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Continuation from the last thread. Post men and women being turned into stuff.

Previous Thread: https://desuarchive.org/d/thread/11034122
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And that's all the men tfs I have! Feel free to ask for sources for any of the images. Also feel free to post men tfs of your own here. I want these to be threads to be a place where people can post both men and women tfs here :)
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Wishes With Strings Attached: https://www.deviantart.com/wrenzephyr2/art/CMSN-Wishes-With-Strings-Attached-782368453
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Forgot the image
File deleted.
anyone wants me to draw some twinks turning into stuff? looking for fresh ideas
Yeah you should do a vibrator tf.
How about transformation into pavement slabs/floor tile where they face is still recognisable on the top for people stepping on him. Bonus point if transformation is done by squishing them into mold and socking in concrete. (If it is not a problem I would prefer for victim to be human)

Another idea is to have him petrified into chocolate and bits and pieces are broken off for consumption or directly bitten into.

Ice Cream/drink dispenser machine TF where they head and torso retain their shape. Product come from nozzle/dick (maybe add big boobs with nozzles for different flavors)
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Someone suggested this ages ago (can't remember if it was this thread or the dumb tf one) but how about Joker and Ryuji (or just Joker) getting turned into these statues?
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Found an old pic of raven before the bite and drew it again.
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There's gotta be a term to look up for when you like animate object tf. Like if you turn a girl into a chair I want her to be able to still be able to move and wiggle around even if she can't go anywhere. Just to show it's someone turned into something but still alive.
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you mean "semi-inanimate"?
Sometimes "living (place object here)" can get you hits on searches. Like "Living sex toy" or something
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ive heard it called animate inanimate but idunno.
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wish this dude did more, hot as fuck
Does anyone have that pic of the blonde catgirl as a pair of crotchless panties?
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Does anybody know the source for this?
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source on this?
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Thank you
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I'll See You Soon : https://www.deviantart.com/thelazystoryteller/art/I-ll-See-You-Soon-731426690

Art Source: https://www.deviantart.com/semi-stick/art/commission17-756934583
Here ya go: https://x.com/osushirinda/status/1775703259677909033
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>>11068513 Bombs away.
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how bout inuyasha turning into a loincloth for koga
You can find more of this person's wonderful art here: https://www.deviantart.com/renytfs/gallery/all
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ALTS can be found here: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/105918373
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