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Good old-fashioned dick and balls abuse. Please no actual castration.
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Too bad taking pictures like that isn't a major pass time for girls
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i wonder if this fetish is becoming more mainstream at all... couldn't a tiktok trend about slapping your bf's sack or something get trendy?
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>couldn't a tiktok trend about slapping your bf's sack or something get trendy?
That would be amazing
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I used to know this artist, but everything went up in smoke on Tumblr. I miss that guy every day.
What got you into this as a fetish instead of just an interest? For me, it was this particular scene from Ore Tama.
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>What got you into this as a fetish
Well, I'm into harsh femdom in general. This is the stereotypical male weakness you see even little girls take advantage of in comedy scenes.
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Of course. I remember seeing memes about it on Tumblr when I was 7, so for me it was the taboo of mentioning sexual organs but the open sexual nature of hitting boys in their reproductive organs.
Plus the dialogue about them. Looking up "kicked in the nuts" obviously brought porn eventually. Never got hit there, so I was fascinated.
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Yeah, guy getting hit in the nuts was pretty common comedy. Seems natural to think about it in a femdom context
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I miss this fetish. I'd love to make an actually good visual novel about it
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>I miss this fetish
Did you leave it behind?
it changed with OF/paywalls and the death of forums
there are probably more artists for it than ever before but it doesn't feel the same as when spacezin would come out with images.
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When I was drunk with my ex once she started squeezing my nuts i barely felt it but I liked it I guess
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Looks like the most painful thing to get spanked with
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Who are the new best artists in ballbusting? I remember Chicken0Chips and Ocigart used to be the most prolific Western ones for a while.
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Personal preference, but

Crestmont. 2D artist with a semi-realistic style. I really like their posing and anatomy. They're very skilled. Been more active with ballbusting since 2022.
LangD. 2D korean artist, anime style webtoon formatted comics. The various scenarios explored makes it feel fresh.
Paywalled content, but findable. Active since 2022.

In recent years I feel like there's been more of an increase in 3D animation ballbusting artists. Not really my main area of interest, but I appreciate them still.


ConnivingRat is probably the most current popular in furry communities.
And there's still others.

This seems true. However, I feel like not only paywalls result in ballbusting artists to paywall their art, but actually not draw it at all.
>Subscription sites like Patreon no longer allowing most fetish artist, especially violent fetish art like ballbusting
>Artist into ballbusting wanting to pander to the majority stops drawing ballbusting to grow their audience
If i didn't know any better, I'd think she was going to bite those nuts...
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Good choices. Crestmont surprised me with his surprise. Usually Western BB artists try too hard to ape anime styles or do whatever the fuck Knave was doing, but he keeps that signature Western fantasy look.
Lang2D represents the emergence of Korean artists for fetish art IMO. His work is great, he MTLs for JP/CN/EN, and he understands the fetish.
While the Japanese are jumping off for whatever reason, the Koreans are getting into it.
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And as for payment sites, I'm less surprised by Western artists fleeing, but Japanese ones abandoning it surprises me a lot.
We still have Atotama, Bernin, etc., but they're few and far between. Apparently their payment services are having a row with Western banks too. Not sure what that's doing to fetishes though.
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>While the Japanese are jumping off for whatever reason, the Koreans are getting into it.
This feels accurate, but I'm not sure why either.
I wanted to try e-stim,can I safely feel pain with it?
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what's an estim?
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Using electricity on your peepee and balls
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Yeah, though read up on it a lot so as to avoid burns, which are a risk.
One electrode on each ball will definitely hurt like fuck, and running current between a ball electrode and an anal electrode will produce a uniquely horrifying sensation only for true masochists.
Regarding fertility, from the literature I've read e-stim to the nuts only temporarily makes you sterile.
Oh, and if you want penile pain though, no you can't safely do that with e-stim. If something hurts your dick with e-stim, that means a hotspot developed and if you don't turn the current off and adjust the electrode you will burn yourself. So yeah, dick should not hurt during e-stim - if it did, something went wrong - either electrode moved and/or current is flowing through inadequate skin surface area.
But balls, yeah, holy fuck yeah. It's really the ideal thing for a masochist - with an e-stim unit that accepts audio as an input, you can craft a file that gradually increases in intensity to counteract the nerves acclimating to the stimulation and basically make your balls hurt like hell nonstop for an hour with no damage to yourself at all other than temporary sterility.
I think I will get one then
Punching myself works but I'm scared of actually hurting something
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Nta but this makes me fantasize about having that audio e stim set up when in a vouce call with a woman
There's japanese CBT ASMR
I can synch the shock just when the anime girl crushes your balls
>I can synch the shock just when the anime girl crushes your balls
How does that work? Is it just a much louder moment than the rest of the file?

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