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Fellow /d/eviants, where do you go when you want to read sexual stories involving your fetish?

Also, post an image exemplyfing your main fetish.
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ao3 or literotica, usually. fanfiction dot net back in the day.

also thank god farcille is such a popular ship because my "bestial monstergirl with giant cock" kink is eating this year. i just want her to kidnap me and mark me and make me bear her children forever
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Dianathevalkyrie (before it died), Deviantart, writing.com, but really mainly just DA

Shout out Marknew
Does anyone have a reading plug for attribute theft?
I might, but you didn't post a picture so no dice
a "good" picture, not some deviant art tier garbage
Have fun with your dead thread
pray for all those pastebins
Lost like a cum shot in a bukkake
I just resort to writing stuff involving my favorites using novelai, cause I don't know where to look in the first place, and anything close to it I've have come across have all been gay as fuck stories which I don't want
Just out of curiosity, what do you want?
scenarios or stories involving a guy (or futa) who turns out to be /d/ sized down there, often secret about it, but turns it into a benefit, with reoccuring themes of cock & awe, cock worship, and such .. can also be about cock growth/expansion
longest running story (on NAI) I got is from a milf's perspective finding out her son is packing the whole meat plant and can never get it out of her mind, going from catching a few peeks to ravenous cock lust, trying desperately not to show it, while remaining in the "look but don't touch" territory
I know it probably sounds vanilla as fuck but that's what I like
I just went ahead and wrote my own. Too bad for you guys, it's not in English.
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Cock growth you say
>I know it probably sounds vanilla as fuck but that's what I like

Nah, I get it. I've had a trunk story in that same vein I may dust off and post sometime.
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TGStorytime, pretty much exclusively. I have various other /d/ fetishes (hypno especially), but no real hub for good written content unfortunately.
Self plug: https://tgstorytime.com/viewuser.php?uid=15228
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I like choose your own adventure stuff, so I go to writing.com, which sadly is now a "paysite". I am dabbling in transformation, so the changing mirror has good choose your own adventure stuff.

Anyone got any cyoa sited for smut?
https://www.collaberotica.org/ is a cyoa-focused smut site. I'm on my phone so no picture from me.
why is there so much fart stuff??
RandomAnon has autism, be nice to him.


they recently added a search function so its easier to find the episodes with the stuff you like
Hentai-Foundry has a good bit of kink-heavy stuff, but they're hidden to guests unless you've got a direct link. I've seen some HF writers move to AO3 in recent years, but not all.
Mostly literotica and deviantart now a days. AO3 is good. Those also happen to be where I upload my own work for the same reason.
Nice! I've also written some in my native tongue. Very different than writing smut in English, some things are way more natural to express.
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I have tragically found out today that I never saved a personal copy of one of my greentext. I was able to find it on the archives, but I could've sworn I wrote a continuation, and I cannot find it. I'm worried it might not have been archived. If anyone can help find it, I'll be in your debt.

https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/10315073/#q10318904 for the first part.
Have you read the short stack genie? It's amazing. I wish I could chat with the author
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I used to browse literotica but stopped a decade ago. The whole site has gone to shit since then.

I'm really into larger-female/smaller-male dynamics, soft femdom in general. Haven't found a site where you can post /ss/ stories...
real entusiast right here
Yeah there's been quite a few issues on the site, I still use it though. If you like larger female/smaller male that's mostly what I write, though I steer well clear of ss stuff.

I could suggest a few other authors too if you're interested.
Chyoa.com is where I write, it might be a little tame compared to /d/ tastes, but there's plenty of transformation and futa stories.
I miss old Tumblr.
It was chock full of degenerates and you could find a tag for almost any fetish
True. Twas like the burning of the great library. So many stories I wish I'd saved.
Tumblr was a double edged sword. A lot of great treasures were lost, along with a lot of not so great dogshit. You just had to know how to navigate it. It's like if the great library was located in the middle of an irradiated wasteland and it all burned down together.
All the usual places - FA, DA, AO3, LitEro - but also varied tumblrs, hentaifoundries, sofurries, Aryions, and one-off sites as discovered. The secret's to investigate the favorites pages of commenters and track what you have / haven't read via browser bookmarks. If you can seed your own pages with a couple decent stories in genres of interest, even better; every favorite what comes in is another avenue of discovery.

That said, tumblr dying broke something in me, since it happened only just a little after I started really knuckling down and looking into Ero literature too... so now I autistically archive everything of interest I come across. Main interests are FtM and Genital TF fetishes, sets of which I've been collecting, organizing and sharing out for a few years now; done it often enough here where I think most are aware now, but there's always that one anon with a link to some obscure forum no one's heard of, so I try to use it as an excuse to ask for recs whenever I can too. https://mega.nz/file/LFRgBSAZ#Nnzch1ReWvBJvXm5Kw-7-w3ZX19CvyDa4si3mjU5AnA
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I would love to see a creepypasta parody about a cursed Dig Dug instance.
Anyone got any recommendations for femboy smut?
Sincerely surprised no-one mentioned mcarchives or the dead-but-still-around asstr org (there are some mirrors around).
Both enjoy tags and you can find practically anything.
That "Anything" includes /d/
I think I fucked this one up or something, I build a character and then it's just over
isn't there a story or something that's supposed to come after?

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