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Thread for discussing artists, images and/or doujins aimed at a bisexual audience.
Posting explicitly bi threesomes isn't necessary
>Then what counts?
1. Artists who draw or images depicting sexy girls and sexy guys
2. Artists who draw or images depicting bi-sandwiches, female-assisted gay stuff
3. futa allowed, but only if there are men and women present.
4. NTR/swinging if it fits the subject
5. Sole male/ female is fine but only from artists who are relevant to the thread
6. trap/ambush, but if there is a female present/from relevant artist.

>what doesn't
1. ugly b*stards
2. faceless male (unless they're really hot)

Not enough porn artists draw sexy guys that are not femboys and I want to see more + the opportunity to share my own.
artist 1 kukumomo
Maybe I wasn't clear enough on this, but this thread isn't just for artists, but anything bi-related. Images with both hot guys and girls are welcome and so are panels depicting threesomes. Literally anything you have goes in here, I just want to create an overview of artists I like.
artist 2 crescentia
artist 3 mrbooshmaster
This artist draws a LOT of futa, but it fits the theme of the subject in that he depicts both attractive guys and girls. A lot of those girls just have cocks.
artist 4 blackwhiplash
artist 5 bdone
artist 6 snegovski
artist 7 sulcate
artist 8 6no1
artist 9 bangdacy
This person likes to depict actualy threesomes which this thread needs more of
artist 10 combos-n-doodles
artist 11 dross
Forgot to mention artist 12 matemi
artist 13 erovsaaaka
too big so posting the sample
artist 14 nyantcha
artist 15 doppel
artist 16 glacierclear
And some doujins. That's it from me, now it's your turn.
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Pic related is from Mohimohinosiri on Twitter.
Some Doppel...
...and naturally, GyaruSatan.
Thank you. I was worried nobody else would post anything since it took so much time to create.
this is literally just a random porn dump thread lmao most of these pics have zero bisexual content whatsoever
Kind of frustrating to hear since I spent a while making it. The point is you can post both straight and gay and the images you post don't necessarily need to contain both, even though that is welcome. I made another thread recently where I dumped a ton of imagery and that got nuked really fast. I guess dumping everything I have isn't as good an idea as I thought, since if that thread fails I will have spent hours of my life for nothing. A shame but now I know better.
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i appreciate it OP and that is just dumb

don't know a lot more but

artist: nocnoc_draws
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that guy* is just dumb

artist @rins_titties
Thanks. These are really hot.
just go to the yume thread on /h/
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Honestly, it's hard enough to find true bisexual FFM content, MMF is even rarer than that.

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