women who have it keep growing into their 40s, naturally becoming these huge, extremely curvacious, and well-endowed juggernauts of soft flesh. You wouldn't really call them amazons because the condition has nothing to do with staying fit or visible muscles. Still, their sheer body mass, weight, and massive tits and ass tend to be very good at smothering and pinning men down. This is referred to as putting men in "marshmallow hell".

>Muscular 6 foot tall guy in training outside in the park
>Catches the eye of a sweet older venus lady, who's quick to compliment his physique
>he thanks her for the compliment and expects to quickly part ways, but she can't seem to resist walking up and groping his muscles
>He tries to politely wave her off, but she gets increasingly touchy-feely with him.
>"Oh, I just love seeing such a hard-working young man. Be a dear and come home with me so I can pamper you properly"
>At this point, he's directly telling her he's not interested and blatantly trying to get her to let go. But even as tensions rise until he's outright insulting her, she doesn't seem to take his refusals seriously. Its not like she's knowing trying to force him, she just seems delusional
>"Aww, you sweet boys are always so worried about bothering others, but I insist. You aren't intruding at all, it's my treat!"
>Finally, he's outright throwing punches to get her to let go of him. His firsts just harmlessly sinking into and bouncing out of her plump stomach and massive tits, achieving nothing more than tickling her
>"My my, how forcefull. Come, you'll get to feel my body as much as you want when we get home"
>In the end, his muscles didn't save him from marshmallow hell. She smothered him in her chest until he submitted to the soft warmthness of her figure, and was carried away, trapped snuggly in her tight clothing.
>Be in Basic training because family service tradition.
>28 weeks of being allowed a maximum of three hours of sleep a night, sometimes less. Sometimes none, to teach trainees how to combat nap.
>Sufficient time for a woman to recover fully, but far from sufficient for your needs.
>Physical standards, designed from surmountable, despite your medical inability to benefit from the hormone and gene-altering therapies available, to difficult, to downright near impossible without aid as your body can't recover enough to meet the climbing standards.
>Academic studies require enormous amounts of caffeine, but you were able to learn almost all of them beforehand so it's only a few subjects you need to struggle with.
>Every spare moment is spent 'combat napping'. In truck transport, in helicopters or planes, when waiting for new instructions. You even doze off in formation these days. If you're not moving you're probably falling asleep. Even concentrating and hurting yourself is working less and less.
>Can't go to medical and/or request stronger stimulants because then you'll be washed out under medical reasons.
>It's gotten so bad the DI has stopped yelling at you about dropping you out for medical reasons, to talking about it to you 'woman to man' in quieter tones.
>Your squad are supportive, maintain your kit and cover your shift duties when they can sneak it past the DI's to let you get more time to sleep, but you're pretty sure this is mostly because of the novelty and repressed sexual urges.
>You're 99.9% sure that they're taking advantage of your comatose body when you're out, but you're too tired to notice, comprehend, or care at this stage when they do it to you while you're awake.
>Time has ceased existing for you anymore. You have no idea how long it's been, how much time you've got left, or what's going on anymore. All you do is obey the instructions of whatever voice is speaking them into your ear.
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>>Time has ceased existing for you anymore. You have no idea how long it's been, how much time you've got left, or what's going on anymore. All you do is obey the instructions of whatever voice is speaking them into your ear.
What an existence. I wonder how many months it'll be before he realizes his service already finished, and some of the girls from his unit have merely taken him to their shared house to order around and sexually exploit there.
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>not seen: All the spiked cages, butt plugs, shock collars, rope, and various other bdsm gear under all armor of the men
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>new health directive from top of the organization
>all men must now wear health-monitoring devices for their own wellbeing or pay five times the insurance fee
>they hand out choices: ankle cuff, fancy massive wristwatch, slim collar
>most men opt for the slim collar, because they can hide it under the tie, the watch looks too confidently aggressive, and they're not a criminal
>you try to sift through the terms and conditions, trying to make sense of this 'V.E.N.U.S. connection (Voluntary Enforcers of Naptimes under Stress), but your head just swims from the legalese nonsense
>later that day you sit in your cubicle, hiding behind the separators, sneaking in an extra post-lunch shift instead of recommended naptime
>suddenly there's a weird beep. before you know where it comes from, it's gone.
>then, a rumble in the distance.
>it grows louder, like an avalanche
>footsteps, so many footsteps. it's like a fire alarm, but much worse
>you realize the footsteps are coming closer. they seem to create an encirclement of your cubicle, in good old battle formation traditions
>you sheepishly look over the separator for a second and meet the gaze of dozens upon dozens of female employees. some seem to be really into 'Agent Smith' cosplay, suit and earpiece and all.
>a handwritten note slips into the cubicle below the door slit. no, actually, dozens...dozens...what the hell
>all saying the same: 'surrender now or face the stress-combatting consequences'
>you blink, trying to find out what got you into this mess, when you realize you're sinking - no. the walls are rising. they are lifting up the entire cubicle rectangle
>suddenly, your collar beeps again. louder. a pleasant artificial voices says 'advanced stress levels detected'.
>it's the last thing you hear before the earth rumbles, all hell breaks lose and you lose account of what happens afterwards
>the last thing you recall is a cheesy chiptune version of the 'matrix' title melody starting to play behind your neck
Did they use some men in black style flash to put him to sleep?
I was going for a matrix reference instead of men in black, but that works too. neat
it's supposed to be a parody of this (reference for the uninitiated): youtu.be/watch?v=UvLQMMaVmzU
>You're 99.9% sure that they're taking advantage of your comatose body when you're out, but you're too tired to notice, comprehend,
I really want to know why I find this kind of stuff hot. Just the idea of him being absolutely at their mercy and unaware of it.
Also, wow this thread was basically on life support a couple of days ago. What happened?
>Also, wow this thread was basically on life support a couple of days ago. What happened?
Everyone loves the sleepy men concept
little did he know he had trained his whole life in preparation for this moment, but he couldn't fight the gravity of a black hole of love
The funny thing is that it doesn't really matter what he was training for. He obviously didn't have a massive kidnapping woman in mind, maybe he was an athlete, preparing for some event, out to impress normal girls his age, or just seeking self-improvement/fulfillment. None of that makes any difference now, as far as the rest of his life is concerned, he was training to attract and be taken by her.
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(bonus2/3) Another often overlooked detail of this new 'little-sleep world' is that it exaggerates the sex ratio imbalance in the population: Even in areas inhabited by equally many men and women, there's about double as many girls awake and outside than boys at any point in time. This makes all social and public spaces feel female-dominated - the world is theirs, while anytime someone looks at a man, they subconsciously note 'oh, he's awake at the moment'.

(I like this name for the setting. Unless someone else suggests something better)
>POV: you were outside past men's safety curfew and immediately caused a conflict by two different parties trying to kidnap you

all you wanted to do is get some snacks from the store, now there's tiddy all over your vision
>Women taking voyeuristic pics of their boyfriends/husbands and sharing them online
No, that's just assholish
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Yeah that's me. If you want all my stories they're on https://www.mrwstories.com/ - there's some stuff I haven't uploaded to Literotica/etc yet but all my stuff is there finished or not if you want more. Same disclaimer as before though some stories have content warnings just in case.
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Welp, looks like all his "snacks" consist of breast milk now
Boys can't complain too much in a Matriarchy
Same pic but with more muscles!
>Overpowered world rulers? Nah, all the isekai protagonist that come to our world become a househusband, pet, or slave within the first handful of women they meet.
Did you notice all the rape scenarios above you?
The virgin patriachy fetishist:
>here's three empires and twelve social classes complete with capabilities, legal protections, career prospects and their philosophical background
>basically vanilla fetish
>writes about anything but the sex part

The chad matriachy enjoyer:
>woman big stronk witch
> wants mommy to think for them instead
>spelling mistakes in barebones 'lore' before writing 10 paragraphs about the actual fetish
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How about a world where men need fresh breast milk to live?
sounds great - as long as women radically grab power and don't end up in milking farms. But if it works, it automatically creates unbreakable conditions where men's survival hinges on social relations to their 'matron'; and forces a population imbalance for a 'safety factor' - either that or women have monster mammaries. Men can only switch from mother's household to girlfriend/wife's/sister's household. The main danger is to reliably prevent things from flipping hard into extreme patriarchy. So I suggest another, 'mild' superpower/advantage to accompany that one. How about: men who drink said milk become extremely pliable and suggestible for a short 'daze time'?

>It's a milk or be milked world out there
>Breastfeeding makes women stronger. >Drinking breastmilk makes men weaker.
Women now have an incentive. No idea how this works.
It's basically succubus rules but tied to breasts instead of semen like in your average doujinshi.
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I guess I was thinking that something like milking farms wouldn't work because the milk has to be "fresh" (refrigeration doesn't work), so you have to drink straight from the source. It should also be fully dependent on a girl's will, you can't force her milk out. The daze time doesn't sound like a bad idea either.
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someone should make this into a '5D chess playing man outsmarted by getting cowtits pushed in his face' meme

>>A-according to seven out of twelve relevant sociological metrics, man is the superior-mMPH!
>>There you are, darling! Did you space out again while walking around?
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how about:
> a man drinking a woman's milk from the tap increases their mutual love, and his cum production (for ~2 weeks)
> a woman taking in a man's semen from the tap increases her energy, intelligence and stamina (for ~2 weeks)

effects stack up to an arbitrary point.
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this particular setup also has the effect of making loving relationships outcompete selfish women enslaving men; I don't know if that's something you want or not. also, it fits the 'nursing handjob' image theme well so you have visual material for it
Sounds brilliant lol
Love how only she gets personal benefits from the exchange
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it's just the good old 'let him do all the things and then shower me with love' playbook reversed. If she's a greedy selfish person and thinks she benefits more but ends up falling deeply in love with him, who's the real winner? It's the 5D-chess-playing ma-mMPH!
>'darling, it's time for our daily milking session...O-only because I have a deadline to make at work!'
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Like this?
You know, 7 out of twelve seems pretty low for a superiority boast
>Eventually, with a suburb amount of willpower and an enormous level of support, he's practically carried across the line and technically passes basic training.
>He's placed on medical leave for nearly a week afterwards to recover, but struggles to sleep for more than two or three hour stretches, requiring multiple rest periods a day.
>While technically a proof that men are able to join and participate in military affairs to the public, and a source of some personal fame, it's a fairly conclusive performance proof that you can't reasonably use most men in long term or high-demand frontline work.
>No more was this highlighted in the training exercise near the end of his training, where the entire special forces unit he and his whole side were supposed to neutralize, walked directly past him, into a secure area, after informing him they were hallucinations from sleep deprivation, and that he needed to go to sleep right now.
Given that, technically, he was following orders from a superior officer, he was not sent home for such a colossal failure.
Drafts and redesigns are underway, to explore and define the place of men in the modern armed forces.
>>He's placed on medical leave for nearly a week afterwards to recover, but struggles to sleep for more than two or three hour stretches, requiring multiple rest periods a day.
He physically can't get a full night's sleep in one sitting anymore? Damn, they broke him. Poor boy's walking on autopilot for the rest of his life and will never be able to think twice about what any woman tells him to do.
The female equivalent to a guy carrying condoms in his wallet should be her carrying stuff like rope and bdsm gear.
Patriarchy thread: Tolkien level like writing about their fetish, unique posts

matriarchy thread: five closeted homos samefagging
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all me, from my gazillion proxies
I will raise the big tiddy goth gf genre from the ashes and usher in a new world
with the power of god and anime by my side
pic related
so AI can be useful sometimes
What are your ideas? Let's brainstorm something.
Thread BUILT for being conquered by patriarchal sons of the skyfather
>One of the results of the lingering female-specific gene-therapeutics that are so popular as to be almost universal in some countries, is that of altered breast milk production.
>Atop observing greater overall expression levels, and a more impressive nutritional and caloric extent, glands in the breasts also possess exocrine functions, and produce a medley of hormones, including but not limited to; estrogen, norepinephrine, oxytocin, and several expressive hormones related to growth.
>In pre-pubescents, this balance of hormones does encourage the formation of healthy bone and muscle, and does not observe a severe difference between the sexes.
>In pubescent, and post-pubescent females effects are observed resulting in an increase in long bone length, density, and a measurably stronger skeletal muscle system. In males however, the opposite is observed, with a reduction in muscle development or body tissue, bone density and muscle strength. The reasons behind this are not understood, but are believed to be related to the different hormone concentrations between men and women, and the mechanisms by which maturity is reached.
>Further research is -suspended- currently proving inconclusive.
>On top of this, breastmilk now contains orders of magnitude more oxytocin when expressed, making it a potent substance for the formation of bonds, relationships, or affections due to the shared experience. The lactating female does experience a degree of oxytocin due to the bloodflow in the region, but the majority of the dosage is carried in the milk, and is consumed by the recipient.
>This can have both immediate, and long term effects. Nursing subjects are typically far more willing to form relationships, are more compliant, have lower inhibitions, and may observe a temporary lack of focus.
>Again, women observe a less intense reaction to this. Potentially due to hormone difference, or exposure due to their own breast tissue.
>Long term, complications can arise with addiction. Subjects report brain fog, lack of concentration, high or intense emotions, motor ticks, and the feeling of exhaustion.
>Further research into the potential addictive and dependency-inducing effects of breastmilk in post-pubescents, especially in the effects felt by post-pubescent males has been -suspended- inconclusive.
>Similarly, research into methods to understand and treat the reduction in bone density and body mass in males, bought on by regular consumption of breast milk has been -suspended- inconclusive.
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Haha yeah, I didnt notice the ai hands on patriachy guy, so I made another one
I mean you are giving me another idea
That's what's funny about it I guess
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Somebody else can put it together if they care lol
>writing believable femdom is hard
This was known. Patriarchy threads don't have to brainstorm their premise because that's that natural state of our society anyway

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