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With post-hypnotic amnesia or not?
Why girls mindcontrolling guys is such a rare thing? I find it pretty cute...
I feel like for some people it's more about the power dynamic and I feel like it's more common for guys to want girls to just be someone who follows orders than the reverse
same, i never find anything like "brainwashing the guy into girl's pet" femdom things anywhere
so true! it's so adorable! I love it whenever it's something simple like just being snuggled up with them whilst the guy is under or anything like that!
Have there been any mind control stories where a victim was disabled (Blind, deaf, etc) and the disabillity played a major role in the story and/or brainwashing?

I'm asking this because I'm a guy who's looking for novelty and or twists to the traditional formula.
Because it's gay. Hypnosis is meant to control girls.
>Hypnosis is meant to control girls.
shit bait tbdesu
Why would straight man want to be hypnotized and not be the one doing the hypnotizing? I don't get it.
to me hypnosis is more about than """"control""" or being a kink it's about being comfy and doing silly shenanigans and having a good time with the other person!

there's nothing wrong with wanting to be hypnotized or to hypnotize others, in any context regarding recreational OR kink stuff.
people like that guy dont actually have a hypnosis fetish, theyre just general masturbators. theres always way more general masturbators than actual fetishists for anything thats not turbo niche. its a hard life for us. post men to drive them away!
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it can be cute if drawn well but most male femdom fetishists are way too cringe, 90% of that shit on hypnohub is just spirals photoshopped onto tits or mommyshit.
Back to maledom, I found this great art piece
https://e-hentai.org/g/2962847/df0f27e9ec/ and I thought I should share it. I love it when girls are obedient without any questions. They don't even question why they obey, they just obey in a nonchalant manner. I can't wait for the second part to get translated if it will any time soon.
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He says, posting AI-slop, with 0 self awareness.
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preferring to be hypnotized rather than hypnotizing someone seems gay to me but well...
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good taste anon
For me it's because being in trance feels good and relaxing, the submissive aspect, and because of the parallel with getting horny in how your preferences change. Mind alteration also can easily overlap with corruption, transformation, sluttification and other fetishes that involve change. It's also incredibly intimate because your mind is closer to you than even your body is, so mind changes can probably easily overlap with things like absorption or vore. It also has an ASMR quality to it, or even just evokes a sense of seductive whispers in your ear.
Is this a one-off or is there a complete story?
one route on penlight awakened my desire to be hypnotized and messed up by a girl, especially if she thinks its for "my own good"
There’s a doujin i was looking for, but it’s not TL’d, so i can’t find it.
It’s about a nun that’s investigating a village and everyone is having sex, and when she meets the leader, she gets MC’d, sucks his dick, and rims him before getting fucked. Ends with a timeskip where she’s in a late pregnancy, and she’s covered with body writing like the word slut/whore in english
I like when a girl uses hypnosis to make you permanently submissive or inject some shameful fetishes into you.

Like give you a foot fetish, a facesitting kink, a giantess fetish, and such. Even if you were a dominant guy who was completely not into that stuff before.
to me it is about domination. as a man, it is easy to dominate a woman. you have more muscles, are taller, stronger, you can easily pin them down and do whatever, but with hypno you are doing something bigger.
not only taking hold of the body but charge of the mind, able to shape and mould, control and change.
it is a battle of minds, and you won, so now you are earning your just reward.
truly understanding what makes a person tick. how their memories, ideals, thoughts and emotions shape their actions and perspectives.
bit by bit being able to string them along your desired path,
turning into whatever you desire
Has there been any update to Penlight?
2 hours ago in fact
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>No hypnoanon to be mindbroken by
why live
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>as a man, it is easy to dominate a woman.
Nta but I see this as a reason why hypno is better on men. 90% of porn is just men using thier strength on women but with hypno it doesn't matter how strong you are you can still be dominated by someone half your size, which i feel emphasizes the mental aspect of this fetish
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This nonny gets it. Resistance is an essential part of hypno for me
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I just wanna be blitzed by a surprise conversational induction already
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I only hypnotize biological women, not gay men.
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mega based
For me hypno is a means to an end for me. I want to have a woman who is my toy and she does everything I want. It's a nice feeling to have your desires complied with without any resistance and there is also the element that you know she will be on your side no matter what. I could finally trust someone in a twisted and weird way
first of all, trust issues. talk to a psychologist.
secondly. there are a lot of kinks in which that fantasy can be actualised, so why hypno of all options?
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Slowly getting our thinking patterns and common sense corrupted by multiple layers of hypnosis, until our poor minds are beyond repair. Cumming our brains out in front our masters is the most normal thing to do now, it's like eating breakfast really.
most mainstream. I also have a kink for things that look human but can be programmed however I wish appearance, intellect and behavior, generally created through some alchemy, modern tech or even magic. But I'll be honest, I barely found anything like this.
Thoughts about on-and-off mind control? Making someone do things against their will and then abruptly releasing them, usually only to resume control soon after.
With or without amnesia? Have them take a moment to gather what just happened? Or just let them go right into being embarrassed or whatever immediately?
The best hypnosis is when she's still mentally aware of her actions but her body acts against her will. She'll be walking down the street butt naked but she's fully aware and embarrassed in her mind but can't fight back against it.
That's body control. Many people call it a subcategory of mind control because of the overlap, but I consider it a category of it's own, because it can happen a lot of ways besides mind control and brainwashing.
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Quick edit I made (blanking out the eyes). Pairing Nessa's trainer outfit next to a maid outfit made it perfect for hypnosis pic.
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It's super hot if the girl has already remained under hypnotism for years when the hypnosis gets undone, and even better if the hypnosis was originally so sudden that she didn't even realize what was about to happen. So from her point of view she's just walking back from school like always, and *zap* all of a sudden she's leashed and collared in some unkown place, 8 years older and heavily pregnant.
that kind of femdom mc kink seems more prevalent on /gif/. but it'll be mostly sissy stuff.
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Any of you anons know what happened to our boi Hare? (Staffing fame; Saimin Yuugi).
His last update was in 2021 talking about releasing M.C. Trois remake and M.C. Quatre.

Did he get Rona'd?
This guy gets it.
Which route is it? I can't be arsed to trudge through the while thing, especially since it's apparently some feminist's pretentious essay on how rape is bad.
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occam's razor. you don't need to hypnotize most guys into having sex. guys will have sex with 99.99% of woman so there's really no need for hypno
For me? It's mind controlled girls fully aware that they're being mind controlled and hating it but their body can only obey
For me its the exact opposite.

Mind controlled girls who are fully aware that they are being mind controlled but loving every second of it (because they have been brainwashed to love it) is the hottest possible thing.
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This has been my dream for the past 3 years at least.
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Based symphogear enjoyer
That is coz they don't need hypnosis to control us lol
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Art I commissioned with 2 OCs of mine
Fuck it I'll post my own drawings too, thread needs more content
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Bit late of a (You) but I don't check /d/ often; He made several tweets between your post and me writing this reply, Apparently, he bought some instant meals and a manga. Also, he bikes a lot. Seems alive enough to me.
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Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/113902697
I don't really know. It's the best permutation of hypnosis easily
Hot as fuck
>Twice as hot when it's a cuckqueen angle too.

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