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Girls getting BTFO or in peril. No guro, spilt entrails, decapitation, etc.
Previous >>10990927
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Anybody good with photoshop or something know how to unblur this image, I got it from 2nt blog but the link to the original full image is dead so all I could get is this thumbnail.
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Sadly I don’t think it’s possible. There is an archive of some of his images here though: https://e-hentai.org/g/208047/4be3601cc6/
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Drowning thread: https://cgi.2chan.net/o/res/254039.htm
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I love her beatdown
Is there a longer version
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Asuka is too cute, I can’t get off to her ryona. Better to demolish some hag like Chun Li.
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From the appropriately named account “femdomistrash”:
Unfortunately the image I got doesn't seem to be part of this set. maybe if I'm lucky in the future, I'll stumble across the full image reuploaded somewhere.
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Heroine defeated, appears to fade away

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So why has no one translated the BOUNTY HUNTER GIRL manga? It's on chapter 30 as far as I know, and I see no translations.

It's got some of the best and most consistent cuntbusting out there

Anyone know where I can read these collections for free? they seem to have a lot of good stuff
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Tried searching everywhere for the artist, but nothing. I’m surprised because it seems to have a good amount of views.
Yeah, as soon as I didn't see it in ex I thought it was it. They seem good though
Why is Chun Li such a good target
One day, maybe.
More importantly, I wish someone uploaded COCOA's more recent work too
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Cute; do you have a link to that one?
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An animation I made
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Very based, fuck her up
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Because she deserves it.
Good girls, hero types, make good ryona victims
I love seeing her lose to brats
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giant abusing girl
I believe he’s referring to this one: https://twitter.com/situyan0303/status/127495445775992832
This one too
>>11051881 this one tells me something went wrong and to try reloading, but still shows the same error.

>>11051882 says the page doesn’t exist. Do I need to make a x account to see them?
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You need a twitter account now to view content labeled as nsfw, and her entire account is labeled nsfw.
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Ah okay, although I can see the second now, the first one says the post has been deleted.
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No, that’s a fail on my part. I pasted the incomplete url:

Pic not related.
Do women really go to the gym just so they can get beaten up? She even draws a lot of women beating up her OC, she might be a lesbo
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I don’t know if she’s a bislut or not, but she’s been taking commissions specifically for requesters to have that character get punched.
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it's a shame honestly. It's been like 4 years since the series started and there hasn't been an english translation of even 1 chapter. Easily the best ryona doujin I've ever seen though the art got lazy towards the end
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Careful what you wish for, sometimes knowing the dialogue makes it worse. Like the Shaa doujin Justice Fragment which is kind of retarded.
The artist you posted always has dialogues on point
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Chun Li jobs to Menat
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how could you..
The ryona factor in this pair of pics is meh, but I like the kunoichi's character design. I'm more drawn to the little backstory the artist wrote, where a hag gets beaten by younger girls and ultimately meets a shameful, albeit relatively comfortable fate.
The backstory (translated through deepl):

The Kunoichi are the embodiment of the saying "mercy is not for the weak. The organization was rejuvenated and the old generation of Kunoichi began to be organized. Even Akemi, the last remaining chuunin, was forced to compete with the younger ones and lost three fights and three defeats. However, a former student who had been kind to her in the past gave her a job as a liaison officer in a very remote village, a job that could have gone to anyone, and she seemed to have succeeded in remaining in the ninja community ......... --I uploaded this story on X a long time ago, but forgot to upload it here. The story follows the second right. She marries a kind-hearted poor farmer and settles down in the village (Awamura) where she is sent. The poor village is so strategically worthless that it is almost ignored by its lord, and the only person who bothers to read her monthly reports is her former student who assigned her to this job. The only person who bothers to read it is the former student who gave me this job. Every month, the former student would go to the village on her own legs to receive the reports of the hapless kunoichi and give them rice and money from her own pocket as payment for their activities... It was the most humiliating treatment a shinobi could ever receive, but it was an okay life because she was able to know happiness as a woman. I am very happy to have known the happiness of a woman. Thanks to the love and care he showed to his former student, the hapless kunoichi went from crawling around in the depths of darkness to leading a life as a woman. happily ever after!

P.S. Hags should be beaten! Hags should be put in their place!
Holy based, THD
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Kasumi isn't exactly a hag but it's very satisfying to watch her get humiliated by girls younger than her.

It's even better because she's a ninja and these are basically normies.
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And Honoka being a bratty bitch sounds awesome
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i have mixed feelings about this artist
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I've always found Helena to be a hag, but apparently she is 23 at most lol. Most fighting games don't have proper hags. Ivy from Soul Calibur doesn't feel like she counts, yet Sophitia does.

This glasses sensei hag from Rival Schools is nice, but such an old game. She probably isn't even out of her mid 20's...
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I love Tatsumaki's ryona art I hope someone beats her up like that again in the manga
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I love masked fodder bitches
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Any anime girl over 16 is a hag.
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What do you mean?
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We still have Chun Li
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Shitty excuse of a ninja
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Ryona isn't my thing, but this made me laugh.
Huh why are you in the thread then?
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If I use my brains, I could guess he saw the last few posts from the non-catalog view, recognizes the characters and their iconic slap fight scene from the game and wanted to comment
Scarlet would win btw
Literally only good for abuse, rape, ryona, and probably NTR too.
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swollen cheeks
NTR on female is so underused.

Also, is it Reverse NTR? Inverse NTR?
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Adding more to my post:
Ryona followed with Reverse/Inverse NTR would be fantastic. Imagine a girl getting beaten down by another girl and then getting her boyfriend stolen as well.
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A very intense cuntbust, why hasn't someone made something like this earlier?
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I have this one that’s the opposite, with the sister from Coffin of Andy and Leyley getting cucked first by her mom, and then getting snuffed after. Not gory.
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I’m sure I posted one of those bleeding cunt kicks in a previous thread..
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It’s why she’s very popular in ryona scenes.
How do you pick ryona characters? Like Kasumi >>11060853 >>11058085

How do you deem them to be jobbers/weak? Do they have to have canon losses? Or is it their personality?
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You can ask 20 ryonafags and get 20 different answers. In this specific case I think it’s because DoA games introduced a lot of people to the concept of ryona, so you can find a lot of videos about DoA ryona on youtube.
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Which victims do you like?
I tend to prefer characters who are generally not the main heroine.

But I think things that draw my interest are factors in the ryona beyond character choice:
>violence level
>not too much exaggeration (when the belly gets too deformed during a belly punch, at some point it will no longer satisfy me)
>facial expression
>general art quality
>proper anatomy
>pain sounds/death screams

I think it might be illuminating to also ask "why does DOA find a lot of ryona favoritism and not other games released in the same era, like Tekken." I think DOA started with a bigger roster of pretty, young girls, (Kasumi, Ayane, Leifang, Tina) whereas Tekken started with Nina, Anna. Michelle, and Kunimitsu. Wow, all hags!

Personally I started with Killer Instinct on the snes, Mace: the Dark Age on the N64, and then Soul Calibur 2.
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>I think it might be illuminating to also ask "why does DOA find a lot of ryona favoritism and not other games released in the same era, like Tekken." I think DOA started with a bigger roster of pretty, young girls, (Kasumi, Ayane, Leifang, Tina) whereas Tekken started with Nina, Anna. Michelle, and Kunimitsu. Wow, all hags!
This makes sense on first glance to me, since young/ feminine characters tend to get ryona’d more, but at the same time there are also some “hag” characters like Chun-Li that are extremely popular in this type of content. Although I have no idea how DoA and Tekken compare with each other in popularity, I do know that Street Fighter is more mainstream than the two of them, so I think more people got exposed to ryona through it.
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>why does DOA find a lot of ryona favoritism
Probably has something to do with the noises the girls make when getting hurt too, lol
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Some obvious qualities are how attractive they are and how well the outfit showcases the body in awkward poses. Specific flavor points for personal liking may be being an elegant fighter to emphasize getting messed up, a heroine to emphasize how wrong what's happening is, a villain to bring the “she deserved it” factor when she finally has it come, etc.

I'm a Chun Li fag in the general sense and the ryona sense. As she was the only female in the SFII roster she was designed to be the best, strongest and “most woman” female (she got a conglomerate of typical female traits ranging from not telling her weight to crying like a girl when she got beat up), and imo that makes a perfect storm for ryona. You've got this beatiful, physically strong heroine who calls herself the strongest woman in the world, who wears an ornate silken dress and shows her muscular legs, who's in a meta sense the most important female character, but then it turns out she's also actually kind of a wimp who can't overcome the slightest difficulty and can easily lose against the weakest characters and end up crying pathetically.
Capcom has had her lose fights more frequently and easily than other females, and that's because it's actually very natural to picture her getting her ass kicked and not being able to do anything about it.

>why does DOA find a lot of ryona favoritism and not other games released in the same era, like Tekken.
DoA females were more sexualized from the start, with bigger boobs and greater jiggle, soft shading right from the first game, more attractive faces... I also think the lack of hitsparks and nice animation made the attacks more pleasing to look at.
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I like Chunners for the same reasons as >>11061582
Her muscular legs getting completely destroyed by other more nimble/experienced/faster/agile fighters sounds like a dream scenario. I'm picturing Menat destroying her with kicks, without even using her Soul Power: it'd be so frustrating and "wrong" for Chun Li to lose to another girl's kicks and the other girl isn't even using her main power to enhance them... she just manages to outplay Chun at every turn.

Kasumi is also great as stated above.

When it comes to anime I like senpai type characters getting btfo by younger characters. I would have liked to see Mami get dominated by other Madoka characters like Homura or Kyoko.
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Nina Williams losing to Ling Xiaoyu was also a highlight, just look at the ending taunt. You can almost feel embarrassed for her, this entire fight was humiliating, she only got one grab in at the end and it backfired on her.
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It's also good if the character is perceived as strong but loses badly to hype up others. Ideally they should be serious and no nonsense types, devoted to battle, and then lose to brats.
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glorious. and thanks for including sauce.
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Finally, how it should have gone.
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I like seeing cocky bitches get the smug knocked out of them.
people who know the sauce and don’t post it are fags lol
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How do you like powerups/special abilities to be used in ryona?

For me, I like it when the loser is using powerups but gets destroyed by the winner's base form/not using all of their ability. This adds a lot to the humiliation and the feeling that "something is wrong".
If you're losing to the opponent's base form while in Super Saiyan then surely something went very wrong.
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I agree, however I can’t think of any actual examples of it.
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This dude’s still alive?
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Supposedly strong fighter losing to smaller brat who isn't even taking it seriously is top tier
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Questions for the thread
>Do you prefer heroines to be beaten, villains, "neutral" characters with no notable background or moral alignment, or no preference
>How do you feel about girls who like the pain/losing?
>Thoughts on pissing
>Thoughts on vomiting
>Do you prefer "good" endings (i.e. the girl while having lost, can still go about living a normal life afterwards), ambigious endings, or bad ends?
I have such a mixed feeling about this fetish. I like the physicality of it, and submissive aspects of losing to a stronger opponent, but I don't like bad ends or execessive suffering, which obviously go hand in hand with this genre. I'm grateful a lot of it focuses on fighting game characters who at least know what they're signing up for and I can always assume it was just one round out of many various wins and loses.

In a perfect ryona story for me, the girl gets beaten and humiliated ruthlessly, but doesn't lose spirit and is able to recover and come back for more. Or at least is implied to be able to. I feel like when a girl is beaten to the point of being retired or killed it's a waste. Like "Alright, well, you overdid it on that one so you can't even enjoy her anymore."

If you guys haven't already, check out Silver Giantess. It's exactly what I'm talking about. Thick as shit muscle MILF hero gets her shit pushed in every chapter, but always comes back. I love this series for that.
The new Norubon illustrations just dropped and best of all, you don't have to pay for the Patreon!
This doujin was awesome, thank you
What did he mean by this then
Why do girls go for assholes that beat the shit out of them
It means that he wants you to pay for part 2
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Why isn't there more mother ryona? Or at least milf ryona?
Is there only pedos here?
Because even misogynist incels make an exception for their mothers.
All other women might be whores except their mom, because she's the only one who treated them right.
Anyways, here's a pink-haired MILF getting owned in front of her own kid.
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You two should dilate each other.
That was so hot. Imagine the despair.
You don't have to imagine, you can read the entire fight translated.
Nice contribution there faggot
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There isn't really any good ryona besides Ran.
Much I mean.
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Guess Nappi got some too.
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Think Sara can take Junko?
Has anyone played this game?
I was tempted to download the app but it has terrible reviews (gatogames)
I hate Mary Sues
Junko is a pretty big Mary Sue too to be fair
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Insane single mom joins sadistic cult, tries to force her daughter to join
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True, although I also really like Purplet's fanbox posts because he really focuses on belly punches.
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I do not care for that artstyle
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How about Dead Fantasy 5, but without the ninjas getting between Tifa and Hitomi
Will this sketch be colored? Also, Tifa would get donuted.
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>Tifa would get donuted
She's weaker but not that much
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Well deserved.
That aged well.
Tifa had the weaker body but the strongest series
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I love this topless boxing series, my dream is to see Hayate have a deep knockout orgasm like Suzume. Suzume is the only one who could have a deep knockout orgasm. I would really like to see another character have the same thing happen to her. I love seeing Suzume convulsing like that.
Ivy getting cocky before getting slammed into the floor
Ivy getting flung around by her thong
Ivy getting spanked and sat on by a far larger opponent until she's a blubbering mess
>the weaker body
lol sure. How many limbs has Tifa lost?
How many times did Yang get her neck snapped by Tifa?
Wow dude, really? Who would have thought.
It's not like you haven't made it clear like a hundred times in past threads.
Too glossy/shiny, wasn't it?
Well some of us actually like it wet and messy, with sweat, spit and blood getting everywhere.
Lilian should be the one giving her that
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Imagine actually knowing the lore for that garbage series.
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None? If there's some crossover where that happens then please, share it.

Yeah, I watched some RWBY forever ago. Deal.
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The internet went mad when Tifa lost to Yang in Death Battle. Especially since Yang herself is a jobber too.
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>Death Battle
Fucking really, anon?
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Canonically none I guess
It works though
Too big
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Jap artist drew a scene from a movie
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Akane always jobs in these
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