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Time for superior girls to flaunt their goods and inferior girls to wallow in all sorts of negative emotions!
Post comparisons between two girls or more which causes some antagonism. Be it ass, tits, height, muscle or any other sexy parts, you can even post equal comparisons and not just mogging.
I hope we get some new material
Would be interesting to get some strength comparisons as well
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That's the stuff.
Slobs need to learn their place!
Please more muscle and strength stuff
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I didn't want to flood the thread with it too much since there's two muscle girls and a super strength thread already, but if you insist.
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Armwrestling is a good one.
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If you want to see some strength mogging Machikado Mazoku is full of a demon girl constantly getting scared of an ex mahou shoujo thousands of times stronger.
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Might be too deep into the muscle side for this thread, but I'll post this one anyway.
Also, again I don't want to flood the thread with too much muscle stuff when there are threads for that anyway.
And to wrap it up, muscle mogging in retaliation for chest mogging.
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>you can even post equal comparisons and not just mogging
I missed that part. That changes a lot, but I'll leave it for another time.
>Brazilian girl visits a Japanese gym
Casual super strength is the best kind of overpowerment. You can just feel the radiating smugness
I can just visualise her peaks going up and down while she does her retarded dance. Good art.
>Compensated mogging to retaliate against another mogging
Brilliant! need more of this.
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Seconding this.
Needs more strength mogging. But it's nice when it comes with boob mogging as a package.
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>>Compensated mogging to retaliate against another mogging
Another one. Surprised I haven't seen these two posted but other examples from that franchise
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What about women getting envious of guys?
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Got give the small ones a chance at one-upping each other.
>Losing to a man at the one thing you should surpass him in naturally
Fund it.
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based thread
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Naga was born to be mogged by superior girls.
Wish there was art of her being mogged by the Pres in the muscle/athletisme department.
There was that judo girl she couldn't beat for a while.
God I'd love to see pres beat the shit out of her in front of senpai
No need for violence. Just a simple thing like winning easily against her in athletic competitions while looking effortlessly sexy is enough.
This is good enough, but then Nagatoro should look visibly frustrated and humiliated.
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[Kamino Ryu-ya] Big cock big tits x cohabiting theatre ( Hight? x Hight)
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