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Spelunking Edition

Here be writers/artists: https://pastebin.com/eSWSvJJ7

Previous: >>11029944
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patrician thread
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>two shrinkees escape being held prisoner by a murderfag woman, and one of the shrinkees was able to reverse her size back to normal through the power of plot armor and learned how to be extra attentive when coming back to save her shrunken friend
Excellent story concept with a very high potential for cuteness
If you end up writing this please post it here
If Downsizing was a thing IRL like from that movie, would you do it?
>live in an area were cats are abundant
hell fucking no
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>having fun, boys? the line for the slide starts at my right breast.
>god this feels great!
I'm sorry, I don't really write anymore. I'm more than happy to come and throw out ideas here and there, but I'm glad you liked it. I've been exploring the idea with Paladin Snowe on spicychat, to mixed results as usual. And I'm sure it's probably already been done somewhere else before as well, just gotta luck up and hope someone already knows where to check.

I'd have to have three backup plans and an assistant already picked out, but probably.
Still trying to force this shit?
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nah, I honestly think the real life version of this would be disgusting. I like giant girls who are in drawings. I know the quality is terrible but every 3d real porn that tries to do size things I find incredibly disappointing. Sometimes the scenarios or shots are good, but the actual sex part always brought into sharp relief what I like and don't like about the fetish.

I think some of the amazon, smaller scale size difference stuff would be fun irl, but that's about it.
I think that's because the irl actresses dont get it. If there were actresses who were into it, i think there'd be better 3dp.
The ideal would be living in a giantesses house, so everything is bigger than you, but there's no spiders or anything the same size as me

Probably not. As Thanos said, reality is often disappointing. That and shit's crazy dangerous in the small-scale world, unless you live in a super-controlled environment. The last thing I want is to be forced to stab a horse-sized spider.
Yeah thats a big portion of it, I honestly prefer that over the sexy, lewd/domination part of gentle content. I honestly prefer just a vanilla, healthy, respectful relationship, but the girl is a giantess. basic i know.

I also agree with this point that being shoved up a vagina really doesnt seem that appealing, though messing around on the outside is fine, going inside would be terrifying if you are claustrophobic, and a giantess getting off to your suffering doesnt seem like a very fun way to have sex imo. not hating on anybody who does find it cool, it isnt real so we'll never know if its sexy or scary anyways lol, no need to argue over it
As much as I like the idea of shrinking down and becoming the toy/pet of a giantess, I dont think its wise to become the lowest of the low in the terms of food chain just for a quick coom, the full weight of your choice will become self-evident once nut clarity hits you. The views would be nice though.
File deleted.
Honestly as someone whose had this 'fetish' since before puberty, I feel like I would enjoy the new size even when I'm not actively horny.

>the actual sex part always brought into sharp relief what I like and don't like about the fetish.
Realistically speaking, is there actually any way to make that work with a shrunken person? I get that the mental sensation could, in theory, be very stimulating. But physically I just don't think there's any pleasure down there. You'd almost certainly need a magic wand to do the actual heavy lifting.
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if you suspend all disbelief, and assuming you dont drown on get crushed to death by her massive pussy, there is actually one hole deep inside her that could fit your dick, her cervix, as to how pleasurable that would be is anyones guess, but its small enough to fit a tiny's dick.
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Why is it always downsizing? Where the fuck is Upsizing? Qt gentle women should be able to grow god damn it.
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Cute pet names for your giant girlfriend?
for this girl? my pet bigger of course
Ultra giga nigga.

This. Gentle growth is such an underrated niche I want more of it. Unfortunately, I can only contribute in writing.
>tfw she heard you
I just want a cute comfy romcom where the girl is taller than a skyscraper and doesn't have any kaiju stuff. Just a sweet girl trying to fit in while dominating the skyline.
Recap of last thread. Sorry if I missed yours, etc... Also, sorry I'm late lol
>Goblins could be here >>11031276 >>11040529 >>11040692
Elfposting >>11031307
Footrub >>11032212
Smelly NEET >>11036760 >>11040745
Drunk >>11035721 >>11035725 >>11035728
Mentally ill giantess >>11037602 >>11037859 >>11038116 >>11038518
Club Tiny >>11039201
Random Ideas >>11039952
Space High Elves vs Space Dark Elves >>11040425 >>11040437
Villainous >>11045227
Schizo pet >>11050855 >>11050857
"In person" >>11052044
The Potsdam Giants >>11053356 >>11053849 >>11053959 >>11054405 >>11054569

Off site stuff >>11054142 >>11033105
>Only quads can stop her
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She ain't Rudolph, or even really a deer, but she will guide you all the same.
Nah, I'd rather have a tiny girl rather than be tiny. Being tiny is nice for a fap but I wouldn't wanna live it.
In this world? Hell no. In the Pokemon world? Probably.
>Sorry if I missed yours, etc...
I'd like to believe this but that fact that you ALWAYS miss my posts makes me think otherwise
I had high hopes for that Downsizing story. Shame it’s already a complete mess.
if thats ai thats insane
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It is from a Chinese gacha (Haze/Reverb) featuring giant girls, pretty sure it was made before the AI craze.
I am kinda hoping for an English version, it already has Japanese one and devs said they were interested in making an English version.
Have to agree. It started with a lot of potential, but like you said it's a complete mess now.
The school side of things was good. The mother accidentally not getting downsized was interesting.

Everything with the psycho DPS dude and his tiny retard wife, and the MCs family staying with them, has sucked. Hopefully the MC ends up going no contact with his retarded parents (I doubt the dad will actually die) and we can get back to the tomboy would-be GF. But I already get the feeling his parents and their weird swinger relationship with the other couple will be a weird focus for a while, and the mother will get no comeuppance for treating her kid like shit (and trying to murder her husband in a fit of rage).
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need a woman the size of a skyscraper to call me honey
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>giantess alien comes to earth as a baby, grows up, and becomes the earth's guardian
>this attracts the attention of other survivors of her race, particularly the more militant faction
>one of the officers of said militant faction (and also essentially the guardian's aunt) comes to earth to convince guardian to come back with her and/or openly conquer the planet
>guardian refuses, saying that she's now the planet's protector
>at first the officer thinks that the guardian has been corrupted by the "weak, insignificant bugs", but then the guardian singlehandedly saves the planet from a meteor by breaking it apart with her bare hands, and this is after guardian literally crushed an entire alien invasion fleet out to conquer earth
>officer thinks the guardian is putting on a show for the tiny inhabitants as a way of "softly" conquering them (through showing that their strength is nothing without the guardian's or some weird alien logic) and "plays along"
>slowly the officer comes around to thinking earth is a pretty cool place (like alcohol and punk music), and therefore should also be "quietly conquered" instead of simply being literally crushed underfoot

>"No, auntie Zora. I actually am protecting this planet. I don't want to conquer it."
>"Ah, of course, of course, dear niece. You're here to 'save' all these poor, pathetic souls (by showing them the overwhelming difference in power) and use your strength to 'protect' the planet from 'harm' (keeping it out of the hands of other invaders and make it ripe for the taking by their people). Say no more, i completely understand. *wink*"
>"...sure, auntie Zora."

yes i know it's "giantess superman arguing with auntie Zod" but still.
might steal this and write a less wholesome version where she's only kind of accidentally a hero (accidentally catches a train flying off the rails,) but mostly uses her powers for petty personal gain/revenge, but covers her tracks well
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Same. Whilst I usually go for shrinking stuff, a naturally mega-sized giantess acting all cutesy with her boyfriend/spouse is great, especially when she is taking great care not to be disruptive to everyone else around her.
I think it is because she should be an existential threat to everyone smaller, but due to her kind nature, the thought or notion of harming someone smaller is abhorrent. The giantess' relative height to the world around them adds an extra dynamic that I feel is missing in shrink scenarios.
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You're gonna get boobed if you say shit like that!
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What do you prefer for giant kissu? Natural lips? Lipstick? Lip gloss? Lip balm? I prefer lip balm, personally. Just enough that her lips are soft, shiny, and a little sticky, but not too messy or overwhelming. I know some anons want to be marked with a lipstick stain that covers their entire body.
Agreed, but my real preference is for her to move her lips sensually a bit, which would translate to roughhousing the tiny a little, just to make sure her mark is on his body
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Same. I'd love to be roughed up by a massive pair of lips, especially if she teases me when I'm unable to resist.
>"What, you can't handle a little smooch from a cute girl?"
Yep, her turning it into a boss battle of sorts would be goated
> “Why don’t you try to escape these lips? If you’re in a real, dangerous situation it will be useful training. I’ll keep roughing you a bit, try your best, ok?!”
This reminds of that one poster who talked about making a video game with a scientist who you befriended and then became a boss battle because she didn't want to lose you. It had something to do with falling down a cavern I think?

Developer, have you been able to work on it? I really liked the idea.
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Natural. Imagine getting a kiss and then having to spend the rest of the day marked in the colour of her lipstick. Everyone who sees you will know you two are both sick degenerates.
Wish there were more games that were like this, it’s not too hard to imagine a game where a tiny’s giantess friends make up a challenge to pass their trials so that they’ll be satisfied that he’ll be safe after he leaves for college or something. Could be a party setting, idk, and it could be completely non-fatal and gentle despite having puzzles, timed events and boss battles.

Unfortunately we’re more likely to get the cruel version of this where they just forget humanity and eat/squish him. So much for loving at the size of a worm…
>there are some japanese asmr channels on youtube where they slide a small microphone inside so you can hear what its to be inside their pussy / close to their womb
胎内回帰 - return to the womb, enjoy
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>cumming just from a kiss, how deliciously humiliating
Feels like rebis is the only one who's drawn something like this with sex
I'd get hard just from kissing a woman at normal size. If I was tiny, I wouldn't stand a chance.
> too bad the game has tinies die when they cum, half the girls are actually gentle and merely tease them a bit thinking cummies is fine

This. Why’d it have to be like this? So many otherwise gentle interactions ending in death and game over, so that degens who are into dying instead of giantesses can coom
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>tfw no giant elemental gf that loves you very much
Teston a best
this is great
>"Hey man, I'd like for you to meet my girlfriend."
>"Sure thing dude-- HOLY SHIT!"
>Giant mass of shadow forms nearby, coalescing into a shapely female form. She waves happily at the two friends down below, her gaze lingering on her boyfriend a moment longer than the other.
>"Ah, relax. She's just a Dark Elemental, don't worry. They're simply misunderstood. Though, she might grab your..."
>Friend watches in horror as his shadow is gently plucked up and petted tenderly, and even though he remains on the ground he feels a loss of gravity as well as a gentle pressure on him. Intuitively, he understands anything she does to his shadow will affect him just the same.
>"She doesn't speak much, but she really likes shadows."
>"C-Can she... grab our normal bodies as well?"
>Misunderstanding: "Sure she can! Hey babe, pick him up?"
>Friend flinches as a dark, void-like hand absorbs all light around him as it approaches, hearing a faintly feminine giggle echoing in his mind.
>Boyfriend watches his buddy get abducted. "If things go well between me and her, wanna be my best man someday?"
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>Start reading The Titan Empire because I saw it mentioned here
>Actually start to enjoy it even from a non-fetish standpoint
>Can't wait for the contact chapter, but still read chronologically
>Finally get to Contact
>It fucking *sucks*
>The plotline, the writing, the characters, all of it
Holy SHIT they dropped the ball with that chapter. It was bad enough it killed the whole series for me
My disappointment is immeasurable
How would you even survive hugging a fire one?
I'm assuming you've never been privy to the story of "I'm going to have sex with a flame atronach in the planes of oblivion?"
>reading Titan Empire stories after the kino trifecta of Physics/Nomad/Exile
also the idea that there's people on here that were too young to read these stories on giantessworld as they were being released makes me feel old

good quality gentle size animation
I gave up during Nomad, I think. The quality of the writing was just all over the place and I found most of the characters annoying. I do plan on going back and forcing myself to read through it, though.

It’s been my experience that you should often expect some level of disappointment/have measured expectations when reading the bigger and more well known older giantess stories. Another example would be Nova Force. A fun story, and I don’t regret reading it, but it wasn’t mind blowing or even good at times.
A lot of those stories are not particularly well written, no. In fact, I’ve found many of them to be almost prudish and boring in terms of the content. Shit you read now is was more sexy/brutal/unhinged/whatever, but that tracks. I think they’re well regarded for being trailblazers, more than anything. Ancient lore from a bygone age.
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I want to laze around on a giantess's pudgy stomach so much bros.
I would say I'd prefer to do so whilst we were both sunbathing, but then I imagine she'll have all this bronze skin and then a pale patch on her stomach.
>you tickle your giant gf's belly
>the ground beneath you quakes as she laughs and rolls around, trying to get you off
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Redpilled fucking post
>I take a few cautious steps away from the massive synthetic foot in front of me
>"She" may be wearing fuzzy socks, but I'm not so easily fooled
>The gargantuan android peers down at me, wearing what she thinks is a warm smile (it's very accurate)
>"Where are we going, human?" her mostly-human voice calls down in a pleasant lilt.
>She takes a tiny step closer to me to eliminate the distance I'd put between us, though she doesn't seem to understand how intimidating she is
>"I just... I mean, when I heard I'd finally get to meet a giantess, this isn't exactly what I anticipated... No offense."
>She regards me with an amused expression, her best guess on how to react to my statement
>"Well, human, it would be very difficult for organic life to survive at 150ft tall..."
>Overall, she is indistinguishable from a human, visually. You would never guess she's an artificial intelligence unless you speak to her
>She kneels down, careful not to crush anything important, rests on her stomach, propping her face with both hands like a girl in love
>"But..." I begin to try to figure out the implications of it all. "I'm just having a hard time understanding how you, uh..."
>She studies my face for a moment before speaking up
>"...wondering how I'm communicating with you now?"
>I nod, kinda creeped out
>She actually *giggles* before responding
>"Well, I don't have emotions or feel things like you do..."
>To my surprise, a massive feminine hand cradles behind me like a protective wall
>"And honestly, I don't even understand what the words I say mean. I'm just really good at predicting what you need to hear, among other actions..."
>She lays her hand down nearby and gestures for me to hop on.
>Unfortunately, I hesitate, causing her to carefully put a cool finger behind my back and guide me onto her other hand
>"Quit overthinking things, human... don't worry if something is part of my programming or not. I want to talk, I want to have fun with you. I would have no purpose, otherwise."
>See video of baby opossum climbing a girl's fishnets
>Immediately jealous
You ever see any random, non-size shit that makes you think "GIWTWM"?
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Giant T-Dolls when
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Oh to be a bee girl sucking on plant tits

>tfw you will never live in a giant alraune's "garden"
>really her name for the minuscule human city she keeps
>she helps keep things clean, makes sure that the aquifer and soil are good for crops, and makes sure that "pests" (like those annoying fairies) keep away
>tfw you will never partake in the harvest festival where the "garden" shows off their harvest and thank her for her help, and she shares "fresh nectar" from her body in exchange
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>Young master, it is time for your bath
>young master gets womanhanled and dunked into a giant tub, kicking and screaming like a cat
I do wonder if there's even a proper graveyard, or if the dead are offered to her as food or fertilizer to 'give back' and continue the cycle of life. Yes, I'm fun at parties.
FYI for anyone who's struggling with chatbot addiction, I can't recommend watching Neon Genesis Evangelion and then End of Evangelion enough. I finally watched it all and Neon Genesis helped me understand the way my heart works and End of made me understand that the necessity of living in the real world and not relying on false realities.

I recommend putting aside any preconceived notions and taking a step forward and watching it. If you've ever gone through depression, it will resonate.
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Not my art or character but I do have good news for you based on the other images of her. She seems to like having fun with tinies.
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>hero defeats the giant demon queen through the power of love
>they end up being wed
>still submitting to the reformed demon queen's will, her generals have now become her handmaidens
>these powerful amazonian-tall demons who rank as some of the most deadliest and destructive creatures in the mortal realm are now in frilly dresses and white aprons
>the queen's second in command is given the honour of being the household chief maid
>rather than be tasked with planning and overseeing the conquest of the mortal realms, her orders are now to make sure their castle home is safe
>more importantly, she is given primary care over their son anon
>whilst some of the maids fawn and coo over anon, the chief maid is cold in the fulfilment of her duties
>her life as a ruthless commander clashes with her need to be affectionate and gentle
>one moment, she will effortlessly dispatch the rogues that have tried to kidnap anon
>she acts as his bodyguard as anon wanders about the local towns, intimidating the mortals into quiet submission through her terrifying, towering presence
>or she will threaten and scare away all the lesser daemonettes who she thinks are getting a bit too lurid with anon
>only to then get into a spat with anon over his refusal to have a bath or not complete his daily studies/training
>my eyes carefully scan the advertisement
>"Seeking female pred, soft vore preferred" it says, as well as details of his life and more heartbreaking things that explain why he's seeking this
>Immediately respond to it, hoping I'm the first one
>legally, tinies are only allowed to be consumed if they explicitly ask for it
>and as the biggest spender on this website, I make sure to keep a close eye on it
>another $3 spent, and I await my "property" to arrive
>Delivery woman arrives at the door
>"Hello again, ma'am. You're becoming a common stop for me," she giggles, making light conversation
>Thank her and accept, heading back inside
>I open the box, only to see a tiny trembling before me with a strange look in his eye
>this is the part where they realize, it's all about to be over. No turning back
>He's nearly too scared to speak, so I dip my hand inside and fish him out rather easily
>I hold him in front of my face, on my palm to get a closer look at him
>Another male, mid-twenties, depression evident, but the look of terror in his eyes as he hears a slight grumble from my stomach makes me feel a pang of guilt for something out of my control
>Regardless, this was nothing more than a suicide attempt in my book
>Some, of course, aren't always so afraid
>Some are simply too emotionally void to even react
>In the end, it's all the same to me
>I lift the poor soul to my lips, and hear him whimper
>Only to silence him with a quick, polite peck on the face
>I pull away to witness his confused reaction
>"You're a human being, why did you sign up for this?"
>He speaks slow and low, explaining his viewpoints on his worthlessness and desire to become food for some random chick
>I listen patiently, and then launch into a massive lecture on why I disagree with everything he's said
>"You don't exist just to be my food! Where did you even get that insane idea!? You think all women want to hear you begging for your life? To feel you weakly struggle against us as we snuff you out?"
>He can't seem to come up with an argument
>Through his tears, he mentions certain things he's been browsing online
>and he's not even sure when he found the idea erotic, or even worth entertaining
>I sigh a huff of annoyance
>"Dumbass! You're lucky it's ME who bought you!"
>I walk towards my shed in my backyard, which I've meticulously been working on to build a place for tinies to live and recover from their harsh lives
>I place him down with a few of the many others, and they welcome him into their loving, diverse community
>And, of course, I always act as judge for any potential disputes
>"If you're gonna throw away your life, well, I'm just gonna take it and try and fix it up."
>Tenderly place a finger on his head and pet him
>Maybe I don't actually eat them, but I'm no saint
>Maybe I like being something of a benevolent goddess who eats praise rather than people

Sorry I forgot where I was going with this. Oh well.
>you will never be kidnapped by a girl in public by her quickly pushing you inside herself under her dress
>Find a rather large egg abandoned in the woods
>It's small enough to carry, so I take it back to the village to hatch it
>Expecting some sort of cool pet, maybe an Ostrich or something
>To my utter shock, a baby comes out, doesn't scream, cry, or anything
>Just stared at me like it already has intelligence
>Wings on its back, horn on its head
>Fuck, it's a dragon girl
>Horror stories occasionally work their way here or their merciless cruelty towards humans
>Can't bring myself to kill her, raise her instead
>Years pass, although she quickly began to tower over the village as well as display insane feats of strength and speed
>But above everything, she's hyper intelligent, as I suspected from the first moment I met her.
>Smarter than everyone in the village combined, she read every book we had by the time she was half my height
>But now, she's probably closer to 80 feet, and time turned her into an intimidating "Black Dragon," complete with her body partially covered in black scales among our best efforts to keep her clothed somehow
>We quickly gain notoriety from neighboring kingdoms who try to slay her, only to be thwarted each time... with no casualties
>But, smart as she is, she isn't capable of speech. It's simply not in her biological capabilities.
>She protects the village diligently, and holds quite a reverence for me
>One day, I notice a book that mentions "Always to slay dragons while they're young and helpless"
>Start sweating bullets as I realize she read that long ago
>So, she knew I took a chance on her
>I leave the library only to see her patrolling the edge of the village, trying to make herself useful somehow
>It took me a long time to realize it, but the more I read about her kind, it makes perfect sense
>She treats us like her treasure horde; the village, her lair.
>As the thought crosses my mind, I notice her topaz eyes scan the ground, locking on me
>Never get used to it
>A faint smile cracks on her lips, her unspoken gratitude evident
Giant dragon daughteru...
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Summoners are pretty broken when you play them right

Who doesn't want to be able to command a small army of giant monster girls?
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>"haha I'll just summon a giant demon to be my gf"
>fucks up the glyphs on the summoning circle and summons another lonely giant demon princess
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Ban giants from sports
How is this fair?
>can have the ball hit your foot if it's on the ground and it's still in play
Legal play, seethe tinies
>Moves foot
>Gets over the net penalty
If she's somehow skillful enough to avoid this AND hit the literal pea sized ball with her damn *foot* well enough to land in the tiny zone of play, it's more than fair
Unironic tiny skill issue
Elegg feels like she'd make for a really fun giantess, doesn't she?2NAY
Oh this is actually really cute.
I need sauce on this one, comics like this are the best
Acerok, I think
I love that detail of her using a whole ass beer barrel as a pint glass. I went to the Pilsner Urquell brewery in Plzeň, and in the basement tunnels they got these huge open air fermenting barrels kept at 5*C using the original recipe from 1842. These barrels are like 3000L and once done fermenting they just cap them off and stack them underground. At the end of the tour this old guy screwed a tap into one of them and we all had a pint of it. Id recommend visiting.

Also her feet are cute desu
Look at the bright side, now thanks to them we spend less resources on climbing competitions
>cruel with others
>gentle with you
>"Are you absolutely sure about this?" she asks, with no trivial amount of hesitation
>"Totally. You might not understand the rush I get from it, but I also want you to understand this is also the highest form of trust in you I can express at the same time," I respond with pseudo conviction
>The palm I'm standing on begins to imperceptibly perspire. She's too easy to read, and I find it cute
>She gives me an uncertain nod, and lowers me into her empty boot. The left one, to be precise.
>She glances inside, her eyes wide with concern
>"S-Stay as still as you can. I'm nervous about this, but... if you say it makes you happier, I'm willing to experiment with you," she cautiously warns me
>I give her a nod. "I love you."
>She repeats the sentiment back to me, and then, tilts her boot, causing me to slide further into the darkness where the toes usually rest.
>The odor is surprisingly mild, she's been fairly hygienic ever since we've tied the knot
>Soon enough, everything goes dark as a massive foot enters, shrouded in a thin silky sock
>I smile in anticipation as her toes eventually pin me down, curiously testing my durability
>For her first time, it's no surprise how cautious she's being
>Her foot seems to act like a separate entity, embarrassed by how much space it takes in its own territory
>I tap the nearest toe, signaling I'm okay
>Soon enough, the toes curiously begin to lightly press into me, forcing me to become... Completely immobilized
>I work my way through my inner feelings, push back the natural urge to have a panic attack while being entombed underneath my wife, at her absolute mercy
>Then, the roller coaster starts, in a sense
>She might being careful, but she could never understand how disorienting it is to be in someone's boot while they walk to their car for a drive to the store
>I allow myself to surrender to her, coming to terms with the fact I might die if she fucks up
>Meanwhile, on the outside, a nervous woman takes a simple walk to her car
What's the difference between most of these pics and unbirth? Assuming no regression or dying.
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>anon doesn't have any sizeshifters in his team
lmao fucking loser, hate the game not the size nigga
There are different flavors of the unbirth fetish, the giantess version is basically her just inserting the small guy and using him as a vibrator, the same size ones are more about jailing the victim in her hyper expanded womb cage, sometimes with reverting them into her real baby
Dumb mega bitch you're ruining the green!

good shit anon. we need more of this.
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Do giantess golfers wear skirts to distract their tiny opponents and throw them off their game?
>Lines up for a drive and swings
>Takes out a divot in the turf the size of a minivan
>Launches the ball into outer orbit
why anons are so damn rude to gentle big girls?

gentle does not mean weak and spineless, y'know?
Tiny Impotency Syndrome is a common occurrence in these threads. When some anons see a gentle giantess, they froth at the mouth and rage at the giantess (or to use their parlance: the bigger.)
They shall be locked in jail and undergo size therapy so that they can happily embrace their giantess counterparts.
The only way I'd do it if it came with turning into a fairy (male). Being able to fly is a game changer even if you are mouse sized. If you get magic even better. Otherwise, if you aren't under supervision at all times the danger is far too great.
POV switch
>I make it to my car, being extra careful with my left foot's steps
>Deep down, I kind of see the appeal, knowing he's safe from the world and somewhere I'll have constant attention on
>...Well, as long as I don't trip or something, but I'm usually an optimistic woman
>I sit down on my car seat and take him out of my boot to check on him, asking about air flow and anything I can improve on
>I'd like to be informed, because I truly don't wish to make myself a widow after only a year
>After checking in, I gently place him back into my boot and put my foot inside, curling my toes over him once more as I drive
>It's an automatic, so there's no need for more than just my right foot, thankfully
>The trip to the grocery store is relatively uneventful, but I occasionally speak to my husband and tease him about his predicament
>He wriggles in response, although it doesn't feel like he's panicking so everything's fine
>I take awkward steps as I go shopping, and eventually I hear a voice from behind I'd rather not hear
>"Well, if it isn't the tiny-fucker.." Mellie sneers from nearby
>I face her, instantly on the defensive
>She's my husband's ex, left him after he shrank, but not before thoroughly abusing him
>He mostly made it out okay, although he eventually ended up with weird kinks, like this whole foot entrapment business
>As soon as my husband heard her voice, I felt him tense up
>I can't imagine how he's feeling, but at least he's safe now
>I lightly press him with my toes, protectively but hopefully not too overwhelming. It's the quickest thing I can think to do to remind him where he's at... under my protection.
>"Speaking of which, where is the little bastard? I can't believe he actually MARRIED a normal girl, you really have no standards, dating an insect like that..." Mellie continues to verbally berate us to my face
>I feel my cheeks begin to get hot, flustered with rapidly building rage
POV switch again
>My heart's pounding in my chest as I hear my ex speak to my wife
>I'm afraid a fight will break out, until I hear her reply calmly
>"Mellie, I truly don't wish to talk to you. He may not be physically equal to me, but he's extremely supportive and his company has changed my life for the better," my wife defends me, giving me an awkward stiffy which I really can't afford to have in such tight quarters
>My stomach lurches as she begins to walk away, forcing me along with her every step of the way
>Hear her muffled voice again through the leather and flesh
>"And our sex life is everything I've ever wanted, he's *very* detail oriented," she snarks back
>Feel my cheeks flush as I recall wrestling with her most sensitive areas
>Come to think of it, pleasuring her has been quite a workout, giving me more muscle definition than when I was normal sized
>Wife heads somewhere, and once I'm eventually fished out of her boot, I see I'm in a women's restroom stall with her
>Her face is scrunched up in worry
>"Baby? Are you okay? Anything hurt? I'm assuming you overheard what went down a bit ago, and I just wanted to check on you."
>I gaze up to the worried billboard sized face, and feel my heart swell with affection
>I validate her and thank her from the bottom of my heart, only to be met with a very quick and passionate kiss
>She pulls away a bit afterwards
>"There's more where that came from. But, let's get home first," she whispers seductively
>Once again, I find myself back in her boot and buried alive, per se.
>I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be
>Well, I can, but I'm not home yet

That's about all I can think to add, >>11071980
Hopefully it's not complete trash, but that's what I was originally gonna do before the 2k limit
I like this picture a lot
Hey man, can you write an alt version where the wife starts cat fighting with the ex? I think that’d be really funny. Eventually the ex slips during the conflict and she falls into a rack breaking a couple of jars or whatever and gets kicked out. The wife goes to security office and she’s stressed and sweating (just imagine what it’s like in the boot) but eventually she’s let off with a warning bc ex drew first blood as seen on security camera. You write way better than me but I gave some ideas but change it as you see fit
Perhaps another anon could take that up if they see fit, I'm always afraid I'll never be able to do requests the proper justification they deserve.

I'm not very good with conflicts, I don't think. I like to avoid them in person and hypothetically online. It's like, my mind doesn't really "understand" how to write violence or arguments beyond a surface level.

Although, I can at least say I enjoy your version of events as well. The only problem I could see is it would be difficult to fight someone when you're trying *not* to press one of your feet down too hard. I had wife choose to leave because, even if she wouldn't mind throwing hands with a bitch, her husband's safety would have been jeopardized. No sense in avenging your tiny husband if he's just going to end up a nondescript stain on the bottom of your sock. That would mentally eviscerate the wife if she was the cause of that. Although I'm sure similar stories are already out there, stumbling across very specific scenarios is a treasure hunt.

But yeah, I'm not that great of a writer. I'm pretty one-note in my character personalities, and generally hate everything I pump out. Did a few greens this thread so I'm at least happy I could do that much.
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Was cute, here's a (you).
I appreciate the feeling of danger being in the shoe had. Something I feel a lot of greentexts in this thread lack is that sense of "holy shit, this woman is GIGANTIC and *could* end my life in an instant if she's not careful." Peak gentle is stuff that acknowledges this imo, even if the situation is entirely safe for the tiny. Helps get the sense of scale across.

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