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Can't believe we had to end last thread on "shitting out their back dicks".

Anyway, y'all know the drill. Post conjoined/multi-headed individuals long as they ain't real people.
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>play as one of a pair of conjoined twins from 1700s puritan new england
>transported to present day
>learn about the future
>be hastily sent back to 1758 from 2024 by time police
>sister and I have to pose like everything's normal despite not having our memories of the future wiped
I love sonnet 3.5 so much. It's particularly good at writing in second person as a twin, which I like doing. Like I mentioned last thread, it's not perfect, but it's really damn good. AI accidentally separating conjoined twins basically doesn't happen at all with it
qts. sauce?
Hell. Please anon refer me to where I can learn to set this up. I've messed with AI bots before but it's been long, I have no idea where to begin
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We shall now all pray for the prosperity of Kaijin Fugeki
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Seriously, in only 5 chapters, we got more conjoinment stuff that in a whole year (AI excluded)
For everyone, please, restrain youselves from flooding the thread with AI pictures.
Yes, I agree that some AI pictures are really good quality, but they mostly tend to be repetitive. So if you want to post one, be sure it is good enough ;-)
Sakurami on PIXIV:
Anyone else bothered by the sheer amount of conjoined artists that also do amputee stuff?
Yeah, me.
There must be a link of some sort but up to now I've never been able to understand it.
Like one of the thread initiators pointed out before, you gotta sprinkle that shit like a salt circle to keep out certain people. Sides, lot of non-AI conj art is repetitive too.

Not too surprising, there's a good deal of thematic crossover.

Always remember anon: You gotta share the link to new chapters.
It's the chapter from two weeks ago.
But I agree with you, providing sauce is always better.
In fact, we should provide one for each picture we post here.

Here the link to a viewing site. It is regularly updated when new chapters come out.
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The image below is the conjoined form you wake up in
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Do we flip a coin for which head? Is this like a freaky friday flip or just reality now?
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I'm not that great at explaining things but bear with me. It's not the basic kind of AI bots you get from sites like character.ai; rather, you instead install a frontend for the AI, you choose a model and a good jailbreak/preset, and then you use it in all its hopefully unfiltered glory. here's a previous post I made in the last thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10991964/#11037820
SillyTavern's the most popular frontend that most use (see https://rentry.org/tavern4retards to install that). Once you have that, you get access by way of things like proxies and keys. I've only ever used proxies but most tend to come and go when it comes to consistent access. This proxy that's currently up (Merkava, if you search on desuarchive) has claude sonnet 3.5 and claude opus, probably the two best models at the moment: https://bidding-across-throws-aerial.trycloudflare.com; you just pop the link in the proxy server URL space, you get the temporary user token on the site and pop that in the proxy password space, and then you should have access
the link is just unusual numbers of body parts. shit like this, multilimb, or multiboob deal with extra body parts; amputees go the opposite direction with less body parts
>keep out certain people
like? I don't buy that normal art can be just as repetitive as AI. I'm okay with the occasional post but it does tend to look very samey
Regarding the "restrain yourself from flooding the thread with AI stuff", I was talking about pictures, not text. ;-)
Oh shit, please disregard this message, I wrote it by error.
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Can't read a lick of Cyrillic, but it certainly is adorable. Interesting to think we'll probably see more dicephalic characters from this series. That said, it definitely gives the vibe of Kodansha trying to make their own Dandadan. The author 100% has a fetish for this though, hopefully he gets a little better at drawing them since the way they look feels a bit off (though maybe that has more to do with their clothes).

Hilariously, I guess people who fit into both. That said, yeah, some actual artists do unfortunately suffer from same-face/same-person. It's kind of just what happens though, you have a lot of people in this who are aiming to do that and it leaks into the rest of their stuff. At least it's not as repetitive as 90% of the literature people put out though.
Drinking game: Load up a queue of pieces and every time one devolves into lesbian self-cest, take a shot.
The link I gave does both English and Japanese versions.

But yeah, I agree that Ogure sometimes draws them a little strangely. In chapter 4 for example, the position of their heads wasn't always coherent with the angle we see them from.

I even tried checking if he had taken into account that their shoulders should be broader to accommodate their 2 heads, but it doesn't seem very significant.
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Wow yeah, brainfart there. Thought it was a dex link, not kakalot. Haven't used that since college.

Take it from me, I'm not a great artist, but the meme that you HAVE to make the shoulders broader for 2 or 3 heads is just a skill issue. Taking a better look at it, you're right that he messes up head positions, bit it seems like he also made their necks really short any time he draws them from the front (It's really obvious in chapter 1), so they end up looking kinda hunched together. This is probably the first time he and his assistants have drawn this sorta thing, so it'll probly get better with time.
Well, if someday we get a swimsuit scene, it will be the perfect opportunity to confirm it ^^
I do like a little forbidden love once in a while. But many conjoined twins in lewds are written as the author's self inserts. And most of them are written by men.
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Men can write good conj stories, it's just that those idiots think with their dicks like a lot of retards and that cum-craze clouds their judgement.
They write while posting a picture with absurdly large boobs. ;-p
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Your choice for either
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Point was they let it ruin it. I know the meme is I draw perfect anatomy then just cover it with fat fuckin honkers, but you get what I mean.
Yeah, I got what you mean.
There are not a lot of artists who draw anatomically credible conjoined twins.
I like sharing kisses between conjoined twins. I like it when each sister kisses differently.
Dating conjoined girl, one head isn’t interested, but slowly becomes more affectionate until they’re more down bad than the other head. now they fight over who gets to love you more.
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Naw, there are a few actually. Though it did kinda peak with Crackspider.
Crackspider was very good.
My personal favorite is FTT though.
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Definitely the cutest conjoined twins ever.
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My hope is that these two open up some doors for other manga artists to also have conjoined twin characters.
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Anyone seen these animations yet? They look recent but there's 4 of them with these characters and they're not bad. noulau on devianart. Not sure if they post anywhere else.
really love the slice-of-lifey ones like the waking up and ticket ones, though having no audio is kinda screwy, should've put subtitles
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They did mention in the recent description that they want to start adding audio. Maybe voices, which would be cool to see.
Oh, did you know that someone has translated the story this picture is based on in English on Pixiv?
I prefer no audio because I'm not the biggest fan of male/female conjoinment, however I am a fan of gender tf, so I imagine the guy has a girl's voice after they're fused so it having sound would ruin my fantasy.
Let's keep praying!
yeah I'm not the biggest fan of male/female either, I just found it hard to figure out what they were supposed to be saying with no audio
The artist might be over thinking it with trying to get audio, that's a lot more hassle. Just add some subtitles.
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I’m a big fan of both desu. That Futurama episode is what got me into this fetish in the first place so I dig it.
The only thing I dislike about male/female is trying to add both genitals down there. I think it’s much more fun if one of them has to deal with a gender tf. - Also, they’re sharing Iris’ body so in a way you could consider them female?
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whoa, who was the artist for this? I just realized their Pixiv account is just…gone. I was wondering why so many of my favorites had been removed. Did a reverse search but nothing came up.
Saucenao shows their pixiv is still there, just that that picture is gone.

And basically everything in their gallery is monoeye traps.
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Holy shit it's my AI junk in the wild! I kinda feel like I've made it as a conj degen now, it's getting posted to 4chan by someone else!

I haven't even posted this to DA yet, hope someone likes these two!
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quick and dirty edit. Literally took 10 minutes.
Which is more work trying to get an AI thing to do multiple heads or just having it do normal things and editing yourself?
Idk how to use AI but I sure as hell can cut and paste in GIMP
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It's cute stuff, anon.
Turtlenecks make the job easy. Still nice.
congrats! ive seen my file format *and* a quick little m/d story reposted and it's a hell of a rush, esp after 10 years of lurking and archiving nearly every piece of content i can find. its nice to give back, even if this community is... finicky
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Love the intimacy of queens but bothered by the "null" aspect of them, any ideas on how to justify them getting off / the bigger question other then slapping a shared ass on their back and a pussy where their shared belly button should be?
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Aside from putting a vagina somewhere random, the best I can think of is:
>increased boob sensitivity
>nipples as sensitive as a clit
>orgasms come in the form of explosive lactation
Oh, and the others mouth tongue and throat feels like a combined sensation and nerves of a pussy and anus?
nah that premise has been tried plenty and it doesn't really sit right with me, usually makes it feel out of balance and one-sided if it's just one of them, and a bit over the top if it's like that for both of them. I was trying to think of something that gives more of the balanced power dynamic between the two of them.

Instead they're always competing to be the one "on top" when moving around, so it's more fun if they're competing to attention with an equal setup.
Yeah this is great! I wish there were more pics and stories of this setup.

But to make it even better, it should the other one’s boobs that feel like that. To each of them, their own feels good but that’s normal. Playing with each others however is where is at.
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I like the idea that when they get aroused it immediately starts feeling like you're having even more close lesbian sex with the nerves of the vagina and clit still being inside of them, all mushed together and only activating when their aroused, shifting their spine and position around as if they had lesibien sex.
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queen conjoinment dump because why not
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