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Previous Thread:

No futa. Bonus points if they enjoy it.
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Other bonus points:
Traditionally tall girls or giantesses being tiny.
Boobs get bigger as she gets smaller.
Damn this art is really hitting for me. Like a woman shrinking just enough to be super tight on your cock.
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You anons know anyone taking commissions for this stuff?
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need more shotas having fun with girls that are 2-3x smaller
girl having her way with shota who slowly ends up bigger than her (roles end up reversed)
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"Slightly shrunken" is such an overlooked zone
There's a user on both Pixiv and dA called EricaSW who does process commissions like this. I don't think they're taking any at the moment, but you can check to see if they have a list. I've included one I had them do for me earlier this year.


Mugenbine is another I'd recommend. They do a variety of things, including shrinking, doll transformation, etc. I know they're looking for emergency funds right now, so I'd recommend getting a hold of them if you have a dA account.

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I'm tired drawing giant Samus, so I'm taking tiny drunk Samus requests
Tiny Samus in a martini glass holding on to a cherry as a float
Half-size Samus trying to reach something on the top shelf.
I want to pamper and protect a fairy sized Tomoko
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Here's an example from Mugenbine, by the way. This is from their SFW account, but their main one allows NSFW material, to an extent.
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Come on, girl. Use your head.
You still have your butt!
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Having a sequel to that Lillie Tea Time comic done, with two other characters involved. Who they are, I'll reveal once the work is done.

Have some tiny Lillie in the meantime.
Does anybody have stuff with women that are extremely small, so around cell size or small enough that the grooves on a finger are canyon sized?
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not in a finger but i think this size might be what you are looking for?
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Shrinking but retaining the size on some body parts is underrated.
I like small doll-sized fairies and robots.
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Doll sized is very good.
Uneven shrinking really needs more stuff. Great concept. Also stuff where only one body part is returned to normal and the rest stays small is good too.
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Still trying to find that pic where Irisviel shrinks Saber and steps on her
Same fae
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thats a good one, who made it? Need fat milky shrunken tiddies plz
I think InksGirls made it.
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Random idea for an SW sequence partially based on a weird dream I had the other night (apologies in advance - there's TF/devolution mixed in):

> An attractive female scientist develops a potentially world-changing new form of gene therapy.
> While working overnight in her laboratory, she accidentally exposes herself to the untested therapeutic agent.
> She begins to undergo a bizarre atavistic process where she shrinks down and de-evolves into a humanoid house cat (depicted with whatever level of anthropomorphism you're comfortable with).
> The scientist is understandably shocked, but soon goes into heat and fondles her new, much smaller body.
> Eventually, the scientist shrinks down again and de-evolves further into a humanoid lizard.
> She proceeds to crawl up to her desk, look at her further reduced body in a table mirror, and proceeds to pleasure herself to her own reflection.
> However, noticing that she's shrinking again (and starting to have trouble breathing), she quickly runs and jumps into a nearby fishbowl.
> Now fully submerged, the scientist once again shrinks down and de-evolves into a very small fish-like humanoid (about one or two inches long).
> After panicking for a bit, the scientist decides to just see how far this process will go, and joyfully swims around the fishbowl as she gradually shrinks down into a barely visible sea lice/plankton-like humanoid.
> In the end, the scientist is now a ridiculously tiny microbe-like humanoid, brimming with excitement and curiosity when she feels that she's starting to shrink/de-evolve one more time.

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