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Specifically femboys that look like early transitioners or estroginized. Femboys are at their hottest when they got small boobs.

>previous thread

>To add
Let's try to actually post porn please. Long discussions are a given with threads like these. If you're gonna post some text, at least post some porn along with it.

>Question of the day
For femboy chasers, why do you prefer femboys over trans women when they're essentially the same thing outside of presentation

And for Hrt femboys, how do you present yourself? Do you wear feminine clothing like what most people think femboys wear or do you present still male but on estrogen? Or are you somewhere in-between?
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>when they're essentially the same thing outside of presentation
one is draw cute girl and call her a boy
the other is mental illness
Freckle tits and butts are the best.
I guess I like both really, just as long as I enjoy them as a person and such. But I like boobs to much to quit women wholly so... lol
Does anyone know the artist that always drew THICK femboys? I think the name started with Chin, but if you've seen the cropped panel where the femboy is saying he gets called Chun-li because of his thighs, that's the artist I'm thinking of
Chinzuri BOP. Love his stuff.

He's a pretty big samefag, but it's a cute artstyle and his stuff is always lovey-dovey and cute. So I can't complain.
He is a big scatman now.
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Fair. I like women for relationships as well. I've hooked up with twinks before but never anything long term. If I were to he'd have to be on estrogen eventually. But even then, most are pretty mentally ill.
10 months hrt gave me boobs like this.

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