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The thread for posting pictures, experiences, and adventures around chastity devices.
Both male and female chastity welcome. The more images the better!

Previous Thread: >>11015154
Belt Thread: >>10973434


>Lock Tracker & Guide


>Guide to Nipple Orgasms
(PDF) https://files.catbox.moe/fa55vs.pdf
(Audio) https://files.catbox.moe/uheaeu.zip
Anchor post for any cage timers you want to share

See the Lock Tracker Rentry for some tips when creating a lock.

(intraining99) https://chaster.app/sessions/ma9PEazscsz39lYM
(Please_be_nice) https://chaster.app/sessions/mNUPxCItBMbMFuvO
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(daniellaUwU) https://chaster.app/sessions/PlU148ONlkZZfGYU
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hahahaha way too fucking tired.
Previous Thread: >>11033810
Belt Thread: >>10973434
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RIP to Shapeways and CherryKeepers (for the moment)

Shapeways filing for bankruptcy
I fantasize about having a steel chastity cage, what are most recommended ones?
Thank you for the answers

I found a cute titanium pa cage with an inbuilt piercing and now don't know how great it would fit on someone with foreskin. Do you have experience with that?
Currently wearing a metal cage held up with an elastic strap (I'm a grower). Works great and is super comfortable but when I bend over/adjust my clothes the strap peeks out of my pants. Any advice to keep it hidden?
I wish I did, but unfortunately I'm circumcised :(

What cage are you looking at? I've also been in the hunt for a reasonably priced titanium cage
Well that helps with hygiene in a cage

It's the "Titanium Permanent Chastity Cage PA Lock SQ23963" from smbsm, but of it's reasonable is your gues, it cost 200$
The flat cage is the worse thing that's ever happened to this fetish. If I wanted to get rid of the dick completely, I'd be in one of those castration threads.
Agreed, they look like shit are and are non functional
No real loss there
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Whoops here we go again
The worst thing that ever happened to this fetish are the hygiene issues...

And flat cages are fine
I prefer a dome or even an inverted cage over the simple flat one, the simple flat one are just not as practical as the other ones.

But the aesthetic is nice

And to the castration reference, sure there are overlaps, but the main point would be the size play

Smaller equals hotter/cuter
what makes it permanent?
The small ring that is used like a seal I guess
oh shit, ive got a cage in production with them right now
> Material: Titanium Steel
this is a garbage cage with stupid markup. you can find the same one on aliexpress for 20 bucks. avoid.

if you're able to spend 200 on a cage just get a k3d cobra. if it has to be metal check out rigid chastity.
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This slut's a kinky friend of mine who has no idea I came across her account once. And she's done nothing whatsoever to deserve it but I just think it'd be funny if she gets hit with WAY more time than she expected.


Just because you already have a micropenis doesn't mean everyone else does
Speak for yourself I find them very comfy.
People said that nipple correctors were good but which ones?
Are chink ones good enough or should I just save for estim
Any advice for picking a strap-on harness that can be worn over a chastity cage? I want to do longer lockups but I miss having something to stroke while I look at porn.
i have a spare parts joque that works pretty well over my cage
bought a cheap vibrator finally and came while caged for the first time. im thinking its gonna be a regular thing. saved a lot of time, too.
That's literally just a c clip, it comes off as easy as it goes on


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