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Last thread: >>10945017

Post big people kissing, fucking, fighting or anything in between.
The more people getting caught in the middle or trying to spoil the fun the better.
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Which girl would (you) want to be big with, anon, and what sort of fun things would you two do together ?
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I don't think there's enough content to keep making this thread, we should let it die for a month or two at least.
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i agree, but since we have a thread going we might as well just bump it when it hits page 9 or 10.
I have a pretty "standard" fantasy for any anime/video game/manga/etc woman I like. Start out around a few stories and slowly grow as we fuck. Police and then military response escalates, but obviously they can't do shit. It always ends with some kind of world ending finale. Cumming the planet down her throat after a blowjob, crushing it between my cock and her cervix, destroying it between our tongues with a kiss, etc.
For particular characters I might mix it up. Like with Darkness I'd want to do shibari but with subway trains as the ropes.
>so few giant couple stories based on existing IP throughout the web
>Writing had an Ace Attorney one that was getting frequently updated and had great description of Apollo and Athena railing each other through the city
>was starting two new GC storylines too
>been completely abandoned for more than 3 months now
Actual F.
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to whoever that anon was, lemme know if you want more femdom shit in chapter 2 as i can make adjustments now before going on to the main rampage/sex part.
Very hot. The only suggestion I'd make is to maybe not use "titter" that much. I will be looking forward to future chapters.

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