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Previous Thread: >>10977742
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Wish I could see more like this.
>Wish I could see more like this.
Swaps with blind girls?
Dank Souls
First sign that the game was made by retards.
disability swaps/transformations in general
the closest we seem to get with any frequency is young people becoming really old/infirm which is way too dark for my liking.
>disability swaps/transformations in general
There's a lot you can explore with these types of swaps. One of my all time favorite short stories is about a high school girl swapping with a female military veteran who lost their leg
If you count obesity as a disability there's doujins out there with that, but they always turned out to be depressing. After the second one, I just started skipping them altogether.
>Wish I could see more like this.
>responding to image of a blind girl
You cheeky motherfucker.

It's cute as a 1-off pun - it's their insistence on inserting it everywhere that's cringe.

Pic related/its artist right here has been the worst thing to ever happen to this niche within a niche. It's not even hot in any way, it's just dark purely for the sake of being dark.
worst is when the victim loses all self control and can't reduce their new weight. fucking trash.
you can't just drop a bomb like that without dropping a sauce as well nigga
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>Pic related/its artist right here has been the worst thing to ever happen to this niche within a niche. It's not even hot in any way, it's just dark purely for the sake of being dark.
I did like his newest work. There was more focus on the antagonist this time
That pic is nightmare fuel
Yeah villain wins
Where does this image come from?
I've never seen this before
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You've confirmed my belief more than I ever thought possible. This is everything wrong with the genre and this guy in particular.

The comic body swap comic I can think of (that isn't this shit) where being fat is a main part of the plot is Circle Cycle, and even that isn't quite the same because the girl with thin at the time of the swap and then the guy gains weight as her.
I like the theme of the victim showing the swapper that it doesn't matter who they swap with because the body they're in isn't the problem.

"It's not your life that sucks, it's you that sucks. You're not a loser because you're fat and ugly, you're fat and ugly because you're a loser!"
Who made this? I need to fucking know I LOVE THIS SHIT
Found it https://nhentai.net/g/510740/
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Like this one?
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lmao that is the ultimate revenge. “got the nice body but you have no idea how to keep it pristine.”
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Bad guy winning is also good
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Now this is art
Make it make sense.
>big artist post art and gets a lot of interaction
>smol artist says they wish they could get the same interaction when they post post art
>swap happens
>smol artist is now the big artist and they're enjoying their new body and all the interaction they're getting
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Artist = axlexcima
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I don't understand why there has to be a "bad guy" and a "good guy" in this fetish.

Feels like for every one off simple or cutesy image of two characters being surprised they swapped, there's full blown comics depicting the existential horror of some moe blob having her body or beauty stolen by some scumbag and being forced to spend the rest of their days looking like some creature from the black lagoon. It's not erotic, it's just kinda depressing. But I could say that about a LOT of fetishes.
This fetish is, and always will be based in horror. I would wager at least half of the people here developed this fetish from a fear of the idea rather than because they found it erotic (initially)
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Because how else would you explain a girl like Orihime or Ann giving up their bodies to a middle age balding man or lanklet Otaku? There's absolutely no way, so that's why those depressing stories exist. It's the only way they see their wish getting fulfilled.
Not really?
This fetish is based on people switching places, there are a million ways to do it that aren't just horror based
This is Body Swap, not Possession. It doesn't have to have an inherent negative aspect to it. I'm sure if I sat down with it, I could come up with plenty of body swap storylines that didn't read like some tragic fate.
Most guys want to fuck the girl, not become the girl and get fucked. Either write a normal rape story if the need for suffering is required or just write a gender bend story.
Even Possession doesn't have to be negative.

For example: Homunculus bodies that are kept at the ready for people to inhabit. The body itself, though artificially created, is an actual person with their own mind. Because of the nature of their creation, they want to be possessed. Hosting another person in their body fulfills a need.

For a person living in a homunculus form, it would just feel like a normal body. However, you have the magical equivalent of an AI assistant built into it. Don't like exercising? Have it exercise for you while you zonk out. Can't remember something? Ask the assistant to recall it.
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My guess is that it's mixing in with corruption, humiliation, 'loss of agency/control', and so on. The concept naturally accommodates those things, as much as I dislike it.
>it's another 'existential horror ending' episode
>It doesn't have to have an inherent negative aspect to it.
It's not even that negative swaps are a bad thing. I just don't like seeing ugly people being swapped.

Like who gets off at seeing a fat obese old guy crying about how they used to be a teenage girl? Its weird.
Then don't watch/read things with ugly people in it? Watch Kim Possible or something where the most that happens is playing with flippy hair and being inconvenienced by running in a skirt. Or other innumerous "light-hearted" swaps.
Stop jacking off to photos of old ugly fat men acting confused.
>I don't understand why there has to be a "bad guy" and a "good guy" in this fetish.
Gets boring fast if there's no conflict. Look at most of the safe Student transfer routes. Book of lust has a good Mutual body swap mechanic with another character but it's fur shit.
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>Most guys want to fuck the girl, not become the girl and get fucked.
Bro, do we share the same fetish? There's a big amount of fans who want to become the girl. Like this is obvious if you visit any of the other gender bend threads in /d/ or /a/.
I wouldn't mind being Lillie
>Bro, do we share the same fetish?
Sounds like you're an egg, so no we don't.
ST is just shit in general. Of course their vanilla routes are going to suck.
>ST is just shit in general. Of course their vanilla routes are going to suck.
Yeah but it's also shit because it's vanilla. There's no tension whatsoever.
I want to become the girl, femdom a femboy or lezdom a girl, then become the guy again.
Vanilla swaps can have tension and they can have "bad" endings as well. This idea that tension in body swaps can only be found in rape scenes or ugly swaps is just wrong when you look beyond nickelodeon and Disney cartoon body swaps.
>Vanilla swaps can have tension and they can have "bad" endings as well.
Enlighten me how a route in which I'm not only hypnotized to act like the other persona but also barred from doing anything perverted can have any whatsoever tension.
We already went over this. ST is shit because it's ST not because it has vanilla routes.
I'd argue if a few rapes scenes and a few body hijacking scenes would improve the game. The creepy teacher would have been a much better protagonist
Chuddies get a reality check
That is a chigyu, not a chud
In theory it would but it would still be done by the same shitty writers and developers.
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Nah, just a very degenerate pervert with AGP.
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Anymore of this?
Retrosqueeze hasn't been updated for a long ass time in kemono for some reason
Nah, two pages is all we have with that comic.
Would you a dog?
What if your female neighbors body was inhabited by a dog? Would you bang her? Call her a good girl afterwards?
I'd gladly spend the better part of a day exploring myself If that were the case.
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I'd explore a few of her mons too if you catch my drift.
God I wish there was more content around like this
>body swap
>stuck forever
>weight gain
>huge boobs
Literally perfect
Go back
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...I really enjoy the unwanted weight gain. Not a huge fan of the uglification aspects of his work, but stuff like losing a race and her legs getting hugely fat as a consequence? I really enjoy that.
>there's nothing wrong with being trans!
You have to go back
I feel like "suffering" needs to be a tag because what else would you even call this.
I miss swaptingz comics
This man's drawing style is good but storytelling part s**ks
I swear, even though I don't necessarily love this fetish, I almost want to write some decent material for it.

It's not hard to write a swap story that's not too vanilla and not too dour while still being sexy.
We aren't exactly hurting for body swap stories, we have websites that have saved hundreds going as far back as the late 90s, what we really need is good art.
>This man's drawing style is good but storytelling part s**ks
anyone got that new isleofhando stuffSS
What new stuff is that?
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Not the biggest fan of this batch, but here ya go.
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>Feels like for every one off simple or cutesy image of two characters being surprised they swapped, there's full blown comics depicting the existential horror of some moe blob having her body or beauty stolen by some scumbag

those are the minority, its more common in Japanese circles but even there you are more likely to find a level 50 prince switching with a level 1 bar maid (male>female), or just childhood friends swapping (male=0YX8=female)
Word vomit
Loli swaps are so cute. Can't get enough of them.
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I miss when this was light-hearted teasing instead of full-on sexual assault.

I really hope he makes a sequel. He should swap with one of her friends
why is isleofhando's new stuff so shit? is there anything that he has that is still even remotely worth looking at
He figured out people will still pay him for during the bare minimum. Why even try when the retarded retail worker is still going to religiously give you $100 a month for producing shit.
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Lillie is soo cute. If I was her or Selene, I'll spend a good evening just trying out clothes and cute cosplays.
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Sunset yourself tranny
Only troons use the term 'egg' though
Only a tranny would be upset about someone using "their" word as a insult.
isnt that the font pizzacake uses for her comics
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is there a translation somewhere of this and its sequel?
oof, this is a rough read
I like to self insert in a body swap, realize i'm in a way mind controlling a woman whether i like it or not, get turned on about my new body, and spend all day masturbating. I'd be smelling of nothing but the leftover cologne, pussy and girljuices, and too long after with a powerful girlmusk and of smelly feet. Keeping at it until her clothing has noticeable stains from my unwashed pits, crotch, and feet. Even her pantyhose would get permanently marked by the constant grool and girlcum
Never thought beyond that but would be interesting to go back to my original body and notice her reaction of how dirty she has become, and then hit on her.
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TL work, not Proofreader tho
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Artist: midnight
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Two degenerates talking about their body swap fetish.
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Princess knight and goblin swap!
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BBB x Pig swap
>Stop jacking off to photos of old ugly fat men acting confused.
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>Anon and Toph get body swapped when Anon read off some spirit-summoning scroll you bought off some seedy merchant
>Now completely blind, Anon is completely unable to read the incantation to reverse the switch
>And Toph, never needing to read before, and suddenly given sight, can’t read it herself
>And frankly, she’s a lot more preoccupied with being able to see for the first time.
>”What’s this color the Sky’s supposed to be again, Anon?” Your voice asked in awe as you felt arms on your shoulders guiding you.
>”Blue…” You sighed, not sure where you were going, needing to completely trust your unseen guide.
>“And the grass, that’s all called green, right?”
>“Uh huh…”
>“I… could never imagine what this all looked like before…” She said. You didn’t need to see to know that Toph had an awestruck smile on the face she now found herself wearing
>A part of you was happy that Toph was getting a full taste of the sense she was denied her entire life. The other part just wished it didn’t have to be at your expense…
>“Could we get someone to read that stupid scroll soon, please?” You asked, “I’m happy for you, but I’d like to be… you know.”
>“Sure, sure Anon.” Toph answered, not really listening, “It should be easy after a day. Or two…” She chuckled, “I wanna enjoy this a bit.”
>You felt your former eyes stare at you as Toph continued to guide you.
>Your concern grew as you could swear you heard Toph mutter, “Never thought I looked this… cute before…”
Does anyone know if there is a translation mod for the Koishi Komeji or Reims Body swap game?
At least you get earth bending and a Loli body out of the swap
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Wish they were a part of a better game
>How am I s'posed to hike in a body like this!?
Cynthia loves visiting ruins and stuff like that. She'd need to be fit since you need to do some hiking to get to those.
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Need more futa bodyswap. Do you know of any?
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does anyone have the full english-translated version of this doujin?

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